



  1. 英語
  2. 美國
  3. 日本
  4. 荷兰语
  5. Appendix:元素
  6. 满族
  7. 信条
  8. 一日三秋
  9. 一心一意
  10. 媒體
  11. la
  12. un
  13. à
  14. au
  15. 隻字不提
  16. 德语
  17. 日語
  18. 意大利語
  19. 解气
  20. 解決
  21. 解冻
  22. 巴士
  23. 西瓜
  24. 人品问题
  25. 锦瑟华年
  26. 葡萄牙语
  27. 暗渡陈仓
  28. alloy
  29. 耽美
  30. be
  31. 北京
  32. 首級
  33. 運輸
  34. 星罗棋布
  35. 黔驴技穷
  36. 鐵面無私
  37. 花言巧語
  38. 概念
  39. 同人誌
  40. 老油條
  41. blogger
  42. 罗曼蒂克
  43. cyberpunk
  44. 臺商
  45. 獨木舟
  46. 回教
  47. 震旦
  48. 八德
  49. 關關
  50. 省中
  51. 黄芪
  52. Appendix:主题索引
  53. 徒步
  54. 終端
  55. 聖杯
  56. 招标
  57. 氨基甲酸酯
  58. 植被
  59. mathlete
  60. 束之高閣
  61. 三顧茅廬
  62. 白耳義
  63. 仏蘭西
  64. おもい
  65. 数码
  66. 螳臂擋車
  67. 七月
  68. 杯葛
  69. 顺拐
  70. 大丈夫
  71. thư viện
  72. 契丹族
  73. 褡裢
  74. 花痴
  75. 劈腿
  76. 出家人
  77. 莫须有
  78. 大臣
  79. 榜眼
  80. 野人
  81. 粉紅色
  82. 古代
  83. 未知数
  84. 法制
  85. 危言危行
  86. Appendix:所有维基词典都应该有的词汇列表/英语
  87. 如鱼得水
  88. 热锅上的蚂蚁
  89. 化干戈為玉帛
  90. 临阵磨枪
  91. 白色
  92. senator
  93. 敘利亞
  94. 阿門
  95. 卡爾
  96. 意大利
  97. Appendix:词性索引
  98. 國士無雙
  99. 指令
  100. 學伴
  101. 开水
  102. 墨西哥
  103. 猛着祖鞭
  104. 閉月羞花
  105. dooce
  106. 立秋
  107. academy
  108. 合金
  109. 四月
  110. 前列腺
  111. 染色體
  112. 血液
  113. 溫泉
  114. 妻子
  115. 爱不释手
  116. 阿谀奉承
  117. 百尺竿头
  118. 痼疾
  119. 代擬代判
  120. 架空
  121. tranchant
  122. Kopf
  123. an
  124. chi
  125. che
  126. pochi
  127. animale
  128. e
  129. hij
  130. zij
  131. deze
  132. det här
  133. det där
  134. niet
  135. virino
  136. echtgenoot
  137. semo
  138. schors
  139. bloem
  140. ben
  141. äta
  142. secare
  143. scindere
  144. houden
  145. duwen
  146. nodligi
  147. diri
  148. sablo
  149. rök
  150. röd
  151. scherp
  152. Sicilian
  153. afghan
  154. republiek
  155. 顏色
  156. trebucher
  157. 上古英语
  158. dia
  159. 印地語
  160. 印度
  161. parke
  162. Sinkiang
  163. Cambodia
  164. Scottish
  165. Iran
  166. Mongol
  167. feed-back
  168. filament
  169. 跳機
  170. Ghanéen
  171. dum
  172. dua
  173. на
  174. allemand
  175. category
  176. Antarktio
  177. KD
  178. harddisk
  179. frago
  180. fresa
  181. strawberry
  182. marso
  183. Jupitero
  184. Plutono
  185. 沈魚落雁
  186. Kuba
  187. Akra
  188. Ala
  189. Amarillo
  190. Antarkto
  191. Bark
  192. Blogger
  193. Bonsai
  194. Channel
  195. Egypt
  196. English
  197. File
  198. Flor
  199. Floro
  200. Format
  201. Franc
  202. Fusion
  203. Gain
  204. Gate
  205. Girl
  206. Hardware
  207. Hunt
  208. Key
  209. Nimbus
  210. Orbit
  211. Printer
  212. Que
  213. Reunion
  214. Scanner
  215. Sharp
  216. Software
  217. Tio
  218. Type
  219. Var
  220. Zon
  221. там
  222. membrane
  223. electroneurography
  224. я
  225. его
  226. это
  227. очень
  228. как
  229. где
  230. кто
  231. dudek
  232. page setup
  233. print preview
  234. ATM
  235. online
  236. и
  237. Hubschrauber
  238. laboratory
  239. abend
  240. 韓語
  241. temporary
  242. bo
  243. meniscus
  244. period
  245. pivot
  246. 斐濟語
  247. jabłko
  248. abandon
  249. museum
  250. зима
  251. 가을
  252. 崔嵬
  253. 离娄
  254. cautious
  255. chlorine
  256. cholera
  257. мама
  258. папа
  259. оба
  260. поп
  261. том
  262. куда
  263. ухо
  264. дух
  265. хата
  266. а
  267. тот
  268. дома
  269. потом
  270. но
  271. по
  272. тут
  273. vortaro
  274. кино
  275. тихо
  276. дым
  277. опыт
  278. этот
  279. поэт
  280. поэтом
  281. мой
  282. бой
  283. feasible
  284. домой
  285. конь
  286. статья
  287. яма
  288. юный
  289. семья
  290. пять
  291. peripheral
  292. precursor
  293. prototype
  294. Нина
  295. Дима
  296. Антон
  297. быт
  298. тихий
  299. дядя
  300. вата
  301. факт
  302. вон
  303. фото
  304. сам
  305. суп
  306. сын
  307. сюда
  308. письмо
  309. здание
  310. нельзя
  311. козёл
  312. музей
  313. шар
  314. шить
  315. шум
  316. шёлк
  317. США
  318. жарко
  319. тоже
  320. жёлтый
  321. жаль
  322. план
  323. лампа
  324. плен
  325. долго
  326. рано
  327. гора
  328. направо
  329. Африка
  330. Америка
  331. клуб
  332. вуз
  333. юбка
  334. площадка
  335. сделатъ
  336. экзамен
  337. ядро
  338. недалеко
  339. объяснять
  340. завод
  341. Оля
  342. Витя
  343. кабинет
  344. карта
  345. Пекин
  346. каранташ
  347. ваш
  348. тетрадь
  349. лицо
  350. цифра
  351. центр
  352. цельй
  353. часто
  354. час
  355. чисто
  356. чудо
  357. вечер
  358. пища
  359. урок
  360. учитель
  361. по-русски
  362. oxonium
  363. simultaneously
  364. учиться
  365. 爱沙尼亚语
  366. советский
  367. счастье
  368. переводчик
  369. радостно
  370. счастливо
  371. чувство
  372. сегодня
  373. vizo
  374. in vitro
  375. papilloter
  376. Ds
  377. backward
  378. bene
  379. pyrazine
  380. праздник Весны
  381. праздник Луны
  382. нацианальный
  383. северный
  384. первый
  385. текст
  386. висеть
  387. обяснять
  388. земной
  389. семь
  390. южный
  391. Антарктида
  392. четыре
  393. индийский
  394. в
  395. Корея
  396. другой
  397. Румыния
  398. наш
  399. китайский
  400. народный
  401. республика
  402. горячо
  403. земной шар
  404. Южная Америка
  405. Тихий океан
  406. Атлантический океан
  407. Северный Ледовитый океан
  408. Китайская Народная Республика
  409. nhất
  410. nhất thiết
  411. đinh ninh
  412. phi cơ
  413. munir
  414. convent
  415. инженер
  416. химик
  417. утром
  418. вставать
  419. одеваться
  420. умываться
  421. завтракать
  422. ехать
  423. обычно
  424. восемь
  425. уже
  426. обедать
  427. столовая
  428. после
  429. обед
  430. немного
  431. с
  432. пешком
  433. около
  434. помогать
  435. хозяйство
  436. ужин
  437. читать
  438. самостоятельно
  439. одиннадцать
  440. ложиться
  441. спать
  442. att
  443. третий
  444. человек
  445. дедушка
  446. старший
  447. старый
  448. рабочий
  449. коммунист
  450. выпускать
  451. станок
  452. средний
  453. учительница
  454. прилежно
  455. уважать
  456. свой
  457. пенсионер
  458. заниматься
  459. домашний
  460. добрый
  461. физик
  462. служащий
  463. оставаться
  464. только
  465. вечером
  466. собираться
  467. вместе
  468. слушать
  469. или
  470. телевизор
  471. muzika
  472. activity coefficient
  473. age determination
  474. air lift
  475. anaerobic bacteria
  476. angle of inclination
  477. apparent density
  478. aqueous solution
  479. atomic volume
  480. attenuation factor
  481. окраина
  482. чистый
  483. base line
  484. base plate
  485. светлый
  486. цех
  487. техник
  488. слесарь
  489. токарь
  490. директор
  491. руководить
  492. зоботиться
  493. о
  494. жизнь
  495. bench mark
  496. иметь
  497. bending moment
  498. новый
  499. передовой
  500. оборудование
  501. сельскохозяйственный
  502. машина
  503. каждый
  504. biological oxidation
  505. много
  506. трактор
  507. комбайн
  508. за
  509. технический
  510. новаторство
  511. трудиться
  512. bond length
  513. bonding electron
  514. buffer action
  515. bulk sampling
  516. cable reel
  517. cable splicing
  518. calibration curve
  519. capture cross section
  520. carborundum
  521. catchment area
  522. category of reserves
  523. characteristic radiation
  524. characteristic X-rays
  525. check valve
  526. chemical equivalent
  527. chemical oxygen demand
  528. chemical weathering
  529. circulating water
  530. cleavage plane
  531. пятый
  532. ранний
  533. над
  534. подниматься
  535. везде
  536. встречать
  537. трудовой
  538. mír
  539. начинаться
  540. кипучий
  541. шуметь
  542. дымить
  543. фабрика
  544. спешить
  545. самоотверженно
  546. у
  547. звать
  548. машиностроительный
  549. вечерний
  550. при
  551. бывать
  552. гость
  553. проводить
  554. время
  555. весело
  556. интересно
  557. 整理
  558. clockwise rotation
  559. kool
  560. coccolith ooze
  561. coefficient of compressibility
  562. coefficient of discharge
  563. coefficient of permeability
  564. coefficient of viscosity
  565. cohesive force
  566. colloidal particle
  567. lịch sử
  568. ιστορία
  569. Good Friday
  570. Israelite
  571. compensation depth
  572. complexometric titration
  573. compression joint
  574. concentration gradient
  575. Algeria
  576. contact spring
  577. contrast photometer
  578. costate
  579. counter current
  580. crystal axis
  581. crystal class
  582. crystal detector
  583. crystal growth
  584. crystal plane
  585. crystal structure
  586. morocco
  587. bubble tea
  588. current density
  589. current meter
  590. Arctic Ocean
  591. dead load
  592. decay constant
  593. decay product
  594. degree of dissociation
  595. degree of ionization
  596. degree of saturation
  597. deposition rate
  598. depth of focus
  599. diamagnetic substance
  600. diffracted wave
  601. diffraction fringe
  602. diffraction grating
  603. diffusion zone
  604. direct wave
  605. disintegration constant
  606. dispersion force
  607. displacement law
  608. displacement pump
  609. distribution law
  610. double refraction
  611. drain valve
  612. drawing machine
  613. drift current
  614. earth current
  615. earth potential
  616. earth resistance
  617. earthing resistance
  618. effective permeability
  619. electric hoist
  620. electrochemical equivalent
  621. electrolytic capacitor
  622. electrometallurgy
  623. electron affinity
  624. electron multiplier
  625. electronegative gas
  626. electrostatic separation
  627. electrovalent bond
  628. emission spectrum
  629. end effect
  630. endothermic reaction
  631. energy band
  632. energy barrier
  633. energy dissipation
  634. energy distribution
  635. energy level diagram
  636. environmental oceanography
  637. equipotential line
  638. eutectic temperature
  639. evaporation loss
  640. exchange energy
  641. exchange reaction
  642. excitation potential
  643. exclusion principle
  644. extinction angle
  645. F test
  646. 呕心沥血
  647. AU
  648. giovedì
  649. 여덟
  650. electric fan
  651. fine structure
  652. fission product
  653. fixed carbon
  654. flexible joint
  655. flow duration curve
  656. flow rate
  657. flowage
  658. fluorescent screen
  659. foot valve
  660. frequency distribution
  661. gain control
  662. gang condenser
  663. gang switch
  664. gas amplification
  665. gate pulse
  666. Einheit
  667. heat effect
  668. heat of condensation
  669. heat of crystallization
  670. heat of reaction
  671. heat of vaporization
  672. herbivore
  673. heterogeneous reaction
  674. hydrogen bond
  675. 記憶
  676. ideal solution
  677. images
  678. immersion method
  679. incident light
  680. inert gas
  681. interfacial tension
  682. internal energy
  683. interstice
  684. ion exchange capacity
  685. ion exchanger
  686. isoelectric point
  687. leak detector
  688. magic number
  689. magnetic domain
  690. magnetic fluid
  691. magnetic separation
  692. mass transfer
  693. 阿姨
  694. miner
  695. molecular diffusion
  696. monocrystal
  697. mother liquor
  698. nonconformity
  699. nuclear emulsion
  700. overflow weir
  701. particle size
  702. perfect crystal
  703. permissible error
  704. phase equilibrium
  705. phase rule
  706. photoconductive effect
  707. 負荊請罪
  708. 枯魚之肆
  709. 洪喬之誤
  710. 首鼠兩端
  711. 南轅北轍
  712. 為虎作倀
  713. 病入膏肓
  714. 唇亡齒寒
  715. 草木皆兵
  716. 草菅人命
  717. 高枕無憂
  718. 馬革裹屍
  719. 狼狽為奸
  720. 家徒壁立
  721. 梁上君子
  722. play back
  723. polycrystal
  724. porous medium
  725. principal wave
  726. protractor
  727. stoichiometry
  728. ekscitiĝo
  729. 大不列颠
  730. radiation chemistry
  731. radiation damage
  732. radiation detector
  733. radium
  734. regression analysis
  735. reproducibility
  736. resistivity
  737. ab ovo
  738. Abel
  739. 영어
  740. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引
  741. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/一
  742. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/二
  743. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/七
  744. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/八
  745. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/九
  746. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/十
  747. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/入
  748. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/人
  749. Appendix:佛教辭彙索引/力
  750. scintillator
  751. screw dislocation
  752. 竹簡
  753. 木牘
  754. 客棧
  755. test piece
  756. 資料
  757. sieve analysis
  758. significance level
  759. skewness
  760. slip band
  761. slip plane
  762. 식물
  763. solidus
  764. sorption
  765. specific capacity
  766. super group
  767. vacancy
  768. tiltmeter
  769. tracer isotope
  770. transformation ratio
  771. transversal wave
  772. vacuum evaporation
  773. volumetric analysis
  774. weighted average
  775. 国际语A
  776. 猿人
  777. zone melting
  778. twin boundary
  779. 補助
  780. 補足
  781. 天空
  782. 海啸
  783. 海運
  784. 海塘
  785. 海綿
  786. 比丘
  787. 比丘尼
  788. 东西
  789. 极化率
  790. 闐闐
  791. 灼烧损失
  792. 中古英语
  793. 现代英语
  794. 同性戀
  795. 異性戀
  796. 雙性戀
  797. homosex
  798. orang homosex
  799. 3K產業
  800. 第一
  801. 加泰罗尼亚语
  802. 突然
  803. 基于
  804. köök
  805. 八婆
  806. 曲终人散
  807. Accra
  808. address line
  809. Alexandria
  810. Anguilla
  811. Aswan
  812. Atchison
  813. 불가리아어
  814. 匈牙利语
  815. 일본
  816. 衣架飯囊
  817. Cheshire
  818. Choctaw
  819. Cipango
  820. Celtic
  821. Chang'an
  822. changes
  823. Crockett
  824. Corsica
  825. Corsican
  826. Dalian
  827. Dartmoor
  828. Epicurus
  829. Yirshing
  830. Yokohama
  831. Warwickshire
  832. willful
  833. winchester
  834. wholeheartedly
  835. waters
  836. women
  837. Worcestershire
  838. Westminster
  839. verst
  840. uk
  841. unwilling
  842. Flanders
  843. Ferris
  844. flown
  845. girasole
  846. gansu
  847. granulometer
  848. Hangchow
  849. Hankow
  850. Heilungkiang
  851. 朝鮮語
  852. incessantly
  853. 副詞
  854. jetter
  855. Lahore
  856. hypersorption
  857. Judaea
  858. Kiangsu
  859. km
  860. liquorish
  861. longeur
  862. Longfellow
  863. 以色列
  864. dynamic viscosity
  865. mass flow rate
  866. 一一
  867. Macedon
  868. Kunming
  869. necessarily
  870. micromeritics
  871. mullerite
  872. neocategory
  873. Novgorod
  874. Metternich
  875. 중국
  876. People's Republic of China
  877. 工業
  878. 人力
  879. 機器
  880. 구유
  881. 縮寫
  882. 弗里西语
  883. Nederlânsk
  884. 泰語
  885. tiếng Trung Quốc
  886. 중국어
  887. 興奮
  888. 여름
  889. 阿逸多
  890. 阿史德
  891. 阿思没
  892. 阿勿嘀
  893. 美學
  894. 慕道友
  895. Oktober
  896. Logik
  897. 우의
  898. 波谷
  899. 珠江
  900. 他妈的
  901. 波羅
  902. 摩訶
  903. 克罗地亚语
  904. 南非語
  905. 認可
  906. 認知
  907. 남자
  908. 독일
  909. 대한민국
  910. 동사
  911. 도둑
  912. 두유
  913. 루마니아
  914. 보지
  915. 아르헨티나
  916. 여성
  917. 개구리
  918. 넓적다리
  919. 나귀
  920. 나름
  921. 나물
  922. 나방
  923. 난쟁이
  924. 날개
  925. 개미
  926. 化学元素
  927. 正確
  928. 중화인민공화국
  929. 一口
  930. 一心
  931. 一世
  932. 一代
  933. 一同
  934. 一定
  935. 一度
  936. 一律
  937. 一般
  938. 一等
  939. 阿亨
  940. 波斯语
  941. 吐槽
  942. Cheyenne
  943. 基督教
  944. 粵劇
  945. 明代
  946. 清代
  947. 朝代
  948. oh
  949. protoplasmic
  950. paleogenetic
  951. oxyhydroxide
  952. Quebec
  953. persistently
  954. photorespiration
  955. Pushkin
  956. paradisal
  957. readme
  958. pigeons
  959. Bukhara
  960. briquetting
  961. bloodier
  962. Rangoon
  963. repeatedly
  964. rapidly
  965. biocell
  966. 自來水
  967. 自行取水
  968. 木魚
  969. 尺八
  970. かえで
  971. 손가락
  972. 平手
  973. 一如
  974. 一如既往
  975. 一五一十
  976. 一表人才
  977. 一半
  978. 一拍即合
  979. 一毛不拔
  980. 一知半解
  981. 一文不值
  982. 一曝十寒
  983. 一文不名
  984. 一往情深
  985. 一無所獲
  986. 一眼
  987. 一目十行
  988. 一意孤行
  989. 一念之差
  990. 一落千丈
  991. 一事無成
  992. 一字千金
  993. 一刻千金
  994. 一哄而散
  995. 一丘之貉
  996. 一清二白
  997. 一蹶不振
  998. 一蹴而就
  999. 一日千里
  1000. 一塵不染
  1001. 一唱一和
  1002. 一言九鼎
  1003. 아프리카
  1004. 一次
  1005. 新聞
  1006. 雨宮
  1007. のぞく
  1008. 태평양
  1009. 홍콩
  1010. 향항
  1011. 대서양
  1012. 中學
  1013. 英文
  1014. 百無一用是書生
  1015. 力作
  1016. ひぐま
  1017. 華秀隻狗
  1018. 結束
  1019. 揶揄
  1020. 立春
  1021. 黃河
  1022. 白眼狼
  1023. Pilipinas
  1024. United
  1025. Kingdom
  1026. Northern
  1027. Republika
  1028. Монгол улс
  1029. 坎坷
  1030. BYOC
  1031. افغانستان
  1032. کتب
  1033. 蒙太奇
  1034. busses
  1035. 出台
  1036. 吐嘈
  1037. 野蠻
  1038. 中途半端
  1039. Click
  1040. 返家鄉
  1041. いた
  1042. 車水馬龍
  1043. 摩托車
  1044. 지구
  1045. 水星
  1046. 金星
  1047. 木星
  1048. 土星
  1049. 天王星
  1050. 海王星
  1051. 澳门
  1052. 鉛筆
  1053. 口氣
  1054. category theory
  1055. .sg
  1056. 立憲
  1057. 安然无恙
  1058. 按部就班
  1059. 色彩
  1060. 黯然失色
  1061. 新交通系统
  1062. 湝湝
  1063. 著作等身
  1064. sry
  1065. DNA
  1066. 打酱油
  1067. 讀空氣
  1068. column vector
  1069. Euclidean space
  1070. column space
  1071. diagonal matrix
  1072. conjugate transpose
  1073. 咖啡
  1074. 信心
  1075. 啁啾大鬧
  1076. 诗歌
  1077. 綠色恐怖
  1078. 考試
  1079. انجليزية
  1080. 重慶
  1081. 無理
  1082. character recognition
  1083. closed subroutine
  1084. closed loop
  1085. 航空母艦
  1086. Appendix:日语發音表記
  1087. 아시아
  1088. 朝鮮
  1089. 越南
  1090. 宋鵲
  1091. 静水潜流
  1092. 厥逆
  1093. frame page
  1094. Audio-Video Interleaved
  1095. absolute cell address
  1096. absolute pathname
  1097. absolute referencing
  1098. abstract declarator
  1099. abstract file
  1100. abstract class
  1101. abstract module
  1102. access control information
  1103. access key
  1104. access mask
  1105. access method
  1106. access mode
  1107. access permission
  1108. access to data
  1109. access-control entry
  1110. accessibility information
  1111. accessibility problem
  1112. accessible
  1113. accessible authoring practice
  1114. action game
  1115. action sequence
  1116. action state
  1117. action stub
  1118. activate task list
  1119. active cell
  1120. active grammar
  1121. active record
  1122. active tab
  1123. actual argument
  1124. adaptation preferences
  1125. adaptive compression
  1126. ADB
  1127. add application
  1128. add bookmark
  1129. add device driver
  1130. add existing item
  1131. add folder
  1132. add hardware
  1133. add item
  1134. add project
  1135. addgroup
  1136. add-ins
  1137. addition operator
  1138. additional
  1139. addr2line
  1140. address generation
  1141. addressbook
  1142. addressing method
  1143. address-of operator
  1144. ad-hoc network
  1145. administration console
  1146. administrator
  1147. administrator account
  1148. advanced interactive executive
  1149. Java Language Specification
  1150. Java Virtual Machine
  1151. Jigsaw Download
  1152. espionage
  1153. join condition
  1154. keep aspect
  1155. keep checked out
  1156. Kernel Module
  1157. key field
  1158. key location
  1159. key name
  1160. key pair
  1161. key setting
  1162. key validation
  1163. key value
  1164. key word
  1165. keyboard language and layout
  1166. keyboard layout file
  1167. keyer effect
  1168. keyword editor
  1169. keyword text
  1170. knowledge base article
  1171. jagged array
  1172. jam loops
  1173. job control language
  1174. join line
  1175. join operator
  1176. Joint Photographic Experts Group
  1177. joint-stereo
  1178. jump statement
  1179. jump to
  1180. junction table
  1181. JustLink
  1182. labeled disk
  1183. labeled statement
  1184. Laboratory for Computer Science
  1185. Lambda expression
  1186. LAMP
  1187. language binding
  1188. language element
  1189. language equivalent
  1190. language identifier
  1191. language neutral
  1192. large icon
  1193. large integrated circuit
  1194. Large Scale Integration
  1195. laser scanner
  1196. lasso tool
  1197. last modified
  1198. last position
  1199. Last-In First-Out
  1200. late bind
  1201. late normalization
  1202. layered windows feature
  1203. icon bar
  1204. icon file
  1205. icon resource
  1206. identified data
  1207. identifier prefix
  1208. identifier text
  1209. identity increment
  1210. identity partitioning
  1211. identity seed
  1212. idle sensor
  1213. ignore case
  1214. image base
  1215. image file
  1216. image gallery
  1217. image list
  1218. image recorder
  1219. image sequence
  1220. image size
  1221. image-editing
  1222. immediate argument
  1223. immediate base
  1224. immediate derived
  1225. immediate rendering
  1226. immediate statement
  1227. immediate window
  1228. implement interface
  1229. Implementation Conformance Statement
  1230. implementation platform
  1231. implementation-defined
  1232. implicit consent
  1233. implicit linking
  1234. implicit reference
  1235. implicit rule
  1236. implicit sign
  1237. Implicit Web request
  1238. import closure
  1239. import database template
  1240. import file
  1241. imported function
  1242. in progress
  1243. inactive tab
  1244. include file
  1245. increment operator
  1246. incremental build
  1247. incremental link
  1248. incremental linker
  1249. incremental search
  1250. incremental status file
  1251. incremental update
  1252. indent spaces
  1253. independent web
  1254. index file
  1255. Index Sequential Access Method
  1256. indexed addressing
  1257. indexed sequential
  1258. indexed sequential file
  1259. indexed view
  1260. indexed-color
  1261. indexer return type
  1262. indicator margin
  1263. zip archive
  1264. zombie state
  1265. Y2K problem
  1266. x-extent
  1267. XSL Formatting Object
  1268. warm start
  1269. watch expression
  1270. Watchdog timer
  1271. wave device
  1272. wave format
  1273. Web Client
  1274. Web Collection
  1275. Web Core
  1276. Web layer
  1277. Web Neighborhood
  1278. Web page identifier
  1279. Web part
  1280. Web Periphery
  1281. Web request
  1282. Web request body
  1283. Web request header
  1284. Web Resource
  1285. Web response
  1286. Web server
  1287. Web Service
  1288. Website
  1289. Website publisher
  1290. well-formed
  1291. well-formedness constraint
  1292. well-structured program
  1293. white list
  1294. white point
  1295. whole word
  1296. Wide Area Information Server
  1297. wide area network
  1298. wide character
  1299. width inner circle
  1300. width side
  1301. window characteristic
  1302. window class
  1303. window extent
  1304. window handle
  1305. window object
  1306. window origin
  1307. window procedure
  1308. window rectangle
  1309. window style
  1310. windowless controls
  1311. windows session
  1312. back pointer
  1313. back slash
  1314. background image interference
  1315. backing windows
  1316. backspace character
  1317. backstyle
  1318. backward compatible
  1319. backward referencing
  1320. bar code scanner
  1321. barcode reader
  1322. base address
  1323. base text
  1324. basename
  1325. basic control monitor
  1326. Basic Input Output System
  1327. batch queue
  1328. bcc
  1329. C calling convention
  1330. C linkage specifier
  1331. C programming language
  1332. CA
  1333. CA certificate
  1334. CA Root
  1335. cab project node
  1336. cabinet builder
  1337. cache memory
  1338. cacheable
  1339. CADD
  1340. calculating device
  1341. call by address
  1342. call by result
  1343. call tree
  1344. callback field
  1345. callback function
  1346. calling convention
  1347. camcoder
  1348. cancel key
  1349. candidate function
  1350. caps viewer
  1351. carriage return
  1352. data base administrator
  1353. data base management
  1354. data block
  1355. data breakpoint
  1356. data capture
  1357. data category
  1358. data control
  1359. data description
  1360. data description language
  1361. data encryption
  1362. data input
  1363. data integrity
  1364. data output
  1365. data preparation
  1366. data privacy
  1367. data processing cycle
  1368. data resource
  1369. data retrieval
  1370. data schema
  1371. data security
  1372. data source
  1373. data storage
  1374. data transcription
  1375. data transfer rate
  1376. data type property
  1377. ease of Use
  1378. easymove
  1379. easyupdate
  1380. edit bookmark
  1381. edit macro
  1382. editor format
  1383. effect category
  1384. effective address
  1385. elapsed time
  1386. electromechanical computer
  1387. electronic computer
  1388. Electronic Data Interchange
  1389. Electronic Data Processing
  1390. Electronic Fund Transfer
  1391. electronic paging
  1392. Electronic Payment System
  1393. element content
  1394. element name
  1395. element type
  1396. element type declaration
  1397. elevation movement
  1398. elevation sensor
  1399. ellipse tool
  1400. embedded object
  1401. embedded web request
  1402. embellished operator
  1403. empty string
  1404. empty-element tag
  1405. fade velocity
  1406. fast copy
  1407. fast play
  1408. fast reverse
  1409. fast scan
  1410. fast-load Area
  1411. FAT32
  1412. favorite files
  1413. feather fill
  1414. feather selection
  1415. feature tree
  1416. fetch cycle
  1417. Fiber Distributed Data Interface
  1418. Fiber Optic Intra-Repeater Link
  1419. field delimiter
  1420. field length
  1421. field type
  1422. file activity
  1423. File Allocation Table
  1424. file associations management
  1425. file browser
  1426. file buffer
  1427. file capture
  1428. file compression utility
  1429. file conversion
  1430. file conversion utility
  1431. file count
  1432. file creation
  1433. file description
  1434. file exception
  1435. file generation
  1436. gap index
  1437. garbage-in
  1438. garbage-out
  1439. gauge length
  1440. gaussian blur
  1441. General
  1442. general entity
  1443. general purpose language
  1444. general purpose microcomputer
  1445. generic algorithm
  1446. generic class setting
  1447. generic composite moniker
  1448. generic creator
  1449. generic identifier
  1450. generic top level domain
  1451. get area
  1452. get pointer
  1453. ghost white
  1454. global default
  1455. global format
  1456. global object
  1457. global rule
  1458. global script
  1459. global style sheet
  1460. glyph cache
  1461. grab handle
  1462. grab video frame
  1463. grabbed frame
  1464. grade name
  1465. gradient category
  1466. gradient option
  1467. gradient style
  1468. half carry
  1469. half duplex
  1470. half size
  1471. half-shaped
  1472. handling locking conflict
  1473. hanging indent
  1474. hard returns
  1475. hard-code
  1476. harddisk drive
  1477. hardware acceleration
  1478. hardware color fill
  1479. hardware is disabled
  1480. hardware transparency
  1481. harmonized adaptation
  1482. harmonized user experience
  1483. harsh wet
  1484. hash algorithm
  1485. hash multiset
  1486. hash number
  1487. hash value
  1488. hatched pattern
  1489. header control
  1490. heap allocation
  1491. heavy blur
  1492. height inner circle
  1493. help context
  1494. help file
  1495. help map file
  1496. help overview
  1497. layout engine
  1498. layout file
  1499. layout of memory
  1500. layout of slot
  1501. lead byte
  1502. lead in
  1503. lead in track
  1504. lead out / leadout
  1505. lead out track
  1506. learning edition
  1507. left align
  1508. left Arrow
  1509. left db.click
  1510. left double click
  1511. left key
  1512. Machine Readable Cataloging
  1513. machine understandable
  1514. machine-oriented language
  1515. macro assembly language
  1516. macro command
  1517. macro definition
  1518. macro explorer
  1519. macro instruction
  1520. macro list
  1521. macropixel
  1522. macros dialog
  1523. magic drag
  1524. magic wand tool
  1525. magnetic backing store
  1526. magnetic card reader
  1527. magnetic core memory
  1528. magnetic disk pack
  1529. magnetic read-write head
  1530. magnetic store
  1531. mail address
  1532. mail folder
  1533. mail server
  1534. mail system
  1535. mail-merge
  1536. main application window
  1537. main document
  1538. main frame window
  1539. main menu
  1540. main message loop
  1541. main route
  1542. main table
  1543. name decoration
  1544. name space
  1545. named argument
  1546. named bookmark
  1547. named class
  1548. named parameter
  1549. named permission set
  1550. named sequence
  1551. namespace pollution
  1552. namespace prefix
  1553. namespace-valid
  1554. namespace-validating
  1555. namespace-well-formed
  1556. naming scheme
  1557. narrow band
  1558. native audio
  1559. native code
  1560. native complier
  1561. native data
  1562. native error
  1563. native interface
  1564. nav bar image
  1565. navigate backward
  1566. navigate forward
  1567. navigation bar
  1568. navigation mechanism
  1569. navigation structure
  1570. navigation toolbar
  1571. near pointer
  1572. negotiate content
  1573. negotiation metadata
  1574. Netnews
  1575. NetNews Transport Protocol
  1576. network address translation
  1577. object based
  1578. object browser
  1579. object browser filter
  1580. object description language file
  1581. object expression
  1582. object file
  1583. object hierarchy
  1584. object library
  1585. Object Linking and Embedding
  1586. object map
  1587. object module format
  1588. object oriented
  1589. Object Oriented Programming
  1590. object pool
  1591. object property
  1592. object qualifier
  1593. object signing
  1594. object signing certificate
  1595. object state
  1596. object type
  1597. object variable
  1598. object viewer
  1599. object-oriented design
  1600. octal number
  1601. Office Assistant
  1602. office software
  1603. offline operation
  1604. offline publication
  1605. offline replication
  1606. on the fly
  1607. on-beat
  1608. one-button
  1609. one-to-many relationship
  1610. one-to-one relationship
  1611. package and deployment wizard
  1612. packaged function
  1613. packaging wizard
  1614. packed IP address
  1615. packet integration
  1616. packet-writing
  1617. padding block
  1618. padding granularity
  1619. padding off
  1620. padding on
  1621. page break
  1622. page designer
  1623. page faults delta
  1624. page file bytes
  1625. page layout
  1626. page transition
  1627. page view
  1628. paged pool
  1629. paint bucket tool
  1630. palette mapping
  1631. palette setting
  1632. pan-Chinese Version
  1633. panel layout
  1634. panel set
  1635. paper tape
  1636. paper tape punch
  1637. paper tape reader
  1638. paragraph formatting
  1639. paragraph numbering
  1640. paragraph reform
  1641. paragraph separator
  1642. paramarray
  1643. quality assurance test suite
  1644. Quality of Service
  1645. queued fax
  1646. queued name
  1647. quick launch
  1648. quick open
  1649. quick record
  1650. quick view
  1651. quickly erase
  1652. quoted Identifier
  1653. Quoted-Printable
  1654. quoting level
  1655. radial layout
  1656. raised emboss
  1657. random access file
  1658. random bars horizontal
  1659. random bars vertical
  1660. random dissolve
  1661. random file organization
  1662. randomize list
  1663. random-number generator
  1664. range check
  1665. range value
  1666. Rapid Application Development
  1667. raster operation
  1668. rasterizing text
  1669. raw interface pointer
  1670. raw string
  1671. read only
  1672. read-ahead buffer
  1673. Read-Only Memory
  1674. real array
  1675. real constant
  1676. real variable
  1677. real-time scanning
  1678. real-time video
  1679. safe zone
  1680. sample depth
  1681. sample depth scaling
  1682. sanity testing
  1683. save all
  1684. save backup
  1685. save copy as
  1686. save document
  1687. save file
  1688. save file as
  1689. save file to web
  1690. save file type
  1691. save project
  1692. save project as
  1693. save scheme
  1694. save scheme as
  1695. save selection
  1696. save selection as
  1697. save the active document
  1698. save with encoding...
  1699. Scalable Vector Graphics
  1700. scalar font
  1701. scalar type
  1702. scale attribute
  1703. scan code
  1704. Scatter Chart
  1705. scene detection
  1706. scene index menu
  1707. scene picker
  1708. schema designer
  1709. schema number
  1710. schema rowset
  1711. schema term
  1712. tab order
  1713. tab position
  1714. tab stop
  1715. tab width
  1716. tabbed panes
  1717. tab-delimited report
  1718. table hierarchy
  1719. table term
  1720. tables folder
  1721. table-structured object
  1722. table-type recordset
  1723. tabular data
  1724. tabular format
  1725. tabular information
  1726. tamper detection
  1727. tape access
  1728. tapered prompts
  1729. tapered search
  1730. target folder
  1731. target medium
  1732. target page
  1733. target type
  1734. task bar
  1735. task handle
  1736. task list
  1737. task manager
  1738. Task Queue
  1739. team explorer
  1740. team solution
  1741. team solution manager
  1742. technical architecture group
  1743. technical note
  1744. technical report
  1745. Technology Preview
  1746. unattended execution
  1747. unbalanced parentheses
  1748. unconditional branching
  1749. unconditional conformance
  1750. undecorated name
  1751. under construction
  1752. underflow error
  1753. underlying table
  1754. undo check out
  1755. undo flag
  1756. undo the last action
  1757. undo the last operation
  1758. unenforced relationship
  1759. unexpected error
  1760. unfloat
  1761. ungroup
  1762. unified event model
  1763. Unified Modeling Language
  1764. uniform Data Transfer
  1765. Uniform Resource Identifier
  1766. Uniform Resource Locator
  1767. union declaration
  1768. union discriminant
  1769. union query
  1770. unique constraint
  1771. unique index
  1772. unique key
  1773. unique tone
  1774. unit abbreviation
  1775. Universal Character Set
  1776. valid style sheet
  1777. validating processors
  1778. validation rule
  1779. validation script
  1780. validity constraint
  1781. value space
  1782. value type
  1783. Variable
  1784. variable length record
  1785. variable-length
  1786. variant character
  1787. variant content
  1788. version control system
  1789. vertical printing
  1790. vertical tab
  1791. vertically docked
  1792. vertically tile
  1793. Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit
  1794. video codec
  1795. video compression
  1796. video display
  1797. video encode
  1798. video format
  1799. video frame size
  1800. video header
  1801. video in
  1802. video input
  1803. video out
  1804. video output
  1805. video RAM
  1806. video recorder
  1807. video source
  1808. video stream
  1809. viewer pane
  1810. 恩惠
  1811. 除夕
  1812. absorbed dose rate
  1813. accelerated life test
  1814. acceptable bounds
  1815. acceptable quality
  1816. acceptance criteria
  1817. acceptance quality level
  1818. acceptance sampling plan
  1819. accreditation body
  1820. accreditation criteria
  1821. accreditation system
  1822. accredited body
  1823. activity of a radionuclide
  1824. adjusted value
  1825. amplification factor
  1826. analysis of correlation
  1827. analysts of covariance
  1828. analytical chemistry
  1829. API Scale
  1830. appraisal of quality
  1831. approach to sequential testing
  1832. arithmetic probability paper
  1833. assessed failure rate
  1834. assessment of subcontractor
  1835. asymmetrical beam
  1836. asymmetrical distribution
  1837. audit plan
  1838. average of sample
  1839. avoidable quality cost
  1840. batch size
  1841. Bayes' theorem
  1842. bell-shaped distribution
  1843. Bernoulli's equation
  1844. Bernoulli's distribution
  1845. best fitting curve
  1846. beta distribution
  1847. between-group variation
  1848. binary coded decimal
  1849. block design
  1850. boost gauge
  1851. Boyle scale
  1852. breaking test
  1853. built-in calibrator
  1854. built-in platform scale
  1855. business process management
  1856. C chart
  1857. calibration method
  1858. calibration record
  1859. central limit theory
  1860. central tendency
  1861. certified equipment
  1862. cesium-beam clock
  1863. charge-coupled device
  1864. charge-mass ratio
  1865. Chi-square test
  1866. cluster sampling
  1867. coefficient of correlation
  1868. common cause
  1869. company standard
  1870. company-wide quality control
  1871. completely randomized design
  1872. conditional probability
  1873. conformance to the requirement
  1874. conforming article
  1875. conformity assessment
  1876. constant failure rate
  1877. consumer acceptance specification
  1878. continuous distribution
  1879. contract review
  1880. coordinated universal time
  1881. covariance analysis
  1882. co-variation
  1883. critical defect
  1884. critical defective
  1885. cumulative distribution
  1886. customer complaint
  1887. customer satisfaction
  1888. cycles between failures
  1889. cycling failure rate
  1890. death rate
  1891. decimal fraction
  1892. decreasing failure rate distribution
  1893. delivery inspection
  1894. density function
  1895. design control
  1896. design in
  1897. design input
  1898. design output
  1899. design review
  1900. design validation
  1901. destructive inspection
  1902. deviation report
  1903. differential interferometer
  1904. dimensional measurement
  1905. dimensional metrology
  1906. direct quality cost curves
  1907. discontinuous variable
  1908. document approval and issue
  1909. document changes and modification
  1910. dominant resonance
  1911. drawing of sample
  1912. early failure
  1913. eccentric load
  1914. electric charge density
  1915. electric conductance
  1916. electric polarization density
  1917. electric resistance
  1918. electric surface density
  1919. end standard
  1920. endurance test
  1921. environment test
  1922. error factor
  1923. estimated parameter
  1924. esu
  1925. even number
  1926. expected life
  1927. exposure rate
  1928. failure mode and effects analysis
  1929. fatigue life
  1930. field effect transistor
  1931. final inspection
  1932. finite population
  1933. first quartile
  1934. formula error
  1935. gamma distribution
  1936. geometric distribution
  1937. geometric moving average control chart
  1938. go-no-go
  1939. goodness-of-fit test
  1940. grand lot
  1941. grand total
  1942. graphic interpolation
  1943. group sequential sampling plan
  1944. gyrometer
  1945. harmonic average
  1946. hazard function
  1947. heat flux density
  1948. hierarchical chain
  1949. high correlation
  1950. homogeneous data
  1951. homogeneous sample
  1952. hyperfine transition
  1953. hypergeometric series
  1954. identification of inspection and test status
  1955. identification of nonconforming product
  1956. in control
  1957. incoming material inspection
  1958. indirect cost
  1959. inductive statistics
  1960. in-situ measurement
  1961. Johansson gauge
  1962. key comparison
  1963. kinetic viscosity
  1964. linear regression
  1965. lot tolerance failure rate
  1966. lower control limit
  1967. management representative
  1968. management review
  1969. material examination
  1970. maximum likelihood estimator
  1971. mean time between failures
  1972. mean time to failure
  1973. measurement system
  1974. method of moving range
  1975. metrological infrastructure
  1976. modified mean
  1977. molar energy
  1978. molar entropy
  1979. molar heat capacity
  1980. moment generating function
  1981. moving average method
  1982. multinomial distribution
  1983. multi-stage sampling
  1984. mutual recognition agreement
  1985. negative correlation
  1986. nested design
  1987. Newton meter
  1988. no go
  1989. non-parametric method
  1990. normal approximation
  1991. normal atmosphere
  1992. number of samples
  1993. one-tail test
  1994. operating characteristic curve
  1995. order statistic
  1996. orthogonal Latin square
  1997. out of control
  1998. Pareto curve
  1999. parts inspection
  2000. periodic movement
  2001. point estimation
  2002. preventative action
  2003. purchasing inspection
  2004. quadratic statistic
  2005. quality audit
  2006. quality manual
  2007. quality plan
  2008. quality policy
  2009. quality representative
  2010. quality system
  2011. randomized complete block design
  2012. receiving inspection
  2013. rectangular distribution
  2014. reference standard
  2015. relative combined standard uncertainty
  2016. review and evaluation of quality management system
  2017. risk of Type Ⅰerror
  2018. risk of Type Ⅱ error
  2019. S chart
  2020. sample variance
  2021. seasonal fluctuation
  2022. semi-range
  2023. sequential life test
  2024. sign test
  2025. simple hypothesis
  2026. smooth curve
  2027. special process
  2028. specific entropy
  2029. standard value
  2030. stratified sampling
  2031. sum of squares
  2032. symmetrical distribution
  2033. Taguchi methods of quality engineering
  2034. Taylor's series
  2035. test method
  2036. test of goodness of fit
  2037. test statistic
  2038. thermochemical calorie
  2039. total inspection
  2040. total quality control
  2041. total variances
  2042. truncated normal distribution
  2043. two factor analysis
  2044. two-tail test
  2045. U-shaped distribution
  2046. value engineering
  2047. vocabulary in metrology
  2048. wear-out failure
  2049. within group variation
  2050. absolute entropy
  2051. absorption isotherm
  2052. absorption rate
  2053. acclimation sludge
  2054. ¥
  2055. acentric factor
  2056. active center
  2057. active site
  2058. activity correction factor
  2059. activity distribution
  2060. actual plate
  2061. adhesion work
  2062. adiabatic saturation temperature
  2063. adiabatic temperature rise
  2064. adjustable parameter
  2065. adjustable weight
  2066. adsorption capacity
  2067. adsorption control
  2068. adsorption equilibrium
  2069. adsorption isotherm
  2070. adsorption pontential
  2071. adsorption rate
  2072. aerobic bacteria
  2073. aerobic culture
  2074. aerodynamic diameter
  2075. affinity adsorption
  2076. affinity chromatography
  2077. affinity labeling
  2078. affinity membrane
  2079. affinity precipitation
  2080. affinity ultrafiltation
  2081. agar diffusion technology
  2082. agar diffusion
  2083. agar filtration
  2084. agarose gel
  2085. aggregative fluidization
  2086. agiated vessel
  2087. AI
  2088. air slide
  2089. air-cooled heat exchanger
  2090. amylolysis
  2091. anaerobic culture
  2092. analysis mode
  2093. analytical solution of group c
  2094. anchor agitator
  2095. anchorage-dependent cell
  2096. angle of difference
  2097. angle of fall
  2098. angle of response
  2099. angle of slide
  2100. angle of spatula
  2101. angle of wall friction
  2102. anion exchanger
  2103. anisotropic membrane
  2104. ANN
  2105. annular flow
  2106. anticoagulant agent
  2107. anticoagulant effect
  2108. antigelation extration
  2109. Antoine equation
  2110. apparent activation energy
  2111. apparent composition
  2112. apparent viscosity
  2113. approximate method
  2114. aqueous two-phase extraction
  2115. aqueous two-phase system
  2116. arithmetic mean temperature difference
  2117. aseptic ratio
  2118. assembly of independent particles
  2119. assembly of interacting particles
  2120. assembly of localize particles
  2121. assembly of non-localized part
  2122. associated solution model
  2123. asymmetric memebrane
  2124. autogenous mill
  2125. availability analysis
  2126. axial flow pump
  2127. azeotropic distillation
  2128. Bacillus subtilis
  2129. backmix
  2130. backward feed
  2131. banbury mixer
  2132. barometric leg
  2133. barrier function
  2134. basket type evaporator
  2135. batch culture
  2136. batch distillation
  2137. bed-collapsing technique
  2138. belt dryer
  2139. belt extractor
  2140. Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation
  2141. Benson's solubility coefficien
  2142. berl saddle
  2143. Bernoulli equation
  2144. BET equation
  2145. bin activator
  2146. bin discharger
  2147. binary mixture
  2148. biocatalytic reaction
  2149. biochemical engineering
  2150. biochemical separation
  2151. biochemical thermodynamics
  2152. biofunctional reagent
  2153. biological filter
  2154. biological polymer
  2155. biospecifically binding
  2156. Biot number
  2157. black-box model
  2158. blade agitator
  2159. block tridiagonal matrix
  2160. Bodenstein number
  2161. boiling point elevation
  2162. Borad ring
  2163. bottom phase
  2164. bound moisture
  2165. finite boundary element
  2166. Bourdon gauge
  2167. bowl mill
  2168. branch and bound method
  2169. branched chain
  2170. breakthrough curve
  2171. breakthrough point
  2172. Broyden method
  2173. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller equatio
  2174. bubble cap tray
  2175. bubble cloud
  2176. bubble column
  2177. bubble point
  2178. bubbling fluidized bed
  2179. bubbling fluidization
  2180. bucket-elevator extractor
  2181. buffer tank
  2182. bulk aerator
  2183. bulk phase
  2184. burn-out
  2185. BWR equation
  2186. calandria
  2187. canned-motion pump
  2188. Cannon ring
  2189. canonical ensemble
  2190. canonical partition function
  2191. CAPD
  2192. capillary module
  2193. cascade control
  2194. cascade reator
  2195. cash-flow diagram
  2196. catastrophic model
  2197. cation exchanger
  2198. CCOR equation
  2199. cell culture
  2200. cell cycle
  2201. cell debris
  2202. cell disruption
  2203. cell extract
  2204. cell fusion
  2205. cell harvesting
  2206. cell homogenate
  2207. cell separation
  2208. cell suspension culture
  2209. centrifugal clarification
  2210. centrifugal dryer
  2211. centrifugal extractor
  2212. centrifugal filter
  2213. centrifugal purification
  2214. centrifugal separation
  2215. chain initiation
  2216. chain propagation
  2217. chain termination
  2218. chain transfer
  2219. characteristic time
  2220. charged membrane
  2221. chasing method
  2222. chemical absorption
  2223. chemical adsorption
  2224. chemical engineering science
  2225. chemical engineering thermodynamics
  2226. chemical oscillation
  2227. chemical reaction engineering
  2228. chiral separation
  2229. chromatoelectrophoresis
  2230. chromatofocusing
  2231. circulating fluidized bed
  2232. circulating reactor
  2233. circulation method
  2234. Clapeyron-Clausius equation
  2235. clarifier filter
  2236. classical fluidization
  2237. Clauius inequality
  2238. climbing-film evaporator
  2239. closed boundary
  2240. closed vessel
  2241. cluster of particle
  2242. coarse particle
  2243. cocurrent operation
  2244. cocurrent process
  2245. COD
  2246. ASTM code
  2247. combustible liquid code
  2248. valve identification code
  2249. coke drum
  2250. coke knocker
  2251. coke, blast furnace
  2252. calcined coke
  2253. coke, metallurgical
  2254. cold-flow model experiment
  2255. combustiblemliquid code
  2256. compact heat exchanger
  2257. compartmented tank reactor
  2258. confidence limit
  2259. confidence region
  2260. continuous centrifuge
  2261. convolution integral
  2262. surface coverage
  2263. continuous culture
  2264. plate culture
  2265. tissue culture
  2266. data screening
  2267. dead state
  2268. dead zone
  2269. death phase
  2270. activity decay
  2271. decision making under uncertainty
  2272. decision variable
  2273. decomposition-coordination method
  2274. decontamination factor
  2275. deep submerged fermentation
  2276. default value
  2277. deformation work
  2278. degree of mixing
  2279. degree of polymerization
  2280. demonstration unit
  2281. dense-phase
  2282. density gradient centrifugation
  2283. departure function
  2284. design mode
  2285. design variable
  2286. desorption control
  2287. desorption factor
  2288. process development
  2289. diafiltration
  2290. dialyzator
  2291. equivalent free-fall diameter
  2292. differential contrifugation
  2293. differential distillation
  2294. differential heat of solution
  2295. diffusion control
  2296. diffusion pump
  2297. equimolar counter diffusion
  2298. thermal diffusivity
  2299. dilatant fluid
  2300. dimensionless group
  2301. dipleg
  2302. direct search method
  2303. direct substitution
  2304. disc atrition mill
  2305. disc column
  2306. discharge coefficient
  2307. discounted cash flow rate of return
  2308. disk dryer
  2309. dispersed flow
  2310. dispersed phase
  2311. dispersion coefficient
  2312. dispersion mill
  2313. dissolved oxygen probe
  2314. distillation with chemical reaction
  2315. continuous distillation
  2316. steam distillation
  2317. distributed control system
  2318. distribution coefficient
  2319. distribution plate
  2320. distribution ratio
  2321. dividing surface
  2322. Dixon ring
  2323. double arm kneading mixer
  2324. doubling time
  2325. downcomer backup
  2326. downstream process
  2327. downstream processing
  2328. draft tube
  2329. draft-tube-baffled crystallizer
  2330. fluidized bed drier
  2331. rotary drier
  2332. shelf drier
  2333. spraying drier
  2334. tray drier
  2335. tunnel drier
  2336. driving force
  2337. dropwise condensation
  2338. dry heat sterilization
  2339. drying rate
  2340. vacuum drying
  2341. dual-flow tray
  2342. ductile material
  2343. dumped packing
  2344. dust collector
  2345. dust-laden gas
  2346. dye uptake method
  2347. process dynamics
  2348. economic life
  2349. eddy diffusivity
  2350. eddy flow
  2351. effective density
  2352. effective diffusivity
  2353. effective thermal conductivity
  2354. effectiveness coefficient
  2355. effectiveness factor
  2356. stage efficiency
  2357. long sweep elbow
  2358. electroaffinity
  2359. electrochemical reactor
  2360. electrodialysis process
  2361. electronic partition function
  2362. electrostatic attraction
  2363. elutriation constant
  2364. emissive power
  2365. empirical model
  2366. empirical rule
  2367. emulsion inverse
  2368. emulsion liquid membrane
  2369. emulsion phase
  2370. emulsion polymerization
  2371. endotheric reation
  2372. energy integration
  2373. enhancement factor
  2374. enrichment culture
  2375. residual enthalpy
  2376. enthalpy-composition diagram
  2377. enthalpy-entropy diagram
  2378. entrainment velocity
  2379. entropy balance
  2380. entropy generation
  2381. entropy production
  2382. enumeration algorithm
  2383. environmental state
  2384. enzymatic analysis
  2385. enzymatic electrocatalysis
  2386. enzymatic reaction kinetics
  2387. enzyme activity
  2388. enzyme catalysis
  2389. enzyme deactivation
  2390. enzyme electrode
  2391. enzyme immunoassay
  2392. enzyme specificity
  2393. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
  2394. equality constraint
  2395. coexistence equation
  2396. stiff equation
  2397. equation-oriented approach
  2398. equation-solving approach
  2399. equilibrium composition
  2400. equilibrium constant
  2401. equilibrium conversion
  2402. equilibrium distillation
  2403. equilibrium separation process
  2404. equilibrium still
  2405. equilibrium system
  2406. liquid-liquid equilibrium
  2407. equivalent diameter
  2408. equivalent free-falling diameter
  2409. equivalent length
  2410. root-mean-square error
  2411. evaorative crystallization
  2412. multiple effect evaporation
  2413. evaporative cooling
  2414. evaporative crystallizer
  2415. evaporator with horizontal tube
  2416. evaporator with submerged comb
  2417. film type evaporator
  2418. forced circulation evaporator
  2419. evolutionary method
  2420. evolutionary operation
  2421. excess chemical potential
  2422. excess enthalpy
  2423. excess entropy
  2424. excess function
  2425. excess Gibbs free energy
  2426. excess property
  2427. floating head heat exchanger
  2428. exergy loss
  2429. exothermic reaction
  2430. expansion work
  2431. explicit method
  2432. explosive polymerization
  2433. expression constant
  2434. extended aeration
  2435. extensive property
  2436. extent of reaction
  2437. external diffusion
  2438. extractive distillation
  2439. F factor
  2440. falling rate drying
  2441. fast fluid
  2442. Fenske's
  2443. fermentat
  2444. filgratio
  2445. film boil
  2446. film diffusion control
  2447. film heat
  2448. film theory
  2449. film type
  2450. filter aid
  2451. fine part
  2452. fired heater
  2453. first-order phase transformation
  2454. fisrt law
  2455. fixed tube sheet
  2456. fixed-bed
  2457. flash fil
  2458. flexibili
  2459. floatsam
  2460. Flory-Hug
  2461. flow method
  2462. flow numb
  2463. flow system
  2464. flow work
  2465. flow-line
  2466. fluidisation
  2467. fluidization number
  2468. forward feeding
  2469. Fourier number
  2470. fragmenta
  2471. free enzy
  2472. gas film control
  2473. gas holdup
  2474. gas permeation
  2475. gas phase control
  2476. gas phase mass transfer coefficient
  2477. gas stripping
  2478. gas-liquid equilibrium
  2479. gas-liquid mass transfer equipment
  2480. Gaussian elimination
  2481. gel chromatography
  2482. gel filtration chromatography
  2483. gel filtration
  2484. gel immunoelectrophoresis
  2485. general reduced gradient metho
  2486. generalized equation
  2487. generalized fluidization
  2488. Gibbs-Duhem equation
  2489. GLE
  2490. global optimum
  2491. global rate
  2492. globe valve
  2493. glycolytic pathway
  2494. golden section searching method
  2495. gradient method
  2496. gradientless reactor
  2497. Graetz number
  2498. grainsize analysis
  2499. grainsize analyzer
  2500. grand-canonical ensemble
  2501. grand-canonical partition function
  2502. graphical method
  2503. Grashof number
  2504. gravity separation
  2505. gravity settling
  2506. gray system
  2507. GRG method
  2508. grinding additive
  2509. grinding medium
  2510. gross error identification
  2511. group activity coefficient
  2512. group fraction in solution
  2513. growth yield
  2514. hairpin tube heat exchanger
  2515. hammer crusher
  2516. hard sphere
  2517. hazard index
  2518. heap and dump leaching
  2519. heat capacity at constant pressure
  2520. heat capacity at constant volume
  2521. heat carrier
  2522. heat exchanger network
  2523. heat integration
  2524. heat of absorption
  2525. heat of adsorption
  2526. heat of evaporation
  2527. heat of formation
  2528. heat of fusion
  2529. heat of hydration
  2530. heat of liquefaction
  2531. heat of mixing
  2532. heat of solution
  2533. heat transfer medium
  2534. heat transfer rate
  2535. heating medium
  2536. heat-pipe
  2537. height of a heat transfer unit
  2538. height of a mass transfer unit
  2539. Henry's law
  2540. Hess's law
  2541. hexose phosphate shunt pathway
  2542. hidden layer
  2543. hindered sedimentation
  2544. hollow agitator
  2545. hollow-fiber module
  2546. HTU
  2547. human serum albumin
  2548. hybrid tumor
  2549. hydraulic mean diameter
  2550. hydrocyclone
  2551. hydrophobic chromatography
  2552. hydrophobic particle
  2553. hydrostatic head
  2554. hyperbolic type kinetic equation
  2555. ideal flow
  2556. ideal work
  2557. immersed surface
  2558. immobilization technology
  2559. enzyme immobilization
  2560. immobilized cell reactor
  2561. immune eletrophoresis
  2562. immunoadsorption
  2563. impeller agitator
  2564. implicit enumeration method
  2565. implicit method
  2566. incipient fluidization
  2567. independent deactivation
  2568. induced dipole
  2569. induced-fit theory
  2570. information board
  2571. information flow diagram
  2572. infrared drying
  2573. in-line mixer
  2574. in-line tube arrangement
  2575. input-output
  2576. instantaneous reaction
  2577. integeral heat of solution
  2578. integral test
  2579. intensive property
  2580. interaction coefficient
  2581. internal diffusion
  2582. internal rate of return
  2583. interparticle diffusion
  2584. intracellular enzyme
  2585. intraparticle diffusion
  2586. intrinsic kinetics
  2587. ion exchange equilibrium
  2588. ion exchange membrane
  2589. irrigation rate
  2590. isenthalpic compression
  2591. isenthalpic expansion
  2592. isentropic compression
  2593. isentropic expansion
  2594. isentropic flow
  2595. isochoric process
  2596. isoelectric focusing
  2597. isoelectric precipitation
  2598. isoelectric separation
  2599. isoionic point
  2600. isometric process
  2601. jaw crusher
  2602. jet drier
  2603. jet mill
  2604. jet penetration length
  2605. jet reactor
  2606. jet tray
  2607. j-factor
  2608. jigged fluidized bed
  2609. jM-factor
  2610. K hni extractor
  2611. Karr column
  2612. key component
  2613. kinetic control
  2614. kinetic head
  2615. knowledge engineering
  2616. Knudsen diffusion
  2617. Kolmogorov's scale
  2618. Kremser's diagram
  2619. local equilibrium
  2620. local optimum
  2621. lock hopper
  2622. lock-and-key theory
  2623. logarithmic phase
  2624. lumped parameter model
  2625. lumping kinetics
  2626. Luwa evaporator
  2627. Mach number
  2628. magnetically stabilized fluidized bed
  2629. Margules equation
  2630. MARR
  2631. Martin-Hou equation
  2632. mass flow
  2633. mass flux
  2634. mass transfer coefficient
  2635. mass transfer rate
  2636. mass transfer zone
  2637. mass velocity
  2638. matching of streams
  2639. material seal
  2640. maximax criterion
  2641. maximin-utility criterion
  2642. maximum mixedness
  2643. Maxwell relation
  2644. MD method
  2645. MD tray
  2646. mean residence time
  2647. logarithmic mean temperature difference
  2648. mechanical separation
  2649. reaction mechanism
  2650. Mellapak packing
  2651. membrane bioreactor
  2652. membrane distillation
  2653. membrane extraction
  2654. membrane module
  2655. membrane permeation
  2656. membrane vesicle
  2657. composite membrane
  2658. liquid membrane
  2659. semi-permeable membrane
  2660. MESH equations
  2661. mesh screening
  2662. metabolic control
  2663. metastable region
  2664. venturi meter
  2665. critical path method
  2666. shortcut method
  2667. methyl methacrylate-acry-lonit
  2668. Michaelis-Menton constant
  2669. Michaelis-Menton equation
  2670. Michaelis-Menton kinetics
  2671. microbial contamination
  2672. microcanonical ensemble
  2673. microcanonical partition function
  2674. microporous filter
  2675. microporous membrane
  2676. mill capacity
  2677. mill efficiency
  2678. colloidal mill
  2679. roll mill
  2680. tube mill
  2681. minimax-regret criterion
  2682. minimum fluidization
  2683. minimum fluidizing velocity
  2684. minimum reflux ratio
  2685. MINLP
  2686. mixed flow pump
  2687. mixed integer nonlinear programming
  2688. mixing index
  2689. mixing rate
  2690. mixing time
  2691. mockup experiment
  2692. model identification
  2693. model parameter
  2694. distributed parameter model
  2695. moist material
  2696. critical moisture content
  2697. free moisture
  2698. molecular diffusivity
  2699. molecular dynamic method
  2700. molecular parameter
  2701. molecular partition function
  2702. molecular simulation
  2703. molecular thermodynamics
  2704. Mollier diagram
  2705. momentum transfer coefficient
  2706. momentum transfer
  2707. Monod growth kenitics
  2708. monolithic catalyst
  2709. most probable distribution
  2710. moving bed adsorber
  2711. MTZ
  2712. multichamber centrifuge
  2713. multicomponent mixture
  2714. multicomponent system
  2715. multidowncorner tray
  2716. multifunctional enzyme
  2717. multilevel method of optimization
  2718. multi-objective programming
  2719. multiphase flow
  2720. multiple reactions
  2721. multiple stability
  2722. multi-region model
  2723. multistage compressor
  2724. multistage fluidized bed
  2725. Murphree efficiency
  2726. MWD
  2727. Nash pump
  2728. reaction network
  2729. reactor network
  2730. neural network training
  2731. Newton method for convergence
  2732. Newtonian fluid
  2733. non-affinity adsorption
  2734. non-equilibrium stage model
  2735. non-equilibrium system
  2736. nonequilibrium thermodynamics
  2737. nonideal flow
  2738. non-isothermal absorption
  2739. nonlinear programming
  2740. non-spontaneous process
  2741. notched weir
  2742. converging-diverging nozzle
  2743. NPSH
  2744. NPV
  2745. NRTL equation
  2746. nucleate boiling
  2747. number of mass transfer unit
  2748. number of transfer unit
  2749. actual plate number
  2750. Nusselt number
  2751. one-component system
  2752. on-line
  2753. Onsager reciprocal relation
  2754. open boundary
  2755. open vessel
  2756. operating line
  2757. unit operation
  2758. operational variable
  2759. reaction order
  2760. orthogonal collocation
  2761. Oslo evapoative crystallizer
  2762. osmotic coefficient
  2763. output layer
  2764. overall mass transfer coeffcient
  2765. oxygen consumption rate
  2766. oxygen transfer coefficient
  2767. oxygen transfer rate
  2768. oxygen transfer
  2769. oxygen uptake rate
  2770. oxygen yield coefficient
  2771. packed column
  2772. structured packing
  2773. paddle agitator
  2774. Pall ring
  2775. parallel deactivation
  2776. parallel reactions
  2777. estimation parameter
  2778. partial condenser
  2779. partial miscibility
  2780. partial molar enthalpy
  2781. partial molar quantity
  2782. partial molar volume
  2783. particle density
  2784. particle diameter
  2785. particle shape
  2786. particle size distribution
  2787. particle swarm
  2788. particulate fluidization
  2789. particuology
  2790. path tracing
  2791. reaction path
  2792. payback period
  2793. Peclet number
  2794. penetration theory
  2795. Peng-Robinson equation
  2796. percolation extractor
  2797. perfect mixing
  2798. perform tray
  2799. perfusion culture
  2800. constant rate drying period
  2801. period, falling rate drying
  2802. permeation flux
  2803. phase transfer
  2804. continuous phase
  2805. dense phase
  2806. dilute phase
  2807. PHC theory
  2808. phenomenological coefficient
  2809. physical absorption
  2810. physical adsorption
  2811. physical exergy
  2812. pinch technology
  2813. pipeline network
  2814. piston pump
  2815. Pitot tube
  2816. plait point
  2817. plastic fluid
  2818. plate efficiency
  2819. plate heat exchanger
  2820. plate-and-frame filter press
  2821. plate-and-frame module
  2822. plate-fin heat exchanger
  2823. plug flow
  2824. pneumatic dryer
  2825. point efficiency
  2826. flooding point
  2827. poly-fluid theory
  2828. Ponchon-Savarit diagram
  2829. pool boiling
  2830. pore volume
  2831. porous membrane
  2832. porous plate
  2833. positive displacement pump
  2834. powder density
  2835. powder technology
  2836. power function type equation
  2837. power number
  2838. power-law fluid
  2839. Poynting correction
  2840. Poynting factor
  2841. PR equation
  2842. Prandtl number
  2843. precedence ordering
  2844. precipitation polymerization
  2845. predictive control
  2846. preexponential factor
  2847. present value
  2848. plate-frame filter press
  2849. pressure leaf filter
  2850. pressure-enthalpy diagram
  2851. pressure-volume diagram
  2852. principle of entropy increase
  2853. prior estimate
  2854. 波兰
  2855. 醬油
  2856. 伊朗
  2857. out of synchronism
  2858. flat panel display
  2859. Ⅲ Ⅴ compound semiconductor
  2860. A mode ultrasonic scanning
  2861. abnormal glow discharge
  2862. absolute altitude
  2863. absolute vacuum gauge
  2864. acceleration constant
  2865. acceptable quality level
  2866. acceptance test
  2867. access control, AC
  2868. access hole
  2869. access protocol
  2870. accidental failure period
  2871. accommodation factor
  2872. accutuned coaxial magnetron
  2873. achievable rate
  2874. achievable region
  2875. acid storage battery
  2876. acoustic enclosure
  2877. acoustic impedance audiometry
  2878. acoustic sensor
  2879. acoustooptic ceramic
  2880. acoustooptic crystal
  2881. acoustooptic modulation
  2882. acoustooptic Q switching
  2883. acoustooptical receiver, Bragg-cell receiver
  2884. activation energy of diffusion
  2885. active component
  2886. active detection
  2887. active display
  2888. active guidance
  2889. active jamming
  2890. active material
  2891. active medium
  2892. active microwave remote sensing
  2893. active network
  2894. active optical fiber
  2895. active redundancy
  2896. active repair time
  2897. active tracking
  2898. actuating code
  2899. actuating force
  2900. adaptive detector
  2901. adaptive radar
  2902. adaptive remote control
  2903. adaptive telemetry
  2904. adaptor connector
  2905. adjoint source
  2906. administrative time
  2907. admittance chart
  2908. after image
  2909. after pulse
  2910. air route surveillance radar, ARSR
  2911. air speed
  2912. ATC radar
  2913. air traffic control
  2914. airborne-based navigation
  2915. airport surface detection radar
  2916. Al Ni Co permanent magnet
  2917. alarm command
  2918. alarm dismissal probability
  2919. algebraic code
  2920. aligned position
  2921. alignment precision
  2922. alignment tape
  2923. alkaline storage battery
  2924. alkaline zinc-air battery
  2925. alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide cell
  2926. Allan variance
  2927. alloy diode
  2928. alloy junction
  2929. alloy transistor
  2930. all-pass network
  2931. all-weather automatic landing
  2932. Alpha Omega
  2933. alpha spectrometer
  2934. alphanumeric display
  2935. alternate code
  2936. alternate humidity test
  2937. alternating current, AC
  2938. alternation theorem
  2939. altitude-hole effect
  2940. alumina ceramic
  2941. aluminium electrolytic capacitor
  2942. aluminium nitride ceramic
  2943. aluminum-air cell
  2944. AM broadcasting
  2945. ambulatory monitoring
  2946. ammonia-air fuel cell
  2947. amorphous magnetic material
  2948. amorphous semiconductor
  2949. amorphous silicon
  2950. amorphous silicon solar cell
  2951. amount of information
  2952. amount of secrecy
  2953. amphoteric impurity
  2954. amplification of spontaneous emission
  2955. amplitron
  2956. amplitude analyser
  2957. amplitude control
  2958. amplitude detection
  2959. amplitude discriminator
  2960. amplitude limiting
  2961. amplitude modulated transmitter, AM transmitter
  2962. amplitude modulation meter
  2963. amplitude modulation, AM
  2964. amplitude noise
  2965. amplitude-phase diagram
  2966. amplitude-time converter
  2967. anaesthesia depth monitor
  2968. analog component VTR
  2969. analog instrument
  2970. analog oscilloscope
  2971. analog to digital converter, A D converter
  2972. and or stack register
  2973. AND-OR gate
  2974. angle lap-stain method
  2975. angle noise
  2976. angular displacement
  2977. anisotropic etching
  2978. anisotropic medium
  2979. annular slot antenna
  2980. anode oxidation method
  2981. anomalous transmission method
  2982. antenna array of Alford loops
  2983. anti comet tail gun, ACT gun
  2984. anticollision radar
  2985. anti-Compton gamma ray spectrometer
  2986. antiferroelectric ceramic
  2987. antiferroelectric crystal
  2988. anti-ferromagnetism
  2989. antimony sulfide vidicon
  2990. anti-noise microphone, noise cancelling mic
  2991. anti-radar
  2992. anti-saturated logic
  2993. anti-stealth technology
  2994. aperiodic antenna
  2995. aperture grille
  2996. apex cardiography
  2997. apparent permeability
  2998. apparent quality factor
  2999. appearance potential spectroscopy
  3000. application specific IC, ASIC
  3001. approach and landing system
  3002. approach aperture
  3003. arbitrary cell method
  3004. arc discharge tube
  3005. area array
  3006. argon ion laser
  3007. arithmetic logic unit, ALU
  3008. armature control
  3009. Armco iron
  3010. array element
  3011. artificial neural net, artificial neural network, ANN
  3012. artillery location radar
  3013. artillery reconnaissance and fire-directing radar
  3014. as grown crystal
  3015. astigmation
  3016. asychronous transfer mode, ATM
  3017. asymmetric alternating current charge
  3018. atmospheric laser communication
  3019. atomic frequency standard
  3020. atomic layer epitaxy, ALE
  3021. attended repeater
  3022. audio frequency oscillator
  3023. audio frequency transformer
  3024. audiometric room
  3025. augmented code
  3026. authentication, verification
  3027. auto convergence
  3028. autodoping
  3029. autodyne receiver
  3030. automated command system
  3031. automatic command
  3032. automatic detector
  3033. automatic error request
  3034. automatic landing
  3035. automatic measuring system
  3036. automatic placement and routing
  3037. automatic regulation
  3038. automatically activated battery
  3039. auxiliary reference pulse
  3040. avalanche breakdown
  3041. average outgoing quality
  3042. average power meter
  3043. azimuth guidance unit
  3044. azimuth-elevation display, C-scope
  3045. B mode ultrasonic scanning
  3046. back diffusion
  3047. back streaming
  3048. back surface field solar cell, BSF solar cell
  3049. back surface reflection and back surface field solar cell
  3050. back surface reflection solar cell, BSR solar cell
  3051. background emission
  3052. background fluctuation
  3053. backing line
  3054. backing pressure
  3055. backlash phenomena
  3056. backward wave
  3057. backward wave oscillator
  3058. backward wave tube, BWT
  3059. baffle valve
  3060. balance point
  3061. balanced detector
  3062. balanced to unbalanced transformer
  3063. ball bonding
  3064. ballistic transistor
  3065. band gap
  3066. band stop filter
  3067. bargraph display
  3068. barium sodium niobate, BNN
  3069. barium titanate ceramic
  3070. barium titanate, BT
  3071. barrage jamming
  3072. barrel distortion
  3073. barrier height
  3074. base band frequency
  3075. base region
  3076. baseline restorer
  3077. baseline shift
  3078. basic access
  3079. battlefield search radar
  3080. Bayard Alpert vacuum gauge
  3081. beacon tracking
  3082. beam landing screen error
  3083. beam angle
  3084. beam confining electrode
  3085. beam index tube
  3086. beam lead
  3087. beam shape factor
  3088. beam solid angle
  3089. beam steering
  3090. beam-injected crossed-field amplifier
  3091. bearer service
  3092. bearing marker
  3093. bearing of station
  3094. bedside monitor
  3095. bent beam ionization gauge
  3096. beryllia ceramic
  3097. beyond-the-horizon communica-tion
  3098. bidirectional diode
  3099. bidirectional thyristor
  3100. bio battery
  3101. bio computer
  3102. bio electrical impedance
  3103. bio feedback
  3104. bioelectric amplifier
  3105. biological cybernetics
  3106. biomagnetics
  3107. biomedical electronics
  3108. biomedical transducer
  3109. biomolecular device
  3110. biomolecular electronics
  3111. biophotoelement
  3112. bipolar cell
  3113. bipolar integrated circuit
  3114. bipolar memory
  3115. bipolar transistor
  3116. bisection theorem
  3117. bismuth germanate
  3118. bismuth germanium oxide, BGO
  3119. bit reversed order
  3120. black and white picture tube
  3121. monochrome TV
  3122. black halo
  3123. black matrix
  3124. black matrix screen
  3125. blade antenna
  3126. blanketing jamming
  3127. blind phase
  3128. block floating point
  3129. blocking capacitor
  3130. blocking oscillator
  3131. board-mounted connector
  3132. Bode diagram
  3133. body mounted type solar cell array
  3134. body surface potential mapping
  3135. bombing radar
  3136. bonded permanent magnet
  3137. booster vacuum pump
  3138. boron trifluoride counter
  3139. boron-phosphorosilicate glass
  3140. both-way communication
  3141. box diffusion
  3142. box lens
  3143. brain function meter
  3144. branched optical cable
  3145. break valve
  3146. breakdown strength
  3147. breakdown, puncture
  3148. Bridgman method
  3149. broadband integrated services digital network, B-ISDN
  3150. broadcast receiver
  3151. broadcast service
  3152. brute force focusing
  3153. bubble (domain) mobility
  3154. bubble diameter
  3155. bucket brigade device, BBD
  3156. buffered FET logic, BFL
  3157. building-block layout system
  3158. built in field
  3159. built-in diagnostic circuit
  3160. built-in potential
  3161. built-in test equipment, BITE
  3162. bulk effect
  3163. bulk recombination
  3164. bunching space
  3165. Burg's algorithm
  3166. buried-channel MOSFET
  3167. burn-out energy
  3168. burst signal
  3169. butterfly operation
  3170. butterfly valve
  3171. button cell
  3172. by pass valve
  3173. by-pass capacitor
  3174. cable TV
  3175. cadmium sulfide solar cell
  3176. cadmium-mercuric oxide cell
  3177. cadmium-nickel storage battery
  3178. cadmium-silver storage battery
  3179. cage antenna
  3180. calibrated leak
  3181. calibration factor
  3182. calibration tape
  3183. call loss
  3184. camouflage code
  3185. cancelling command
  3186. canonical grammar
  3187. capacitance tolerance
  3188. capacitance voltage method, CV method
  3189. capacitive reactance
  3190. capacity region
  3191. capillary action-shaping technique, CAST
  3192. carbon composition film potentiometer
  3193. carbon dioxide laser
  3194. carbon film resistor
  3195. carbonyl iron
  3196. cardiac defibrillator
  3197. cardiac pacemaker
  3198. cardinal plane
  3199. cardio function meter
  3200. cardioid microphone
  3201. carrier frequency shift
  3202. carrier leak
  3203. carrier telegraph
  3204. carrier telephone
  3205. cascade compensation
  3206. cascade synthesis
  3207. cascaded code
  3208. cassette tape
  3209. catastrophic code
  3210. catcher resonator
  3211. category voltage
  3212. catheter electrode
  3213. cathode ray tube, CRT
  3214. cathode active coefficient
  3215. cathode fatigue
  3216. cathode follower
  3217. cathode glow
  3218. cathode life
  3219. cathodeluminescence
  3220. cathodochromism
  3221. cavity dumping
  3222. CCD delay line
  3223. CCD memory
  3224. cell size
  3225. celsian ceramic
  3226. centimeter wave
  3227. central monitoring system
  3228. central office, CO
  3229. centralized monitor
  3230. centrifugal test
  3231. ceramic capacitor
  3232. ceramic packaging
  3233. ceramic sensor
  3234. ceramic transducer
  3235. Cerenkov detector
  3236. cesium dideuterium arsenate, DCSDA
  3237. chaff bundle
  3238. chaff cloud
  3239. chaff corridor
  3240. chain code
  3241. channel ratio
  3242. channel associated signalling
  3243. channel electron multiplier
  3244. channel width
  3245. channeling effect
  3246. channelized receiver
  3247. character indicator
  3248. characteristic frequency
  3249. characteristic grammar
  3250. characteristic parameter
  3251. charge acceptance
  3252. charge coupled imaging device
  3253. charge efficiency
  3254. charge injection device, CID
  3255. charge priming device, CPD
  3256. charge pump
  3257. charge retention
  3258. charge sensitive preamplifier
  3259. charge storage diode
  3260. charge valve
  3261. charged particle detector
  3262. checking command
  3263. chemical coprecipitation process
  3264. chemical liquid deposition
  3265. chemical polishing
  3266. chemical pumping
  3267. chemical sensor
  3268. chemical vapor deposition, CVD
  3269. chemico-mechanical polishing
  3270. chip capacitor
  3271. chip component
  3272. chip inductor
  3273. chip resistor
  3274. chirp Z transform
  3275. choke flange
  3276. choke joint
  3277. choke piston, choke plunger
  3278. cholesteric liquid crystal
  3279. chroma key
  3280. chromium oxide tape
  3281. cipher key
  3282. circle-hyperbolic system
  3283. circuit extraction
  3284. circuit simulation
  3285. circuit topology
  3286. circular scanning
  3287. clamped dielectric constant
  3288. clamping diode
  3289. class A amplifier
  3290. class B amplifier
  3291. class C amplifier
  3292. class D amplifier
  3293. class E amplifier
  3294. clean bench
  3295. clean vacuum
  3296. clock pulse
  3297. closed ampoule vacuum diffusion
  3298. closed-loop control
  3299. closed-loop frequency response
  3300. closely packed code
  3301. cloverleaf slow wave line
  3302. cluster crystal
  3303. CO laser
  3304. coated powder cathode, CPC
  3305. coaxial relay
  3306. code generator
  3307. code word synchronization
  3308. coded transmitter
  3309. coding theorem
  3310. coevaporation
  3311. coherent grain boundary
  3312. coherent optical communication
  3313. coherent pulse radar
  3314. coherent transponder
  3315. coincidence gate
  3316. cold wall reactor
  3317. cold welding
  3318. collapsing ratio
  3319. collector region
  3320. collimating lens
  3321. color bar signal
  3322. color cell
  3323. color difference signal
  3324. color display
  3325. color field
  3326. color picture tube, color kinescope
  3327. color purity allowance
  3328. column decoder
  3329. coma aberration
  3330. combination interference
  3331. combined command
  3332. comma free code
  3333. command capacity
  3334. command chain
  3335. command code
  3336. command code element
  3337. command coding
  3338. command error
  3339. command format
  3340. command function
  3341. command generator
  3342. command interval
  3343. command length
  3344. command list
  3345. command monitoring
  3346. command remote control
  3347. command system
  3348. command time delay
  3349. command word
  3350. command, control and communication system, C3 system
  3351. command, control, communication and intelligence system, C3I system
  3352. common channel signalling,CCS
  3353. common-mode rejection ratio
  3354. commonuser network
  3355. communication countermeasures
  3356. COMINT
  3357. communication medium
  3358. communication network
  3359. communication satellite
  3360. communication security
  3361. communication security equipment
  3362. communication system engineering
  3363. companion model
  3364. compensated cavity, auxiliary cavity
  3365. compensation theorem
  3366. complementary error function distribution
  3367. complementary MOS intergrated circuit, CMOSIC
  3368. complementary transistor logic
  3369. complex frequency
  3370. complex polarization ratio
  3371. component side
  3372. composite dielectric capacitor
  3373. composite permanent magnet
  3374. composite target
  3375. composition resistor
  3376. compound semiconductor
  3377. compound semiconductor detector
  3378. compound semiconductor solar cell
  3379. compound target
  3380. compression technique of light pulse
  3381. compression vacuum gauge
  3382. computer aided manufacture, CAM
  3383. computer aided testing
  3384. computer communication network
  3385. concatenated code
  3386. concentrated attenuator
  3387. concentration profile
  3388. concentrator solar cell
  3389. concentric conductor
  3390. concentric resonator
  3391. condenser microphone, electrostatic mic
  3392. conditioning controller
  3393. conductive foil
  3394. conductive pattern
  3395. conductivity, specific conductance
  3396. confocal resonator
  3397. conformal array antenna
  3398. confusion region
  3399. conical array
  3400. conical-scan tracking
  3401. conservation of information
  3402. consignment lot
  3403. Consol sector radio marker
  3404. constant altitude indicator, CAI
  3405. constant false alarm rate, CFAR
  3406. constant temperature and moisture test
  3407. constant value command
  3408. constant-current discharge
  3409. constant-fraction discriminator
  3410. constant-resistance discharge
  3411. constraint length
  3412. contact adhesion
  3413. contact exposure method
  3414. contact load
  3415. contact piston, contact plunger
  3416. contact weld
  3417. context constraint grammar
  3418. context free grammar
  3419. continuous command
  3420. continuous current at locked-rotor
  3421. continuous wave modulation
  3422. continuous wave radar, CW radar
  3423. continuous wave transmitter, CW transmitter
  3424. contours of constant geometric accuracy
  3425. control command
  3426. control procedure
  3427. control synchro
  3428. conventional true value
  3429. conversational service
  3430. conversion gain
  3431. convolution code
  3432. convolution theorem
  3433. coordinate conversion computer
  3434. co-polarization
  3435. corona counter
  3436. corona discharge tube
  3437. coronary care unit, CCU
  3438. correcting network
  3439. corrective maintenance
  3440. corrugated horn
  3441. corundum mullite ceramic
  3442. cosecant-squared antenna
  3443. cosmic ray detector
  3444. cosputtering
  3445. counter hodoscope
  3446. counter telescope
  3447. counter-mortar radar
  3448. counting ratemeter
  3449. counting vial
  3450. coupled cavity slow wave line
  3451. coupled cavity technique
  3452. coupling aperture, coupling hole
  3453. coupling capacitor
  3454. coupling impedance
  3455. coupling loop
  3456. coupling probe
  3457. coupling torque
  3458. course line of great circle
  3459. crimp contact
  3460. critical frequency
  3461. critical patient care system
  3462. critical power
  3463. critical region
  3464. cross entropy
  3465. cross polarization
  3466. cross spectrum
  3467. crossbar transformer
  3468. crossed polarization jamming
  3469. crossed-field amplifier, CFA
  3470. crossed-field device, CFD
  3471. cross-polarization discrimination
  3472. cryosublimation trap
  3473. crystal fiber
  3474. cumulative frequency
  3475. cumulative sum chart, cusum chart
  3476. current division ratio
  3477. current-switching mode logic, CML
  3478. curtailed inspection
  3479. curvature of field
  3480. customer designed IC
  3481. cut-off attenuator
  3482. cut-off voltage
  3483. cut-off waveguide
  3484. cut-off wavelength
  3485. cutset code
  3486. cycle graph
  3487. cycle life
  3488. cyclic skipping
  3489. cyclotron resonance heating
  3490. cylindrical array
  3491. cylindrical cell
  3492. Czochralski method
  3493. damage gettering technology
  3494. damage induced defect
  3495. damping factor
  3496. dark burn
  3497. dark discharge
  3498. Darlington power transistor
  3499. data acquisition system
  3500. data analyzer
  3501. data broadcasting
  3502. data circuit terminating equip-ment, DCE
  3503. data command
  3504. data communication network
  3505. data domain measurement
  3506. data encryption standard, DES
  3507. data error analyzer
  3508. data generator
  3509. data link control procedure
  3510. data logger
  3511. data phone
  3512. data stable platform
  3513. dead room
  3514. dead time
  3515. dead-reckoning
  3516. Deal-Grove model
  3517. Debye length
  3518. Decca
  3519. deception jamming
  3520. decimeter wave
  3521. decision height
  3522. decoupling filter
  3523. de-emphasis network
  3524. deep energy level
  3525. deep level center
  3526. deep level transient spectroscopy, DLTS
  3527. deep-UV lithography
  3528. defective item
  3529. deflecting electrode
  3530. deflection coefficient
  3531. deflection distortion
  3532. deformation of vertically aligned phase mode
  3533. degenerate mode
  3534. degenerate semiconductor
  3535. degraded product
  3536. degree of coupling
  3537. degree of vacuum
  3538. deionized water
  3539. delay constant
  3540. delay line
  3541. delay lock technique
  3542. delay ratio
  3543. demagnetization curve
  3544. Dember effect
  3545. densely packed multichannel communication
  3546. density-tapered array antenna
  3547. depletion approximation
  3548. depletion mode field effect transistor
  3549. depth distribution
  3550. derating curve
  3551. derating factor
  3552. derived envelope
  3553. derived type filter
  3554. describing function
  3555. despun antenna
  3556. detection probability
  3557. deviation indicator
  3558. dew point test
  3559. diameter grinding
  3560. diaphragm gauge
  3561. diaphragm-ring filter
  3562. Dicke-Fix circuit
  3563. dielectric ceramic
  3564. dielectric constant, permittivity
  3565. dielectric isolation
  3566. dielectric polarization
  3567. difference beam
  3568. difference set code
  3569. differential amplifier
  3570. differential capacitor
  3571. differential circuit
  3572. differential global positioning system, DGPS
  3573. differential mobility
  3574. differential phase
  3575. differential transformer
  3576. differential vacuum gauge
  3577. diffusion of impurities
  3578. diffusion potential
  3579. diffusion technology
  3580. digital circuit tester
  3581. digital command
  3582. digital demultiplexer
  3583. digital display
  3584. digital instrument
  3585. digital multimeter, DMM
  3586. digital multiplexing
  3587. digital multiplexing hierarchy
  3588. digital oscilloscope
  3589. digital recorder
  3590. digital scan convertor, DSC
  3591. digital speech interpolation, DSI
  3592. digital subscriber filter
  3593. digital switching
  3594. digital system impairment
  3595. digital to analog converter, D A converter
  3596. digital voltmeter, DVM
  3597. digital VTR
  3598. dimensional resonance
  3599. diode gun
  3600. diode pumping
  3601. diode-transistor logic, DTL
  3602. direct current relay
  3603. direct current sputtering
  3604. direct current, DC
  3605. direct gap semiconductor
  3606. direct recombination
  3607. direct viewing storage tube
  3608. direct-coupled transistor logic, DCTL
  3609. direct-detection receiver
  3610. directed jamming
  3611. directing radar
  3612. direction finding, DF
  3613. directional filter
  3614. directional microphone
  3615. direction-finding system
  3616. direction-range measurement system
  3617. directive effect
  3618. directly-heated cathode
  3619. directory routing
  3620. disaccommodation factor
  3621. discharge rate
  3622. discontinuous command
  3623. discrete command
  3624. discrete cosine transform, DCT
  3625. discrete Hartley transform, DHT
  3626. discrete Hilbert transform
  3627. discrete time signal
  3628. discrete Walsh transform, DWT
  3629. discrete-address beacon system, DABS
  3630. discrete-time system
  3631. disk laser
  3632. dislocation density
  3633. dislocation free crystal
  3634. dislocation loop
  3635. dispenser cathode
  3636. dispersion characteristics
  3637. displacement transducer
  3638. display device
  3639. display panel
  3640. display screen
  3641. dissipation factor
  3642. dissipation power
  3643. distance measuring equipment, DME
  3644. distortion analyzer
  3645. distortion measure
  3646. distortion rate function
  3647. distributed Bragg reflection type laser, DBR type laser
  3648. distributed capacitance
  3649. distributed emission crossed-field amplifier
  3650. distributed feedback laser, DBF laser
  3651. distributed feedback semiconductor laser, DBF semiconductor laser
  3652. distributed parameter integrated circuit
  3653. distributed parameter network
  3654. distributed target
  3655. distribution service
  3656. ditch groove
  3657. dither tuned magnetron
  3658. division of airspace
  3659. Dolph-Chebyshev distribution
  3660. domain wall resonance
  3661. dome phase array antenna
  3662. doped oxide diffusion
  3663. doped polycrystalline silicon iffusion
  3664. Doppler broadening
  3665. Doppler VOR, DVOR
  3666. dose ratemeter
  3667. dosemeter
  3668. double diffusion
  3669. double electric layer capacitor
  3670. double heterojunction laser
  3671. double sampling
  3672. double-arm spectrometer
  3673. double-focusing mass spectrometer
  3674. doublet antenna
  3675. down link
  3676. drain conductance
  3677. drift chamber
  3678. drift klystron
  3679. drift mobility
  3680. drift region
  3681. driven oscillator
  3682. driving element
  3683. dry sealed vacuum pump
  3684. dry charged battery
  3685. dry discharged battery
  3686. dry etching
  3687. dry plate
  3688. dry-oxygen oxidation
  3689. dual gate field effect transistor
  3690. dual in-line package, DIP
  3691. dual mode traveling wave tube
  3692. dual network
  3693. dual-tone multifrequency, DTMF
  3694. dual-well CMOS
  3695. dummy cell
  3696. dummy load
  3697. duty cycle, duty factor
  3698. duty ratio
  3699. dye cell
  3700. dye laser
  3701. dye Q switching
  3702. dynamic ECG monitoring system, Holter system
  3703. dynamic filter
  3704. dynamic function survey meter
  3705. dynamic multiplexing
  3706. dynamic random access memory, DRAM
  3707. dynamic scattering mode, DSM
  3708. dynatron effect
  3709. dynode system, multiplier system
  3710. early failure period
  3711. earth observing system, EOS
  3712. earth resistance meter
  3713. ECCM improvement factor, EIF
  3714. ECG monitor
  3715. echo box
  3716. echo canceller
  3717. edge defined film fed growth
  3718. edge dislocation
  3719. edge effect
  3720. edge graph
  3721. edge-socket connector
  3722. effective core
  3723. effective isotropic radiated power, EIRP
  3724. EHF communication
  3725. einzel lens,simple lens
  3726. ejector vacuum pump
  3727. elastic compliance constant
  3728. elastic stiffness constant
  3729. electret microphone
  3730. electric cell fusion
  3731. electric potential gradient
  3732. electrical boresight
  3733. electrical engagement length
  3734. electrical error of null position
  3735. electrical micro-machine
  3736. electrically controlled birefrin gencemode, ECB mode
  3737. electrically tunable filter
  3738. electrically tunable oscillator
  3739. electrically-erasable programma-ble read only memory, EEPROM
  3740. electro anaesthesia
  3741. electrochemical power source, electrochemical cell
  3742. electrochemichromism
  3743. electrochromic display, ECD
  3744. electrocochleography
  3745. electrodermography
  3746. electrodynamic earphone, moving coil earphone
  3747. electrodynamic loudspeaker, moving coil loudspeaker
  3748. electrodynamic microphone, moving conductor mic
  3749. electroencephalic mapping
  3750. electrogastrography
  3751. electrohysterography
  3752. electrolithotrity
  3753. electroluminescence, EL
  3754. electroluminescent display, ELD
  3755. electromagnetic compatibility
  3756. electromagnetic lens
  3757. electromagnetic pump
  3758. electromagnetically operated valve
  3759. electromassage
  3760. electromechanical coupling factor
  3761. electromedication
  3762. electromyelography
  3763. electron beam pumped semicon ductor laser
  3764. electron induced desorption, EID
  3765. electron back bombardment
  3766. electron beam evaporation
  3767. electron beam exposure system
  3768. electron beam lithography
  3769. electron beam parametric amplifier
  3770. electron beam pumping, EBP
  3771. electron beam resist
  3772. electron beam semiconductor device, EBS device
  3773. electron beam slicing
  3774. electron block
  3775. electron cyclotron resonance heating, ECRH
  3776. electron double resonance spectroscopy, ELDORS
  3777. electron emission
  3778. electron energy loss spectroscopy, EELS
  3779. electron microprobe
  3780. electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy, ENDORS
  3781. electron physics
  3782. electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, ESCA
  3783. electron spin resonance spectroscopy
  3784. electron trajectory
  3785. electron trap
  3786. electronic camouflage
  3787. electronic ceramic
  3788. electronic counter-countermea-sures, ECCM
  3789. electronic countermeasures, ECM
  3790. electronic deception
  3791. electronic engineering
  3792. electronic instruments
  3793. electronic intelligence, ELINT
  3794. electronic mail, E-mail
  3795. electronic measurements
  3796. electronic mechanically steering
  3797. electronic security, ELSEC
  3798. electronic support measures, ESM
  3799. electronic telephone circuit, ETC
  3800. electronic voltmeter
  3801. electronically phased array sector scanning
  3802. electronically scanned radar
  3803. electrooculography
  3804. electrooptic ceramic
  3805. electrooptic crystal
  3806. electrooptic crystal light valve
  3807. electrooptic modulation
  3808. electrooptic Q switching
  3809. electrooptical countermeasures
  3810. electropathy, electrotherapy
  3811. electrophonocardiograph
  3812. electrophoretic display, EPD
  3813. electropneumography
  3814. electropuncture
  3815. electrosphygmomanometer
  3816. electrospirometer
  3817. electrostatic control
  3818. electrostatic discharge damage
  3819. electrostatic lens
  3820. electrostatic protection
  3821. electrostatic storage tube
  3822. electrostatically focused klystron
  3823. electrostethophone
  3824. electrostrictive ceramic
  3825. electrothermometer
  3826. electrotonometer
  3827. electrovectocardiography
  3828. element target
  3829. elemental semiconductor
  3830. elevation guidance unit
  3831. ELF communication
  3832. ellipsometry method
  3833. elliptic waveguide
  3834. EM shielded room
  3835. emission computerized tomography
  3836. emitter coupled logic
  3837. emitter dipping effect
  3838. emitter follower
  3839. emitter junction
  3840. emitter region
  3841. emphasis network
  3842. emphasis transmission, slope transmission
  3843. emulsion plate
  3844. encrypting key
  3845. end cell
  3846. end pumping
  3847. end voltage
  3848. end-equipment
  3849. end-fire array antenna
  3850. endpoint monitoring
  3851. energy calibration
  3852. energy storage capacitor
  3853. enhancement mode field effect transistor
  3854. enhancement-depletion mode logic
  3855. entropy power
  3856. envelope power
  3857. environment factor
  3858. environmental dosemeter
  3859. environmental test
  3860. enzyme sensor
  3861. epitaxial isolation
  3862. epitaxy defect
  3863. epitaxy stacking fault, ESF
  3864. epoxy transistor
  3865. equal ripple approximation
  3866. equiamplitude surface
  3867. equilibrium carrier
  3868. equivalent gap
  3869. equivalent radiant temperature
  3870. equivalent source theorem
  3871. erasable programmable read only memory, EPROM
  3872. erasing head
  3873. erasure channel
  3874. erbium laser
  3875. ergodic source
  3876. Erlang
  3877. error correcting code
  3878. error correction coding
  3879. error detection code
  3880. error display, F-scope
  3881. error field
  3882. error free channel
  3883. error locator
  3884. error pattern
  3885. error spread
  3886. error-circular radius
  3887. escaped depth
  3888. E-type device
  3889. evaporation ion pump
  3890. excess carrier
  3891. excess noise ratio
  3892. exchange, switch
  3893. excimer laser
  3894. exciter, driver
  3895. exciting voltage
  3896. excitron
  3897. execution command
  3898. exponential line
  3899. exposure ratemeter
  3900. extended interaction amplifier, EIA
  3901. extended interaction klystron, distributed interaction klystron
  3902. extended interaction oscillator, EIO
  3903. extended X-ray absorption fine structure, EXAFS
  3904. external photoelectric effect
  3905. external quantum efficiency
  3906. external reflection spectroscopy, ERS
  3907. external standard
  3908. extraction mark
  3909. extraction of model parameters
  3910. extractor vacuum gauge
  3911. extremum control
  3912. Fabry Perot resonator
  3913. face pumping
  3914. fail safe
  3915. failure diagnosis
  3916. fall-down test
  3917. false alarm probability
  3918. false alarm time
  3919. false command
  3920. false synchronization
  3921. fan-beam antenna
  3922. far infrared laser
  3923. fast charge
  3924. fast ion conduction
  3925. fast packet switching
  3926. fast time control, FTC
  3927. fault tree analysis, FTA
  3928. fax, facsimile
  3929. feature extraction
  3930. feed line
  3931. feed source
  3932. feedback check
  3933. feedback compensation
  3934. feedback loop
  3935. feed-through capacitor
  3936. feed-through type power meter
  3937. female contact
  3938. ferrite antenna
  3939. ferrite core memory
  3940. ferrite memory core
  3941. ferrite permanent magnet
  3942. ferroelectric ceramic
  3943. ferroelectric crystal
  3944. ferroelectric display
  3945. ferro-electric field effect transistor, FEFET
  3946. ferroelectric hysteresis loop
  3947. ferroelectric semiconducting glaze
  3948. ferromagnetic display
  3949. ferromagnetic resonance
  3950. ferromagnetic resonance linewidth
  3951. ferromagneto elastic
  3952. ferrooxide tape
  3953. fetal monitor
  3954. fiber cladding
  3955. fiber core
  3956. fiber laser
  3957. field emission microscopy, FEM
  3958. field induced junction
  3959. field ion mass spectroscopy, FIMS
  3960. field oxide
  3961. field strength meter
  3962. field-aided diffusion
  3963. filament transformer
  3964. fill factor
  3965. filler pulse
  3966. film cathode
  3967. film disk
  3968. film dosimeter
  3969. film inductor
  3970. film resistance
  3971. filtering capacitor
  3972. filter-press
  3973. fin line
  3974. final minification
  3975. finite impulse response, FIR
  3976. firing voltage, ignition voltage
  3977. first minification
  3978. first-order system
  3979. fishbone antenna
  3980. fixed capacitor
  3981. fixed failure number test
  3982. fixed inductor
  3983. fixed resistor
  3984. flag alarm
  3985. flap valve
  3986. flare computer
  3987. flare-out guidance unit
  3988. flat band voltage
  3989. flat cable, ribbon cable
  3990. flat cathode ray tube
  3991. flat flange, plain flange
  3992. flat packaging
  3993. flat squared picture tube, FS picture tube
  3994. flat transmission
  3995. flattop antenna
  3996. flexible conductor
  3997. flexible printed board
  3998. flexible solar cell array
  3999. flicker, scintillation
  4000. bistable triggerction circuit
  4001. float mounting connector
  4002. floating charge
  4003. floating gate avalanche injection MOSFET
  4004. floating gate avalanche injection type MOS memory, FAMOS memory
  4005. floating zone grown silicon, FZ Si
  4006. floating zone method
  4007. flood gun
  4008. flow conductance
  4009. flow conductance method
  4010. flow resistance
  4011. flowing gas CO2 laser
  4012. fluorescence linewidth
  4013. fluorescent character-display tube
  4014. flush-mounted antenna
  4015. retrace time
  4016. FM broadcasting
  4017. focal plane array
  4018. folded dipole antenna
  4019. folded slow wave line, zigzag slow wave line
  4020. fold-out type solar cell array
  4021. force sensor
  4022. forming circuit
  4023. forming, shaping
  4024. forsterite ceramic
  4025. forward error correction, FEC
  4026. forward loss
  4027. forward velocity triangle
  4028. forward wave
  4029. forward-looking infrared system, FLIS
  4030. four level system
  4031. four probe method
  4032. four wave mixing
  4033. Fourier analyzer
  4034. four-terminal network
  4035. four-wire system
  4036. fraction defective
  4037. frame alignment
  4038. frame output transformer
  4039. free connector
  4040. free electron laser, FEL
  4041. free-space loss
  4042. frequency agile magnetron
  4043. frequency decorrelation
  4044. frequency deviation meter
  4045. frequency diversity radar
  4046. frequency division
  4047. frequency division command
  4048. frequency division multiple access, FDMA
  4049. frequency division multiplexing
  4050. frequency division telemetry
  4051. frequency domain measurement
  4052. frequency histogram
  4053. frequency inversion
  4054. frequency jitter
  4055. frequency measurement
  4056. frequency memory
  4057. frequency modulated transmitter, FM transmitter
  4058. frequency modulating laser
  4059. frequency modulation distortion
  4060. frequency modulation, FM
  4061. frequency multiplication
  4062. frequency multiplier chain
  4063. frequency pulling
  4064. frequency selective amplifier
  4065. frequency staggering
  4066. frequency step
  4067. frequency up conversion
  4068. frequency-agile radar
  4069. frequency-domain automatic network analyzer, FDANA
  4070. frequency-domain equalizer
  4071. frequency-modulation radar
  4072. frequency-scan radar
  4073. Fresnel contour
  4074. Fresnel number
  4075. full color display
  4076. functional ceramic
  4077. functional electrostimulation, FES
  4078. functional material
  4079. functional neuromuscular stimulation, FNS
  4080. fundamental wave
  4081. fusing resistor
  4082. fuzzy information
  4083. GaAs PN junction injection laser
  4084. gain margin
  4085. gain saturation
  4086. gait analysis system
  4087. gallium arsenide solar cell
  4088. galvanic cell
  4089. gamma camera
  4090. gamma-ray spectrometer
  4091. gas ballast vacuum pump
  4092. gas discharge
  4093. gas discharge tube
  4094. gas discharging radiation counter tube
  4095. gas filled tube, gaseous tube
  4096. gas flow detector
  4097. gas ionization
  4098. gas ionization potential
  4099. gas laser
  4100. gas sensor
  4101. gas source diffusion
  4102. gasdynamic laser
  4103. gas-filled rectifier tube
  4104. gas-filled surge arrester
  4105. gas-phase mass transfer coefficient
  4106. gate array method
  4107. gate propagation delay
  4108. gated integrator
  4109. Gaussian beam
  4110. Ge (Li) detector
  4111. Geiger-M ller region
  4112. general-purpose interface bus, GPIB
  4113. general-purpose oscilloscope
  4114. geometric code
  4115. geometric dilution of precision
  4116. getter ion pump
  4117. getter pump
  4118. giant group
  4119. giant pulse laser
  4120. giant pulse technique
  4121. giant scale display
  4122. glass bulb, glass envelope
  4123. glass packaging
  4124. glide path beacon
  4125. glint error
  4126. global positioning system, GPS
  4127. glow discharge tube
  4128. grade of service, GOS
  4129. graded index
  4130. gradient template
  4131. grammatical inference
  4132. graph grammar
  4133. graphical display
  4134. graphite susceptor
  4135. gravimetric specific energy
  4136. gravimetric specific power
  4137. grey body
  4138. grid network
  4139. ground controlled approach system
  4140. ground-based navigation aid
  4141. group control
  4142. group repetition interval, GRI
  4143. group signalling
  4144. growth hillock
  4145. growth orientation
  4146. guest host effect, GH effect
  4147. guidance radar
  4148. Gunn effect oscillator
  4149. gyro amplifier
  4150. gyro oscillator
  4151. gyroelectric medium
  4152. gyromagnetic device
  4153. gyromagnetic effect
  4154. gyromagnetic filter
  4155. gyromagnetic limiter
  4156. gyromagnetic medium
  4157. gyromagnetic oscillator
  4158. gyromagnetic ratio
  4159. gyro-magnetron
  4160. gyro-peniotron
  4161. gyrotron, electron cyclotron
  4162. gyro-TWA
  4163. H number
  4164. habit face
  4165. half concentric resonator
  4166. half confocal resonator
  4167. half-power point
  4168. half-section network
  4169. halide leak detector
  4170. Hall-effect device
  4171. halogen counter
  4172. harbor surveillance radar
  4173. hard-switch modulator
  4174. hazard-free flip-flop
  4175. heading of station
  4176. head-up indicator
  4177. heat sensitive ferrite
  4178. heat transportation
  4179. heat-shielded cathode
  4180. heavily doped semiconductor
  4181. height-finding radar
  4182. helical potentiometer
  4183. helium cadmium laser
  4184. helium neon laser
  4185. helium-3 counter
  4186. helix slow wave line
  4187. helix-coupled vane circuit
  4188. helmet mounted display
  4189. hermaphroditic contact
  4190. heterojunction bipolar transistor, HBT
  4191. heterojunction solar cell
  4192. heterojunction transistor
  4193. heuristic routing
  4194. hexagonal ferrite
  4195. HF communication
  4196. hierarchical design method
  4197. hierarchical network
  4198. high definition TV
  4199. high density electron beam optics
  4200. high electron mobility transistor, HEMT
  4201. high energy particle spectrometer
  4202. high order mode
  4203. high pressure oxidation
  4204. high pressure tunable CO2 laser
  4205. high purity germanium spectrometer
  4206. high Q inductor
  4207. high resolution image spectrometer, HIRIS
  4208. high resolution plate, HRP
  4209. high threshold logic, HTL
  4210. high usage trunk
  4211. high voltage resistor
  4212. high voltage silicon stack
  4213. high-field domain avalanche oscillation
  4214. high-frequency discharge
  4215. high-temperature test
  4216. Hilbert transform, HT
  4217. hoghorn antenna
  4218. hold-in range
  4219. holding vacuum pump
  4220. hole and slot resonator
  4221. hole burning effect
  4222. hole trap
  4223. hollow electron beam
  4224. holographic information storage
  4225. holographic mask technology
  4226. holographical display
  4227. homeotropic alignment
  4228. homogeneous alignment
  4229. homogeneous nucleation
  4230. homojunction laser
  4231. homojunction solar cell
  4232. homomorphic processing
  4233. horn reflector antenna
  4234. hot cathode ionization gauge
  4235. hot cathode magnetron gauge
  4236. hot electron transistor
  4237. hot extrusion
  4238. hot pressing
  4239. hot wall reactor
  4240. hub interconnection
  4241. humid heat test
  4242. humid test
  4243. humidity sensor
  4244. hybrid access
  4245. hybrid aligned nematic display structuremode, HAN display structure mode
  4246. hybrid relay
  4247. hybrid satellite system
  4248. hybridization frequency
  4249. hydrazine-air fuel cell
  4250. hydro thermal method
  4251. hyperbolic lens
  4252. hypothetical reference connection
  4253. hysteresis synchronous motor
  4254. ideal frequency domain filter
  4255. ideal time domain filter, ITDF
  4256. identification of friend or foe, IFF
  4257. IF rejection ratio
  4258. ignition current
  4259. ignition time
  4260. ignitor firing time
  4261. image channel
  4262. image converter tube
  4263. image display
  4264. image formation
  4265. image frequency interference
  4266. image intensifier
  4267. image motion compensation
  4268. image parameter
  4269. image recovery mixer
  4270. image rejection mixer
  4271. image rejection ratio
  4272. image smoothing
  4273. imaging plane
  4274. imaging radar
  4275. immersed electron gun
  4276. immersion objective lens
  4277. immittance bridge
  4278. immittance, adpedance
  4279. immune sensor
  4280. impact avalanche transit time diode, IMPATT diode
  4281. impedance cardiography
  4282. impedance chart
  4283. implanted electrode
  4284. impulse radar
  4285. impurity cluster
  4286. in line gun
  4287. in line holography
  4288. in place computation
  4289. in-band signalling
  4290. inbound link
  4291. incandescent display
  4292. incoherent grain boundary
  4293. incorporated scan
  4294. indication, indicated value
  4295. indicator with extracter
  4296. indirect recombination
  4297. indirectly-heated cathode
  4298. individual baseline
  4299. induction phase shifter
  4300. inertial damping servomotor
  4301. inertialess scanning
  4302. infinite impulse response, IIR
  4303. influence quantity
  4304. information code
  4305. information display
  4306. information distribution system
  4307. information extraction
  4308. information network
  4309. infrared bonding
  4310. infrared interference method
  4311. infrared line scanner
  4312. infrared night-vision system
  4313. infrared transmitting ceramic
  4314. infrared transmitting crystal
  4315. ingot grinding
  4316. inherent filtration
  4317. inherent weakness failure
  4318. initial inspection
  4319. injection electroluminescence
  4320. injection locking technique
  4321. injection moulding
  4322. injection pumping
  4323. injection station
  4324. in-line package switch
  4325. inner lead bonding
  4326. inorganic resist
  4327. insertion force
  4328. insertion test signal, ITS
  4329. in-slot signalling
  4330. inspection by attributes
  4331. inspection by variables
  4332. inspection lot
  4333. instantaneous field of view, IFOV
  4334. instantaneous frequency measurement receiver, IFM receiver
  4335. instrument flight rules, IFR
  4336. insulated gate field effect transistor
  4337. insulation resistance meter
  4338. insurance period
  4339. integrated circuit, IC
  4340. integrated digital network, IDN
  4341. integrated diode solar cell
  4342. integrated inductor
  4343. integrated injection logic, I2L
  4344. integrated optoelectronics
  4345. integrated sensor
  4346. integrated services digital net-work, ISDN
  4347. intelligent instrument, smart instrument
  4348. intelligent network
  4349. intelligent robot
  4350. intelligent sensor
  4351. intelligent terminal
  4352. intelligent time division multip-lexer
  4353. intensity modulation, IM
  4354. intensive care unit, ICU
  4355. interactive layout system
  4356. interactive service
  4357. intercardinal plane
  4358. intercept probability
  4359. inter-clutter visibility
  4360. interface reaction-rate constant
  4361. interface specification
  4362. interface trapped charge
  4363. interfacial state
  4364. interference measuring set
  4365. interferometer antenna
  4366. interleaved code
  4367. interleaved pulse train
  4368. intermediate flow
  4369. intermediate frequency amplifier
  4370. intermediate frequency transformer, IF transformer
  4371. intermediate layer
  4372. intermetallic compound semiconductor
  4373. intermittent discharge
  4374. inter-modal dispersion
  4375. internal gas detector
  4376. internal photoelectric effect
  4377. internal quantum efficiency
  4378. internal reflection spectroscopy, IRS
  4379. internal standardization
  4380. interrogation mode
  4381. intersatellite laser communication
  4382. interstitial cluster
  4383. interstitial diffusion
  4384. intersymbol interference
  4385. intracavity gas laser
  4386. intra-clutter visibility
  4387. intra-modal dispersion
  4388. intrinsic carrier
  4389. intrinsic electroluminescence
  4390. intrinsic error
  4391. intrinsic gettering technology
  4392. intrinsic quality factor
  4393. inverse coaxial magnetron
  4394. inverse gain jamming
  4395. inverse synthetic aperture radar
  4396. inverse TACAN
  4397. inverted Lamb dip
  4398. invertor
  4399. invisible range
  4400. ion beam coating, IBC
  4401. ion beam deposition, IBD
  4402. ion beam epitaxy, IBE
  4403. ion beam evaporation
  4404. ion beam lithography
  4405. ion beam milling
  4406. ion beam polishing
  4407. ion bombardment
  4408. ion burn
  4409. ion cyclotron resonance heating, ICRH
  4410. ion gas laser
  4411. ion implanter
  4412. ion microanalysis
  4413. ion microprobe
  4414. ion neutralization spectroscopy, INS
  4415. ion oscillation
  4416. ion plating
  4417. ion scattering spectroscopy, ISS
  4418. ion sensitive FET, ISFET
  4419. ion sensor
  4420. ion source
  4421. ion-exchange membrane hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell
  4422. ionic crystal semiconductor
  4423. ionic tube
  4424. ionization chamber with compensation
  4425. ionization ratio
  4426. ionization relaxation oscillation
  4427. ionized-cluster beam deposition, ICBD
  4428. ionized-cluster beam epitaxy, ICBE
  4429. ionospheric propagation
  4430. ionospheric scatter communication
  4431. ion-sound shock-wave
  4432. iron-nickel storage battery
  4433. island effect
  4434. isoelectronic center
  4435. isolated amplifier
  4436. isolation by oxidized porous silicon, IOPS
  4437. isolation technology
  4438. isoplanar integrated injection logic, IIIL
  4439. isoplanar isolation
  4440. isoplanar process
  4441. isostatic pressing
  4442. isothermal annealing
  4443. isotropic etching
  4444. isotropic medium
  4445. jamming equation
  4446. Josephson tunneling logic
  4447. joy stick
  4448. junction circulator
  4449. junction depth
  4450. junction field effect transistor
  4451. junction resistance
  4452. Karp line
  4453. keep alive
  4454. Kell factor
  4455. key hierarchy
  4456. keyboard tape punch
  4457. kinetic vacuum pump
  4458. knee sensitivity
  4459. k-out-of-n system, voting system
  4460. Lamb dip
  4461. Lamb noise silencing circuit
  4462. laminar electron beam
  4463. laminar gun
  4464. landing radar
  4465. landing standard
  4466. lane identification
  4467. lane width
  4468. Langmuir-Blodgett film
  4469. lanthanium titanate, LT
  4470. large scale display
  4471. large scale integrated circuit
  4472. large-signal analysis
  4473. Larmor rotation
  4474. laser bonding
  4475. laser ceilometer
  4476. laser channel marker
  4477. laser cutting
  4478. laser damage
  4479. laser deposition
  4480. laser Doppler radar
  4481. laser drilling
  4482. laser dye
  4483. laser evaporation
  4484. laser fracturing
  4485. laser fusion
  4486. laser grooving
  4487. laser gyro
  4488. laser interferometer
  4489. laser isotope separation
  4490. laser linewidth
  4491. laser microprobe mass analyser, LAMMA
  4492. laser oscillation condition
  4493. laser oscillator
  4494. laser processing
  4495. laser produced plasma
  4496. laser pumping
  4497. laser recrystallization
  4498. laser spectroscopy
  4499. laser transmission
  4500. laser welding
  4501. laser-induced chemical vapor deposition, LICVD
  4502. latching relay
  4503. latch-up
  4504. late potential
  4505. lateral parasitic transistor
  4506. lattice curvature
  4507. lattice match
  4508. lattice orientation
  4509. lattice plane
  4510. layer-built dry cell
  4511. layout design automation system, DA system
  4512. layout rule check, LRC
  4513. lead accumulator, lead storage battery
  4514. lead bonding
  4515. lead code
  4516. lead frame bonding
  4517. lead system
  4518. lead zirconate titanate ceramic
  4519. leak detection
  4520. leak rate
  4521. leakage noise
  4522. leakage power
  4523. leakage-check test
  4524. leaky coaxial cable
  4525. leaky-wave antenna
  4526. least square error approximation
  4527. left characteristic
  4528. lengthened code
  4529. level meter
  4530. level-shifting diode
  4531. LF communication
  4532. Liapunov's stability criterion
  4533. lift-off technology
  4534. light emitting diode, LED
  4535. light deflection
  4536. light pipe
  4537. light self trapping
  4538. light valve, LV
  4539. lightly doped drain technology, LDD technology
  4540. limited torque motor
  4541. limiting quality
  4542. Lindhand Scharff and Schiott theory
  4543. line defect
  4544. line of constant Doppler shift
  4545. line output transformer
  4546. line pairs
  4547. line scanning
  4548. line source
  4549. line spread function
  4550. linear array scan
  4551. linear graded junction
  4552. linear network
  4553. linear phase filter
  4554. linear ratemeter
  4555. linear revolver
  4556. linear sliding potentiometer
  4557. linear Taylor distribution
  4558. Lippmann holography
  4559. liquid sealed vacuum pump
  4560. liquid crystal display, LCD
  4561. liquid crystal light valve, LCLV
  4562. liquid encapsulation Czochralski method, LEC method
  4563. liquid encapsulation technique
  4564. liquid level manometer
  4565. liquid phase epitaxy
  4566. liquid ring vacuum pump
  4567. liquid source diffusion
  4568. list code
  4569. lithium germanate
  4570. lithium germanium oxide, LGO
  4571. lithium iodate, LI
  4572. lithium niobate, LN
  4573. lithium storage battery
  4574. lithium tantalate, LT
  4575. lithium-iodine cell
  4576. live time
  4577. load voltage
  4578. loaded quality factor
  4579. lobe-on-receive only, LORO
  4580. local area network, LAN
  4581. local network
  4582. local telephone
  4583. location hole
  4584. location notch
  4585. locked-rotor characteristic
  4586. locked-rotor exciting current
  4587. locked-rotor exciting power
  4588. locked-rotor torque
  4589. logarithm periodic antenna
  4590. logarithmic ratemeter
  4591. logic signature analyzer
  4592. logic state analyzer
  4593. logic swing
  4594. logic trouble-shooting tool
  4595. long line
  4596. long range and tactical navigation system, LORTAN
  4597. long range navigation
  4598. longitudinal mode selection
  4599. look-through
  4600. Loran communication
  4601. Loran retransmission, LORET
  4602. Loran-C timing
  4603. losing lock
  4604. lot size, batch size
  4605. lot tolerance percent defective
  4606. lot, batch
  4607. loud speaker
  4608. low alkali ceramic
  4609. low altitude surveillance radar, LASR
  4610. low atmospheric pressure test
  4611. low density electron beam optics
  4612. low energy electron diffraction
  4613. low energy ion scattering, LEIS
  4614. low pressure chemical vapor deposition, LPCVD
  4615. low pressure plasma deposition
  4616. low probability of intercept radar, LP radar
  4617. low vacuum
  4618. lower category temperature
  4619. lower-level threshold
  4620. low-light level night vision device
  4621. low-light level television, LLLTV
  4622. low-temperature test
  4623. luminous efficacy
  4624. lumped parameter network
  4625. M mode ultrasonic scanning
  4626. m sequence
  4627. macro cell
  4628. magnescale
  4629. magnesia lanthana titania system ceramic
  4630. magnet yoke
  4631. magnetic aging
  4632. magnetic bearing of station
  4633. magnetic cooling
  4634. magnetic energy product
  4635. magnetic field Czochralski method
  4636. magnetic head gap
  4637. magnetic injection gun, MIG
  4638. magnetic latching relay
  4639. magnetic level
  4640. magnetic memory
  4641. magnetic permeability, permeability
  4642. magnetic powder
  4643. magnetic sensor
  4644. magnetic shielded gun
  4645. magnetic suspension
  4646. magnetic suspension spinning rotor vacuum gauge
  4647. magnetic susptibility, susceptibility
  4648. magnetic viscosity
  4649. magnetic wiggler
  4650. magneto optic display
  4651. magneto caloric effect
  4652. magneto optical disk
  4653. magneto optical effect
  4654. magneto optical modulator
  4655. magneto plumbite type ferrite
  4656. magneto resistance effect
  4657. magneto-electric relay
  4658. magnetomotive force, MMF
  4659. magnetomyography
  4660. magnetooculography
  4661. magnetopneumography
  4662. magnetostatic pump
  4663. magnetostatic surface wave
  4664. magnetostatic wave
  4665. magnetron sputtering
  4666. main cavity
  4667. main pump
  4668. maintaining period
  4669. majority decoding
  4670. male contact
  4671. man machine communication
  4672. manual command
  4673. maser, microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
  4674. mask aligner
  4675. mask alignment
  4676. mask-making technology
  4677. master mask
  4678. master slice
  4679. master-slave flip-flop
  4680. matching section
  4681. matrix display
  4682. matrix receiver
  4683. maximally flat amplitude approxiation
  4684. maximally flat delay approximation
  4685. maximum entropy estimation
  4686. maximum phase system
  4687. mean time to failure, MTTF
  4688. measurement standard
  4689. measuring equipment
  4690. mechanical polishing
  4691. mechanical quality factor
  4692. mechanical sector scan
  4693. mechanical test
  4694. mechanically activated battery
  4695. medical cyclotron
  4696. medical electron linear accelerator
  4697. medium energy electron diffraction, MEED
  4698. medium scale integrated circuit
  4699. membrane filtration
  4700. memory circuit
  4701. memory effect
  4702. memory margin
  4703. mercury-arc rectifier
  4704. mercury-pool cathode
  4705. mercury-pool rectifier
  4706. mesh cathode
  4707. mesomeric vision
  4708. message handling system, MHS
  4709. messaging service
  4710. metabolic imaging
  4711. metal film potentiometer
  4712. metal glaze potentiometer
  4713. metal glaze resistor
  4714. metal soft magnetic material
  4715. metal tape
  4716. metal vapor laser
  4717. metal-air cell
  4718. metal-Al2O3-oxide-semicon-ductor field effect transistor, MAOSFET
  4719. metal-clad plate
  4720. metal-isolator-semiconductor solar cell, MIS solar cell
  4721. metalized paper capacitor
  4722. metallic packaging
  4723. metallorganic CVD, MOCVD
  4724. metallurgical grade silicon
  4725. metal-nitride-oxide-semicon-ductor field effect transistor
  4726. metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor
  4727. metal-semiconductor field effect transistor, MESFET
  4728. meteoric trail communication
  4729. meteorological radar, weather radar
  4730. method of measurement
  4731. methodical error
  4732. MF communication
  4733. micro adjustable valve
  4734. micro Omega
  4735. microbial sensor
  4736. microchannel plate cathode ray tube, MCPCRT
  4737. micro-channel plate detector
  4738. microchannel plate, MCP
  4739. microgroove record, long playing record
  4740. micropackaging
  4741. micropower integrated circuit
  4742. microscan receiver
  4743. microwave absorbing material
  4744. microwave active spectrometer, MAS
  4745. microwave course beacon
  4746. microwave electronics
  4747. microwave ferrite
  4748. microwave gas discharge duplexer
  4749. microwave hologram radar
  4750. microwave hybrid integrated circuit
  4751. microwave integrated circuit
  4752. microwave landing system, MLS
  4753. microwave magnetics
  4754. microwave radio relay communica-tion
  4755. microwave radiometer, MR
  4756. microwave scatterometer
  4757. microwave thermography
  4758. microwave united carrier system
  4759. middle inspection
  4760. Mie's scattering laser radar
  4761. Miller integrating circuit
  4762. Mills cross antenna
  4763. minimum detectable signal-to-noise ratio
  4764. minimum detectable temperature difference
  4765. minimum entropy decoding
  4766. minimum entropy estimation
  4767. minimum-phase network
  4768. minimum-time problem
  4769. misconvergence
  4770. misjudgement failure
  4771. mismatch error
  4772. mismatched termination
  4773. missing command
  4774. mission failure rate
  4775. misuse failure
  4776. mixed path
  4777. mobile defect
  4778. mobile radio station
  4779. mobile satellite communication
  4780. mobility aids
  4781. mode converter, mode transducer
  4782. mode jump
  4783. mode locking
  4784. mode pulling effect
  4785. mode selection by short cavity
  4786. mode selection technique
  4787. modes change-over disturbance
  4788. modulation transfer function, MTF
  4789. modulation-doped field effect transistor, MODFET
  4790. modulator vacuum gauge
  4791. moisture test
  4792. molecular beam epitaxy, MBE
  4793. molecular device
  4794. molecular drag pump
  4795. molecular effusion, effusive flow
  4796. molecular flow
  4797. molecular oscillator
  4798. molecular sieve trap
  4799. molten salt growth method
  4800. molybdenum gate MOS integrated circuit
  4801. molybdenum gate technology
  4802. momentary charge
  4803. monochrome display
  4804. monolithic ceramic capacitor
  4805. monolithic computer
  4806. monolithic microwave integrated circuit, MMIC
  4807. monolithic microwave intergrated amplifier
  4808. monostable trigger-action circuit
  4809. monostatic radar
  4810. MOS memory
  4811. MOS process technology
  4812. moth bite test
  4813. mould test
  4814. mounting technology
  4815. moving coil microphone
  4816. moving target indication radar, MTI radar
  4817. MQW semiconductor laser
  4818. M-type device
  4819. multi photon absorption
  4820. multialkali photocathode
  4821. multi-beam antenna
  4822. multicavity magnetron
  4823. multichannel analyser
  4824. multichannel telemetry
  4825. multichrome penetration screen
  4826. multiformator
  4827. multiframe
  4828. multijunction solar cell
  4829. multilayer dielectric passivation
  4830. multilayer printed board
  4831. multilayer wiring
  4832. multilevel metallization
  4833. multilevel resist
  4834. multipersistence penetration screen
  4835. multiple access channel
  4836. multiple ribbon growth
  4837. multiple sampling
  4838. multiple user information theory
  4839. multiple-beam radar
  4840. multi-port network
  4841. multiscaler
  4842. multispectral camera
  4843. multistation Doppler system
  4844. multi-step avalanche chamber
  4845. multi-tone command
  4846. multiwire proportional chamber
  4847. mutually synchronized network
  4848. N type semiconductor
  4849. narrow band filter
  4850. narrow channel effect
  4851. narrow gap semiconductor
  4852. national airspace system, NAS
  4853. National Television System Committee system, NTSC system
  4854. natural climate test
  4855. natural linewidth
  4856. navigation by map-matching
  4857. navigation system of synchronous satellite
  4858. N-channel MOS integrated circuit
  4859. near-Gaussian pulse shaping
  4860. Neel temperature, Neel point
  4861. negation gate, NOT gate
  4862. negative absorption
  4863. negative acknowledgement, NAK
  4864. negative differential mobility
  4865. negative electrode
  4866. negative electron affinity cathode, NEA cathode
  4867. negative electron affinity, NEA
  4868. negative feedback amplifier
  4869. negative photoresist
  4870. nematic liquid crystal
  4871. neodymium crystal laser
  4872. neodymium glass laser
  4873. neodymium pentaphosphate laser
  4874. neonatal monitor
  4875. nephros function meter
  4876. net area
  4877. network analyzer, NA
  4878. network function
  4879. neural net, neural network
  4880. neural network computer
  4881. neural network model
  4882. neutron counter tube
  4883. neutron monitor
  4884. neutron transmutation doping, NTD
  4885. nibble address buffer
  4886. nickel matrix cathode
  4887. niobate system ceramic
  4888. nitrogen molecular laser
  4889. nodal analysis method
  4890. noise equivalent power, NEP
  4891. noise equivalent reflectance
  4892. noise equivalent temperature difference, NETD
  4893. noise figure meter
  4894. noise jamming
  4895. noise radar
  4896. noise tube
  4897. noiseless coding theorem
  4898. nominal capacity
  4899. non equilibrium carrier
  4900. non minimum phase system
  4901. non stationary channel
  4902. non-blocking switch
  4903. nondirectional beacon, NDB
  4904. non-hierarchical network
  4905. nonlinear optical crystal
  4906. nonlinear optical effect
  4907. nonlinear photomixing
  4908. nonplanar network
  4909. nonradiative recombination
  4910. nonreciprocal network
  4911. nonreciprocal phase-shifter
  4912. non-self-maintained discharge
  4913. nonterminal character
  4914. non-threshold logic, NTL
  4915. non-volatile semiconductor memory
  4916. non-wire wound potentiometer
  4917. norator
  4918. normal charge
  4919. normal freezing
  4920. normal glow discharge
  4921. normalized detectivity
  4922. normally off device
  4923. normally on device
  4924. north reference pulse
  4925. nuclear battery
  4926. nuclear electronics
  4927. nuclear magnetic resonance computerized tomography, NMRCT
  4928. nuclear magnetic resonance detector
  4929. nuclear pumping
  4930. nuclear stethoscope
  4931. nuclide linear scanner
  4932. nude gauge
  4933. null depth of difference beam
  4934. null voltage
  4935. nullator
  4936. nullor
  4937. null-type direction finding
  4938. numerical aperture, NA
  4939. N-well CMOS
  4940. object wave
  4941. off axis holography
  4942. off line
  4943. offset voltage
  4944. ohmic heating
  4945. oil free pump system
  4946. oil free vacuum
  4947. oil sealed vacuum pump
  4948. oil film light valve
  4949. Omega segment synchronization
  4950. Omega sky wave correction table
  4951. Omega system
  4952. omegatron mass spectrometer
  4953. omnidirectional microphone
  4954. omnidirectional range
  4955. once command
  4956. one sided sequence
  4957. opaque photocathode
  4958. open circuit termination
  4959. open-circuit line
  4960. open-loop frequency response
  4961. operating time
  4962. operational room monitor
  4963. operator factor
  4964. optic fiber gyroscope
  4965. optical attenuator
  4966. optical biasing
  4967. optical bistable device
  4968. optical cable connector
  4969. optical fiber connector
  4970. optical fiber dispersion
  4971. optical fiber splice
  4972. optical frequency standard
  4973. optical heterodyne detection
  4974. optical homodyne detection
  4975. optical information processing
  4976. optical injector
  4977. optical nutation
  4978. optical parametric amplification
  4979. optical parametric oscillation
  4980. optical projection exposure method
  4981. optical pump
  4982. optical receiver
  4983. optical resonator, optical cavity
  4984. optical soliton
  4985. optical storage
  4986. optical time domain reflectometer, OTDR
  4987. optical transmitter
  4988. optical-mechanical scanner
  4989. optimal control theory
  4990. optoelectronic IC, OEIC
  4991. orbit altitude
  4992. orbitron
  4993. organic chelate liquid laser
  4994. organic counter
  4995. oriented solar cell array
  4996. orotron
  4997. oscillation mode
  4998. O-type device
  4999. outdiffusion
  5000. outer lead bonding
  5001. out-of-band signalling
  5002. output cavity
  5003. output resistance
  5004. out-slot signalling
  5005. over convergence
  5006. over-the-horizon radar, OTH radar
  5007. oxidation mask
  5008. oxidation-enhanced diffusion, OED
  5009. oxidation-induced defect
  5010. oxidation-induced stacking fault
  5011. oxide trapped charge
  5012. package factor
  5013. packaging technology, mounting technology, assembling technology
  5014. packet assembly and disassembly, PAD
  5015. pair of stations
  5016. panel TV
  5017. panoramic indicator
  5018. panoramic spectrum analyzer
  5019. paper tape reperforator
  5020. paper-lined dry cell
  5021. para tellurite crystal
  5022. parabolic torus antenna
  5023. parallel polarization
  5024. parametric detection
  5025. parametric mixer
  5026. parametric test
  5027. parasitic amplitude modulation
  5028. parasitic echo
  5029. parasitic emission
  5030. parasitic feedback
  5031. parasitic frequency
  5032. partial dislocation
  5033. partial inversion
  5034. partial pressure analyser
  5035. partial pressure vacuum gauge
  5036. Paschen curve
  5037. pass band
  5038. passivation technology
  5039. passive cavity
  5040. passive component
  5041. passive detection
  5042. passive display
  5043. passive guidance
  5044. passive jamming
  5045. passive mode locking
  5046. passive tracking
  5047. pattern distortion
  5048. pattern generator
  5049. pattern matching
  5050. pattern primitives
  5051. P-channel MOS integrated circuit
  5052. peak control power at locked-rotor
  5053. peak current at locked-rotor
  5054. peak power meter
  5055. peak searching
  5056. peniotron
  5057. Penning vacuum gauge
  5058. perfect dislocation
  5059. perfect medium
  5060. performance characteristic
  5061. perinatal monitor
  5062. period meter for reactor
  5063. peripheral interface
  5064. permanent magnetic material
  5065. permeable base transistor
  5066. perpendicular polarization
  5067. persistence, after glow
  5068. personal communication network, PCN
  5069. personal mobile communication
  5070. pH sensor
  5071. Phase Alternation Line system, PAL system
  5072. phase array
  5073. phase bunching
  5074. phase comparison positioning
  5075. phase conjugation
  5076. phase detection
  5077. phase matching angle
  5078. phase modulated transmitter, PM transmitter
  5079. phase modulation, PM
  5080. phase reference voltage
  5081. phase sensitive amplifier
  5082. phase shift keying, PSK
  5083. phase shift oscillator
  5084. phase spectrum estimation
  5085. phase step
  5086. phased array radar
  5087. phase-delay of difference frequ-ency
  5088. phase-frequency characteristic
  5089. phase-lag network
  5090. phase-lead network
  5091. phase-lock
  5092. phase-locked frequency discriminator
  5093. phase-locked loop
  5094. phase-locked oscillator
  5095. phase-scan radar
  5096. phase-shift constant
  5097. phase-shift discriminator
  5098. phase-shift network
  5099. phosphor screen
  5100. phosphoric acid fuel cell
  5101. phosphorosilicate glass
  5102. photaceram
  5103. photo ionization
  5104. photoacoustic Raman spectros-copy, PARS
  5105. photoacoustic spectroscopy, PAS
  5106. photochromic glass
  5107. photoconductivity decay
  5108. photodoping
  5109. photoelectric conversion efficiency
  5110. photoelectrochemical cell
  5111. photoluminescence detector
  5112. photoluminescent dosemeter
  5113. photomagnetic effect
  5114. photon echo
  5115. photoresist coating
  5116. photo-sensor, optical sensor
  5117. photovoltaic device
  5118. physical electronics
  5119. physical power source
  5120. physical sensor
  5121. physical vapor deposition, PVD
  5122. picture distortion
  5123. piezoelectric ceramic
  5124. piezoelectric ceramic delay line
  5125. piezoelectric flowmeter
  5126. piezoelectric gyroscope
  5127. piezoelectric pressure sensor
  5128. piezoelectric sensor
  5129. piezoelectric tuning fork
  5130. piezoelectric vibrator
  5131. piezomagnetic effect
  5132. piezomagnetic material
  5133. pile-up effect
  5134. pile-up rejection
  5135. pillbox antenna
  5136. pilot warning indicator, PWI
  5137. PIN junction diode
  5138. pincushion distortion
  5139. pinhole lens
  5140. Pirani gauge
  5141. piston vacuum pump
  5142. piston, plunger
  5143. pixel, picture element
  5144. plain conductor
  5145. plain joint
  5146. plan position indicator, PPI
  5147. planar defect
  5148. planar ferrite
  5149. planar technology
  5150. plasma diagnostic
  5151. plasma display panel, PDP
  5152. plasma display, PD
  5153. plasma etching
  5154. plasma instability
  5155. plasma oxidation
  5156. plasma sputtering
  5157. plasma-coupled device, PCD
  5158. plasma-enhanced CVD, PECVD
  5159. plastic film capacitor
  5160. plastic package
  5161. plate for ultra-microminiaturization
  5162. plateau slope
  5163. plated-through hole
  5164. plex grammar
  5165. plotting tablet
  5166. plug-in discharge tube
  5167. PN junction
  5168. PN junction detector
  5169. PN junction diode
  5170. PN junction isolation
  5171. PNPN negative resistance laser
  5172. Pockels cell
  5173. Poincare sphere
  5174. point contact solar cell
  5175. point graph
  5176. point spread function
  5177. point to multipoint communication
  5178. point to point communication
  5179. poisoning of cathode
  5180. polar capacitor
  5181. pole-zero cancellation
  5182. pole-zero method
  5183. polycell method
  5184. polycide gate
  5185. polycrystalline silicon solar cell
  5186. polysilicon emitter transistor, PET
  5187. ponderomotive force
  5188. porous ceramic
  5189. porous glass
  5190. position fixing
  5191. position line, PL, line of position, LOP
  5192. position location reporting system
  5193. position repetitive error
  5194. position root-mean-square error
  5195. position sensitive detector
  5196. position transducer
  5197. positive photoresist
  5198. positron emission computerized tomography, PECT
  5199. positron spectroscope
  5200. post deflection acceleration
  5201. postbaking
  5202. potassium dideuterium phosphate, DKDP
  5203. potassium dihydrogen phosphate, KDP
  5204. potassium niobate, KN
  5205. potassium tantalate niobate, KTN
  5206. Potter horn
  5207. powder electroluminescence, PEL
  5208. power divider, power splitter
  5209. power electronics
  5210. power management
  5211. power meter
  5212. power reflectance
  5213. power source, power supply
  5214. power spectrum estimation
  5215. power transmittance
  5216. precharge cycle
  5217. precise VOR, PVOR
  5218. precision approach radar
  5219. precision distance measuring equipment, PDME
  5220. precision potentiometer
  5221. precision resistor
  5222. preemphasis network
  5223. preferred orientation
  5224. prefix code
  5225. prefix method synchronization
  5226. pre-set capacitor
  5227. pressure sensor
  5228. primary color unit
  5229. primary display
  5230. primary flat
  5231. primary radiator
  5232. primary scintillator
  5233. prime commutator
  5234. primitive code
  5235. printed board
  5236. printed board assembly
  5237. printed board connector
  5238. printed component
  5239. printed wiring
  5240. print-through
  5241. prismatic cell
  5242. prismatic dislocation loop
  5243. privacy key
  5244. private automatic branch exchange, PABX
  5245. private branch exchange
  5246. process average
  5247. process inspection
  5248. processing monitoring
  5249. processing simulation
  5250. product detector
  5251. product inspection
  5252. production lot
  5253. program command
  5254. programmable attenuator
  5255. programmable instrument
  5256. programmable logic array, PLA
  5257. programmable logic device, PLD
  5258. programmable read only memory, PROM
  5259. programmable signal generator
  5260. programmable telemetry
  5261. programmable transversal filter, PTF
  5262. projected range
  5263. projection mask aligner
  5264. projection tube
  5265. projection TV
  5266. proportional command
  5267. proportional counter
  5268. proportional region
  5269. proportional revolver
  5270. protocol analyzer
  5271. prototype filter
  5272. proximity exposure method
  5273. proximity focusing
  5274. pseudo color slicing
  5275. pseudo noise code, PN code
  5276. pseudo random sequence
  5277. pseudo-random code ranging
  5278. pull-in range
  5279. pull-off strength
  5280. pulse back edge
  5281. pulse capacitor
  5282. pulse compression radar
  5283. pulse compression receiver
  5284. pulse current charge
  5285. pulse detection
  5286. pulse Doppler radar, PD radar
  5287. pulse front edge
  5288. pulse power
  5289. pulse repetition frequency, PRF
  5290. pulse shape discriminator
  5291. pulse spike
  5292. pulse steering circuit
  5293. pulse-ampli tude modulation, PAM
  5294. pulse-code-modulation teleme-try, PCM telemetry
  5295. pulsed gasdynamic laser
  5296. pulsed magnetron
  5297. pulse-phase system
  5298. pulse-position modulation, PPM
  5299. pulse-time modulation
  5300. pulse-width modulation, PWM
  5301. pump fluid
  5302. pump rate distribution
  5303. pumping efficiency
  5304. pumping rate
  5305. purity of carrier frequency
  5306. push-pull power amplifier
  5307. P-well CMOS
  5308. pyroelectric ceramic
  5309. pyroelectric crystal
  5310. pyroelectric vidicon
  5311. pyrogenic technique of oxidation
  5312. Q switching
  5313. q-percentile life
  5314. quadrature modulation, QAM
  5315. quadrupole lens
  5316. qualification test
  5317. qualified product
  5318. qualitative information
  5319. quality factor, Q-factor
  5320. quality feedback
  5321. quality management
  5322. quantum well heterojunction laser
  5323. quartz reaction chamber
  5324. quasi homogeneous alignment
  5325. quasi-stable state
  5326. quench correction
  5327. quick charge
  5328. quick reaction capability, QRC
  5329. rack-and-panel connector
  5330. radar anti-reconnaissance
  5331. radar approach control system, RAPCON
  5332. radar camouflage
  5333. radar countermeasures
  5334. radar coverage diagram
  5335. radar cross section, RCS
  5336. radar database
  5337. radar decoy
  5338. radar indicator, radar scope
  5339. radar link, radar relay
  5340. radar net
  5341. radar pilotage
  5342. radar plot
  5343. radar range
  5344. radar repeater
  5345. radar resolution
  5346. radar seeker
  5347. radar station
  5348. radar track
  5349. radiation content meter
  5350. radiation indicator
  5351. radiation logging assembly
  5352. radiation meter
  5353. radiation monitor
  5354. radiation spectrometer
  5355. radiation test
  5356. radiation transducer
  5357. radiation warning assembly
  5358. radio frequency amplifier
  5359. radio frequency mass spectrometer
  5360. radio frequency sputtering
  5361. radio magnetic indicator
  5362. radio microphone
  5363. radio nuclide imaging
  5364. radioactive ionization gauge
  5365. radioactivity meter
  5366. radio-beacon buoy
  5367. radioelectronics
  5368. radioimmunoassay instrument
  5369. radiotechnics
  5370. radon meter
  5371. Rake reception
  5372. Raman laser
  5373. random asccess memory, RAM
  5374. random pulser
  5375. random scan
  5376. range distribution
  5377. range gate deception
  5378. range noise
  5379. range-azimuth display, B-scope
  5380. range-elevation display, E-scope
  5381. range-height indicator, RHI
  5382. ranging code
  5383. rare earth cobalt permanent magnet
  5384. rare earth semiconductor
  5385. raster scan
  5386. rate distortion function
  5387. rate distortion theory
  5388. rate process model
  5389. ratio discriminator
  5390. ratio meter
  5391. ray collimator
  5392. RC coupling amplifier
  5393. reactance network
  5394. reactance theorem
  5395. reactive evaporation
  5396. reactive ion etching, RIE
  5397. reactive sputter etching
  5398. reactive sputtering
  5399. reactivity meter
  5400. read-only memory, ROM
  5401. real time communication
  5402. real time oscilloscope
  5403. real time signal processing
  5404. real-time command
  5405. real-time telemetry
  5406. rebatron
  5407. recognition confidence
  5408. recoil permeability
  5409. recoil proton counter
  5410. recovery command
  5411. rectifier diode
  5412. rectifier transformer
  5413. redox cell
  5414. reduced channel
  5415. reduced pressure oxidation
  5416. reduced-order state observer
  5417. redundant technique
  5418. reed relay
  5419. reentrant cavity
  5420. reference boresight of antenna
  5421. reference condition
  5422. reference equivalent
  5423. reference tape
  5424. reference wave beam
  5425. reference white
  5426. reflection bridge
  5427. reflection high energy electron diffraction, RHEED
  5428. reflection space
  5429. reflection topography
  5430. reflective tracking
  5431. reflex receiver
  5432. reflow welding
  5433. refractory metal gate MOS integrated circuit
  5434. refractory metal silicide
  5435. refresh cycle
  5436. regenerative fuel cell
  5437. region description
  5438. region of limited proportionality
  5439. regulating autotransformer
  5440. Rehabilitation engineering
  5441. relative altitude
  5442. relative loss factor
  5443. relative vacuum gauge
  5444. relativistic bunching
  5445. relativistic magnetron
  5446. release force
  5447. remote control command
  5448. remote control dynamics
  5449. remote control station
  5450. remote regulating
  5451. remotely controlled extraman
  5452. remotely controlled vehicle
  5453. removing of photoresist by oxidation
  5454. removing of photoresist by plasma
  5455. rendezvous radar
  5456. repair rate
  5457. repeater jamming
  5458. repetitive frequency laser
  5459. reprocessed product
  5460. reproducing head
  5461. reproduction, replay
  5462. required time
  5463. reserve cell
  5464. reset force
  5465. residual response
  5466. resistance sea
  5467. resistance tolerance
  5468. resistance trimming
  5469. resistor-capacitor-transistor logic, RCTL
  5470. resistor-transistor logic, RTL
  5471. resolution bandwidth
  5472. responsive jamming, adaptive jamming
  5473. restore circuit
  5474. retrace ratio
  5475. retrieval service
  5476. retrodirective antenna
  5477. retrograde solubility
  5478. reverberation room
  5479. reverse breakdown voltage
  5480. reverse loss
  5481. reverse osmosis
  5482. reversed field focusing
  5483. reversible scaler
  5484. RF ion plating
  5485. RFI suppression capacitor
  5486. ribbon silicon solar cell
  5487. ridged horn
  5488. right characteristic
  5489. rigid solar cell array
  5490. ring array
  5491. rippled field magnetron
  5492. rising-sun resonator system
  5493. Rochelle salt, RS
  5494. roll correction
  5495. roll forming
  5496. rolled groove method
  5497. roll-off
  5498. Roots vacuum pump
  5499. rotary joint, rotating joint
  5500. rotary piston vacuum pump
  5501. rotating mirror Q switching
  5502. rough vacuum
  5503. roughing line
  5504. roughing vacuum pump
  5505. row decoder
  5506. running torque-frequency characteristic
  5507. runway visual range
  5508. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, RBS
  5509. rutile ceramic
  5510. safety command
  5511. safety remote control
  5512. sagger
  5513. salt atmosphere test
  5514. samarium cobalt magnet
  5515. sampled data system
  5516. sampler, sampling head
  5517. sampling control
  5518. sampling oscilloscope
  5519. sampling plan
  5520. sampling with replacement
  5521. sampling without replacement
  5522. sand and dust test
  5523. satellite broadcasting
  5524. satellite surveillance radar
  5525. satellite switch
  5526. satellite tracking station
  5527. satellite-based navigation
  5528. satellite-Doppler navigation system
  5529. saturable absorption Q switching
  5530. saturation parameter
  5531. scalar network analyzer, SNA
  5532. scaling-down
  5533. scan angle
  5534. scan converter tube
  5535. scan expansion lens
  5536. scan sector
  5537. scan width, frequency span
  5538. scanning Auger electron spectroscopy, SAES
  5539. scanning electron microscopy, SEM
  5540. scanning microwave spectrometer, SCAMS
  5541. scatter communication
  5542. Schmidt trigger
  5543. Schottky barrier diode
  5544. Schottky integrated injection logic, SIIL
  5545. Schottky solar cell
  5546. scintillation detector
  5547. scintillation error
  5548. scintillation interference
  5549. scintillation proportional detector
  5550. scintillation spectrometer
  5551. scintillator solution
  5552. scoop-proof connector
  5553. sea of gate
  5554. seal tightness test
  5555. search gas
  5556. sea-water activated battery
  5557. second harmonic generation, SHG
  5558. secondary electron conduction, SEC
  5559. secondary electron emission
  5560. secondary flat
  5561. secondary ion mass spectroscopy, SIMS
  5562. secondary phase factor
  5563. secondary radiator
  5564. secrecy capacity
  5565. secrecy system
  5566. secret command
  5567. sector display
  5568. sector TACAN, SETAC
  5569. secure communication
  5570. secure voice communication system
  5571. sedimentation analysis
  5572. seed crystal
  5573. see-through plate
  5574. segment display
  5575. segregation coefficient
  5576. selective doping
  5577. selective epitaxy
  5578. selective level meter
  5579. selective oxidation
  5580. self focusing
  5581. self focusing optical fiber
  5582. self information
  5583. self mode locking
  5584. self-aligned isolation process
  5585. self-aligned MOS integrated circuit
  5586. self-contained navigation
  5587. self-diffusion
  5588. self-discharge
  5589. self-isolation
  5590. self-maintained discharge
  5591. self-oscillation
  5592. self-phasing array
  5593. self-powered neutron detector
  5594. self-quenched counter
  5595. self-restoring bootstrapped drive circuit
  5596. semi permanent magnetic material
  5597. semi-active guidance
  5598. semiconducting glass
  5599. semiconductive ceramic
  5600. semiconductor detector
  5601. semiconductor sensor
  5602. semiconductor thermoelectric cooling module
  5603. semi-custom IC
  5604. semitransparent photocathode
  5605. sensitive switch
  5606. sensitivity-time control
  5607. sentence error probability
  5608. separated angle of difference beam
  5609. separating force
  5610. separation standard
  5611. septate waveguide
  5612. sequence division modulation telemetry
  5613. Sequential Color and Memory system, SECAM system
  5614. sequential detector
  5615. sequential sampling
  5616. set-reset flip-flop
  5617. shadow mask
  5618. shallow energy level
  5619. shallow junction technology
  5620. Shannon theory
  5621. shaping time constant
  5622. SHF communication
  5623. shipborne radar
  5624. shock test
  5625. short channel effect
  5626. short circuit termination
  5627. short-circuit line
  5628. shower counter
  5629. Si (Li) detector
  5630. sidelobe blanking
  5631. sidelobe cancellation
  5632. side-looking radar
  5633. sidetones ranging
  5634. signal analyzer
  5635. signal environment density
  5636. signal format
  5637. signal sorting
  5638. signal to clutter ratio
  5639. signal to jamming ratio
  5640. signal to noise ratio
  5641. significant result
  5642. silica colloidal polishing
  5643. silicon assembler
  5644. silicon controlled rectifier
  5645. silicon gate
  5646. silicon gate MOS integrated circuit
  5647. silicon gate N-channel technique
  5648. silicon gate self-aligned technology
  5649. silicon on insulator, SOI
  5650. silicon on sapphire, SOS
  5651. silicon oxynitride
  5652. silicon ribbon growth
  5653. silicon solar cell
  5654. silicon target vidicon
  5655. simulated line
  5656. sine-cosine revolver
  5657. single channel per carrier, SCPC
  5658. single frequency laser
  5659. single heterojunction laser
  5660. single mode operation
  5661. single photon emission computerized tomography, SPECT
  5662. single pulse laser
  5663. single sampling
  5664. single side abrupt junction
  5665. single sided board
  5666. single tone command
  5667. single transistor memory
  5668. single-arm spectrometer
  5669. single-channel analyser
  5670. single-sideband modulation, SSB modulation
  5671. six-port automatic network analyzer, SPANA
  5672. slab laser, stripe type laser
  5673. sleeve-dipole antenna
  5674. sleeve-stub antenna
  5675. SLF communication
  5676. slide screw tuner
  5677. sliding load
  5678. sliding pulser
  5679. sliding vane rotary vacuum pump
  5680. slip-casting
  5681. slipping time
  5682. slope discriminator
  5683. slope efficiency
  5684. slow wave line
  5685. small perturbance theory
  5686. small signal gain
  5687. small-signal analysis
  5688. smectic liquid crystal
  5689. Smith-Purcell effect
  5690. snatch-disconnect connector, break-away connector
  5691. soft error rate
  5692. soft magnetic ferrite
  5693. soft magnetic material
  5694. soft-switch modulator
  5695. software defined network
  5696. solar cell module
  5697. solar cell panel
  5698. solar grade silicon solar cell
  5699. solar microwave interferometer imaging system, SMIIS
  5700. solar photovoltaic energy system
  5701. solar pumping
  5702. solder side
  5703. solderability test
  5704. solid electron beam
  5705. solid electronics
  5706. solid phase epitaxy
  5707. solid solution semiconductor
  5708. solid state laser
  5709. solid state magnetron
  5710. solid state modulator
  5711. solid state relay
  5712. solid state sensor
  5713. solid tantalum electrolytic capacitor
  5714. solid track detector
  5715. solid-beam efficiency
  5716. soliton laser
  5717. sorption pump
  5718. sorption trap
  5719. space charge limited current
  5720. space charge wave
  5721. space division multiple access, SDMA
  5722. space division multiplexing, SDM
  5723. space division switching
  5724. space electronics
  5725. space harmonics
  5726. space-charge grid
  5727. space-tapered array
  5728. span, range
  5729. spark chamber
  5730. spark leak detector
  5731. spark source mass spectrometry, SSMS
  5732. specific capacitance
  5733. specific power
  5734. speckle effect
  5735. spectral purity
  5736. spectroscope amplifier
  5737. spectrum index
  5738. spectrum stabilizer
  5739. spectrum stripping
  5740. speech network
  5741. speech signal processing
  5742. speed check tape
  5743. speed-up capacitor
  5744. spherical array
  5745. sphygmography
  5746. spike leakage energy
  5747. spin flip Raman laser
  5748. spin tuned magnetron
  5749. spinel type ferrite
  5750. spiral lens
  5751. spiral-phase antenna
  5752. split-folded wave guide
  5753. spot jamming
  5754. spray drying
  5755. spread spectrum multiple access, SSMA
  5756. spread-spectrum remote control
  5757. sputter ion pump
  5758. square resistance
  5759. square-law detection
  5760. squeezed state
  5761. stabilitron
  5762. stabilized power supply
  5763. stable resonator
  5764. stack-gate avalanche injection type MOS memory, SAMOS memory
  5765. stagger tuning
  5766. standard cell method
  5767. standard Loran
  5768. standard signal generator
  5769. standard solar cell
  5770. standard stopping cross section
  5771. standard white
  5772. stand-by system
  5773. stand-by time
  5774. standing-wave meter
  5775. standing-wave ratio, SWR
  5776. starter gap
  5777. starting inertial-frequency characteristic
  5778. starting symbol
  5779. starting torque-frequency characteristic
  5780. state feedback
  5781. state-space method
  5782. state-transition matrix
  5783. static friction torque
  5784. static random access memory, SRAM
  5785. static synchronizing torque characteristic
  5786. stationary channel
  5787. stationary echo
  5788. stationary lead-acid storage battery
  5789. statistical communication theory
  5790. statistical decision
  5791. statistical test
  5792. statistical time division multiplexer
  5793. statistical tolerance interval
  5794. statistical tolerance limits
  5795. stealth target
  5796. steam oxidation
  5797. step angle
  5798. step attenuator
  5799. step frequency
  5800. step index
  5801. step index fiber
  5802. step pitch
  5803. step-and-repeat system
  5804. step-by-step cut-off test
  5805. step-coverage
  5806. stepped antenna
  5807. stepped-impedance transformer
  5808. stepping relay
  5809. stereophonic broadcasting
  5810. stereophonic record
  5811. stereophonic TV
  5812. stereoscopic TV
  5813. sticking probability
  5814. still picture broadcasting
  5815. stimulated Brillouin scattering, SBS
  5816. stimulated Raman scattering, SRS
  5817. stochastic-control theory
  5818. stopping power
  5819. storage battery, secondary battery
  5820. storage capacitance
  5821. storage life
  5822. storage oscilloscope
  5823. storage period
  5824. storage traveling wave tube
  5825. store and forward switching
  5826. stored-program control exchange, SPC exchange
  5827. straight advancing klystron
  5828. stratospheric propagation
  5829. streamer chamber
  5830. stress-induced defect
  5831. string grammar
  5832. string language
  5833. stripping of photoresist
  5834. strobe marker
  5835. strong inversion
  5836. strontium barium niobate, SBN
  5837. structural type transducer
  5838. sub-bit code
  5839. subcommutator
  5840. subjective information
  5841. sublimation pump
  5842. submarine communication
  5843. submillimeter wave, SMMW
  5844. subreflector
  5845. subscriber line interface circuit
  5846. subscriber's line, subscriber's loop
  5847. substar
  5848. substitution error
  5849. substitutional diffusion
  5850. substrate bias
  5851. substrate bias effect of MOSFET
  5852. substrate fed logic, SFL
  5853. sub-synchronous layer
  5854. subtrack
  5855. suffix code
  5856. sum beam
  5857. super master group
  5858. super β transistor
  5859. supercode
  5860. superconducting electronics
  5861. superconducting magnet
  5862. superconductor detector
  5863. Superradiance
  5864. superregeneration receiver
  5865. supertwisted birefringent effect, SBE effect
  5866. supplementary channel broadcasting
  5867. supplementary service
  5868. suppressor vacuum gauge
  5869. surface accumulation layer
  5870. surface antenna
  5871. surface barrier detector
  5872. surface contact diode
  5873. surface contamination meter
  5874. surface depletion layer
  5875. surface inversion layer
  5876. surface mounted device
  5877. surface mounting inductor
  5878. surface mounting technology
  5879. surface reaction control
  5880. surface wave antenna
  5881. surge voltage
  5882. surplus factor
  5883. surveillance radar, search radar
  5884. sweep frequency oscillator
  5885. sweep time
  5886. sweep, scan
  5887. sweeping generator
  5888. swept 〔frequency〕 generator
  5889. swept frequency interferometer
  5890. swept frequency reflectometer
  5891. swirl defect
  5892. switch command
  5893. switched capacitor
  5894. switching transistor
  5895. switching capacity filter
  5896. switching mode power supply transformer
  5897. switching network, SN
  5898. symbolic layout method
  5899. symmetric channel
  5900. symmetric source
  5901. symmetrical network
  5902. synchro receiver
  5903. synchro transformer
  5904. synchro transmitter
  5905. synchronized broadcasting
  5906. synchronized discrete address beacon system
  5907. synchronizing speed
  5908. synchronizing torque
  5909. synchronous baseline
  5910. synchronous digital hierarchy, SDH
  5911. synchronous optical network,SONET
  5912. synchronous transfer mode, STM
  5913. synthesized signal generator
  5914. synthesized sweep generator
  5915. synthetic aperture
  5916. synthetic display
  5917. system voltmeter
  5918. tabular display
  5919. tactical air navigation system,TACAN
  5920. tail warning radar
  5921. tangential sensitivity
  5922. tape automated bond package, TAB package
  5923. tape automated bonding, TAB
  5924. target capacity
  5925. target electromagnetic signature
  5926. target function
  5927. target glint
  5928. target illumination radar
  5929. target noise
  5930. target scattering matrix
  5931. telecommunication service
  5932. telegraph, telegraphy
  5933. telemail-telephone set
  5934. telemechanics
  5935. telephone, telephony
  5936. teletext
  5937. teletext broadcasting
  5938. teletraffic engineering
  5939. TEM cell
  5940. temperature cycling test
  5941. temperature humidity infrared radiometer, THIR
  5942. temperature sensor
  5943. temperature voltage cut-off charge
  5944. tensor permeability
  5945. terminal attenuator
  5946. terminal character
  5947. terminal VOR,TVOR
  5948. termination type power meter
  5949. terrain following system
  5950. terrain-avoidance radar
  5951. terrain-following radar
  5952. terrestrial communication link
  5953. teslameter
  5954. test receiver
  5955. test record
  5956. test, testing
  5957. tetherless access
  5958. tetraethoxysilane, TEOS
  5959. textured cell
  5960. thermal compensation alloy
  5961. thermal conductivity vacuum gauge
  5962. thermal decomposition deposition
  5963. thermal decomposition epitaxy
  5964. thermal desorption mass spectrometry, TDMS
  5965. thermal imager
  5966. thermal lensing compensation
  5967. thermal point defect
  5968. thermal shock test
  5969. thermal transpiration
  5970. thermally activated battery
  5971. thermionic cathode
  5972. thermionic energy generator
  5973. thermo molecular vacuum gauge
  5974. thermocompression bonding
  5975. thermocouple vacuum gauge
  5976. thermoelectric device
  5977. thermoelectric generator
  5978. thermoelectric refrigerator
  5979. thermoluminescence detector
  5980. thermoluminescent dosemeter
  5981. thermo-photovoltaic device
  5982. thermoprobe method
  5983. thermosonic bonding
  5984. thick film hybrid integrated circuit
  5985. thick film ink
  5986. thickening technology
  5987. thin film deposition
  5988. thin film electroluminescence
  5989. thin film hybrid integrated circuit
  5990. thin film solar cell
  5991. thin gate oxide
  5992. thinned array antenna
  5993. threat level
  5994. three dimensional display
  5995. three dimensional integrated circuits
  5996. three level system
  5997. three primary colors
  5998. three probe method
  5999. three-channel monopulse
  6000. three-dimensional radar, 3-D radar
  6001. threshold current
  6002. threshold logic circuit
  6003. threshold wavelength
  6004. thyroid function meter
  6005. time analyser
  6006. time assignment speech interpola-tion, TASI
  6007. time blanking
  6008. time compression
  6009. time division multiple access, TDMA
  6010. time division multiplexing, TDM
  6011. time division switching
  6012. time domain measurement
  6013. time expansion chamber
  6014. time for roughing
  6015. time optimal control
  6016. time projection chamber
  6017. time-amplitude converter, TAC
  6018. time-base circuit
  6019. time-coincidence command
  6020. time-delay command
  6021. time-delay telemetry
  6022. time-division command
  6023. time-division telemetry
  6024. time-domain automatic network analyzer, TDANA
  6025. time-domain equalizer
  6026. time-domain response
  6027. time-frequency code
  6028. time-lag system
  6029. time-of-arrival location, TOA location
  6030. time-of-flight mass spectrometer
  6031. time-of-flight neutron spectrometer
  6032. time-varying system
  6033. timing discriminator
  6034. timing filter amplifier
  6035. timing recovery
  6036. timing simulation
  6037. tin indium oxide
  6038. tinsel conductor
  6039. toll network
  6040. toll telephone
  6041. toroidal permeability
  6042. toroidal reflector
  6043. torque magnetometer
  6044. torque synchro
  6045. torque-angular displacement characteristic
  6046. total digital access
  6047. total inversion, complete inversion
  6048. totally depleted semiconductor detector
  6049. Townsend discharge
  6050. track detector
  6051. tracking distortion
  6052. tracking error
  6053. tracking radar
  6054. track-while-scan, TWS
  6055. transcutaneous electrostimulation
  6056. transfer ratio
  6057. transferred electron device, TED
  6058. transformer coupling amplifier
  6059. transistor-transistor logic, TTL
  6060. transit navigation system
  6061. transition band
  6062. transition radiation detector
  6063. transmission high energy electron diffraction, THEED
  6064. transmission probability
  6065. transmultiplex
  6066. transparent ceramic
  6067. transparent ferroelectric ceramic
  6068. transponder jamming
  6069. transport test
  6070. transverse electric and magnetic mode, T mode
  6071. transverse electric mode, TE mode
  6072. transverse magnetic mode, TM
  6073. transverse mode locking
  6074. transverse mode selection
  6075. transversely excited atmospheric pressure CO2 laser
  6076. trapezoidal distortion, keystone distortion
  6077. traveling solvent zone method
  6078. traveling wave phototube
  6079. traveling-wave antenna
  6080. travelling wave tube, TWT
  6081. tree frontier
  6082. tree language
  6083. tree leaves
  6084. tree representation
  6085. tree root
  6086. tree structure
  6087. trellis code
  6088. triangular window
  6089. tributary station
  6090. trickle charge
  6091. trigger electrode
  6092. trigger flip-flop
  6093. triglycine sulfide, TGS
  6094. trimmer potentiometer
  6095. trimming inductor
  6096. tristate buffer
  6097. tristate logic, TSL
  6098. trochoidal focusing mass spectrometer
  6099. trochoidal vacuum pump
  6100. tropospheric scatter communica-tion
  6101. TTL compatibility
  6102. tuned oscillator
  6103. tuned reflectometer
  6104. tuning screw pin
  6105. tunnel effect
  6106. turbomolecular pump
  6107. TV with dual sound programmes
  6108. twisted nematic mode, TN mode
  6109. two dimensional display
  6110. two frequency gas laser
  6111. two photon absorption
  6112. two photon fluorescence method
  6113. two probe method
  6114. two sided sequence
  6115. two-channel monopulse
  6116. two-sided lapping
  6117. two-terminal network
  6118. twystron
  6119. ULF communication
  6120. ultimate vacuum
  6121. ultra high vacuum
  6122. ultra pure water
  6123. ultrafast opto electronics
  6124. ultrashort light pulse
  6125. ultrasonic computerized tomography, UCT
  6126. ultrasonic Doppler blood flow imaging
  6127. ultrasonic Doppler blood flowmeter
  6128. ultrasonic guides for the blind
  6129. ultraviolet laser
  6130. umbrella reflector antenna
  6131. unattended operation
  6132. unattended repeater
  6133. under convergence
  6134. underdamped response
  6135. underheated emission
  6136. underwater laser radar
  6137. underwater penetration
  6138. uniaxial ferrite
  6139. unit sample sequence
  6140. unit step function
  6141. unit step response
  6142. universal counter
  6143. unstable resonator
  6144. up-conversion
  6145. upper category temperature
  6146. upper space of silence
  6147. upper-level threshold
  6148. user-network interface
  6149. UV photoelectron spectroscopy
  6150. vacancy cluster
  6151. vacancy flow
  6152. vacuum breakdown
  6153. vacuum capacitor
  6154. vacuum electron device
  6155. vacuum electronics
  6156. vacuum fluorescent display, VFD
  6157. vacuum microelectronics
  6158. vacuum system
  6159. valve with electrically motorized operation
  6160. Van Atta reflector
  6161. vapor phase epitaxy, VPE
  6162. variable capacitance diode, vara-ctor diode
  6163. variable frequency vibration test
  6164. variable inductor, variometer
  6165. variable length code
  6166. variable threshold logic, VTL
  6167. V-beam radar
  6168. vector generator
  6169. vector immittance meter
  6170. vector network analyzer, VNA
  6171. velocity gate deception
  6172. velocity jump
  6173. velocity jump gun
  6174. velocity tapering
  6175. velocity height ratio
  6176. vertical injection logic, VIL
  6177. vertical junction solar cell
  6178. very high frequency omnidirection-al range, VOR
  6179. very high speed integrated circuit, VHSI
  6180. very lagre scale integrated circuit, VLSI
  6181. very long baseline interferometer, VLBI
  6182. very small aperture terminal, VSAT
  6183. vessel approach and berthing system
  6184. V-groove MOS field effect transistor, VMOSFET
  6185. V-groove isolation
  6186. VHF omnirange and tactical air navigation system, VORTAC
  6187. via hole, through hole
  6188. vibration milling
  6189. vibration test
  6190. video cassette recorder, VCR
  6191. video disk
  6192. video head
  6193. video processing circuit
  6194. video processor
  6195. video recording head
  6196. video reproducing head
  6197. video tape recorder, VTR
  6198. video track
  6199. view finder tube
  6200. view-finder
  6201. violet solar cell
  6202. virtual leak
  6203. viscosity vacuum gauge
  6204. viscous flow
  6205. visible range
  6206. visual aids
  6207. visual field
  6208. visual flight rules, VFR
  6209. Vlasov equation
  6210. voice-operated device anti-singing, VODAS
  6211. VOLSCAN system
  6212. voltage controlled avalanche oscillator
  6213. voltage controlled oscillator, VCO
  6214. voltage sensor
  6215. voltage stabilizing didoe
  6216. voltage stabilizing transformer
  6217. voltage standing wave ratio, VSWR
  6218. voltage-tuned magnetron, VTM
  6219. volumetric specific energy
  6220. volumetric specific power
  6221. VOR scanned array
  6222. walk time
  6223. wall hung TV
  6224. warehouse-in inspection
  6225. warehouse-out inspection
  6226. warm-up time
  6227. wave parameter
  6228. waveform relaxation method
  6229. wave-form synthesizer
  6230. wavefront reconstruction
  6231. waveguide gas laser
  6232. wavelength division multiplexer
  6233. wavelength division multiplexing, WDM
  6234. wear-out failure period
  6235. weather avoidance
  6236. weather penetration
  6237. web crystal
  6238. Weber effect
  6239. wedge termination
  6240. weight enumerator
  6241. weighted curve
  6242. Weiner filter
  6243. well-type scintillation counter
  6244. wet-oxygen oxidation
  6245. white balance
  6246. whole-body gamma spectrum analyser
  6247. whole-body radiation meter
  6248. wide-band amplifier
  6249. window amplifier
  6250. window function
  6251. wire communication
  6252. wired telemetry
  6253. wire-grid lens antenna
  6254. withdrawal force
  6255. word error probability
  6256. word line
  6257. wow and flutter
  6258. wrap contact
  6259. wrap-around type solar cell
  6260. X ray computerized tomography, X CT
  6261. X ray laser
  6262. X ray topography
  6263. X-ray detector
  6264. X-ray lithography
  6265. X-ray microanalysis
  6266. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS
  6267. X-ray proportional counter
  6268. X-ray resist
  6269. X-Y recorder
  6270. yttrium aluminate laser
  6271. yttrium aluminium garnet laser, YAG laser
  6272. zero channel threshold
  6273. zero crossing detector
  6274. zero detection probability
  6275. zero gap semiconductor
  6276. zero memory channel
  6277. zero memory source
  6278. zero steady-state error system
  6279. zero temperature coefficient point
  6280. zero-crossing discriminator
  6281. zero-error system
  6282. zero-order holder
  6283. zero-shifting technique
  6284. zigzag filter
  6285. zinc blende lattice structure
  6286. zinc chloride type dry cell
  6287. zinc-silver storage battery
  6288. α-ray detector
  6289. β-ray detector
  6290. γ-ray detector
  6291. on-screen editing
  6292. on-screen keyboard
  6293. Open DataBase Connectivity
  6294. open exclusive permission
  6295. open information model
  6296. open location
  6297. open parent
  6298. open service architecture
  6299. Open Software Description
  6300. Open Sound System
  6301. Open System Interconnection
  6302. opening tag
  6303. operating code
  6304. operating environment
  6305. operation failed
  6306. operation system
  6307. operator precedence
  6308. optical character reader
  6309. Optical Character Recognition
  6310. optical disk
  6311. optical mark reader
  6312. Optical Mark Recognition
  6313. optical printer
  6314. optimistic concurrency
  6315. optimistic locking
  6316. optimized intermediate language
  6317. optimizer hint
  6318. optional argument
  6319. optional behavior
  6320. optional feature
  6321. ordinal index value
  6322. Organization
  6323. Organization Unit
  6324. origin server
  6325. original artist
  6326. original end
  6327. original path
  6328. original setting
  6329. original site
  6330. original start
  6331. orthographic character
  6332. out of memory
  6333. outer bevel
  6334. outer hilite
  6335. outer join
  6336. outer shadow
  6337. outer style
  6338. outer type
  6339. outer width
  6340. outgoing interface
  6341. outlined character
  6342. out-only
  6343. output box
  6344. output file
  6345. output instruction
  6346. output level
  6347. output modality
  6348. output parameter
  6349. output precision
  6350. output window
  6351. outside procedure
  6352. outside region
  6353. overburn CD
  6354. overburn writing
  6355. overflow error
  6356. overlap audio
  6357. overlapped window
  6358. overlay image
  6359. overlay mode
  6360. overlay title
  6361. overload resolution
  6362. overloaded function
  6363. overloaded operator
  6364. overloaded set
  6365. oversize burning
  6366. owned window
  6367. owner window
  6368. owner-draw control
  6369. owner-drawn button
  6370. parameter block
  6371. parameter data member
  6372. parameter entity
  6373. parameter prefix
  6374. parameter suffix
  6375. parameter-entity reference
  6376. parameterized command
  6377. parent class
  6378. parent directory
  6379. parent document type
  6380. parent form
  6381. parent item
  6382. parent menu
  6383. parent object
  6384. parent page
  6385. parent process
  6386. parent table
  6387. parent window
  6388. parent-child relationship
  6389. parity flag
  6390. parse map
  6391. Parsed Character DATA
  6392. parser look-ahead error
  6393. partial equality
  6394. partial specialization
  6395. partial understanding
  6396. pass by address
  6397. pass by reference
  6398. pass by value
  6399. pass phrase key
  6400. passive mode
  6401. pass-through query
  6402. password authentication protocol
  6403. password list
  6404. Password Manager
  6405. password quality meter
  6406. password-based authentication
  6407. paste as
  6408. paste link
  6409. path bracket
  6410. path scrubber tool
  6411. pathdepth
  6412. pattern match
  6413. pattern string
  6414. payload security
  6415. P-code
  6416. peak page file bytes
  6417. peak virtual bytes
  6418. peak working set
  6419. peer dashboard
  6420. peer-to-peer network
  6421. pending item
  6422. perceivable unit
  6423. percent position
  6424. performance monitor
  6425. Peripheral Component Interconnect
  6426. permission guard
  6427. permissive type semantic
  6428. persistent storage
  6429. Personal Area Network
  6430. personal certificate
  6431. Personal Data Privacy Ordinance
  6432. Personal Data Processor
  6433. Personal Digital Assistant
  6434. personal file
  6435. Personal Identification Number
  6436. Personal Toolbar
  6437. perspective distort
  6438. pessimistic locking
  6439. PFS
  6440. phonetic sequence
  6441. phonetic suggestion
  6442. phony target
  6443. phrase input
  6444. physical brush
  6445. physical font
  6446. physical memory
  6447. picture rendering
  6448. pilot changeover
  6449. pivot view
  6450. pixel doubling
  6451. PKI
  6452. placeholder shape
  6453. Platform for Internet Content Selection
  6454. Platform for Privacy Preferences
  6455. play reverse
  6456. plugin finder service
  6457. pocket book
  6458. point of regard
  6459. pointer part
  6460. pointer speed
  6461. pointer to data
  6462. pointer to data member
  6463. pointer to member
  6464. pointer to member function
  6465. pointer trail
  6466. pointer type
  6467. pointing device
  6468. point-of-sale terminal
  6469. policy guard
  6470. polygon mode
  6471. polygon tool
  6472. polygon-filling mode
  6473. pool count
  6474. pop-up window
  6475. port name
  6476. port number
  6477. Portable Network Graphic
  6478. Portable Operating System Interface X
  6479. Post Office Protocol
  6480. post-build
  6481. post-gap
  6482. postmortem debugging
  6483. power calibration
  6484. power saving
  6485. power saving mode
  6486. power scheme
  6487. pre release
  6488. pre-build
  6489. preceding element
  6490. precise cursor
  6491. precompiled header directive
  6492. precomposed character
  6493. predefined process box
  6494. prefered device
  6495. pre-gap
  6496. pre-link
  6497. pre-mastering
  6498. Pretty Good Privacy
  6499. principal node type
  6500. print across
  6501. print manager
  6502. print plus
  6503. print scaling
  6504. print spooler interface
  6505. print zone
  6506. printer driver
  6507. privacy & security
  6508. privacy certificate
  6509. privacy policy
  6510. private packet
  6511. private variable
  6512. privileged author context
  6513. privileged time
  6514. procedure ID
  6515. process box
  6516. Processing Instruction
  6517. processor schedule
  6518. product key
  6519. productivity component
  6520. productivity tool
  6521. Profile Manager
  6522. program compatibility
  6523. program complexity
  6524. program debugging
  6525. program development
  6526. program documentation
  6527. program error interrupt
  6528. program execution
  6529. program linking
  6530. program portability
  6531. program readability
  6532. program reliability
  6533. program statement
  6534. program status register
  6535. program testing
  6536. Programmable Read-Only Memory
  6537. programmatic ID
  6538. programming technique
  6539. progressive option
  6540. project log
  6541. project wizard
  6542. prompt string
  6543. Proof of Possession
  6544. propagation time
  6545. property definition
  6546. Proposed Edited Recommendation
  6547. Proposed Recommendation
  6548. provider agent
  6549. provider entity
  6550. proximity position
  6551. pseudo-
  6552. pseudo-column
  6553. pseudo-marshalling
  6554. pseudotarget
  6555. public folder
  6556. public identifier
  6557. Public Key Cryptography
  6558. Public Key Infrastructure
  6559. public object
  6560. public online forum
  6561. public procedure
  6562. public user
  6563. public-key infrastructure
  6564. punched card reader
  6565. Adder
  6566. Anode
  6567. Assembler
  6568. Assembly
  6569. Asymptote
  6570. Base
  6571. Beam
  6572. Bias
  6573. Bit
  6574. Branch
  6575. Bremsstrahlung
  6576. Byte
  6577. calls
  6578. Cam
  6579. Carrier
  6580. Carry
  6581. Cascade
  6582. Chip
  6583. Clutter
  6584. Code
  6585. Coil
  6586. Counter
  6587. Debugging
  6588. Deck
  6589. Dial
  6590. Dice
  6591. Diffusion
  6592. Dispersion
  6593. Dolly
  6594. Donor
  6595. Doping
  6596. Drain
  6597. Echo
  6598. Ensemble
  6599. Extremum
  6600. Feedback
  6601. Field
  6602. Frame
  6603. Gamma
  6604. Generator
  6605. Heater
  6606. Height
  6607. Helix
  6608. Hertz
  6609. Hole
  6610. Hue
  6611. Impulse
  6612. Indicator
  6613. Isolator
  6614. Junction
  6615. Keyboard
  6616. Label
  6617. Letter
  6618. Lobe
  6619. Loop
  6620. Magnetron
  6621. Marker
  6622. Maser
  6623. Matrix
  6624. Medium
  6625. Mode
  6626. Model
  6627. Module
  6628. Monitor
  6629. Negation
  6630. Nerve
  6631. Neuron
  6632. Notation
  6633. Operator
  6634. Order
  6635. Pair
  6636. Parameter
  6637. PAR
  6638. Phonon
  6639. Plasma
  6640. Plate
  6641. Potentiometer
  6642. Pulse
  6643. Radar
  6644. Record
  6645. Region
  6646. Register
  6647. Resolution
  6648. Routine
  6649. Row
  6650. Simulator
  6651. Slice
  6652. Compiler
  6653. 女孩
  6654. 姑娘
  6655. record button
  6656. record count
  6657. record delimiter
  6658. record field exchange
  6659. record pointer
  6660. record view
  6661. 非生物因子
  6662. AS
  6663. holes
  6664. automatic volume control
  6665. able duration charge
  6666. abnormal condition
  6667. abnormal voltage
  6668. A-board
  6669. abscissa of convergence
  6670. absolute atomic weight
  6671. absolute block
  6672. absolute block signal
  6673. absolute block system
  6674. absolute candle
  6675. absolute capacity
  6676. absolute convergence
  6677. absolute current balance
  6678. absolute current level
  6679. absolute electro dynamometer
  6680. absolute electrodynamometer
  6681. absolute electromagnetic unit
  6682. absolute electrometer
  6683. absolute electrostatic unit
  6684. absolute language
  6685. absolute level
  6686. absolute measurement
  6687. absolute permissive block
  6688. absolute permissive block system
  6689. absolute potential
  6690. absolute system of electrical unit
  6691. absolute system of electrical units
  6692. absolute voltage level
  6693. absorbed layer
  6694. absorber keying
  6695. absorber valve
  6696. absorbing coil
  6697. absorbing medium
  6698. absorbing rod
  6699. absorbing wedge
  6700. absorption cell
  6701. absorption control
  6702. absorption cross section
  6703. absorption current
  6704. absorption frequency meter
  6705. absorption index
  6706. absorption resonance
  6707. absorption test
  6708. absorption wave-meter
  6709. absorptive power
  6710. abstract model
  6711. abstract object
  6712. AC bridge circuit
  6713. AC circuit
  6714. AC dynamo
  6715. AC generator
  6716. AC hum
  6717. AC impedance
  6718. AC inert-arc welder
  6719. AC motor
  6720. AC phase meter
  6721. AC receiver
  6722. AC relay
  6723. AC resistance
  6724. AC resonance charging
  6725. AC system
  6726. AC tachometer
  6727. AC transformer
  6728. AC transmission
  6729. AC tube
  6730. accelerated particle
  6731. accelerated phosphorescence
  6732. accelerating electrode
  6733. accelerating torque
  6734. accelerating voltage
  6735. acceleration error
  6736. acceleration factor
  6737. acceleration grid
  6738. acceptor atom
  6739. acceptor density
  6740. acceptor exhaution
  6741. acceptor ion
  6742. accessible state
  6743. accumulator cadmiumnickel
  6744. accuracy class
  6745. accuracy control character
  6746. AC-DC receiver
  6747. AC-DC ringing
  6748. acetate base
  6749. achroma bandpass amplifier
  6750. acid bath
  6751. acid battery
  6752. acid core solder
  6753. acid proof
  6754. acid value
  6755. acid value test
  6756. acknowledge character
  6757. aclinic line
  6758. acorn tube
  6759. acoumeter
  6760. acoustic circuit
  6761. acoustic capacitance
  6762. acoustic compliance
  6763. acoustic conductivity
  6764. acoustic correction
  6765. acoustic coupling
  6766. acoustic delay line
  6767. acoustic delay line storage
  6768. acoustic disk
  6769. acoustic engineering
  6770. acoustic filter
  6771. acoustic impedence
  6772. acoustic inertance
  6773. acoustic level
  6774. acoustic mass
  6775. acoustic material
  6776. acoustic measurement
  6777. acoustic meter
  6778. acoustic mirror
  6779. acoustic propagation
  6780. acoustic radiator
  6781. acoustic reactance
  6782. acoustic resistance
  6783. acoustic resonance
  6784. acoustic resonator
  6785. acoustic shadow
  6786. acoustic stiffness
  6787. acoustical analysis
  6788. acoustical characteristic impedance
  6789. acousticon
  6791. automatic code translator
  6792. actinity
  6793. actino-dielectric effect
  6794. actino-electricity
  6795. actino-electricity meter
  6796. action line
  6797. action of point
  6798. action of points
  6799. action period
  6800. activate button
  6801. coordination distance
  6802. coordination gap
  6803. COP; computer optimization package
  6804. activation of filament
  6805. COPE; console operator proficiency examination
  6806. cophase; inphase
  6807. active area
  6808. coplanar-electrode structure
  6809. coplanar-grid tube
  6810. active coil
  6811. active conductor
  6812. copper brush
  6813. active correlator
  6814. copper carbon brush
  6815. active deposit
  6816. copper clad steel cable
  6817. active device
  6818. copper conductor
  6819. copper coulombmeter
  6820. copper earth plate
  6821. copper earth tube
  6822. active iron
  6823. active lattice
  6824. copper gauze brush
  6825. active length
  6826. copper loss
  6827. copper oxide rectifier
  6828. copper plate
  6829. copper sleeve
  6830. copper sulfate
  6831. copper voltameter
  6832. copper wire
  6833. active one-port
  6834. copper-cord carbon
  6835. copper-cored carbon
  6836. active product
  6837. coppered carbon
  6838. active region
  6839. copper-oxide modulator
  6840. copper-oxide rectifier
  6841. copper-weld steel wire
  6842. active section
  6843. copper-weld wire
  6844. copying telegraph
  6845. active voltage
  6846. active volt-ampere
  6847. cord circuit
  6848. cord circuit repeater
  6849. active zone
  6850. cord fastener tip
  6851. activity curve
  6852. actual address
  6853. actual key
  6854. actual load
  6855. actual singular point
  6856. actual time
  6857. actuating current
  6858. actuating error
  6859. acuity of hearing
  6860. acute angle crank
  6861. cord fastener; cord grip
  6862. acyclic dynamo
  6863. cord hook
  6864. acyclic generator
  6865. cord rack
  6866. Adam method
  6867. Adams-Bashforth method
  6868. cord tip
  6869. Adams-Moulton method
  6870. cord weight
  6871. adapter coupling
  6872. cordless (telephone) switch-board
  6873. cordless ‘B’ board
  6874. adaptive controller
  6875. adaptive principle
  6876. core cage
  6877. adaptive space
  6878. core depth
  6879. core disc
  6880. core image
  6881. add operation
  6882. core insulation
  6883. add time
  6884. core length
  6885. core loss
  6886. adding machine
  6887. core ratio
  6888. addition law
  6889. core rope memory
  6890. addition record
  6891. core screw
  6892. core sheet varnish
  6893. additive color mixture
  6894. core storage
  6895. additive correction
  6896. core tape
  6897. additive noise
  6898. core type
  6899. additive polarity
  6900. core type transformer
  6901. additive primaries
  6902. cored carbon
  6903. cork packing
  6904. address computation
  6905. corkscrew rule
  6906. address constant
  6907. corner coupling
  6908. address modifier
  6909. corner cut
  6910. corner frequency
  6911. address track
  6912. corner guy
  6913. corner pole
  6914. addressing system
  6915. add-without carry gate
  6916. ADES
  6917. corner-reflector antenna
  6918. corning lens
  6919. adiabatic efficiency
  6920. corona current
  6921. adiabatic invariant
  6922. corona effect
  6923. corona loss
  6924. adjoint differential operator
  6925. corona voltage
  6926. adjoint equation
  6927. corona voltmeter
  6928. adjoint matrix
  6929. adjoint system
  6930. adjoint variable
  6931. corpuscular theory
  6932. adjoint vector
  6933. corpuscular theory of electricity
  6934. adjusable inductance
  6935. corpuscular theory of light
  6936. adjust nut
  6937. corpuscular theory of radiation
  6938. adjustable air condenser
  6939. correcting lens
  6940. adjustable brush
  6941. adjustable condenser
  6942. adjustable contact
  6943. correction curve
  6944. adjustable crank
  6945. correction factor
  6946. adjustable inductance
  6947. adjustable resistance
  6948. correction power
  6949. adjustable speed motor
  6950. corrective net
  6951. adjuster switch
  6952. corrector plate
  6953. adjusting resistance
  6954. adjusting screw
  6955. correlation conductance
  6956. admittance parameter
  6957. correlation indexing
  6958. correlation method
  6959. advance operator
  6960. correlation radar
  6961. advance train
  6962. correlation theory
  6963. advanced gas-cooled reactor; AGR
  6964. correspondence principle
  6965. advanced research project agency network; ARPANET
  6966. corrugated lens
  6967. Corti arch
  6968. Corti organ
  6969. Corti rod
  6970. advancing wave
  6971. cosecant squared antenna
  6972. coset distance
  6973. aerial cable guide
  6974. aerial cable support
  6975. aerial cable way
  6976. cosine law
  6977. aerial current
  6978. aerial earth switch
  6979. aerial inductance
  6980. GHz
  6981. cotton bracketed wire
  6982. aerial pole
  6983. cotton tape
  6984. aerial switch
  6985. cotton waste
  6986. cotton-braided
  6987. cotton-braided wire
  6988. cotton-covered wire
  6989. aeronautical mobile service
  6990. aeronautical mobile-satellite service
  6991. cotton-insulated wire
  6992. aeronautical radio navigation land station
  6993. aeronautical radio navigation satellite service
  6994. aeronautical radio navigation service
  6995. Coulomb friction
  6996. aeronautical station
  6997. Coulomb torsion balance
  6998. aerospace ground-support equipment
  6999. Torsion electrometer
  7000. Coulomb; unit of electrostatic charge
  7001. Coulomb’s balance
  7002. Coulomb’s law
  7003. count range
  7004. counter balance weight
  7005. counter clockwise
  7006. counter clockwise rotation
  7007. counter clockwise running
  7008. after effect
  7009. counter current; reverse current
  7010. counter electromotive force
  7011. AGE
  7012. counter EMF
  7013. age-hardened
  7014. counter radar measure (CRM); anti-radar measure
  7015. counter torque
  7016. ageing of a magnet
  7017. counter weight
  7018. counterarc circuit-breaker
  7019. counter-current cell
  7020. aging effect
  7021. counterpoise pole
  7022. counter-weight pulle
  7023. counter-weight pulley
  7024. counting circuit
  7025. counting relay
  7026. ail cooler
  7027. AIMACO
  7028. couple thermal
  7029. air blast
  7030. couple thermal electric
  7031. air blast circuit breaker
  7032. coupled circuit
  7033. air blast cooling
  7034. coupled impedance
  7035. air blast transformer
  7036. coupled reflectance
  7037. air bread switch
  7038. coupled reperforator and tape reader
  7039. air break
  7040. coupled transmittance
  7041. air break disconnecting switch; ABDS
  7042. air break switch; ABS
  7043. coupler drawbridge
  7044. air buffer
  7045. coupler plug
  7046. air capacitor
  7047. coupler socket
  7048. air cell
  7049. couple-slip switch
  7050. air circuit breaker
  7051. coupling aperture
  7052. coupling auto-inductive
  7053. coupling capacitor potential device
  7054. air condenser
  7055. coupling coil
  7056. coupling dissipation factor
  7057. air conditioning system
  7058. coupling factor
  7059. coupling filter
  7060. air cooled transformer
  7061. air cooled tube
  7062. coupling pipe
  7063. air core
  7064. coupling resistance
  7065. air core choking coil
  7066. coupling static
  7067. air core coil
  7068. coupling transformer
  7069. air core reactor
  7070. air core transformer
  7071. coupling-condenser
  7072. air cylinder
  7073. covalent binding
  7074. air damper
  7075. air dashpot
  7076. air dry
  7077. cove lighting
  7078. air dry varnish
  7079. covered wire
  7080. air expansion lightning arrester
  7081. cradle switch
  7082. CRAM; card random access memory
  7083. Cramer’s rule
  7084. air flashover
  7085. air force; COMLOGNET combat logistic network
  7086. air friction loss
  7087. crank escapement
  7088. air gap
  7089. crank stand
  7090. crank-vertical
  7091. air gauge
  7092. air governor
  7093. air heating system
  7094. crater carbon arclamp
  7095. air inlet
  7096. crawling pattern
  7097. air insulation
  7098. cycle redundancy check character
  7099. air line distance
  7100. creation operator
  7101. Creed multiplex printer
  7102. air masses
  7103. Creed printer
  7104. air monitor
  7105. air movement data
  7106. Creed receiving perforator
  7107. air particle velocity
  7108. Creed repeater
  7109. Creed-keyboard perforator
  7110. Creed-Wheastone automatic system
  7111. air pre-heater
  7112. creepage discharge
  7113. air pressure switch
  7114. creeping voltage
  7115. air proof
  7116. air receiver
  7117. crest (VA) meter
  7118. crest current
  7119. air seal
  7120. crest factor
  7121. air shield
  7122. air space cable
  7123. air space insulation
  7124. crest reverse voltage
  7125. air tight
  7126. crest value
  7127. air valve
  7128. crest voltmeter
  7129. air warning radar; AWR
  7130. air-borne radar
  7131. crest wave
  7132. air-borne vibration
  7133. crestoted pole
  7134. air-core solenoid
  7135. crimp depth
  7136. aircraft communication electronic signaling system; ACCESS
  7137. crippled-leapfrog test
  7138. aircraft gun laying radar; AGL radar
  7139. criterion for optimum design
  7140. aircraft interception radar; AI radar
  7141. aircraft pitch control
  7142. critical area
  7143. critical clearing angle
  7144. critical clearing time
  7145. aircraft station
  7146. critical condition
  7147. air-gap line
  7148. critical coupling
  7149. air-gap voltage
  7150. critical current
  7151. airport control station
  7152. air-pump
  7153. AIRS; automatic information retrieval system
  7154. critical damping resistance
  7155. air-tight
  7156. critical deformation
  7157. critical deformation energy
  7158. critical field resistance
  7159. alarm burglar
  7160. critical fission energy
  7161. critical flicker frequency
  7162. alarm fuse
  7163. critical head
  7164. alarm horn
  7165. critical illumination
  7166. alarm relay
  7167. critical potential
  7168. critical resistance
  7169. alcatron
  7170. critical size
  7171. ALCOM; algebraic compiler
  7172. critical temperature
  7173. ALERT; automatic linguistic extracting and retrieval technique
  7174. critical thickness
  7175. alexanderson’s alternator
  7176. critical transmission power
  7177. Alfve’n speed
  7178. Alfve'n wave
  7179. critical velocity
  7180. algebraic compiler; ALCOM
  7181. critical viewing distance
  7182. critical voltage
  7183. algebraic oriented language; ALGOL
  7184. critically damped oscillation
  7185. algebraic translator; ALTRAN
  7186. Crookes dark space
  7187. Crookes’ dark space
  7188. algorithmic language
  7189. Crookes’s effect
  7190. algorithmic routine
  7191. Crooks tube
  7192. alignability
  7193. cross ambiguity
  7194. cross ampere-turns
  7195. cross arm
  7196. alignment error
  7197. cross arm block
  7198. cross bar switching
  7199. cross bond
  7200. alkaline cell
  7201. cross brace
  7202. cross burn
  7203. all day efficiency
  7204. cross chisel
  7205. all relay system
  7206. cross coil
  7207. all wave oscillator
  7208. cross color
  7209. all wave receiver
  7210. cross connecting block
  7211. cross connecting board
  7212. all-number calling; ANC
  7213. cross connection
  7214. allocate storage
  7215. cross current
  7216. cross field
  7217. allochromatic crystal
  7218. cross fields multiplier
  7219. all-or-none principle
  7220. cross guide coupler
  7221. cross hairs
  7222. allowable error
  7223. cross hairs; crossed threads; spider lines
  7224. allowable tension
  7225. cross light
  7226. cross magnetisation
  7227. alloy bulk diffused-base transistor; ABDT
  7228. cross magnetization
  7229. alloy bulk diffusion technique; ABDT
  7230. cross magnetization effect
  7231. alloy diffused-base transistor; ADT
  7232. cross magnetization field
  7233. alloy diffusion technique; ADT
  7234. alloy front
  7235. cross modulation interference
  7236. Luxembourg effect
  7237. alloyed transistor
  7238. cross point
  7239. all-trunk busy register
  7240. cross protection
  7241. all-wave oscillation
  7242. cross way guy
  7243. almost periodic function
  7244. cross-arm mounting
  7245. crossarm pin
  7246. alpha cell
  7247. alpha counter
  7248. crossbar system
  7249. alpha cutoff frequency
  7250. cross-bar-system
  7251. alpha disintegration
  7252. cross-correlation function
  7253. alpha disintegration energy
  7254. cross-correlation identification
  7255. cross-correlation integral
  7256. cross-fond
  7257. alpha neutron reaction
  7258. crossing diamond
  7259. crossing scissors
  7260. α-ray
  7261. cross-over drive
  7262. alpha rhythm
  7263. cross-over filter
  7264. cross-over frequency
  7265. alphabetic data code
  7266. cross-over network
  7267. alphabetic numeric
  7268. alphabetic string
  7269. cross-over roll
  7270. alphabetic telegram
  7271. cross-over knob
  7272. cross-ringing
  7273. cross-section for fission
  7274. alphanumerical character set
  7275. cross-sectional area
  7276. cross-spectral density
  7277. alphanumerical instruction
  7278. alpha-phosphorescence band
  7279. ALPS; advanced linear programming system
  7280. alternate operation
  7281. alternate routine
  7282. alternating biasing
  7283. alternating component
  7284. crossvariance
  7285. crow foot cell
  7286. alternating current ammeter
  7287. crown glass
  7288. alternating current balancer
  7289. alternating current characteristic
  7290. crude oil engine
  7291. alternating current circuit
  7292. cryogenic compressor
  7293. alternating current circuit; AC circuit
  7294. cryogenic element
  7295. alternating current dialing; AC dialing
  7296. cryogenic equipment
  7297. alternating current machine
  7298. alternating current relay
  7299. cryptoscope
  7300. alternating current resistance
  7301. alternating current system; A.C.system
  7302. alternating current tube
  7303. alternating current voltmeter
  7304. crystal control
  7305. crystal control multivibrator
  7306. alternating current; AC
  7307. crystal controlled transmitter
  7308. alternating discharge
  7309. crystal detection
  7310. alternating displacement
  7311. alternating E.M.F.; alternating electromotive force
  7312. crystal dislocation
  7313. alternating electromotive force
  7314. crystal field
  7315. alternating EMF
  7316. alternating field
  7317. crystal holder
  7318. alternating flux
  7319. crystal loudspeaker
  7320. alternating light method
  7321. crystal microphone
  7322. alternating magnetic field
  7323. alternating voltage
  7324. crystal modulator
  7325. alternation gate
  7326. crystal pickup
  7327. alternation of density
  7328. alternative biasing
  7329. crystal pulling
  7330. alternative denial gate
  7331. crystal pulling technique
  7332. alternative switch
  7333. crystal receiver
  7334. crystal rectifier
  7335. crystal shutter
  7336. alternator transmitter
  7337. crystal speaker
  7338. alternator with tooth wheel inductor
  7339. crystal temperature
  7340. altitude of the apogee
  7341. crystallographic coordinate
  7342. altitude of the perigee
  7343. C-scan
  7344. C-scope
  7345. aluminium cell lightning arrester
  7346. CSL; computer sensitive language
  7347. aluminized fluorescent screen
  7348. cubic feet per minute; CFM
  7349. aluminum antimonide
  7350. cubic lattice
  7351. aluminum backed phosphor
  7352. aluminum cable
  7353. aluminum cable steel reinforced expanded
  7354. cue channel
  7355. aluminum cable steel reinforced; ACSR
  7356. CUE; cooperating users exchange
  7357. aluminum compressing joint
  7358. cumulating meter
  7359. aluminum rectifier
  7360. cumulative compound
  7361. aluminum solder
  7362. cumulative compound machine
  7363. aluminum wire
  7364. cumulative compound motor
  7365. aluminum-cable
  7366. cumulative compound winding
  7367. AM modulation
  7368. cumulative demand meter
  7369. cumulative indexing
  7370. cup insulator
  7371. curbed modulation
  7372. curbing current
  7373. amateur radio operator
  7374. curie-cut crystal; X-cut crystal
  7375. amateur radio station
  7376. ambient illumination
  7377. curl equation
  7378. current amplification
  7379. ambiguous sequence
  7380. current amplification factor
  7381. ambipolar diffusion coefficient
  7382. current antinode
  7383. ambipolar mobility
  7384. current balance
  7385. Amble’method
  7386. American Documentation Institute; ADI
  7387. current balance method
  7388. current balance protection
  7389. current balance relay
  7390. American gauge
  7391. current balance system
  7392. American Institute of Banking; AIB
  7393. current balancing autotransformer
  7394. American Institute of Chemical Engineers; AICHE
  7395. current capacity
  7396. current carrying capacity
  7397. American Institute of Physics; AIP
  7398. American Management Association
  7399. current carrying part
  7400. American Society for Information Science; ASIS
  7401. American Standard Association; ASA
  7402. current coil
  7403. ammeter shunt
  7404. current comparison protection
  7405. current compensator
  7406. current differential relay
  7407. current direction indicator
  7408. ampere conductor
  7409. current divider
  7410. ampere efficiency
  7411. current divider theorem
  7412. ampere hour capacity
  7413. ampere hour meter
  7414. current equalizer
  7415. ampere speed curve
  7416. current feed
  7417. ampere turn
  7418. current feed antenna
  7419. Ampere’s law
  7420. current gain
  7421. current generator
  7422. ampere-hour capacity
  7423. current illumination relation
  7424. current indicator
  7425. Ampere-meter ammeter
  7426. current indicator lamp
  7427. Ampere's theorem
  7428. ampere-second
  7429. current injection
  7430. ampere-turns
  7431. current intensity
  7432. amperite
  7433. current limit fuse
  7434. amplification coefficient
  7435. current limit reactor
  7436. amplification constant
  7437. current limit relay
  7438. current limit resistor
  7439. amplification ratio
  7440. current limit self starter
  7441. amplification stage
  7442. current limiter
  7443. current limiting reactor
  7444. amplifier class AB
  7445. amplifier paraphase
  7446. amplifying coefficient
  7447. amplifying power
  7448. current mode
  7449. amplifying tube
  7450. current multiplication factor
  7451. ampliphase modulation
  7452. current node
  7453. current regulator
  7454. amplistat
  7455. current relay
  7456. current rush
  7457. amplitude change signaling
  7458. current sensitivity
  7459. amplitude constraint
  7460. current setting
  7461. amplitude correlator
  7462. amplitude dependent nonlinearity
  7463. current source driving
  7464. current square meter
  7465. amplitude factor
  7466. current strength
  7467. current surge
  7468. current telemeter
  7469. amplitude modulation (AM) broadcast
  7470. current time curve
  7471. amplitude of beat
  7472. current transfer ratio
  7473. amplitude of oscillation
  7474. current transformation ratio
  7475. amplitude range
  7476. amplitude reflection coefficient
  7477. current transport theory
  7478. amplitude selection
  7479. current wave
  7480. amplitude separation
  7481. current-square meter
  7482. amplitude separator
  7483. current-voltage characteristic
  7484. amplitude versus frequency distortion
  7485. amplitude-change signaling
  7486. amplitude-frequency response characteristics
  7487. curtis stages
  7488. curve of magnetisation
  7489. curved finger glove
  7490. analog adder
  7491. curved horn
  7492. curve-drawing ammeter
  7493. analog comparator
  7494. curve-drawing instrument
  7495. curve-fitting compaction
  7496. analog computer component
  7497. curve-pattern compaction
  7498. analog computer simulation
  7499. curve-tracing method
  7500. analog control
  7501. cushion ring
  7502. analog controller
  7503. cushion socket
  7504. customer design
  7505. customer engineering monitor; CEMON
  7506. analog divider
  7507. customer owned and maintained communication equipment; COAM
  7508. analog limiter
  7509. customer station equipment
  7510. analog line driver; ALD
  7511. cut set
  7512. cut-cut fuse
  7513. cut-in
  7514. analog quantity
  7515. analog recorder
  7516. analog regenerative connection
  7517. cut-off bias
  7518. cut-off current
  7519. analog shift register
  7520. analog telemetering
  7521. cut-off modulation
  7522. analog transducer
  7523. analog transistor
  7524. cut-off ratio
  7525. analog-digital controller
  7526. cut-off region
  7527. analogous system
  7528. cutoff relay
  7529. analog-to digital converter
  7530. cut-off relay
  7531. analog-to-digital transducer
  7532. cut-off relay bridge
  7533. cutoff voltage
  7534. cut-off winding; BCO winding bridge
  7535. cut-out board
  7536. cut-out box
  7537. cut-out fox
  7538. cut-out fuse
  7539. cut-section
  7540. cutting nippers
  7541. cutting plier
  7542. C-wire
  7543. cycle binary unit-distance code
  7544. analytic continuity
  7545. cycle change
  7546. analytic design
  7547. cycle code
  7548. analytic engine
  7549. cycle counter
  7550. cycle criterion
  7551. analytic signal
  7552. cycle digital telemetering
  7553. analytic-function generator
  7554. cycle distortion
  7555. analyzer routine
  7556. cycle flicker
  7557. cycle group
  7558. anchor block
  7559. cycle index
  7560. anchor bolt
  7561. cycle meter
  7562. cycle of magnetisation
  7563. anchor cone
  7564. cycle of magnetization
  7565. anchor ear
  7566. cycle of operation
  7567. anchor insulator
  7568. cycle permuted code
  7569. anchor pole
  7570. cycle process
  7571. anchor rod
  7572. anchor strap
  7573. cycle reset
  7574. anchor strut
  7575. cycle shift
  7576. anchor wire
  7577. anchor wood
  7578. cycle storage
  7579. cycle subspace
  7580. ancillary answering jack
  7581. cycle transformation
  7582. ancillary line lamp
  7583. cycle variable rate sampler
  7584. AND circuit
  7585. AND element
  7586. cyclic distortion
  7587. cyclic process
  7588. AND NOT gate
  7589. cyclic transformation
  7590. Anderson-bridge
  7591. angle bar
  7592. cyclometer counter
  7593. angle condition
  7594. cyclone burner
  7595. angle data transmission
  7596. angle error
  7597. cyclotomic polynomial
  7598. angle insulator
  7599. angle lapping
  7600. angle leading
  7601. cylinder index
  7602. cylindrical antenna
  7603. angle of arrival
  7604. cylindrical coil
  7605. angle of brush displacement
  7606. cylindrical pit electric furnace
  7607. angle of brush lag
  7608. angle of brush lead
  7609. cylindrical rotor
  7610. angle of declination
  7611. cylindrical value
  7612. angle of deflection
  7613. angle of departure
  7614. cymometer
  7615. angle of deviation
  7616. Czochralski crystal-pulling method
  7617. angle of dip
  7618. D layer
  7619. D. C. generator
  7620. D.C booster
  7621. angle of lag
  7622. D.C. circuit
  7623. D.C.- converter
  7624. angle of lead
  7625. D.C. machinery
  7626. d.c. meter
  7627. angle of phase lag
  7628. D.C. tripping
  7629. angle of phase lead
  7630. D’Alembert principle
  7631. angle of polarization
  7632. D’Arsonval galvanometer
  7633. d’Arsonval meter
  7634. angle of radiation
  7635. DACOM; data-scope computer output microfilmer
  7636. daily load curve
  7637. daily test
  7638. angle pole
  7639. daily variation
  7640. DAISY 201; double precision automatic interpretive system 201
  7641. angle splice
  7642. DAMIT; data analysis Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  7643. angle steel
  7644. damp proof
  7645. angle tower
  7646. damped angular frequency
  7647. damped ballistic galvanometer
  7648. damped natural frequency
  7649. Angstrom
  7650. angular advance
  7651. damped wave
  7652. damped wave train
  7653. angular distance
  7654. damper control
  7655. damper winding
  7656. angular lag
  7657. angular lead
  7658. damping action
  7659. damping coefficient
  7660. angular reflector
  7661. damping coil
  7662. angular resolution
  7663. damping constant
  7664. damping device
  7665. angular-correction factor
  7666. damping diode
  7667. animal electricity
  7668. damping electromagnetic
  7669. animatic projector
  7670. damping magnet
  7671. annealed copper
  7672. damping ratio
  7673. damping ring
  7674. annex storage
  7675. annihilation operators
  7676. danger coefficient
  7677. annihilation radiation
  7678. danger signal
  7679. annual cost
  7680. dangerous pile
  7681. annual efficiency
  7682. dangerous raidation
  7683. annual load diagram
  7684. Daniel cell
  7685. annual load factor
  7686. Daniell cell
  7687. annual loading diagram
  7688. DAPAL; daystrom power plant automation language
  7689. annual magnetic variation
  7690. annual magnetic variations
  7691. dark conductivity
  7692. annular fast reactor
  7693. annular magnet
  7694. dark radiation
  7695. anodal light
  7696. dark resistance
  7697. anode AC conductance
  7698. dark trace screen
  7699. anode AC resistance
  7700. Darlington circuit
  7701. anode battery
  7702. Darlington combination
  7703. anode characteristic
  7704. anode circuit
  7705. D'Arsonval galvanometer
  7706. anode conductance
  7707. DASD; direct cycle access storage device
  7708. anode current
  7709. anode detection
  7710. dash-pot
  7711. anode impedance
  7712. DAT; diffused-base alloy technique
  7713. anode modulation
  7714. anode potential
  7715. anode ray
  7716. data analysis Massachusetts Institute of Technology; DAMIT
  7717. anode rays
  7718. data array
  7719. anode rectification
  7720. anode resistance
  7721. anode tapping point
  7722. anode voltage
  7723. answer lamp
  7724. answer-back
  7725. answering plug
  7726. answering signal
  7727. data base security
  7728. answering supervisory relay
  7729. data base sharing
  7730. data buffering
  7731. antenna adaptor
  7732. data card
  7733. antenna ammeter
  7734. antenna aperture area
  7735. antenna beam angle
  7736. antenna beam compression
  7737. antenna bearing
  7738. antenna blocking up switch
  7739. data carrier
  7740. antenna capacity
  7741. antenna circuit
  7742. data code
  7743. antenna coil
  7744. data collection system
  7745. antenna constant
  7746. antenna control unit
  7747. antenna cosecant-squared
  7748. data compaction
  7749. antenna counterpoise
  7750. data control block
  7751. antenna coupling
  7752. data conversion
  7753. data delay
  7754. antenna diamond
  7755. antenna diplexer
  7756. data delimiter
  7757. antenna directional characteristics
  7758. data design
  7759. antenna director
  7760. antenna drive system
  7761. data handling
  7762. data hierarchy
  7763. antenna effect height
  7764. antenna effective resistance
  7765. data layout
  7766. antenna feed system
  7767. data link escape character; DLE
  7768. antenna feeder
  7769. antenna focusing
  7770. data loop transceiver; DLT
  7771. data name
  7772. antenna horn-type
  7773. antenna input resistance
  7774. antenna insulator
  7775. data plate
  7776. antenna loading coil
  7777. antenna long-wire
  7778. data presentation
  7779. antenna mast
  7780. antenna matching device
  7781. data processing management association; DPMA
  7782. data processor
  7783. antenna oscillation
  7784. antenna pedestal
  7785. data register
  7786. antenna pencil-beam
  7787. antenna radiation resistance
  7788. data reliability
  7789. antenna reflector
  7790. antenna remote control unit
  7791. data set clock
  7792. antenna resistance
  7793. data set control block; DSCB
  7794. antenna resonant frequency
  7795. data set label; DSL
  7796. antenna RF performance
  7797. data set; DS
  7798. data sing
  7799. antenna sidelobe
  7800. antenna structure
  7801. data speed-up
  7802. data telephone circuit
  7803. data terminal
  7804. data transmission line
  7805. antenna tracking
  7806. data use identifier
  7807. antenna tuning
  7808. antenna wire
  7809. data word
  7810. anterior chamber
  7811. data-addressed memory
  7812. anti-aircraft gun laying radar
  7813. datamation
  7814. anti-backlash driving
  7815. data-processing center
  7816. anti-capacitance switch
  7817. data-processing machine; DPM
  7818. anti-cathode
  7819. data-scope computer output microfilmer; DACOM
  7820. anticathode mirror
  7821. data-set receiving-timing; DR
  7822. anti-cathode mirror
  7823. data-set transmit-timing; DT
  7824. anticipative object
  7825. data-signalling rate
  7826. anticipatory control
  7827. datastrom assembly system; DAS
  7828. anti-clockwise rotation; counter clockwise rotation
  7829. data-switching center
  7830. anti-cluther circuit
  7831. data-transmission trap
  7832. anti-coherer
  7833. data-transmission utilization ratio
  7834. anti-coincidence gate
  7835. dating subroutine
  7836. anti-creep device
  7837. anti-dirivative
  7838. anti-hunt device
  7839. datum node
  7840. anti-induction
  7841. daughter element
  7842. anti-induction cable
  7843. daughter nucleus
  7844. anti-inductive load
  7845. Davission-Germer experiment
  7846. Dawes-Hoover-bridge
  7847. dawn effect
  7848. anti-jamming ciucuit
  7849. day light bulb
  7850. Antimony
  7851. day load
  7852. anti-motoring relay
  7853. day range
  7854. anti-osmosis
  7855. day tank
  7856. anti-parasitic
  7857. day transmission
  7858. anti-phase
  7859. daylight effect
  7860. anti-podal point
  7861. daystrom power plant automation language; DAPAL
  7862. DC amplifier
  7863. anti-resonance
  7864. DC and AC comparator
  7865. anti-resonance circuit
  7866. anti-resonance frequency
  7867. DC component of wave
  7868. anti-resonant frequency
  7869. DC current transfer ratio
  7870. anti-side tone
  7871. DC dump
  7872. anti-side tone circuit
  7873. DC flip-flop
  7874. anti-spark
  7875. DC generator
  7876. anti-stick off voltage
  7877. anti-symmetric wave function
  7878. DC power supply
  7879. DC resonance charging
  7880. DC restoration
  7881. anti-TR tube
  7882. DC servo motor
  7883. anti-transmit receive; ATR
  7884. DC shunt generator
  7885. APAR; automatic programming recording
  7886. DC tachometer
  7887. aperiodic aerial
  7888. DC to AC inverter
  7889. DC to DC converter
  7890. aperiodic circuit
  7891. DC transconductance
  7892. aperiodic wave
  7893. DC transmission
  7894. De Forest Audion
  7895. A-permutation
  7896. dead circuit
  7897. aperture aphelion
  7898. dead coil
  7899. dead earth
  7900. aperture compensation
  7901. aperture correction
  7902. aperture coupling
  7903. aperture illumination
  7904. aperture lens
  7905. aperture mask
  7906. aperture mask tricolor picture tube
  7907. Apollo luner surface experiment package; ALSEP
  7908. dead end clamp
  7909. dead end guy
  7910. apparent candle power
  7911. dead end pole
  7912. apparent capacity
  7913. dead end tower
  7914. apparent charge
  7915. dead file
  7916. apparent efficiency
  7917. dead front
  7918. apparent inductance
  7919. apparent intensity
  7920. dead ground
  7921. apparent load
  7922. dead level
  7923. apparent output
  7924. dead level tone
  7925. apparent power
  7926. apparent power meter
  7927. apparent resistance
  7928. apparent self-induction
  7929. dead level trunk
  7930. apparent threshold
  7931. dead line
  7932. apparent watt
  7933. appendant signal
  7934. dead line trunk
  7935. Applegate diagram
  7936. appliance plug
  7937. applications study
  7938. dead man
  7939. applied E.M.F.; applied electromotive force; impressed electromotive force
  7940. applied electro-motive force
  7941. dead point
  7942. applied electromotive force
  7943. applied potential test
  7944. dead resistance
  7945. dead section
  7946. dead sector
  7947. approach approximate stationarity
  7948. dead short circuit
  7949. approach circuit
  7950. dead short-circuit
  7951. approach indicator
  7952. dead spot
  7953. approach lighting
  7954. dead tank
  7955. approach locking
  7956. dead tank circuit breaker
  7957. approach signal
  7958. approach-medium signal
  7959. dead turn
  7960. approach-slow signal
  7961. dead voltage
  7962. approximate equivalent circuit
  7963. dead wire
  7964. approximate identification
  7965. approximation function
  7966. apriori entropy
  7967. decade arrangement
  7968. automatic programming tool
  7969. decade counter
  7970. aquadag coating
  7971. decay factor
  7972. aqueous homogeneous reactor
  7973. decay of current
  7974. aqueous humor
  7975. decay of sound
  7976. aqueous solution fuel
  7977. arbitrary sequence computer
  7978. decay rediation
  7979. arbitrary-function generator
  7980. decay scheme
  7981. arc chamber
  7982. arc characteristic
  7983. arc chute
  7984. arc circuit
  7985. deci
  7986. arc converter
  7987. decibel chart
  7988. arc crater
  7989. decibel gain
  7990. arc deionization
  7991. decibel loss
  7992. arc detector
  7993. decimal decoder
  7994. arc distance
  7995. arc extinction
  7996. decimal notation
  7997. arc extinguish chamber
  7998. arc flame
  7999. decimal number system
  8000. arc furnace
  8001. arc generator
  8002. decimal-to-binary conversion
  8003. arc hissing
  8004. arc length
  8005. arc light
  8006. decision box
  8007. arc lighting
  8008. decision element
  8009. arc oscillator
  8010. arc over
  8011. decision generator
  8012. arc potential
  8013. decision instruction
  8014. arc standard
  8015. arc stream
  8016. arc striking mechanism
  8017. arc suppressing coil
  8018. arc suppressing coil transformer
  8019. arc suppressing reactor
  8020. arc system
  8021. arc transmitter
  8022. arc-current
  8023. declination chart
  8024. architectural acoustics
  8025. declination chart; declination map
  8026. declination compass
  8027. arcing chamber
  8028. arcing contact
  8029. decode operation
  8030. arcing distance
  8031. arcing flashover
  8032. decoder connector
  8033. arcing ground
  8034. decoding algorithm
  8035. decoding table
  8036. arcing ground suppressor
  8037. arcing horn
  8038. arcing ring
  8039. decomposition of multirate sample
  8040. arcing voltage
  8041. decomposition of signal
  8042. arctan
  8043. area control error
  8044. decrement factor
  8045. area density
  8046. decrement field
  8047. area exchange
  8048. decrement type quadruplex telegraph
  8049. area of zone
  8050. decrement working
  8051. area search
  8052. decrementer
  8053. A-register
  8054. argon bulb rectifier
  8055. dedicated circuit
  8056. dedicated service
  8057. argon laser
  8058. dedicated storage
  8059. argon thyratron
  8060. dedicated system
  8061. de-emphasis circuit
  8062. ARGUS; automatic routine generating and up-dating system
  8063. de-energize
  8064. arithmetic average
  8065. de-energized contact
  8066. deep bowl reflector
  8067. deep level
  8068. arithmetic logic unit; ALU
  8069. deep slot motor
  8070. arithmetic point
  8071. deep slot rotor
  8072. arithmetic section
  8073. deep-bar rotor
  8074. defect spot
  8075. arithmetic sum
  8076. arithmetic unit
  8077. defective restitution
  8078. arm brace
  8079. deferred cycle
  8080. arm guy
  8081. deficit electron
  8082. arm tie
  8083. definite time
  8084. definite time acceleration
  8085. definite time lag
  8086. definite time limit
  8087. definite time limit relay
  8088. definite time relay
  8089. deflecting bar
  8090. deflecting coil
  8091. deflecting force
  8092. deflecting magnetic field
  8093. deflecting plate
  8094. deflecting voltage
  8095. deflecting yoke
  8096. automatic route management
  8097. deflection center
  8098. armatre winding
  8099. deflection coil
  8100. deflection control
  8101. armature back stop
  8102. deflection factor
  8103. armature characteristic
  8104. deflection modulation; position modulation
  8105. armature characteristic curve
  8106. deflection potentiometer
  8107. armature coil
  8108. deflection sensitivity
  8109. armature conductor
  8110. deflection system
  8111. armature core
  8112. deflection yoke
  8113. armature core lamination
  8114. deflector modulation
  8115. armature end plate
  8116. deflector plate
  8117. armature flux
  8118. armature induction
  8119. defocusing effect
  8120. armature insulation
  8121. defocusing of beam
  8122. armature leakage
  8123. armature leakage field
  8124. armature leakage reactance
  8125. armature lever
  8126. degenerate level
  8127. armature lock lever
  8128. degenerate network
  8129. armature magnetization curve
  8130. degenerate parametric amplifier
  8131. armature mmf
  8132. degenerate p-n junction
  8133. armature ohmic loss
  8134. armature pole
  8135. degenerated electron gas
  8136. armature resistance
  8137. degeneration concentration
  8138. armature slot
  8139. degenerative feedback amplifier
  8140. armature spring
  8141. armature stamping
  8142. armature time constant
  8143. armature tooth
  8144. degree of distortion in service
  8145. armature tunnel
  8146. armature turn
  8147. degree of gross startstop distortion
  8148. armature voltage control
  8149. armature winding
  8150. armature-current
  8151. armor clad
  8152. armor cutter
  8153. armor rod
  8154. armor tape
  8155. armor; armour
  8156. degree of reentrancy
  8157. degree of re-entrancy
  8158. armoured-cable
  8159. Armstrong circuit
  8160. degree of standardized test distortion
  8161. Army data
  8162. degree of start-stop distortion
  8163. Army Fieldata Code
  8164. degree of synchronous start-stop distortion
  8165. Army technical operation center; ATROC
  8166. ARPANET; advanced research project agency network
  8167. array pitch
  8168. deion arc chamber
  8169. deion arrester
  8170. deion gap
  8171. articulation band
  8172. deion grid
  8173. deion grid circuit breaker
  8174. articulation reference equivalent
  8175. artificial aging
  8176. deionizing equipment
  8177. artificial cable
  8178. deionizing time of circuit breaker
  8179. Deiter rod
  8180. DEKATROM
  8181. artificial day light
  8182. artificial daylight
  8184. artificial delay line
  8185. artificial disintegration
  8186. delay action starter
  8187. artificial ear
  8188. delay circuit
  8189. artificial fault
  8190. delay counter
  8191. artificial ground
  8192. delay Doppler correlation function
  8193. delay element
  8194. delay line registor
  8195. artificial magnet
  8196. artificial mouth
  8197. delay neutron
  8198. artificial neutral point
  8199. delay output equip
  8200. artificial perception
  8201. delay restitution
  8202. delay-action switch
  8203. artificial resistance
  8204. artificial signal source
  8205. delay-Doppler coupling
  8206. artificial track circuit
  8207. delayed clamper
  8208. Aryton shunt
  8209. delayed conversation
  8210. delayed heat
  8211. asbestos board
  8212. delayed neutron
  8213. asbestos cloth
  8214. delayed sweep
  8215. asbestos covered wire
  8216. delay-line storage
  8217. asbestos insulated wire
  8218. delete character; DEL
  8219. asbestos insulation
  8220. deletion record
  8221. asbestos wire
  8222. Ascoli lemma
  8223. ASIST; advanced scientific instruments sybolic translator
  8224. aspect card
  8225. delivery data
  8226. ASPER; assembly system for peripheral processor
  8227. delta bank
  8228. delta current
  8229. delta insulator
  8230. assembly program
  8231. delta method
  8232. assembly routine
  8233. assembly system for peripheral processor; ASPER
  8234. delta ray; δ-ray
  8235. delta system
  8236. delta voltage
  8237. delta-delta connection
  8238. delta-star connection
  8239. assistant chief of staff for intellignece
  8240. associate reference direction
  8241. delta-wye connection
  8242. associated performance index
  8243. delta-wye power
  8244. associated synthetiz transfer function
  8245. demagetizing effect
  8246. associated transfer function
  8247. demagnetizing action
  8248. Association for Computing Machinery-German Association for Applied Mathem
  8249. demagnetizing coil
  8250. Association Francaise de Calcul; AFCAL
  8251. demagnetizing component
  8252. Association of Special Libraries Information Bureau; ALSIB
  8253. demagnetizing factor
  8254. associative memory law
  8255. demagnetizing field
  8256. demagnetizing force
  8257. astable circuit
  8258. demagneto
  8259. astable multivibrator
  8260. demand assigned frequency
  8261. astatic coil
  8262. demand charge
  8263. astatic couple of magnets
  8264. demand chart
  8265. astatic electrodynamometer
  8266. demand factor
  8267. astatic electro-dynamometer
  8268. astatic galvanometer
  8269. demand meter
  8270. astatic needle
  8271. demand service
  8272. astatic watt-hour meter
  8273. astigmatic aberration
  8274. asymmetric cell
  8275. asymmetric conductivity
  8276. demodulator linearity
  8277. asymmetric distortion
  8278. demodulator sensitivity
  8279. asymmetric effect
  8280. asymmetric fault current
  8281. asymmetric light source
  8282. asymmetric multivibrator
  8283. asymmetrical fault current
  8284. denatured fuel
  8285. asymmetrical wave
  8286. dense binary code
  8287. dense-target environment
  8288. asymptotic approximation
  8289. asynchronous generator
  8290. density gradient
  8291. asynchronous motor
  8292. density matrix
  8293. density of electron
  8294. asynchronous phase modifier
  8295. density of electrostatic charge
  8296. asynchronous quenching
  8297. density of flux
  8298. asynchronous spark gap
  8299. density of free electrons
  8300. asynchronous speed
  8301. density of holes
  8302. asynchronous torque
  8303. density of ionization
  8304. asynchronous-condenser
  8305. density of lines of force
  8306. density of magnetic flux
  8307. asynchronus condensor
  8308. density of modes
  8309. AT-cut
  8310. density of quantumstates
  8311. Atkinson-bridge
  8312. density of states
  8313. denumerable set
  8314. dependent nonlinear signal
  8315. atmospheric discharge
  8316. dependent source
  8317. atmospheric discharge coil
  8318. depletion mode
  8319. depletion region
  8320. depletion width
  8321. depolarizing agent
  8322. atmospheric radio wave
  8323. atmospheric refraction index
  8324. atom diameter
  8325. atomic (energy) level
  8326. atomic absorption coefficient
  8327. derailing switch
  8328. atomic bombardment
  8329. atomic electricity
  8330. derivative and integral proportional electronic controller
  8331. atomic energy storage battery
  8332. atomic fuel
  8333. derivative control error
  8334. atomic furnace
  8335. derivative control input
  8336. atomic lattice
  8337. derivative control output
  8338. AMU
  8339. derivative random process
  8340. derivative sensing method
  8341. derivative time
  8342. derived circuit
  8343. atomic power
  8344. atomic power development association; APDA
  8345. derived type structure
  8346. atomic power plant
  8347. atomic ration
  8348. atomic reactor
  8349. Descart’s rule of sign
  8350. atomic separation
  8351. descending electromagnetic wave
  8352. atomic spacing
  8353. atomic structure
  8354. desensitizing relay
  8355. atomic torso
  8356. design engineer
  8357. designation card
  8358. atomic weight unit; AWU
  8359. designation number
  8360. atomizing burner
  8361. designation strip
  8362. atotal characteristic curve
  8363. attended operation
  8364. desk (telephone) set
  8365. attended station
  8366. desk fan
  8367. attended substation
  8368. desk fax; desk facsimile
  8369. desk lamp
  8370. attenuating network
  8371. destructive addition
  8372. attenuating partition
  8373. destructive read-out; DRO
  8374. destructive storage
  8375. destructive test
  8376. detachable plugboard
  8377. attenuation equalizer
  8378. detail bit
  8379. attenuation frequency distortion
  8380. detail contrast
  8381. attenuation rate
  8382. detail file
  8383. attenuation ratio
  8384. detecting circuit
  8385. attracted disc electrometer
  8386. detecting instrument
  8387. attraction domain
  8388. detection coefficient
  8389. detection factor
  8390. detection of neutron
  8391. audibility meter
  8392. audible alarm
  8393. detector bar
  8394. detector circuit
  8395. audible code
  8396. detector locking
  8397. detector section
  8398. detector tube
  8399. audible tone; audible frequencies
  8400. audio circuit
  8401. determinist input
  8402. audio distortion
  8403. deterministic channal
  8404. audio facilities
  8405. deterministic time function
  8406. detonating signal
  8407. audio frequency amplification
  8408. detuning sleeve
  8409. audio frequency peak limiter
  8410. deuteron alpha reaction
  8411. audio frequency push-pull amplifier
  8412. deuteron bombardment
  8413. audio frequency shift modulation
  8414. deuteron neutron reaction
  8415. developed winding diagram
  8416. audio frequency transistor
  8417. development engineer
  8418. AF amplifier
  8419. audio howl
  8420. deviation factor
  8421. audio input
  8422. audio output
  8423. deviative absorption
  8424. audio singing
  8425. audio system
  8426. devil claw
  8427. audiogram; audiograph
  8428. Dewey decimal classification
  8429. Dewey decimal system
  8430. audion
  8431. audion detector
  8432. audiphone
  8433. diagnostic program
  8434. diagnostic routine
  8435. auditory meatus
  8436. diagnostic sounder
  8437. auditory nerve
  8438. diagnostic test
  8439. auditory sensation
  8440. auditory sensation area
  8441. auditting
  8442. diagonalizaiton
  8443. auger bit
  8444. diagonalizing transformation matrix
  8445. augmented operation code
  8446. diagram circuit
  8447. aural method
  8448. aural signal
  8449. dial counter
  8450. aural transmitter
  8451. DIAL GOL; dialect ALGOL
  8452. dial impulse
  8453. dial light
  8454. aurora polaris; aurora
  8455. dial speed test
  8456. aurora tube
  8457. aurora zone
  8458. dial telephone set
  8459. aurora; aurora polaris
  8460. dial tone; DT
  8461. auroral absorption
  8462. dial type thermometer
  8463. dialect ALGOL; DIALGOL
  8464. australis aurora
  8465. auto catalytic reactor
  8466. dialling key
  8467. dialling tone
  8468. auto transformer
  8469. auto-abstracting
  8470. diamagnetic polarity
  8471. auto-answer
  8472. autobalance
  8473. auto-catalytic reactor
  8474. autochart
  8475. diamagnetometer
  8476. auto-circuit breaker
  8477. diamantin
  8478. diametral plane
  8479. auto-collimating theodolite
  8480. diametrical connection
  8481. auto-convertor
  8482. diamond antenna; rhombic antenna
  8483. auto-correlation function
  8484. auto-decrement index register
  8485. diaphram
  8486. auto-doping
  8487. diathermy spark
  8488. autodyne circuit
  8489. autodyne frequency meter
  8490. dibit
  8491. autodyne method
  8492. dicap storage
  8493. autodyne; autoheterodyne
  8494. autoheterodyne; autodyne
  8495. dichroic mirror
  8496. auto-increment index register
  8497. auto-index
  8498. dictionary catalog
  8499. auto-indexing
  8500. DID; digital information display
  8501. auto-inductive coupling
  8502. auto-jigger; auto-transformer
  8503. die bonding
  8504. automate theory
  8505. automated data medium
  8506. Automath
  8507. dielectric absorption constant
  8508. Automath 1800
  8509. dielectric absorption test
  8510. automatic answer back unit
  8511. dielectric amplifier
  8512. automatic arc welding
  8513. automatic barrel welder
  8514. automatic bias
  8515. dielectric bead
  8516. automatic black level; ABL
  8517. automatic block section
  8518. automatic block signal
  8519. dielectric capacity
  8520. dielectric capacity; specific inductive capacity
  8521. dielectric coefficient
  8522. automatic brake
  8523. dielectric coefficient; specific inductive capacity
  8524. automatic brightness control
  8525. dielectric current
  8526. automatic calling unit; ACU
  8527. dielectric failure
  8528. dielectric fatige
  8529. dielectric fatigue
  8530. automatic checking
  8531. dielectric flux
  8532. automatic clearing
  8533. dielectric flux density
  8534. automatic clearing signal
  8535. ACT
  8536. dielectric hysteresis
  8537. automatic computer
  8538. dielectric hysteresis loss
  8539. automatic controller
  8540. dielectric medium
  8541. automatic cut out
  8542. dielectric power factor test
  8543. automatic data processing equipment; ADPE
  8544. dielectric resistance
  8545. automatic data processing; ADP
  8546. automatic data system uniform practice; ADSUP
  8547. Automatic dialing unit; ADU
  8548. dielectric stress
  8549. automatic digital network; AUTODIN
  8550. automatic dispatch
  8551. Diesel engine
  8552. automatic display call indicator
  8553. automatic error correcting device
  8554. diesel engine generator
  8555. diesel power plant
  8556. automatic feed punch
  8557. difference amplifier
  8558. automatic frequency control
  8559. difference gate
  8560. automatic gain control switch
  8561. difference method
  8562. difference of electric potential
  8563. automatic governor
  8564. difference of magnetic potential
  8565. difference of phase
  8566. automatic grid bias
  8567. automatic information retrieval system; AIRS
  8568. difference of potential
  8569. automatic interlocker
  8570. difference operator
  8571. automatic interlocking
  8572. difference sequence
  8573. automatic ionosphere recorder
  8574. automatic keying
  8575. differentiable function
  8576. automatic linguistic extracting and retrieval technique; ALERT
  8577. differential action
  8578. automatic load dispatching
  8579. ALFC
  8580. differential analyzer; DA
  8581. automatic message switching
  8582. differential approximation
  8583. automatic modulation control
  8584. differential arc lamp
  8585. automatic noise limiter
  8586. differential coil
  8587. differential compound motor
  8588. automatic noise suppression
  8589. differential condenser
  8590. automatic numbering transmitter
  8591. automatic oil switch
  8592. differential connection
  8593. automatic operating system; AUTOPSY
  8594. automatic personal identification code; AUTOPIC
  8595. differential duplex system
  8596. differential dynamometer
  8597. automatic pilot
  8598. differential electromagnet
  8599. automatic plant
  8600. automatic plotting
  8601. automatic programming and recording; APAR
  8602. differential galvanometer
  8603. automatic programming of machine tools; AUTORROMT
  8604. differential gap
  8605. automatic reclose
  8606. differential generator
  8607. automatic reclosing
  8608. differential magnetometer
  8609. automatic reclosing relay
  8610. differential mechanism
  8611. automatic register
  8612. differential method
  8613. automatic regulating systems
  8614. differential motor
  8615. automatic regulator
  8616. differential permeability; incremental permeability
  8617. automatic release
  8618. differential protecting
  8619. automatic reperforator
  8620. differential protection
  8621. differential quadruplex
  8622. differential relay
  8623. automatic replacer
  8624. automatic reset
  8625. differential sensitivity
  8626. differential stratification
  8627. automatic responsor
  8628. differential synchro
  8629. differential system
  8630. automatic retransmitter
  8631. differential thermocouple
  8632. differential thermoelectric pile
  8633. automatic routine
  8634. differential winding
  8635. automatic shunt
  8636. differential wound
  8637. automatic shut-off
  8638. differentiating amplifier
  8639. automatic signal
  8640. differentiating circuit
  8641. differentiating network
  8642. automatic speed control
  8643. differentiation selection
  8644. automatic speed controller
  8645. differentiation theorem
  8646. automatic start circuit
  8647. automatic starter
  8648. automatic starter; self-starter; autostarter
  8649. diffracting grating
  8650. automatic station
  8651. diffraction cell
  8652. automatic system
  8653. automatic tape punch
  8654. automatic tape transmitter
  8655. diffraction of electron
  8656. automatic telegraph
  8657. diffraction scattering
  8658. automatic telegraph transmitter
  8659. automatic telegraphy
  8660. diffusate light
  8661. diffuse luminarie
  8662. diffuse surface
  8663. automatic telephony
  8664. diffuse transmission
  8665. automatic time release
  8666. diffused light
  8667. automatic time switch
  8668. diffused lighting
  8669. diffused profile
  8670. automatic train control
  8671. diffused reflection
  8672. automatic train stop
  8673. diffused refraction
  8674. automatic transmitter
  8675. diffused resistor
  8676. automatic trunk call
  8677. diffused spike
  8678. automatic tuning control
  8679. diffused-base alloy technique; DAT
  8680. automatic vlotage regulator; AVR
  8681. diffused-base technique; DBT
  8682. automatic voltage regulator
  8683. diffused-base transistor
  8684. diffused-collector process
  8685. automatic volume range regulator
  8686. automatic welder
  8687. diffuser ceiling
  8688. automatic white level; AWL
  8689. diffusing glass
  8690. automatic error correcting telegraph system
  8691. diffusing reflection
  8692. automatic-breaker
  8693. automatic-system for soluing equation; EASE II engineering
  8694. diffusion barrier
  8695. automobile head lamp
  8696. diffusion conductance
  8697. automobile receiver
  8698. diffusion constant
  8699. diffusion current
  8700. auto-monitor
  8701. diffusion current density
  8702. autonomous working
  8703. diffusion front
  8704. auto-photoelectric effect
  8705. diffusion layer
  8706. AUTOPIC; automatic personal identification code
  8707. diffusion length
  8708. diffusion of ion
  8709. AUTOPROMT; automatic programming of machine tools
  8710. AUTOPSY; automatic operating system
  8711. auto-relay
  8712. diffusion rate
  8713. autosimulate mode
  8714. diffusion region
  8715. auto-syns
  8716. diffusion technique
  8717. auto-tracking
  8718. diffusion transistor
  8719. auto-transformer
  8720. diffusion triangle
  8721. auto-transformer starter
  8722. diffusion voltage
  8723. auto-valve lightning arrester
  8724. auxiliary arc
  8725. digging (linemen’s tool) bar
  8726. auxiliary break contact
  8727. digging machine
  8728. digiplot
  8729. auxiliary concentrator
  8730. digiralt
  8731. auxiliary contact
  8732. auxiliary contactor
  8733. auxiliary contactor switch
  8734. digit absorber
  8735. auxiliary data
  8736. digit cancelling
  8737. auxiliary earth
  8738. digit column
  8739. auxiliary electrode
  8740. digit compression
  8741. digit delay element
  8742. auxiliary lamp
  8743. digit emitter
  8744. digit period
  8745. auxiliary magnetic pole
  8746. digit place
  8747. digit plane
  8748. auxiliary power
  8749. digit plane driver; DPD
  8750. auxiliary relay
  8751. digit punch
  8752. auxiliary signal
  8753. digit selector
  8754. digit transducer
  8755. auxiliary storage
  8756. digit transfer bus
  8757. digit transfer trunk
  8758. auxiliary switch
  8759. auxiliary tripping relay
  8760. digital amplifier
  8761. availabe capacity
  8762. digital analog function table; DAFT
  8763. digital compensator
  8764. available electron
  8765. digital control
  8766. available gain
  8767. digital data
  8768. digital data processing unit
  8769. available time
  8770. digital data processor; DDP
  8771. digital data scope
  8772. avalanche diode
  8773. digital data transmission system
  8774. avalanche effect
  8775. digital data transmitter; DDT
  8776. avalanche mode
  8777. digital differential analyser; DDA
  8778. avalanche region
  8779. digital feedback system
  8780. avalanche transistor
  8781. digital information display; DID
  8782. avalanche voltage
  8783. digital multiplier
  8784. AVC amplifier
  8785. digital optical projection system; DOPS
  8786. AVC relay
  8787. digital representation
  8788. digital sort
  8789. average calculating operation
  8790. digital telemetering
  8791. average current
  8792. digital to analog convertor
  8793. average daily calling
  8794. digital to analog transducer
  8795. average data-transfer rate
  8796. digital transducer
  8797. average effectiveness level
  8798. digitized maximum principle
  8799. average energy
  8800. digitized system equation
  8801. average filter
  8802. average flow
  8803. average load
  8804. average neutron lifetime
  8805. dimensional formula
  8806. average noise factor
  8807. dimensionless response
  8808. average operation time
  8809. diminished-radix complement
  8810. average output
  8811. average picture level; APL
  8812. dimmer control
  8813. average radio
  8814. average scattering
  8815. diode anode
  8816. average sound power
  8817. diode cathode
  8818. average transmission rate
  8819. diode characteristic
  8820. average value
  8821. diode charging
  8822. average value voltmeter
  8823. diode clipper; diode limiter
  8824. Avogadro constant
  8825. diode current
  8826. diode cutoff region
  8827. awaiting-repair time
  8828. diode equation
  8829. axial focusing field
  8830. diode equivalent network
  8831. axial jet
  8832. axial polarization ratio
  8833. axial spherical aberration
  8834. diode forward region
  8835. axial ventilation
  8836. diode forward resistance
  8837. axial winding
  8838. diode function generator; DFG
  8839. diode laser
  8840. axis of abscissa
  8841. diode storage time
  8842. axis of commutation
  8843. diode switch
  8844. axis of ordinate
  8845. diode voltage
  8846. diode-driven
  8847. axonometry
  8848. diode-transistor logic; DTL
  8849. Ayrton shunt
  8850. diode-triode
  8851. dip circle
  8852. azimuth adjustment
  8853. dip compass
  8854. azimuth bin
  8855. dip; inclination; magnetic dip
  8856. azimuth cable wrap
  8857. azimuth compass
  8858. azimuth drive motor
  8859. dipolar polarization
  8860. azimuth elevation indicator
  8861. azimuth error signal
  8862. dipole layer
  8863. azimuth loss
  8864. dipole modulation
  8865. azimuth quantum number
  8866. dipping needle
  8867. azimuth resolution
  8868. dipping needle; inclination needle
  8869. azimuth sweep circuit
  8870. Dirac δ-function
  8871. Dirac’s representation
  8872. B (battery)eliminator
  8873. direct (telegraph) circuit
  8874. B 15
  8875. direct access storage device; DASD
  8876. B board
  8877. direct acting
  8878. B key
  8879. direct address
  8880. B kick
  8881. direct addressing
  8882. B operator
  8883. direct axis
  8884. direct axis air-gap performance
  8885. B relay
  8886. direct axis component
  8887. B scope
  8888. direct axis reactance
  8889. B station
  8890. direct circuit
  8891. B. & S. wire gauge
  8892. direct collection converter
  8893. direct component coefficient of distribution
  8894. direct control
  8895. B.A. ohm
  8896. direct coupled circuit
  8897. B.O.A. ohm
  8898. direct coupled flip-flop
  8899. BA ohm
  8900. direct coupled machine
  8901. direct coupled transistor logic; DCTL
  8902. Babinet compensator
  8903. back ampere turns
  8904. back arc
  8905. back bias
  8906. direct current ammeter
  8907. back conductance
  8908. direct current amplification factor
  8909. back connection
  8910. back contact
  8911. direct current and alternating current comparator; DC & AC comparator
  8912. back contact spring
  8913. direct current characteristic
  8914. back coupling
  8915. direct current dynamo
  8916. back current
  8917. direct current generator
  8918. direct current generator; DC generator
  8919. back direction
  8920. direct current machine
  8921. back discharge
  8922. direct current motor
  8923. back E.M.F.cell
  8924. direct current potential transformer
  8925. back E.M.F.constant
  8926. back electromotive force
  8927. back electromotive force; back E.M.F.; counter electromotive force
  8928. direct current resistance
  8929. direct current transformer
  8930. back feed
  8931. direct current; DC
  8932. back feed factor
  8933. direct cycle access storage device; DASD
  8934. back feed phase
  8935. direct deflection method
  8936. back lash
  8937. back light
  8938. direct digital programming
  8939. back lighting
  8940. back lock
  8941. direct drive scanning
  8942. back pitch
  8943. direct electric drainage
  8944. direct excitation
  8945. back porch
  8946. back porch period
  8947. back scattering
  8948. direct inductive coupling
  8949. back scattering coefficient
  8950. back source
  8951. direct inker
  8952. back spectacles
  8953. direct ink-writer
  8954. direct insert routine
  8955. back substitution
  8956. back tail lever
  8957. direct light
  8958. back to back connection
  8959. direct lighting system
  8960. back to back repeater
  8961. direct luminaire
  8962. back to back sawtooth wave
  8963. back wall photovoltaic cell
  8964. back wire
  8965. direct memory access; DMA
  8966. back-boundary cell
  8967. direct method
  8968. background clutter
  8969. direct method of Liapunov
  8970. direct on starter
  8971. direct open cycle
  8972. direct order recording and invoicing system; DORIS
  8973. direct pick-up
  8974. direct piezo electric effect
  8975. backlash nonlinearity
  8976. direct plot
  8977. backspace character; BS
  8978. direct product representation
  8979. backup interceptor control; BUIC
  8980. direct reading meter
  8981. back-up protection relaying
  8982. direct recorder
  8983. direct recording
  8984. backward bias
  8985. direct relation
  8986. direct sounder
  8987. direct stroke
  8988. backward direction
  8989. direct stroke lighting
  8990. backward probability
  8991. direct stroke lightning
  8992. backward recovery time
  8993. direct transfer function
  8994. backward scatter propagation
  8995. direct transit circuit
  8996. backward shift
  8997. direct transition
  8998. direct trunking system
  8999. direct view magnifier
  9000. backward wave oscillation
  9001. backward-acting regulator
  9002. Baird densitometer
  9003. bake oven
  9004. baking dry
  9005. baking dry varnish
  9006. balance coil
  9007. direct viewing tube
  9008. balance condenser
  9009. balance current
  9010. direct-axis reactance
  9011. balance lever
  9012. directcoupled multivibrator
  9013. balance load
  9014. direct-current (DC) amplifier
  9015. direction distribution
  9016. balance voltage
  9017. direction finder
  9018. balanced ‘H’section attenuator
  9019. balanced 3-phase system
  9020. direction finding station
  9021. direction of polarization
  9022. balanced armature loudspeaker
  9023. direction of propagation
  9024. balanced cell method
  9025. directional characteristic
  9026. directional comparison protection
  9027. balanced deflection
  9028. directional comparison relay
  9029. directional comparison system
  9030. directional control
  9031. balanced input wave trap
  9032. directional derivative
  9033. directional element
  9034. balanced load
  9035. directional over current relay
  9036. balanced method
  9037. directional overcurrent protection
  9038. balanced multivibrator
  9039. balanced oscillator
  9040. directional relay
  9041. balanced receiver
  9042. directional selectivity
  9043. directional transmission
  9044. balanced-tube circuit
  9045. directive antenna
  9046. balancer set
  9047. balancing condenser
  9048. directivity diagram
  9049. directive property
  9050. directly excited antenna
  9051. balancing net
  9052. director switching system
  9053. balancing relay
  9054. director system
  9055. balbance modulator
  9056. directory file
  9057. directory position
  9058. Dirichlet condition
  9059. Dirichlet discontinuous function
  9060. ball insulator
  9061. disabling pulse
  9062. ball valve
  9063. disc coil
  9064. disc electrometer
  9065. ballast leakage
  9066. disc record
  9067. ballast leakage resistance
  9068. disc recorder
  9069. ballast resistance
  9070. disc recording
  9071. disc signal
  9072. disc storage
  9073. ballast tube
  9074. disc type induction ammeter
  9075. disc type lightning arrester
  9076. ballistic electrodynamometer
  9077. disc winding
  9078. ballistic electrometer
  9079. disc; disk
  9080. ballistic method
  9081. discharge capacity
  9082. ballistic missile early warning system; BMEWS
  9083. discharge current
  9084. ballistic throw
  9085. discharge curve
  9086. discharge duration curve
  9087. discharge gap
  9088. discharge lamp
  9089. band brake
  9090. discharge path
  9091. band conveyer
  9092. band diagram
  9093. discharge rate of battery
  9094. discharge resistor
  9095. discharge time
  9096. band loud-speaker
  9097. discharge tongs
  9098. discharge tongs; discharging tongs
  9099. discharge tube
  9100. band pass tuner
  9101. discharge voltage
  9102. band rim
  9103. discharge-tube rectifier
  9104. band selector
  9105. discharging resistor
  9106. band space; band gap
  9107. disconnect signal
  9108. band spread
  9109. disconnecting signal
  9110. disconnecting switch
  9111. disconnection test
  9112. band suppression filter
  9113. band switching
  9114. discontinuity absorption
  9115. band theory of solid
  9116. discontinuous oscillation
  9117. band to band tunnelling
  9118. discontinuous wave
  9119. band trap
  9120. band width
  9121. band width of antenna
  9122. discrete describing function
  9123. band-edge tailing
  9124. discrete programming
  9125. band-limited noise
  9126. discrete random variable
  9127. band-limited random process
  9128. discrete spectra
  9129. band-limited signal
  9130. discrete unit step
  9131. band-limited white noise
  9132. band-to-band recombination
  9133. discrete wave train
  9134. band-to-band transition
  9135. discrete word intelligibility
  9136. discrete-file crossrelation function
  9137. bang-bang principle
  9138. discrete-time convolution property
  9139. discrete-time Markov process
  9140. bank cable
  9141. discrete-time object
  9142. bank contact
  9143. discrete-time stable equation
  9144. banked operation
  9145. banked secondary system
  9146. discriminate tone
  9147. banked winding
  9148. discrimination instruction
  9149. disintegration electron
  9150. bar- solder
  9151. disintegration theory
  9152. Bardeen & Brattain theory
  9153. bare conductor
  9154. disjunction gate
  9155. disjunctive search
  9156. barium-strontium titanate
  9157. disk arm valve
  9158. disk operating system; DOS
  9159. disk type rectifier
  9160. barrel width
  9161. barrel winding
  9162. disk valve
  9163. dispatch tube
  9164. barrier layer
  9165. dispatcher telephone
  9166. barrier layer cell
  9167. dispatcher’s board
  9168. barrier potential
  9169. Bartlett’s bisectior theorem
  9170. dispersion electrons
  9171. Bartlett’s reciprocation theorem
  9172. dispersion gate
  9173. dispersive target
  9174. base & emitter shorted cutoff collector current
  9175. base bias
  9176. base bulk resistance
  9177. base charge
  9178. display assignment bit; DAB
  9179. base clipping
  9180. display attention bit; DAB
  9181. base connection
  9182. oxide film arrester
  9183. display category
  9184. base current
  9185. display center
  9186. base doping
  9187. base electrode
  9188. base emitter voltage
  9189. display drum
  9190. display key
  9191. base grounded current gain cutoff frequency
  9192. display lighting
  9193. base group
  9194. base KVA
  9195. display primaries
  9196. base layer
  9197. display tube
  9198. base light
  9199. display unit
  9200. disruptive discharge
  9201. base line stabilizer
  9202. disruptive force
  9203. base load
  9204. disruptive function
  9205. disruptive of energy
  9206. base notation
  9207. disruptive spark
  9208. base of mast mechanism
  9209. disruptive voltage
  9210. dissector tube
  9211. dissimulated electricity
  9212. base point
  9213. dissipation of energy
  9214. base register
  9215. dissipative force
  9216. base resistance
  9217. dissipative net; dissipative network
  9218. base series resistor
  9219. dissociated atom
  9220. base speed
  9221. dissociation voltage
  9222. base spreading resistance
  9223. dissociative excitation
  9224. base thickness
  9225. base voltage
  9226. base zone
  9227. dissymmetrical field
  9228. dissymmetrical net
  9229. dissymmetrical polyphase system
  9230. baseball computer program
  9231. dissymmetrical polyphase system; asymmetrical polyphase systen
  9232. baseband bank
  9233. distance function
  9234. baseband combiner
  9235. distance gate
  9236. distance measuring equipment; DME
  9237. distance protection
  9238. base-of-mast mechanism
  9239. distance relay
  9240. base-open cutoff collector current
  9241. distance striking
  9242. base-width modulation
  9243. basic assumption
  9244. distant early warning line
  9245. basic autocoder
  9246. distant signal
  9247. basic code
  9248. distant transmission; DX
  9249. basic impulse level; BIL
  9250. distillator
  9251. basic noise
  9252. distinguishable state
  9253. basic operating system; BOS
  9254. distorted wave
  9255. basic structure
  9256. distorting amplifier
  9257. basis of crystal
  9258. distortion factor
  9259. distortion meter
  9260. basis of representation
  9261. basis vector
  9262. distortion of sound
  9263. basket (wound) coil
  9264. basket coil
  9265. distributed amplification
  9266. bass reflex loudspeaker
  9267. distributed amplifier
  9268. distributed capacity
  9269. distributed constant
  9270. distributed data base
  9271. batch total
  9272. distributed field winding
  9273. bath voltage
  9274. distributed inductance
  9275. batten check
  9276. distributed load
  9277. distributed resistance
  9278. battery box
  9279. battery charger
  9280. distributed winding
  9281. distributed yielding
  9282. battery chute
  9283. distributed-parameter system
  9284. battery commutator
  9285. distributing cabinet
  9286. distributing frame
  9287. battery dialling
  9288. distributing system
  9289. battery elevator
  9290. battery eliminator
  9291. distribution amplifier
  9292. battery house
  9293. battery indication
  9294. distribution cable
  9295. battery jar
  9296. distribution center
  9297. distribution circuit
  9298. battery set
  9299. battery vault
  9300. battery well
  9301. distribution control
  9302. distribution engineering
  9303. distribution factor
  9304. Baudot
  9305. distribution feeder
  9306. Baudot automatic system
  9307. distribution function
  9308. Baudot combiner wheel
  9309. distribution line
  9310. Baudot correcting electromagnet
  9311. distribution loss
  9312. Baudot duplex
  9313. distribution network
  9314. Baudot multiplex
  9315. Baudot phonic wheel
  9316. distribution of flux
  9317. Baudot-Verdan system
  9318. distribution of resonance
  9319. distribution photometer
  9320. distribution substation
  9321. distribution system
  9322. Bayesian estimation
  9323. distribution tape reel; DTR
  9324. distribution transformer
  9325. bayonet socket
  9326. distribution voltage
  9327. distribution-cabinet
  9328. B-battery
  9329. district control
  9330. beacon lamp
  9331. district frame
  9332. district selector
  9333. beacon light
  9334. district telephone system
  9335. beacon station
  9336. disturbance torque
  9337. bead thermistor
  9338. beaded-insulation line
  9339. disturbed cell
  9340. disturbed-one output signal
  9341. disturbed-zoro output signal
  9342. Ditchburn’s sector
  9343. beam antenna system
  9344. beam balance type
  9345. diurnal load factor
  9346. beam compression factor
  9347. beam current
  9348. divalent ion
  9349. beam directive transmission
  9350. divalent rare earths
  9351. beam index color picture tube
  9352. divergence of wave
  9353. divergent equilibrium
  9354. beam lumen
  9355. divergent radiation
  9356. beam of light transistor
  9357. diversified demand
  9358. beam pattern
  9359. diversity antenna
  9360. beam positioning magnet
  9361. beam primary antenna system
  9362. diversity factor
  9363. beam reflector antenna system
  9364. beam spread
  9365. diversity factor of radio reception
  9366. diversity gain
  9367. beam system
  9368. diversity gate
  9369. diversity reception
  9370. beampower tube
  9371. beam-switching tube
  9372. bearing ball
  9373. diverter generator
  9374. diverter pole generator
  9375. bearing end
  9376. divided circuit
  9377. bearing error
  9378. bearing friction
  9379. bearing indicator
  9380. division of load
  9381. bearing lining
  9382. bearing mark
  9383. bearing pedestal
  9384. DMA; direct memory access
  9385. bearing semaphore
  9386. document per minute; DPM
  9387. document reference edge
  9388. beat frequency oscillation
  9389. dog chart
  9390. beat interference
  9391. Dolezalek electrometer
  9392. beat pattern
  9393. beat receiver
  9394. beat tone
  9395. domain closed-loop pole
  9396. beavertail antenna
  9397. domestic telegram
  9398. dominant color wave length
  9399. Becquerel effect
  9400. Becquerel's ray
  9401. dominant wave
  9402. dominant wavelength
  9403. beginning-of-tape marker
  9404. donor atom
  9405. BEL; bell character
  9406. donor circuit
  9407. donor density
  9408. donor energy level
  9409. donor exhaustion
  9410. donor ion
  9411. bell button
  9412. do-nothing instruction
  9413. bell character; BEL
  9414. don't care gate
  9415. bell code
  9416. doorknob tube
  9417. Bell idle
  9418. door-knob tube
  9419. Bell Laboratories automatic design system; BLADES
  9420. Bell Laboratory interpreting system; BLIS
  9421. Bell little electro-data symbolic system for the electro-data; BLESSED
  9422. belled mouth
  9423. doping density
  9424. Bellini-Tosi antenna
  9425. doping distribution
  9426. Bellman’s equation
  9427. doping front
  9428. bellow type
  9429. doping gradient
  9430. belt conveyer
  9431. belt leakage
  9432. belted type cable
  9433. belted-cable
  9434. bench board
  9435. Doppler’s principle
  9436. DOPS; digital optical projection system
  9437. bend point
  9438. DORIS; direct order recording and invoicing system
  9439. dot convention
  9440. dot crawl
  9441. Bendixson criteria
  9442. dot cycle
  9443. Bennett’s concentric opal sphere
  9444. dot frequency
  9445. bent antenna
  9446. dot generator
  9447. dot interlacing
  9448. dot sequential color television
  9449. dot-scanning sequence
  9450. Bessel horn
  9451. dot-sequential color system
  9452. Bessel’s equation
  9453. double address
  9454. best beat method
  9455. double amplitude
  9456. double aperture lens
  9457. double arm
  9458. beta cut off frequency
  9459. double base diode
  9460. beta disintegration
  9461. beta ray
  9462. double Baudot system
  9463. beta ray emission
  9464. double bell
  9465. beta rays
  9466. double break
  9467. beta tron
  9468. double break switch
  9469. beta tron oscillation
  9470. double bridge
  9471. bev
  9472. double bucket
  9473. double bus
  9474. B-H curve
  9475. B-H loop
  9476. double cap insulator; double shed insulator
  9477. double cavity klystron
  9478. double circuit
  9479. bias battery
  9480. double circuit jack
  9481. bias check
  9482. double coil filament
  9483. bias current
  9484. double cone antenna
  9485. double contact
  9486. bias light
  9487. double contact key
  9488. bias resistance
  9489. double cord system
  9490. bias resistor
  9491. double cotton covered; DCC
  9492. bias test
  9493. bias voltage
  9494. double cup porcelain insulator
  9495. biased bell
  9496. double current cable code
  9497. double current generator
  9498. bicathode tube
  9499. double current key
  9500. biconditional gate
  9501. double current system
  9502. double current transmission
  9503. biconical horn
  9504. bidirectional flow
  9505. double curve turnout
  9506. bidirectional microphone
  9507. double curve turnout in opposite direction
  9508. double curve turnout in the same direction
  9509. bidirectional transistor
  9510. double delta connection
  9511. bifilar coil
  9512. bifilar galvanometer
  9513. double detection
  9514. bifilar winding
  9515. double dog
  9516. bifrequency transfer function
  9517. double feed
  9518. bifurcated contact
  9519. double fluid cell
  9520. bifurcating box
  9521. bilateral antenna
  9522. double fluid cell; two fluid cell
  9523. bilateral element
  9524. double fluid theory
  9525. double grid tube
  9526. bilateral impedance
  9527. double group
  9528. bilateral Laplace transformation
  9529. double head (telephone) receiver
  9530. bilateral transformation
  9531. double hyphen
  9532. bilateral transistor
  9533. bilateral weighting
  9534. double induction voltage regulator
  9535. billi bit
  9536. double layer lens
  9537. double layer winding
  9538. bimetallic strip
  9539. double line
  9540. bimetallic thermostat
  9541. double line to ground fault
  9542. bimetallic wire
  9543. double mixer system
  9544. double modulation
  9545. bin width
  9546. binant electrometer
  9547. double needle telegraph
  9548. binary arithmetic operation
  9549. double petticoat insulator
  9550. binary asymmetric channel
  9551. double phantom balanced telegraph circuit
  9552. binary automatic computer
  9553. binary card
  9554. double pole double throw switch
  9555. double pole single throw switch
  9556. binary chain
  9557. double pole switch
  9558. binary circuit
  9559. double precision quantity
  9560. binary coded alphanumeric
  9561. double punch
  9562. double rail track circuit
  9563. double rating
  9564. binary counter
  9565. binary deck
  9566. double resonance
  9567. double resonator
  9568. binary element
  9569. double scale
  9570. binary erasure channel
  9571. double scale voltmeter
  9572. binary half-adder
  9573. double side band system
  9574. double silk covered copper wire
  9575. binary incremental representation
  9576. double silk covered; DSC
  9577. binary noise
  9578. double slide rheostat
  9579. double sound source
  9580. binary number system
  9581. double squirrel cage induction motor
  9582. binary one
  9583. double squirrel cage motor
  9584. binary pair
  9585. double stagger tuning
  9586. binary phase-shift coding
  9587. double star winding
  9588. binary point
  9589. double strand
  9590. double subscript
  9591. binary unit
  9592. double superheterodyne
  9593. binary vapor
  9594. double supervision
  9595. binary variable
  9596. double switch turnout
  9597. binary zero
  9598. double test
  9599. binary-coded address
  9600. double threshold
  9601. binary-coded character
  9602. double throw
  9603. binary-coded decimal notation
  9604. double throw contact
  9605. binary-coded digit
  9606. double time constant sync signal
  9607. binary-coded octal; BCO
  9608. double track territory
  9609. binary-state variable
  9610. double tuned filter
  9611. binary-symmetric channel
  9612. double tuned I-F and R-F amplifier
  9613. binary-to decimal conversion
  9614. double way
  9615. binate electrometer
  9616. double winding generator
  9617. binaural effect
  9618. double-break switch
  9619. binaural hearing
  9620. double-cotton covered
  9621. binaural recorder
  9622. double-diode
  9623. bind wire
  9624. double-dot display
  9625. double-ended cord circuit
  9626. binding electron
  9627. double-M-derived filter
  9628. double-pole double-throw switch
  9629. binding post
  9630. double-pole single-throw switch
  9631. binding screw
  9632. double-pole switch
  9633. binding wire
  9634. double-precision automatic interpretive system 201; DAISY 201
  9635. binding wire; tie wire
  9636. binistor; PNPN
  9637. double-silk covered
  9638. binit; binary unit
  9639. double-speed transmission
  9640. binocular coil
  9641. doublet (Hertz antenna) antenna
  9642. bio-electrical phenomenon
  9643. bio-electricity
  9644. double-T connection
  9645. doublet lens
  9646. biological shield
  9647. doublet oscillator
  9648. double-throw switch
  9649. double-tuned filter
  9650. double-valued nonlinearity
  9651. double-wire signal
  9652. double-wound
  9653. double-wound coil
  9654. doubly closed tube
  9655. biological system
  9656. doubly reentrant winding
  9657. douglas fir pole
  9658. BIOR; business input output rerun
  9659. Dounreay fast reactor
  9660. bipartition angle
  9661. biphase rectification
  9662. dovetail condenser
  9663. biphase; diphase
  9664. dovetail fastening
  9665. bipolar receiver
  9666. bipolar system
  9667. dovetail key
  9668. bipost lamp base
  9669. dovetail keyway
  9670. biquinary code
  9671. dovitail condenser
  9672. biquinary notation
  9673. down comer
  9674. Birmingham wire gauge
  9675. Birmingham wire gauge; BWG
  9676. BISMAC; business machine computer
  9677. down station
  9678. bistable device
  9679. bistable fluidic amplifier
  9680. bistable multivibrator
  9681. draft fan
  9682. draft head
  9683. bistable network
  9684. bistable pair
  9685. drag effect; ziehen effect
  9686. bistable trigger circuit
  9687. drain coil; drainage coil
  9688. drain current
  9689. bit combination
  9690. drain pipe
  9691. bit error rate sequencing counter
  9692. draw (linemen’s tool) bar
  9693. draw bar
  9694. bit string
  9695. draw pit
  9696. bit timing recovery
  9697. draw tongs
  9698. bitelephone receiver
  9699. white signal
  9700. draw vice
  9701. black and white level
  9702. black and white picture
  9703. drawbridge circuit controller
  9704. black baking varnish
  9705. drawbridge rail lock
  9706. black body radiator
  9707. black body type cell
  9708. black border
  9709. black compression
  9710. black friction tape
  9711. black light lamp
  9712. black negative
  9713. black radiator
  9714. black stretch
  9715. black tape
  9716. drift factor
  9717. black transmission
  9718. drift field
  9719. blackened (wire) gauge
  9720. blacker than black
  9721. drift speed
  9722. drift transistor
  9723. blade-grip
  9724. BLADES; Bell Laboratories automatic design system
  9725. Blake transmitter
  9726. drift voltage
  9727. drift-corrected amplifier
  9728. drip proof
  9729. blank deleter
  9730. blank instruction
  9731. drip-proof
  9732. blank paper tape coil
  9733. drive element
  9734. blanking amplifier
  9735. drive gear; driving gear
  9736. drive in diffusion
  9737. blanking level
  9738. blanking period
  9739. blanking pulse
  9740. drive system
  9741. driven antenna
  9742. blanking signal
  9743. driven disc
  9744. blanking voltage
  9745. driven element
  9746. driven multivibrator
  9747. blast pressure
  9748. blasting fuse
  9749. driving characteristic; falling characteristic
  9750. Blatthaller loudspeaker
  9751. driving circuit
  9752. bleaching effect
  9753. driving function
  9754. bleeder circuit
  9755. driving matrix
  9756. bleeder current
  9757. driving point
  9758. bleeder resistor
  9759. driving point impedance
  9760. bleeding white
  9761. driving pressure
  9762. bleed-type relay
  9763. driving state vector
  9764. BLESSED; Bell Little electro-data symbolic system for the electro-data
  9765. driving torque
  9766. driving transaction matrix
  9767. driving voltage source
  9768. blind landing system
  9769. driving-point admittance
  9770. blind-bombing device
  9771. blinding out effect
  9772. drop indicator
  9773. B-line
  9774. drop of potential
  9775. BLIS; bell laboratory interpreting system
  9776. drop of potential; fall of potential
  9777. drop of voltage
  9778. Bloch colorimeter
  9779. Bloch function
  9780. drop reactance
  9781. block brake
  9782. block cancel character
  9783. drop repeater
  9784. drop wire
  9785. drop-away current
  9786. drop-away voltage
  9787. block diagram algebra
  9788. drop-dead halt
  9789. block gap
  9790. block ignore character
  9791. block indicator
  9792. block instrument
  9793. dropping characteristic
  9794. block layer cell
  9795. block layer rectifier
  9796. drum armature
  9797. drum controller
  9798. block pulley
  9799. drum factor
  9800. block relay
  9801. drum gallery
  9802. drum insulator
  9803. drum parity
  9804. drum recorder
  9805. block signaling
  9806. drum scanning
  9807. block sort
  9808. drum skin
  9809. block station
  9810. drum speed
  9811. block switch
  9812. drum starter
  9813. block system
  9814. drum storage
  9815. block terminal
  9816. drum transmitter
  9817. drum valve
  9818. blockage factor
  9819. drum winding
  9820. block-digram reduction
  9821. drum winding armature
  9822. blocked impedance
  9823. dry accumulator
  9824. blocked layer
  9825. dry air pressurization
  9826. blocked rotor
  9827. dry arc over
  9828. dry arc over voltage
  9829. dry battery
  9830. blocking bias
  9831. blocking condenser
  9832. blocking device
  9833. blocking interference
  9834. dry cell tube
  9835. blocking of oscillator
  9836. dry closure
  9837. blocking of track
  9838. dry contact
  9839. dry core cable
  9840. dry disc rectifier
  9841. blocking signal
  9842. dry electrolytic condenser
  9843. blocking voltage
  9844. dry flashover
  9845. blondel
  9846. dry flashover voltage
  9847. Blondel moving-needle oscillograph
  9848. dry read contact
  9849. Blondel’s theorem
  9850. dry rectifier
  9851. dry transformer
  9852. dry type rectifier
  9853. dry type transformer
  9854. blow off valve
  9855. Dryedale phase meter
  9856. blow out coil
  9857. Drysdale phase meter
  9858. blow pipe
  9859. DTL; diode-transistor logic
  9860. Du Bois Magnetic precision balance
  9861. dual amplification
  9862. blowing current
  9863. dual control system
  9864. blow-out coil
  9865. dual cycle reactor
  9866. blue glow
  9867. dual form
  9868. dual graph
  9869. blue lateral convergence
  9870. dual grid tube
  9871. blue ribbon program
  9872. dual input describing function
  9873. dual inverted indexing
  9874. dual mode control system
  9875. bluntly tuned
  9876. dual mode time-optional control system
  9877. dual signal
  9878. bobbin core
  9879. dual storage
  9880. dual track recorder
  9881. Bode plot
  9882. dual triode
  9883. Bode theorem
  9884. dual-in line package
  9885. Bode-Shannon approach
  9886. body capacitor effect
  9887. Duane-Hunt relation
  9888. body capacity
  9889. body current
  9890. body effect
  9891. body leakage
  9892. BACAIC
  9893. Boeing compiler
  9894. Boeing operational supervisory system; BOSS
  9895. Bohr model
  9896. boiler availability
  9897. boiling water reactor
  9898. bolometric wave detector
  9899. Dubilier arc
  9900. ducol-punched card
  9901. bolt lock
  9902. bolted type dead end clamp
  9903. duct line system
  9904. duct ventilation
  9905. ducts scatter propagation
  9906. Boltzmann’s factor
  9907. ductus cochlear
  9908. Bolzano-Weierstrass Property
  9909. Duddell thermoammeter
  9910. bombarding particle
  9911. Duddell’s thermo-galvanometer
  9912. Duddell's thermo-galvanometer
  9913. bond clip
  9914. Duffing equation
  9915. bond picture
  9916. Duhamel Integral
  9917. bond pin
  9918. dull emitter
  9919. bond tester
  9920. dumet wire
  9921. bond wire
  9922. dummy antenna
  9923. bonded negative resistance diode; BNR diode
  9924. bonding clamp
  9925. dummy coil
  9926. dummy instruction
  9927. dummy perforator
  9928. dummy variable
  9929. Boole
  9930. dump check
  9931. Boolean add
  9932. dump power
  9933. Boolean calculus
  9934. Dunoyer cell
  9935. duodecimal number
  9936. duodecimal numeral
  9937. duodirectional relay
  9938. duolateral coil; honeycomb coil
  9939. duolateral winding
  9940. boom microphone
  9941. boosted boost circuit
  9942. duplex apparatus
  9943. duplex channel
  9944. booster battery
  9945. duplex circuit
  9946. duplex computer
  9947. booster storage battery
  9948. duplex control system
  9949. booster telephone circuit
  9950. duplex diode
  9951. booster transformer
  9952. duplex measurement
  9953. boosting transformer
  9954. duplex operation
  9955. boostleg
  9956. duplex outlet
  9957. duplex pentode
  9958. bootstrap circuit
  9959. duplex receptacle
  9960. duplex repeater
  9961. bootstrap sweep circuit
  9962. border-punched card
  9963. duplex signalling
  9964. duplex system
  9965. borealis aurora
  9966. duplex system bridge
  9967. boresight location
  9968. duplex telegraph
  9969. boresight shift
  9970. duplex telephone
  9971. boresight station
  9972. duplex triode
  9973. duplex tube
  9974. Born approximation
  9975. duplex winding
  9976. duplexalite luminaire
  9977. boron; B
  9978. duplex-bridge
  9979. duplex-diode pentode
  9980. duplex-diode triode
  9981. Boss; Boeing; operational supervisory system
  9982. duplex-diplex system
  9983. Bougie decimal
  9984. duplexing system
  9985. bouncing piston oscillation
  9986. bound charge
  9987. bound electron
  9988. boundary current blinding out
  9989. duration selection
  9990. duration selector
  9991. boundary resistance
  9992. dust proof
  9993. bounded contest grammar
  9994. dust tight
  9995. bounded set
  9996. bounded state
  9997. bounded time function
  9998. Bourdan gauge error detector
  9999. dwarf signal
  10000. dyadic Boolean operation
  10001. bow arrow cross arm
  10002. DYANA; dynamic analyzer-programming
  10003. bow collector
  10004. dynamic acceleration error
  10005. bow pantograph collector
  10006. bow trolley
  10007. dynamic analyzer-programming; DYANA
  10008. dynamic balance
  10009. box bridge
  10010. dynamic braking
  10011. box cable
  10012. box crank
  10013. dynamic characteristic
  10014. box loop antenna
  10015. dynamic convergence
  10016. box type electric furnace
  10017. dynamic core allocation
  10018. box wheel
  10019. dynamic dump
  10020. dynamic electricity
  10021. brace rail
  10022. dynamic equation
  10023. dynamic equilibrium
  10024. bracket lamp
  10025. dynamic error coefficient
  10026. bracket light
  10027. dynamic error-free transmission; DEFT
  10028. bracket locking
  10029. dynamic flow diagram
  10030. bracket mast
  10031. dynamic focusing
  10032. bracket post
  10033. dynamic head
  10034. bracketed cable
  10035. dynamic indication
  10036. bracketed wire
  10037. dynamic loudspeaker
  10038. braided wire
  10039. dynamic loud-speaker
  10040. dynamic microphone
  10041. dynamic modeling
  10042. dynamic position error
  10043. brake dynamometer
  10044. brake horse power
  10045. dynamic print-out
  10046. dynamic program debugging
  10047. brake method
  10048. dynamic ratio
  10049. brake test sign
  10050. dynamic requirement
  10051. Brakhausen-Kurz oscillator
  10052. dynamic resistance
  10053. branch circuit
  10054. dynamic routine
  10055. dynamic shift register
  10056. branch pipe
  10057. dynamic storage allocation
  10058. branch point
  10059. dynamic subroutine
  10060. inverse Z-transformation
  10061. branch relation
  10062. dynamic tracking
  10063. branch variable
  10064. dynamic tube constant
  10065. branch voltage
  10066. dynamic variable
  10067. dynamic velocity error
  10068. branch-type instruction
  10069. Braun tube
  10070. dynamics analyzer-programming; DYANA
  10071. Bravais space lattice
  10072. dynamometer type
  10073. bread board
  10074. breadth factor
  10075. break back contact
  10076. dynatron frequency meter
  10077. break contact spring
  10078. dynatron oscillator
  10079. break impulse
  10080. dynemeter
  10081. break in operation
  10082. break in point
  10083. dyotron
  10084. E mode; TM mode
  10085. E region
  10086. E scope
  10087. break transmitter; chest transmitter
  10088. E wave
  10089. breakage resistance
  10090. E-approximate solution
  10091. break-before make spring combination
  10092. ear drum
  10093. breakdown slip
  10094. Early equivalent network
  10095. breakdown test
  10096. breakdown torque
  10097. earth boring machine
  10098. earth capacity
  10099. breaker constant
  10100. earth circuit
  10101. breaking capacity
  10102. earth curvature effect
  10103. earth exploration satellite service
  10104. breaking distance
  10105. earth free
  10106. breaking loss
  10107. breaking speed
  10108. breaking stress
  10109. earth potential; ground potential
  10110. break-make ration
  10111. earth quake
  10112. break-point analysis
  10113. earth resistance; ground resistance
  10114. breakpoint instruction
  10115. earth return
  10116. earth return circuit
  10117. breakpoint symbol
  10118. breakway point
  10119. earth return double phantom circuit
  10120. breast wheel
  10121. earth return phantom circuit
  10122. breeching gas
  10123. earth tube
  10124. breeder reactor
  10125. earth; ground
  10126. earth’s magnetic field
  10127. breeding ratio
  10128. earth’s magnetism
  10129. breeding reactor
  10130. earthed; grounded
  10131. B-register
  10132. bremsstraklung
  10133. earthing percentage
  10134. earthing reactance
  10135. earthing resistivity
  10136. bridge balance equation
  10137. earth-return phantom circuit
  10138. bridge connection
  10139. earth's magnetic field
  10140. bridge control
  10141. earth's magnetic pole
  10142. bridge duplex
  10143. earth's magnetism; terrestrial magnetism
  10144. bridge key
  10145. EASI; electrical accounting for security industry
  10146. bridge mast
  10147. Eastern Joint Computer Conference; EJCC
  10148. bridge megger
  10149. eaviton
  10150. bridge over
  10151. bridge quadruplex
  10152. bridge quadruplex system
  10153. eca silicon
  10154. bridge ratio arm
  10155. ECARS; electronic coordinator graph and read out system
  10156. bridge ratio resistance
  10157. ECB; event control block
  10158. eccentric anomaly
  10159. bridge tap
  10160. bridged circuit
  10161. Eccles-Jordan circuit; flip-flop circuit
  10162. Echelon canonical form
  10163. bridge-rectifier circuit
  10164. echelon telegraphy
  10165. bridge-T network
  10166. bridging coil
  10167. bridging condenser
  10168. bridging gain
  10169. echo check
  10170. bridging loss
  10171. echo effect
  10172. bridging party line
  10173. echo locator
  10174. echo pulse
  10175. bridle wire
  10176. echo room
  10177. bright emitter
  10178. echo signal
  10179. bright emitter valve
  10180. echo-cardiograph
  10181. brightness control
  10182. brightness distortion
  10183. economic load dispatch
  10184. brightness distribution curve
  10185. brightness meter
  10186. economic load distribution
  10187. economic operation
  10188. brightness of louver
  10189. brightness on street surface
  10190. economic operation of power system
  10191. brightness-transfer characteristic
  10192. ECS; extended core storage
  10193. brilliance modulation
  10194. brilliancy control
  10195. eddy current clutch
  10196. eddy current instrument
  10197. British Computer Society; BCS
  10198. eddy current loss
  10199. British standard gauge; BSG
  10200. eddy current; Foucault current
  10201. British Standard Institute; BSI
  10202. British standard wire gauge
  10203. British system of unit
  10204. eddy loss
  10205. British system of units
  10206. British thermal of unit; BTU
  10207. edge wise winding
  10208. edge-notched card
  10209. edge-perforated card
  10210. broad pulse
  10211. edge-punched card
  10212. broadband antenna
  10213. edgewise pointer
  10214. broadband converter
  10215. edgewise pointer; edgewise needle
  10216. edgewise wound coil
  10217. broadband demodulator
  10218. Edison cell
  10219. broadband exchange; BEX
  10220. Edison effect
  10221. Edison system
  10222. broadcast telegraph repeater
  10223. broadcast transmitter
  10224. edit routine
  10225. broadcast; BC
  10226. editing subroutine
  10227. broadcasting equipment
  10228. effect of elevated layer
  10229. broadcasting studio
  10230. broadness of tuning
  10231. broadside antenna
  10232. effective call
  10233. broadside antenna array
  10234. effective capture cross section
  10235. effective current
  10236. broadside on
  10237. effective cut-off frequency
  10238. broken circuit
  10239. effective damping
  10240. effective data-transfer rate
  10241. effective delay of signal
  10242. Brown and Sharpe wire gauge
  10243. effective density of state
  10244. effective diffusion velocity
  10245. Bruce antenna
  10246. effective electromotive force
  10247. Bruger permeameter
  10248. brush angle; angle of inclination of brush
  10249. effective flow
  10250. brush arc
  10251. effective head
  10252. brush buck
  10253. brush carriage
  10254. effective impedance
  10255. brush contact loss
  10256. effective inductance
  10257. brush contact resistance
  10258. effective length of receiving antenna
  10259. brush contact surface
  10260. effective length of track
  10261. brush contact voltage
  10262. effective life
  10263. brush discharge
  10264. effective life; useful lift; duration of service
  10265. effective margin
  10266. brush displacement
  10267. brush finger
  10268. effective mass
  10269. brush friction loss
  10270. effective mobility
  10271. brush holder
  10272. effective multiplication factor
  10273. brush holder arm
  10274. effective power
  10275. brush inclination
  10276. effective radius of earth
  10277. brush lead
  10278. effective recombination velocity
  10279. effective resistance
  10280. brush lifting device
  10281. effective resistance; true resistance
  10282. brush light
  10283. effective signal duration
  10284. brush loss
  10285. brush pressure
  10286. effective target area
  10287. brush reset plate
  10288. brush rocker ring
  10289. effective time
  10290. brush rod
  10291. effective transmission equivalent
  10292. brush shifting device
  10293. effective voltage
  10294. brush spindle
  10295. effective voltage; active voltage
  10296. brush spring
  10297. effective watt true watt
  10298. brush station
  10299. brush wire gauze
  10300. efficiency assembly system EASY
  10301. brush-compare check
  10302. efficiency assembly system; EASY
  10303. Brussels classification system
  10304. efficiency curve
  10305. efficiency factor in time
  10306. Buchholz’s relay
  10307. efficiency of conversion
  10308. bucker brigade device
  10309. efficiency test
  10310. efficiency watt-hour
  10311. bucking coil
  10312. efficient assembly system; EASY
  10313. bucking coil loudspeaker
  10314. E-H tee
  10315. eigen function
  10316. eigen state
  10317. buffer battery
  10318. eigen value
  10319. buffer capacitor
  10320. eigen vector
  10321. buffer coil
  10322. eigenwerte; proper value; eigen value
  10323. buffer drum
  10324. eighty-column card
  10325. buffer gate
  10326. Einstein's coefficient
  10327. buffer indicator
  10328. buffer register
  10329. Einstein equation
  10330. Einstein relationship
  10331. buffered computer
  10332. elastic acoustical reactance
  10333. elastic beam
  10334. elastic collision
  10335. BUIC; back-up interception control
  10336. elastic control
  10337. elastic force
  10338. built-in check
  10339. built-in place component; BIPCO
  10340. elastic reactance
  10341. elastic scattering
  10342. built-in-lighting
  10343. bulb eraser or degausser
  10344. elastic scattering cross section
  10345. bulb resistance
  10346. bulb shielding
  10347. bulb storage
  10348. elbow type draft tube
  10349. bulb voltage
  10350. electric (arc) furnace
  10351. bulb; electric bulb
  10352. electric absorption
  10353. bulbhead fitting
  10354. bulkhead fittings
  10355. electric accounting machine; EAM
  10356. bull gear
  10357. electric accumulator
  10358. bump test
  10359. electric alarm
  10360. bunched cable
  10361. buncher
  10362. electric anemocilinograhp
  10363. buncher grid
  10364. electric anneal furnace
  10365. bunching parameter
  10366. electric annealing furnace
  10367. electric apparatus
  10368. bundled connector
  10369. electric arc
  10370. Bunsen voltameter
  10371. electric arc furnace
  10372. electric arc welding
  10373. burden of instrument transformer
  10374. electric bell
  10375. electric brake
  10376. electric cable
  10377. buried antenna
  10378. electric capacity
  10379. electric chronograph
  10380. burn in
  10381. electric clock
  10382. burnable reactor
  10383. electric clock synchronizer
  10384. burning out
  10385. electric coenergy
  10386. burn-out life
  10387. electric comb
  10388. Burnside’s theorem
  10389. electric conductor
  10390. electric conduit
  10391. electric control
  10392. burst flag generator; burst key generator
  10393. electric convection
  10394. burst synchronization
  10395. electric deflection system
  10396. electric degree
  10397. bus duty
  10398. electric delay line
  10399. bus protection
  10400. bus protection relaying
  10401. electric discharge
  10402. electric displacement
  10403. bus regulation
  10404. bus run
  10405. electric displacement density
  10406. electric distillator
  10407. bus sectionalization
  10408. electric disturbance
  10409. bus sectionalization reactor
  10410. bus sectionalizing reactor
  10411. electric doublet; electric dipole
  10412. bus sup-porting insulator
  10413. electric drainage
  10414. bus tie breaker
  10415. electric dyeing
  10416. bus voltage regulator
  10417. electric dynamometer
  10418. bus-bar
  10419. Busen cell
  10420. electric elevator
  10421. Busen oxyhydrogen gas voltameter
  10422. Busen photometer
  10423. electric engraving machine
  10424. electric equilibrium
  10425. Busen voltameter
  10426. electric equipotential surfaces
  10427. electric etching
  10428. electric explorer
  10429. bushing type current transformer
  10430. electric eye
  10431. business data processing
  10432. business input output rerun; BIOR
  10433. electric field coenergy
  10434. business machine computer; BISMAC
  10435. electric field emission
  10436. business system
  10437. electric field intensity
  10438. electric field line
  10439. electric field lines
  10440. bustback
  10441. electric field vector
  10442. busy back jack
  10443. electric filter
  10444. busy back signal
  10445. electric fluid theory
  10446. busy flash
  10447. electric force
  10448. busy hour call
  10449. electric furnace
  10450. busy hour for traffic handled
  10451. electric generator
  10452. busy jack
  10453. electric gilding
  10454. busy joint
  10455. electric glarimeter
  10456. busy lamp
  10457. electric heater
  10458. busy tone; BT
  10459. electric hot plate
  10460. busy welding
  10461. electric igniter
  10462. butt circumference
  10463. butt welding
  10464. electric ignition
  10465. butterfly circuit
  10466. electric illumination
  10467. butterfly resonator
  10468. electric image
  10469. electric impulse
  10470. electric incubator
  10471. electric induction
  10472. electric induction furnace
  10473. button switch
  10474. electric inertia
  10475. buzz stick
  10476. electric intensity
  10477. electric intensity; electric field intensity
  10478. buzzer coil
  10479. electric interlocking machine
  10480. buzzer excitation
  10481. electric kitchen range
  10482. buzzer exciter
  10483. electric lamp
  10484. buzzer modulation
  10485. electric leakage
  10486. electric leakage; electric leakance
  10487. buzzer wavemeter
  10488. electric length
  10489. buzzer-type oscillator
  10490. electric lever
  10491. electric lift
  10492. electric lighter
  10493. electric lighting
  10494. by-pass condenser
  10495. electric line
  10496. by-pass control
  10497. electric lines of force
  10498. by-pass equipment
  10499. electric loading
  10500. by-pass lightning arrester
  10501. by-pass monochrome signal
  10502. electric lock
  10503. by-pass pipe
  10504. electric locking
  10505. by-pass switch
  10506. electric locomotive
  10507. electric loss
  10508. electric main
  10509. C.G.S. electromagnetic unit
  10510. electric mains
  10511. C.G.S. system
  10512. electric material
  10513. cab signal
  10514. electric mechanical slot
  10515. electric meter
  10516. electric moment
  10517. cable armor
  10518. electric motor equation
  10519. cable bender
  10520. electric motor; electromotor
  10521. cable bond
  10522. electric network
  10523. cable bracket
  10524. electric oscillation
  10525. electric osmosis; osmose
  10526. electric output
  10527. cable clamp
  10528. electric oven
  10529. cable code
  10530. electric plume
  10531. cable core
  10532. electric pluviograph
  10533. cable crane
  10534. electric polarization
  10535. cable dividing box
  10536. electric potential difference
  10537. cable drum; cable reel
  10538. cable duct
  10539. electric power
  10540. electric power plant
  10541. cable end box
  10542. electric power station
  10543. cable entrance
  10544. electric power transmission
  10545. cable grip
  10546. electric precipitation
  10547. cable hanger
  10548. electric precitation
  10549. electric pressure
  10550. cable head; pothead
  10551. electric protection
  10552. cable house
  10553. electric pyrometer
  10554. electric quantity
  10555. cable jacket
  10556. cable joint
  10557. electric radiator
  10558. cable joint box
  10559. electric railway
  10560. cable lug
  10561. electric range
  10562. cable nippers
  10563. electric rate
  10564. electric refrigeration
  10565. cable reel jack
  10566. electric refrigerator
  10567. electric regenerative braking
  10568. electric reset
  10569. electric resistance box
  10570. electric resistance drop
  10571. cable reel; cable drum
  10572. electric resistance furnace
  10573. electric resistance pyrometer
  10574. cable sheath bond
  10575. electric resistance thermometer
  10576. electric screen
  10577. cable sheath lifter
  10578. electric shielding
  10579. cable shoe
  10580. cable shoe; cable lug
  10581. electric sign
  10582. cable splice
  10583. electric signal
  10584. electric signalling
  10585. cable terminating resistance
  10586. electric soldering
  10587. cable tracer
  10588. electric spark
  10589. cable trough
  10590. electric staff system
  10591. cable tunnel
  10592. electric storm
  10593. cable vault
  10594. electric stove
  10595. cable way
  10596. electric strees
  10597. cable wiring
  10598. electric stress
  10599. cable wrap
  10600. electric surge
  10601. cab-tyre cable
  10602. cab-tyre sheath
  10603. electric switch machine
  10604. electric tablet instrument
  10605. electric telemeter
  10606. electric telemetering
  10607. electric thermometer
  10608. cadence signal
  10609. electric transducer
  10610. electric typewriter
  10611. cadmium cell
  10612. electric unit
  10613. cadmium lamp
  10614. electric utility
  10615. cadmium photocell
  10616. cadmium sulfate
  10617. electric valve
  10618. cadmium sulphide
  10619. electric vector of light
  10620. cadmium sulphide photo varistor
  10621. electric ventilator
  10622. cadmium sulphide photoconductive cell
  10623. electric wave
  10624. electric welding
  10625. cage rotor
  10626. CAGE; compiler assembler by General Electric
  10627. electric wind
  10628. CAI; Computer Assist Instruction
  10629. electric winding machine
  10630. calcium chloride breather
  10631. electrical accounting for security industry; EASI
  10632. calcium fluoride
  10633. electrical angle
  10634. electrical appliance
  10635. electrical axis
  10636. calculated address
  10637. electrical bridge
  10638. calculating board
  10639. electrical code
  10640. calculating punch
  10641. electrical communication
  10642. electrical condenser
  10643. calculus of variation
  10644. electrical conductivity
  10645. electrical efficiency
  10646. calibration marker
  10647. calibration tube
  10648. electrical engineer; EE
  10649. call announcer
  10650. electrical forming
  10651. call confirmation signal
  10652. electrical generator
  10653. call connected signal
  10654. electrical heat equivalent
  10655. call directing code; CDC
  10656. electrical instability
  10657. electrical interlocking
  10658. call hour
  10659. electrical machine dynamics
  10660. electrical measurement
  10661. electrical resistance pyrometer
  10662. call indicator board
  10663. electrical scanner
  10664. electrical static balance
  10665. electrical tension
  10666. electrical tough pitch; ETP
  10667. electrical unit
  10668. call wire system
  10669. electrical units
  10670. call wire; order wire
  10671. electrical zero
  10672. call word
  10673. electrically controlled clock
  10674. called back
  10675. electrically driven tuning fork
  10676. electrically driven tuning-fork
  10677. electrically trip free
  10678. electric-dipole transition
  10679. called subscriber called party
  10680. calling cord
  10681. calling device
  10682. calling jack
  10683. electric-quadrupole transition
  10684. calling lamp
  10685. calling number
  10686. electrified body
  10687. calling party; calling subscriber
  10688. calling plug
  10689. electro cardiograph
  10690. calling relay
  10691. electro cution
  10692. electro-acoustic transducer
  10693. calling sequence
  10694. electro-acoustical instrument
  10695. electro-acoustics
  10696. calling subscriber; calling party
  10697. electrocapillary phenomenon
  10698. calling supervisory lamp
  10699. electro-capillary phenomenon
  10700. electro-chemical cell
  10701. calomel radiometer; precipital radiometer
  10702. electro-chemical diffused collector transistor; ECDC transistor
  10703. electro-chemical equivalent
  10704. electro-chemical recording
  10705. electro-chemistry
  10706. cam spring
  10707. electrode adapter
  10708. cam switch
  10709. Kryloff and Bogoliaboff approximation
  10710. electrode chamber
  10711. electrode control board
  10712. camera blanking
  10713. electrodeless discharge
  10714. camera chain
  10715. electrodeless plating
  10716. camera control unit; CCU
  10717. camera signal
  10718. electrodynamic ammeter
  10719. camera tube
  10720. electrodynamic balance
  10721. camp on
  10722. electrodynamic loudspeaker
  10723. CAMP; computer application of military problem
  10724. electro-dynamometer voltmeter
  10725. canal of cochlea
  10726. electrodynamometer wattmeter
  10727. canal ray
  10728. EEG
  10729. canal ray tube
  10730. electro-engraving; electro-etching
  10731. electro-galvanizing
  10732. canal rays
  10733. electrographite brush
  10734. cancel character; CAN
  10735. electrokinetic momentum
  10736. cancel transmission; CANTRAN
  10737. electrokinetics; electro-kinematics
  10738. cancellation compensation
  10739. cancellation of poles
  10740. cancellation of poles and zeros
  10741. electrology
  10742. electro-luminescence
  10743. cancelling distortion
  10744. electro-luminous light source
  10745. candle hour
  10746. candle power
  10747. electrolyte rectifier
  10748. candle power distribution curve
  10749. electrolytic arrester
  10750. candle power hour
  10751. candle power mean hemispherical
  10752. electrolytic condenser; electrolytic capacitor
  10753. candle power standard
  10754. electrolytic corrosion
  10755. electrolytic deposition of master
  10756. candle-bulb
  10757. electrolytic deposition of mother
  10758. canned motor pump
  10759. electrolytic detector
  10760. electrolytic etching
  10761. electrolytic generator
  10762. canonical momentum
  10763. electrolytic integrating meter
  10764. canonical path
  10765. electrolytic interrupter
  10766. canonical state equation
  10767. electrolytic ionization
  10768. canonical state vector
  10769. electrolytic lightning arrester
  10770. canonical system
  10771. electrolytic polarization
  10772. canonical transformation
  10773. electrolytic recording
  10774. canopy switch
  10775. electrolytic rectifier
  10776. electrolytic voltameter
  10777. cantilever circuit
  10778. electrolytic voltmeter
  10779. cantilever mast
  10780. electromachanical light modulation
  10781. CAOS; completely automatic operational system
  10782. electromagnetic attraction
  10783. electromagnetic blow out
  10784. capacitance box
  10785. capacitance bridge
  10786. electromagnetic blow-out
  10787. capacitance bridge; farad bridge
  10788. electromagnetic brake
  10789. capacitive circuit
  10790. electromagnetic cathode-ray tube
  10791. capacitive coupling; electrostatic coupling
  10792. capacitive current
  10793. electromagnetic control
  10794. electromagnetic coupling
  10795. capacitive feed back
  10796. electromagnetic crack detector
  10797. capacitive gap
  10798. electromagnetic damping
  10799. capacitive iris
  10800. electromagnetic deflection
  10801. capacitive load
  10802. electromagnetic discharge; inductive discharge
  10803. capacitive load; condenser load
  10804. capacitive obstacle
  10805. capacitive partition
  10806. electromagnetic focusing
  10807. capacitive reactance spacing factor
  10808. electromagnetic inertia
  10809. electromagnetic interference
  10810. capacitive relay
  10811. electromagnetic light valve
  10812. capacitive susceptance
  10813. electromagnetic loudspeaker
  10814. electromagnetic mass
  10815. capacitor bank
  10816. electromagnetic microphone
  10817. capacitor constant
  10818. electromagnetic momentum
  10819. capacitor coupling
  10820. electromagnetic ore separator
  10821. electromagnetic oscillograph
  10822. capacitor motor
  10823. capacitor potential device
  10824. capacitor split phase motor
  10825. capacitor storage
  10826. electromagnetic system
  10827. electromagnetic theory of light
  10828. electromagnetic torque
  10829. electromagnetic transmitter
  10830. electromagnetic unit; EMU
  10831. capacity balance
  10832. capacity bridge
  10833. EM wave
  10834. capacity coupling
  10835. electromagnetic-acoustical instrument
  10836. capacity current
  10837. capacity effect
  10838. electromechanical interlocking
  10839. capacity electrometer
  10840. electro-mechanical interlocking machine
  10841. capacity factor
  10842. electromechanical recording
  10843. capacity load
  10844. electro-mechanical slot
  10845. electro-mechanical transducer
  10846. capacity of heat
  10847. electromechanical transformation
  10848. capacity of machine
  10849. capacity reactance
  10850. capacity reactance; condensive reactance
  10851. electrometer fiber
  10852. capacity regenerative circuit
  10853. electrometer measurement
  10854. capillary electrometer
  10855. electrometric measurement
  10856. electromobile
  10857. capstan amplifier
  10858. electromotive force series
  10859. capture reaction
  10860. car retarder
  10861. electron avalanche
  10862. car stop indicator
  10863. carbarundum furnace
  10864. electron beam gun
  10865. electron beam pumping
  10866. carbon (granule) transmitter
  10867. electron bombardment
  10868. carbon arrester
  10869. carbon battery regulator
  10870. carbon block
  10871. electron counter
  10872. carbon block protector
  10873. electron coupled multivibrator
  10874. carbon brush
  10875. electron coupled oscillator
  10876. carbon circuit breaker
  10877. electron cross-over point
  10878. carbon cleanliness
  10879. electron current
  10880. carbon coherer
  10881. carbon composition resistor
  10882. carbon contact
  10883. electron emissivity
  10884. carbon diaphragm
  10885. electron energy
  10886. carbon dioxide lamp
  10887. electron excitation
  10888. electron flow
  10889. carbon disc transmitter
  10890. electron gas
  10891. carbon electrode
  10892. electron helix
  10893. electron image
  10894. carbon filament
  10895. carbon glow lamp
  10896. electron level
  10897. carbon granules
  10898. carbon noise
  10899. electron mobility
  10900. electron multiplication
  10901. carbon plate lightning protector
  10902. carbon pressure recording
  10903. carbon regulator
  10904. electron orbit oscillator
  10905. carbon resistance
  10906. electron paramagnetic resonance
  10907. carbon resistance furnace
  10908. electron phalanx
  10909. electron phalanx transmission
  10910. electron scanning
  10911. carbon rheostat
  10912. electron scattering process
  10913. electron shaver
  10914. carbon rod
  10915. electron static storage
  10916. electron theory
  10917. carbon rod microphone
  10918. carbon stability
  10919. carbon-composition resistor
  10920. electron tube controller
  10921. carbon-graphite brush
  10922. electron velocity
  10923. carborundum detector
  10924. electron wave
  10925. carborundum furnace
  10926. electron-beam tube
  10927. card editor
  10928. electron-beam welding
  10929. card face
  10930. electroncoupled multivibrator
  10931. electroncoupled oscillator
  10932. card field
  10933. electronic amplifier
  10934. card image
  10935. electronic analysis apparatus
  10936. card input
  10937. electronic automatic exchange; EAX
  10938. card leading edge
  10939. electronic autopilot
  10940. card mode
  10941. electronic beam
  10942. electronic charge
  10943. card punching printer; CPP
  10944. card random access memory; CRAM
  10945. electronic computer center
  10946. card read punch
  10947. electronic conduction
  10948. electronic conductor; metallic conductor
  10949. card reader-punch
  10950. electronic control
  10951. card receiver
  10952. electronic coordinator-graph and read-out system; ECARS
  10953. electronic coupling
  10954. electronic current
  10955. card track
  10956. electronic data-processing equipment; EDPE
  10957. card trailing edge
  10958. electronic data-processing machine; EDPM
  10959. card transceiver
  10960. electronic data-processing system; EDPS
  10961. electronic data-processing
  10962. electronic data-switching center; EDSC
  10963. cards per minute
  10964. electronic deflection
  10965. card-to-magnetic-tape converter
  10966. electronic differential analyzer; EDA
  10967. electronic error-collecting multiplex telegraph
  10968. Carolina-Virginia tube reactor; CVTR
  10969. electronic image pickup device
  10970. carriage control tape
  10971. electronic image reproducing device
  10972. Electronic Industries Association; EIA
  10973. carriage return character; CR
  10974. electronic raster scanning
  10975. carrier (wave) telegraphy
  10976. carrier (wave) telephony
  10977. electronic recorder
  10978. electronic relay
  10979. carrier avalanche
  10980. electronic retina
  10981. carrier balance
  10982. electronic scanner
  10983. carrier concentration
  10984. carrier concentration layer
  10985. electronic simulator
  10986. carrier current
  10987. electronic state
  10988. carrier current relay
  10989. electronic switch
  10990. carrier current telegraphy
  10991. electronic switching system; ESS
  10992. carrier current telephone
  10993. electronic television
  10994. carrier density
  10995. electronic tube
  10996. electronic vibration
  10997. electronic video recorder
  10998. carrier drop-out
  10999. electronic view finder
  11000. carrier gas
  11001. electron-ray tube
  11002. carrier hangover time
  11003. electron-resonance magnetron
  11004. electro-optical light modulation
  11005. carrier life time
  11006. electrooptical phenomenon
  11007. carrier metal
  11008. electro-optical phenomenon
  11009. carrier mobility
  11010. electro-optics
  11011. carrier multiplying
  11012. carrier network
  11013. carrier noise level
  11014. electrophysics
  11015. electro-physiology
  11016. carrier operated device anti-noise; CODAN
  11017. electroplating bath
  11018. carrier reference-white level
  11019. electro-pneumatic interlocking
  11020. carrier relay
  11021. electro-pneumatic relay
  11022. carrier relaying
  11023. electropneumatic switch
  11024. carrier resistor
  11025. electro-pneumatic switch machine
  11026. carrier shift
  11027. electro-pneumatic valve
  11028. carrier signal
  11029. carrier storage
  11030. carrier storage time
  11031. electrosemaphore
  11032. electrostatic capacitance
  11033. carrier surface life time
  11034. electrostatic capacity
  11035. electrostatic cathode-ray tube
  11036. carrier telemeter system
  11037. electrostatic charge
  11038. electrostatic coupling
  11039. carrier transport mechanism
  11040. electro-static coupling
  11041. carrier transport phenomenon
  11042. electrostatic cylinder lens
  11043. carrier zero method
  11044. electrostatic deflection
  11045. carrier; CARR
  11046. carrier-amplitude
  11047. electrostatic discharge; capacitive discharge
  11048. electrostatic displacement
  11049. carrier-blocking
  11050. carrier-chrominance signal
  11051. electrostatic electron gun
  11052. electrostatic electron lens
  11053. carrier-pilot relaying
  11054. electrostatic fasciculation
  11055. carry time
  11056. electrostatic field
  11057. carry-complete signal
  11058. electrostatic field strength
  11059. carrying hook
  11060. electrostatic flux
  11061. carrying over of train tablet
  11062. electrostatic focusing
  11063. CART; computerized automatic rating technique
  11064. electrostatic force
  11065. electrostatic generator
  11066. cartridge fuse
  11067. electrostatic generator; electrostatic machine
  11068. electrostatic ground detector
  11069. cascade amplification
  11070. electrostatic induction machine
  11071. cascade amplifier
  11072. electrostatic induction; static induction
  11073. electrostatic influence
  11074. cascade carry
  11075. electrostatic instrument
  11076. electrostatic interference
  11077. cascade circuit
  11078. electrostatic loudspeaker
  11079. electrostatic loud-speaker
  11080. electrostatic machine
  11081. electrostatic machine; electrostatic generator
  11082. cascade converter
  11083. electrostatic oscillograph
  11084. cascade programming
  11085. electrostatic potential
  11086. cascade starting
  11087. electrostatic recording
  11088. electrostatic relay
  11089. cascaded distributed system
  11090. electrostatic repulsion
  11091. cascaded element
  11092. electrostatic shield
  11093. cascode amplifier
  11094. electrostatic shielding
  11095. case SOAP III
  11096. electrostatic storage deflection; ESD
  11097. electrostatic strain
  11098. electrostatic stress
  11099. Cassigrain reflector
  11100. electrostatic system
  11101. electrostatic tube of force
  11102. casting-out-nines check
  11103. electrostatic unit
  11104. cast-iron resistor
  11105. cast-steel
  11106. cat whisker
  11107. cataloged data set
  11108. cataloged procedure
  11109. catalyzer
  11110. electrostatic unit; ESU
  11111. catastrophic failure
  11112. electrostatic voltmeter
  11113. catch holder
  11114. catch siding
  11115. electrostatic wattmeter
  11116. electrostatic wave
  11117. catcher grid
  11118. electrostatic-acoustical instrument
  11119. catelectrode; cathode
  11120. electrostriction relay
  11121. electro-technics
  11122. cathion; cation; kathion
  11123. cathode choke coil
  11124. cathode coupled video amplifier
  11125. electrothermal equivalent
  11126. cathode dark space
  11127. electro-thermal equivalent
  11128. electrothermal recording
  11129. cathode disintegration
  11130. cathode disintegration; cathode sputtering
  11131. cathode fall
  11132. cathode follower mixer; CFM
  11133. element of winding
  11134. elemental area
  11135. cathode injection
  11136. cathode lens
  11137. elementary direction characteristics
  11138. cathode luminescence
  11139. elementary electric charge
  11140. cathode modulation
  11141. elementary matrix
  11142. cathode potential stabilized emitron
  11143. cathode pulse modulation
  11144. elementary row operation
  11145. cathode ray
  11146. cathode ray oscillograph
  11147. elementary wave
  11148. cathode ray oscilloscope; cathode ray oscillograph
  11149. elements of winding
  11150. cathode ray readout screen
  11151. eletropyrometer
  11152. elevated duct
  11153. elevated equipment room
  11154. cathode ray tube modulation meter
  11155. cathode ray tube storage
  11156. cathode ray; Kathode ray
  11157. cathode self bias
  11158. cathode spot
  11159. cathode sputtering
  11160. cathode; kathode; catelectrode
  11161. elevation axis
  11162. cathodecoupled multivibrator
  11163. elevation cable wrap
  11164. cathode-follower amplifier
  11165. elevation drive motor
  11166. Cauchy principal value
  11167. elevation error signal
  11168. Cauchy theorem
  11169. Cauchy-Rieman condition
  11170. Cauer form
  11171. ELI; equitable life interpreter
  11172. caution release signal
  11173. elimination algorithm
  11174. caution signal
  11175. elimination method
  11176. elliptical orbit
  11177. cavitation coefficient
  11178. elliptical rotating field
  11179. cavity filter
  11180. elliptical rotating magnetic field
  11181. cavity Q meter
  11182. elliptical semiflexible waveguide
  11183. elliptical sweep
  11184. C-battery
  11185. elliptical wave guide
  11186. C-bias
  11187. elliptically polarized light
  11188. charge couple device
  11189. elliptically polarized wave
  11190. CDC; call directing code
  11191. elliptically-polarized wave
  11192. CDS; compatible duplex system
  11193. CDS; comprehensive display system
  11194. EM; end of medium character
  11195. ceiling block
  11196. embedded coil
  11197. ceiling box
  11198. embedded temperature detector
  11199. ceiling duct
  11200. ceiling lamp
  11201. emergency application
  11202. ceiling lighting
  11203. ceiling pendant
  11204. ceiling voltage
  11205. emergency control
  11206. emergency device
  11207. cell type bus-bar
  11208. cell type-fluid
  11209. emergency lighting
  11210. cellular board
  11211. cellular multi-list file
  11212. cellular switch-board
  11213. emergency release
  11214. emergency route
  11215. Celsius
  11216. emergency supply
  11217. emergency switch
  11218. CEMON; customer engineering monitor
  11219. emergency transmitter
  11220. emergency valve
  11221. center contact cap
  11222. center feed
  11223. emission cell
  11224. emission characteristic
  11225. center hole
  11226. emission efficiency
  11227. center hub
  11228. emission rate
  11229. emission-resistance
  11230. center rail
  11231. emissive capacity
  11232. center ring structure
  11233. center tap
  11234. center tapped resistor
  11235. center zero instrument
  11236. emitron
  11237. center-fed array
  11238. centering control
  11239. emitter barrier capacitance
  11240. centertap keying
  11241. emitter bulk resistance
  11242. emitter capacitance
  11243. centigrade scale
  11244. emitter current
  11245. centigrade scale; celsius scale
  11246. emitter diffusion capacitance
  11247. emitter diffusion resistance
  11248. emitter diode
  11249. centimetre-gram-second electromagnetic unit
  11250. emitter dip effect
  11251. centimetre-gram-second system; CGS system
  11252. emitter dissipation
  11253. centimetre-gram-second unit
  11254. emitter dot
  11255. centimetre-gram-second unit; CGS unit
  11256. emitter efficiency
  11257. centimetregrm-second system
  11258. centimetric wave
  11259. central battery
  11260. emitter point
  11261. emitter series resistance
  11262. central control
  11263. emitter series resistor
  11264. central energy system
  11265. emitter terminal
  11266. emitter time constant
  11267. central excitation system
  11268. emitter voltage
  11269. central field approximation
  11270. emitter zone
  11271. central field method
  11272. emitter-base admittance
  11273. central gallows for antenna
  11274. emitter-base capacitance
  11275. central gallows for counterpoise
  11276. emitter-base cutoff current
  11277. empire cloth
  11278. empiric-function generator
  11279. empty (wood treating) cell method
  11280. central office exchange
  11281. empty band
  11282. central station
  11283. empty set
  11284. central system
  11285. empty state
  11286. centralized data processing
  11287. centre contact cap
  11288. emulsion-laser storage
  11289. centre zero instrument
  11290. enamel insulation
  11291. centrifugal break
  11292. enamel wire
  11293. centrifugal break; Tesla break; Rotax break
  11294. enamelled wire
  11295. centrifugal couple
  11296. centrifugal governor
  11297. enclosed fuse
  11298. centrifugal relay
  11299. centrifugal switch
  11300. enclosed switch
  11301. centrosymmetrical groups
  11302. enclosed switch panel
  11303. ceramic microphone
  11304. Cetaev instability theorem
  11305. enclosed type
  11306. CGS unit
  11307. enclosed ventilation
  11308. chadded tape
  11309. end absorption
  11310. end bearing
  11311. end coil
  11312. end connection
  11313. end connector
  11314. end correction
  11315. end device
  11316. end distortion
  11317. end fire array
  11318. end instrument
  11319. end leakage
  11320. chadless perforation
  11321. chadless tape
  11322. end of address character; EOA
  11323. end of medium character; EM
  11324. end of message character; EOM
  11325. chain decay
  11326. end of selection signal
  11327. end of text character; ETX
  11328. chain insulator
  11329. end of transmission block character; ETB
  11330. end of transmission character; EOT
  11331. end on
  11332. chain reactor
  11333. end plate
  11334. chain relay
  11335. end signal
  11336. chain search
  11337. end turn; end coil
  11338. chain wheel
  11339. end value
  11340. chained file
  11341. end winding
  11342. end-around carry
  11343. end-around shift
  11344. chalcopyrite; copper pyrite
  11345. end-fire antenna array
  11346. chamfered pole shoe
  11347. end-off
  11348. change over key; reversing key
  11349. end-of-file indicator
  11350. change speed motor
  11351. end-off-message character
  11352. change tape
  11353. changeable storage
  11354. end-to-end singing
  11355. change-over key
  11356. E-neighbourhood
  11357. change-over plug
  11358. energized contact
  11359. change-over switch
  11360. energy band diagram
  11361. channel bus
  11362. energy change
  11363. channel cascade
  11364. energy characteristic
  11365. channel conductance
  11366. energy conversion
  11367. channel matrix
  11368. channel pin
  11369. energy density of sound
  11370. channel selection
  11371. channel slot
  11372. energy dispersal signal
  11373. channel subdivider
  11374. channel synthesizer
  11375. energy function
  11376. energy head
  11377. energy integral
  11378. Chapman-Kolmogoroy equation
  11379. energy level scheme
  11380. character check
  11381. energy of activation
  11382. character code
  11383. energy of resonance absorption
  11384. character corelator
  11385. energy optimal control
  11386. character crowding
  11387. energy range
  11388. character density
  11389. energy recovery circuit
  11390. character design
  11391. energy release
  11392. character edge
  11393. character emitter
  11394. energy spreading waveform
  11395. character fill
  11396. energy stored by a capacitor
  11397. energy stored by an inductor
  11398. character mask
  11399. character mask-matching method
  11400. energy term
  11401. character normalizer
  11402. energy unit
  11403. character of representation
  11404. energy-momentum relationship
  11405. engaged signal; busy signal
  11406. character outline
  11407. character per second
  11408. character pitch
  11409. engineering improvement time
  11410. engineering logic diagram
  11411. character reatron
  11412. engineering organization system
  11413. engineering research associates; ERA
  11414. character spacing reference-line
  11415. England standard candle
  11416. character style
  11417. English standard Wire Gauge
  11418. character subset
  11419. English unit
  11420. character table
  11421. enhancement mode
  11422. character; CHAR
  11423. enquiry; ENQ
  11424. character-controlled generator
  11425. enriched material
  11426. enrichment factor
  11427. characteristic absorption band
  11428. characteristic band
  11429. characteristic distortion
  11430. characteristic exponent
  11431. entrance cable
  11432. entry condition
  11433. characteristic frequency matrix
  11434. entry point
  11435. enumerable set
  11436. characteristic heating quantities
  11437. envelope delay
  11438. characteristic impedence
  11439. envelope delay equalization
  11440. characteristic load
  11441. envelope velocity
  11442. characteristic matrix
  11443. environmental condition
  11444. characteristic multiplier
  11445. EOA; end of address character
  11446. characteristic noise parameter
  11447. EOM; end of transmission character
  11448. characteristic noise quantity
  11449. EOT; end of transmission character
  11450. characteristic pene-tration length
  11451. E-palne Tee junction
  11452. characteristic poly-nomial
  11453. characteristic quantity
  11454. characteristic rate of decay
  11455. epitaxial transistor
  11456. characteristic root
  11457. characteristic surface
  11458. epithermal neutron
  11459. E-plane bend
  11460. characteristic value
  11461. E-plane horn
  11462. characteristic vector
  11463. equal area criterion
  11464. characteristic wave impedence
  11465. equal area criterion of stability
  11466. equal area method
  11467. charcoal trap charge
  11468. equal deflection method
  11469. equal energy source
  11470. charge capacity
  11471. equal energy spectrum
  11472. charge carrier
  11473. equal length code
  11474. charge of electricity
  11475. equality constrain
  11476. charge of magnetism
  11477. equality gate
  11478. charge particle
  11479. equality-of-brightness photometer
  11480. charge period
  11481. charge rate
  11482. equalizer ring
  11483. chargeable duration of a telephone call
  11484. equalizer set
  11485. charged body
  11486. equalizing bus bar
  11487. equalizing charge
  11488. charge-storage diode
  11489. equalizing impulse
  11490. equalizing network
  11491. charging and discharging key
  11492. equalizing pulse
  11493. charging capacity
  11494. equalizing winding; equi-potential winding
  11495. charging current
  11496. equal-length code
  11497. equated call
  11498. charging curve
  11499. charging diode
  11500. equation solver
  11501. charging generator
  11502. charging rate
  11503. charging reactor
  11504. equilibrium concentration
  11505. charging set
  11506. charging voltage
  11507. equipment compatibility
  11508. equipment complex
  11509. equipment connection
  11510. equipment failure
  11511. equipment lines
  11512. equipment surfaces
  11513. equipotential connection
  11514. check bit
  11515. equipotential pitch
  11516. check bus
  11517. check character
  11518. equi-signal radio beacon
  11519. check indicator
  11520. equisignal zone
  11521. check locking
  11522. equitable life interpreter; ELI
  11523. equivalence gate
  11524. check problem
  11525. equivalent (reference) volume
  11526. check register
  11527. equivalent aerial
  11528. equivalent binary digit
  11529. check sum
  11530. check trunk
  11531. equivalent circuit diagram
  11532. equivalent class
  11533. checker board image
  11534. equivalent constant
  11535. checking feature
  11536. equivalent cross section
  11537. cheek lever
  11538. equivalent current source
  11539. equivalent discharge
  11540. equivalent disturbing current
  11541. equivalent disturbing voltage
  11542. chemical force
  11543. equivalent friction
  11544. chess board pattern
  11545. equivalent gain
  11546. chest transmitter; breast transmitter
  11547. equivalent impedance
  11548. chief operator
  11549. equivalent line angle
  11550. chief operator desk
  11551. equivalent linear model
  11552. chief signal officer
  11553. equivalent linear system
  11554. Child’s formula
  11555. equivalent linearization technique
  11556. equivalent load
  11557. Chinese binary
  11558. equivalent loudness
  11559. Chinese teleprinter
  11560. equivalent loudness contours
  11561. Chinese teletype
  11562. equivalent mass
  11563. equivalent moment of inertia
  11564. Chireix and Mesny directive antenna
  11565. chirp signal
  11566. equivalent network diagram
  11567. chisel cross
  11568. chloride type battery
  11569. equivalent noise input
  11570. equivalent noise resistance
  11571. equivalent noise two-port
  11572. choke coil
  11573. equivalent piston method
  11574. choke coil; choke coil; kicking coil
  11575. equivalent piston motion
  11576. choke condenser coupling
  11577. equivalent potential source
  11578. choke effect
  11579. equivalent reactance
  11580. choke input filter
  11581. equivalent resistance
  11582. choke resistance
  11583. equivalent resistance coupled amplifier
  11584. equivalent roentgen
  11585. choking coil
  11586. equivalent satellite link noise temperature
  11587. choking resistance
  11588. equivalent sine wave
  11589. equivalent space charge
  11590. equivalent spark gap
  11591. equivalent stiffness
  11592. equivalent stopping cross section
  11593. equivalent thermal network
  11594. equivalent T-network
  11595. equivalent transistor circuit
  11596. chopped wave
  11597. equivalent transistor network
  11598. equivalent uncorrelated noise conductance
  11599. equivalent water level
  11600. chopper-stabilized amplifier
  11601. chorded winding
  11602. erasability
  11603. erasable storage
  11604. erase head
  11605. chroma coder
  11606. chroma gain
  11607. erect sideband
  11608. chroma reference
  11609. erection bay
  11610. ERFPI; extended range floating point interpretive system
  11611. ergodic ensemble
  11612. ergodic hypothesis
  11613. chromaticity flicker
  11614. chromaticity gamut
  11615. Erlang’s formula
  11616. chrominance carrier
  11617. erosive force
  11618. chrominance carrier reference
  11619. chrominance channel
  11620. error angle
  11621. chrominance demodulator
  11622. chrominance modulator
  11623. error coefficient
  11624. chrominance phase; color phase
  11625. CIOCS; communication input output control system
  11626. error correcting telegraph code
  11627. cipher message; cipher telegram
  11628. error correcting; EC
  11629. cipher; cypher
  11630. error detecting code
  11631. circle diagram
  11632. circle of confusion
  11633. error detecting telegraph code
  11634. circline fluorescent lamp
  11635. error detecting; ED
  11636. error detection and correction; EDC
  11637. error detector
  11638. circuit busy hour
  11639. error indicator
  11640. circuit controller
  11641. error performance index
  11642. circuit diagram
  11643. circuit divided
  11644. error rate damping
  11645. circuit equivalent
  11646. error rate of a telegraph communication
  11647. error rate of keying
  11648. circuit family
  11649. error rate of translation
  11650. circuit group busy hour
  11651. circuit length
  11652. error rate stabilization
  11653. error rate stabilization network
  11654. circuit module
  11655. circuit noise
  11656. error ratio
  11657. circuit quality
  11658. error vector
  11659. circuit recloser
  11660. error voltage
  11661. circuit sectionalizer
  11662. error; ERR
  11663. circuit shift
  11664. error-checking code
  11665. circuit squelch
  11666. error-free coding
  11667. errorless and rippleless system
  11668. circuit tank
  11669. circuit usage
  11670. error-measuring device
  11671. erversing amplifier
  11672. circular aperture
  11673. Esaki current
  11674. circular disk source
  11675. circular electric wave
  11676. ESBAR diode
  11677. circular magnetic wave
  11678. ESC; escape character
  11679. circular paraboloid reflector
  11680. escape character; ESC
  11681. circular piston
  11682. essential singularity
  11683. ETB; end of transmission block character
  11684. etch pit
  11685. etch pit density
  11686. etching bath
  11687. circular shift
  11688. circular sweep
  11689. etching method
  11690. circular sweep generator
  11691. ETX; end of character
  11692. Euclidean (division) algorithm
  11693. circular wave guide
  11694. Euclidean equation
  11695. circularly polarized wave
  11696. Euclidean norm
  11697. Euclidean ring
  11698. circulating current
  11699. Euler’s equation
  11700. circulating fuel reactor
  11701. Euler-Lagrange equation
  11702. European Computer Manufactures Association; ECMA
  11703. circulating register
  11704. eutectic bond
  11705. circulating storage
  11706. evacuation of vacuum tube
  11707. circumferential ventilation
  11708. evaporation of filament
  11709. CIS; Computer and Information Science
  11710. CISCO compass integrated system compiler
  11711. even harmonic
  11712. CISCO; compass integrated system compiler
  11713. even harmonics
  11714. citation index
  11715. even line interlacing
  11716. city telephone
  11717. even parity
  11718. even-line interlace
  11719. clamp hotline
  11720. even-odd check
  11721. Evnet Control Block; ECB
  11722. clamp stick
  11723. Ewing’s theory of magnetism
  11724. clamped plate motion
  11725. exalted carrier reception
  11726. exceed capacity
  11727. except gate
  11728. clamping circuit
  11729. excess charge
  11730. clapper rod
  11731. excess conduction
  11732. excess current
  11733. excess draft
  11734. class A insulation
  11735. excess energy
  11736. class A modulation
  11737. excess phase
  11738. class A modulator
  11739. excess pressure
  11740. class AB amplifier
  11741. excess reactivity
  11742. class AB modulation
  11743. excess simulator
  11744. excess temperature
  11745. excess voltage
  11746. class B insulation
  11747. excess-3 code
  11748. class B modulation
  11749. excess-electron
  11750. class B modulator
  11751. excess-fifty code
  11752. excess-three code
  11753. class C insulation
  11754. exchange area
  11755. class H insulation
  11756. exchange busy hour
  11757. class indication
  11758. class O insulation
  11759. exchange interaction
  11760. class of contribution
  11761. exchange jump
  11762. class of coset
  11763. exchange line
  11764. class of service tone; discriminate tone
  11765. class Y insulation
  11766. exchange register
  11767. classification filter
  11768. exchange service
  11769. exchange system
  11770. clear aperture
  11771. clear area
  11772. excitation current
  11773. clear back signal
  11774. clear band
  11775. excitation loss
  11776. clear bulb
  11777. excitation of crystal
  11778. clear lamp
  11779. clear signal
  11780. excitation source
  11781. clear varnish
  11782. excitation variable
  11783. excitation voltage
  11784. clearance post
  11785. excited atom
  11786. clear-forward signal
  11787. excited β-ray
  11788. clearing circuit
  11789. clearing out drop; Ring off drop
  11790. exciter set
  11791. clearing out lamp
  11792. exciting admittance
  11793. clearing out signal
  11794. exciting circuit
  11795. clearing signal
  11796. exciting coil
  11797. clear-medium signal
  11798. exciting current
  11799. exciting field
  11800. clear-slow signal
  11801. exciting transformer
  11802. clear-to-send circuit; CSKT
  11803. exciting winding
  11804. cleat receptacle
  11805. exclusion gate
  11806. Clebsch-Gordan coefficient
  11807. exclusive-NOR gate
  11808. climb space
  11809. execute statement; EXEC
  11810. execution cycle
  11811. execution deck
  11812. clip connection
  11813. execution instruction
  11814. clip connector
  11815. execution program
  11816. clip position
  11817. clip rail
  11818. CLIP; compiler language for information processing
  11819. exhaust technique
  11820. clipper amplifier
  11821. exhaust vent
  11822. clipper level
  11823. exjunction gate
  11824. clipping circuit; limiting circuit
  11825. calling key
  11826. exothermal reaction
  11827. clock frequency
  11828. expanded ASCR
  11829. expanded sweep
  11830. clock pulse generator
  11831. expanding anchor
  11832. clock rate
  11833. clock signal
  11834. clock switch
  11835. expansion chamber
  11836. clock switch; contact making clock
  11837. expansion circuit breaker; ECB
  11838. expansion circuit-breaker
  11839. clock; CLK; CK
  11840. expansion of color
  11841. experimental Beryllium oxide reactor; EBOR
  11842. clockwork time release
  11843. experimental steam-cooled fast reactor; ESCR
  11844. close coupling; tight coupling
  11845. close delta
  11846. exploring coil; search coil
  11847. closed array
  11848. exploring electrode
  11849. closed carbon arc lamp
  11850. explosion chamber
  11851. closed circuit cell
  11852. explosion chamber; arcing chamber
  11853. closed circuit system
  11854. explosion chamber-breaker
  11855. explosion proof
  11856. closed circuit working
  11857. explosive fission
  11858. closed coil
  11859. explosive sound
  11860. closed coil winding
  11861. exponential amplifier
  11862. closed conduit
  11863. exponential horn
  11864. closed contact
  11865. closed core type
  11866. exponential matrix
  11867. closed cycle reactor
  11868. exponential order
  11869. closed cycle refrigerator
  11870. exponential response curve
  11871. closed delta
  11872. exponential sweep
  11873. closed direct cycle
  11874. closed end
  11875. exponentially damped sinusoid
  11876. closed entry
  11877. exponentially-correlated noise
  11878. closed indirect cycle
  11879. exposed line
  11880. closed interval
  11881. closed loop automatic control system
  11882. express exchange system
  11883. closed loop control
  11884. closed loop control system
  11885. closed loop cryogenic cooling
  11886. expulsion arrester
  11887. closed loop frequency response
  11888. expulsion fuse
  11889. expulsion gap; deion gap
  11890. closed loop gain
  11891. expulsion tube
  11892. closed loop tracking
  11893. expulsion type lighting arrester
  11894. closed loop transfer function
  11895. extended area service
  11896. closed magnetic circuit
  11897. closed oscillation circuit
  11898. extended arm
  11899. closed path
  11900. extended core storage
  11901. closed position
  11902. extended range floating point interpretive system; ERFPI
  11903. closed position; on position
  11904. closed routine
  11905. extended telephone circuit
  11906. extension bell
  11907. closed shop system
  11908. closed sphere
  11909. extension line
  11910. closed type generator
  11911. closed type motor
  11912. extension ringer
  11913. extension station
  11914. closed-coil armature
  11915. extension telephone
  11916. close-packed lattice
  11917. exterior wiring
  11918. close-target resolution
  11919. external arithmetic
  11920. external capacitance
  11921. closing circuit
  11922. external characteristic curve
  11923. external circuit
  11924. closing coil
  11925. external clocking
  11926. closing condition
  11927. external delay
  11928. closing coupled circuit
  11929. external efficiency
  11930. closing current
  11931. external emitter resistance
  11932. closing relay
  11933. external impedance
  11934. closing relay circuit
  11935. external interrupt
  11936. closing theorem
  11937. external irregularity
  11938. clothes dryer
  11939. external load-circuit
  11940. external noise
  11941. clutch cycle
  11942. external oil pressure type cable
  11943. clutch magnet
  11944. external recirculation boiling reactor
  11945. clutter echo
  11946. external reference
  11947. external resistance
  11948. CMOS; complementary MOS
  11949. external symbol dictionary; ESD
  11950. coagulation analysis
  11951. external torque
  11952. coarse range indicator
  11953. external transadmittance
  11954. coarse regulation
  11955. external transconductance
  11956. coast station
  11957. external transistor characteristic quantity
  11958. coated filament
  11959. external wiring
  11960. coated fuel particles; HTGR
  11961. externally stored program
  11962. extinction potential
  11963. COAX
  11964. extinction voltage
  11965. coaxial control station
  11966. coaxial filter
  11967. coaxial line feeder
  11968. extra rays
  11969. extract instruction
  11970. coaxial loud-speaker
  11971. coaxial resonator
  11972. extraction plant
  11973. coaxial transmission line
  11974. extra-light loading
  11975. coaxial-line resonator
  11976. extraordinary rays
  11977. co-channel separation
  11978. extra-polated range
  11979. extra-polation
  11980. cochlear nerve
  11981. extra-refractive index
  11982. CODAP; control data assembly program
  11983. extreme critical frequency
  11984. CODASYL; conference on data system language
  11985. extreme high frequency; EHF
  11986. extreme high; EHF frequency
  11987. code alphabet
  11988. code book
  11989. extremum formulation
  11990. code check
  11991. extrinsic conduction
  11992. extrinsic conductivity
  11993. code conversion time
  11994. extrinsic method
  11995. code distance
  11996. eye light
  11997. code frame
  11998. eye-ball
  11999. code hole
  12000. eyeguard
  12001. eyepiece adjustment
  12002. eye-ring
  12003. F format
  12004. F region
  12005. fabricated language
  12006. face plate starter
  12007. code interrupter
  12008. face-centered cubic structure
  12009. code message
  12010. code position
  12011. face-down feed
  12012. code redundancy
  12013. face-up feed
  12014. code repertoire
  12015. code repertory
  12016. facing point lock
  12017. code ringing
  12018. facing point lock plunger
  12019. code ringing party line
  12020. facing point switch
  12021. code routine
  12022. FACS; floating decimal abstract coding system
  12023. code selector
  12024. facsimile posting
  12025. facsimile receiver
  12026. facsimile receiving converter
  12027. code-checking time
  12028. facsimile recorder
  12029. facsimile recording
  12030. coded decimal
  12031. facsimile signal
  12032. coded program
  12033. facsimile standard
  12034. facsimile system
  12035. coded stop
  12036. coded-decimal digit
  12037. facsimile telegraphy
  12038. coded-decimal notation
  12039. facsimile transient
  12040. facsimile transmission
  12041. code-translator
  12042. facsimile transmitter
  12043. facsimile transmitting converter
  12044. coding line
  12045. facsimile-signal level
  12046. fact correlation
  12047. coefficient of absorption
  12048. coefficient of amplification
  12049. factor group
  12050. coefficient of compression
  12051. factor of safety; safety factor
  12052. coefficient of coupling
  12053. coefficient of depreciation
  12054. factory length allocation
  12055. factual compiler; FACT
  12056. coefficient of dispersion
  12057. coefficient of distribution
  12058. coefficient of harmonics distortion
  12059. coefficient of mutual induction
  12060. coefficient of reflection
  12061. fail-safe brake
  12062. coefficient of resistance
  12063. coefficient of self induction
  12064. coefficient of utilization
  12065. coefficient unit
  12066. fall of potential
  12067. coercivity; intrinsic coercivity
  12068. fall of potential test
  12069. coffee brewer
  12070. falling characteristic
  12071. falling characteristic; drooping characteristic
  12072. false add
  12073. cogging effect
  12074. false clear indication
  12075. COGO; coordinate geometry computer program
  12076. false code
  12077. false retrieval
  12078. coherent light detection and ranging; COLIDAR
  12079. coherent oscillator
  12080. false zero method
  12081. coherent pulse integration
  12082. FAMOS; floating gate avalanche injection mos
  12083. fan blade
  12084. fan dynamometer
  12085. fan dynamometer; Walker dynamometer
  12086. coil edge
  12087. fan in
  12088. fan marker
  12089. coil end leakage
  12090. coil former
  12091. fan shaped antenna
  12092. coil insulation
  12093. fanned-beam antenna
  12094. coil pitch
  12095. coil side
  12097. coil spread
  12098. coil spring
  12099. Fano bound
  12100. fan-out capability
  12101. coil winding
  12102. fan-tail type plunger line switch
  12103. coil winding machine
  12104. FAP; floating-point arithmetic package
  12105. coil wound rotor
  12106. coil-driven loudspeaker
  12107. far field Cassegrainian antenna
  12108. coiled filament
  12109. Farad
  12110. coin collector
  12111. coin-box set
  12112. Faraday cylinder
  12113. coincidence circuit
  12114. Faraday dark space
  12115. coincidence current selection
  12116. Faraday disc
  12117. coincidence unit
  12118. Faraday disk dynamo
  12119. coke oven
  12120. COL; computer oriented language
  12121. Faraday ice-pail experiment
  12122. COLASL; compiler Loc Alamos scientific laboratories
  12123. Faraday law
  12124. cold (body) discharge
  12125. Faraday law of electrolysis
  12126. cold (slow) neutron
  12127. Faraday law of induction
  12128. cold cathode discharge tube
  12129. Faraday screen
  12130. cold cathode grid glow tube
  12131. Faraday tube
  12132. cold cathode lamp
  12133. Faraday’s disc
  12134. cold cathode rectifier
  12135. Faraday’s disk dynamo
  12136. cold cathode tube
  12137. Faraday’s ice pail experiment
  12138. cold load
  12139. Farady’s law
  12140. cold resistance
  12141. COLIDAR; coherent light detection ranging
  12142. collapsible antenna
  12143. far-infrared ray
  12144. collar bearing
  12145. Farnsworth television system
  12146. fast access storage
  12147. collating sequence
  12148. fast bell
  12149. collation operation
  12150. fast breeder reactor
  12151. fast diffusion coefficient
  12152. fast fission factor
  12153. collecting anode
  12154. fast interline non-activate automatic control; FINAC
  12155. collecting comb
  12156. fast neutron
  12157. collecting efficiency
  12158. fast neutron fission
  12159. collecting electrode
  12160. fast neutron fission effect
  12161. fast neutron fission factor
  12162. collector barrier
  12163. fast neutron multiplication factor
  12164. fast neutron reaction
  12165. collector barrier capacitance
  12166. fast neutron reactor
  12167. collector base admittance
  12168. fast recovery diode
  12169. collector body resistance
  12170. fast speed repeater
  12171. collector breakdown voltage
  12172. fast state
  12173. collector bulk resistance
  12174. fast storage
  12175. collector capacitance
  12176. FAST; fieldata applications system techniques
  12177. collector characteristic
  12178. FAST; four-address to SOAP translator
  12179. collector connection
  12180. collector current
  12181. fatigue strength
  12182. collector cut-off frequency
  12183. collector diode
  12184. fault clearing time
  12185. collector dot
  12186. fault collecting indicator
  12187. collector inverse current
  12188. fault detecting relay
  12189. fault detector
  12190. collector junction temperature
  12191. collector ring
  12192. fault finder
  12193. fault impedance
  12194. collector saturation current
  12195. fault localization
  12196. collector saturation resistance
  12197. fault localizer
  12198. collector saturation voltage
  12199. fault locator
  12200. collector shoe
  12201. fault phase selector relay
  12202. collector time constant
  12203. fault protection
  12204. collector voltage
  12205. fault resistance
  12206. collector zone
  12207. collector-electrode
  12208. fault through impedance
  12209. collector-emitter voltage
  12210. Franklin antenna
  12211. fault-current
  12212. collinear antenna
  12213. fault-location problem
  12214. faulty wire
  12215. collision frequency
  12216. Faure plate
  12217. collision ionization
  12218. collision of ions
  12219. FBC; feed-back balanced code
  12220. collisional diffusion
  12221. FE; format effector
  12222. colloid rectifier
  12223. FEAT; frequency of every allowable term
  12224. colloidal metal cell; hydride cell
  12225. Fechner’s constant
  12226. colon classification
  12227. Fechner’s law
  12228. Federal Communication Commission; FCC
  12229. color bar generator
  12230. Federal Telecommunication system; FTS
  12231. color bleeding resistance
  12232. color break-up
  12233. feed back
  12234. color camera
  12235. feed back admittance
  12236. color center
  12237. feed back circuit
  12238. color code
  12239. feed back compensation
  12240. color code resistor
  12241. feed back conductance
  12242. color coder
  12243. feed back control
  12244. color composition
  12245. feed back control system
  12246. color contrast
  12247. feed back copper loss
  12248. color decoder
  12249. feed back heater
  12250. color difference
  12251. feed forward compensation
  12252. color difference amplifier
  12253. feed forward control
  12254. feed forward correction
  12255. color edge
  12256. feed forward transfer function
  12257. color effect
  12258. feed holes
  12259. color encoder
  12260. feed path length error
  12261. color equalizer
  12262. color equalizing magnet
  12263. color filter
  12264. feed reel; stock reel
  12265. feed reflection loss
  12266. color frame
  12267. feed room
  12268. color fringing
  12269. feed through
  12270. color image
  12271. feed through connector
  12272. color interval
  12273. color killer
  12274. feed-and-bleed method
  12275. color light signal
  12276. color light system
  12277. feed-back action
  12278. color matching
  12279. feedback amplifier
  12280. color mixing
  12281. color mixture
  12282. feed-back amplifier
  12283. color mixture curve
  12284. feed-back balanced; code FBC
  12285. color name
  12286. feed-back circuit
  12287. color photography
  12288. feed-back compensation
  12289. feed-back control
  12290. color picture
  12291. feed-back control system
  12292. color picture signal
  12293. feed-back coupling
  12294. color plexer
  12295. color position light signal
  12296. feed-back diode
  12297. color purity
  12298. feed-back element
  12299. feedback oscillator
  12300. color recepter
  12301. feed-back ratio
  12302. color registration
  12303. feed-back system
  12304. color selective mirror
  12305. color sensitivity
  12306. feed-back winding
  12307. color sequence
  12308. color shading
  12309. feeder box
  12310. color specification
  12311. feeder brush
  12312. color spectrum
  12313. color standard
  12314. feeder circuit
  12315. feeder distribution center
  12316. feeder line
  12317. color subcarrier oscillator
  12318. color subcarrier reference
  12319. feeder reactor
  12320. color synchronizing signal
  12321. feeder regulator
  12322. color television system
  12323. feeder system
  12324. color transmission
  12325. feeding point
  12326. coloration of tone
  12327. Felming's right hand rule
  12328. colored action fringe
  12329. fenestra ovalis
  12330. colored-bulb
  12331. fenestra rotunda
  12332. FEP; financial evaluation program
  12333. colorimeter purity
  12334. Fermi distribution
  12335. colorimeter system
  12336. Fermi function
  12337. Fermi potential
  12338. colorimetry reflecting surface
  12339. Fermi probability function
  12340. colorimetry transmitting surface
  12341. color-synchroburst; color burst
  12342. Fermi-Dirac statistics
  12343. Colpitts circuit
  12344. Ferranti effect
  12345. Colpitts-bridge
  12346. COLT; communication line terminator
  12347. ferroelectric substance
  12348. column binary
  12349. ferromagnetic substance
  12350. column major order
  12351. column split
  12352. ferroresonance
  12353. columnar array of photocell approach
  12354. column-binary card
  12355. FF flip-flop
  12356. fiber conduit
  12357. coma lobe
  12358. COMAC; continuous Multiple access collector
  12359. comb lightning arrester
  12360. Fibonacci series
  12361. comb; electric
  12362. fibre electrometer; string electrometer
  12363. combinance
  12364. fibre; fiber
  12365. combination cable
  12366. combination logic element
  12367. combination method
  12368. Fick’s diffusion law
  12369. combination method of connection
  12370. combination tone
  12371. fictitious charge
  12372. combinational network
  12373. combinatorial problem
  12374. fictitious hold device
  12375. combinatorially equivalent generator matrix
  12376. fictitious load
  12377. combined circuit
  12378. fictitious reactance
  12379. fictitious sampler
  12380. fictitious transportation lag
  12381. combined line & ringing key
  12382. combined resistance
  12383. fidelity of F-M transmission
  12384. cometic aberration
  12385. field axis
  12386. comet-shaped spot
  12387. field circuit
  12388. field circuit connection
  12389. command character
  12390. field coil
  12391. field control motor
  12392. commentary channel
  12393. field core
  12394. commercial efficiency
  12395. field current
  12396. commercial frequency
  12397. field discharge resistor
  12398. commercial lighting
  12399. field discharge switch
  12400. commercial power
  12401. field distortion
  12402. commercial test
  12403. commercial translator
  12404. field effect varistor
  12405. committee on computer nomenclature
  12406. common and quadrature spectrum
  12407. common automatic exchange; CAX
  12408. common base
  12409. field intensity field strength
  12410. common base circuit
  12411. field intensity meter
  12412. common base configuration
  12413. common base connection
  12414. field loss
  12415. common base current gain
  12416. field magnet
  12417. common battery
  12418. common battery semi-automatic system
  12419. field neutralizing coil
  12420. common battery telephone set
  12421. field of electric force
  12422. common battery; control battery; CB
  12423. field of magnetic force
  12424. common collector
  12425. field ohmic loss
  12426. common collector circuit
  12427. field pattern
  12428. common collector configuration
  12429. field period
  12430. common collector connection
  12431. field pick up
  12432. common color name
  12433. field rate
  12434. common control switching arrangement; CCSA
  12435. field regulator
  12436. common emitter
  12437. field repetition
  12438. common emitter circuit
  12439. field repetition rate
  12440. common emitter configuration
  12441. field resistance line
  12442. common emitter connection
  12443. field reversing switch
  12444. common exciter
  12445. field scanning frequency
  12446. common exciting system
  12447. common field
  12448. field sequential color television
  12449. common hardware
  12450. field set
  12451. common neutral
  12452. field strength; field intensity
  12453. field structure
  12454. common panel; common switchboard
  12455. field switch
  12456. common return
  12457. field telegraph
  12458. common return circuit
  12459. field time distortion
  12460. common software
  12461. field transfer switch
  12462. common trunk
  12463. field turn
  12464. field under current relay
  12465. field winding
  12466. field wire
  12467. common wire
  12468. fieldata applications systems & techniques; FAST
  12469. common-battery telephone set
  12470. common-battery signaling
  12471. fifth voltage range
  12472. common-battery switchboard
  12473. figurative constant
  12474. common-battery system
  12475. common-gate configuration
  12476. figure case
  12477. communication center
  12478. figure shift; FIGS
  12479. communication distance
  12480. communication feed
  12481. communication input output control system; CIOCS
  12482. filament battery
  12483. filament circuit
  12484. communication science
  12485. communication-satellite
  12486. filament emission
  12487. communication-satellite earth station
  12488. filament pyrometer
  12489. communication-satellite space station
  12490. filament voltage
  12491. community reception
  12492. filamentary transister
  12493. community television system
  12494. commutating capacitor
  12495. file activity ratio
  12496. commutating electromotive force
  12497. file analysis
  12498. commutating field
  12499. file and report information processing generator; FRINGE
  12500. file gap
  12501. commutating machine
  12502. file identification
  12503. commutating motor
  12504. file layout
  12505. commutating speed
  12506. file mark
  12507. commutating switch change over switch; circuit changing switch
  12508. file processing
  12509. commutating watthour meter
  12510. file separator character; FS
  12511. commutating zone
  12512. commutation in inverter
  12513. filings coherer
  12514. commutation in thyristor
  12515. fill light
  12516. filled band
  12517. commutator action
  12518. filled state
  12519. commutator bar
  12520. commutator generator
  12521. filling compound
  12522. commutator induction motor
  12523. commutator machine
  12524. filling density
  12525. commutator motor
  12526. commutator phase advancer
  12527. film camera
  12528. commutator pitch
  12529. film cutout; puncture cutout
  12530. commutator pulse
  12531. film frame
  12532. commutator raiser
  12533. film islands
  12534. commutator segment
  12535. film lightning arrester
  12536. commutator sleeve
  12537. commutator stone
  12538. film pick up
  12539. commutator surface
  12540. film pick-up equipment
  12541. commuting operator
  12542. film projector
  12543. compact set
  12544. film reader
  12545. compaction of slurries
  12546. film recorder
  12547. film scanner
  12548. comparative sensitivity
  12549. film-cut-out
  12550. Filmorex system
  12551. film-type resistor
  12552. COMPASS computer program-complier and assembler
  12553. COMPASS; computer program-compiler and assembler
  12554. filter network
  12555. compatibility test
  12556. filtration of sound
  12557. compatible duplex system; CDS
  12558. compatible observables
  12559. final control element
  12560. compatible process
  12561. final frame
  12562. final selector
  12563. compensated commutator motor
  12564. compensated induction generator
  12565. final trunk
  12566. compensated repulsion motor
  12567. final value property
  12568. compensated semiconductor
  12569. final value theorem
  12570. compensated voltmeter
  12571. final velocity
  12572. financial evaluation program; FEP
  12573. compensating ampere turn
  12574. compensating circuit
  12575. compensating coil
  12576. fine regulation
  12577. compensating current
  12578. compensating heat resistor; compensating thermistor
  12579. fine tuning
  12580. compensating inductance
  12581. compensating keying method
  12582. finer switch
  12583. compensating pole
  12584. compensating reactance
  12585. finger plate
  12586. compensating resistance
  12587. finger stop
  12588. compensating resistor
  12589. finger test
  12590. compensating wave
  12591. compensating winding
  12592. finish paint
  12593. compensation coil
  12594. finishing varnish
  12595. finite additivity
  12596. compensation conductivity
  12597. compensation factor
  12598. finite automata
  12599. compensation parallel
  12600. finite differences
  12601. compensation technique
  12602. finite differentiability
  12603. finite distributed system
  12604. compensation torque
  12605. compensation zone
  12606. finite horn
  12607. compensative shunt
  12608. finite memory object
  12609. finite memory system
  12610. finite observation time
  12611. compiler and assembler by general electric; CAGF
  12612. finite set
  12613. compiler language for information processing; CLIP
  12614. finite setting time
  12615. finite stability
  12616. compiler Los Alamos scientific laboratories; COLASL
  12617. finite state automaton
  12618. compiler program
  12619. finite state object
  12620. compiler routine
  12621. finite transition-time response
  12622. compiler-compiler
  12623. complaint desk
  12624. fire alarm telegraph
  12625. complement flip flop
  12626. complement on n
  12627. complementary amplitude response
  12628. fire proof
  12629. fire proof machine
  12630. firehose instability
  12631. complementary color wave length
  12632. firing angle
  12633. firing current
  12634. firing potential
  12635. firing process
  12636. complementary hue
  12637. firing voltage
  12638. complementary operation
  12639. complementary operator
  12640. firm capacity
  12641. firm energy
  12642. complementary symmetry
  12643. firm power
  12644. complementary transistor
  12645. complementary wave
  12646. first anode
  12647. first cost
  12648. first difference
  12649. first finder
  12650. complete circuit
  12651. complete cycle
  12652. complete elliptic integral
  12653. complete glow
  12654. complete identification
  12655. complete operation
  12656. complete period
  12657. complete self-protection banking transformer
  12658. complete self-protection transformer
  12659. complete set
  12660. complete solution
  12661. completely automatic operational system; CAOS
  12662. first group selector
  12663. completely self-protecting transformer
  12664. first harmonic
  12665. complex algebra
  12666. first harmonic current
  12667. complex coupling
  12668. first harmonic current; fundamental current
  12669. complex dielectric constant
  12670. first harmonic; fundamental harmonic
  12671. complex differentiation theorem
  12672. first line finder
  12673. first paper
  12674. first preselector
  12675. first selector
  12676. complex harmonic current
  12677. first track
  12678. complex impedance
  12679. first voltage range
  12680. first-level address
  12681. first-order
  12682. complex number polar form
  12683. first-order perturbation
  12684. complex plane
  12685. first-order result
  12686. complex quantity
  12687. first-order subroutine
  12688. complex translation theorem
  12689. fish paper
  12690. complex weighting
  12691. complexity analysis
  12692. component distribution curve
  12693. fission capture
  12694. component tone
  12695. fission chain
  12696. fission chain reaction
  12697. composite attenuation
  12698. fission cross section
  12699. composite cable
  12700. fission energy
  12701. composite circuit
  12702. fission fragment
  12703. fission fuel
  12704. composite color signal
  12705. fission neutron
  12706. composite color synchronous signal
  12707. fission probability
  12708. composite conductors
  12709. composite dialing
  12710. fission species
  12711. composite filter
  12712. fission spectrum
  12713. fission yield
  12714. composite gain
  12715. fissionable material
  12716. composite junction
  12717. composite line
  12718. five-digit numbering
  12719. composite magnetic circuit
  12720. five-electrode tube
  12721. composite magnetic circuit; iron-air magnetic circuit
  12722. five-level code
  12723. composite picture signal
  12724. five-unit code
  12725. composite ringer
  12726. five-wire system
  12727. composite set
  12728. composite surface
  12729. fixed capacity
  12730. composite synchronous pulse
  12731. composite system
  12732. composite video signal
  12733. fixed coil
  12734. composite wire
  12735. fixed coil type
  12736. fixed condenser
  12737. compound circuit
  12738. fixed continuous-time system
  12739. compound compensation
  12740. fixed coupling
  12741. compound doubling time
  12742. fixed crystal
  12743. compound excitation
  12744. fixed cycle operation
  12745. compound filled
  12746. fixed discrete-time system
  12747. compound filled-bushing
  12748. fixed field
  12749. fixed loss
  12750. compound horn
  12751. fixed phase
  12752. fixed point arithmetic
  12753. compound magnet
  12754. fixed resistance
  12755. compound motor
  12756. fixed resistance unit
  12757. compound nucleus
  12758. fixed roller bearing
  12759. fixed routine
  12760. compound signal
  12761. fixed signal
  12762. compound sound source
  12763. compound stranding
  12764. fixed storage
  12765. compound train
  12766. fixed time interval
  12767. compound type-bushing
  12768. fixed time lag
  12769. compound winding
  12770. fixed type box
  12771. compound wound
  12772. fixed wheel gate
  12773. compound wound dynamo
  12774. compound wound motor
  12775. fixed-end-point problem
  12776. compound-brush
  12777. fixed-length record
  12778. fixed-length record file
  12779. compounding curve
  12780. fixed-length word
  12781. fixed-point calculation
  12782. comprehensive display system; CDS
  12783. fixed-point computer
  12784. compressed air condenser
  12785. fixed-point operation
  12786. compressed air system
  12787. fixed-point part
  12788. compressed gas condenser
  12789. fixed-point representation
  12790. compressed oil system
  12791. fixed-point smoothing
  12792. compressed terminal bond
  12793. fixed-point system
  12794. fixed-radix notation
  12795. compression amplifier
  12796. fixed-satellite service
  12797. compression chamber arrester
  12798. compression flange
  12799. flame arc lamp
  12800. flame proof
  12801. compression strength
  12802. flame proof machine
  12803. compression type dead end-clamp
  12804. flange joint
  12805. flange pipe
  12806. Compton electrometer
  12807. flange way
  12808. computational stability
  12809. flanged piston
  12810. flanged tube
  12811. flanking effect
  12812. computer and information science
  12813. flap attenuator
  12814. flaring horn
  12815. computer assist design
  12816. flaring tube
  12817. computer assist instruction; CAI
  12818. computer capacity
  12819. flash back
  12820. computer code
  12821. flash back voltage
  12822. computer configuration
  12823. flash guard
  12824. flash light
  12825. computer dependent language
  12826. flash over
  12827. computer installation
  12828. computer instruction
  12829. flasher relay
  12830. computer operation
  12831. flashing discharging tube
  12832. computer optimigation package; COP
  12833. flashing light signal
  12834. flashing recall
  12835. computer run
  12836. flashing relay
  12837. flashing sign
  12838. computer sensitive language; CSL
  12839. computer simulation
  12840. computerized automatic rating technique; CART
  12841. flashover relay
  12842. concatenated (cascade) motor
  12843. flashover test
  12844. concealed light
  12845. flashover voltage
  12846. concealed wiring
  12847. flat armor type; A.C.S.R
  12848. flat band capacitance
  12849. concentrated beam
  12850. concentrated capacity
  12851. flat cable
  12852. flat card resolving potentiometer
  12853. concentrated illumination
  12854. flat compound
  12855. concentrated load
  12856. flat compound generator
  12857. concentrated winding
  12858. flat fading
  12859. flat gain
  12860. concentration cell
  12861. flat noise
  12862. concentration potential
  12863. flat package
  12864. concentration process
  12865. flat plate switch
  12866. concentrator switch-board
  12867. flat spectrum
  12868. concentric cable
  12869. flat top antenna
  12870. concentric lay cable
  12871. flat type relay
  12872. flat valve
  12873. concentric stranded wire
  12874. flat wave
  12875. flat yard
  12876. concept coordination
  12877. flatwise coil
  12878. concordance indexing
  12879. concrete duct
  12880. Fleming's left hand rule
  12881. concrete pole
  12882. Fleming's right hand rule
  12883. concrete structure
  12884. Flewelling circuit
  12885. flexible conduit
  12886. flexible cord
  12887. concurrent operation
  12888. flexible coupling
  12889. flexible shaft
  12890. condensed deck
  12891. condenser arrester
  12892. flexible wire
  12893. condenser discharge
  12894. condenser electroscope
  12895. condenser load-speaker
  12896. flicker free image
  12897. condenser microphone
  12898. flicker method
  12899. condenser storage
  12900. flicker noise
  12901. condenser type bushing
  12902. flicker photometer
  12903. condenser type electroscope
  12904. flight control
  12905. condenser-compensation method
  12906. condensing type electroscope
  12907. FLINT; floating interpretive language
  12908. condensive load
  12909. FLIP; floating index program
  12910. flip-chip device
  12911. condensive reactance
  12912. flip-flop circuit
  12913. condensive reactance; capacitive reactance; capacity reactance
  12914. flip-flop register
  12915. flip-flop storage
  12916. condition load
  12917. float switch
  12918. conditional breakpoint instruction
  12919. conditional control transfer instruction
  12920. floating address
  12921. conditional density
  12922. floating battery
  12923. conditional feedback
  12924. conditional implication gate
  12925. floating bushing
  12926. conditional jump instruction
  12927. floating carrier modulation
  12928. conditional maximum likelihood decision rule
  12929. floating character
  12930. conditional mean filtering
  12931. floating decimal abstract coding system; FACS
  12932. conditional probability density function
  12933. floating gate avalanche injection mos; FAMOS
  12934. conditional stability
  12935. floating index program; FLIP
  12936. conditional transfer instruction
  12937. floating interpretive language; FLINT
  12938. conditionally stable system
  12939. floating octal point; FLOP
  12940. floating point
  12941. floating switch
  12942. floating zone
  12943. floating zone technique
  12944. conduction angle
  12945. floating-point arithmetic package; FAP
  12946. floating-point base
  12947. floating-point calculation
  12948. floating-point coding compaction
  12949. conduction heat transfer
  12950. floating-point coefficient
  12951. conduction type
  12952. floating-point computer
  12953. conductive band
  12954. floating-point radix
  12955. conductive coupling
  12956. floating-point representation
  12957. conductive ground
  12958. floating-point routine
  12959. conductive mosaic
  12960. flood lamp
  12961. conductivity bridge
  12962. flood light
  12963. conductivity modulation
  12964. conductivity type
  12965. flood lighting
  12966. conductivity water
  12967. flood plan
  12968. flood projection
  12969. FLOP; floating octal point
  12970. conductor bus
  12971. conductor resistance
  12972. conductor spacing
  12973. twin conductor
  12974. conductor-cooled machine
  12975. flow direction
  12976. conduit bend
  12977. conduit box
  12978. flow relay
  12979. conduit connection box
  12980. flowchart connector
  12981. conduit coupling
  12982. flowchart symbol
  12983. conduit elbow
  12984. conduit fittings
  12985. conduit locknut
  12986. conduit outlet box
  12987. conduit reducer
  12988. conduit saddle
  12989. fluid theory
  12990. conduit size
  12991. fluidic device
  12992. conduit system
  12993. fluidic logic gate
  12994. conduit wiring
  12995. fluidic proportional amplifier
  12996. fluidic resistor
  12997. cone type loud-speaker
  12998. fluorer
  12999. conference telegraph repeater
  13000. fluorescent ballast
  13001. conference repeater
  13002. fluorescent electrolyte
  13003. fluorescent lamp
  13004. fluorescent line
  13005. fluorescent material
  13006. configuration constraint
  13007. fluorescent radiation
  13008. configuration of ground state
  13009. confluent band-pass filter
  13010. fluorescent X-rays
  13011. confluent hypergeometric equation
  13012. crypto-scope
  13013. flush instability
  13014. flush mounting
  13015. conical antenna
  13016. flush plate
  13017. flush plate switch
  13018. flush receptable
  13019. flush receptacle
  13020. conjugate circuit
  13021. flush switch
  13022. conjugate element
  13023. conjugate filter
  13024. conjugate impedance
  13025. conjugate momenta
  13026. flux density of magnetic
  13027. conjugate phase change coefficient
  13028. conjugate phase co-efficient
  13029. flux distribution
  13030. flux evaluation
  13031. conjugate root
  13032. flux leakage
  13033. flux linkage
  13034. conjugate vector
  13035. flux linkage; linkage
  13036. conjunction gate
  13037. flux meter
  13038. conjunctive search
  13039. flux reduction factor
  13040. conk sheet
  13041. flux wave
  13042. connected load
  13043. connected load factor
  13044. flyback line
  13045. connecting block
  13046. flyback period
  13047. connecting box
  13048. flyback stroke
  13049. connecting cold
  13050. flyback suppression
  13051. flyback time
  13052. connecting plug
  13053. connecting rock
  13054. flyball governor
  13055. flying spot
  13056. connection block
  13057. flying spot camera
  13058. connection box
  13059. flying spot scanner
  13060. flying spot scanning
  13061. connection diagram
  13062. connection plug
  13063. flywheel effect
  13064. flywheel time base
  13065. connector lug
  13066. focal length; focal distance
  13067. consecutive computer
  13068. focal plane scanning device
  13069. consequent pole
  13070. focus coil
  13071. focus control
  13072. conservation of electricity
  13073. focus transition
  13074. focusing coil
  13075. focusing control
  13076. focusing device
  13077. conservation of momentum
  13078. conservative system
  13079. focusing electrode
  13080. focusing filament
  13081. fog proof insulator
  13082. consistency conditions
  13083. consistency of performance
  13084. consistent unit
  13085. folding door
  13086. console operator proficiency examination; COPE
  13087. folding link
  13088. follower; synchro moter
  13089. following train
  13090. consonant articulation
  13091. follow-up file
  13092. follow-up link
  13093. constant acceleration input
  13094. fool-proof system
  13095. constant area
  13096. constant cell
  13097. constant current
  13098. foot candle meter
  13099. constant current charging
  13100. foot lambert
  13101. constant current circuit
  13102. foot light
  13103. constant current discharge
  13104. foot operated door
  13105. constant current dynamo
  13106. foot plate
  13107. constant current generator
  13108. foot pound
  13109. foot pound second; FPS
  13110. constant current modulation
  13111. constant current network
  13112. foot; ft
  13113. constant current system
  13114. foot-candle meter
  13115. constant current transformer
  13116. footing resistance
  13117. constant damping locus
  13118. FORAST; formula assembler and translator
  13119. constant flux linkage principle
  13120. forbidden band
  13121. constant frequency locus
  13122. forbidden code
  13123. constant gain locus
  13124. constant horse power drive
  13125. constant instrument
  13126. forbidden digit
  13127. constant load
  13128. forbidden digit check
  13129. constant luminance transmission
  13130. FORC; formula coder
  13131. constant magnetic field
  13132. constant magnetic filed
  13133. force at a distance
  13134. constant magnitude circle
  13135. force of attraction
  13136. constant magnitude loci
  13137. force of repulsion
  13138. constant phase circle
  13139. force-current analogy
  13140. constant phase surface antenna
  13141. forced air cooled transformer
  13142. constant phase-angle locus
  13143. constant position input
  13144. forced air cooling tube
  13145. constant potential
  13146. forced circulation
  13147. constant potential system
  13148. forced cooling
  13149. constant potential transformer
  13150. constant resistance
  13151. forced draft
  13152. constant rotating field
  13153. constant speed
  13154. forced electric drainage
  13155. forced oil cooled transformer
  13156. constant speed motor
  13157. forced oil cooling
  13158. constant storage
  13159. constant time lag
  13160. constant torque drive
  13161. forced recirculation boiling reactor
  13162. constant velocity input
  13163. forced response
  13164. constant voltage
  13165. forced vibration
  13166. constant voltage charging
  13167. forced water cooled transformer
  13168. forced-air cooled transformer
  13169. forced-oil cooled transformer
  13170. constituent particle
  13171. forced-water cooled transformer
  13172. constraint analog method
  13173. force-voltage analogy
  13174. constraint holonomic
  13175. fore pump
  13176. constraint nonholonomic
  13177. fore vacuum reservoir
  13178. foreground initiated batch
  13179. construction cost
  13180. construction power
  13181. foreground processing
  13182. construction standard
  13183. foreign atom
  13184. consulting engineer
  13185. foreign exchange service; FEX; FX
  13186. forged steel
  13187. fork beat
  13188. fork heel
  13189. contact alignment
  13190. fork oscillator
  13191. contact area
  13192. forked circuit
  13193. contact arm
  13194. forked quadruplex
  13195. contact converter
  13196. forked repeater
  13197. contact electrification
  13198. fork-tone modulation
  13199. contact electromotive force
  13200. contact EMF
  13201. contact IR drop
  13202. form feed character; FF
  13203. contact making device
  13204. form wound coil
  13205. contact noise
  13206. contact point
  13207. contact potential
  13208. format effecter; FE
  13209. contact potential difference
  13210. format feed character
  13211. contact pressure
  13212. forming effect
  13213. forming tool
  13214. contact rectifier
  13215. forms control
  13216. forms file
  13217. contact screw
  13218. contact shoe
  13219. formula assembler and translator; FORAST
  13220. contact slide
  13221. formula coder; FORC
  13222. formula translation; FORTRAN
  13223. contactor starter
  13224. fortran language
  13225. contact-segment
  13226. fortuitous distortion
  13227. forty-four repeater
  13228. content-addressed memory
  13229. forward AGC
  13230. content-addressed storage
  13231. forward automatic gain control
  13232. forward bias
  13233. forward break over point
  13234. forward break over voltage
  13235. context sensitive grammar
  13236. forward component
  13237. continental telegraph code
  13238. forward control
  13239. forward current
  13240. forward current amplification factor
  13241. continuity test
  13242. continuous brake
  13243. forward direction
  13244. continuous correlator
  13245. forward lead
  13246. continuous current
  13247. forward mutual admittance
  13248. continuous current dynamo
  13249. forward mutual conductance
  13250. continuous current generator
  13251. forward path
  13252. continuous current motor
  13253. forward path gain
  13254. continuous duty
  13255. forward pitch
  13256. continuous flow
  13257. forward probability
  13258. continuous hunting
  13259. forward resistance
  13260. continuous lens
  13261. continuous load
  13262. forward scatter propagation
  13263. continuous loading
  13264. continuous multiple access collector; COMAC
  13265. forward transadmittance
  13266. continuous oscillation
  13267. continuous phase variable
  13268. forward voltage
  13269. continuous power
  13270. forward voltage transfer ratio
  13271. continuous process
  13272. forward-acting regulator
  13273. continuous processing
  13274. forwarding office
  13275. continuous progression code
  13276. FOSDIC
  13277. continuous projection method
  13278. Foster form
  13279. Foster reactance theorem
  13280. continuous random signals
  13281. Foster-Seeley discriminator
  13282. continuous rating
  13283. continuous recording
  13284. fouling bar
  13285. continuous servomechanism
  13286. fouling circuit
  13287. continuous time signal
  13288. fouling point; clearance point
  13289. continuous time system
  13290. fouling section
  13291. continuous wave generator
  13292. foundation bolt
  13293. continuous wave navigation system
  13294. continuous wave radar; CW radar
  13295. four electrode tube
  13296. continuous wave receiver
  13297. four electrode valve
  13298. continuous wave reception
  13299. four level laser
  13300. continuous wave telegraph
  13301. four party line
  13302. continuous wave transmission
  13303. continuous wave transmitter
  13304. continuous winding
  13305. contour integration
  13306. contra doping
  13307. contraction mapping
  13308. contrast-control
  13309. control action
  13310. control agent
  13311. four phase
  13312. control amplifier
  13313. four terminal network
  13314. control amplifier; Blanking and mixing amplifier
  13315. four tone telegraph system
  13316. control area
  13317. four tower directional array
  13318. four wire terminating set
  13319. four-address
  13320. control cable
  13321. four-address code
  13322. control card
  13323. four-address instruction
  13324. control change
  13325. four-address to SOAP translator; FAST
  13326. control characteristic
  13327. four-frequency duplex
  13328. four-frequency duplex telegraphy
  13329. control circuit
  13330. control clock
  13331. four-plus-one address
  13332. control counter
  13333. four-point probe
  13334. control cubicle
  13335. four-point switch
  13336. control current
  13337. four-position signal
  13338. control data assembly program; CODAP
  13339. four-row keyboard
  13340. four-tape sort
  13341. control device
  13342. fourteen-oh-one automatic report generater operation; FARGO
  13343. control diode
  13344. fourth voltage range
  13345. control drift
  13346. four-track recording
  13347. control electrode
  13348. four-vidicon camera
  13349. control electromagnetic
  13350. four-wire channel
  13351. control element
  13352. four-wire circuit
  13353. control energy
  13354. four-wire repeater
  13355. four-wire terminating set
  13356. control function
  13357. four-wire wye system
  13358. fovea centralis
  13359. control grid glow tube
  13360. fox massage
  13361. control instruction
  13362. fraction horse power
  13363. control integral
  13364. fraction pitch
  13365. control leader
  13366. fractional fixed point
  13367. control line
  13368. fractional harmonic
  13369. control manual
  13370. fractional horse power motor
  13371. control master
  13372. fractional load
  13373. control mode
  13374. fractional load; partial load
  13375. control motor
  13376. fractional pitch
  13377. fractional pitch winding
  13378. fractional terminatior
  13379. control precision
  13380. control program
  13381. control punch
  13382. frame antenna
  13383. control ratio
  13384. control register
  13385. frame ground; FG
  13386. frame grounding circuit
  13387. frame mounting
  13388. control rod
  13389. control routine
  13390. frame repetition
  13391. control sequence
  13392. frame retrace
  13393. control space
  13394. control spring
  13395. framing bits
  13396. framing control
  13397. control switch
  13398. Francis turbine
  13399. control switching point
  13400. Frank-Condon diagram
  13401. Franklin aerial
  13402. control total
  13403. control transfer instruction
  13404. free air temperature
  13405. control transformer
  13406. free carrier
  13407. control transition matrix
  13408. free charge
  13409. control translator; CONTRAN
  13410. control unit
  13411. control valve
  13412. control variable inequality constraint
  13413. control variation sensibility
  13414. control vector
  13415. control voltage
  13416. control volume
  13417. control winding
  13418. control word
  13419. control-cabinet
  13420. control-grid-plate transconductance
  13421. controllable system
  13422. controllable transistor
  13423. free field
  13424. controlled electric drainage
  13425. free grid
  13426. controlled manual block machine
  13427. free magnetic pole
  13428. controlled manual block system
  13429. controlled recirculation boiling reactor
  13430. free mean path
  13431. thyrister
  13432. free motion
  13433. free neutron
  13434. controlled shaft
  13435. controlled source
  13436. controlled switch
  13437. free path
  13438. controlled variable
  13439. free routing
  13440. controller circuit
  13441. free space gain
  13442. free terminal-state problem
  13443. controller exchange
  13444. free valency
  13445. controller operator
  13446. controller parameter modification
  13447. freerunning multivibrator
  13448. controller position
  13449. free-running multivibrator
  13450. controller starter
  13451. free-running speed
  13452. controlling circuit
  13453. free-wheeling diode
  13454. controlling magnet
  13455. Frenkel defect
  13456. controlling testing station
  13457. controlling torque
  13458. control-signal modification
  13459. frequency analysis compaction
  13460. control-signal synthesis
  13461. frequency bridge
  13462. convection coefficient
  13463. frequency change
  13464. frequency change signalling
  13465. convection heat transfer
  13466. frequency changer
  13467. convectional control theory
  13468. frequency characteristics
  13469. convectional current direction
  13470. frequency content of picture signal
  13471. convectional efficiency
  13472. frequency control
  13473. frequency control load
  13474. convectional multivibrator
  13475. convectional power plant
  13476. convectional signal
  13477. frequency coordination
  13478. convective discharge
  13479. frequency counter
  13480. conventional efficiency
  13481. frequency demodulation
  13482. frequency demultiplier
  13483. convergence factor
  13484. convergence of sequence
  13485. frequency difference
  13486. convergence rate
  13487. convergent equilibrium
  13488. frequency distortion transmission impairment
  13489. conversion chart
  13490. right-handed polarized wave
  13491. conversion curve
  13492. frequency diversity reception
  13493. conversion device
  13494. conversion efficiency
  13495. frequency division multiplex
  13496. conversion electron
  13497. conversion equipment
  13498. conversion factor
  13499. frequency domain criterion
  13500. frequency double
  13501. conversion tables
  13502. conversion transconductance
  13503. frequency drift
  13504. frequency exchange signaling
  13505. converter tube
  13506. convertible cord circuit
  13507. frequency exchange signalling
  13508. frequency frogging
  13509. convex programming
  13510. frequency indicator
  13511. convex set
  13512. frequency interleave
  13513. frequency marker
  13514. convolution summation
  13515. cool light
  13516. Coolidge tube
  13517. frequency modulated oscillator
  13518. frequency modulation broadcast; FM broadcast
  13519. cooling air
  13520. frequency modulation feed back demodulator; FMFB demodulator
  13521. cooling champ
  13522. frequency modulation radar; FM radar
  13523. cooling coil
  13524. frequency modulation threshold; FM threshold
  13525. cooling curve
  13526. frequency modulation; FM
  13527. cooling duct
  13528. frequency monitor
  13529. cooling fan
  13530. cooling fin
  13531. frequency multiplier; harmonic generater
  13532. cooling pipe
  13533. frequency of every allowable term; FEAT
  13534. cooling sheet
  13535. frequency of oscillation
  13536. cooling surface
  13537. frequency pool
  13538. cooling time constant
  13539. frequency raiser
  13540. cooling water
  13541. frequency range
  13542. frequency recorder
  13543. cooperating users exchange; CUE
  13544. frequency regulation
  13545. cooperation index
  13546. frequency relay
  13547. Cooper-Hewitt arc
  13548. Cooper-Hewitt lamp
  13549. frequency ringing; harmonic ringing
  13550. frequency scale
  13551. frequency selecting connector
  13552. coordinate geometry computer program; COGO
  13553. frequency selection
  13554. coordinate indexing
  13555. frequency selective voltmeter
  13556. frequency separation
  13557. coordinated transposition
  13558. frequency shift
  13559. coordinating users exchange; CUE
  13560. frequency shift coding
  13561. coordination area
  13562. frequency shift converter
  13563. coordination contour
  13564. frequency shift signaling
  13565. frequency shift signalling
  13566. frequency shift system
  13567. frequency shift telegraphy
  13568. frequency shift type telemeter
  13569. frequency splitting
  13570. frequency swing
  13571. frequency trebler
  13572. frequency tripler
  13573. frequency-modulated transmitter
  13574. Fresnel directional screen
  13575. Fresnel ellipsoid
  13576. Fresnel lens magnifier
  13577. fricative consonant
  13578. friction brake
  13579. friction clutch
  13580. friction coupling
  13581. friction damper
  13582. friction drive
  13583. friction gear
  13584. friction load
  13585. friction loss
  13586. friction tape
  13587. frictional electricity
  13588. frictional electrostatic machine
  13589. frictional electrostatic machine; frictional electrostatic generator
  13590. FRINGE; File and report information-processiong generator
  13591. fringing effect
  13592. frog angle
  13593. frog leg winding
  13594. frog movable point
  13595. frog number
  13596. frogging principle
  13597. front boundary cell
  13598. front bulb
  13599. front connection
  13600. front contact
  13601. front contact spring
  13602. front end processor
  13603. front pitch
  13604. front porch
  13605. front rod
  13606. front waveguide feed
  13607. front-mounted connector
  13608. front-to-rear-ratio
  13609. front-wall
  13610. frost bulb
  13611. frying noise
  13612. FS; file separator character
  13613. fuel assembly
  13614. fuel metal
  13615. fuel rod
  13616. fuel sub-assembly
  13617. fuel-optimal control
  13618. full (gate) opening
  13619. full capacity
  13620. full cell method
  13621. full charge
  13622. full duplex circuit
  13623. full duplex operation
  13624. full duplex service
  13625. full duplex; FD; FDX
  13626. full load
  13627. full load capacity
  13628. full load current
  13629. full load efficiency
  13630. full load running
  13631. full magnetic controller
  13632. full modulation
  13633. full multiple
  13634. full normal
  13635. full pitch winding
  13636. full read pulse
  13637. full reverse
  13638. full scale
  13639. full scale deflection
  13640. full scale starter
  13641. full speed
  13642. full track recording
  13643. full voltage starting
  13644. full wave diode detector
  13645. full wave rectification
  13646. full wave rectifier
  13647. full-web section rail
  13648. full-web section switch point
  13649. fully perforated tape; chad tape
  13650. function digit
  13651. function element
  13652. function hole
  13653. function part
  13654. function switch
  13655. functional constraint
  13656. fundamental constants
  13657. fundamental crystal plane
  13658. fundamental current
  13659. fundamental current; first harmonic current
  13660. fundamental form; canonic form
  13661. fundamental harmonic; first harmonic
  13662. fundamental lattice
  13663. fundamental matrix
  13664. fundamental theorem of expectation
  13665. fundamental tone
  13666. fundamental translation vector
  13667. fundamental unit
  13668. fundamental wavelength
  13669. funnel-shaped structure
  13670. funning performance
  13671. furnace draft control
  13672. fuse alarm
  13673. fuse bace; bace of cut-out
  13674. fuse base
  13675. fuse block
  13676. fuse board
  13677. fuse characteristic
  13678. fuse coordination
  13679. fuse cutout
  13680. fuse element
  13681. fuse link
  13682. fuse panel
  13683. fuse plug
  13684. fuse rack
  13685. fuse switch
  13686. fuse wire
  13687. fused protection
  13688. fusee signal
  13689. fusible cutout
  13690. fusible-cut-out
  13691. fusing current
  13692. fusing point
  13693. fusion reaction
  13694. fusion zone
  13695. gage; gauge
  13696. gain adjustment
  13697. gain bandwidth product
  13698. gain constant
  13699. gain crossover
  13700. gain crossover frequency
  13701. gain distortion
  13702. gain flatness
  13703. gain measuring set
  13704. gain pole
  13705. gain pulse laser
  13706. gain slope
  13707. gain stroke level
  13708. gain stroke wheel
  13709. gain to noise temperature ratio
  13710. galactic noise
  13711. galois field
  13712. galvanized angle iron
  13713. galvanized angle steel
  13714. galvanized copper wire
  13715. galvanized iron wire
  13716. galvanized steel bolt
  13717. galvanized steel strap
  13718. galvanized steel wire
  13719. galvanometer constant
  13720. galvanometer relay
  13721. galvanometer shunt
  13722. galvanometery
  13723. gamma correction
  13724. gamma crystal
  13725. gamma emitter
  13726. gamma neutron reaction
  13727. gamma ray absorption
  13728. gamma ray photon
  13729. gamma-control amplifier
  13730. gamma-unity device
  13731. gang control
  13732. gang punch
  13733. gang way
  13734. gap arrester
  13735. gap digit
  13736. gap filler input
  13737. gap gauge
  13738. gap length
  13739. gap resistance type arrester
  13740. gap scatter
  13741. garbage-in-garbage-out; GIGO
  13742. garter spring
  13743. gas conduction lamp
  13744. gas cooled machine
  13745. gas cooled reacter; GCR
  13746. gas cooled reactor
  13747. gas detector
  13748. gas diode
  13749. gas discharge lamp
  13750. gas fasciculation
  13751. gas filled bulb
  13752. gas filled cable
  13753. gas filled thyraton
  13754. gas flow
  13755. gas free
  13756. gas pressure relay
  13757. gas producer
  13758. gas suspension fuel
  13759. gas tight
  13760. gas triode
  13761. gas tube
  13762. gas tube rectifier
  13763. gas voltameter
  13764. gas-coulombmeter
  13765. gaseous compound
  13766. gaseous conductor
  13767. gaseous diffusion
  13768. gaseous fuel
  13769. gaseous nebulace
  13770. gaseous rectifier
  13771. gasoline engine
  13772. gasoline engine generator
  13773. GAT; generalized algebraic translator
  13774. gate circuit
  13775. gate controlled diode
  13776. gate controlled switch; GCS
  13777. gate generater
  13778. gate signal
  13779. gate tube
  13780. gate voltage
  13781. gate-to-pin ratio
  13782. gating; blanking
  13783. gauge; gage
  13784. gause theorem
  13785. Gauss elimination
  13786. Gauss theorem
  13787. Gaussian line shape
  13788. Gaussian process
  13789. Gauussage
  13790. gear case
  13791. gear reduction unit
  13792. geared motor
  13793. geared synchro system
  13794. 腋下
  13795. speaks
  13796. Hi
  13797. GaAs growth rate
  13798. ALN
  13799. radio propagation
  13800. Honeywell
  13801. OCR
  13802. dopants
  13803. 玳瑁
  13804. 歇斯底里
  13805. intravenous injection
  13806. primary action
  13807. accumulated rate
  13808. access category
  13809. data terminal equipment
  13810. eyelid shutter, eyepiece shutter
  13811. machinery space of category A
  13812. ordinary climatological station
  13813. error category
  13814. perturbation equation
  13815. failure category
  13816. out-of-phase diagram
  13817. poisonous substance
  13818. game graph
  13819. pollution category
  13820. relative angular momentum
  13821. grammatical category
  13822. ILS
  13823. least recently used replacement algorithm
  13824. special category space
  13825. logical base, LB
  13826. stowage category
  13827. syntax analysis
  13828. syntax category
  13829. 守株待兔
  13830. anaerobic treatment
  13831. biogeochemical cycle
  13832. chemical pollutant
  13833. chemical pollution
  13834. coastal management
  13835. coastal pollution
  13836. environmental impact
  13837. environmental impact assessment
  13838. environmental management
  13839. Berkeley Internet Name Domain
  13840. beta software
  13841. beveled in
  13842. beveled out
  13843. R.I.P.
  13844. 杯具
  13845. 開集
  13846. 天然呆
  13847. shallow copy
  13848. shape category
  13849. subaddress
  13850. subcategory
  13851. A/D converter
  13852. air traffic
  13853. Bluestone
  13854. Breeze
  13855. CUL
  13856. automatic level compensation
  13857. comment phrase
  13858. bus category
  13859. ATS
  13860. ASAP
  13861. computer aided selling
  13862. category 1
  13863. computer aided service
  13864. category 2
  13865. computer aided software engineering
  13866. category 3 cable standard
  13867. computer aided teaching
  13868. category 3
  13869. computer aided test
  13870. category 4
  13871. computer aided test tool
  13872. category 4 cable standard
  13873. category 5 cable standard
  13874. computer aided tomography
  13875. category 5
  13876. computer aided trouble shooting,CATS
  13877. category 6 cable standard
  13878. computer aided typesetting
  13879. category 7 cable standard
  13880. computer algorithm
  13881. category organization
  13882. CBC MAC protocol
  13883. computer category
  13884. charge coupled device
  13885. charge transfer device
  13886. dissociation constant
  13887. hydrogen ion activity
  13888. Dell
  13889. logical conversion code
  13890. fail category
  13891. logical link control type 3
  13892. job category
  13893. Gnat
  13894. Gothic
  13895. file capacity status
  13896. emergency category
  13897. dilution ratio
  13898. GTE
  13899. first order expression
  13900. input/output category
  13901. environmental monitoring
  13902. flat-arrangement
  13903. lexical category
  13904. Ericsson
  13905. Magellan
  13906. miniseries
  13907. manufacturability
  13908. mission category
  13909. MST
  13910. motor,MOT
  13911. maximum likelihood category
  13912. Maxwell
  13913. media control
  13914. multicategory system
  13915. power-line monitor
  13916. nondata based category
  13917. Paradox
  13918. parallel parsing algorithm
  13919. primary timeout category
  13920. prisoner's dilemma
  13921. partial category
  13922. Olivetti
  13923. Philips
  13924. 裸官
  13925. schema adjuncts
  13926. schema category
  13927. security by obscurity
  13928. security category
  13929. sensitiveness
  13930. sensitivity category
  13931. service bureau
  13932. service category
  13933. Shiva
  13934. standard temperature and pressure
  13935. subcarrier phase
  13936. sub-category
  13937. Tivoli
  13938. unsupervised classification
  13939. unsupported category
  13940. Winchester
  13941. word buffer register,WBR
  13942. word category
  13943. Yamaha
  13944. linemen's hammer
  13945. Loschmidt's numeral
  13946. Lure's theorem
  13947. 翅基片
  13948. 銀杏
  13949. 作鳥獸散
  13950. 若即若离
  13951. rečnik
  13952. 喝茶
  13953. 有关部门
  13954. 心身疾病
  13955. Aussage
  13956. 婊子
  13957. 笋盘
  13958. Flugzeug
  13959. noch
  13960. Prozent
  13961. Dollar
  13962. alte
  13963. Funktion
  13964. Vertrieb
  13965. Werbung
  13966. Pfennig
  13967. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
  13968. ausdrücklich
  13969. Gestern
  13970. Anzeige
  13971. Foto
  13972. bestellt
  13973. FR
  13974. abgesehen
  13975. Böblingen
  13976. Sozialhilfe
  13977. 阿訇
  13978. 哀而不伤
  13979. 哀號
  13980. 哀樂
  13981. 埃及
  13982. 欲罢不能
  13983. 欲盖弥彰
  13984. 欲壑难填
  13985. abaissement
  13986. ai
  13987. antigène
  13988. 河蟹
  13989. Gewerbe
  13990. aymara
  13991. Á Căn Đình
  13992. 摆老资格
  13993. 摆架子
  13994. 摆八卦阵
  13995. 百足之虫,至断不僵
  13996. 百治百效
  13997. 百战无前
  13998. 百样玲珑
  13999. 一暴十寒
  14000. 一石二鸟
  14001. 一氣呵成
  14002. 一往无前
  14003. 一无是处
  14004. 一孔之见
  14005. 一望無際
  14006. 一团和气
  14007. 一语双关
  14008. 一枕黄粱
  14009. 一脈相承
  14010. 一竅不通
  14011. 一模一样
  14012. 一丝不苟
  14013. 一本正经
  14014. 一帆風順
  14015. 一挥而就
  14016. 一衣帶水
  14017. 一鼓作气
  14018. 一诺千金
  14019. 一览无余
  14020. 一成不變
  14021. 一以贯之
  14022. 一傅眾咻
  14023. 一触即发
  14024. 一应俱全
  14025. 一窮二白
  14026. 一马当先
  14027. 一筹莫展
  14028. 一泻千里
  14029. 一见如故
  14030. 一视同仁
  14031. 一見鍾情
  14032. 一张一弛
  14033. 一举两得
  14034. 一叶障目
  14035. 一针见血
  14036. 一目了然
  14037. 一塌糊涂
  14038. 一拥而上
  14039. 一劳永逸
  14040. 一鸣惊人
  14041. 一碧万顷
  14042. 一叶知秋
  14043. 一元復始
  14044. 一反既往
  14045. 一马平川
  14046. 一箭双雕
  14047. 一龙一猪
  14048. 一无所有
  14049. 一抔黄土
  14050. 一厢情愿
  14051. 一鳞半爪
  14052. 一擲千金
  14053. 一苇可航
  14054. 一板三眼
  14055. 一举成名
  14056. 一笔勾销
  14057. 一牛九锁
  14058. 一分为二
  14059. 一秉虔诚
  14060. tiếng Việt
  14061. Groschen
  14062. 가게
  14063. 가끔
  14064. 가다듬다
  14065. 가득
  14066. 가라앉다
  14067. 가라앉히다
  14068. 가르다
  14069. 가르치다
  14070. 가리다
  14071. 가봉
  14072. 가쁘다
  14073. 가수
  14074. 가스
  14075. 가시
  14076. 가운데
  14077. 가장
  14078. 가죽
  14079. 가지
  14080. 가치
  14081. 가하다
  14082. 각각
  14083. 각도
  14084. 각자
  14085. 간과
  14086. 간단하다
  14087. 간섭
  14088. 갈다
  14089. 갈비
  14090. 감기
  14091. 감자
  14092. 감추다
  14093. 강산
  14094. 갖추다
  14095. 같다
  14096. 같이
  14097. 개나리
  14098. 개념
  14099. 개량
  14100. 개발
  14101. 개선
  14102. 개성
  14103. 개시
  14104. 개인
  14105. 객지
  14106. 갱신
  14107. 거기
  14108. 거꾸로
  14109. 거나
  14110. 거느리다
  14111. 거듭
  14112. 거래
  14113. 거미
  14114. 거미줄
  14115. 거부
  14116. 거북선
  14117. 거북이
  14118. 거세다
  14119. 거센소리
  14120. 거스르다
  14121. 거의
  14122. 거절
  14123. 건강
  14124. 건너
  14125. 건너가다
  14126. 건너오다
  14127. 건널목
  14128. 건물
  14129. 건조
  14130. 건축물
  14131. 걸레
  14132. 걸머지다
  14133. 검다
  14134. 겉옷
  14135. 겉치레
  14136. 게다가
  14137. 겨냥
  14138. 겨우
  14139. 겨울
  14140. 격감
  14141. 격식
  14142. 겪다
  14143. 견디다
  14144. 견본
  14145. 견주다
  14146. 견해
  14147. 결과
  14148. 결국
  14149. 결렬
  14150. 결점
  14151. 결정
  14152. 결혼
  14153. 겹치다
  14154. 경우
  14155. 경쟁
  14156. 경제
  14157. 경찰
  14158. 경찰관
  14159. 경치
  14160. 계곡
  14161. 계기
  14162. 계단
  14163. 계란
  14164. 계산
  14165. 계속
  14166. 계승
  14167. 계절
  14168. 계층
  14169. 고가
  14170. 고가도로
  14171. 고객
  14172. 고구마
  14173. 고기
  14174. 고다
  14175. 고대사
  14176. 고래
  14177. 고려
  14178. 고르다
  14179. 고립
  14180. 고맙다
  14181. 고민
  14182. 고백
  14183. 고무
  14184. 고비
  14185. 고생
  14186. 고속
  14187. 고추
  14188. 고치다
  14189. 고통
  14190. 곤란
  14191. 골다
  14192. 골목
  14193. 골짜기
  14194. 곪다
  14195. 곱다
  14196. 공기
  14197. 공부
  14198. 공장
  14199. 공짜
  14200. 공항
  14201. 과거
  14202. 과실
  14203. 과일
  14204. 과자
  14205. 과정
  14206. 관계
  14207. 관리
  14208. 관리자
  14209. 관하다
  14210. 괜히
  14211. 괴다
  14212. 괴롭다
  14213. 괴롭히다
  14214. 교수
  14215. 교환
  14216. 구경
  14217. 구기다
  14218. 구름
  14219. 국가
  14220. 굳이
  14221. 굴리다
  14222. 굽히다
  14223. 굿
  14224. 궁금하다
  14225. 궁하다
  14226. 권리
  14227. 권하다
  14228. 귀걸이
  14229. 귀고리
  14230. 규모
  14231. 규정
  14232. 그늘
  14233. 그러나
  14234. 그런
  14235. 그런데
  14236. 그루지야
  14237. 그만
  14238. 긍정
  14239. 기간
  14240. 기계
  14241. 기념
  14242. 기능
  14243. 기다
  14244. 기다리다
  14245. 기대
  14246. 기둥
  14247. 기르다
  14248. 기록
  14249. 기린
  14250. 기본
  14251. 기업
  14252. 기여
  14253. 기준
  14254. 기차
  14255. 기초
  14256. 기침
  14257. 기타
  14258. 기회
  14259. 기후
  14260. 긴급
  14261. 긴장
  14262. 긷다
  14263. 길가
  14264. 길이
  14265. 길잡이
  14266. 길라잡이
  14267. 깁다
  14268. 까다
  14269. 까마귀
  14270. 까지
  14271. 깎다
  14272. 깔다
  14273. 깔리다
  14274. 깜빡
  14275. 깨나다
  14276. 깨다
  14277. 깨지다
  14278. 꺼내다
  14279. 꺼리다
  14280. 꺼지다
  14281. 껍질
  14282. 께서
  14283. 껴안다
  14284. 꼬다
  14285. 꼬리
  14286. 꼬마
  14287. 꽂다
  14288. 꾀다
  14289. 꾸기다
  14290. 꾸리다
  14291. 꾸미다
  14292. 꿇다
  14293. 꿰다
  14294. 뀌다
  14295. 끄다
  14296. 끊다
  14297. 끝나다
  14298. 끝장
  14299. 끌다
  14300. 끓다
  14301. 끓이다
  14302. 끼우다
  14303. 끼니
  14304. 끼리
  14305. cinquantième
  14306. collégien
  14307. Ai Cập
  14308. Ái Nhĩ Lan
  14309. 나누다
  14310. 나뉘다
  14311. 나르다
  14312. 나머지
  14313. 나누어지다
  14314. 나미비아
  14315. 나쁘다
  14316. 나서다
  14317. 나아가다
  14318. 나위
  14319. 나중
  14320. 낙심
  14321. 낙후
  14322. 낚다
  14323. 낚시
  14324. 날뛰다
  14325. 날씨
  14326. 날치기
  14327. 날카롭다
  14328. 남녀
  14329. 남녀노소
  14330. 남동생
  14331. 남부
  14332. 남성
  14333. 남조선
  14334. 남쪽
  14335. 남편
  14336. 남한
  14337. 납득
  14338. 납북
  14339. 낭비
  14340. 낮다
  14341. 내과
  14342. 내기
  14343. 내년
  14344. 내리다
  14345. 내리막
  14346. Ấn Độ
  14347. Drehbuch
  14348. bác sĩ
  14349. bài giải
  14350. bạn
  14351. bản đồ
  14352. bản thảo
  14353. bản vị
  14354. bao
  14355. báo hiệu
  14356. bao quát
  14357. bảo tàng
  14358. bao tử
  14359. bảo trì
  14360. bảo vệ
  14361. bằng cấp
  14362. băng nhân
  14363. bất động sản
  14364. bất giác
  14365. bất nhật
  14366. bí thư
  14367. biểu tình
  14368. biểu trưng
  14369. bình thường
  14370. bom
  14371. Bồ Đào Nha
  14372. bồi dưỡng
  14373. Einmaleins
  14374. 내용
  14375. 내일
  14376. 내키다
  14377. 냄비
  14378. 냉동
  14379. 냉면
  14380. 냉수
  14381. 냉정
  14382. 냉커피
  14383. 넓이
  14384. 넓히다
  14385. 넘어지다
  14386. 넘치다
  14387. 네모
  14388. 넥타이
  14389. 녀석
  14390. 노고
  14391. 노동
  14392. 노랗다
  14393. 노력
  14394. 노름
  14395. 노선
  14396. 노예
  14397. 노을
  14398. 노인
  14399. 노출
  14400. 노트
  14401. 녹색
  14402. 녹음
  14403. 녹초
  14404. 논점
  14405. 농업
  14406. 농구
  14407. 논쟁
  14408. 논의
  14409. 논리
  14410. 놀이
  14411. 놓치다
  14412. 농민
  14413. 농사
  14414. 농장
  14415. 눈짓
  14416. 눈동자
  14417. 누이
  14418. 눈꼴
  14419. 뇌리
  14420. 누출
  14421. 눌러
  14422. 누구누구
  14423. 누이다
  14424. 눈치
  14425. 누구
  14426. 누님
  14427. 누나
  14428. 눈앞
  14429. 눈곱
  14430. 눕히다
  14431. 뉴스
  14432. 뉘앙스
  14433. 늦잠
  14434. 늘리다
  14435. 늠름하다
  14436. 느닷없다
  14437. 니켈
  14438. 니까
  14439. cấp dưỡng
  14440. cập nhật
  14441. Appendix:斯氏核心词
  14442. công chức
  14443. cộng đồng
  14444. cu
  14445. cử nhân
  14446. cha
  14447. chan
  14448. chang
  14449. chi tiết
  14450. chia
  14451. chiến sĩ
  14452. chó
  14453. chung thủy
  14454. chương trình
  14455. Schlussfolgerung
  14456. Syllogismus
  14457. 다리
  14458. 단점
  14459. 도끼
  14460. 당신
  14461. 도서관
  14462. 도색
  14463. 도상
  14464. 도록
  14465. 도로
  14466. 독선
  14467. 독서실
  14468. 독서
  14469. 독방
  14470. 도합
  14471. 도전
  14472. 돈지갑
  14473. 돈벌이
  14474. 독자
  14475. 독설
  14476. 돌파
  14477. 돌아서다
  14478. 돌대가리
  14479. 돋치다
  14480. 돗자리
  14481. 동갑
  14482. 동그라미
  14483. 동글다
  14484. 동네
  14485. 동물
  14486. 동백
  14487. 돼지띠
  14488. 동쪽
  14489. 동전
  14490. 동생
  14491. 두껍다
  14492. 된소리
  14493. 되묻다
  14494. 두부
  14495. 두루미
  14496. 두더지
  14497. 두뇌
  14498. 두께
  14499. 둔하다
  14500. 뒷말
  14501. 뒷간
  14502. 뒤엎다
  14503. 드라마
  14504. 드나들다
  14505. 듀엣
  14506. 뒷문
  14507. 뒷면
  14508. かむ
  14509. みる
  14510. きえる
  14511. 今日
  14512. うける
  14513. 対処
  14514. 依頼
  14515. 若者
  14516. 懇願
  14517. すすめる
  14518. すべる
  14519. dân cư
  14520. dân tộc
  14521. déo
  14522. di
  14523. 心照不宣
  14524. do do
  14525. doanh nghiệp
  14526. du hành
  14527. du lịch
  14528. dự án
  14529. dương cầm
  14530. đài các
  14531. đại diện
  14532. Đài Loan
  14533. Đan Mạch
  14534. đáo để
  14535. 氧化鋁
  14536. 氧化物
  14537. 二氧化碳
  14538. 氧化
  14539. 还原
  14540. 趣味
  14541. 位置
  14542. 未知
  14543. ар
  14544. берёзовый
  14545. 가격
  14546. 가람
  14547. 가마
  14548. 가사
  14549. 가소롭다
  14550. 가운
  14551. 가증스럽다
  14552. 参数
  14553. 가히
  14554. đề cao
  14555. điều dưỡng
  14556. 간질
  14557. 갈피
  14558. 감귤
  14559. 감투
  14560. 갑옷
  14561. 강도
  14562. 개비
  14563. 개수
  14564. 개수대
  14565. 개자식
  14566. 개천
  14567. 개평
  14568. 객쩍다
  14569. 갠지스강
  14570. 갹출
  14571. 거간꾼
  14572. 거위
  14573. 건달
  14574. 건대
  14575. 검색
  14576. 검정
  14577. 겁내다
  14578. 겁쟁이
  14579. 겁주다
  14580. 겉면
  14581. 겉치장
  14582. 결단코
  14583. 결속
  14584. 경도
  14585. 경사지다
  14586. 경주
  14587. 고되다
  14588. 고루
  14589. 고사
  14590. 고통스럽다
  14591. 곤장
  14592. 골인
  14593. 공식
  14594. 관형사
  14595. 굉장
  14596. 구독
  14597. 구순
  14598. 구어
  14599. 구완
  14600. 국수
  14601. 굴절
  14602. 굴착기
  14603. 궁리
  14604. 궁상
  14605. 궁상맞다
  14606. 궁상스럽다
  14607. 궤짝
  14608. 귀감
  14609. 귀지
  14610. 귀청
  14611. 규소
  14612. 그녀
  14613. 극구
  14614. 근간
  14615. 근래
  14616. 글재주
  14617. 금반지
  14618. 금방금방
  14619. 긍지
  14620. 기관
  14621. 기도
  14622. 기만
  14623. 기상
  14624. 기척
  14625. 기필코
  14626. 꼬리표
  14627. 나리
  14628. 나마
  14629. 나사
  14630. 나절
  14631. 낙타
  14632. 난리
  14633. 난봉
  14634. 난장
  14635. 난전
  14636. 남빛
  14637. 낭만
  14638. 내리
  14639. 내외간
  14640. 노루
  14641. 노임
  14642. 녹내장
  14643. 녹는점
  14644. 녹말
  14645. 누설
  14646. 누차
  14647. 눈깔사탕
  14648. 단백질
  14649. 단숨에
  14650. 단지
  14651. 답변
  14652. 당나귀
  14653. 대강
  14654. 대답
  14655. 대로
  14656. 대사
  14657. 대체
  14658. 대추
  14659. 대피소
  14660. 덴마크어
  14661. 도구
  14662. 도급
  14663. 도령
  14664. 도리
  14665. 도적
  14666. 도적놈
  14667. 도착
  14668. 독일어
  14669. 동무
  14670. 동이
  14671. 동지
  14672. 동지섣달
  14673. 동화
  14674. 두령
  14675. 둔치다
  14676. 등거리
  14677. 등불
  14678. 마리
  14679. 마치
  14680. 막상
  14681. 만두
  14682. 만병통치약
  14683. 사랑하다
  14684. 만약
  14685. 안녕
  14686. 만일
  14687. 만족스럽다
  14688. 안녕하세요
  14689. 말재주
  14690. 망간
  14691. 망치
  14692. 매매
  14693. 매우
  14694. 매혹
  14695. 맹탕
  14696. 면도
  14697. 면도칼
  14698. 명료
  14699. 명예롭다
  14700. 명절
  14701. 명함
  14702. 모두
  14703. 몸단장
  14704. 몸조심
  14705. 무기
  14706. 무료
  14707. 무리
  14708. 무지무지
  14709. 문어
  14710. 자녀
  14711. 문장
  14712. 어린이
  14713. 존경
  14714. 문제
  14715. 사이
  14716. 부부
  14717. 보고
  14718. 빠지다
  14719. 세계
  14720. 전쟁터
  14721. 여인
  14722. 사람
  14723. 여자
  14724. 물건
  14725. 물론
  14726. 물질
  14727. 물질대사
  14728. 연애
  14729. 애정
  14730. 물통
  14731. 미래
  14732. 미련
  14733. 미로
  14734. 미소
  14735. 밀물
  14736. 바람기
  14737. 박이
  14738. 반나절
  14739. 반죽
  14740. 반쪽
  14741. 반찬
  14742. 반창고
  14743. 반코트
  14744. 반편
  14745. 발목
  14746. 발주
  14747. 밤차
  14748. 밥공기
  14749. 방가
  14750. 방구
  14751. 방귀
  14752. 방금
  14753. 방심
  14754. 방패
  14755. 배기
  14756. 배낭
  14757. 배우
  14758. 배추
  14759. 배포
  14760. 백금
  14761. 백로
  14762. 백조
  14763. 번갈아
  14764. 벼락부자
  14765. 벽난로
  14766. 변소
  14767. 夫妻
  14768. 변호사
  14769. 별다르다
  14770. 별별
  14771. 별의별
  14772. 병기
  14773. 병마개
  14774. 병원
  14775. 보라색
  14776. 복도
  14777. 본관
  14778. 본디
  14779. 본토박이
  14780. 봉투
  14781. 부녀
  14782. 부리
  14783. 부모
  14784. 부인
  14785. 부자
  14786. 북극해
  14787. 북녘
  14788. 북쪽
  14789. 불량배
  14790. bươm bướm
  14791. 비녀
  14792. 비소
  14793. 傣仂语
  14794. 비지
  14795. 비행기
  14796. 사고
  14797. 사기
  14798. 사기꾼
  14799. 사내
  14800. 사랑방
  14801. 사무실
  14802. 사발
  14803. 사상
  14804. 사슬
  14805. 사위
  14806. 사이비
  14807. 사자
  14808. 사정
  14809. 사정사정
  14810. 사촌
  14811. 사탕
  14812. 사탕무
  14813. 산골짜기
  14814. 산기슭
  14815. 산봉우리
  14816. 산산이
  14817. 산화
  14818. 살점
  14819. 삼가
  14820. 삼다
  14821. 삼림
  14822. 삼복더위
  14823. 삼촌
  14824. 상관
  14825. 상관없다
  14826. 상대
  14827. 상자
  14828. 상처
  14829. 상태
  14830. 상호
  14831. 상황
  14832. 색깔
  14833. 색시
  14834. 생각
  14835. 생리
  14836. 생명
  14837. 생방송
  14838. 생선
  14839. 생트집
  14840. 생화학
  14841. 생활
  14842. 서로
  14843. 서류
  14844. 서방
  14845. 선물
  14846. 선학
  14847. 설탕
  14848. 설해
  14849. 섬유소
  14850. 성교
  14851. 성깔
  14852. 성찰
  14853. 세르보크로아트어
  14854. 세상
  14855. 세상없이
  14856. 세상에
  14857. 소개되다
  14858. 소경
  14859. 소굴
  14860. 소금
  14861. 소녀
  14862. 소리
  14863. 소매
  14864. 소설
  14865. 소위
  14866. độ lượng
  14867. đối diện
  14868. động cơ
  14869. em
  14870. gan
  14871. gom
  14872. gon
  14873. gu
  14874. giám đốc
  14875. giáo sư
  14876. giao tiếp
  14877. Hà Lan
  14878. 소파
  14879. 속말
  14880. 속수무책
  14881. 손재주
  14882. 송장
  14883. 수갑
  14884. 수고
  14885. 수도꼭지
  14886. 수려
  14887. 수리
  14888. 수박
  14889. 수사
  14890. 수상쩍다
  14891. 수선
  14892. 수소
  14893. 수수료
  14894. 수심
  14895. 수염
  14896. 수영
  14897. 수은
  14898. 수정
  14899. 수치스럽다
  14900. 수탈
  14901. 수표
  14902. 숙녀
  14903. 순조롭다
  14904. 술병
  14905. 술통
  14906. 숫총각
  14907. 스페인어
  14908. 승리
  14909. 시각
  14910. 시간
  14911. 시기
  14912. 시내
  14913. 시발
  14914. 시인
  14915. 시장바구니
  14916. 시집
  14917. 시집가다
  14918. 시침
  14919. 시트르산
  14920. 시험
  14921. 식구
  14922. 식기
  14923. 식품
  14924. 신명
  14925. 신물
  14926. 신사
  14927. 실례
  14928. 실수
  14929. 십팔
  14930. 싸전
  14931. 쓰레기통
  14932. 아기
  14933. 아내
  14934. 아동
  14935. 아마
  14936. 아미노산
  14937. 아연
  14938. 아제르바이잔어
  14939. 아프리칸스어
  14940. 안목
  14941. 암호
  14942. 앙금
  14943. 앙심
  14944. 애매
  14945. 액땜
  14946. 액막이
  14947. 야구
  14948. 야밤
  14949. 약간
  14950. 약속
  14951. 양말
  14952. 양반
  14953. 양식
  14954. 양코배기
  14955. 양회
  14956. 할머니
  14957. 할아버지
  14958. 어버이
  14959. 언어
  14960. 언제
  14961. 얼음과자
  14962. 아들
  14963. 에스토니아어
  14964. 에스파냐어
  14965. 여간
  14966. むすこ
  14967. 여아
  14968. 여지
  14969. 역도
  14970. 역량
  14971. 역사
  14972. 연기
  14973. 연달다
  14974. 연돌
  14975. 연락
  14976. 연무
  14977. 연초
  14978. 열매
  14979. 염병할
  14980. 영감
  14981. 영락없다
  14982. 영화
  14983. 女優
  14984. 예사롭다
  14985. 예전
  14986. 옛정
  14987. 오래전
  14988. 오른편
  14989. 오리
  14990. 오목
  14991. 오장육부
  14992. 오전
  14993. 오지
  14994. 오직
  14995. 오해
  14996. 오후
  14997. すぐれる
  14998. 온돌
  14999. はぐれる
  15000. 옻칠
  15001. 완전히
  15002. 외과
  15003. 외래어
  15004. 외부
  15005. 요리
  15006. 요새
  15007. 요일
  15008. 요컨대
  15009. 욕되다
  15010. 욕먹다
  15011. 욕보다
  15012. 용기
  15013. 우물
  15014. 우산
  15015. 우유
  15016. 운기
  15017. 운전
  15018. 울적
  15019. 원기
  15020. 원기둥
  15021. 원망스럽다
  15022. 원뿔
  15023. 원수
  15024. 원인
  15025. 월급
  15026. 위구르어
  15027. 유기화학
  15028. 유료
  15029. 유리
  15030. 유방
  15031. 유아
  15032. 윤곽
  15033. 은근
  15034. 음달
  15035. 음료수
  15036. 음식
  15037. 음악
  15038. 의사
  15039. 의자
  15040. 의치
  15041. 이루
  15042. 이리
  15043. 이미
  15044. 이상
  15045. 이월
  15046. 이유
  15047. 이재민
  15048. 이전
  15049. 이탈
  15050. 이해
  15051. 익사
  15052. 인간
  15053. 인공
  15054. 인기척
  15055. 인사
  15056. 인산
  15057. 인상
  15058. 인생
  15059. 인소
  15060. 인양
  15061. 일가
  15062. 일기
  15063. 일대
  15064. 일시
  15065. 일월
  15066. 일체
  15067. 임금
  15068. 입가
  15069. 입양
  15070. 입천장
  15071. thành phố
  15072. 자귀
  15073. 자급자족
  15074. 자기
  15075. 자두
  15076. 자식
  15077. 자신
  15078. 자연
  15079. 자유
  15080. 자정
  15081. 자주
  15082. 자지
  15083. 작금
  15084. 작살
  15085. 작은
  15086. 작자
  15087. 잠시
  15088. 잡말
  15089. 잡소리
  15090. 장가
  15091. 장갑
  15092. 장단
  15093. 장마
  15094. 장사
  15095. 장티푸스
  15096. 재미
  15097. 재봉틀
  15098. 저기
  15099. 저희
  15100. 적반하장
  15101. 적십자
  15102. 적합
  15103. 전자
  15104. 전자레인지
  15105. 전탕
  15106. 절대
  15107. 절대로
  15108. 점심
  15109. 점심때
  15110. 점심밥
  15111. 점심시간
  15112. 정거장
  15113. 정답다
  15114. 정도
  15115. 정말로
  15116. 정보
  15117. 정부
  15118. 정상
  15119. 정수리
  15120. 정신
  15121. 정오
  15122. 제기
  15123. 제도
  15124. 제발
  15125. 제비
  15126. 제일
  15127. 조금
  15128. 조기
  15129. 조리
  15130. 조심
  15131. 지방
  15132. 지방산
  15133. 족하
  15134. 졸개
  15135. 졸음
  15136. 종교
  15137. 지원자
  15138. 지침
  15139. 종종
  15140. 지하철
  15141. 종지
  15142. 지혜롭다
  15143. 직업
  15144. 직접
  15145. 죄송스럽다
  15146. 주로
  15147. 주리
  15148. 주막
  15149. 주먹구구식
  15150. 주문
  15151. 주발
  15152. 주방
  15153. 주변
  15154. 주석
  15155. 주식
  15156. 주전자
  15157. 주접
  15158. 주정
  15159. 주정뱅이
  15160. 질문
  15161. 주차
  15162. 질투
  15163. 짐작
  15164. 죽음
  15165. 죽지
  15166. 준비
  15167. 준치
  15168. 차례
  15169. 차례차례
  15170. 중고
  15171. 차차
  15172. 중매
  15173. 중매쟁이
  15174. 참견
  15175. 중심
  15176. 찻잔
  15177. 책꽂이
  15178. 책상다리
  15179. 책상물림
  15180. 처가
  15181. 처녀
  15182. 처녀성
  15183. 처녑
  15184. 천만
  15185. 천식
  15186. 출발
  15187. 출연자
  15188. 출장
  15189. 취급
  15190. 철학
  15191. 취설
  15192. 취입
  15193. 측량
  15194. 첫차
  15195. 치마
  15196. 치약
  15197. 친우
  15198. 체념
  15199. 체인
  15200. 체험
  15201. 침대
  15202. 침상
  15203. 침실
  15204. 초롱
  15205. 초밥
  15206. 카탈루냐어
  15207. 초인종
  15208. 초저녁
  15209. 콧수염
  15210. 촌스럽다
  15211. 큰방
  15212. 총각
  15213. 타이
  15214. 총총
  15215. 최고
  15216. 탁구
  15217. 최근
  15218. 탄력
  15219. 탄수화물
  15220. 추녀
  15221. 추방
  15222. 추위
  15223. 축구
  15224. 태권도
  15225. 태평스럽다
  15226. 턱수염
  15227. 해당
  15228. 해롭다
  15229. 해소
  15230. 해일
  15231. 투기
  15232. 행동
  15233. 행복
  15234. 행복스럽다
  15235. 특별
  15236. 특징
  15237. 허리
  15238. 허풍
  15239. 헐값
  15240. 팔방미인
  15241. 현상
  15242. 현재
  15243. 페르시아어
  15244. 편람
  15245. 편안
  15246. 협잡
  15247. 협잡꾼
  15248. 편지
  15249. 형수
  15250. 형편
  15251. 호떡
  15252. 호수
  15253. 호통
  15254. 호흡곤란
  15255. 혹시
  15256. 혹은
  15257. 혼돈
  15258. 포장
  15259. 폭넓다
  15260. 폭력
  15261. 폭폭
  15262. 풍경
  15263. 풍선
  15264. 화살
  15265. 프랑스어
  15266. 화장실
  15267. 화합물
  15268. 피자
  15269. 핀란드어
  15270. 필요
  15271. 하늘색
  15272. 하도
  15273. 하도급
  15274. 하마
  15275. 하양
  15276. 하여튼
  15277. 하품
  15278. 학습
  15279. 한가롭다
  15280. 한국
  15281. 회로
  15282. 회화
  15283. 한층
  15284. 횡령
  15285. 효과
  15286. 함수
  15287. 후레자식
  15288. 합치다
  15289. hàng phục
  15290. hậu môn
  15291. hình học
  15292. hoa hậu
  15293. hoa khôi
  15294. hoàn hảo
  15295. hoang đường
  15296. hon
  15297. hội đồng
  15298. hui
  15299. hung
  15300. 阿尔及利亚
  15301. 阿拉
  15302. 阿姆斯特丹
  15303. 阿斯旺
  15304. 阿嚏
  15305. 哀歌
  15306. 皚皚
  15307. 癌症
  15308. 矮子
  15309. 艾蒿
  15310. 安步当车
  15311. 八面体
  15312. 鲅鱼
  15313. 白相
  15314. 百廢俱興
  15315. 半身
  15316. 半信半疑
  15317. 寶石
  15318. 悲风
  15319. 本身
  15320. 本志
  15321. 比绍
  15322. 鄙視
  15323. 便宜
  15324. 标的
  15325. 辰光
  15326. 城邑
  15327. 病床
  15328. 病室
  15329. 病因
  15330. 病状
  15331. 澄明
  15332. đàn bà
  15333. 魑魅魍魎
  15334. 赤子
  15335. 不合理
  15336. 不具
  15337. 不死
  15338. 出丑
  15339. 出口
  15340. 初等
  15341. 部下
  15342. 裁判员
  15343. 创立人
  15344. 草原
  15345. 春季
  15346. 差金
  15347. 差头
  15348. 打架
  15349. 大马哈鱼
  15350. 大圣
  15351. 代數學
  15352. 禱告
  15353. 的士
  15354. 低声
  15355. 钢索
  15356. 地金
  15357. 高原
  15358. 高知
  15359. 歌舞片
  15360. 格言
  15361. 各地
  15362. 各国
  15363. 各人
  15364. 各位
  15365. 各自
  15366. 根性
  15367. 调查表
  15368. 工程
  15369. 喋喋不休
  15370. 公厕
  15371. 公共
  15372. 公曆
  15373. 公式
  15374. 订书
  15375. 钩尺
  15376. 动物分类学
  15377. 古来
  15378. 骨格
  15379. 骨气
  15380. 杜康
  15381. 怪物
  15382. 多边形
  15383. 多愁善感
  15384. 多分
  15385. 俄羅斯
  15386. 珪素
  15387. 硅素
  15388. 发呆
  15389. 果敢
  15390. 法会
  15391. 帆船
  15392. 番人
  15393. 海参崴
  15394. 海底
  15395. 凡例
  15396. 海流
  15397. 梵蒂冈
  15398. 梵哑铃
  15399. 方式
  15400. 航程
  15401. 航路
  15402. 房东
  15403. 放出
  15404. 放射能
  15405. 放射性
  15406. 非晶質
  15407. 非洲人
  15408. 分解
  15409. 分克
  15410. 分类
  15411. 分類法
  15412. 分類學
  15413. 分馏
  15414. 分数
  15415. 分享
  15416. 芬蘭
  15417. 粉末
  15418. 風波
  15419. 蜂蜜
  15420. 扶摇
  15421. 浮力
  15422. 符騰堡
  15423. 蜉蝣
  15424. 아침
  15425. 富豪
  15426. 概数
  15427. 干草
  15428. 合理的
  15429. 和田
  15430. 河口
  15431. 黑客
  15432. 恒星
  15433. 横目
  15434. 红鹤
  15435. 애매하다
  15436. 呼吸道
  15437. 狐狸
  15438. 狐狸精
  15439. 花黄
  15440. 花葯
  15441. 环肥燕瘦
  15442. 黃疸
  15443. 蟪蛄
  15444. 魂魄
  15445. 火伴
  15446. 火车站
  15447. 雞巴
  15448. 새터민
  15449. 基地
  15450. 吉普车
  15451. 吉他
  15452. 集落
  15453. 集市
  15454. 記錄
  15455. 韭菜
  15456. 酒色
  15457. 酒石
  15458. 酒石酸
  15459. 旧教
  15460. 就寝
  15461. 就任
  15462. 就学
  15463. 鞠躬
  15464. 橘子
  15465. 具足
  15466. 军帖
  15467. 开司米
  15468. 抗生素
  15469. 蝌蚪
  15470. 可燃性
  15471. 克罗米
  15472. 口数
  15473. 拉合爾
  15474. 喇嘛
  15475. 腊克
  15476. 辣椒
  15477. 来着
  15478. nghị định
  15479. kiến tạo
  15480. khả năng
  15481. khách sạn
  15482. khai trường
  15483. nha sĩ
  15484. nhạc sĩ
  15485. khốn nạn
  15486. khúc chiết
  15487. nhiệt độ
  15488. lai
  15489. lạm phát
  15490. lâu đài
  15491. oe
  15492. oi
  15493. lịch sự
  15494. linh vật
  15495. loa
  15496. lợi tức
  15497. lum
  15498. phân ưu
  15499. lưu thông
  15500. ly
  15501. pho
  15502. mẫu giáo
  15503. phong lưu
  15504. phỏng vấn
  15505. phổ biến
  15506. phở
  15507. mo
  15508. phù hiệu
  15509. phụ tùng
  15510. mung
  15511. Na Uy
  15512. Nam Phi
  15513. phương phi
  15514. nang
  15515. phương tiện
  15516. phương trình
  15517. nau
  15518. nong
  15519. nu
  15520. nữ sĩ
  15521. qué
  15522. quốc ngữ
  15523. rai
  15524. rang
  15525. reo
  15526. Tây Ban Nha
  15527. ru
  15528. rung
  15529. san
  15530. seo
  15531. sim
  15532. song song
  15533. số học
  15534. sua
  15535. sung
  15536. 老婆
  15537. 老人
  15538. tác động
  15539. tài nguyên
  15540. tạm biệt
  15541. 雷达
  15542. tang
  15543. tê giác
  15544. 黎巴嫩
  15545. tiến sĩ
  15546. tiểu sử
  15547. tiêu thụ
  15548. tim
  15549. 力士
  15550. toán học
  15551. toàn quyền
  15552. ton
  15553. tôi
  15554. 利比亞
  15555. tua
  15556. 隶人
  15557. tum
  15558. tuy nhiên
  15559. tử tế
  15560. tư tưởng
  15561. 涟漪
  15562. 蓮花
  15563. 镰刀
  15564. 零用钱
  15565. 领土
  15566. 流鼻水
  15567. 六艺
  15568. 六月
  15569. 龙头
  15570. 垄断
  15571. 律令
  15572. 綠內障
  15573. 裸子植物
  15574. 麻醉
  15575. 马达
  15576. 马赛克
  15577. 马蹄铁
  15578. 码头
  15579. tham luận
  15580. thẩm phán
  15581. thân ái
  15582. thần tượng
  15583. thể thao
  15584. thiết tha
  15585. thông tin
  15586. thời sự
  15587. thời tiết
  15588. thu thập
  15589. thương hại
  15590. truyền hình
  15591. truyền thanh
  15592. trực thăng
  15593. trường
  15594. trưởng thành
  15595. văn hóa
  15596. văn phòng
  15597. xi
  15598. xu
  15599. xúc cảm
  15600. ý tứ
  15601. ym
  15602. 孟加拉语
  15603. 摩托
  15604. 木乃伊
  15605. 目瞪口呆
  15606. 苜蓿
  15607. 内科
  15608. 孬种
  15609. 柠檬
  15610. 女生
  15611. 女医
  15612. 虐待
  15613. динозавр
  15614. Египет
  15615. выпороть
  15616. アーク長
  15617. アーメン
  15618. アジロ
  15619. アブストラクト
  15620. イオン
  15621. うかがう
  15622. オーライ
  15623. オスロ
  15624. おっつけ
  15625. おどおど
  15626. おのおの
  15627. おびき出す
  15628. おもむろに
  15629. おもんぱかる
  15630. おりおり
  15631. かいくぐる
  15632. かいぐる
  15633. かいつまむ
  15634. かいもく
  15635. かい出す
  15636. かかずらう
  15637. かかる
  15638. かがる
  15639. かぎつける
  15640. かくたる
  15641. かくまう
  15642. かこく
  15643. かさばる
  15644. ガストロノミック
  15645. がぜん
  15646. かつ
  15647. かっ払う
  15648. かてて加えて
  15649. かまける
  15650. からびる
  15651. がらんどう
  15652. ぎっちょ
  15653. きっぱり
  15654. きびきび
  15655. きめつける
  15656. きゅうきょ
  15657. きらびやか
  15658. きり
  15659. きれい
  15660. きわやか
  15661. bir
  15662. ぐいと
  15663. くくりつける
  15664. くさり
  15665. くすくす
  15666. くすねる
  15667. ぐっしょり
  15668. くっつける
  15669. グッドバイ
  15670. くぼめる
  15671. グラシアス
  15672. クリーン
  15673. くるまる
  15674. くるめく
  15675. くるめる
  15676. グロス
  15677. グロテスク
  15678. ぐんぐん
  15679. けむくじゃら
  15680. げらげら
  15681. けり
  15682. けれど
  15683. けろり
  15684. ごうも
  15685. コージャス
  15686. こく
  15687. こごむ
  15688. ごじあける
  15689. こじつける
  15690. こしらえる
  15691. こそ
  15692. こつぜん
  15693. こっそり
  15694. こぶり
  15695. こましゃくれる
  15696. こまめ
  15697. こもごも
  15698. コルクせん
  15699. ごろつき
  15700. こんがらかる
  15701. さしむき
  15702. さしも
  15703. さすがに
  15704. ざっくばらん
  15705. ざっと
  15706. さのみ
  15707. さびる
  15708. さまつ
  15709. さめざめと
  15710. さもなければ
  15711. ざわつく
  15712. じかに
  15713. しかねる
  15714. しこたま
  15715. しこなす
  15716. しだい
  15717. して
  15718. しどろもどろ
  15719. シニカル
  15720. シバ
  15721. しめた
  15722. じゃぶる
  15723. しゃれる
  15724. kacang
  15725. ショウ
  15726. しょせん
  15727. しらじら
  15728. すき起す
  15729. すくすく
  15730. すける
  15731. すごすご
  15732. すすぐ
  15733. すたこら
  15734. ずたずた
  15735. ずつ
  15736. すっぱり
  15737. すっぽり
  15738. ストップ
  15739. ずばずば
  15740. すぼまる
  15741. すやすや
  15742. すら
  15743. すらすら
  15744. すりつぶす
  15745. ずれる
  15746. すんなり
  15747. せせら笑う
  15748. セッション
  15749. せっせと
  15750. セット
  15751. せびる
  15752. せる
  15753. せんする
  15754. センチメンタル
  15755. そうです
  15756. ぞっこん
  15757. そっと
  15758. そのまま
  15759. そぼ降る
  15760. そよそよ
  15761. それきり
  15762. それだけ
  15763. それで
  15764. だいぶ
  15765. タイプセット式電信機
  15766. muslihat
  15767. タグデータ分類
  15768. nafi
  15769. タグ分類
  15770. だけ
  15771. たじろぐ
  15772. たって
  15773. だの
  15774. ダブる
  15775. だまかす
  15776. たまに
  15777. だめ
  15778. たら
  15779. たり
  15780. タロウ
  15781. たわいない
  15782. たんまり
  15783. チェアウーマン
  15784. チェック
  15785. Ogos
  15786. ちびちび
  15787. チャーミング
  15788. ちょうちょう
  15789. つかる
  15790. つくねる
  15791. つつ
  15792. つづる
  15793. つぼむ
  15794. つぼめる
  15795. つまり
  15796. つゆばかり
  15797. つる
  15798. デオキシリボ核酸
  15799. でかでかと
  15800. てこずる
  15801. でっぷり
  15802. ては
  15803. でぶでぶ
  15804. ても
  15805. でも
  15806. デモる
  15807. てんで
  15808. てんやわんや
  15809. とう
  15810. どういう
  15811. どうかこうか
  15812. どうして
  15813. どうしても
  15814. どうせ
  15815. とうてい
  15816. どうにか
  15817. とうの
  15818. トータル
  15819. とか
  15820. とがらす
  15821. ときめく
  15822. とぎれとぎれ
  15823. ところが
  15824. どころか
  15825. ところで
  15826. とつおいつ
  15827. どっかり
  15828. とっくり
  15829. ドッジライン
  15830. どっちみち
  15831. とっちめる
  15832. とっぷり
  15833. とにもかくにも
  15834. どのみち
  15835. とぼける
  15836. とぼす
  15837. とまれ
  15838. ども
  15839. ともあれ
  15840. ともかく
  15841. ともすれば
  15842. トリッキー
  15843. sastera
  15844. とろける
  15845. とんだ
  15846. どんなに
  15847. ナイーブ
  15848. ナイス
  15849. なおさら
  15850. なかなか
  15851. ながら
  15852. なかんずく
  15853. なぜ
  15854. なだれ込む
  15855. なにぶん
  15856. なにゆえ
  15857. なみなみと
  15858. ならう
  15859. なり
  15860. なんか
  15861. なんぞ
  15862. なんて
  15863. なんでも
  15864. なんと
  15865. におやか
  15866. にて
  15867. ニヒル
  15868. にやける
  15869. にれかむ
  15870. ぬくぬく
  15871. ぬけぬけ
  15872. ネグる
  15873. ノーブル
  15874. のける
  15875. のさばる
  15876. のたうつ
  15877. ノット
  15878. のベつ
  15879. のめのめ
  15880. のらりくらり
  15881. パソる
  15882. はにかみや
  15883. ばらばら
  15884. バレル
  15885. ばれる
  15886. ひいては
  15887. ひく
  15888. ひそう
  15889. ひたむき
  15890. ぴたり
  15891. ひつ
  15892. ひっかかる
  15893. ひっかける
  15894. ひっかぶる
  15895. ひったくる
  15896. ひとむきに
  15897. ひょっと
  15898. フェーズ
  15899. ぶきっちょ
  15900. ふく
  15901. ふしおがむ
  15902. ぶちまける
  15903. ふっつり
  15904. ふっと
  15905. ぶら下げる
  15906. ブリュッセルスシステム
  15907. ブリュッセル分類法
  15908. フレキシブル
  15909. ふんする
  15910. へいする
  15911. へきする
  15912. へぐ
  15913. へこたれる
  15914. ペこんと
  15915. べたつく
  15916. ペダンチック
  15917. ペちゃんこ
  15918. へとへと
  15919. へらへら
  15920. へろへろ
  15921. ぼうだ
  15922. ほおばる
  15923. ほか
  15924. ぽかんと
  15925. lý thuyết
  15926. ぼそっと
  15927. ぽたぽた
  15928. ぽたり
  15929. ぼちぼち
  15930. ほったらかす
  15931. ぽっちり
  15932. ぽっつり
  15933. ぼってり
  15934. ぽつりぽつり
  15935. ぽつん
  15936. ほど
  15937. ほのめかす
  15938. ホルマリン
  15939. ほんの
  15940. ほんぶな
  15941. マイクロメートル
  15942. まがなすきがな
  15943. khôi ngô
  15944. まさぐる
  15945. まじなう
  15946. ます
  15947. まだまだ
  15948. まっきる
  15949. まっしぐらに
  15950. まつわる
  15951. まで
  15952. まどろむ
  15953. まるきり
  15954. まんじりと
  15955. むける
  15956. むしゃぶりつく
  15957. めきめき
  15958. めしかかえる
  15959. めし出す
  15960. めっきり
  15961. メリークリスマス
  15962. メンタルヘルス
  15963. もうとう
  15964. モールド製作機
  15965. もしや
  15966. ものか
  15967. もので
  15968. ものなら
  15969. ものの
  15970. ものゆえ
  15971. ものを
  15972. もはや
  15973. も草
  15974. ヤーキズ式二元分類
  15975. やたら
  15976. やはり
  15977. やら
  15978. ゆすぐ
  15979. ゆだる
  15980. よう
  15981. ようだ
  15982. よしなに
  15983. よもや
  15984. ラテン語
  15985. られる
  15986. らんまん
  15987. リモートコントロール
  15988. レベリング
  15989. れる
  15990. ろうたける
  15991. 69
  15992. ach so
  15993. ADPCM
  15994. Agiotage
  15995. aha
  15996. Allaire
  15997. Analoguhr
  15998. Armbanduhr
  15999. AT&T
  16000. Atomuhr
  16001. Calamity Jane
  16002. Centaur
  16003. Dreharbeit
  16004. Drehort
  16005. Dreier
  16006. Dreifaltigkeit
  16007. Dreifuß
  16008. Dreigestirn
  16009. Dreirad
  16010. Einbahnstraße
  16011. Einzelfall
  16012. Entscheidungsproblem
  16013. Jet
  16014. sauerstofffrei
  16015. Kampfjet
  16016. Schauinsland
  16017. Kennzeichnung
  16018. Kiebitz
  16019. Kiefer
  16020. Franken
  16021. Schub
  16022. Kobe
  16023. Schweitzer
  16024. Konnotation
  16025. gangsta rap
  16026. Shanxi
  16027. Kroll
  16028. Krone
  16029. Kuckucksuhr
  16030. Sonnenuhr
  16031. Kuweit
  16032. Spam
  16033. Lausanne
  16034. Lawrence
  16035. Greenspan
  16036. Stechuhr
  16037. Libyen
  16038. Stefano
  16039. Guangzhou
  16040. Litfaßsäule
  16041. Stoppuhr
  16042. Hainan
  16043. Luanda
  16044. Luftschiff
  16045. Stundenglas
  16046. Managementsystem
  16047. Suzuki
  16048. HDTV
  16049. Tankuhr
  16050. Massachusetts
  16051. Taschenuhr
  16052. Tautologie
  16053. Matsushita
  16054. Terz
  16055. Mei
  16056. Merkel
  16057. Monolog
  16058. Troy
  16059. tuber
  16060. Tunesien
  16061. Tunis
  16062. Ultraleichtflugzeug
  16063. NOx
  16064. Outsourcing
  16065. Pendeluhr
  16066. Wasserflugzeug
  16067. Wasseruhr
  16068. Wecker
  16069. progressive house
  16070. psychedelic trance
  16071. Weltzeituhr
  16072. Q
  16073. Quarzuhr
  16074. wiki
  16075. Rangun
  16076. world music
  16077. Reklame
  16078. Zifferblatt
  16079. Sanduhr
  16080. касательно
  16081. под
  16082. ловчий
  16083. Москва
  16084. надо-
  16085. tiếng Hàn
  16086. tiếng Nhật
  16087. о.
  16088. обо
  16089. сельдерей
  16090. aguardar
  16091. alegar
  16092. Chipre
  16093. kỹ thuật
  16094. hình chữ nhật
  16095. Egipto
  16096. escrupuloso
  16097. estentóreo
  16098. Libia
  16099. công ty
  16100. hợp danh
  16101. siêu thị
  16102. siêu tân tinh
  16103. siêu dẫn
  16104. nhiệt độ kế
  16105. lượng tử
  16106. patrón
  16107. racional
  16108. Rangún
  16109. reserva
  16110. secador
  16111. tributo
  16112. Túnez
  16113. Vaticano
  16114. verter
  16115. 愛護
  16116. 愛嬌
  16117. 出張
  16118. 一級
  16119. 一族
  16120. 一体
  16121. 一点
  16122. 一方
  16123. 植物発生学
  16124. 植物分類学
  16125. 컴퓨터
  16126. 信託
  16127. 인터넷
  16128. 慎重
  16129. 薪水
  16130. 数学
  16131. 봄철
  16132. 政見
  16133. 正式
  16134. 태어나다
  16135. 圣火
  16136. 기어가다
  16137. 갓난아기
  16138. 核反応
  16139. 雪線
  16140. 阿斗的江山
  16141. 阿斗式的人物
  16142. 阿二吹笙
  16143. 阿二当郎中
  16144. 阿二满街串
  16145. 阿哥吃面
  16146. 阿婆留胡子
  16147. 阿庆嫂倒茶
  16148. 挨鞭子不挨棍子
  16149. 挨打的狗去咬鸡
  16150. 挨打的乌龟
  16151. 挨刀的鸭子
  16152. 挨了巴掌赔不是
  16153. 挨了棒的狗
  16154. 挨了打的鸭子
  16155. 挨了刀的肥猪
  16156. 挨了刀的皮球
  16157. 挨了霜的狗尾巴草
  16158. 挨着火炉吃海椒
  16159. 矮梯子上高房
  16160. 矮子穿高跟鞋
  16161. 矮子打狼
  16162. 矮子放风筝
  16163. 矮子放屁
  16164. 矮子观光
  16165. 矮子过河
  16166. 矮子里面拔将军
  16167. 矮子爬楼梯
  16168. 矮子爬坡
  16169. 矮子骑大马
  16170. 矮子想登天
  16171. 矮子坐高凳
  16172. 爱打官司逞英雄
  16173. 鹌鹑要吃树上果
  16174. 庵堂里的木鱼
  16175. 案板顶门
  16176. 案板上的擀面杖
  16177. 案板上的肉
  16178. 案板上的鱼
  16179. 按别人的脚码买鞋
  16180. 暗地里盯梢
  16181. 暗地里耍拳
  16182. 按方抓药
  16183. 按鸡头啄米
  16184. 按牛头喝水
  16185. 岸上按捞月
  16186. 岸上看人溺水
  16187. 暗室里穿针
  16188. 按下葫芦起了瓢
  16189. 暗中使绊子
  16190. 熬尽了灯油
  16191. 鏊子上烙冰
  16192. 鏊子上烙饼
  16193. 八百吊钱掉井里
  16194. 八百年前立的旗杆
  16195. 八百铜钱穿一串
  16196. 八宝饭上撒胡椒
  16197. 八辈子的老陈帐
  16198. 八寸脚穿七寸鞋
  16199. 八斗的小垂缸
  16200. 八哥啄柿子
  16201. 八个老汉划拳
  16202. 八个钱的膏药
  16203. 八个钱买碗馄饨
  16204. 八个歪脖坐一桌
  16205. 八股文的格式
  16206. 八卦炉里睡觉
  16207. 八卦阵里骑马
  16208. 八级工学技术
  16209. 八级师傅学手艺
  16210. 芭蕉插在古树上
  16211. 芭蕉开花
  16212. 芭蕉叶上垒鸟窝
  16213. 八角掉进粪坑里
  16214. 八斤半的鳖吞了大秤砣
  16215. 八斤半的老鳖吞了个秤砣
  16216. 八斤半的王八中状元
  16217. 疤瘌眼长疮
  16218. 扒了墙的庙
  16219. 八十个人抬轿子
  16220. 八十老汉害个摇头病
  16221. 八十老人吹灯
  16222. 八十老翁练琵琶
  16223. 八十老翁学打拳
  16224. 八十老翁学手艺
  16225. 八十岁的老绝户头
  16226. 八十岁刮胡子
  16227. 八十岁老翁挑担子
  16228. 八十岁留胡子
  16229. 八十岁没儿女
  16230. 八十岁生儿子
  16231. 八十岁跳舞
  16232. 八十岁玩猴子
  16233. 八十岁学吹笛
  16234. 八十岁学摔打
  16235. 八十岁演员扮孩子
  16236. 八十岁站柜台
  16237. 八五炮打兔子
  16238. 八仙聚会
  16239. 八仙桌缺只腿
  16240. 八仙桌上放灯盏
  16241. 八仙桌子
  16242. 八贤王进宫
  16243. 八月的苦瓜
  16244. 八月的莲藕
  16245. 八月的石榴
  16246. 八月的柿子
  16247. 八月桂花开
  16248. 八月里的黄瓜棚
  16249. 八月十五吃年饭
  16250. 八月十五吃元宵
  16251. 八月十五吃粽子
  16252. 八月十五的月饼
  16253. 八月十五的月亮
  16254. 八月十五过端阳
  16255. 八月十五看龙灯
  16256. 八月十五生孩子
  16257. 八月十五送月饼
  16258. 八月十五云遮月
  16259. 八月十五蒸年糕
  16260. 八月十五种花生
  16261. 巴掌穿鞋
  16262. 巴掌上摊煎饼
  16263. 巴掌长疮
  16264. 八只脚的螃蟹
  16265. 八字不见一擞
  16266. 拔草引蛇
  16267. 拔葱种海椒
  16268. 千秋
  16269. 跋脚驴子追兔子
  16270. 跋脚马上战场
  16271. 拔节的高梁
  16272. 拔浪鼓
  16273. 拔了的闹钟
  16274. 拔了萝卜
  16275. 拔了萝卜栽上葱
  16276. 拔了毛的凤凰
  16277. 拔了毛的鸽子
  16278. 拔了塞子不消水
  16279. 跋子拔萝卡
  16280. 跋子踩高跷
  16281. 跋子打围
  16282. 跋子赶马
  16283. 跋子上台
  16284. 把鼻涕往脸上袜
  16285. 靶场上的老黄忠
  16286. 把肥料浇到莠草上
  16287. 把脸装进裤挡里
  16288. 把人赶到墙根下
  16289. 把娃娃当猴耍
  16290. 把妖猜当成菩萨
  16291. 霸王别姬
  16292. 吧戏的掉眼泪
  16293. 白脖子屎壳郎
  16294. 白布进染缸
  16295. 白布做棉袄
  16296. 白菜帮子
  16297. 白菜地里耍镰刀
  16298. 白菜烩豆腐
  16299. 白骨精扮新娘
  16300. 白骨精打跟头
  16301. 白骨精化美女
  16302. 白骨精说人话
  16303. 白骨精送饭
  16304. 白骨精演说
  16305. 白骨精遇上了孙悟空
  16306. 白鹤站在鸡群里
  16307. 白虎进门
  16308. 白蜡材结桂花
  16309. 白蜡杆子翻场
  16310. 白蜡做的心
  16311. 白了尾巴尖的狐狸
  16312. 白脸奸臣出场
  16313. 白脸狼戴草帽
  16314. 白脸狼戴眼镜
  16315. 白猫钻灶坑
  16316. 白毛乌鸦
  16317. 白娘子斗法海
  16318. 白娘子遇许仙
  16319. 白日见鬼
  16320. 白日做梦
  16321. 白水锅里揭奶皮
  16322. 白水下石膏
  16323. 白水煮白菜
  16324. 白水做饭
  16325. 白素贞不舍许仙
  16326. 白糖包砒霜
  16327. 白糖嘴巴刀子心
  16328. 白天打灯笼
  16329. 白天盼月亮
  16330. 白天照电简
  16331. 白天捉鬼
  16332. 白铁斧头
  16333. 白仙鹤长了个秃尾巴
  16334. 白纸上画黑道
  16335. 白纸做的灯笼
  16336. 百尺竿头挂剪刀
  16337. 百货大楼卖西装
  16338. 百货店里卖鞋袜
  16339. 百斤担子加铁砣
  16340. 百斤面蒸寿桃
  16341. 百斤重担能上肩,一两笔杆提不动
  16342. 百里草原一人家
  16343. 百里奚认妻
  16344. 百里奚饲牛拜相
  16345. 百灵戏牡丹
  16346. 柏马屁拍到蹄子上
  16347. 百米赛跑
  16348. 柏木椽子
  16349. 百年松树,五月芭蕉
  16350. 百日不下雨
  16351. 百岁公公吹火
  16352. 百万雄师下江南
  16353. 柏油烫猪头
  16354. 百丈高竿挂红灯
  16355. 拜把子兄弟开茧店
  16356. 败家子回头
  16357. 败将收残兵
  16358. 拜年的嘴巴
  16359. 拜旨走进吕祖(吕洞宾)庙
  16360. 扳不倒骑兔子
  16361. 扳不倒坐到烧饼上
  16362. 搬辍起石磙砸碾盘
  16363. 扳倒碓窝吓婆婆
  16364. 扳倒葫芦洒了油
  16365. 班房里的衙役
  16366. 斑鸠抱窝
  16367. 斑马的脑袋
  16368. 搬菩萨洗澡
  16369. 搬石头打天
  16370. 扳着炉子烤头发
  16371. 扳着指头算帐
  16372. 班鸩打架
  16373. 板凳倒立
  16374. 板凳上放鸡蛋
  16375. 板凳上搁蒺藜
  16376. 板凳上睡觉
  16377. 板凳上玩麻将
  16378. 板凳上钻窟窿
  16379. 板门上贴门神
  16380. 板上的泥鳅
  16381. 板上钉钉子
  16382. 板上敲钉子
  16383. 半边羊头
  16384. 半边猪头
  16385. 绊倒趴在粪池边
  16386. 半道上捡个喇叭
  16387. 半吊子的一半
  16388. 半个铜钱
  16389. 半截砖头
  16390. 半斤对八两
  16391. 半斤放在四两上
  16392. 半空的云彩
  16393. 半空中打把势
  16394. 半空中的火把
  16395. 半空中的气球
  16396. 半空中的人把
  16397. 半空中放爆竹
  16398. 半空中盖房子
  16399. 半空中赶牲口
  16400. 半空中刮蒺莠
  16401. 半空中挂剪刀
  16402. 半空中骑马
  16403. 半空中数指头
  16404. 半拉瓜子
  16405. 半篮子喜鹊
  16406. 半路开小差
  16407. 半路上的新闻
  16408. 半路上丢算盘
  16409. 半路上留客
  16410. 半路上杀出个程咬金
  16411. 半瓶子醋
  16412. 半山崖的观音
  16413. 半山腰倒恶水
  16414. 半天云里踩钢丝
  16415. 半天云里出亮星
  16416. 半天云里吹唢呐
  16417. 半天云里的雨
  16418. 半天云里吊口袋
  16419. 半天云里翻帐簿
  16420. 半天云里看厮杀
  16421. 半天云里拉家常
  16422. 半天云里飘气球
  16423. 半天云里骑仙鹤
  16424. 半天云里做衣服
  16425. 半天云中拍巴掌
  16426. 半夜吃黄瓜
  16427. 半夜吃烧鸡
  16428. 半夜里的被窝
  16429. 半夜弹琴
  16430. 半夜鸡叫
  16431. 半夜叫大姑娘的门
  16432. 半夜里的寡妇
  16433. 半夜里和面
  16434. 半夜里抡大斧
  16435. 半夜里捉迷藏
  16436. 半夜聊天
  16437. 半夜起来穿衣服
  16438. 半夜敲门心不惊
  16439. 半夜下雨
  16440. 半夜做恶梦
  16441. 半夜做梦啃猪蹄
  16442. 半夜做梦娶新娘
  16443. 扮秦桧的不卸装
  16444. 扮猪吃老虎
  16445. 棒槌吹火
  16446. 棒槌打缸
  16447. 棒槌当针
  16448. 棒槌改蜡烛
  16449. 棒槌进城
  16450. 棒槌里插针
  16451. 棒槌敲竹筒
  16452. 棒槌上天
  16453. 棒打鸭子
  16454. 棒打鸳鸯
  16455. 蚌里藏珍珠
  16456. 棒子里做蛋糕
  16457. 棒子面煮葫芦
  16458. 棒子面煮鸡子儿
  16459. 包办的婚姻
  16460. 包单(被单)布洗脸
  16461. 包公的尚方宝剑
  16462. 包公的铡刀
  16463. 包公断案
  16464. 包公放粮
  16465. 包公杀亲侄
  16466. 包公审案子
  16467. 包公铡皇亲
  16468. 苞谷棒子生虫
  16469. 苞谷面糊
  16470. 包脚布上飞机
  16471. 包脚布上生虮子
  16472. 包脚布做鞭子
  16473. 包脚布做夹扣子
  16474. 包脚布做围脖
  16475. 包元宵的做烙饼
  16476. 包子吃到豆沙边
  16477. 包子咧嘴
  16478. 包子熟了不揭锅
  16479. 包子张嘴
  16480. 薄刀切葱
  16481. 薄刀切豆腐
  16482. 薄皮气球
  16483. 薄纸糊窗棂
  16484. 雹子砸了棉花棵
  16485. 饱带干粮晴带伞
  16486. 宝囊里取物
  16487. 宝塔顶上的宝葫芦
  16488. 保险柜挂大锁
  16489. 保险柜里安雷管
  16490. 暴风雨中的航船
  16491. 豹狗子吃马鹿
  16492. 报国寺里卖骆驼
  16493. 抱黄连敲门
  16494. 抱鸡婆打摆子
  16495. 抱鸡婆长胡子
  16496. 抱紧肚子装饱汉
  16497. 爆米花沏茶
  16498. 抱木头跳江
  16499. 抱菩萨洗澡
  16500. 报时的雄鸡
  16501. 鲍叔识管仲
  16502. 暴雨前的闪电
  16503. 抱元宝跳井
  16504. 抱在怀里的西瓜
  16505. 抱着茶壶喝水
  16506. 抱着灯心救火
  16507. 抱着擀面杖当笙吹
  16508. 抱着孩子拜天地
  16509. 抱着葫芦不开瓢
  16510. 抱着黄连做生意
  16511. 抱着金砖挨饿
  16512. 抱着蜡烛取暖
  16513. 抱着木棍推磨
  16514. 抱着琵琶跳井
  16515. 抱着钱匣子睡觉
  16516. 抱着石头跳深渊
  16517. 抱着铁耙子亲嘴
  16518. 抱着香炉打喷嚏
  16519. 报纸上的社论
  16520. 爆竹店里夫人
  16521. 爆竹脾气
  16522. 豹子进山
  16523. 北京的萝卜
  16524. 北门外开米店
  16525. 被虫子咬过的果实
  16526. 背鼎锅上山
  16527. 背篼里头摇锣鼓
  16528. 背鼓进祠堂
  16529. 背鼓追槌
  16530. 背后藏茄子
  16531. 背后拉弓
  16532. 背后作揖
  16533. 背集摆摊子
  16534. 背靠背睡觉
  16535. 被猎人追赶的金鹿
  16536. 被埋没的陶佣
  16537. 背门板上街
  16538. 被面上刺练
  16539. 背菩萨下河
  16540. 背人偷酒喝
  16541. 背石头上山
  16542. 背石头下河
  16543. 背手后挂胡琴
  16544. 背手上鸡窝
  16545. 背水作战
  16546. 被窝里不见了针
  16547. 被窝里放收音机
  16548. 被窝里划拳
  16549. 被窝里磨牙
  16550. 被窝里伸出一只脚
  16551. 被窝里踢皮球
  16552. 被窝里养老虎
  16553. 被窝里捉跳蚤
  16554. 背媳妇过独木桥
  16555. 背阳坡上的太阳
  16556. 背油桶救人
  16557. 背着醋罐子讨饭
  16558. 背着粪筐上银行
  16559. 背着粪篓满街串
  16560. 背着棺材上战场
  16561. 背着哈哈镜走路
  16562. 背着黑锅做人
  16563. 背着喇叭赶集
  16564. 背着灵牌上火线
  16565. 背着棉絮过河
  16566. 背着手爬泰山
  16567. 背着琐呐坐飞机
  16568. 背着梯子骂街
  16569. 背着娃娃推磨
  16570. 本匠的刨子
  16571. 本偶跳舞
  16572. 笨狗撵兔子
  16573. 笨姑娘纳鞋底
  16574. 笨驴子过桥
  16575. 笨牛吃麻雀
  16576. 笨鸭子
  16577. 笨贼偷法官
  16578. 崩了群的马
  16579. 迸屋跳窗户
  16580. 迸学堂不带书
  16581. 逼出来的口哄
  16582. 逼楚霸王寻死
  16583. 逼公鸡下蛋
  16584. 逼人跳海
  16585. 逼上门的生意
  16586. 鼻尖上吊镰刀
  16587. 鼻尖上抹黄连
  16588. 鼻孔喝水
  16589. 鼻孔里的汗毛
  16590. 鼻孔里长瘤子
  16591. 鼻梁碰着锅底灰
  16592. 鼻梁上放菜刀
  16593. 鼻梁上挂眼镜
  16594. 鼻梁上挂钥匙
  16595. 鼻梁上推小车
  16596. 鼻涕流进喉咙里
  16597. 鼻涕往上流
  16598. 鼻头搽白粉
  16599. 鼻头上摆摊子
  16600. 鼻头上挂粪桶
  16601. 鼻头上抹蜂糖
  16602. 鼻头上耍木偶
  16603. 鼻头上涂自粉
  16604. 鼻头上长犄角
  16605. 鼻眼里钻跳蚤
  16606. 鼻子里插葱
  16607. 鼻子里灌醋
  16608. 鼻子上安雷管
  16609. 鼻子上吊秤锤
  16610. 鼻子上挂秤蛇
  16611. 鼻子上挂肉
  16612. 鼻子上冒烟
  16613. 鼻子上袜黄连
  16614. 鼻子下面挂电灯
  16615. 笔杆子吞迸肚
  16616. 比干丞相
  16617. 比赛场上的运动员
  16618. 比着被子伸腿
  16619. 闭了眼和面
  16620. 闭着眼睛鼓风
  16621. 闭着眼睛和面
  16622. 闭着眼睛哼曲子
  16623. 闭着眼睛卖布
  16624. 闭着眼睛摸田螺
  16625. 闭着眼睛螳河
  16626. 闭着眼睛跳舞
  16627. 闭着眼睛训话
  16628. 闭着眼睛走路
  16629. 闭着眼睛走南墙
  16630. 壁虎尾巴
  16631. 壁画上的耕牛
  16632. 壁上的耕牛
  16633. 壁上挂鬼星
  16634. 鞭打快牛
  16635. 鞭打千里驹
  16636. 鞭打死鸟
  16637. 蝙蝠看太阳
  16638. 鞭杆当笛吹
  16639. 鞭杆做大粱
  16640. 鞭炮店失火
  16641. 鞭梢上拴两个蛤馍
  16642. 扁担冲水
  16643. 扁担打限头
  16644. 扁担倒了也认不出来
  16645. 扁担窟窿插麦茬
  16646. 扁担搂柴
  16647. 扁担挑水
  16648. 扁担挑水走滑路
  16649. 扁担无钉
  16650. 扁担砸杠子
  16651. 扁担做桅杆
  16652. 扁豆绕在竹竿上
  16653. 扁鹊开处方
  16654. 扁祖挑柴火
  16655. 变戏法的本领
  16656. 变戏法的打锣
  16657. 变戏法的亮手帕
  16658. 裱糊店里的纸人
  16659. 裱糊匠上天
  16660. 裱画店夫人
  16661. 婊子挂起贞节牌
  16662. 婊子立牌坊
  16663. 鳖蛋上抹香油
  16664. 鳖咬手指头
  16665. 瘪肚臭虫
  16666. 瘪粒儿的麦穗
  16667. 瘪嘴吹萧
  16668. 殡仪馆里的棺材
  16669. 冰坂上的驴子
  16670. 冰雹砸了棉花棵
  16671. 冰窖里嬉耍
  16672. 冰精蒸荔枝
  16673. 冰库里点蜡
  16674. 冰凌当拐杖
  16675. 冰凌的豆腐
  16676. 冰凌挂胸口
  16677. 冰凌调豆腐
  16678. 冰面上盖房子
  16679. 冰山上的雪莲
  16680. 冰山上画画
  16681. 冰上走路
  16682. 冰塘葫芦
  16683. 冰糖调黄瓜
  16684. 冰天雪地发牢骚
  16685. 冰雪里到肚皮上
  16686. 冰窑里打哈哈
  16687. 兵营里养妓女
  16688. 病鬼开药店
  16689. 病好打郎中
  16690. 病好郎中到
  16691. 并列第一名
  16692. 病猫的尾巴
  16693. 病人拍皮球
  16694. 病人遭雷打
  16695. 病重不吃药
  16696. 菠菜煮豆腐
  16697. 剥葱捣蒜
  16698. 拨好的闹钟
  16699. 拨开竹叶见梅花
  16700. 剥了皮的蛤蟆
  16701. 玻璃杯沏茶
  16702. 玻璃窗里看戏
  16703. 玻璃蛋子变鸡蛋
  16704. 玻璃掉在镜子上
  16705. 玻璃肚皮
  16706. 玻璃缸里的金鱼
  16707. 玻璃缸内关苍蝇
  16708. 玻璃观音
  16709. 玻璃猴子
  16710. 玻璃镜上的人儿
  16711. 玻璃筷子夹凉粉
  16712. 玻璃瓶装宝物
  16713. 玻璃瓶装金鱼
  16714. 玻璃瓶子装开水
  16715. 玻璃铺的家当
  16716. 玻璃菩萨
  16717. 玻璃球上拴麻线
  16718. 玻璃上放花盆
  16719. 玻璃娃娃
  16720. 玻璃心肝水晶人
  16721. 玻璃罩里的苍蝇
  16722. 玻璃做鼓
  16723. 剥皮的青藤
  16724. 剥皮的树
  16725. 脖颈上拴头驴
  16726. 伯乐挥鞭
  16727. 博物馆的陈列品
  16728. 脖子上挂雷管
  16729. 脖子上围裹脚布
  16730. 跛脚马上阵
  16731. 跛脚毛驴
  16732. 跛子打秋千
  16733. 跛子骑瞎马
  16734. 跛子走路
  16735. 簸箕里的蚂蚁
  16736. 补锅匠的脊梁
  16737. 补锅匠栽跟头
  16738. 不挨皮鞭挨砖头
  16739. 不吃羊肉羊膻臭
  16740. 不出鸡的鸡子儿
  16741. 不出芽的谷子
  16742. 不大不小的老鼠
  16743. 布袋里买猫
  16744. 布袋里装牛角
  16745. 布袋里装石榴皮
  16746. 不倒翁得相思病
  16747. 不倒翁骑兔子
  16748. 不倒瓮沏茶
  16749. 不倒瓮骑兔子
  16750. 不饿带干粮
  16751. 不共戴天的敌人
  16752. 不恨绳短,只怨井深
  16753. 不见兔子不撒鹰
  16754. 不叫的狗
  16755. 不敬东家敬伙计
  16756. 不碰南墙不回头
  16757. 步枪卡了壳
  16758. 布上的棉线
  16759. 不识字的人看布告
  16760. 不是鱼死,就是网破
  16761. 不是鱼死就是网破
  16762. 不熟的葡萄
  16763. 不熟的杏子
  16764. 不听曲子听评书
  16765. 不听使唤的套筒枪
  16766. 布娃娃
  16767. 不栽果树吃桃子
  16768. 不着窝的兔子
  16769. 擦火柴点电灯
  16770. 擦亮眼睛更敢干
  16771. 裁缝打狗
  16772. 裁缝的顶针
  16773. 裁缝的肩膀
  16774. 裁缝的手艺
  16775. 裁缝拿线
  16776. 裁缝铺的衣服—
  16777. 裁缝师傅对绣娘
  16778. 裁缝师傅做衣服
  16779. 裁缝做嫁衣
  16780. 裁缝做衣服
  16781. 财神爷吹牛
  16782. 财神爷打官司
  16783. 财神爷发慈悲
  16784. 财神爷翻脸
  16785. 财神爷摸脑壳
  16786. 财神爷敲门
  16787. 财神爷要饭
  16788. 才输了当头炮
  16789. 裁衣不用剪子
  16790. 财主劫路
  16791. 才子和佳人
  16792. 才子配佳人
  16793. 踩瘪了的鱼泡
  16794. 踩凳子钩月亮
  16795. 踩高跷的过河
  16796. 彩虹和白云谈情
  16797. 踩死蚂蚁也要验尸
  16798. 踩着鼻子上脸
  16799. 踩着高跷过独木桥
  16800. 踩着肩膀撒尿
  16801. 踩着井绳当是蛇
  16802. 踩着石头过河
  16803. 踩着银桥上金桥
  16804. 菜板上的肉—
  16805. 菜刀切藕
  16806. 菜刀剃头
  16807. 菜地里少水
  16808. 蔡辐迎刘备
  16809. 菜锅里炒鹅卵石
  16810. 菜篮子装泥鳅
  16811. 菜园里的海椒
  16812. 菜园里的苦瓜
  16813. 菜园里的羊角葱
  16814. 菜园里的长人参
  16815. 菜园里辘轳
  16816. 菜籽里的黄豆
  16817. 参天的大树
  16818. 蚕宝宝吃桑叶
  16819. 蚕宝宝牵蜘蛛
  16820. 蚕豆开花
  16821. 蚕肚子
  16822. 蚕爬扫帚
  16823. 苍蝇包网子
  16824. 苍蝇打哈欠
  16825. 苍蝇的肚子
  16826. 苍蝇的世界观
  16827. 苍蝇掉在酱缸里
  16828. 苍蝇叮大粪
  16829. 苍蝇叮鸡蛋
  16830. 苍蝇叮菩萨
  16831. 苍蝇飞到牛胯上
  16832. 苍蝇飞进花园里
  16833. 苍蝇飞进牛眼里
  16834. 苍蝇跟屎壳郎做朋友
  16835. 苍蝇会蜘蛛
  16836. 苍蝇见粪堆
  16837. 苍蝇来花
  16838. 苍蝇落在臭蛋上
  16839. 苍蝇落在蜜盆里
  16840. 苍蝇碰玻璃
  16841. 苍蝇耍灯草
  16842. 苍蝇推墙
  16843. 苍蝇围着鸡蛋转
  16844. 苍蝇寻狗屎
  16845. 苍蝇钻到瓶瓶里
  16846. 苍蝇钻茅房
  16847. 藏民穿皮袄
  16848. 操场上捉迷藏
  16849. 曹操八十万兵马过独木桥
  16850. 曹操背时遇蒋于,胡豆背时遇稀饭
  16851. 曹操的人马
  16852. 曹操杀蔡瑁
  16853. 曹操杀吕伯奢
  16854. 曹操用计
  16855. 曹操用人
  16856. 曹操遇关公
  16857. 曹操遇马超
  16858. 曹操诸葛亮
  16859. 草把儿打仗
  16860. 草把儿撞钟
  16861. 草把子作灯
  16862. 草包竖大汉
  16863. 草丛里的眼镜蛇
  16864. 草地上的蘑菇
  16865. 草甸上的苇子
  16866. 草房上安兽头
  16867. 草棵里的蚂蟥
  16868. 草里的斑鸠
  16869. 草驴卖了买叫驴
  16870. 草帽戴在膝盖上
  16871. 草帽破了顶
  16872. 草帽子端水
  16873. 草人过河
  16874. 草人救火
  16875. 草上的露火
  16876. 草绳子拔河
  16877. 草鞋上拴鸡毛
  16878. 草鞋撞钟
  16879. 草原上的百灵鸟
  16880. 草原上的劲风
  16881. 草原上点火
  16882. 草原上天气
  16883. 厕所顶上开窗子
  16884. 厕所挂牌
  16885. 厕所里的茅缸
  16886. 厕所里挂表
  16887. 厕所里酒香水
  16888. 厕所里寻灶王
  16889. 厕所里照镜子
  16890. 层脊上放西瓜
  16891. 茶杯盖上放鸡蛋
  16892. 茶杯里放块糖
  16893. 搽粉上吊
  16894. 茶馆里摆龙门阵
  16895. 茶馆里挂斧头
  16896. 茶馆里伸手
  16897. 茶壶掉了把儿
  16898. 茶壶里喊冤
  16899. 茶壶里开染房
  16900. 茶壶里泡豆芽
  16901. 茶壶里贴饼子
  16902. 茶壶里洗澡
  16903. 茶壶里煮挂面
  16904. 茶壶没肚儿
  16905. 茶壶煮牛头
  16906. 茶里放盐
  16907. 搽米汤上吊
  16908. 茶铺子里的水
  16909. 茶食店夫火
  16910. 茶碗打酒
  16911. 拆房逮耗子
  16912. 拆了东篱补西壁
  16913. 拆了楼房盖厕所
  16914. 拆了茅房盖楼房
  16915. 拆了鞋面做帽沿
  16916. 拆庙搬菩萨
  16917. 拆庙种灯草
  16918. 拆袜子补鞋
  16919. 拆屋放风筝
  16920. 柴草人救人
  16921. 柴火上浇汽油
  16922. 豺狼请客
  16923. 豺狼请兔子的客
  16924. 柴油机抽水
  16925. 馋狗等骨头
  16926. 馋鬼打灯笼
  16927. 馋鬼抢生肉
  16928. 馋猫吃耗子
  16929. 馋人打赌
  16930. 馋嘴巴走进药材店
  16931. 常胜将军出征
  16932. 常胜将军回朝
  16933. 常胜将军上疆场
  16934. 肠子不打弯
  16935. 肠子痒了
  16936. 唱歌不看曲本
  16937. 唱京戏拉单弦
  16938. 唱木偶戏的
  16939. 唱皮影戏的跌跟头
  16940. 唱戏不拉胡琴
  16941. 唱戏打边鼓
  16942. 唱戏的挨刀
  16943. 唱戏的穿玻璃鞋
  16944. 唱戏的穿龙袍
  16945. 唱戏的吹胡同
  16946. 唱戏的打板子
  16947. 唱戏的点兵——
  16948. 唱戏的抖三抖
  16949. 唱戏的教徒弟
  16950. 唱戏的没主角
  16951. 唱戏的拿马鞭子
  16952. 唱戏的念道白
  16953. 唱戏没主角
  16954. 钞票洗额头
  16955. 超载的火车
  16956. 晁盖的军师
  16957. 朝天放炮
  16958. 朝天椒
  16959. 朝天一箭
  16960. 朝廷的太监
  16961. 朝廷老爷拾大粪
  16962. 朝鲜人过年
  16963. 炒菜不放盐
  16964. 炒菜的铁锅
  16965. 炒菜放油盐
  16966. 炒豆发芽
  16967. 炒胡豆(蚕豆〕下酒
  16968. 炒韭菜搁葱
  16969. 炒了的虾米
  16970. 炒面捏的妹妹
  16971. 炒面捏娃娃
  16972. 炒熟的黄豆
  16973. 炒咸菜不放盐
  16974. 车把式扔鞭子
  16975. 车道沟里的泥鳅
  16976. 车翻了去驯马
  16977. 车工三班倒
  16978. 车上拉客
  16979. 车有车道,船有航道
  16980. 扯裤子补补丁
  16981. 扯铃扯到半空中
  16982. 扯乱了的丝线
  16983. 扯旗杆放炮
  16984. 扯起风帆又荡桨
  16985. 扯起眉毛哄眼睛
  16986. 扯着胡子打秋千
  16987. 扯足顺风篷
  16988. 陈醋当酒喝
  16989. 陈谷做种子
  16990. 臣民进皇官
  16991. 陈世美不认秦香莲
  16992. 陈世美打轿夫
  16993. 陈世美娶皇姑
  16994. 晨雾炊烟
  16995. 沉香木当柴烧
  16996. 撑不开的伞
  16997. 撑船不用篙
  16998. 撑船的老板
  16999. 乘飞机打伞
  17000. 城隍的扇子
  17001. 城隍老爷戴孝
  17002. 城隍老爷发神经
  17003. 城隍老爷嫁女儿
  17004. 城隍老爷娶妻
  17005. 城隍老爷剃脑壳
  17006. 城隍庙的菩萨
  17007. 城隍庙的铁算盘
  17008. 城隍庙里出告示
  17009. 城隍庙里打官司
  17010. 城隍庙里的鼓槌
  17011. 城隍庙里的猪头
  17012. 城隍庙里挂弓箭
  17013. 城隍庙里聚会
  17014. 城隍庙里闹内讧
  17015. 城隍奶奶接生
  17016. 城隍奶奶烧柴灶
  17017. 城隍菩萨的马
  17018. 城隍菩萨拉二胡
  17019. 城隍爷不穿裤子
  17020. 城隍爷掉井里,土地爷扒头看
  17021. 城隍爷躲债
  17022. 城隍与玉皇
  17023. 成吉思汗的兵马
  17024. 乘慢车来的人
  17025. 城门洞的行人
  17026. 城门口的砖头
  17027. 城门楼上乘凉
  17028. 城门楼上的哨兵
  17029. 城门楼上挂猪头
  17030. 城门上挂大钟
  17031. 城墙上的草
  17032. 城墙上点烽火
  17033. 城墙上赶麻雀
  17034. 城墙上骑瞎马
  17035. 成熟的花生果
  17036. 成天想蚕茧
  17037. 城头上放风筝
  17038. 城头上跑马
  17039. 城头上栽花
  17040. 城外头开钱庄
  17041. 程咬金拜大旗
  17042. 程咬金的三斧头
  17043. 程婴告蜜搜赵式
  17044. 乘字底下丢了人
  17045. 秤锤扔到大海里
  17046. 秤杆掉了星
  17047. 秤杆上的准星
  17048. 秤杆与秤砣
  17049. 秤秆子柱路
  17050. 秤钩吊在屁股上
  17051. 秤钩子钓鱼
  17052. 秤蛇掉进鸡窝里
  17053. 秤砣掉在厨柜里
  17054. 秤砣囫囵吞
  17055. 秤砣花过河
  17056. 秤砣碰铁蛋
  17057. 秤砣砸核桃
  17058. 秤砧掉在鼓上
  17059. 吃霸王的饭,给刘邦干事
  17060. 吃饱饭闲嗑牙
  17061. 吃豹子胆长大的
  17062. 吃得耳朵都动
  17063. 吃灯草灰长大的
  17064. 吃豆腐多了
  17065. 吃多了安眼药
  17066. 吃多了碎米
  17067. 吃蜂蜜说好话
  17068. 吃狗肉喝白酒
  17069. 吃瓜子
  17070. 吃挂面不调盐
  17071. 吃罐头没刀
  17072. 吃过黄连喝蜜粮
  17073. 吃海水长大的
  17074. 吃黄瓜蘸雪
  17075. 吃鸡蛋不拿钱
  17076. 吃饺子不吃馅
  17077. 吃酒陪新娘
  17078. 吃看油条唱歌
  17079. 吃烤山芋
  17080. 吃辣椒屙不下
  17081. 吃狼奶长大的
  17082. 吃了白糖吃冰糖
  17083. 吃了豹子胆
  17084. 吃了抄手吃馄饨
  17085. 吃了秤秆
  17086. 吃了定心丸
  17087. 吃了海椒啃甘蔗
  17088. 吃了鸡下巴
  17089. 吃了枯炭
  17090. 吃了雷公的胆
  17091. 吃了灵芝草
  17092. 吃了煤炭
  17093. 吃了鸟枪药
  17094. 吃了砒霜的老母鸡
  17095. 吃了三天斋就想上西天
  17096. 吃了三碗红豆饭
  17097. 吃了烧茄子
  17098. 吃了窝脖鸡
  17099. 吃了喜鹊蛋
  17100. 吃了一包回形针
  17101. 吃了一肚子响雷
  17102. 吃了一筐烂石榴
  17103. 吃了一筐烂杏
  17104. 吃了鱼钩的牛打架
  17105. 吃了早饭睡午觉
  17106. 吃了猪肝想猪心
  17107. 吃凉粉发抖
  17108. 吃麻油唱曲子
  17109. 吃米不记种田人
  17110. 吃棉花长大的
  17111. 吃面条找头子
  17112. 吃内脏的虫子
  17113. 痴情碰冷遇
  17114. 吃人不吐骨头
  17115. 吃人的老虎拍照
  17116. 吃人饭拉狗屎
  17117. 吃桑叶吐丝
  17118. 吃虱子留后腿
  17119. 吃石头拉硬屎
  17120. 吃屎狗难断吃屎路
  17121. 吃水不记掘井人
  17122. 吃天鹅肉
  17123. 吃歪藤长大的
  17124. 吃苇坯拉炕席
  17125. 吃窝头就辣椒
  17126. 吃乌龟皮
  17127. 吃稀糊糊游西湖
  17128. 吃咸鱼蘸酱
  17129. 吃香蕉剥皮
  17130. 吃药用冰糖作引子
  17131. 吃鱼不吐骨头
  17132. 吃枣子不吐核
  17133. 吃斋的恶婆子
  17134. 吃着海椒训人
  17135. 吃着黄连唱着歌
  17136. 吃着鸡,抓着鸭
  17137. 吃着梅子问酸甜
  17138. 吃猪肉念佛经
  17139. 吃竹竿长大的
  17140. 池里的王八,塘里的鳖
  17141. 池塘里的荷花
  17142. 池塘里的荷叶
  17143. 池塘里的泥鳅
  17144. 池塘里摸菩萨
  17145. 赤脚的和尚
  17146. 冲瞎子问路
  17147. 冲着和尚骂秃子
  17148. 冲着柳树要枣吃
  17149. 冲着姨夫叫丈人
  17150. 虫吃沙梨
  17151. 虫蛀的扁担
  17152. 虫蛀的老槐树
  17153. 虫蛀的苹果
  17154. 虫子钻进核桃里
  17155. 抽刀断水
  17156. 抽了架的丝瓜
  17157. 抽了筋的老虎
  17158. 抽芽的蒜头
  17159. 抽烟不带火
  17160. 抽烟烧枕头
  17161. 仇人打擂
  17162. 绸子布包狗屎
  17163. 丑八怪搽胭脂
  17164. 臭虫爬到拜盒里
  17165. 臭虫咬胖子
  17166. 臭豆腐下油锅
  17167. 臭鸡蛋
  17168. 臭水坑里的核桃
  17169. 臭蚊子
  17170. 臭羊皮
  17171. 初八当重阳
  17172. 出东门,往西拐
  17173. 出洞的狐狸
  17174. 出洞的老鼠
  17175. 初二三的月亮
  17176. 出锅的大虾
  17177. 出国的大轮船
  17178. 出家人娶媳妇
  17179. 出嫁的姑娘
  17180. 初睛露太阳
  17181. 出了笼的黄雀
  17182. 出了土的笋子
  17183. 出了窑的砖
  17184. 出笼的馍馍烤着吃
  17185. 出炉的钢锭
  17186. 出炉的红铁
  17187. 出炉的铁水
  17188. 出门带条狗
  17189. 出门戴口罩
  17190. 出门两条腿
  17191. 出门坐飞机
  17192. 出山的猛虎
  17193. 初生的牛犊
  17194. 初生的娃娃
  17195. 出水的芙蓉
  17196. 出膛的子弹
  17197. 出头的钉子
  17198. 出土的陶佣
  17199. 出土的竹笋
  17200. 出土文物
  17201. 出污水沟又掉茅坑
  17202. 出衙门骂大街
  17203. 初一晚上走路
  17204. 初一夜里出门
  17205. 厨房里的馋猫
  17206. 厨房里的垃圾
  17207. 厨师熬粥
  17208. 锄头钩月亮
  17209. 锄头刨黄连
  17210. 除夕夜守岁
  17211. 厨子搬家
  17212. 厨子剥葱
  17213. 厨子回家
  17214. 楚霸王举鼎
  17215. 楚霸王困垓下
  17216. 楚霸王种蒜
  17217. 楚霸王自刎
  17218. 楚霸王自刎乌江
  17219. 楚汉相争
  17220. 楚王拿晏子开心
  17221. 楚庄王猜谜语
  17222. 楚庄王理政
  17223. 揣着明白说糊涂
  17224. 穿背心戴棉帽
  17225. 穿不破的鞋
  17226. 穿草鞋上树
  17227. 穿的兔儿鞋
  17228. 穿钉鞋踩屋瓦
  17229. 穿钉鞋拄拐棍
  17230. 穿冬衣摇夏扇
  17231. 穿革鞋戴礼帽
  17232. 穿汗衫戴棉帽
  17233. 穿紧身马褂长大的
  17234. 穿没底鞋
  17235. 穿木履过摩天岭
  17236. 穿皮袄吃醪糟
  17237. 穿皮袄打赤脚
  17238. 穿山甲拱泰山
  17239. 穿蓑衣救火
  17240. 穿兔子鞋的
  17241. 穿袜子没底
  17242. 穿西装戴斗笠
  17243. 穿新鞋走老路
  17244. 穿着汗衫戴礼帽
  17245. 川子捧寿桃
  17246. 船舱里生小鸡
  17247. 船到江心才补漏
  17248. 船到码头车到站
  17249. 船底下放鞭炮
  17250. 船后跟朝北
  17251. 船开才买票
  17252. 船老大带徒弟
  17253. 船老大敬神
  17254. 船老大坐后艄
  17255. 船上打伞
  17256. 船上开晚会
  17257. 船上人充油灰
  17258. 船上人上岸
  17259. 船上失火
  17260. 船头办酒席
  17261. 船脱离了水
  17262. 传闲话,落不是
  17263. 窗户上糊纸
  17264. 窗户上走人
  17265. 窗户眼里看人
  17266. 窗口插桂花
  17267. 疮口上贴膏药
  17268. 窗台上种瓜
  17269. 窗子小跳不进去
  17270. 床底下吹号
  17271. 床底下吹喇叭
  17272. 床底下堆宝塔
  17273. 床底下放风筝
  17274. 床底下关鸡
  17275. 床底下鞠躬
  17276. 床底下练武
  17277. 床底下抡大斧
  17278. 床底下支张弓
  17279. 床上耍花枪
  17280. 吹灯裹脚
  17281. 吹灯讲故事
  17282. 吹灯捉虱子
  17283. 吹鼓手办喜事
  17284. 吹鼓手的肚子
  17285. 吹鼓手分家
  17286. 吹鼓手赶集
  17287. 吹鼓手叫阵
  17288. 吹鼓手跳舞
  17289. 吹火筒不通
  17290. 吹火筒打鸟
  17291. 吹糠见米
  17292. 吹牛皮赚钱
  17293. 吹气灭火
  17294. 吹哨呐的腮帮子
  17295. 吹糖人出身
  17296. 吹糖人的改行
  17297. 锤子炒菜
  17298. 春蚕到死
  17299. 春草闹堂
  17300. 春茶尖儿
  17301. 春分得雨
  17302. 椿树上的虱子
  17303. 春天的柳树枝
  17304. 春天的萝卜
  17305. 春天的毛毛雨
  17306. 春天的蜜蜂
  17307. 春天的树尖
  17308. 春天河边
  17309. 春夏秋冬
  17310. 瓷公鸡,玻璃猫
  17311. 瓷盘里的珍珠
  17312. 辞去先生去做贼
  17313. 刺笆(荆棘〕林里的斑鸠
  17314. 刺笆林中的苦蒿
  17315. 刺拐棒弹棉花
  17316. 刺猬的脑袋
  17317. 刺猬发怒
  17318. 刺猬皮包钢针
  17319. 刺猬在巴掌上打滚
  17320. 从河南到湖南
  17321. 从火坑里爬出来的好汉
  17322. 从楼上摔下一筐子鸡蛋
  17323. 从污水缸跳到粪池里
  17324. 从小娇惯的公主
  17325. 从斜门里看人
  17326. 从盐店里闹出来的伙计
  17327. 粗石头性子
  17328. 醋厂里冒烟
  17329. 醋店里打架
  17330. 醋泡辣椒
  17331. 醋瓶子打飞机
  17332. 醋坛子打酒
  17333. 醋坛子里泡胡椒
  17334. 崔鸯驾送张生
  17335. 淬过火的钢条
  17336. 矬子看戏
  17337. 矬子里拔将军
  17338. 矬子婆娘
  17339. 矬子坐高凳
  17340. 错把洋芋当天麻
  17341. 错公穿了错婆鞋
  17342. 搭梯子上天
  17343. 妲己的子孙赴宴
  17344. 打败的鹌鹑斗败的鸡
  17345. 打败的士兵
  17346. 打抱不平的说理
  17347. 打柴的下山
  17348. 打醋的进当铺
  17349. 打灯笼赶嫁妆
  17350. 打电报买车票
  17351. 打掉牙往肚里吞
  17352. 打发闺女娶媳妇
  17353. 打翻了的田鸡笼
  17354. 打更人睡觉
  17355. 打花脸照镜子
  17356. 打坏了的玻璃瓶
  17357. 打架揪胡子
  17358. 打酒只问提壶人
  17359. 打开棺材喊捉贼
  17360. 打开闸门的水
  17361. 打烂锅头
  17362. 打了盘子对碗沿
  17363. 打了兔子喂鹰
  17364. 打锣找孩子
  17365. 打鸟瞄得准
  17366. 打破脑壳充硬汉
  17367. 打破嘴巴骂大街
  17368. 打起脸来演戏
  17369. 打枪不瞄准
  17370. 打伞披雨衣
  17371. 打蛇打到七寸上
  17372. 打手击掌
  17373. 打水不关水龙头
  17374. 打死儿子招女婿
  17375. 打疼了疯狗
  17376. 打铁不用锤
  17377. 打铁的拆炉子
  17378. 打铁卖粮
  17379. 打兔子捉到黄羊
  17380. 打下去的桩头
  17381. 打一巴掌揉三揉
  17382. 打油钱不买醋
  17383. 打鱼卖钱抽大烟
  17384. 打鱼人回家
  17385. 打掌的敲耳朵
  17386. 打着公鸡生蛋
  17387. 打着手电筒走夜路
  17388. 打着兔子跑了马
  17389. 打肿脸充胖子
  17390. 打准腰部才罢休
  17391. 打字机上的字盘
  17392. 大白公鸡下花花蛋
  17393. 大白天打劫
  17394. 大白天遇见阎王爷
  17395. 大便带出个擀面杖
  17396. 大虫打哈哈
  17397. 大虫头,长虫尾
  17398. 大刀斩小鸡
  17399. 大肚子罗汉写文章
  17400. 大粪车出村
  17401. 大风吹倒帅字旗
  17402. 大风吹翻麦草垛
  17403. 大风地里点灯
  17404. 大风天吃炒面
  17405. 大风天的油灯
  17406. 大夫摆手
  17407. 大缸里放针
  17408. 大缸里模鱼
  17409. 大个子盖小人被
  17410. 大个子站在矮檐下
  17411. 大姑娘拜天地
  17412. 大姑娘抱孩子
  17413. 大姑娘当媒人
  17414. 大姑娘的脊粱
  17415. 大姑娘的心事
  17416. 大姑娘的长辫子
  17417. 大姑娘讨饭
  17418. 大姑娘想婆家
  17419. 大姑娘绣花
  17420. 大姑娘绣嫁衣
  17421. 大姑娘养孩子
  17422. 大姑娘掌钥匙
  17423. 大姑娘坐花娇
  17424. 大观园里的闺秀
  17425. 大管子套小管子
  17426. 大闺女的围巾
  17427. 大闺女买假发
  17428. 大闺女盼郎
  17429. 大海大洋里的小舟
  17430. 大海的潮水
  17431. 大海翻了豆腐船
  17432. 大海里捕鱼,深山里打猎
  17433. 大海里的浮萍
  17434. 大海里的浪涛
  17435. 大海里的沙粒
  17436. 大海里的水
  17437. 大海里丢针
  17438. 大海里吐唾沫
  17439. 大海里下竿子
  17440. 大河边上的望江亭
  17441. 大河里淌下卧单来
  17442. 大河里洗手
  17443. 大河里一泡尿
  17444. 大河漂油花
  17445. 大胡子
  17446. 大火报警
  17447. 大伙都唱一个调
  17448. 大鸡不吃碎米
  17449. 大家看电影
  17450. 大江边的小雀
  17451. 大将军骑马
  17452. 大江里的水泡
  17453. 大江里一泡尿
  17454. 大脚穿小鞋
  17455. 大街得信小街传
  17456. 大街上卖笛子
  17457. 大街上生私孩子
  17458. 大卡车开进小巷子
  17459. 大口啃住包子馅
  17460. 大老粗看佛经
  17461. 大理石做门匾
  17462. 大力士背碾盘
  17463. 大力士耍扁担
  17464. 大力士绣花
  17465. 大梁柁做文明棍儿
  17466. 大龙不吃小干鱼
  17467. 大路旁的小草
  17468. 大路上的砖头
  17469. 大路上载葱
  17470. 大轮船下锚
  17471. 大麻籽喂牲口
  17472. 大麦芽做饴糖
  17473. 大门口的春联
  17474. 大门口吊马桶
  17475. 大门上插秧
  17476. 大门上的对联
  17477. 大门上挂扫把
  17478. 大米的弟弟
  17479. 大眠起来的春蚕
  17480. 大拇指卷煎饼吃
  17481. 大拇指头抠耳朵
  17482. 大年初一拜年
  17483. 大年初一吃面条
  17484. 大年初一吃窝头
  17485. 大年初一串门
  17486. 大年初一的袍子
  17487. 大年初一翻皇历
  17488. 大年初一见了面
  17489. 大年初一看历书
  17490. 大年初一没月亮
  17491. 大年三十的案板
  17492. 大年三十的烟火
  17493. 大年三十看皇历
  17494. 大年三十晚上熬稀粥
  17495. 大年五更出月亮
  17496. 大胖子穿小褂
  17497. 大胖子骑瘦驴
  17498. 大胖子跳井
  17499. 大胖子跳橡皮筋
  17500. 大胖子推磨
  17501. 大胖子下山
  17502. 大胖子学游泳
  17503. 大胖子作前滚翻
  17504. 大炮打群狼
  17505. 大炮的性子
  17506. 大炮轰苍蝇
  17507. 大炮上刺刀
  17508. 大炮筒子
  17509. 大巧背小巧
  17510. 大热天吃炒豆
  17511. 大人不记人过
  17512. 大舌头读报
  17513. 大师傅打蛋
  17514. 大石板上青苔毛
  17515. 大石板压蛤馍
  17516. 大石沉海
  17517. 大石头压死蟹
  17518. 大树底下晒太阳
  17519. 大树上吊个口袋
  17520. 大水冲了龙王庙
  17521. 大水冲了菩萨
  17522. 大水缸里捞芝麻
  17523. 大蒜剥皮
  17524. 大蒜发芽
  17525. 大蒜调冻豆腐
  17526. 大铁锤敲铜锣
  17527. 大厅中央挂字画
  17528. 大头鱼(鳕鱼)背鞍子
  17529. 大头针包饺子
  17530. 大腿上挂篷帆
  17531. 大腿上贴门神
  17532. 大腿上贴商标
  17533. 大碗盖小碗
  17534. 大网捕小鱼
  17535. 大雾天放鸭子
  17536. 大雾天看山峰
  17537. 大象逮老鼠
  17538. 大象的鼻子
  17539. 大象的屁股
  17540. 大象呼吸
  17541. 大象口里拔牙
  17542. 大象抓凤凰
  17543. 大象走路
  17544. 大象嘴里拔牙
  17545. 大雪落在大海里
  17546. 大烟鬼的牙
  17547. 大烟鬼拉车
  17548. 大眼瞪小眼
  17549. 大眼贼碰上仓老鼠
  17550. 大雁吃莲秆
  17551. 大雁东南飞
  17552. 大雁跟着飞机跑
  17553. 大爷和太爷
  17554. 大阴天吃凉粉
  17555. 大鱼嘴边的虾子
  17556. 大丈夫有肚量
  17557. 大轴里套小轴
  17558. 大字丢了横
  17559. 大嘴乌鸦吃食
  17560. 呆女嫁痴汉
  17561. 呆子把脉
  17562. 呆子吃盖杯(有盖,的杯子)
  17563. 呆子哼曲子
  17564. 呆子看戏
  17565. 呆子求情
  17566. 逮了兔子死了鹰
  17567. 代别人写情书
  17568. 带了科杆忘了蛇
  17569. 带着秤杆买小菜
  17570. 带着碗赶现成饭
  17571. 戴草帽亲嘴
  17572. 戴穿了的帽子
  17573. 戴大红花回朝
  17574. 戴斗笠坐席子
  17575. 戴钢盔登脚手架
  17576. 戴钢盔爬树
  17577. 戴礼帽的偷书
  17578. 戴上笼头的小毛驴
  17579. 黛玉焚稿
  17580. 戴着帽子找帽子
  17581. 戴着面罩做人
  17582. 戴着墨镜倒骑驴
  17583. 戴着眼镜买车轴
  17584. 单箭射双雕
  17585. 单枪匹马上阵
  17586. 单身汉跑江湖
  17587. 单身汉碰到和尚
  17588. 担雪填深井
  17589. 单眼看花
  17590. 单眼挑媳妇(妻子)
  17591. 胆小鬼当兵
  17592. 胆小鬼的眼睛
  17593. 胆小鬼走夜路
  17594. 胆汁滴在眉毛上
  17595. 蛋打鸡飞
  17596. 弹弓打飞机
  17597. 弹花锤子
  17598. 弹花匠的女儿
  17599. 弹棉花胎的进官
  17600. 当兵的背算盘
  17601. 当兵的垒灶
  17602. 当宫的拍桌子
  17603. 当官不坐高板凳
  17604. 当和尚不撞钟
  17605. 当了皇帝想成仙
  17606. 当铺里卖孩子
  17607. 当天和尚撞天钟
  17608. 当衣服买酒喝
  17609. 当着阎王靠判宫
  17610. 挡风玻璃做锅盖
  17611. 刀把老鼠
  17612. 刀尖上走路
  17613. 刀口遇滚水烫
  17614. 刀劈毛竹
  17615. 刀切大葱
  17616. 刀刃上抹鼻涕
  17617. 刀剜黄连木
  17618. 刀下的绵羊
  17619. 刀子切元宵
  17620. 刀子上打滚
  17621. 刀子嘴,豆腐心
  17622. 倒背手看鸡窝
  17623. 倒吊的腊鸭
  17624. 倒粪倒出耙齿
  17625. 倒糠拍箩—
  17626. 倒了油瓶不扶
  17627. 倒骑毛炉
  17628. 倒瓤的冬瓜
  17629. 捣蒜剥葱
  17630. 捣蒜糙子打鼓
  17631. 倒爷发家
  17632. 稻草包黄鳝
  17633. 稻草肚子棉花心
  17634. 稻草秆打人
  17635. 稻草灰
  17636. 稻草人放火—
  17637. 稻草绳子拔河
  17638. 稻秆敲锣
  17639. 到火神庙求雨
  17640. 到了黄山想泰山
  17641. 到了火车站
  17642. 到了山顶想上天
  17643. 道士吹螺号
  17644. 道士舞大钳
  17645. 道士遭雷打
  17646. 道士捉妖
  17647. 稻田里的稗子
  17648. 稻田里拉犁耙
  17649. 稻子去了皮
  17650. 得病不吃药
  17651. 得阑尾动手术
  17652. 得牛还马
  17653. 得鱼丢钩
  17654. 灯草撑屋梁
  17655. 灯草打老牛
  17656. 灯草抵门
  17657. 灯草灰过大秤
  17658. 灯草灰咽肚里
  17659. 灯草剖肚
  17660. 灯草烧灰
  17661. 灯草织布
  17662. 灯草做火把
  17663. 灯笼点蜡烛
  17664. 灯笼救火
  17665. 灯笼救人
  17666. 灯笼做枕头
  17667. 灯谜晚会
  17668. 登上泰山想升天
  17669. 登太行望运河
  17670. 灯下点烛
  17671. 灯芯草挑刺
  17672. 灯盏添油
  17673. 灯盏无油
  17674. 蹬着刀尖进虎口
  17675. 蹬着梯子上天
  17676. 等公鸡下蛋
  17677. 瞪着眼吹死猪
  17678. 凳子比桌子还高
  17679. 凳子上抹石灰
  17680. 低头狗
  17681. 笛子吹火
  17682. 地府里屙屎
  17683. 地瓜地里种豆角
  17684. 地瓜冒热气
  17685. 地窖里聊天
  17686. 地里的庄稼苗
  17687. 地上的蚂蚁
  17688. 地上的野草
  17689. 地上的影子
  17690. 地上栽电杆
  17691. 弟兄俩分家
  17692. 地主老爷的碗
  17693. 点火的爆竹
  17694. 点火上轿
  17695. 点了黄豆不出苗
  17696. 点名不到
  17697. 电灯泡上点香烟
  17698. 电灯照雪
  17699. 电风扇的脑袋
  17700. 电话断了线
  17701. 电话局的话务员
  17702. 店铺里的蚊子
  17703. 电线杆当套马杆
  17704. 电线杆顶上雕花
  17705. 电线杆上插土豆
  17706. 电线杆上挂邮箱
  17707. 电线杆上拉胡琴
  17708. 电线杆上晒衣服
  17709. 电线杆做牙签
  17710. 电线上的风筝
  17711. 电影里放电视
  17712. 垫着被盖睡觉
  17713. 电子显微镜
  17714. 碉堡里伸机枪
  17715. 貂蝉嫁吕布
  17716. 雕花师傅戴眼镜
  17717. 叼着鲜花放屁
  17718. 掉进冰水里
  17719. 掉进染缸里
  17720. 掉进水里的手鼓
  17721. 掉了箍的水桶
  17722. 吊骆驼上楼
  17723. 掉毛的磁鳞
  17724. 吊起的冬瓜
  17725. 吊扇下面拉家常
  17726. 钓上来的鱼
  17727. 吊死鬼打花脸
  17728. 吊死鬼瞪眼
  17729. 吊死鬼照镜子
  17730. 掉下井的秤砣
  17731. 钓鱼钩变成针
  17732. 掉在油缸里的老鼠
  17733. 跌倒还要抓把沙
  17734. 跌下崖的汽车
  17735. 碟子里的开水
  17736. 碟子里洗澡
  17737. 碟子里栽牡丹
  17738. 丁丁猫挖眼睛
  17739. 顶大风过独木桥
  17740. 顶刀子求雨
  17741. 顶风撑船
  17742. 顶风放屁
  17743. 顶架的牛
  17744. 顶粱柱当柴烧
  17745. 顶石头上山
  17746. 顶头上长眼睛
  17747. 顶着碾盘唱戏
  17748. 顶着娃娃骑驴
  17749. 定航的班机
  17750. 钉铆在钢板上
  17751. 钉耙戴斗笠
  17752. 钉头碰着铁头
  17753. 钉子烂了顶
  17754. 丢掉了邮包
  17755. 丢金碗拣木勺
  17756. 丢了斗笠
  17757. 丢了砍柴刀打樵夫
  17758. 丢了铁锤担灯草
  17759. 丢了羊群拣羊毛
  17760. 丢了邮包
  17761. 丢下黄羊打蚊子
  17762. 丢下犁耙拿雪帚
  17763. 东方欲晓
  17764. 冬瓜大的茄子
  17765. 冬瓜钱算在葫芦上
  17766. 冬瓜敲木钟
  17767. 冬瓜上霜
  17768. 冬瓜下山
  17769. 东家的饭碗
  17770. 东篱补西壁
  17771. 冬水臼种麦子
  17772. 冬天吃梅子
  17773. 冬天打雷
  17774. 冬天的腊鸭
  17775. 冬天的蚂蚁
  17776. 冬天的泡桐树
  17777. 冬天的痛蛤馍
  17778. 冬天的旋风
  17779. 冬天的竹笋
  17780. 冬天喝凉水
  17781. 冬天卖凉粉
  17782. 冬天摇蒲扇
  17783. 冬天坐长椅
  17784. 东吴杀人
  17785. 东吴招亲
  17786. 冬月里的甘蔗
  17787. 东岳庙的二胡
  17788. 冬爪熬清汤
  17789. 冬至己过
  17790. 董存瑞炸碉堡
  17791. 董卓进京
  17792. 洞房里过十五
  17793. 冻河上赶鸭子
  17794. 洞庭湖里的野鸭
  17795. 洞庭湖里捞针
  17796. 洞庭湖里漂根草
  17797. 动物园里的长颈鹿
  17798. 兜里的钱,锅里的肉
  17799. 斗败的老牛
  17800. 豆饼充饥
  17801. 豆饼干部
  17802. 斗大的线团子
  17803. 斗大的字不识半口袋
  17804. 豆腐板上下象棋
  17805. 豆腐拌腐乳
  17806. 豆腐挡刀
  17807. 豆腐垫床脚
  17808. 豆腐店的买卖
  17809. 豆腐店里的东西
  17810. 豆腐掉在痰盂里
  17811. 豆腐炖骨头
  17812. 豆腐耳朵
  17813. 豆腐坊的石磨
  17814. 豆腐垒基脚
  17815. 豆腐脑儿挑子
  17816. 豆腐盘成肉价钱
  17817. 豆腐千煎腊肉
  17818. 豆腐身子
  17819. 豆腐渣包饺子
  17820. 豆腐渣擦屁股
  17821. 豆腐渣炒樱桃
  17822. 豆腐渣垫地基
  17823. 豆腐渣糊门
  17824. 豆腐渣下水
  17825. 豆腐渣蒸馒头
  17826. 豆腐做匕首
  17827. 斗鸡上阵
  17828. 斗笠出烟
  17829. 逗猫惹狗
  17830. 逗猫上柱
  17831. 斗篷烂边
  17832. 豆芽拌粉条
  17833. 豆芽包饺子
  17834. 豆芽的一生
  17835. 豆芽做拐杖
  17836. 逗哑巴挨口水
  17837. 豆渣糊窗户
  17838. 独臂老人作揖
  17839. 独根灯草
  17840. 独根蜡烛
  17841. 独桨撑船
  17842. 独脚凳
  17843. 独木桥上唱猴戏
  17844. 独木桥上散步
  17845. 独木桥上走骆驼
  17846. 独膀子打拳
  17847. 毒日头下的雪人
  17848. 毒蛇出洞
  17849. 毒蛇进竹筒
  17850. 毒蛇爬行
  17851. 读书人当兵
  17852. 毒太阳底下的露水
  17853. 独眼看戏
  17854. 独眼龙看电影
  17855. 毒蜘蛛织网
  17856. 赌场里的赌棍
  17857. 堵午节赛马
  17858. 堵住笼子抓鸡
  17859. 堵住笼子捉鸡
  17860. 渡船过河
  17861. 肚货肠子一丈五
  17862. 镀金的佛像
  17863. 肚里吃了鞋帮
  17864. 肚里开飞机
  17865. 肚里容不得一根毛
  17866. 肚里装着冰坨子
  17867. 肚皮里安电灯
  17868. 肚皮上磨刀
  17869. 肚脐打呵欠
  17870. 肚脐眼插钥匙
  17871. 肚脐眼儿点灯
  17872. 肚脐眼里点眼药
  17873. 肚脐眼里说话
  17874. 肚脐眼里通电
  17875. 肚脐眼长笋子
  17876. 杜十娘的百宝箱
  17877. 肚痛点眼睛
  17878. 肚子饿了填黄连
  17879. 肚子里撑船
  17880. 肚子里磨刀
  17881. 肚子里塞石头
  17882. 肚子里长草
  17883. 肚子里长瘤子
  17884. 肚子里照火笼
  17885. 端公打令牌
  17886. 端公打坐
  17887. 端水缸救人
  17888. 端午节拜年
  17889. 端午节吃饺子
  17890. 端午节划龙舟
  17891. 端午节卖历书
  17892. 端着鸡蛋过山涧
  17893. 端着鸡蛋走夜路
  17894. 短板子搭桥
  17895. 短木搭桥
  17896. 锻工的榔头
  17897. 断了半边腿的蝎子
  17898. 断了翅膀的凤凰
  17899. 断了翅膀的鸟
  17900. 断了发条的钟
  17901. 断了脊梁骨的痴皮狗
  17902. 断了捻子炮仗
  17903. 断了腿的老虎
  17904. 断了腿的螃蟹
  17905. 断了腿的青蛙
  17906. 断了弦的二胡
  17907. 断了线的风筝
  17908. 断了线的梭子
  17909. 断了线的珠子
  17910. 断了轴的手锥车
  17911. 断藤的西瓜
  17912. 断尾巴靖蜒
  17913. 断线的喇叭
  17914. 缎子被面麻布里
  17915. 对空撒灰
  17916. 对门吹笛子
  17917. 对牛吟诗
  17918. 对天鸣枪
  17919. 碓窝里舂米
  17920. 碓窝里舂夜叉
  17921. 碓窝里栽葱
  17922. 碓窝吞下肚
  17923. 对着穿衣镜作揖
  17924. 对着棺材唱大戏
  17925. 对着棺材许愿
  17926. 对着镜子扮鬼脸
  17927. 对着镜子亲嘴
  17928. 对着镜子说话
  17929. 对着镜子说漂亮
  17930. 对着聋子打鼓
  17931. 对着桑树骂槐树
  17932. 对着水缸吹喇叭
  17933. 对着坛子打屁
  17934. 对着砚台梳头
  17935. 对着张飞骂刘备
  17936. 对着赵云摔阿斗
  17937. 对阵下棋
  17938. 蹲在茅坑问香臭
  17939. 蹲在皮球里过日子
  17940. 钝刀切肉
  17941. 钝镰刀割麦
  17942. 多吃了盐巴
  17943. 多年的寡妇
  17944. 多年的朋友
  17945. 多年的师傅
  17946. 躲过野牛碰上虎
  17947. 垛泥匠不拜佛
  17948. 垛塑匠不敬泥菩萨
  17949. 躲雨躲到城隍庙
  17950. 躲在暖房的小偷
  17951. 鹅吃草,鸭吃谷
  17952. 鹅卵石放鸡窝
  17953. 峨眉山的猴子
  17954. 峨眉山上的泉水
  17955. 鹅盆里不准鸭插嘴
  17956. 额头上倒冰水
  17957. 额头上挂钥匙
  17958. 额头上刻个王字
  17959. 额头上写字
  17960. 额头上长眼睛
  17961. 额头上着火
  17962. 鹅头装在鸭颈上
  17963. 鹅吞鸡头
  17964. 饿瘪的臭虫
  17965. 饿肚汉啃鸡爪
  17966. 恶狗看见棍棒
  17967. 恶狗咬天
  17968. 饿狗争食
  17969. 饿鬼与苦鬼
  17970. 饿汉抢骨头
  17971. 饿虎吃樱桃
  17972. 恶虎斗狼群
  17973. 饿虎舔来汤
  17974. 恶狼扒门
  17975. 饿狼吃羊羔
  17976. 恶狼和疯狗作伴
  17977. 饿狼口里夺骨头
  17978. 恶狼落隐阱
  17979. 饿狼扑兔子
  17980. 饿狼吞泥土
  17981. 恶狼学狗叫
  17982. 恶狼遭雷劈
  17983. 恶狼捉老鼠
  17984. 恶老雕戴皮帽
  17985. 恶老婆骂街
  17986. 饿猫衔鱼
  17987. 恶魔对丑怪
  17988. 恶人的棍子
  17989. 恶人先告状
  17990. 饿着肚子造反
  17991. 鳄鱼挂念珠
  17992. 鳄鱼上岸
  17993. 儿媳妇怀孕
  17994. 儿子成亲父做寿
  17995. 耳朵漏风
  17996. 耳朵塞驴毛
  17997. 耳朵上挂板子
  17998. 耳朵眼里下棋
  17999. 耳朵长在膝盖上
  18000. 二八月的天气
  18001. 二八月的衣服
  18002. 二八月的庄稼
  18003. 二八月干活
  18004. 二八自行车
  18005. 二齿钉耙锄地
  18006. 二齿钩子搔痒
  18007. 二尺长的笛子
  18008. 二大娘腌咸菜
  18009. 二大娘肿脸
  18010. 二分钱开个店
  18011. 二杆子做活
  18012. 二姑娘的针线包
  18013. 二姑娘架老鹰
  18014. 二姑娘上轿
  18015. 二姑娘绣荷包
  18016. 二郎神出战
  18017. 二郎神吹笛子
  18018. 二郎神的慧眼
  18019. 二愣子报丧
  18020. 二愣子做活
  18021. 二两棉花十张弓
  18022. 二两铁打大刀
  18023. 二流子烧香
  18024. 二流子学徒
  18025. 二十八岁大姑娘
  18026. 二十九过年
  18027. 二十四磅榔头敲钢板
  18028. 二十岁长胡子
  18029. 二十一天不出鸡
  18030. 二踢脚(双响爆竹〕上天
  18031. 二小子不拉纤
  18032. 二小子穿大褂
  18033. 二小子丢钱包
  18034. 二心的夫妻
  18035. 二月的闷雷
  18036. 二月的青蛙
  18037. 发臭的酸奶
  18038. 发大水出丧
  18039. 发高烧的病人
  18040. 发酵粉子
  18041. 发了霉的葡萄
  18042. 发霉的沙黄豆
  18043. 发面馒头送闺女
  18044. 发射出去的火箭
  18045. 发射卫星上天
  18046. 法官住班房
  18047. 翻穿皮袄过草原
  18048. 翻过来的面袋子
  18049. 翻了篓的螃蟹
  18050. 蕃薯脑壳檀木心
  18051. 翻着旧皇历找好日子
  18052. 樊梨花下西凉
  18053. 反转葫芦,倒转蒲扇
  18054. 饭店里卖服装
  18055. 饭店门前卖瘟猪
  18056. 饭店墙上挂蒜辫
  18057. 饭罐子打断耳
  18058. 饭锅上的茄子
  18059. 饭盒里盛稀饭
  18060. 范进中举
  18061. 饭勺子上的苍蝇
  18062. 饭桌上的盘子
  18063. 方不方,圆不圆
  18064. 方字比万字
  18065. 房顶的窟窿
  18066. 房顶开门
  18067. 房顶落雪
  18068. 房顶上扒窟窿
  18069. 房顶上的冬瓜
  18070. 房顶上盖房
  18071. 房顶上栽花
  18072. 房间里闹鬼
  18073. 房梁刻图章
  18074. 房梁上挂鸡子儿
  18075. 房梁上挂辣椒
  18076. 房梁做锄把
  18077. 房上的草
  18078. 房头立雀
  18079. 房檐上玩把戏
  18080. 房檐下的石头
  18081. 房子着了枪东西
  18082. 纺纱厂的烂线团
  18083. 仿造的商标
  18084. 放大镜看报纸
  18085. 放大镜下的细菌
  18086. 放大镜照臭虫
  18087. 放风筝断了线
  18088. 放火烧山林
  18089. 放了气的皮球
  18090. 放鸟儿出笼
  18091. 放屁踩着药捻子
  18092. 放屁吹灯
  18093. 放屁打鼓
  18094. 放屁捂屁股
  18095. 放屁咬紧牙
  18096. 放屁砸着脚后跟
  18097. 放下担子聊天
  18098. 放咸鱼落塘
  18099. 放鸭子上山
  18100. 放羊的拾柴禾
  18101. 放羊娃打酸枣
  18102. 飞奔的火车
  18103. 飞过的麻雀也要扯根毛
  18104. 飞机打飞机
  18105. 飞机的屁股
  18106. 飞机放屁
  18107. 飞机上摆手
  18108. 飞机上唱大戏
  18109. 飞机上打拳
  18110. 飞机上打仗
  18111. 飞机上的婚礼
  18112. 飞机上的客人
  18113. 飞机上吊邮筒
  18114. 飞机上观天
  18115. 飞机上过秤
  18116. 飞机上开会
  18117. 飞机上扔石头
  18118. 飞机上跳舞
  18119. 飞机上装大粪
  18120. 飞机着火
  18121. 飞了鸭子打了蛋
  18122. 肥狗咬主人
  18123. 肥脚螃蟹
  18124. 肥皂穿云
  18125. 肥皂泡当镜子
  18126. 肥猪戴盔甲
  18127. 肥猪上屠场
  18128. 坟地里拉弓
  18129. 坟里埋砒霜
  18130. 坟头打拳
  18131. 坟头上耍大刀
  18132. 坟头上捅杆子
  18133. 坟头种牡丹
  18134. 粉板上写字
  18135. 粉搽到屁股上
  18136. 粉球滚芝麻
  18137. 粉刷的乌鸦
  18138. 粪巴牛叫门
  18139. 粪船过江
  18140. 粪堆上插鲜花
  18141. 粪堆上栽桩子
  18142. 粪缸盖上下棋
  18143. 粪缸里泡过的石头
  18144. 粪坑上吹喇叭
  18145. 粪筐上的窟窿
  18146. 粪筐上的眼
  18147. 粪里的蛆
  18148. 粪桶里洗萝卜
  18149. 风不摇树不动
  18150. 风车过马路
  18151. 风吹灯草
  18152. 风吹鸡毛
  18153. 风吹落叶
  18154. 风吹马尾
  18155. 风吹麦苗
  18156. 风吹墙头草
  18157. 风吹云朵
  18158. 疯狗的脾气
  18159. 疯狗跳墙头
  18160. 疯狗咬人
  18161. 疯狗咬月亮
  18162. 疯姑娘讲笑话
  18163. 风刮尘土
  18164. 风刮帽子扣麻雀
  18165. 风口上点油灯
  18166. 风门上的皮条
  18167. 风扫杨花
  18168. 丰收年景的粮囤子
  18169. 蜂糖蒸核桃仁
  18170. 蜂窝里挖蛋一
  18171. 风匣改棺材
  18172. 风箱换上鼓风机
  18173. 风扬石磙
  18174. 风筝脱了线
  18175. 风中鹅毛
  18176. 逢年过生日
  18177. 缝衣针当锥子使
  18178. 缝衣针对钻头
  18179. 凤凰跌到鸡窝里
  18180. 凤凰麻雀换巢
  18181. 凤凰身上插鸡毛
  18182. 凤凰下鸡
  18183. 凤马牛
  18184. 凤仙花结籽
  18185. 凤有凤巢,鸟有鸟窝
  18186. 佛爷的眼珠儿
  18187. 佛爷脸上刮金子
  18188. 夫妻吵架家不和
  18189. 夫妻反目
  18190. 夫妻俩打铁
  18191. 夫妻俩看热闹
  18192. 夫妻俩下饭馆
  18193. 夫妻推磨
  18194. 扶不上树的鸭子
  18195. 扶起篱笆就是墙
  18196. 伏天的蝈蝈
  18197. 伏天的烂鱼
  18198. 伏天的太阳
  18199. 服务员上茶
  18200. 扶着醉汉过破桥
  18201. 浮在水面上的草
  18202. 斧砍三江水
  18203. 斧头的凿凿入木
  18204. 斧头劈水
  18205. 富贵人家的小姐
  18206. 父子猜拳
  18207. 父子观虎斗
  18208. 腹中容不得一根毛
  18209. 旮旯里藏毒蛇
  18210. 嘎小子买烧鸡
  18211. 盖房请来箍桶匠
  18212. 盖了九床被子做美梦
  18213. 盖了三年的破被
  18214. 甘露寺里的刘备
  18215. 肝脏的兄弟
  18216. 甘蔗拔节
  18217. 甘蔗当烟囱
  18218. 甘蔗地里长草
  18219. 甘蔗林里种香瓜
  18220. 甘蔗皮编席子
  18221. 甘蔗支危房
  18222. 赶场带相亲
  18223. 赶场走进死胡同
  18224. 赶场做买卖
  18225. 赶车不拿鞭子
  18226. 赶车的过泥墉塘
  18227. 赶狗入死巷
  18228. 赶鸡下河
  18229. 赶脚的不问道
  18230. 赶脚的骑驴
  18231. 橄榄屁股
  18232. 赶龙王下海
  18233. 赶马车的打响鞭
  18234. 赶马车人的草料袋
  18235. 擀面杖吹火
  18236. 擀面杖打飞机
  18237. 擀面杖分长短
  18238. 擀面杖灌米汤
  18239. 擀面杖升云天
  18240. 擀面杖钻石关
  18241. 赶庙会失孩子
  18242. 赶牛进鸡舍
  18243. 赶牛下崖
  18244. 赶鸭子上坡
  18245. 赶鸭子上树
  18246. 赶着绵羊上火焰山
  18247. 赶着牛车拉大粪
  18248. 赶着王母娘娘叫大姑
  18249. 赶中下崖
  18250. 干草点灯
  18251. 干池塘里的青蛙
  18252. 干打雷不下雨
  18253. 干地拾鱼
  18254. 干旱的庄稼
  18255. 干河沟的鱼
  18256. 干河滩里霜牡丹
  18257. 干活打瞌睡
  18258. 干辣椒
  18259. 干萝卜缨熬汤
  18260. 干墨鱼摆阵仗
  18261. 干泥巴做元宵
  18262. 干手粘芝麻
  18263. 干塘里的鲤鱼
  18264. 干塘里的泥鳅
  18265. 干塘抓野鱼
  18266. 干鱼肚里寻胆
  18267. 钢板上钉钉
  18268. 刚备鞍的马驹
  18269. 刚扯帆就遇顶头风
  18270. 刚出壳的小鸡
  18271. 刚出炉的纯钢
  18272. 刚出炉的铁
  18273. 刚出山的太阳
  18274. 刚出生的娃娃
  18275. 刚出水的虾子
  18276. 刚出土的黄连
  18277. 刚逮住的鲤鱼
  18278. 钢刀落肚
  18279. 刚飞的鸟儿
  18280. 刚揭盖的蒸笼
  18281. 刚结婚的黄花女
  18282. 刚进庙的和尚念佛经
  18283. 缸里点灯
  18284. 缸里盛酒
  18285. 刚落地的雨水
  18286. 刚买来的马
  18287. 刚上蒸笼的馒头
  18288. 钢丝穿豆腐
  18289. 钢丝绳穿针
  18290. 刚摘的黄瓜
  18291. 钢针屁股上的眼
  18292. 缸中倒豆
  18293. 钢珠落玉盘
  18294. 刚坐扭的黄瓜
  18295. 高飞的鸟儿遇老鹰
  18296. 高个子跌跤
  18297. 高个子走到屋檐下
  18298. 高级合金钢
  18299. 高举拳头轻轻放
  18300. 高粱地里打阳伞
  18301. 高粱地里栽葱
  18302. 高粱秆上结茄子
  18303. 高粱地里种玉米
  18304. 高梁秆儿拴骡子
  18305. 高粱秆挑水
  18306. 高粱秆推磨子
  18307. 高梁秆做鞭杆
  18308. 高梁秆做磨棍
  18309. 高梁秆做梯子
  18310. 高粱秆做眼镜
  18311. 高粱撒在麦子地
  18312. 高俅当太尉
  18313. 高山顶上搭台子
  18314. 高山顶上放风筝
  18315. 高山砌屋
  18316. 高山上的青松
  18317. 高山上的雪莲
  18318. 高山上滚石头
  18319. 高山头种辣椒
  18320. 高山有好水,平地有好花
  18321. 高射炮打坦克
  18322. 高射炮的眼睛
  18323. 高速公路
  18324. 高兴得四脚爬地
  18325. 高音喇叭掉井里
  18326. 稿子写到边
  18327. 戈壁滩上的黄沙
  18328. 戈壁滩上的石头
  18329. 戈壁滩上找泉水
  18330. 胳膊弯里打凉扇
  18331. 胳膊窝里夹皮球
  18332. 胳膊肘
  18333. 胳膊肘里灌醋
  18334. 疙瘩饼子送闺女
  18335. 割韭菜,剥黄麻
  18336. 割韭菜不用镰刀
  18337. 割韭菜用镰刀
  18338. 割了猫尾巴拌猫食
  18339. 哥俩并坐
  18340. 歌俩上京城
  18341. 哥俩坐班房
  18342. 割麦不用镰刀
  18343. 割麦刮大风
  18344. 搁浅的船
  18345. 割下鼻子换面吃
  18346. 胳肢窝里夹耗子
  18347. 鸽子光拣高门楼飞
  18348. 隔壁美妇人
  18349. 隔肚皮估仔女
  18350. 隔沟看见鸭吃谷
  18351. 隔黄河送秋波
  18352. 隔门缝吹喇叭
  18353. 隔年的臭虫
  18354. 隔年的春联
  18355. 隔年的黄豆
  18356. 隔年的鸡子儿
  18357. 隔年的馒头
  18358. 隔墙点灯
  18359. 隔墙果子分外甜
  18360. 隔墙看花
  18361. 隔墙扔簸箕
  18362. 隔墙扔孩子
  18363. 隔墙扔盒子
  18364. 隔墙扔五脏
  18365. 隔日的传票
  18366. 隔山打鸟
  18367. 隔山放羊
  18368. 隔山攻道
  18369. 隔山买牛
  18370. 隔外套搔痒
  18371. 革鞋无样
  18372. 隔宿猪头
  18373. 隔夜的馊饭
  18374. 隔夜的鱼眼
  18375. 隔长江抛媚眼
  18376. 隔着玻璃窗亲嘴
  18377. 隔着玻璃看戏
  18378. 隔着窗户咬耳朵
  18379. 隔着河摆手
  18380. 隔着井跳河
  18381. 隔着门缝看吕洞宾
  18382. 隔着筛子看人
  18383. 隔着山头吹喇叭
  18384. 隔着山头拉手
  18385. 小姑娘的脸蛋
  18386. 水鬼升城隍
  18387. 小孩喝烧酒
  18388. 各米下各锅
  18389. 虼蚤的脾气
  18390. 给白人戴黑帽人
  18391. 给刺儿头理发
  18392. 给老虎医病
  18393. 给神主剃头
  18394. 给下山虎开路
  18395. 根斧劈柴
  18396. 跟狗交朋友
  18397. 跟和尚借梳子
  18398. 跟着猴子会钻圈
  18399. 跟着老爷喝酒
  18400. 跟着秃子走路
  18401. 跟着巫师做神汉
  18402. 跟着英雄学好样
  18403. 跟诸葛亮学本事
  18404. 耕地里甩鞭子
  18405. 更夫打瞌睡
  18406. 工地上打夯(hang〕
  18407. 公共厕所里响地雷
  18408. 公共汽车过站头
  18409. 公鸡戴帽子
  18410. 公鸡飞上屋脊
  18411. 公鸡头上插鹅毛
  18412. 公鸡下蛋猫咬狗
  18413. 公鸡钻篱笆
  18414. 公鸡钻灶
  18415. 宫老爷上朝
  18416. 公牛打架
  18417. 公孙并坐
  18418. 公羊不羔
  18419. 公要馄饨婆要面
  18420. 公子娶小姐
  18421. 公子重耳拾破烂
  18422. 狗背上贴膏药
  18423. 狗扯羊肠
  18424. 狗吃芥未(调味品,味辣〕
  18425. 狗吃麻花
  18426. 狗吃青草
  18427. 狗吃王八
  18428. 狗打哈哈
  18429. 狗逮老鼠猫看家
  18430. 狗戴箩筐
  18431. 狗逗鸭子
  18432. 狗吠月亮
  18433. 狗喝凉水
  18434. 狗黑子跑到戏台上
  18435. 狗见了主人
  18436. 狗啃骨头
  18437. 狗啃麦根
  18438. 狗啃石狮子
  18439. 狗啃象
  18440. 狗脸上长毛
  18441. 狗撵耗子
  18442. 狗撵鸭子
  18443. 狗怕棍子牛怕鞭
  18444. 狗皮帽子
  18445. 狗皮袜头儿
  18446. 狗屁股塞黄豆
  18447. 狗撒皮袄
  18448. 狗上锅台
  18449. 狗舔空沙罐
  18450. 狗舔猫鼻子
  18451. 狗舔磨台
  18452. 狗舔油
  18453. 狗挑门帘
  18454. 狗偷热油粑
  18455. 狗头摆在餐桌上
  18456. 狗头上插花
  18457. 狗头上戴眼镜
  18458. 狗头长角
  18459. 狗吐舌头
  18460. 狗腿子进村
  18461. 狗吞辣椒
  18462. 狗尾巴上的露水
  18463. 狗掀门帘
  18464. 狗熊戴礼帽
  18465. 狗熊弹琴
  18466. 狗熊见了刺谓
  18467. 狗熊拉磨子
  18468. 狗熊爬树
  18469. 狗熊请客
  18470. 狗熊耍门棍
  18471. 狗熊吸烟
  18472. 狗熊捉麻雀
  18473. 狗眼看人
  18474. 狗咬包子
  18475. 狗咬秤砣
  18476. 狗咬锻磨的
  18477. 狗咬赶猪的
  18478. 狗咬耗子
  18479. 狗咬回头食
  18480. 狗咬吉普车
  18481. 狗咬老鹰
  18482. 狗咬雷公
  18483. 狗咬吕洞宾
  18484. 狗咬门板
  18485. 狗咬屁股
  18486. 狗咬旗杆
  18487. 狗咬日头
  18488. 狗咬瓦片
  18489. 狗咬尾巴
  18490. 狗咬粽子
  18491. 狗长犄角
  18492. 狗走千里吃屎,狼行千里吃肉
  18493. 狗嘴巴上贴对联
  18494. 狗嘴里的骨头
  18495. 狗嘴里丢骨头
  18496. 孤独的羔羊
  18497. 孤儿院下棋
  18498. 孤军误入口袋阵
  18499. 孤老头子光棍儿子
  18500. 姑娘爱花,小子爱炮
  18501. 姑娘的线蛋子
  18502. 姑娘绣荷包
  18503. 箍桶匠的本领
  18504. 箍桶匠修撮箕
  18505. 孤子遇亲人
  18506. 古董店里的老板
  18507. 古董贩子
  18508. 鼓肚蛤馍钻喇叭
  18509. 古坟里的字画
  18510. 古坟里起烟
  18511. 谷糠擦屁股
  18512. 谷糠搓绳
  18513. 谷糠蒸窝头
  18514. 古庙里的旗杆
  18515. 牯牛拼命
  18516. 牯牛身上拔根毛
  18517. 牯牛陷在泥潭里
  18518. 古曲演奏
  18519. 鼓上安电扇
  18520. 骨头埂在喉咙里
  18521. 骨头里熬油
  18522. 古篆碑额
  18523. 谷子地里长高梁
  18524. 谷子地里长玉英(玉米)
  18525. 谷子里的石头
  18526. 故宫里插杨柳
  18527. 顾上烧火,顾不得翻锅
  18528. 刮大风穿绸衫
  18529. 瓜地里挑瓜
  18530. 瓜地里选瓜
  18531. 刮风扫地
  18532. 刮风扫地,下雨泼街
  18533. 瓜藤绕到豆棚上
  18534. 瓜子敬客
  18535. 瓜子去了皮
  18536. 瓜子虽小
  18537. 寡妇打孩子
  18538. 寡妇进当铺
  18539. 寡妇卖孩子
  18540. 寡妇上坟
  18541. 寡妇选郎
  18542. 挂起犁杖当钟敲
  18543. 挂着腊肉吃斋
  18544. 挂着蚊帐点蚊香
  18545. 挂着羊头卖狗肉
  18546. 拐杖吹火
  18547. 拐子追马
  18548. 棺材板上画花
  18549. 棺材当马槽
  18550. 棺材老板咬牙
  18551. 棺材里打粉
  18552. 棺材里打锣
  18553. 棺材里的臭虫
  18554. 棺材里抹狗屎
  18555. 棺材里撒灰
  18556. 棺材里伸手
  18557. 棺材里讨帐
  18558. 棺材里抓痒
  18559. 棺材铺里打牙祭
  18560. 棺材铺偷工减料
  18561. 棺材上画美女
  18562. 棺材头放炮竹
  18563. 官仓里的大老鼠
  18564. 关灯打婆娘
  18565. 关帝庙里找美髯公
  18566. 关东大侠
  18567. 关公脖子挂葫芦
  18568. 关公打喷嚏
  18569. 关公当木匠
  18570. 关公斗李逵
  18571. 关公开刀铺
  18572. 关公流鼻血
  18573. 关公卖豆腐
  18574. 关公面前要大刀
  18575. 关公舞大刀
  18576. 关公在曹营
  18577. 关公战秦琼
  18578. 关公走麦城
  18579. 关进笼里的狗熊
  18580. 关进笼子里的猴子
  18581. 观景上泰山
  18582. 官老爷出告示
  18583. 官老爷的衙门
  18584. 关老爷赴宴
  18585. 关老爷看《春秋》
  18586. 官老爷下轿
  18587. 关了闸的喇叭
  18588. 关门踩高跷
  18589. 关门唱山歌
  18590. 关门炒辣椒
  18591. 关门打狗
  18592. 关门打叫花子
  18593. 关门打锣
  18594. 关门打拳
  18595. 关门打瞎子
  18596. 关门过日子
  18597. 关门挤鼻子
  18598. 关门挤了鼻子
  18599. 关门骂皇帝
  18600. 关门摸瞎子
  18601. 关门养虎
  18602. 观世音菩萨
  18603. 观音的肚腹
  18604. 观音菩萨打喷嚏
  18605. 观音菩萨的五脏
  18606. 观音菩萨年年十八
  18607. 观音菩萨下毒手
  18608. 观音菩萨下崽
  18609. 观音菩萨坐莲台
  18610. 观音堂里填窟窿
  18611. 关羽降曹操
  18612. 关羽失荆州
  18613. 关云长放屁
  18614. 关云长守嫂嫂
  18615. 关云长说三国
  18616. 关着门炒辣椒
  18617. 关住门打财神
  18618. 管水员开闸门
  18619. 冠军和亚军
  18620. 罐头食品
  18621. 罐子里捣蒜
  18622. 罐子里掏虾米
  18623. 罐子里栽花
  18624. 罐子里煮牛头
  18625. 光刮风不下雨
  18626. 光棍对光棍
  18627. 光棍儿搬家
  18628. 光棍儿分田
  18629. 光棍儿过日子
  18630. 光棍儿种地
  18631. 光脚丫穿拖鞋
  18632. 光脚丫进冰窖
  18633. 光脚丫进冰窑
  18634. 光脚丫走进蒺藜窝
  18635. 光叫的猫
  18636. 光脑壳上落苍蝇
  18637. 光膀子玩刀山
  18638. 光膀子找机枪
  18639. 光屁股赶贼
  18640. 光屁股上吊
  18641. 光屁股上战场
  18642. 光屁股推磨
  18643. 光起风不下雨
  18644. 光身子骑老虎
  18645. 光说不练
  18646. 光头跑进和尚庙
  18647. 光头上拍巴掌
  18648. 光有鼓槌子
  18649. 广东人说北京话
  18650. 鬼门关止步
  18651. 鬼子兵弄刀枪
  18652. 鬼子扫荡大拉网
  18653. 贵妃娘娘叹气
  18654. 桂林三花酒
  18655. 跪着养猪
  18656. 刽子手的本领
  18657. 刽子手红了脸
  18658. 刽子手咧嘴
  18659. 滚石下山
  18660. 滚石下山—
  18661. 滚水锅煮娃娃
  18662. 滚水开锅
  18663. 滚水泡茶
  18664. 滚水泡米花
  18665. 滚水泼蚂蚁
  18666. 滚油锅里捡金子
  18667. 滚油锅里撒盐巴
  18668. 滚油锅里炸油条
  18669. 锅边上的小米
  18670. 锅底上戳窟窿
  18671. 锅盖穿洞
  18672. 锅盖做风箱
  18673. 锅里的鸡
  18674. 锅里的螃蟹
  18675. 锅里的鱼
  18676. 锅炉房里的灯笼
  18677. 锅耙做灯影子
  18678. 锅台上的油渣
  18679. 锅台上种瓜
  18680. 锅嫌水壶黑
  18681. 锅中煮粥
  18682. 锅子里炒石头
  18683. 国际商船
  18684. 裹脚布放风筝
  18685. 裹脚头子放风筝
  18686. 裹着脑袋上吊
  18687. 过冬的田螺遇春水
  18688. 过冬的咸菜缸
  18689. 过端午的龙头
  18690. 过河抽板
  18691. 过河的牛尾巴
  18692. 过河的卒子
  18693. 过河洗脚
  18694. 过河拽胡子
  18695. 过街的老鼠
  18696. 过了河丢拐棍
  18697. 过了劲的发面
  18698. 过了筛子的黄豆
  18699. 过路客喂马
  18700. 过路人吊丧
  18701. 过滤了的空气
  18702. 过年吃豆渣
  18703. 过年的猪
  18704. 过年敲锅盖
  18705. 过年娶媳妇
  18706. 过期的车票
  18707. 过五关斩六将
  18708. 哈巴狗逮老鼠
  18709. 哈巴狗见主人
  18710. 哈巴狗叫猫
  18711. 哈巴狗没了眼珠
  18712. 哈巴狗摇尾巴
  18713. 哈巴狗坐墙头
  18714. 哈尔滨的冰雕
  18715. 哈马狗上墙头
  18716. 哈蜜瓜泡冰糖
  18717. 蛤蟆吃黄蜂
  18718. 蛤蟆打饱嗝
  18719. 蛤蟆带笼头
  18720. 蛤蟆荡秋千
  18721. 蛤蟆的眼睛
  18722. 蛤蟆的嘴
  18723. 蛤蟆顶桌子
  18724. 蛤蟆挂铃挡
  18725. 蛤蟆过河
  18726. 蛤蟆蝌子害头痛
  18727. 蛤蟆爬上樱桃树
  18728. 蛤蟆迫兔子
  18729. 蛤蟆晒肚
  18730. 蛤蟆生气
  18731. 蛤蟆跳到牛背上
  18732. 蛤蟆跳井
  18733. 蛤蟆跳台阶
  18734. 蛤蟆吞西瓜
  18735. 蛤蟆想吞天
  18736. 蛤蟆嘴底下落苍蝇
  18737. 蛤蟆坐轿子
  18738. 蛤摸戴帽子
  18739. 孩子的脊梁
  18740. 海豹子上山
  18741. 海参长刺
  18742. 海底打捞绣花针
  18743. 海底的坑洼
  18744. 海底栽葱
  18745. 海底长海带
  18746. 海关大钟
  18747. 海椒命
  18748. 海里的礁石
  18749. 海蛎上岸
  18750. 海龙王打哈欠
  18751. 海龙王的喽罗
  18752. 海龙王找女婿
  18753. 海螺壳里睡觉
  18754. 海水里长大的官
  18755. 海滩上开店
  18756. 海蜇头做帽子
  18757. 海子里的虾米
  18758. 害啥病吃啥药
  18759. 含冰糖说好话
  18760. 寒潮消息
  18761. 寒冬的电扇
  18762. 寒冬腊月吃冰水
  18763. 寒冬腊月的马蜂窝
  18764. 寒冬腊月送扇子
  18765. 寒号鸟晒太阳
  18766. 含糖睡觉
  18767. 寒天吃冰棍
  18768. 韩湘子出家
  18769. 韩湘子吹笛
  18770. 韩湘子吹萧
  18771. 韩湘子的花篮
  18772. 韩信点兵
  18773. 韩信伐楚
  18774. 旱地的乌龟
  18775. 旱地的鱼虾
  18776. 旱地里的蛤蜊
  18777. 旱地里的蛤蟆
  18778. 汉高祖斩白蛇
  18779. 旱苗得雨
  18780. 旱天的井
  18781. 旱田里的泥鳅
  18782. 旱鸭子过河
  18783. 旱鸭子追猫
  18784. 旱烟袋打狗
  18785. 航空兵操纵
  18786. 好斗的公鸡
  18787. 好斗的山羊
  18788. 好儿无好媳
  18789. 好汉不吃眼前亏
  18790. 好汉上梁山
  18791. 好花插在牛粪上
  18792. 好花离了土
  18793. 好马不吃回头草
  18794. 好马遭鞭打
  18795. 好女嫁丑汉
  18796. 好女嫁歹汉,驴子吃牡丹
  18797. 好人堆里挑坏人
  18798. 好人喊冤
  18799. 好人坐班房
  18800. 好心当作驴肝肺
  18801. 好心遭雷打
  18802. 耗予进箱
  18803. 耗子搬家
  18804. 耗子充蝙蝠
  18805. 耗子出洞
  18806. 耗子打洞
  18807. 耗子打秋千
  18808. 耗子戴眼镜
  18809. 耗子倒洞
  18810. 耗子的眼
  18811. 耗子登风车
  18812. 耗子掉水缸
  18813. 耗子跌米缸
  18814. 耗子跌面缸
  18815. 耗子盯小偷
  18816. 耗子动刀
  18817. 耗子逗猫
  18818. 耗子和蛤蟆交朋友
  18819. 耗子滑冰
  18820. 耗子进风箱
  18821. 耗子看粮仓
  18822. 耗子啃菜刀
  18823. 耗子啃碟子
  18824. 耗子啃骆驼
  18825. 耗子啃木头
  18826. 耗子啃书本
  18827. 耗子啃玉米棒
  18828. 耗子窟窿
  18829. 耗子磨牙
  18830. 耗子爬秤钩
  18831. 耗子爬到牛角上
  18832. 耗子爬竹竿
  18833. 耗子皮做衣领
  18834. 耗子上吊
  18835. 耗子算卦
  18836. 耗子舔猫屁股
  18837. 耗子跳到钢琴上
  18838. 耗子跳火炕
  18839. 耗子拖牛
  18840. 耗子尾巴
  18841. 耗子尾巴上长癣
  18842. 耗子眼看天
  18843. 耗子在铁板上打洞
  18844. 耗子钻进乱麻堆
  18845. 耗子钻鸟笼
  18846. 耗子钻油坊
  18847. 耗子钻灶火
  18848. 耗子嘴海椒
  18849. 耗子坐大堂
  18850. 号嘴上塞棉花
  18851. 喝敌敌畏跳井
  18852. 喝海水长大的
  18853. 喝酒不拿盅子
  18854. 喝酒尿裤子
  18855. 喝开水吃菜
  18856. 喝了迷魂汤
  18857. 喝了烧酒烤火
  18858. 喝了五味汤
  18859. 喝了御酒
  18860. 喝凉水剔牙缝
  18861. 喝凉水栽跟头
  18862. 喝水用筷子
  18863. 喝松花江水长大的
  18864. 喝西北风堵嗓子
  18865. 喝足酒跳太湖
  18866. 荷包里的东西
  18867. 荷包里装针
  18868. 河边上逮螃蟹
  18869. 荷花出水
  18870. 河里打墙
  18871. 河里的凉水
  18872. 河里的木偶
  18873. 河里的泥鳅
  18874. 河里的鸳鸯
  18875. 河里赶大车
  18876. 河里捞不到鱼
  18877. 河里王八爬上岸
  18878. 河里长菜
  18879. 河南到河北
  18880. 合起来讲五句
  18881. 和尚拜堂
  18882. 和尚别发卡
  18883. 和尚不吃豆腐
  18884. 和尚打架
  18885. 和尚打阳伞
  18886. 和尚戴礼帽
  18887. 和尚到了姑子庵
  18888. 和尚的儿子
  18889. 和尚的帽子
  18890. 和尚的木鱼
  18891. 和尚的念珠
  18892. 和尚的住处
  18893. 和尚分家
  18894. 和尚开门
  18895. 和尚看花轿
  18896. 和尚买梳子
  18897. 和尚摸头
  18898. 和尚起立
  18899. 和尚敲木鱼
  18900. 和尚去云游
  18901. 和尚杀牛
  18902. 和尚头上的虱子
  18903. 和尚训道士
  18904. 和尚摘帽子
  18905. 和尚住茅棚
  18906. 和尚坐岩洞
  18907. 河水不犯井水
  18908. 和孙猴子比跟头
  18909. 河滩里盖房子
  18910. 河滩上的石头
  18911. 核桃里的肉
  18912. 核桃皮翻肚
  18913. 何仙姑要下凡
  18914. 荷叶包钉子
  18915. 荷叶包鳝鱼
  18916. 荷叶包蟹
  18917. 河中的浮萍
  18918. 鶴立雞群
  18919. 黑板上写字
  18920. 黑灯瞎火跳舞
  18921. 黑地里穿针
  18922. 黑地里张弓
  18923. 黑蜂子扑火
  18924. 黑老鸦下了个白鸡蛋
  18925. 黑李这碰见猛张飞
  18926. 黑毛乌鸦
  18927. 黑天过河
  18928. 黑头演花旦
  18929. 黑瞎子按键盘
  18930. 黑瞎子吃石榴
  18931. 黑瞎子打花脸
  18932. 黑瞎子打立正
  18933. 黑瞎子叫门
  18934. 黑瞎子举千斤鼎
  18935. 黑瞎子扭身
  18936. 黑瞎子捧刺猬
  18937. 黑瞎子上轿
  18938. 黑瞎子耍门扛
  18939. 黑瞎子耍门扇
  18940. 黑瞎子跳井
  18941. 黑瞎子钻灶筒
  18942. 黑瞎子坐轿
  18943. 黑瞎子坐月子
  18944. 黑旋风的本名
  18945. 黑夜里追人
  18946. 黑纸糊灯笼
  18947. 哼哈二将斗法
  18948. 横匾压塌龙王庙
  18949. 横杠竹子
  18950. 横找竹竿进宅
  18951. 横着竹竿进城
  18952. 烘炉里的王八
  18953. 红鼻绿眼的鬼
  18954. 红花女做媒
  18955. 红萝卜菜放辣椒
  18956. 红萝卜雕神像
  18957. 红萝卜掉油篓
  18958. 红娘挨打
  18959. 红娘牵线
  18960. 红漆粪缸
  18961. 洪水淹粮仓
  18962. 红头火柴
  18963. 鸿雁传书
  18964. 洪泽湖的鱼鹰
  18965. 红着眼睛咬着牙
  18966. 红纸檬灯笼
  18967. 猴吃辣椒
  18968. 猴戴皮巴掌
  18969. 猴儿吃芥未
  18970. 猴儿拿棒槌
  18971. 猴儿爬石崖
  18972. 猴儿上树
  18973. 猴儿耍大刀
  18974. 猴儿捉虱子
  18975. 喉咙口使勺子
  18976. 喉咙里发痒
  18977. 喉咙里灌铅
  18978. 喉咙里伸出手来
  18979. 喉咙长刺口生疮
  18980. 猴屁股扎蒺藜
  18981. 猴王闹天宫
  18982. 猴学样
  18983. 猴子扳抱米
  18984. 猴子吃大蒜
  18985. 猴子吃了蒜
  18986. 猴子吃麻搪
  18987. 猴子舂米
  18988. 猴子穿花衣
  18989. 猴子穿衣服
  18990. 猴子戴金冠
  18991. 猴子戴凉帽
  18992. 猴子戴手套
  18993. 猴子戴眼镜
  18994. 猴子的屁股
  18995. 猴子登台
  18996. 猴子看果园
  18997. 猴子看戏
  18998. 猴子扛大梁
  18999. 猴子拉犁
  19000. 猴子拉稀
  19001. 猴子捞月亮
  19002. 猴子爬上旗杆顶
  19003. 猴子爬树
  19004. 猴子爬皂角树
  19005. 猴子骑老虎
  19006. 猴子骑骆驼
  19007. 猴子扇扇子
  19008. 猴子上旗杆
  19009. 猴子耍扁担
  19010. 猴子捅马蜂窝
  19011. 猴子偷黄连
  19012. 猴子偷南瓜
  19013. 猴子推磨
  19014. 猴子学人样
  19015. 猴子照镜子
  19016. 猴子争衔烟斗
  19017. 猴子坐到旗杆上
  19018. 猴子坐火箭
  19019. 猴嘴里掏枣,狗嘴里夺食
  19020. 后半夜做美梦
  19021. 候车室里的挂钟
  19022. 后颈窝抹血
  19023. 后脑壳上的头发
  19024. 后脑勺拍巴掌
  19025. 后娘打孩子
  19026. 后娘坟上哭鼻子
  19027. 厚皮黄牛
  19028. 后主降魏
  19029. 呼延庆打雷
  19030. 湖底的鱼
  19031. 狐狸拜年
  19032. 狐狸吵架
  19033. 狐狸吃不到的葡萄
  19034. 狐狸吃刺猬
  19035. 狐狸打马蜂
  19036. 狐狸的尾巴
  19037. 狐狸掉进污水池
  19038. 狐狸放屁
  19039. 狐狸进村
  19040. 狐狸进宅院
  19041. 狐狸看鸡
  19042. 狐狸骑老虎
  19043. 狐狸想天鹅
  19044. 狐狸想偷天上月
  19045. 狐狸钻罐子
  19046. 葫芦掉井里
  19047. 葫芦蜂的窝
  19048. 葫芦锯了把儿
  19049. 葫芦里卖药
  19050. 葫芦里装糯米饭
  19051. 葫芦里装水
  19052. 葫芦头爬层脊
  19053. 葫芦下水
  19054. 囫囵吃枣
  19055. 囫囵啃石榴
  19056. 胡萝卜搬家
  19057. 胡萝卜戴草帽
  19058. 胡萝卜掉进腌菜坛
  19059. 胡萝卜叫鹰
  19060. 胡萝卜就烧酒
  19061. 胡萝卜刻的小孩儿
  19062. 胡萝卜下酒
  19063. 胡敲梆子乱击馨
  19064. 猢狲穿衣裳
  19065. 猢狲戴帽子
  19066. 胡同里跑马
  19067. 胡同里演戏
  19068. 胡屠户的女婿
  19069. 胡子上的饭,牙缝里的肉
  19070. 胡子上挂霜
  19071. 胡子贴膏药
  19072. 蝴蝶群舞
  19073. 糊涂官判案
  19074. 糊涂老婆
  19075. 糊涂庙里糊涂神
  19076. 虎伴羊睡
  19077. 虎口里的人
  19078. 护城河的王八
  19079. 花岗岩下油锅
  19080. 花岗岩做招牌
  19081. 花公鸡的尾巴
  19082. 花骨朵碰在屠刀上
  19083. 花果山的猴子
  19084. 花果山上没外姓
  19085. 花和尚穿针鼻
  19086. 花架下养鸡鸭
  19087. 花匠捧仙人球
  19088. 花椒炒生姜
  19089. 花椒树
  19090. 花椒水洗脸
  19091. 花轿到了家门口
  19092. 花轿里的新娘
  19093. 花轿前的乐队
  19094. 花了眼的婆婆绣花
  19095. 花狸猫卧房顶
  19096. 花落结个大倭瓜
  19097. 花木瓜
  19098. 花瓶里栽树
  19099. 花瓶里种树
  19100. 花钱买死马
  19101. 花前月下散步
  19102. 花蛇过溪
  19103. 花生壳,大蒜皮—
  19104. 花生米掉锅里
  19105. 花头鸡
  19106. 花心萝卜充人参
  19107. 花眼婆娶绣花
  19108. 花针对麦芒
  19109. 花子进庙
  19110. 花子婆娘翻跟头
  19111. 花子早起
  19112. 华伦当医生
  19113. 华伦行医
  19114. 华容道上放曹操
  19115. 画笔敲鼓
  19116. 画笔敲敲
  19117. 画虎不成反类犬
  19118. 画匠不给神作揖
  19119. 画里的大饼
  19120. 画面上的酒菜
  19121. 桦木拐杖
  19122. 化浓的疖子
  19123. 画上的春牛
  19124. 画上的马
  19125. 画上的美人儿
  19126. 画上的元宝
  19127. 化装表演
  19128. 怀臭求芳
  19129. 怀揣火炉
  19130. 怀揣雪人
  19131. 怀儿婆的口粮
  19132. 怀里揣刀子
  19133. 怀里揣黄连
  19134. 怀里揣镜子
  19135. 怀里揣马勺
  19136. 槐树上要枣吃
  19137. 槐树下弹琴
  19138. 坏鬼军师
  19139. 皇帝补皮鞋
  19140. 皇帝出朝
  19141. 皇帝出宫
  19142. 皇帝打架
  19143. 皇帝的交椅
  19144. 皇帝的妈妈
  19145. 皇帝老爷发酒疯
  19146. 皇帝剃光头
  19147. 黄豆地里的西瓜
  19148. 黄豆切细丝
  19149. 黄豆煮豆腐
  19150. 黄飞虎战关云长
  19151. 黄盖挨板子
  19152. 黄狗当马骑
  19153. 黄瓜拉秧
  19154. 黄瓜敲木钟
  19155. 黄河决了口
  19156. 黄河里的水
  19157. 黄鹤楼上看翻船
  19158. 黄鹤楼上看行人
  19159. 黄昏时的燕子
  19160. 黄酱掉在裤裆里
  19161. 黄连拌生姜
  19162. 黄连炒猪头
  19163. 黄连泡茶
  19164. 黄连树上雕字
  19165. 黄连树上结糖梨
  19166. 黄连树下种苦瓜
  19167. 黄连水里煮汤圆
  19168. 黄连水洗头
  19169. 黄毛娃娃坐上席
  19170. 黄泥巴做馍馍
  19171. 黄牛打喷嚏
  19172. 黄牛的肚子
  19173. 黄牛拉磨
  19174. 黄牛落水
  19175. 黄牛咬黄连
  19176. 黄沙里搀水泥
  19177. 黄鳝爬犁头
  19178. 黄鳝上沙滩
  19179. 皇上吃窝头
  19180. 皇上拍桌子
  19181. 皇上下令
  19182. 黄鼠狼拜狐狸
  19183. 黄鼠狼背兔子
  19184. 黄鼠狼吃鸡毛
  19185. 黄鼠狼抽了筋
  19186. 黄鼠狼戴花
  19187. 黄鼠狼挡汽车
  19188. 黄鼠狼的脾气
  19189. 黄鼠狼叼鸡
  19190. 黄鼠狼躲鸡棚
  19191. 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年
  19192. 黄鼠狼给鸡送礼
  19193. 黄鼠狼过水田
  19194. 黄鼠狼和狐狸结亲
  19195. 黄鼠狼见了鸡
  19196. 黄鼠狼借鸡
  19197. 黄鼠狼进宅院
  19198. 黄鼠狼落难
  19199. 黄鼠狼泥墙
  19200. 黄鼠狼娶媳妇
  19201. 黄鼠狼拖牛
  19202. 黄鼠狼闻不出屁臭
  19203. 黄鼠狼下刺猬
  19204. 黄鼠狼下息
  19205. 黄鼠狼下崽
  19206. 黄鼠狼钻粪堆
  19207. 黄头火柴
  19208. 黄羊的尾巴
  19209. 黄忠上阵
  19210. 灰堆吹喇叭
  19211. 灰堆烧山药
  19212. 会计戴眼镜
  19213. 浑身贴膏药
  19214. 浑水池子
  19215. 浑水洗澡
  19216. 豁牙子拜师傅
  19217. 豁牙子过冬
  19218. 豁牙子说话
  19219. 豁牙子咬牛筋
  19220. 豁子吵嘴
  19221. 豁子喝米汤
  19222. 活剥兔子
  19223. 活人跳进滚水里
  19224. 活鱼掉进醋缸
  19225. 活鱼丢在沙滩上
  19226. 火把换灯笼
  19227. 火柴把上绑鸡毛
  19228. 火柴棍搭桥
  19229. 火柴盒做棺材
  19230. 火柴与火药
  19231. 火车不开
  19232. 火车带卒皮
  19233. 火车抵头
  19234. 火车进隧道
  19235. 火车开到马路上
  19236. 火车拉笛
  19237. 火车离轨
  19238. 火车离了道
  19239. 火车轮子上轨道
  19240. 火车上马路
  19241. 火车上演戏
  19242. 火车头拉纤
  19243. 火车头没灯
  19244. 火车厢里赛歌
  19245. 火车响汽笛
  19246. 火车扎进高梁地
  19247. 火车站的轨道
  19248. 火车站的铁轨
  19249. 火鸡比天鹅
  19250. 火镰对火石
  19251. 火炉子里浇油
  19252. 火盆里栽壮丹
  19253. 火钳子上阵
  19254. 火烧芭蕉
  19255. 火烧鞭炮
  19256. 火烧草料场
  19257. 火烧草山
  19258. 火烧灯草
  19259. 火烧房子还瞧唱本
  19260. 火烧蜂房
  19261. 火烧棺材
  19262. 火烧寒暑表
  19263. 火烧猴屁股
  19264. 火烧胡子
  19265. 火烧金銮殿
  19266. 火烧裤裆
  19267. 火烧栗子
  19268. 火烧莲花寺
  19269. 火烧岭上捡田螺
  19270. 火烧鸟龟
  19271. 火烧屁股
  19272. 火烧日历
  19273. 火烧套马杆子
  19274. 火烧竹林
  19275. 火烧竹子
  19276. 火烧字帖
  19277. 火神爷出征
  19278. 火神爷待客
  19279. 火炭掉在头发上
  19280. 火炭吞下肚
  19281. 火星子遇汽油库
  19282. 火种掉进干柴堆
  19283. 货郎背包串乡
  19284. 货郎担洗手
  19285. 鸡抱鸭蛋
  19286. 鸡肠刮油
  19287. 鸡巢里的凤凰
  19288. 鸡吃放光虫
  19289. 鸡蛋不生爪
  19290. 鸡蛋炒韭黄
  19291. 鸡蛋炒鸭蛋
  19292. 鸡蛋掉油缸
  19293. 鸡蛋掉在马路上
  19294. 鸡蛋放在难窝(石臼)里春
  19295. 鸡蛋换鸭蛋
  19296. 鸡蛋换盐
  19297. 鸡蛋壳垫床脚
  19298. 鸡蛋壳作线板
  19299. 鸡蛋筐里放秤碗
  19300. 鸡蛋里淌水
  19301. 鸡蛋里挑刺
  19302. 鸡蛋里挑骨头
  19303. 鸡蛋上刮毛
  19304. 鸡蛋长爪子
  19305. 鸡的奶子
  19306. 机帆船赶快艇
  19307. 机帆船上装橹
  19308. 鸡孵鸭蛋
  19309. 鸡公打架
  19310. 鸡狗做邻居
  19311. 鸡骨头熬汤
  19312. 机关枪打兔子
  19313. 机关枪对炮筒
  19314. 机关枪卡壳
  19315. 机关枪上刺刀
  19316. 鸡叫启程
  19317. 鸡笼里睡觉
  19318. 鸡毛打鼓
  19319. 鸡毛掸子
  19320. 鸡毛点灯
  19321. 鸡毛掉井里
  19322. 鸡毛敲钟
  19323. 鸡毛上天
  19324. 鸡毛做掸子
  19325. 鸡梦见小米
  19326. 鸡脑壳上磕烟灰
  19327. 鸡碰到蜈蚣
  19328. 鸡屁股拴绳
  19329. 鸡群里闯进一只鹅
  19330. 鸡群里的鹅
  19331. 鸡食盆里的鸭子
  19332. 鸡屎蚊子打呵欠
  19333. 鸡死狼吊孝
  19334. 鸡头对鸭颈
  19335. 鸡尾巴上绑扫帚
  19336. 鸡窝里打拳
  19337. 鸡窝里打太极
  19338. 鸡窝里放棒槌
  19339. 鸡窝里生炉火
  19340. 鸡鸭共一笼
  19341. 鸡衔骨头
  19342. 鸡遇黄鼠狼
  19343. 鸡爪上钉掌子
  19344. 鸡爪子炒菜
  19345. 鸡爪子烩豆腐
  19346. 鸡爪子抓泥
  19347. 鸡子跌米箩
  19348. 鸡子儿下坡
  19349. 鸡子儿长爪子
  19350. 急水滩放鸭子
  19351. 急水滩头的大鲤鱼
  19352. 急水滩头停船
  19353. 急需的图章
  19354. 急雨打在水缸里
  19355. 蒺藜拦草
  19356. 蒺藜拦麦鼓子
  19357. 蒺藜上弹棉花
  19358. 集体逃难
  19359. 几百年的老陈帐
  19360. 脊背上背鼓
  19361. 脊背上长眼睛
  19362. 脊背上长嘴
  19363. 麂子咬豹子
  19364. 济公出家
  19365. 济公的扇子
  19366. 济公趴梁
  19367. 妓女接客
  19368. 妓女院的鸨儿
  19369. 寄槽养马
  19370. 家里丢了磨
  19371. 家里请吹鼓手
  19372. 加农炮打兔子
  19373. 家雀进笼子
  19374. 家雀抬杠
  19375. 家雀学老鹰
  19376. 家堂里的大门
  19377. 夹道里摆酒席
  19378. 夹道里截驴
  19379. 夹火钳子
  19380. 夹尾巴的山狸
  19381. 夹着尾巴做人
  19382. 夹子上的老鼠
  19383. 贾宝玉出家
  19384. 贾宝玉的父亲
  19385. 贾宝玉的通灵玉
  19386. 贾宝玉看西厢记
  19387. 贾家姑娘嫁贾家
  19388. 假李逵碰到真李逵
  19389. 甲鱼吃木炭
  19390. 甲鱼照镜子
  19391. 驾车登山
  19392. 嫁出的姑娘泼出的水
  19393. 嫁给染匠的婆娘
  19394. 架上的葫芦
  19395. 架上的葡萄
  19396. 驾驶员罢工
  19397. 尖扁担挑水
  19398. 尖底萝筐
  19399. 尖底箩筐
  19400. 尖尖鞋
  19401. 肩上戴帽子
  19402. 剪刀的口
  19403. 拣到的贴子
  19404. 拣个孩子唱大戏
  19405. 拣根铁棒当灯草
  19406. 拣鸡毛的上门
  19407. 捡了芝麻甩了西瓜
  19408. 见到猫就怕
  19409. 见高就拜,见低就踩
  19410. 见狗扔骨头
  19411. 见了大嫂唤大姑
  19412. 见了火的蜡烛
  19413. 见了骆驼说马背肿
  19414. 见了蚊子就拔剑
  19415. 见了丈母娘叫大嫂
  19416. 见人扯媚眼
  19417. 见啥菩萨念啥经
  19418. 见物手痒
  19419. 毽子上的鸡毛
  19420. 箭上弦上
  19421. 箭头离了弦
  19422. 江边插杨柳
  19423. 江边洗萝卜
  19424. 僵蚕放在蚕簇上
  19425. 僵蚕作硬茧
  19426. 姜大公钓鱼
  19427. 姜大公封神
  19428. 姜大公算卦
  19429. 江河发大水
  19430. 江河里的小泡泡
  19431. 江湖佬卖假药
  19432. 江湖骗子卖找药
  19433. 将军当农民
  19434. 将军返乡
  19435. 江南的蛤蟆
  19436. 姜太公钓鱼
  19437. 姜太公算卦
  19438. 姜子牙的坐骑
  19439. 姜子牙开算命馆
  19440. 姜子牙娶媳妇
  19441. 讲话没人听,下令没人行
  19442. 讲课还是老一套
  19443. 讲台上放花盆
  19444. 奖状绑在笤帚上
  19445. 酱菜店里的抹桌布
  19446. 酱菜缸里泡石头
  19447. 糨糊盆里打滚
  19448. 酱油瓶里倒醋
  19449. 酱油铺里的伙计
  19450. 蛟龙困在沙滩上
  19451. 蛟龙造瓦
  19452. 交通警的棍子
  19453. 交易所的拿破仑
  19454. 焦赞与杨排风比武
  19455. 搅绊机里的石子
  19456. 脚绑石头走路
  19457. 脚脖子上把脉
  19458. 脚踩棒槌
  19459. 脚踩棉花堆
  19460. 脚踩牛屎
  19461. 脚打锣,手敲鼓
  19462. 脚戴帽子头顶靴
  19463. 脚登擀面杖
  19464. 脚底抹油
  19465. 脚底下钉钉
  19466. 脚底下抹石灰
  19467. 脚跟朝前走
  19468. 脚跟拴石头
  19469. 脚后跟擦黄油
  19470. 脚后眼拴藤条
  19471. 脚盆里和面
  19472. 脚盆洗脸
  19473. 脚上戴镣子
  19474. 脚上的泡
  19475. 脚踏蒺藜
  19476. 脚踏跷跷板
  19477. 脚踏乌龟背
  19478. 脚丫子上长蒺藜
  19479. 脚长鸡眼拔火罐
  19480. 饺子烂了边
  19481. 饺子铺的酱油
  19482. 教猴子爬树
  19483. 教猴子上树
  19484. 叫花子安风扇
  19485. 叫花子搬家
  19486. 叫花子抱着醋坛子
  19487. 叫花子搽粉
  19488. 叫花子炒三鲜
  19489. 叫花子吃豆腐
  19490. 叫花子吃葡萄
  19491. 叫花子打哈哈
  19492. 叫花子打了碗
  19493. 叫花子当老板
  19494. 叫花子的家当
  19495. 叫花子丢拐棍
  19496. 叫花子夫妇调情
  19497. 叫花子赶街
  19498. 叫花子过烟瘾
  19499. 叫花子哼着太平调
  19500. 叫花子嫁长工
  19501. 叫花子接彩球
  19502. 叫花子进贡
  19503. 叫花子开店铺
  19504. 叫花子看滑稽(独角戏〕
  19505. 叫花子看外婆
  19506. 叫花子夸祖业
  19507. 叫花子擂鼓
  19508. 叫花子练跌打
  19509. 叫花子卖布
  19510. 叫花子起五更
  19511. 叫花子请客
  19512. 叫花子睡觉
  19513. 叫花子讨灰面(白面)
  19514. 叫花子提亲
  19515. 叫花子跳井
  19516. 叫花子舞讨饭棍
  19517. 叫花子想公主
  19518. 叫花子咬牙
  19519. 叫花子照镜子
  19520. 叫花子捉虱子
  19521. 叫花子走清明
  19522. 叫花子醉酒
  19523. 叫花子做驸马
  19524. 叫花子做皇上
  19525. 叫化子挨骂
  19526. 叫化子唱山歌
  19527. 叫化子吃苦瓜
  19528. 叫化子出龙灯
  19529. 叫化子碰上要饭的
  19530. 叫化子请客
  19531. 叫化子请长工
  19532. 叫化子洗澡
  19533. 叫化子坐金銮殿
  19534. 叫林黛玉抡板斧
  19535. 叫驴拉磨
  19536. 叫你上坡,你偏下河
  19537. 叫人吃砖头
  19538. 叫铁公鸡下蛋
  19539. 叫兔子去拉磨
  19540. 教娃娃读《圣经》
  19541. 叫羊看菜园
  19542. 轿子里打拳
  19543. 街后开门
  19544. 揭开庐山真面目
  19545. 街上的传单
  19546. 街上流行红裙子
  19547. 结巴郎吵架
  19548. 节节草拴西瓜
  19549. 节日摆宴席
  19550. 节日的礼花
  19551. 截断的木头
  19552. 姐儿俩害相思
  19553. 姐俩回娘家
  19554. 姐俩守寡
  19555. 借风过潮
  19556. 借了一角还十分
  19557. 借米还糠
  19558. 借米一斗还六升
  19559. 借袍子上朝
  19560. 借钱包饺子
  19561. 借汤下面
  19562. 金蝉脱壳
  19563. 金弹打飞鸟
  19564. 金刚倒地
  19565. 金刚过河
  19566. 金刚化佛
  19567. 金刚钻的本领
  19568. 金刚钻划豆腐
  19569. 金瓜对银瓜
  19570. 金瓜换银瓜
  19571. 金壶偷酒
  19572. 金鸡配凤凰
  19573. 金沙江赴宴
  19574. 金山寺的潮水
  19575. 金碗盛稀饭
  19576. 金子当作黄铜卖
  19577. 紧水滩上的石头
  19578. 锦州的小菜
  19579. 进了地府才后悔
  19580. 进了地府才伤心
  19581. 进了棺村吃人参
  19582. 浸了水的爆竹
  19583. 进了套的黄鼠狼
  19584. 进门叫大嫂
  19585. 近视眼观星
  19586. 近视眼看告示
  19587. 近视眼看月亮
  19588. 近视眼配眼镜
  19589. 近视眼下棋
  19590. 浸水的炮仗
  19591. 进网的黄花鱼
  19592. 进网的鱼
  19593. 荆柯刺秦王
  19594. 荆柯献地图
  19595. 经霜的黄豆
  19596. 京戏演唱《白毛女》
  19597. 精装茅台
  19598. 警察打老子
  19599. 警察蹲监狱
  19600. 景德镇停业
  19601. 井底的蛤蟆
  19602. 井底的蛤蟆上井台
  19603. 井底丢砖头
  19604. 井底下放邮包
  19605. 井底下看书
  19606. 井底下写文章
  19607. 井底栽黄连
  19608. 井里长出一棵树来
  19609. 井水管河水
  19610. 井水与河水
  19611. 颈项上插薄扇
  19612. 敬德鞭打尉迟恭
  19613. 镜台前照面
  19614. 镜子里的烧饼
  19615. 镜子里的影子
  19616. 镜子里亲吻
  19617. 酒杯里量米
  19618. 酒杯里洗澡
  19619. 韭菜面孔
  19620. 韭菜烧蒜苗
  19621. 韭菜下锅
  19622. 酒鬼走路
  19623. 久旱的庄稼
  19624. 酒壶当夜壶用
  19625. 酒壶里插棒棒
  19626. 酒壶里翻跟头
  19627. 九斤老太的眼光
  19628. 九牛爬坡
  19629. 九曲桥上散步
  19630. 九条江河流两处
  19631. 酒醒不见烤鸭子
  19632. 九月初八问重阳
  19633. 九月的南瓜
  19634. 九月的柿子
  19635. 旧车断了轴
  19636. 救火没水
  19637. 就汤下面
  19638. 举起碾盘打月亮
  19639. 锯子锯掉烂木头
  19640. 撅着屁股看天
  19641. 钁头挂在胸口上
  19642. 攫着拳头过日子
  19643. 军事家的论文
  19644. 君子不犯法坐牢
  19645. 骏马跑千里,银燕入云霄
  19646. 开春的冰雪堆
  19647. 开春的柳絮
  19648. 开飞机抛锚
  19649. 开封府的包青天
  19650. 开弓不放箭
  19651. 开弓的箭
  19652. 开口的邮箱
  19653. 开了闸的水库
  19654. 开山的镐
  19655. 开水锅里露头
  19656. 开水泡黄豆
  19657. 开水泼蛤蟆
  19658. 开水泼老鼠
  19659. 开水烫泥鳅
  19660. 开糟房的办事
  19661. 开糟房的伙计
  19662. 开闸的洪水
  19663. 凯旋而归的将军
  19664. 砍柴刀刮脸
  19665. 砍刀遇斧头
  19666. 砍倒树做箩篓
  19667. 砍断的竹子
  19668. 砍竹子遇节巴
  19669. 看病请了教书匠
  19670. 看家狗专咬叫花子(乞丐〕
  19671. 看见外公叫爷爷
  19672. 看见蚊子就拔剑
  19673. 看人挑担
  19674. 看三国掉泪
  19675. 看戏流眼泪
  19676. 看着地图摆阵势
  19677. 看着天摸着地
  19678. 看着天说话
  19679. 糠里挤油
  19680. 扛犁头下关东
  19681. 扛磨盘游华山
  19682. 扛着棍去挨打
  19683. 扛着钁头上土地庙
  19684. 扛着毛竹上街
  19685. 扛着鱼网进庙堂
  19686. 炕洞里扒出个山药蛋
  19687. 炕洞里的耗子
  19688. 炕上的狸猫
  19689. 炕上种西瓜
  19690. 炕席上下棋
  19691. 烤炉火吹电扇
  19692. 考上秀才盼当官
  19693. 烤熟的母鸡下蛋
  19694. 蝌蚪变青蛙
  19695. 蝌蚪的尾巴
  19696. 蝌蚪害头痛
  19697. 磕一个头放三个屁
  19698. 坷垃地里撵瘸子
  19699. 可着屁股裁尿布
  19700. 客店里的臭虫
  19701. 骒马嫁叫驴
  19702. 课堂上玩弹弓
  19703. 啃生瓜吃生枣
  19704. 坑老人,挖祖坟
  19705. 坑里的长虫
  19706. 空肚罗汉
  19707. 空酒瓶子
  19708. 空口说白话
  19709. 空箱里取物
  19710. 空心萝卜
  19711. 空心罗汉
  19712. 空心墙
  19713. 空中踩钢丝
  19714. 空中倒马桶
  19715. 空中伸巴掌
  19716. 空中悬河
  19717. 孔夫子拜师
  19718. 孔夫子背书籍
  19719. 孔夫子吃粥
  19720. 孔夫子出门
  19721. 孔夫子当教授
  19722. 孔夫子的褡裢
  19723. 孔夫子的坟
  19724. 孔夫子的砚台
  19725. 孔夫子的嘴巴
  19726. 孔夫子挂腰刀
  19727. 孔夫子门前卖论语
  19728. 孔夫子偷钱包
  19729. 孔夫子游列国
  19730. 孔明会李逵
  19731. 孔明加子龙
  19732. 孔明夸诸葛
  19733. 孔雀的尾巴
  19734. 孔雀遇凤凰
  19735. 抠眼屎弄瞎了眼
  19736. 口朝下的咸菜罐
  19737. 口吃报纸
  19738. 口吃黄连
  19739. 口吃青果
  19740. 口传家书
  19741. 口袋里冒烟
  19742. 口袋里盛米汤
  19743. 口袋里装人
  19744. 口袋里装王人
  19745. 口袋装狗屎
  19746. 口干望海水
  19747. 口化子打狗
  19748. 口技表演
  19749. 口渴喝了酸梅汤
  19750. 口渴遇见卖茶人
  19751. 口水沾跳蚤
  19752. 口吞秤砣
  19753. 口吞擀面杖
  19754. 口吞墨水
  19755. 口吞土地庙
  19756. 口咽黄连
  19757. 口罩戴到鼻梁上
  19758. 窟窿眼里看人
  19759. 枯木搭桥
  19760. 枯木干葱
  19761. 枯木刻象棋子儿
  19762. 枯树盘根
  19763. 枯树上的知了
  19764. 枯树枝上结黄瓜
  19765. 枯藤缠大树
  19766. 枯藤攀大树
  19767. 苦菜开花
  19768. 苦瓜攀苦藤
  19769. 苦瓜蒸黄连
  19770. 苦鬼遇饿鬼
  19771. 苦汤煮丁香籽
  19772. 裤裆里放屁
  19773. 裤裆里拉屎
  19774. 裤裆里起火
  19775. 裤兜里的跳蚤
  19776. 裤兜装五脏
  19777. 裤腰带挂杆秤
  19778. 裤子里冒火
  19779. 裤子没有腿
  19780. 夸父追日
  19781. 夸嘴的郎中
  19782. 快刀出鞘一劈二
  19783. 快刀切豆腐
  19784. 快锯伐大树
  19785. 快马左兜右旋
  19786. 快要倒塌的房子
  19787. 筷子充大梁
  19788. 筷子搭桥
  19789. 筷子的一生
  19790. 筷子掉油篓
  19791. 筷子顶豆腐
  19792. 筷子夹骨头
  19793. 筷子纫针
  19794. 筐里的烂瓜
  19795. 矿工下并
  19796. 葵花杆子当大梁
  19797. 葵花籽里钻臭虫
  19798. 愧杆上挂招牌
  19799. 捆绑的夫妻
  19800. 阔别三十年回故里
  19801. 拉不出屎怨茅坑
  19802. 拉肚子吃补药
  19803. 拉和尚认亲
  19804. 垃圾倒进粪池里
  19805. 垃圾堆里的仕女图
  19806. 垃圾堆里的蒜皮子
  19807. 拉开窗帘
  19808. 拉来黄牛当马骑
  19809. 拉琴的丢唱本
  19810. 拉屎翻眼珠
  19811. 拉完磨子杀驴
  19812. 拉纤的喊号子
  19813. 拉着眼睫毛也会倒
  19814. 喇叭断了线
  19815. 喇叭佬娶媳妇
  19816. 辣椒粉吹进鼻眼里
  19817. 蜡人玩火
  19818. 腊肉上席
  19819. 蜡台上无油
  19820. 腊月打赤脚
  19821. 腊月的井水
  19822. 腊月底看农历
  19823. 腊月喝凉水
  19824. 腊月里吃黄连
  19825. 腊月里打雷
  19826. 腊月里生孩子
  19827. 腊月里遇见狼
  19828. 腊月买纸扇
  19829. 腊月三十贴对子
  19830. 蜡烛的脾气
  19831. 蜡烛点火
  19832. 蜡烛做萧吹
  19833. 来鼠逗猫
  19834. 来自赛马场的消息
  19835. 癞蛤蟆吃鸡子儿
  19836. 癞蛤蟆吃天
  19837. 癞蛤蟆打伞
  19838. 癞蛤蟆戴礼帽
  19839. 癞蛤蟆垫床脚
  19840. 癞蛤蟆鼓气
  19841. 癞蛤蟆过壕沟
  19842. 癞蛤蟆过年
  19843. 癞蛤蟆敲大鼓
  19844. 癞蛤蟆请客
  19845. 癞蛤蟆上樱桃树
  19846. 癞蛤蟆跳进烟囱里
  19847. 癞蛤蟆跳三跳
  19848. 癞蛤蟆吞鱼钩
  19849. 癞蛤蟆下蝎子
  19850. 癞蛤蟆遇田鸡
  19851. 癞蛤蟆装鞍子
  19852. 癞痢头上的伤疤
  19853. 癞痢头上长肿瘤
  19854. 癞皮狗上桥
  19855. 癞子吃猎肉
  19856. 癞子当和尚
  19857. 癞子的脑壳
  19858. 癞子长脚板疮
  19859. 蓝天的鸿雁
  19860. 懒大嫂赶场
  19861. 懒汉学徒
  19862. 懒鸡婆抱窝
  19863. 懒驴子驾辕
  19864. 懒鸟不搭窝
  19865. 懒牛拉磨
  19866. 懒牛懒马干活
  19867. 懒婆娘的包袱
  19868. 懒人的铺盖
  19869. 烂板搭桥
  19870. 烂板桥上的龙王
  19871. 烂板子搭桥
  19872. 烂瓜皮当帽子
  19873. 烂了根的葱
  19874. 烂麻搓缆绳
  19875. 烂麻袋滤豆腐
  19876. 烂麻里搀猪毛
  19877. 烂木头做梁柱
  19878. 烂泥巴糊墙
  19879. 烂泥菩萨洗脸
  19880. 烂菩萨坐深山
  19881. 烂柿子上船
  19882. 烂西瓜
  19883. 烂鱼扔粪堆
  19884. 烂柱子塔桥
  19885. 狼不吃死孩子
  19886. 狼吃狼
  19887. 狼啃葫芦头
  19888. 狼夸羊肥
  19889. 榔头对锤子
  19890. 狼头上插笋
  19891. 狼窝里的肉
  19892. 狼窝里的羊
  19893. 狼崽迸羊圈
  19894. 浪里撑船
  19895. 劳模作报告
  19896. 老白干泡砒霜
  19897. 老包断案
  19898. 老包过阴
  19899. 老鳖跌跟头
  19900. 老裁缝做衣裳
  19901. 老刺猬下山
  19902. 老大哥拍胸脯
  19903. 老大爷拉二胡
  19904. 老旦唱小生
  19905. 老掉牙的驴
  19906. 老肥猪上屠场
  19907. 老坟头里的尸骨
  19908. 老佛爷出虚恭(放屁)
  19909. 老公鸡着火
  19910. 老狗跳搂梯
  19911. 老牯牛走路
  19912. 老鸹叮蚌壳
  19913. 老鸹喝墨水
  19914. 老鸹命
  19915. 老鸹爪子
  19916. 老寡妇嫁到饭馆里
  19917. 老寡妇死了独生女
  19918. 老海瑞上金殿
  19919. 老汉不认识康乐球
  19920. 老汉啃甘蔗
  19921. 老和尚拜天地
  19922. 老和尚搬家
  19923. 老和尚的百衲衣
  19924. 老和尚骂街
  19925. 老和尚盼媳妇
  19926. 老和尚敲钟
  19927. 老和尚剃头
  19928. 老虎扮和尚
  19929. 老虎背上玩把戏
  19930. 老虎吃大象
  19931. 老虎吃豆腐
  19932. 老虎吃蝴蝶
  19933. 老虎吃算盘珠
  19934. 老虎吃跳蚤
  19935. 老虎吃羊羔
  19936. 老虎串门
  19937. 老虎打摆子
  19938. 老虎戴佛珠
  19939. 老虎的屁股
  19940. 老虎洞里菩萨堂
  19941. 老虎俄了逮耗子
  19942. 老虎和猪生的
  19943. 老虎进城
  19944. 老虎进棺材
  19945. 老虎进棺材人
  19946. 老虎进庙堂
  19947. 老虎进闸门
  19948. 老虎拉磨
  19949. 老虎离山落平原
  19950. 老虎上磅秤
  19951. 老虎上吊
  19952. 老虎头上的苍蝇
  19953. 老虎头上拉屎
  19954. 老虎头上撒胡椒
  19955. 老虎吞石狮
  19956. 老虎卧马圈里
  19957. 老虎演戏
  19958. 老虎咬牛
  19959. 老虎爪子蝎子心
  19960. 老虎坐庙堂
  19961. 老槐树枯了心
  19962. 老将要镰刀
  19963. 姥姥死闺女
  19964. 老两口观灯
  19965. 老柳树发新芽
  19966. 老龙王投江
  19967. 老龙王下海
  19968. 老驴打滚
  19969. 老妈子带孩子
  19970. 老猫犯罪狗戴枷
  19971. 老猫偷食狗挨打
  19972. 老绵羊撵狼
  19973. 老母鸡斗黄鼠狼
  19974. 老母鸡上树
  19975. 老母鸡下蛋
  19976. 老母猪摆擂台
  19977. 老母猪蹭痒痒
  19978. 老母猪吃独食
  19979. 老母猪吃破鞋
  19980. 老母猪吃星星
  19981. 老母猪戴金耳环
  19982. 老母猪逛花园
  19983. 老母猪和牛打架
  19984. 老母猪进夹道
  19985. 老母猪啃瓷砖
  19986. 老母猪爬楼梯
  19987. 老母猪上山
  19988. 老母猪下崽
  19989. 老母猪遇屠家
  19990. 老木匠的家什
  19991. 老奶奶吃软柿子
  19992. 老奶奶的嫁衣
  19993. 老娘哭儿
  19994. 老牛吃草
  19995. 老牛吃豆腐
  19996. 老牛打滚
  19997. 老牛掉眼泪
  19998. 老牛筋
  19999. 老牛啃地瓜
  20000. 老牛拉破车
  20001. 老牛拉稀屎
  20002. 老牛牧碾
  20003. 老牛上鼻绳
  20004. 老牛死了
  20005. 老牛头进汤锅
  20006. 老牛走老路
  20007. 老牛钻狗洞
  20008. 老婆婆吃腊肉
  20009. 老婆婆当兵
  20010. 老婆婆赶庙会
  20011. 老婆婆嫁屠夫
  20012. 老婆婆赛跑
  20013. 老婆婆烧香
  20014. 老山猫呲牙
  20015. 老少爷们过马路
  20016. 老寿星的脑袋
  20017. 老寿星上吊
  20018. 老鼠搬生姜
  20019. 老鼠鼻子
  20020. 老鼠掉迸面缸里
  20021. 老鼠跌坛子
  20022. 老鼠给大象指路
  20023. 老鼠给猫拜年
  20024. 老鼠过街
  20025. 老鼠见了猫
  20026. 老鼠进棺材
  20027. 老鼠进口袋
  20028. 老鼠看仓
  20029. 老鼠扛大枪
  20030. 老鼠嗑瓜子
  20031. 老鼠啃菜刀
  20032. 老鼠啃擀面杖
  20033. 老鼠啃皮球
  20034. 老鼠啃石头
  20035. 老鼠拉骆驼
  20036. 老鼠拉木锨
  20037. 老鼠爬旗杆
  20038. 老鼠碰上猫
  20039. 老鼠骑水牛
  20040. 老鼠睡猫窝
  20041. 老鼠抬轿子
  20042. 老鼠跳火坑
  20043. 老鼠偷饺子
  20044. 老鼠偷芝麻
  20045. 老鼠挖墙洞
  20046. 老鼠尾巴上绑鸡毛
  20047. 老鼠尾巴生疮
  20048. 老鼠咬茶壶
  20049. 老鼠咬断饭篮绳
  20050. 老鼠咬屁股
  20051. 老鼠咬旗杆
  20052. 老鼠咬石柱
  20053. 老鼠咬象鼻
  20054. 老鼠咬灶君
  20055. 老鼠坐供桌
  20056. 老鼠做寿
  20057. 老水牛拉马车
  20058. 老太大的鞋
  20059. 老太婆吃炒面
  20060. 老太婆吃黄连
  20061. 老太婆改嫁
  20062. 老太婆过年
  20063. 老太婆啃鸡筋
  20064. 老太婆模鸡
  20065. 老太婆纳鞋底
  20066. 老太婆念经
  20067. 老太婆跳皮筋
  20068. 老太太补衣服
  20069. 老太太不吃杏
  20070. 老太太吃豆腐
  20071. 老太太吃海蜇
  20072. 老太太吃排骨
  20073. 老太太吃糖
  20074. 老太太吃桃子
  20075. 老太太打呵欠
  20076. 老太太打朴丁
  20077. 老太太的拐棍
  20078. 老太太的嘴
  20079. 老太太纺线
  20080. 老太太赶集
  20081. 老太太啃骨头
  20082. 老太太念佛
  20083. 老太太扭秧歌
  20084. 老太太上台阶
  20085. 老太太烧香
  20086. 老太太想生子
  20087. 老太太扎鞋底
  20088. 老太太站岗
  20089. 老太太走独木桥
  20090. 老太太坐电梯
  20091. 老太爷看告示
  20092. 老套子卷珍珠
  20093. 老头的帽子
  20094. 老头儿的拐棍
  20095. 老头牵瘦驴
  20096. 老头子联欢
  20097. 老头子做棺材
  20098. 老王卖瓜
  20099. 老鸦高歌
  20100. 老鸭公唱戏
  20101. 老鸭子游水
  20102. 老爷家里当差的
  20103. 老鹰变成夜猫子
  20104. 老鹰捕鸡毛掸
  20105. 老鹰捕食
  20106. 老鹰吃鸡毛
  20107. 老鹰的眼
  20108. 老鹰叼大象
  20109. 老鹰追兔子
  20110. 老鹰捉麻雀
  20111. 老子纳妾儿嫖娼
  20112. 老子入团儿入党
  20113. 老子偷鸡儿摸狗
  20114. 勒紧裤带拉二胡
  20115. 勒紧腰带数日月
  20116. 乐器合奏
  20117. 乐山的大佛
  20118. 雷打芝麻
  20119. 雷打庄稼
  20120. 雷锋事迹
  20121. 雷锋送大嫂上车
  20122. 雷公动怒
  20123. 雷公喝酒
  20124. 雷公劈蚂蚁
  20125. 雷婆找龙王谈心
  20126. 雷声大,雨点小
  20127. 擂槌吹火
  20128. 肋底下插柴
  20129. 肋条换猪爪
  20130. 冷锅里长热豆
  20131. 冷锅贴饼子
  20132. 冷库里的五脏
  20133. 冷水发面
  20134. 冷水梳头
  20135. 冷水调米粉
  20136. 冷水灾鸡
  20137. 犁地淹死牛
  20138. 离了水晶宫的龙
  20139. 狸猫换太子
  20140. 狸猫装猫叫
  20141. 离群的牛犊
  20142. 离群的羊羔
  20143. 离山的猛虎
  20144. 말솜씨
  20145. 솜씨
  20146. 글꼴
  20147. 말끝
  20148. 잔말
  20149. 빈말
  20150. 군말
  20151. 말주변
  20152. 말싸움
  20153. 말씀
  20154. 말다
  20155. 이동하다
  20156. 이상하다
  20157. 전염하다
  20158. 相場
  20159. 추하다
  20160. 의아하다
  20161. 수상하다
  20162. 더위
  20163. 춥다
  20164. 무덥다
  20165. 무겁다
  20166. 가벼이
  20167. 자랑스럽다
  20168. 어른스럽다
  20169. 아랍어
  20170. 불가리아
  20171. 보스니아어
  20172. 체첸어
  20173. 체코어
  20174. 현대 그리스어
  20175. 機械的保定
  20176. 多次元パターン分類
  20177. 프랑스
  20178. 技師
  20179. 緊張
  20180. 短調
  20181. nhật ký
  20182. 畜生
  20183. 屈服
  20184. 景物
  20185. 計算
  20186. aðeins
  20187. 原子番号
  20188. 後ろめたい
  20189. 帳票分類機
  20190. 黎明的觉,半道的妻,羊肉饺子清炖鸡
  20191. 理发店关门
  20192. 理发师的工夫
  20193. 理发师傅收摊子
  20194. 李逵扮新娘
  20195. 李逵裹脚
  20196. 李逵开铁匠铺
  20197. 李逵卖煤炭
  20198. 李逵升堂判案
  20199. 好評
  20200. 李林甫当宰相
  20201. 李世民登基
  20202. 李世民捏窝窝头
  20203. 鲤鱼产卵
  20204. 鲤鱼碰网
  20205. 鲤鱼剖腹
  20206. 鲤鱼跳船上
  20207. 理字卖给阎王爷
  20208. 立春响雷
  20209. 利刀石上磨
  20210. 立冬的蛇
  20211. 利剑斩乱麻
  20212. 荔枝壳抹油
  20213. 痢痢头上打苍蝇
  20214. 痢痢头上的长疮
  20215. 连鬓胡子吃麻糖
  20216. 莲藕孔过风
  20217. 莲藕生疮
  20218. 脸盆里撑船
  20219. 脸盆扎猛子
  20220. 脸皮象手鼓
  20221. 练武术的不拿刀枪
  20222. 凉白开沏茶
  20223. 梁山泊的王伦
  20224. 梁山的兄弟
  20225. 梁头上吊王八
  20226. 两代寡妇
  20227. 两分钱的醋
  20228. 两分钱买一篮子菜
  20229. 两分钱一个猪头
  20230. 两个巴掌打人
  20231. 两个风筝一起飞
  20232. 两个鼓槌
  20233. 两个肩膀扛张嘴
  20234. 两个叫化子拜堂
  20235. 两个老头打架
  20236. 两个泥菩萨过河
  20237. 两个人做买卖
  20238. 两个瞎子作揖
  20239. 两个兄弟吵分家
  20240. 两个哑巴睡一头
  20241. 两个羊羔打架
  20242. 两个医生抬头驴
  20243. 两个醉汉睡觉
  20244. 俩狗打架
  20245. 两股道上跑的车
  20246. 两虎把门
  20247. 两口子锄地
  20248. 两口子打官司
  20249. 两口子打架
  20250. 两口子分家
  20251. 两口子回门
  20252. 两口子推磨
  20253. 两匹马赛跑
  20254. 两亲家打架
  20255. 两勤夹一懒
  20256. 两扇磨磨面粉
  20257. 俩狮子打架
  20258. 两手架鼓
  20259. 两手捏兔子
  20260. 两手托刺猖
  20261. 两条腿的板凳
  20262. 俩瞎子打架
  20263. 两响炮升天
  20264. 俩小鬼作仇
  20265. 俩哑巴见面
  20266. 两样布做夹袄
  20267. 两只手写对联
  20268. 两只眼盯着一个小钱
  20269. 亮月下点灯
  20270. 亮月下耍大刀
  20271. 撂下拐棍作揖
  20272. 咧着嘴吃梅子
  20273. 列车上放广播
  20274. 劣马装麒麟
  20275. 裂嘴的包子
  20276. 拎破篮吹唢呐
  20277. 林冲到了野猪林
  20278. 林冲上梁山
  20279. 林黛玉葬花
  20280. 临嫁的姑娘
  20281. 林教头的棍棒
  20282. 邻居夫人
  20283. 临老当和尚
  20284. 临上轿马撒尿
  20285. 临死挨了一巴掌
  20286. 林子里的斑鸠
  20287. 铃铛敲锣鼓
  20288. 灵前酒壶
  20289. 岭上唱山歌
  20290. 溜直的树木
  20291. 刘备编草鞋
  20292. 刘备的江山
  20293. 刘备的兄弟
  20294. 刘备对孔明
  20295. 刘备借荆州
  20296. 刘备杀人
  20297. 刘备摔孩子
  20298. 刘备有舅子
  20299. 刘备遇诸葛
  20300. 刘关张桃园三结义
  20301. 硫磺脑袋
  20302. 流浪汉坐远滚轮
  20303. 琉璃瓦盖寺庙
  20304. 柳树抽芽
  20305. 柳树出身
  20306. 柳树的屁股
  20307. 柳树开花
  20308. 柳树叶子
  20309. 柳条穿泥鳅
  20310. 柳条穿鱼
  20311. 柳条篮子摇元宵
  20312. 柳条上串王八
  20313. 六点钟
  20314. 六个指头划拳
  20315. 六十岁尿床
  20316. 六十岁学吹打
  20317. 六月的斑鸠
  20318. 六月的山
  20319. 六月的闪电
  20320. 六月间的庙堂
  20321. 六月里吃生姜
  20322. 六月里的冬瓜
  20323. 六月里的粪缸
  20324. 六月里的荷花
  20325. 六月里的梨疙瘩
  20326. 六月天穿毛衣
  20327. 六月天戴手套
  20328. 六月天孵小鸡
  20329. 六月天狗吐舌头
  20330. 六月天下雪
  20331. 六月债
  20332. 龙灯耍的好
  20333. 龙宫里造反
  20334. 笼里的鸽子
  20335. 笼屉上抓馒头
  20336. 龙王发脾气
  20337. 龙王斧掉在海里
  20338. 龙王靠边
  20339. 龙王爷的后代
  20340. 龙王爷的帽子
  20341. 龙王爷的脾气
  20342. 龙王爷翻脸
  20343. 龙王爷放火
  20344. 龙王爷作法
  20345. 龙须菜炒韭菜
  20346. 聋哑人谈天
  20347. 笼中小鸟
  20348. 龙珠跟着龙尾转
  20349. 聋子打岔
  20350. 聋子打电话
  20351. 聋子打鼓
  20352. 聋子戴耳机
  20353. 聋子的耳朵
  20354. 聋子见哑巴
  20355. 聋子拉胡琴
  20356. 笼子里的鸟
  20357. 笼子里的鹦鹉
  20358. 聋子听话
  20359. 聋子听戏
  20360. 聋子听戏,瞎子观灯
  20361. 聋子瞎了眼
  20362. 楼窗上走人
  20363. 搂着金条睡觉
  20364. 漏洞百出的文告
  20365. 漏壶里灌水
  20366. 漏盆里洗澡
  20367. 芦柴秆做门闩
  20368. 芦沟桥的石狮子
  20369. 炉里的渣滓
  20370. 芦苇墙上钉钉子
  20371. 鲈鱼探虾毛
  20372. 炉子翻身
  20373. 炉子旁的捅条
  20374. 鲁班的儿子学木匠
  20375. 鲁班的手艺
  20376. 鲁班皱眉头
  20377. 卤水煮鸭子
  20378. 鲁肃服孔明
  20379. 鲁提辖拳打镇关西
  20380. 鲁智深出家
  20381. 路边的小草
  20382. 路灯照明
  20383. 辘轳打水
  20384. 辘轳断了轴
  20385. 鹭鸶飞过养鱼池
  20386. 露头的钉子
  20387. 孪生兄弟
  20388. 乱坟堆里找人
  20389. 乱坟岗上唱戏
  20390. 乱加砝码
  20391. 乱麻疙瘩
  20392. 乱线团掉刺窝
  20393. 乱葬坟上跳舞
  20394. 轮船靠了码头
  20395. 轮船上观海
  20396. 轮船上泼水
  20397. 轮胎打气
  20398. 萝卜出水
  20399. 萝卜干当人参
  20400. 萝卜两头切
  20401. 萝卜上坟
  20402. 萝卜长叉
  20403. 罗锅上树
  20404. 罗锅腰上山
  20405. 罗锅子伸腰
  20406. 罗锅作揖
  20407. 罗汉肚子
  20408. 罗汉过水
  20409. 罗汉请观音
  20410. 螺蛳壳里睡觉
  20411. 骡子的脸
  20412. 骡子陪考
  20413. 落成的雕像
  20414. 落锅的虾子
  20415. 落山的太阳
  20416. 落水的鸡毛
  20417. 落水的桃花
  20418. 落汤鸡崽
  20419. 骆驼挨鞭子
  20420. 骆驼步沙滩
  20421. 骆驼打架
  20422. 骆驼打前失
  20423. 骆驼的头
  20424. 骆驼放屁
  20425. 骆驼生驴子
  20426. 骆驼跳舞
  20427. 骆驼走路
  20428. 落雨立当院
  20429. 落雨天出彩云
  20430. 落雨天打土坯
  20431. 落雨天打砖
  20432. 落雨天扛棉花套
  20433. 落在陷讲里的骏马
  20434. 驴粪蛋上插花
  20435. 驴粪蛋子捏菩萨
  20436. 驴驹子拉套
  20437. 驴拉磨转圈圈
  20438. 驴脸和猪头
  20439. 驴皮煮胶
  20440. 驴屁股上的苍蝇
  20441. 驴头不叫驴头
  20442. 驴头马面
  20443. 驴子打滚
  20444. 驴子推磨
  20445. 驴子吞灰面(白面〕
  20446. 吕布杀董卓
  20447. 吕布戏貂婢
  20448. 吕布戏貂蝉
  20449. 吕洞宾打摆子
  20450. 吕洞宾讲故事
  20451. 吕洞宾戏牡丹
  20452. 旅客上火车
  20453. 吕蒙下赶斋
  20454. 吕蒙正盖房子
  20455. 绿豆换米
  20456. 绿豆喂王八
  20457. 妈妈的姊妹好几个
  20458. 麻布补西装
  20459. 麻布手中绣牡丹
  20460. 麻布鞋上镶绸子
  20461. 麻袋厂遭火灾
  20462. 麻袋里装麦秸
  20463. 麻袋片上绣花
  20464. 麻袋做龙袍
  20465. 麻秆搭桥
  20466. 麻秆打狼
  20467. 麻秆的屋梁
  20468. 麻秆做术腿
  20469. 麻姑娘搽雪花膏
  20470. 麻秸抵门
  20471. 麻秸做笛子
  20472. 麻脸姑娘掉井里
  20473. 麻脸媳妇拜见上嘴婆
  20474. 麻柳树解板子
  20475. 麻婆打扮
  20476. 麻婆照镜子
  20477. 麻雀搬家
  20478. 麻雀吃桑葚
  20479. 麻雀到糠堆上
  20480. 麻雀的肚腹
  20481. 麻雀的内脏
  20482. 麻雀掉到洞庭湖里
  20483. 麻雀掉到面缸里
  20484. 麻雀斗鸡
  20485. 麻雀剁了身子
  20486. 麻雀飞大海
  20487. 麻雀飞进炉膛里
  20488. 麻雀喝醉酒
  20489. 麻雀嫁女
  20490. 麻雀开会
  20491. 麻雀落糠堆
  20492. 麻雀落在房梁上
  20493. 麻雀碰在鼓壁上
  20494. 麻雀入笼
  20495. 麻雀抬轿
  20496. 麻雀头包饺子
  20497. 麻雀洗澡
  20498. 麻雀啄鸡子儿
  20499. 麻雀走路
  20500. 麻蛇钻刺棵
  20501. 麻绳穿绣花针
  20502. 麻绳穿针
  20503. 麻绳打毛衣
  20504. 麻绳吊鸡蛋
  20505. 麻绳做背系
  20506. 麻线搓绳
  20507. 麻鞋着水
  20508. 麻油炒豆腐
  20509. 麻油煎豆腐
  20510. 麻子搽粉
  20511. 麻子敲门
  20512. 麻子跳伞
  20513. 马鞭打牛
  20514. 马槽边上的苍蝇
  20515. 马槽里的苍蝇
  20516. 马车滚进泥水沟
  20517. 马车过沼泽地
  20518. 马打架用嘴碰
  20519. 马蹬子钉掌
  20520. 马蜂的屁股
  20521. 马蜂叮屁股
  20522. 马蜂过河
  20523. 马褂改棉袄
  20524. 蚂蟥叭在牛尾上
  20525. 马嚼子往牛脖子上戴
  20526. 马驹子拉磨
  20527. 马拉车牛驾辕
  20528. 马脸比母猪头
  20529. 马列主义装在电筒里
  20530. 蚂蛉长毛
  20531. 马路上的传单
  20532. 马路上跑火车
  20533. 马路新闻
  20534. 马屁股上挂蒲扇
  20535. 马群里的骆驼
  20536. 马勺当锣打
  20537. 马勺掏耳朵
  20538. 马食槽不许驴插嘴
  20539. 马屎表面光
  20540. 马蹄长瘤子
  20541. 马跳水浪
  20542. 马桶里倒香水
  20543. 马桶上插花
  20544. 码头工人扛麻包
  20545. 马王爷
  20546. 马尾绑马尾
  20547. 马尾穿萝卜
  20548. 马尾拴鸡蛋
  20549. 马尾拴莱团子
  20550. 马戏团的小丑
  20551. 蚂蚁搬秤砣
  20552. 蚂蚁搬家
  20553. 蚂蚁搬石磨
  20554. 蚂蚁背田螺
  20555. 蚂蚁脖子戳一刀
  20556. 蚂蚁不咬蟋蟀
  20557. 蚂蚁打群架
  20558. 蚂蚁打食
  20559. 蚂蚁戴谷壳
  20560. 蚂蚁戴眼镜
  20561. 蚂蚁的腿
  20562. 蚂蚁的嘴
  20563. 蚂蚁掉在磨盘里
  20564. 蚂蚁掉在热锅里
  20565. 蚂蚁扛大树
  20566. 蚂蚁啃旗杆
  20567. 蚂蚁啃象鼻
  20568. 蚂蚁尿书本
  20569. 蚂蚁爬皮球
  20570. 蚂蚁爬上牛角尖
  20571. 蚂蚁披树梢
  20572. 蚂蚁身上砍一刀
  20573. 蚂蚁生疮
  20574. 蚂蚁抬食
  20575. 蚂蚁抬土
  20576. 蚂蚁头上戴斗笠
  20577. 蚂蚁头上砍一刀
  20578. 蚂蚁拖耗子
  20579. 蚂蚁驮秤砣
  20580. 蚂蚁缘槐夸大国
  20581. 蚂蚱背秤碗
  20582. 蚂蚱打食
  20583. 蚂蚱斗公鸡
  20584. 蚂蚱飞到药罐时
  20585. 蚂蚱看庄稼
  20586. 蚂蚱配蝗虫
  20587. 蚂蚱上豆架
  20588. 蚂蚱头摆碟子
  20589. 蚂蚱驮砖头
  20590. 蚂蚱胸膛黄蜂腰
  20591. 马抓痒
  20592. 码子前面添零
  20593. 骂了皇帝祖先
  20594. 埋好的地雷
  20595. 买车不要骡子
  20596. 买得炮仗给别人放
  20597. 买干鱼放生
  20598. 买个罐子打了把
  20599. 买个喇叭不透气
  20600. 买了麻花不吃
  20601. 买麻花不吃
  20602. 买帽子揣到怀里
  20603. 买帽子当鞋穿
  20604. 买门神不买挂线儿
  20605. 买石头砸锅
  20606. 买铁锅的
  20607. 买眼药进了石灰店
  20608. 买砖头砌窑
  20609. 卖冰棒的折本
  20610. 卖布不带尺子
  20611. 卖不出去的狐狸皮
  20612. 麦场上挂马灯
  20613. 卖炒勺的
  20614. 卖豆芽的不带秤
  20615. 麦秆儿当秤
  20616. 麦秆里睡觉
  20617. 卖棺材的跺脚
  20618. 卖棺材的闻人重病
  20619. 卖棺材的咬牙
  20620. 卖花人说花香,卖菜人讲菜嫩
  20621. 卖花生的不用秤
  20622. 卖鸡子儿的换筐篮
  20623. 卖饺子的磨麦粉
  20624. 麦秸秆里看人
  20625. 麦秸秆里装炸药
  20626. 麦秸秆枕头
  20627. 麦秸烧火
  20628. 麦糠搓绳
  20629. 麦克风前吹喇叭
  20630. 麦克风前拉二胡
  20631. 卖了儿子招女婿
  20632. 卖了麦子买蒸笼
  20633. 卖馒头的搀石灰
  20634. 麦芒戮到眼睛里
  20635. 卖帽子的喊卖鞋
  20636. 卖煤的跟个狗
  20637. 卖米不还升
  20638. 卖木脑壳被贼枪
  20639. 卖牛卖地娶回个哑巴
  20640. 卖螃蟹的上戏台
  20641. 卖盆的摔跤
  20642. 卖肉的切豆腐
  20643. 卖沙锅的摔跤
  20644. 卖汤圆的跌跟头
  20645. 麦田里的韭菜
  20646. 麦田里撒豌豆
  20647. 麦田里种棉花
  20648. 麦田捉田鸡
  20649. 卖瓦盆的
  20650. 卖虾米不拿秤
  20651. 卖香烟的敲床腿
  20652. 卖盐的喝开水
  20653. 卖艺的练拳脚
  20654. 卖油的不打盐
  20655. 卖油的敲锅盖
  20656. 卖油条的拉胡琴
  20657. 馒头开花
  20658. 馒头做枕头
  20659. 满巴掌的茧
  20660. 满地竹子
  20661. 满街挂灯笼
  20662. 满口镶金牙
  20663. 满面枣疙瘩
  20664. 满堂儿孙
  20665. 满天大雪飞舞
  20666. 满天挂鱼网
  20667. 满天抹浆子
  20668. 满屋老鼠跑
  20669. 满族的头发
  20670. 漫地里烤火
  20671. 漫山的杜鹃
  20672. 盲鸡碰着白蚁窝
  20673. 盲佬射箭
  20674. 盲佬奏乐
  20675. 盲驴拉磨
  20676. 盲人剥葱
  20677. 盲人打靶
  20678. 盲人当司令
  20679. 盲人的拐棍
  20680. 盲人的眼珠子
  20681. 盲人点蜡烛
  20682. 盲人读书
  20683. 盲人放枪
  20684. 盲人看三国
  20685. 盲人聊天
  20686. 盲人骑瞎马
  20687. 盲人敲鼓
  20688. 盲人媳灯
  20689. 盲人学绣花
  20690. 盲人坐阵
  20691. 邙山看黄河
  20692. 猫不吃咸鱼
  20693. 猫吃鸡肠
  20694. 猫肚子放虎胆
  20695. 猫额上画王字
  20696. 猫儿吃腌菜一没能耐
  20697. 猫儿念经
  20698. 猫儿洞口等老鼠
  20699. 猫儿盖屎
  20700. 猫儿踏翻油瓶盖
  20701. 猫儿偷食狗挨打
  20702. 猫儿洗脸
  20703. 猫儿抓心
  20704. 猫教老虎
  20705. 猫教徒弟
  20706. 猫哭老鼠
  20707. 猫爬树梢
  20708. 猫鼠交朋友
  20709. 猫舔狗鼻子
  20710. 猫头鹰叫唤
  20711. 猫头鹰抓耗子
  20712. 猫窝里的泥鳅
  20713. 猫眼儿
  20714. 猫咬老虎
  20715. 猫爪伸到鱼池里
  20716. 猫嘴里的老鼠
  20717. 猫嘴尾巴
  20718. 毛笔掉了头
  20719. 毛玻璃做灯罩
  20720. 茅草秆打狗
  20721. 茅草棍打狗
  20722. 茅草窝里的毒蛇
  20723. 茅厕板上打滚
  20724. 茅厕里吃油饼
  20725. 茅厕里打电筒
  20726. 茅厕里铺地毯
  20727. 茅厕里失火
  20728. 茅厕门口挂板子
  20729. 茅厕门上贴对联
  20730. 茅厕上贴对子
  20731. 毛豆烧豆腐
  20732. 茅房顶上装烟囱
  20733. 茅房里打躬(作揖)
  20734. 茅房里的旧马桶
  20735. 茅房里捡纸片
  20736. 茅房里磕头
  20737. 茅坑里泼醋
  20738. 毛辣虫
  20739. 毛驴钉马掌
  20740. 毛驴笑人耳朵长
  20741. 毛驴子拉磨
  20742. 茅屋上安兽头
  20743. 冒烟的手榴弹
  20744. 帽沿儿做鞋垫
  20745. 帽子没沿
  20746. 帽子铺的老板
  20747. 帽子涂蜡
  20748. 没把的茶壶
  20749. 没把的葫芦
  20750. 没剥壳的板栗
  20751. 煤厂移垛
  20752. 没等开口三巴掌
  20753. 没底的棺材
  20754. 没舵的船儿
  20755. 没骨子的伞
  20756. 煤灰刷墙壁
  20757. 没犄角的羊
  20758. 煤块当汉白玉
  20759. 梅兰芳唱霸王别姬
  20760. 梅兰芳唱旦角
  20761. 梅兰芳唱洛神
  20762. 霉烂的冬瓜
  20763. 霉烂的栗子
  20764. 没路标的三岔口
  20765. 眉毛胡子一把抓
  20766. 眉毛上安灯泡
  20767. 眉毛上插花
  20768. 眉毛上搭梯子
  20769. 眉毛上吊钥匙
  20770. 眉毛上吊针
  20771. 眉毛上放爆竹
  20772. 眉毛上挂扫把
  20773. 眉毛上掐虱子
  20774. 眉毛上失火
  20775. 眉毛上招虮子
  20776. 媒婆戴花
  20777. 媒婆夸闺女
  20778. 媒婆迷了路
  20779. 煤铺的掌柜
  20780. 没桥顺河走
  20781. 煤球店里搭戏台
  20782. 煤球掉在石灰堆
  20783. 媒人跟着食盒
  20784. 梅山的猴子
  20785. 没上套的磨道驴
  20786. 没事打娃娃
  20787. 没事找枷板
  20788. 没手指和面
  20789. 没水吃渴死人
  20790. 煤炭拐子打飞脚
  20791. 没砣的秤
  20792. 没尾巴的风筝
  20793. 梅香(泛指婢女〕拜把子
  20794. 没芯的蜡烛
  20795. 没牙老婆吃胡豆
  20796. 没牙老婆喝热粥
  20797. 没牙婆吃馄饨
  20798. 没沿的破筛子
  20799. 没眼儿判官
  20800. 没眼儿猪叫
  20801. 没眼判官进赌场
  20802. 没眼人算卦
  20803. 没有金刚钻
  20804. 没有笼头的野牛
  20805. 梅雨下了三百六十天
  20806. 没张雨伞的伞骨
  20807. 没准星的炮
  20808. 美女嫁痴汉
  20809. 媚眼做给瞎眼婆
  20810. 媚眼做给瞎子看
  20811. 门板上画个鼻子
  20812. 门背后挂死人
  20813. 门背后抹死人
  20814. 门后的垃圾
  20815. 门角里晾衣裳
  20816. 门槛上的砖头
  20817. 门槛上搁板凳
  20818. 门坎上砍稻草
  20819. 门前发大水
  20820. 门槛上砍绳索
  20821. 门槛上拉屎
  20822. 门槛上面切藕
  20823. 门口喜鹊叫
  20824. 门里出身
  20825. 门里放鞭炮
  20826. 门头沟的财主
  20827. 门头上挂席子
  20828. 门着眼睛卖布
  20829. 闷葫芦盛药
  20830. 闷头桩在水里
  20831. 蒙面人出场
  20832. 蒙上眼睛架电线
  20833. 蒙上眼睛拉磨
  20834. 蒙上眼睛卖豆芽
  20835. 蒙在鼓里听打雷
  20836. 蒙着被子放屁
  20837. 蒙着眼睛哄鼻子
  20838. 蒙住眼睛走路
  20839. 猛虎抖毛
  20840. 猛火烤烧讲
  20841. 猛将军出征
  20842. 猛张飞遇到黑李逵
  20843. 孟姜女的门前
  20844. 孟姜女拉刘海
  20845. 梦里吃糖葫芦
  20846. 梦里吃仙桃
  20847. 梦里吊颈
  20848. 梦里对媳妇
  20849. 梦里聚餐
  20850. 梦里啃甘蔗
  20851. 梦里拾钞票
  20852. 梦里坐朝廷
  20853. 梦里坐飞机
  20854. 孟良杀焦赞
  20855. 梦中游太空
  20856. 眯起眼睛看斜纹布
  20857. 弥勒佛的脸
  20858. 弥勒佛管山门
  20859. 弥勒佛推碾子
  20860. 迷路人撞上骆驼
  20861. 迷途的羔羊
  20862. 迷途的信鸽
  20863. 米尺量太阳
  20864. 米醋做冰棍
  20865. 米店卖盐
  20866. 米臼里的泥鳅
  20867. 米箩里跳到糠箩里
  20868. 米筛挡太阳
  20869. 米筛的身架
  20870. 米筛里睡觉
  20871. 米筛子打水—
  20872. 米少饭焦
  20873. 米数颗粒麻数根
  20874. 米汤里和盐
  20875. 米汤盆里洗脸
  20876. 米汤洗头
  20877. 米汤煮芋头
  20878. 密封船下水
  20879. 蜜蜂到彩画上
  20880. 蜜蜂的眼睛
  20881. 蜜蜂叮在玻璃上
  20882. 蜜罐子嘴
  20883. 蜜饯黄连
  20884. 蜜饯石头子儿
  20885. 密林里耍大刀
  20886. 棉袄改被窝
  20887. 棉袄上套布衫
  20888. 棉花包进的针
  20889. 棉花槌籽儿喂牲口
  20890. 棉花地里种芝麻
  20891. 棉花店失火
  20892. 棉花堆里找跳蚤
  20893. 棉花堆里整人
  20894. 棉花垛里跌死人
  20895. 棉花换核桃
  20896. 棉花卷打锣
  20897. 棉花里藏针
  20898. 棉花塞住鼻子
  20899. 棉花套纺线
  20900. 棉花做秤砣
  20901. 棉裤没有腿
  20902. 棉袍捣腾成夹袄
  20903. 棉桃里挑胡桃
  20904. 绵羊绑在案板上
  20905. 绵羊的屁股
  20906. 绵羊跑到驴群里
  20907. 免子喝墨水
  20908. 免子叫门
  20909. 面粉搀石灰
  20910. 面疙瘩补锅
  20911. 面疙瘩掉在肉锅里
  20912. 面糊糊手
  20913. 面具店里失盗
  20914. 面孔上抹糨糊
  20915. 面孔上涂了浆糊
  20916. 面汤锅里洗澡
  20917. 面汤里煮皮球
  20918. 面汤里煮寿桃
  20919. 面条点灯
  20920. 面条里拌疙瘩
  20921. 面团滚芝麻
  20922. 庙背后看神
  20923. 庙里的鼓
  20924. 庙里的观音
  20925. 庙里的和尚
  20926. 庙里的和尚撞钟
  20927. 庙里的门槛
  20928. 庙里的木鱼
  20929. 庙里的泥像
  20930. 庙里的牌位
  20931. 庙里的钟
  20932. 庙里丢菩萨
  20933. 庙里失火
  20934. 庙里头放屁
  20935. 庙门口杀猪头
  20936. 庙门前的蒜
  20937. 庙门上的老鸦
  20938. 庙门上筛灰
  20939. 庙台上摆擂台
  20940. 庙台上拉屎
  20941. 庙台上长草
  20942. 庙祝公喂狗
  20943. 灭灯念鼓词
  20944. 蔑钉子钉豆腐
  20945. 蔑条穿豆腐
  20946. 蔑条拴竹子
  20947. 民国三十年的毫子
  20948. 民航局开张
  20949. 摸到好牌不吱声
  20950. 摸黑吃桃子
  20951. 摸黑儿打耗子
  20952. 摸着光头逗乐
  20953. 摸着石头过河
  20954. 摸着阎王爷的脚趾
  20955. 磨刀师傅打铁
  20956. 磨刀水洗头
  20957. 磨道的驴子
  20958. 磨道里的驴子
  20959. 磨道里等驴
  20960. 磨豆腐买了江边田
  20961. 模范找英雄
  20962. 魔鬼找妖怪
  20963. 磨快了锥子
  20964. 磨米不放水
  20965. 磨上喝醉酒
  20966. 魔术表演
  20967. 魔术师变戏法
  20968. 魔术师穿长袍
  20969. 魔术师的本领
  20970. 魔术师的道具
  20971. 磨眼里的豆子
  20972. 磨眼里放碗片
  20973. 磨眼里冒青烟
  20974. 磨眼里推稀饭
  20975. 抹布盖牛背
  20976. 抹墙的麻刀
  20977. 陌生人吊孝
  20978. 墨斗弹出两条线
  20979. 墨里藏针
  20980. 墨汁里加石灰
  20981. 墨汁煮元农
  20982. 母鸡跌米缸
  20983. 母鸡飞上树
  20984. 母鸡跳进秤盘里
  20985. 母鸡头上皇冠大
  20986. 母老虎,地头蛇
  20987. 母老虎骂街
  20988. 母猫吃小崽
  20989. 母猪吃小崽
  20990. 母猪的尾巴
  20991. 母猪钻进玉米地
  20992. 木船赶汽车
  20993. 木船上夫人
  20994. 木吊桶落在井里
  20995. 穆挂英大破洪洲
  20996. 木匠打老婆
  20997. 木匠的吊线
  20998. 木匠的斧子
  20999. 木匠的折尺
  21000. 木匠丢了折尺
  21001. 木匠师傅劈劈柴
  21002. 木匠摇墨斗
  21003. 木刻的苦罗汉
  21004. 木框里的算盘珠子
  21005. 木棉开花
  21006. 木偶登场
  21007. 木偶进棺材
  21008. 木偶跳塘
  21009. 木偶下海
  21010. 木排上跑马
  21011. 牧人不刮胡子
  21012. 木炭搭桥
  21013. 木炭上的油脂
  21014. 木桶淘米
  21015. 木头人生疮
  21016. 木头上钉钉子
  21017. 木头上生疖子
  21018. 木头楔子
  21019. 木鱼改梆子
  21020. 木鱼张嘴
  21021. 拿得手,抓得髻
  21022. 拿根麦芒当棒槌
  21023. 拿根面条去上吊
  21024. 拿锅盖戴头上
  21025. 拿禾苗当草锄
  21026. 拿空心草看人
  21027. 拿脑袋撞墙
  21028. 拿舌头磨刀
  21029. 拿头押宝
  21030. 拿乌龟当锅盖
  21031. 拿鞋当帽子
  21032. 拿着棒槌缝衣服
  21033. 拿着棒挞当萝卜
  21034. 拿着车票进戏馆子
  21035. 拿着蜂房变戏法
  21036. 拿着凤凰当鸡卖
  21037. 拿着活人当熊耍
  21038. 拿着疆绳当汗毛揪
  21039. 拿着碾盘打月亮
  21040. 拿着蒲扇生炉子
  21041. 拿着青砖当玉石
  21042. 拿着兔子当耗牛使
  21043. 拿着鞋子当帽子
  21044. 拿针眼当烟筒
  21045. 拿住刀把子
  21046. 哪吒战小龙
  21047. 纳鞋底的货
  21048. 奶娃娃张口
  21049. 奈何不得冬瓜,只把茄子磨
  21050. 南北大道
  21051. 南风天石头出汗
  21052. 南瓜苗掐尖
  21053. 南瓜藤爬电杆
  21054. 南瓜长在瓦盆里
  21055. 南郭先生吹竽
  21056. 南郭先生吹竹笙
  21057. 南来的燕,北来的风
  21058. 南泥湾开荒
  21059. 南山的豹,北山的蛟
  21060. 南天门上唱戏
  21061. 南天门上搭戏台
  21062. 南天门上挂灯笼
  21063. 南天门上捅窟窿
  21064. 南天门上演说
  21065. 南天门上长大树
  21066. 南爪秧攀葫芦
  21067. 挠火棍量白布
  21068. 脑袋不够四两重
  21069. 脑袋瓜不够二两重
  21070. 脑袋瓜儿长秃疮
  21071. 脑袋上戴犁头
  21072. 脑袋上点灯
  21073. 脑袋上顶娃娃
  21074. 脑袋上刷浆糊
  21075. 脑袋陷进泥塘里
  21076. 脑瓜顶上开口
  21077. 脑浆子撒地
  21078. 脑壳顶扁担
  21079. 脑壳上安电扇
  21080. 脑壳上顶锅
  21081. 脑壳上顶门板
  21082. 脑壳上顶娃娃
  21083. 脑门上戴眼镜
  21084. 脑门上放鞭炮
  21085. 脑门上挂灯笼
  21086. 脑门上开口
  21087. 脑门上贴邮票
  21088. 脑门上长瘤
  21089. 脑门上长眼睛
  21090. 脑门生疖子
  21091. 闹钟打哈哈
  21092. 嫩竹扁担挑瓦罐
  21093. 嫩竹拱土
  21094. 泥巴捏的小人
  21095. 泥地上跑马
  21096. 泥佛爷的眼珠儿
  21097. 泥沟里拨船
  21098. 尼姑的木梳
  21099. 尼姑头上插花
  21100. 泥马过河
  21101. 泥捏的佛像
  21102. 泥捏的勇士
  21103. 泥菩萨摆渡
  21104. 泥菩萨的肚腹
  21105. 泥菩萨掉在汤锅里
  21106. 泥菩萨渡海
  21107. 泥菩萨镀金
  21108. 泥菩萨过江
  21109. 泥菩萨抹香粉
  21110. 泥菩萨洗脸
  21111. 泥鳅打鼓
  21112. 泥鳅过鱼网
  21113. 泥鳅喝了石灰水
  21114. 泥人的脸
  21115. 泥人经不起雨打
  21116. 泥人入海
  21117. 泥塞笔管
  21118. 泥神笑菩萨
  21119. 泥水匠的瓦刀
  21120. 泥水匠招手
  21121. 泥塑的佛斧
  21122. 泥娃娃的脑壳
  21123. 泥瓦匠不砌墙
  21124. 泥蒸的馒头
  21125. 你有秤杆我有砣
  21126. 逆风点火
  21127. 逆风放火
  21128. 逆水驾木筏子
  21129. 年过花甲得子
  21130. 年画上的春牛
  21131. 年三十夜拨算盆
  21132. 撵狗进巷
  21133. 碾盘对碾盘
  21134. 念九九表
  21135. 鸟过拉弓
  21136. 鸟枪打兔子
  21137. 鸟囚笼中
  21138. 尿盆里炒鸡蛋
  21139. 捏鼻子吃葱
  21140. 捏鼻子吹螺号
  21141. 捏死手中鸟
  21142. 捏着拳头过日子
  21143. 牛背上翻踉头
  21144. 牛鼻子穿环
  21145. 牛吃稻草鸭吃谷
  21146. 牛吃破草帽
  21147. 牛犊子叫街
  21148. 牛犊子拉犁刚上套
  21149. 牛犊子上套
  21150. 牛粪堆上的蘑菇
  21151. 牛骨头煮胶
  21152. 牛角堵在嘴巴上
  21153. 牛角对菱角
  21154. 牛角挂稻草
  21155. 牛角尖对牛角尖
  21156. 牛拉磨子
  21157. 牛栏里关猪
  21158. 牛郎会织女
  21159. 牛毛上解锯
  21160. 牛魔王的兵
  21161. 牛皮饭碗
  21162. 牛皮鼓
  21163. 牛皮鼓湿水
  21164. 牛牵鼻子马抓鬃
  21165. 牛身上拔根毛
  21166. 牛身上的毛
  21167. 牛身上爬蚂蚁
  21168. 牛蹄子上供
  21169. 牛头不对马嘴
  21170. 牛眼看人
  21171. 牛羊的肚腹
  21172. 农人说谷,屠夫说猪
  21173. 暖水瓶爆烈
  21174. 暖水瓶的塞子
  21175. 暖水瓶里装开水
  21176. 女孩子打架
  21177. 女人的手腕
  21178. 女婿认不得丈人
  21179. 沤烂的花生
  21180. 藕炒豆芽
  21181. 趴在磨子上睡觉
  21182. 爬山冠军
  21183. 爬上马背想飞天
  21184. 爬上塔顶吹笛子
  21185. 爬上塔顶吹口琴
  21186. 怕死碰见鬼子兵
  21187. 拍大腿吓老虎
  21188. 拍马屁拍到马嘴上
  21189. 拍一下脑壳脚底动
  21190. 拍照片不上卷
  21191. 潘家湾的锣鼓
  21192. 潘金莲熬药
  21193. 潘仁美挂帅
  21194. 潘人美领兵
  21195. 盘古王摇拨郎鼓
  21196. 盘子里生豆芽
  21197. 判宫的女儿
  21198. 判官的肚腹
  21199. 判官拍照
  21200. 判官敲门
  21201. 判官玩魔术
  21202. 判官要饭
  21203. 盼望出太阳的姑娘
  21204. 盼月亮从西出
  21205. 螃蟹出洞
  21206. 螃蟹的眼里
  21207. 螃蟹过门槛
  21208. 螃蟹教子
  21209. 螃蟹进油锅
  21210. 螃蟹拉车
  21211. 螃蟹拿顶
  21212. 螃蟹爬到路上
  21213. 螃蟹上树
  21214. 膀子一甩
  21215. 胖大海掉进黄连水
  21216. 胖子排横队
  21217. 跑了耗子捉狐狸
  21218. 跑马吃烤鸭
  21219. 跑马使绊子
  21220. 炮打林中鸟
  21221. 炮筒里装针
  21222. 炮仗捻的脾气
  21223. 盆里的洋葱
  21224. 盆子里摆山木
  21225. 捧着金饭碗做乞丐
  21226. 捧着泥鳅玩
  21227. 碰到南墙不回头
  21228. 披虎皮上山
  21229. 披麻救火
  21230. 砒霜拌大葱
  21231. 砒霜水加生姜水
  21232. 披西装穿草鞋
  21233. 披着麻袋进竹林
  21234. 披着破被子上朝
  21235. 皮匠不带锥子
  21236. 皮裤套棉裤
  21237. 皮箩里洗虾公
  21238. 琵琶断了弦
  21239. 皮球擦油
  21240. 皮球掉在油缸里
  21241. 皮球裂口
  21242. 皮球上戳眼眼
  21243. 皮球上磨刀
  21244. 皮鞋打蜡
  21245. 皮影表演
  21246. 皮影戏
  21247. 屁股底上安弹簧
  21248. 屁股底下长刺
  21249. 屁股后头作揖
  21250. 屁股上安拉锁
  21251. 屁股上挂粪筐
  21252. 屁股上画眉毛
  21253. 屁股上扫帚
  21254. 屁股上拴石头
  21255. 屁股上捅一刀
  21256. 屁股长疮脚扎刺
  21257. 片儿汤里放排骨
  21258. 骗子碰到骗子
  21259. 漂白布落在油锅里
  21260. 漂亮姐的耳朵眼儿
  21261. 平地搭梯子
  21262. 平地里起坟堆
  21263. 屏风马坐死悬河炮
  21264. 瓶子里的苍蝇
  21265. 泼上水的蔫菠菜
  21266. 婆婆穿花袄
  21267. 婆婆太多
  21268. 破船过江
  21269. 破船装太阳
  21270. 破风筝
  21271. 通知
  21272. 破罐子破摔
  21273. 破麻袋装着烂套子
  21274. 破帽子
  21275. 破棉袄
  21276. 破棉袄套绸衫
  21277. 破庙里的菩萨
  21278. 破琵琶
  21279. 破皮鞋缝帽子
  21280. 破土的春笋
  21281. 破袜子补帽沿
  21282. 破袜子做口罩
  21283. 破网打鱼
  21284. 破鞋帮
  21285. 破蒸笼蒸馒头
  21286. 剖鱼得珍珠
  21287. 菩萨挨偷
  21288. 菩萨掉大河里
  21289. 菩萨扫地
  21290. 菩萨头上冒烟
  21291. 菩萨有心肠
  21292. 菩萨有孕
  21293. 蒲扇打锣
  21294. 七尺而拦腰剪
  21295. 七个钱放两处
  21296. 七根扁担丢一旁
  21297. 漆匠师傅调颜色
  21298. 七窍通六窍
  21299. 七仙女做梦
  21300. 七月的生柿子
  21301. 七总管死了
  21302. 齐桓公的老马
  21303. 骑兵打胜仗
  21304. 骑兵掉河里
  21305. 棋逢对手
  21306. 旗杆上吹号角
  21307. 骑驴看唱本
  21308. 骑驴瞧帐本
  21309. 骑驴望着坐轿的
  21310. 骑马不带鞭
  21311. 骑马观灯
  21312. 骑马找判官
  21313. 骑毛驴观山景
  21314. 骑牛追马
  21315. 骑着大像数着鸡
  21316. 骑着老虎看美人
  21317. 骑着骆驼吃包子
  21318. 骑着驴看把戏
  21319. 乞儿篮里抢冷饭
  21320. 起重机吊竹篮
  21321. 汽车放炮
  21322. 汽车坏了方向盘
  21323. 汽车爬大树
  21324. 汽车上的喇叭
  21325. 汽车撞轮船
  21326. 气焊枪焊玻璃
  21327. 气球上扎窟窿
  21328. 千臂观音
  21329. 千层底做腮帮
  21330. 千斤磨盘
  21331. 千里马拉犁
  21332. 千里送鹅毛
  21333. 千年大树百年松
  21334. 千年古树当火棍
  21335. 牵牛花上树
  21336. 牵牛走纸桥
  21337. 千人同船
  21338. 千日管子百日笙
  21339. 牵羊进照相馆
  21340. 牵着不走,拉着倒退
  21341. 牵着骆驼数着鸡
  21342. 黔虎吃驴
  21343. 前脚不离后脚
  21344. 前脚与后脚
  21345. 钱塘江的潮水
  21346. 钱塘江里洗被单
  21347. 前有埋伏,后有追兵
  21348. 前有悬岩,后有追兵
  21349. 钱在手边,食在嘴边
  21350. 浅滩上放木排
  21351. 枪枪打中靶心
  21352. 强盗打先锋
  21353. 强盗的逻辑
  21354. 强盗的面孔
  21355. 强盗的钱财
  21356. 强盗的欲望
  21357. 强盗过后安弓箭
  21358. 强盗碰着贼爷爷
  21359. 强盗敲门
  21360. 强盗伸手
  21361. 强盗偷石磙
  21362. 强盗偷石碾
  21363. 墙角开口
  21364. 强拧的瓜
  21365. 墙上的山水画
  21366. 墙上的蝎子
  21367. 墙上挂的美人
  21368. 墙上挂的王八
  21369. 墙上挂帘子
  21370. 墙上挂棋盘
  21371. 墙上挂日历
  21372. 墙上画老虎
  21373. 墙上画蚂蚱
  21374. 墙上画猫
  21375. 墙上芦苇
  21376. 墙上有耳
  21377. 墙头草
  21378. 墙头上的鸽子
  21379. 墙头上睡觉
  21380. 墙头上种白菜
  21381. 呛了蒙汗药
  21382. 敲不响的木鼓
  21383. 敲开了的木鱼
  21384. 敲锣卖粮
  21385. 敲锣找孩子
  21386. 敲锣捉麻雀
  21387. 跷跷板上搁鸡蛋
  21388. 敲山镇虎
  21389. 敲下去的钉子
  21390. 敲小锣的
  21391. 敲钟不念经
  21392. 桥顶上盖楼
  21393. 樵夫卖柴
  21394. 桥孔里伸扁担
  21395. 荞麦地里捉王八
  21396. 荞麦开花
  21397. 荞麦皮上船
  21398. 荞麦皮榨油
  21399. 荞麦去了皮
  21400. 桥是桥,路是路
  21401. 桥头上跑马
  21402. 巧八哥的嘴
  21403. 巧他爹打巧他娘
  21404. 巧他爹遇到巧他娘
  21405. 切菜刀剃头
  21406. 茄藤子上上吊
  21407. 窃贼上房
  21408. 钦打的馒头
  21409. 秦桧的后代
  21410. 秦桧奏本
  21411. 秦椒就酒
  21412. 秦琼的黄膘马
  21413. 秦琼拜干爹
  21414. 秦琼卖刀
  21415. 秦始皇修长城
  21416. 清晨的太阳
  21417. 青棡木做扁担
  21418. 清官断案子
  21419. 清明节上坟
  21420. 青皮橄榄
  21421. 青石板上钉钉子
  21422. 青石板上抹油
  21423. 青石板上洒石灰
  21424. 青石上钉钉子
  21425. 清水拌铁砂
  21426. 清水不同浊水去
  21427. 清水衙门
  21428. 蜻蜓飞进蜘蛛网
  21429. 蜻蜓撼树
  21430. 蜻蜓撞着蜘蛛网
  21431. 青蛙谈恋爱
  21432. 青蛙跳门槛
  21433. 青蛙跳塘
  21434. 青蛙笑蝌蚪
  21435. 青竹竿掏茅坑
  21436. 晴天打雷
  21437. 晴天带伞
  21438. 晴天下大雪
  21439. 请狼来做客
  21440. 穷得象冬天的泡桐树
  21441. 穷木匠开张
  21442. 穷人的日子
  21443. 穷人告状
  21444. 穷人买米
  21445. 秋后到了地里
  21446. 秋后的棒子地
  21447. 秋后的苍蝇
  21448. 秋后的丝瓜
  21449. 秋后扇子
  21450. 秋后望田头
  21451. 秋天剥黄麻
  21452. 秋天的蛤模
  21453. 秋天的花椒
  21454. 秋天的菊花
  21455. 秋天的鲤鱼
  21456. 秋天的露水
  21457. 秋天的柿子
  21458. 蚯蚓戴帽子
  21459. 蚯蚓钓鲤鱼
  21460. 蚯蚓上墙
  21461. 丘月的麦子
  21462. 娶得媳妇嫁不得女
  21463. 娶媳妇穿孝衫
  21464. 娶媳妇的穿孝服
  21465. 娶媳妇嫁女
  21466. 泉水坑里扔石头
  21467. 拳头打跳蚤
  21468. 犬守夜,鸡司晨
  21469. 缺根竹子照样扎竹排
  21470. 缺尾巴虾
  21471. 缺嘴少耳朵
  21472. 瘸驴的屁股
  21473. 瘸青蛙遇着瞎蛤螟
  21474. 瘸腿驴撵马
  21475. 瘸腿鸭子
  21476. 瘸子穿花鞋
  21477. 瘸子当差役
  21478. 瘸子跌断腿
  21479. 瘸子靠着瞎子走
  21480. 瘸子爬山
  21481. 瘸子驼背
  21482. 瘸子走山路
  21483. 染布不匀
  21484. 染坊的大缸
  21485. 染坊里的衣料
  21486. 染匠送礼
  21487. 染匠下河
  21488. 让拐子送信
  21489. 让了香瓜寻苦瓜
  21490. 让羊看菜园
  21491. 饶饼铺里的老鼠
  21492. 饶舌的乌鸦
  21493. 热锅爆米花
  21494. 热锅炒豆子
  21495. 热锅里的鸭子
  21496. 热锅上的蒸笼
  21497. 热火盆里抽火炭
  21498. 热面孔碰到冷毛巾
  21499. 热水瓶脾气
  21500. 热水瓶上系索子
  21501. 热蹄子马
  21502. 人把狗咬死了
  21503. 人到古稀穿花衣
  21504. 人急跳窗户
  21505. 人家骑马我骑驴,后面还有推车的
  21506. 人轮船靠小港
  21507. 人上屋顶
  21508. 人烧大梁
  21509. 人身上拔根汗毛
  21510. 人身上的汗毛
  21511. 人头上长疥疮
  21512. 人在屋檐下
  21513. 人造牛黄
  21514. 人造卫星上天
  21515. 扔了拐杖作揖
  21516. 扔下讨饭篮打乞丐
  21517. 扔下铁锤拿灯草
  21518. 日出西山水倒流
  21519. 日头从西边出
  21520. 肉案上的买卖
  21521. 肉包子打狗
  21522. 肉骨头擂大鼓
  21523. 肉汤里煮元宵
  21524. 肉丸子掉迸煤堆里
  21525. 如来佛出虚恭
  21526. 如来佛的手心
  21527. 如来佛掌上翻跟头
  21528. 如来佛治孙悟空
  21529. 如意馆的面
  21530. 入伏的高梁
  21531. 入秋的高梁
  21532. 入秋的石榴
  21533. 入市乌龟
  21534. 软骨头卡在喉咙里
  21535. 软枣(黑枣)树上给柿子
  21536. 仨鼻子眼儿
  21537. 仨钱买匹马
  21538. 撒了谷子拾稻草
  21539. 赛马场上的冠军
  21540. 三把钥匙挂胸膛
  21541. 三百斤的野猪
  21542. 三本经书掉了两本
  21543. 三本书掼脱两本
  21544. 三岔口的地保
  21545. 三尺门褴
  21546. 三尺长的被单
  21547. 三尺长的吹火筒
  21548. 三寸舌头是软的
  21549. 三代人出门
  21550. 三分钱的烧饼
  21551. 三分钱买个臭猪蹄
  21552. 三分钱买个烧饼还看薄厚
  21553. 三分钱买个小黑瞎子
  21554. 三伏天的狗
  21555. 三伏天的馊豆腐
  21556. 三伏天卖不脱的肉
  21557. 三个半人抓螃蟹
  21558. 三个鼻孔眼儿
  21559. 三个钱买个牛肚子
  21560. 三个钱买猪头
  21561. 三个手指拣田螺
  21562. 三个铜子放两处
  21563. 三个头头一个兵
  21564. 三个土地堂
  21565. 三个醉汉撒酒疯
  21566. 三根缆绳拴两边
  21567. 三合板上雕花
  21568. 三间瓦房不开门
  21569. 三角挫刀
  21570. 三角砖头
  21571. 三节棍上天
  21572. 三斤半鸭子二斤半嘴
  21573. 三九天吃冰棍
  21574. 三九天吃辣椒
  21575. 三九天吃梅子
  21576. 三九天穿单褂
  21577. 三九天穿短衫
  21578. 三九天穿裙子
  21579. 三九天的冰棍
  21580. 三九天掉冰窟
  21581. 三九天喝姜汤
  21582. 三九天送皮袄
  21583. 三九天种小麦
  21584. 三句话不离本行
  21585. 三里地两头走
  21586. 三流子哥大流子弟
  21587. 三毛的头发
  21588. 三毛加一毛
  21589. 三亩地里一棵谷
  21590. 三年不漱口
  21591. 三年不知肉味
  21592. 三片子嘴
  21593. 三千丈的悬崖
  21594. 三人过独木桥
  21595. 三人两根胡子
  21596. 三色圆珠笔
  21597. 三升米的粑粑
  21598. 三十六计
  21599. 三十年作寡妇
  21600. 三十岁不留胡子
  21601. 三十晚没月亮
  21602. 三十晚上的案板
  21603. 三十晚上盼初一
  21604. 三十晚上盼月亮
  21605. 三十晚上失了牛
  21606. 三十晚上走路
  21607. 三岁小孩贴对联
  21608. 三条腿的蛤蟆
  21609. 三条腿的毛驴
  21610. 三碗稀饭换碗面
  21611. 三下五去二
  21612. 三下五去四
  21613. 三下子少了一下子
  21614. 三月的冰河
  21615. 三丈长的扁担
  21616. 三字经倒着念
  21617. 伞兵跳伞
  21618. 散了架的南瓜棚
  21619. 桑木扁担
  21620. 桑葚落地
  21621. 嗓子眼里长骨头
  21622. 丧家狗
  21623. 骚狐狸见不得关二爷
  21624. 扫把戴草帽
  21625. 扫厕所的当知县
  21626. 扫帚打跟头
  21627. 扫帚颠倒竖
  21628. 扫帚画花
  21629. 扫帚写家书
  21630. 扫帚写生
  21631. 扫帚作揖
  21632. 涩手抓面粉
  21633. 森林失火
  21634. 沙地上推小车
  21635. 杀狗不会,谈狗有余
  21636. 沙罐里炒胡豆
  21637. 沙锅炒豆子
  21638. 沙锅炖肉
  21639. 沙锅里煮皮球
  21640. 沙锅里煮羊头
  21641. 沙河里的石头
  21642. 杀鸡给猴看
  21643. 杀鸡用牛刀
  21644. 沙漠里播种
  21645. 沙漠里盼水喝
  21646. 杀牛取肠
  21647. 沙丘的家
  21648. 杀人不见血
  21649. 杀人不用刀枪
  21650. 杀人的和尚念佛经
  21651. 沙滩里栽花
  21652. 沙滩上的黄鳝
  21653. 沙滩上的石子
  21654. 沙滩上浇油
  21655. 沙窝里种荞麦
  21656. 鲨鱼学黄鳝
  21657. 杀猪不吹
  21658. 杀猪刀子刮胡子
  21659. 杀猪的改行
  21660. 杀猪的遇见拦路的
  21661. 杀猪匠关门
  21662. 杀猪开膛
  21663. 傻二哥算帐
  21664. 傻瓜伸脑壳
  21665. 傻小拔萝卜
  21666. 傻小活了九十八
  21667. 傻小子不识“兔”字
  21668. 傻小子不识货
  21669. 傻小子爬墙头
  21670. 傻小子睡凉炕
  21671. 傻子赶庙会
  21672. 傻子活了九十八
  21673. 筛子里的米粒
  21674. 筛子盛水
  21675. 筛子做锅盖
  21676. 晒干的爆竹
  21677. 晒干的蛤蟆
  21678. 晒干的黑枣
  21679. 晒裂的葫芦
  21680. 山顶乘凉
  21681. 山顶上的厕所
  21682. 山顶上的蘑菇
  21683. 山东的骡子学马叫
  21684. 山洞里迷了路
  21685. 山沟里的人家
  21686. 山沟里叫喊
  21687. 山谷的回声
  21688. 山后的蝈蝈
  21689. 山尖上摘月亮
  21690. 山里的五步蛇
  21691. 山里红包棕子
  21692. 杉木做砧板
  21693. 山坡上烧火
  21694. 山雀子相会
  21695. 山上的石头,田里的莠草
  21696. 山上钓鱼
  21697. 山上开梯田
  21698. 山上找鱼虾
  21699. 山头上看飞机
  21700. 山羊打架
  21701. 山羊拉屎
  21702. 山腰的枯树
  21703. 山腰里遭雨
  21704. 山鹰的眼睛
  21705. 山中的瘦虎
  21706. 山中的野猪
  21707. 陕西驴子不拽车
  21708. 扇车口挂堂鼓
  21709. 善男信女拜观音
  21710. 扇着扇子拉风箱
  21711. 扇着扇子聊天
  21712. 商店里的样品
  21713. 伤风鼻塞
  21714. 上岸的鱼虾
  21715. 上不沾天,下不着地
  21716. 上朝不带奏折
  21717. 上等轮胎
  21718. 上等牙刷
  21719. 上坟不带烧纸
  21720. 上鸡窝摔跟头
  21721. 上轿穿耳朵
  21722. 上炕不点灯
  21723. 上了套的牲口
  21724. 上了弦的箭
  21725. 上满发条的钟表
  21726. 上山采竹笋
  21727. 上山砍柴卖,下山买柴烧
  21728. 上树逮麻雀
  21729. 上套的猴子
  21730. 上梯子摘星星
  21731. 上天摘月亮
  21732. 上午栽树,下午取材
  21733. 上绣的铁锁
  21734. 上嘴唇贴天,下嘴唇贴地
  21735. 烧干的锅炉
  21736. 艄公不摇橹
  21737. 烧红的锅里添凉水
  21738. 烧黄青菜煮焦饭
  21739. 烧火剥葱
  21740. 烧焦了的米饭
  21741. 烧酒医毛病
  21742. 烧香赶和尚
  21743. 烧香碰倒菩萨
  21744. 烧香遇到活菩萨
  21745. 少里裁衣老来穿
  21746. 少林寺的和尚
  21747. 少时衣裳老来穿
  21748. 蛇逼蝎子蜇
  21749. 蛇缠葫芦
  21750. 蛇公说话
  21751. 蛇跑兔子窜
  21752. 舌头打滚
  21753. 舌头没根
  21754. 舌头绕到牛桩上
  21755. 蛇头上的苍蝇
  21756. 舌头上抹香油
  21757. 舌头上长了酸枣树
  21758. 舌头伸到人家嘴里
  21759. 舌头着了凉
  21760. 蛇吞扁但
  21761. 蛇吞蝎子
  21762. 蛇钻窟窿
  21763. 舍身崖边摘牡丹
  21764. 射箭没靶子
  21765. 申公豹的脑袋
  21766. 申公豹的眼睛
  21767. 深山的石头
  21768. 深山里的坟堆
  21769. 深山里的小庙
  21770. 身上拔汗毛
  21771. 身上背筛子
  21772. 伸着嘴巴找笼头
  21773. 神龛上戳窟窿
  21774. 神仙的茅坑
  21775. 神仙女下凡间
  21776. 神像拍胸口
  21777. 神主头上使剪刀
  21778. 生成的骨头长就的肉
  21779. 生成的相,做成的酱
  21780. 生虫的拐杖
  21781. 生姜脱不了辣气
  21782. 生就的驼子
  21783. 生就尾巴长就相
  21784. 牲口不上膘
  21785. 生了个孩子没有气
  21786. 生了娃娃休妻
  21787. 生米煮成锅巴和稀饭
  21788. 生气踢石头
  21789. 生铁换豆腐
  21790. 生铁进了铁匠炉
  21791. 生铁犁头
  21792. 生吞蜈蚣
  21793. 生锈的剪刀
  21794. 生要
  21795. 绳子拴石头
  21796. 胜里长牙齿
  21797. 胜脐眼里藏书
  21798. 圣人肚,杂货铺
  21799. 圣人面前卖文章
  21800. 圣人上树
  21801. 圣人遭雷击
  21802. 剩下九十九个
  21803. 失舵的轮船
  21804. 师傅当丈人
  21805. 师姑堂里晾尿布
  21806. 失魂的鱼
  21807. 失火唱山歌
  21808. 失灵的汽车
  21809. 失群的大雁
  21810. 湿水的大鼓
  21811. 狮子吃蚊子
  21812. 石板上的鱼
  21813. 虱子躲在皮袄里
  21814. 狮子尾巴摇铜铃
  21815. 师字去了横
  21816. 十八般武艺全使出来
  21817. 十八口唢呐齐奏
  21818. 十八口子乱当家
  21819. 石板地上插杨柳
  21820. 石板上耍瓷坛
  21821. 石板上种瓜
  21822. 十步九回头
  21823. 十冬腊月的萝卜
  21824. 十二寡妇征西
  21825. 十二月的蛇
  21826. 十二月逛公园
  21827. 十二月里说梦话
  21828. 十二月说梦话
  21829. 拾粪的敲门找
  21830. 石缝里的山药
  21831. 石膏做冰糕
  21832. 十个铜板少一文
  21833. 十个团鱼跑一个
  21834. 十个指头做事
  21835. 石磙点灯
  21836. 石猴坐天下
  21837. 石灰厂开张
  21838. 石灰浆写文章
  21839. 石灰铺路
  21840. 石灰石进了火窑里
  21841. 石灰水刷标语
  21842. 石灰窑里安电灯
  21843. 石灰窑里过路
  21844. 拾鸡毛凑掸子
  21845. 石匠的钢钎
  21846. 石匠的凿子
  21847. 石匠使拳头
  21848. 食紧弄破碗
  21849. 石臼放鸡蛋
  21850. 石臼里舂线团
  21851. 石臼里装阎罗
  21852. 石臼子砌烟囱
  21853. 十两酒装进一斤瓶
  21854. 石榴花开
  21855. 石榴里的籽儿
  21856. 石榴树上挂醋瓶
  21857. 石马塞进车辕里
  21858. 石磨磨铁豆
  21859. 十亩竹园一根笋
  21860. 十年无战事
  21861. 石碾压核桃
  21862. 石菩萨的眼睛
  21863. 时迁偷鸡
  21864. 十三陵的石人
  21865. 十三陵的石人张大嘴
  21866. 石狮子的鼻子
  21867. 石狮子的脑袋
  21868. 石狮子的五脏
  21869. 石狮子的眼睛
  21870. 石狮子跳舞
  21871. 食堂的菜锅
  21872. 石头打汤
  21873. 石头蛋子生病
  21874. 石头钉钉子
  21875. 石头缝里逮螃蟹
  21876. 石头缝里寻草籽
  21877. 石头缝里长青藤
  21878. 石头缝里长竹笋
  21879. 石头脑瓜子
  21880. 石头人
  21881. 石头人嘴里灌米汤
  21882. 石头上栽葱
  21883. 石头子孵小鸡
  21884. 石头做的心
  21885. 十五个瘸子拜年
  21886. 十五个人聊天
  21887. 十五个珠子断了线
  21888. 十五张画贴一块
  21889. 十五只吊桶打水
  21890. 十五只小船出海
  21891. 实心饺子
  21892. 实心竹子做笛子
  21893. 十月间的桑叶
  21894. 十月里的鸡冠花
  21895. 十盏明灯熄五盏
  21896. 十指头生疮
  21897. 石柱子戴草帽
  21898. 十字街头遇亲人
  21899. 十字路口敲锣
  21900. 十字路口摔跟头
  21901. 屎壳郎搬家
  21902. 屎壳郎变知了
  21903. 屎壳郎出国
  21904. 屎壳郎打饱嗝
  21905. 屎壳郎打喷嚏
  21906. 屎壳郎戴花
  21907. 屎壳郎戴铃铛
  21908. 屎壳郎戴面具
  21909. 屎壳郎掉蒜臼
  21910. 屎壳郎跌粪坑
  21911. 屎壳郎放屁
  21912. 屎壳郎喝稀饭
  21913. 屎壳郎叫门
  21914. 屎壳郎进珠宝店
  21915. 屎壳郎抹口红
  21916. 屎壳郎捏喇叭
  21917. 屎壳郎爬鞭梢
  21918. 屎壳郎爬到虎头上
  21919. 屎壳郎爬到桑叶上
  21920. 屎壳郎爬树
  21921. 屎壳郎撒欢
  21922. 屎壳郎上饭桌
  21923. 屎壳郎说书
  21924. 屎壳郎下蛋
  21925. 屎壳郎支桌子
  21926. 屎壳郎坐飞机
  21927. 屎坑里的砖头
  21928. 士兵搭帐篷
  21929. 事急马行田
  21930. 收割了的庄稼地
  21931. 收了卦签
  21932. 收音机里唱戏
  21933. 手电筒没灯泡
  21934. 手里的泥丸——要圆就圆
  21935. 手榴弹冒烟
  21936. 手拿刀把子
  21937. 手拿谜语猜不出
  21938. 手捧鸡蛋过河
  21939. 手心里的虱子
  21940. 手心里的小虫
  21941. 手掌里的软糕
  21942. 手掌里搁火炭
  21943. 手掌心放烙铁
  21944. 守着公鸡下蛋
  21945. 手抓刺猖
  21946. 受潮的麻花
  21947. 受冻的毒蛇
  21948. 寿星出点子
  21949. 寿星的棉袄
  21950. 寿星跌跟头
  21951. 寿星卖了张果老
  21952. 寿星娶小
  21953. 瘦子光膀子
  21954. 书店失火
  21955. 舒服他娘哭半夜
  21956. 书生赶牛
  21957. 书桌上的笔筒
  21958. 秫秸杆做柱子
  21959. 熟透的苹果
  21960. 属村子的
  21961. 属大肠的
  21962. 属大公鸡的
  21963. 属弹簧的
  21964. 属地瓜的
  21965. 属豆饼的
  21966. 属公鸡的
  21967. 属狗的
  21968. 属狗尾巴的
  21969. 属豪猪的
  21970. 属耗子的
  21971. 属核桃的
  21972. 属老鼠的
  21973. 属漏斗的
  21974. 属罗成的
  21975. 属吕布的
  21976. 黍米做黄酒
  21977. 属木匠的
  21978. 属暖水瓶的
  21979. 属炮筒子的
  21980. 属皮球的
  21981. 属秦椒的
  21982. 属蛇的
  21983. 属唐僧的
  21984. 署天下大雪
  21985. 属兔子的
  21986. 属蚊子的
  21987. 属蟹的
  21988. 属鸭子的
  21989. 属夜猫子的
  21990. 属张飞的
  21991. 属芝麻的
  21992. 属猪八戒的
  21993. 树大阴凉小
  21994. 树倒猢狲散
  21995. 竖起大拇指当扇子
  21996. 树上的百灵鸟
  21997. 树上的叶子
  21998. 树梢上吹喇叭
  21999. 树叶落到河里头
  22000. 树叶子掉到河里
  22001. 树枝上挂团鱼
  22002. 树枝丫盖房
  22003. 树桩上的鸟儿
  22004. 刷帚疙瘩配马勺
  22005. 耍大刀的唱小生
  22006. 耍皮影的遇路劫
  22007. 耍皮影子的
  22008. 甩出去的手榴弹
  22009. 甩了西瓜捡芝麻
  22010. 拴驴找个棉花垛
  22011. 双胞胎比长相
  22012. 双胞胎睡懒觉
  22013. 双锤落鼓
  22014. 霜打的高梁苗
  22015. 霜打的黄瓜
  22016. 霜打的麻叶
  22017. 霜打的嫩苗
  22018. 霜后的大葱
  22019. 双黄蛋
  22020. 双色圆珠笔
  22021. 双手拍蚂蚱
  22022. 水边盖楼房
  22023. 水兵的汗衫
  22024. 水泊梁山的兄弟
  22025. 水道眼贴对子
  22026. 水滴石板穿,绳锯木头断
  22027. 水豆腐
  22028. 水缸里摸鱼
  22029. 水缸里装酒
  22030. 水罐里的王八
  22031. 水鬼插袂
  22032. 水壶里翻跟头
  22033. 水壶里扔秤砣
  22034. 水壶里盛汤圆
  22035. 水浸菩萨
  22036. 水井放糖精
  22037. 水里的蛤蟆
  22038. 水里的鸳鸯
  22039. 水龙头不关
  22040. 水面打一棒
  22041. 水面上的油花
  22042. 水面上浮秤砣
  22043. 水泥柱里的钢筋
  22044. 水牛背上挂树叶
  22045. 水牛背树叶
  22046. 水牛吃活蟹
  22047. 水牛打架
  22048. 水牛过河
  22049. 水牛角
  22050. 水泡豆腐渣
  22051. 水泡豆子
  22052. 水瓢上记帐
  22053. 水上的油花
  22054. 水上画画儿
  22055. 水獭找泥鳅
  22056. 水塘里的泥鳅
  22057. 水塘里挖藕
  22058. 水桶当喇叭
  22059. 水桶缺了把
  22060. 水推龙王走
  22061. 水推菩萨
  22062. 水仙不开花
  22063. 水中荡葫芦
  22064. 水煮石头
  22065. 睡猫打呼噜
  22066. 睡梦打五更
  22067. 睡梦里逮鸟
  22068. 睡梦娶媳妇
  22069. 睡歪了枕头
  22070. 顺得姑来失嫂意
  22071. 顺风不见风
  22072. 顺风划船
  22073. 顺风顺水船不动
  22074. 顺沟摸鱼
  22075. 顺脚印走路
  22076. 顺坡推碌碌
  22077. 顺手牵羊
  22078. 顺藤摸爪
  22079. 顺着梯子下矿井
  22080. 说出的话牛都踩不烂
  22081. 说牛马下蛋
  22082. 说起风便扯帆
  22083. 说书的唱大鼓
  22084. 说书的嘴,唱戏的腿
  22085. 说书人刹板
  22086. 说真方卖假药
  22087. 司鼓兼吹号
  22088. 丝瓜筋打老婆
  22089. 司号员打鼓
  22090. 司令上树
  22091. 司马夸诸葛
  22092. 司马懿破八卦阵
  22093. 司马昭之心
  22094. 丝线缠麻线
  22095. 丝线穿珍珠
  22096. 撕衣衫补长裤
  22097. 死得不明不白
  22098. 死胡同逮猫
  22099. 死了耗子猫来哭
  22100. 死了三年的老鸹
  22101. 死了丈夫没了儿
  22102. 死人穿新鞋
  22103. 死人的眼睛
  22104. 死人堆里的老鼠
  22105. 死人脸上挨耳光
  22106. 死人拍马屁
  22107. 死人托梦
  22108. 死水上的破船
  22109. 死罪逢恩诏
  22110. 四川的担担面
  22111. 四寸高的人耍三寸长的笔
  22112. 四大金刚弹琵琶
  22113. 四大金刚腾空
  22114. 四大天王丢盔卸甲
  22115. 四方萝卜
  22116. 四海龙王动刀兵
  22117. 四棱子鸡蛋
  22118. 四两棉花八张弓
  22119. 四两棉花一张弓
  22120. 四两人讲半斤活
  22121. 四面脑勺子
  22122. 四十里地不换肩
  22123. 四月的花园
  22124. 松鼠的尾巴
  22125. 宋江的绰号
  22126. 宋江的军师
  22127. 送亲家接媳妇
  22128. 宋太祖陈桥兵变
  22129. 送灶王爷归天
  22130. 苏妲己打喷嚏
  22131. 苏妲己的妈妈
  22132. 苏三上堂
  22133. 苏州的蛤蟆
  22134. 苏州人卖豆腐
  22135. 蒜臼缸子喝茶
  22136. 算盘子进位
  22137. 蒜薹发杈
  22138. 随口哼山歌
  22139. 孙膑吃狗屎
  22140. 孙二娘开店
  22141. 孙猴子的屁股
  22142. 孙猴子的手脚
  22143. 孙猴子斗魔王
  22144. 孙猴子上了花果山
  22145. 孙猴子守桃园
  22146. 孙猴子着了急
  22147. 孙猴子钻进牛魔王肚里
  22148. 孙权定下招亲计
  22149. 孙权招妹夫
  22150. 孙武用兵
  22151. 孙悟空当齐天大圣
  22152. 孙悟空放屁
  22153. 孙悟空进鸡窝
  22154. 孙悟空跳出老君炉
  22155. 孙悟空西天取经
  22156. 孙悟空制服铁扇公主
  22157. 孙子穿爷爷的皮袄
  22158. 孙子打爷
  22159. 笋壳套牛角
  22160. 唆人跳海
  22161. 梭子不挂线
  22162. 锁子看门
  22163. 塌鼻子嫁个斜眼
  22164. 塌锅干饭
  22165. 塔顶散步
  22166. 塔尖上点灯
  22167. 踏死蛤蟆肚子胀
  22168. 踏着门槛说话
  22169. 抬棺材的掉裤子
  22170. 台上唱戏,台下打鼾
  22171. 抬腿上楼梯
  22172. 太行山上看运河
  22173. 太极拳的功夫
  22174. 太监出家
  22175. 太路上的电杆
  22176. 太平天国的都城
  22177. 太平洋搬家
  22178. 太平洋上的警察
  22179. 泰山顶上唱大戏
  22180. 泰山顶上搭架子
  22181. 太上老君开处方
  22182. 太岁乡头坐
  22183. 太阳底下点灯
  22184. 太阳地里望星星
  22185. 贪吃不留种
  22186. 瘫子掉井里
  22187. 瘫子靠跛子
  22188. 瘫子请客
  22189. 瘫子上楼
  22190. 瘫子造反
  22191. 贪嘴的鱼儿
  22192. 痰死的骆驼
  22193. 檀香木盖茅坑
  22194. 谈心不点灯
  22195. 坛子里的咸菜
  22196. 坛子里点灯
  22197. 坛子里和面
  22198. 坛子里养兔子
  22199. 坛子里种豆子
  22200. 炭筛子筛芝麻
  22201. 炭窝里的石灰
  22202. 唐朝的茶杯
  22203. 唐朝的擀面杖
  22204. 唐朝的话儿宋朝说
  22205. 糖葫芦蘸蜜
  22206. 螳螂捕蝉
  22207. 螳螂挡大车
  22208. 堂前中央挂灯笼
  22209. 唐三藏读佛经
  22210. 唐山的火车
  22211. 堂屋里搭篱笆
  22212. 唐僧的龙马
  22213. 唐僧的徒弟
  22214. 唐僧的心胸
  22215. 唐僧害嘴病
  22216. 唐僧和尚念佛经
  22217. 唐僧哭悟空
  22218. 唐僧上西天
  22219. 唐僧遇见白骨精
  22220. 躺倒的枯树
  22221. 躺在粪堆上睡觉
  22222. 躺在功劳簿上睡大觉
  22223. 躺在棺材里想金条
  22224. 躺着说话
  22225. 陶工手里的粘上
  22226. 陶器店里买钵头
  22227. 桃子破肚
  22228. 讨吃的喂猴
  22229. 讨饭的搬家
  22230. 讨饭的吹笛子
  22231. 讨饭的掉泪
  22232. 讨饭的喊伴
  22233. 讨饭找马骑
  22234. 讨口的摆堂戏
  22235. 讨口的掉醋坛
  22236. 讨媳妇嫁女儿
  22237. 讨媳妇嫁女儿—
  22238. 套马杆子逮兔子
  22239. 套袖改袜子
  22240. 藤攀枯树
  22241. 梯子中间止步
  22242. 提傀儡儿上戏场
  22243. 提上葡萄要饭
  22244. 提着尺子满街跑
  22245. 提着灯笼打柴
  22246. 提着灯笼拾粪
  22247. 提着口袋倒核桃—
  22248. 提着头发上天
  22249. 剃头扁担
  22250. 剃头刀裁纸
  22251. 剃头的刀布
  22252. 剃头的动手
  22253. 剃头的割耳朵
  22254. 剃头的挖耳朵
  22255. 剃头匠的担子
  22256. 剃头匠发火
  22257. 剃头捉虱子
  22258. 天安门前的狮子
  22259. 天窗下谈天
  22260. 天干禾苗黄
  22261. 天宫里弹琴
  22262. 天黑敬菩萨
  22263. 天津卫的包子
  22264. 天空的浮云
  22265. 天亮下大雷
  22266. 天灵盖上长眼睛
  22267. 天米之炊
  22268. 天平没砝码
  22269. 天平上乱加码子
  22270. 天山顶上一棵革
  22271. 天上的彩虹
  22272. 天上的老鹰不吃脏东西
  22273. 天上霹雳打雷公
  22274. 天文台上的望远镜
  22275. 天主教堂搬家
  22276. 田埂上的豆子
  22277. 田埂上推车
  22278. 田埂上种黄豆
  22279. 田里的菩萨鱼
  22280. 田里的庄稼
  22281. 田螺爬到旗杆上
  22282. 田鼠走亲戚
  22283. 田膛上搭桥
  22284. 田头训子
  22285. 挑担的松腰带
  22286. 挑担子卖豆腐
  22287. 挑灯草走路
  22288. 挑水的娶了个卖菜的
  22289. 挑水的逃荒
  22290. 挑水骑单车
  22291. 挑瓦罐的断了扁担
  22292. 挑着扁担长征
  22293. 挑着缸钵走滑路
  22294. 挑着太粪放屁
  22295. 跳大神的翻自眼
  22296. 跳到黄河洗不清
  22297. 跳河闭眼睛
  22298. 跳伞爱好者
  22299. 跳舞的脚步
  22300. 跳蚤闭眼睛
  22301. 跳蚤戴串铃
  22302. 跳蚤顶被窝
  22303. 適応パターン分類技法
  22304. 跳蚤放屁
  22305. 铁锤打夯
  22306. 铁锤打铜钎
  22307. 铁锤擂山石
  22308. 铁锤敲钟
  22309. 铁锤砸核桃
  22310. 铁锤砸鸟龟
  22311. 铁锤砸西瓜
  22312. 铁打的棒槌
  22313. 铁打的饭碗
  22314. 铁打的脑壳
  22315. 铁鼎锅碰上铁扫把
  22316. 铁钉钉黄连
  22317. 铁豆子下锅
  22318. 铁饭碗
  22319. 铁公鸡
  22320. 铁公鸡请客
  22321. 铁拐李的脚杆
  22322. 铁拐李碰着吕洞宾
  22323. 铁拐李跳舞
  22324. 铁拐李走独木桥
  22325. 铁轨上的火车
  22326. 铁锅里的螺蛳
  22327. 铁锅碰茶缸
  22328. 铁盒里装针子
  22329. 铁将军把门
  22330. 铁匠扒火炉
  22331. 铁匠摆手
  22332. 铁匠被锁
  22333. 铁匠出身
  22334. 铁匠当官
  22335. 铁匠教徒弟
  22336. 铁匠拉风箱
  22337. 铁匠骂徒弟
  22338. 铁匠铺开门
  22339. 铁匠铺里打金锁
  22340. 铁匠铺里的风箱
  22341. 铁匠铺里的家什
  22342. 铁匠铺卖豆腐
  22343. 铁匠上班
  22344. 铁匠师傅耍手艺
  22345. 铁匠死在宝剑下
  22346. 铁匠绣花
  22347. 铁匠做生意
  22348. 铁壳里放鸡蛋
  22349. 铁裤子放屁
  22350. 铁笼里装猴子
  22351. 铁路上的枕木
  22352. 铁牛的屁股
  22353. 铁耙搔痒
  22354. 铁菩萨过河
  22355. 铁球掉在江心里
  22356. 铁人不怕棍
  22357. 铁人戴钢帽
  22358. 铁蛇掉井里
  22359. 铁刷子抓痒
  22360. 铁屑见磁石
  22361. 铁爪捉木鸡
  22362. 听见猫叫骨头酥
  22363. 听哑巴唱戏
  22364. 亭子里谈心
  22365. 通天的深井
  22366. 铜板当眼镜
  22367. 铜匠挑担
  22368. 铜铃打鼓
  22369. 铜罗汉铁金刚
  22370. 铜头戴了铁帽子
  22371. 同盐罐子
  22372. 童养媳当媒人
  22373. 同一个马鞍上的人
  22374. 筒车打水
  22375. 偷吃的猫儿
  22376. 偷吃海椒挨耳光
  22377. 偷鸡不成蚀把米
  22378. 偷来的喇叭
  22379. 偷油的老鼠
  22380. 头穿袜子脚戴帽
  22381. 头顶轿子
  22382. 头顶磨盘
  22383. 头发上贴膏药
  22384. 头发丝吊大钟
  22385. 投机商做买卖
  22386. 头皮上擦火柴
  22387. 头上穿袜子
  22388. 头上点灯
  22389. 头上顶灯笼
  22390. 头上砍一刀
  22391. 头上长嘴
  22392. 投石问路
  22393. 头痛医脚
  22394. 头雁中弹
  22395. 秃大姐掉了假发
  22396. 秃鸡过冬
  22397. 秃山上的猴子
  22398. 秃尾巴狗
  22399. 秃尾巴驴
  22400. 秃子打赤脚
  22401. 秃子打架
  22402. 秃子当皇上
  22403. 秃子的脑袋
  22404. 秃子顶上的疤
  22405. 秃子跟前讲理发
  22406. 秃子跟着月亮走
  22407. 秃子捡梳子
  22408. 秃子进花园
  22409. 秃子进庙
  22410. 秃子脑袋当玩具
  22411. 秃子瞧和尚
  22412. 秃子头上的虱子
  22413. 秃子演戏
  22414. 秃子枕着门坎睡
  22415. 秃子揍和尚
  22416. 屠场里的肥猪
  22417. 屠夫家里肥猎
  22418. 屠夫杀羊
  22419. 屠夫说猪,农夫说谷
  22420. 屠夫送礼
  22421. 图书馆的家当
  22422. 土地公和土地婆
  22423. 土地喊城隍
  22424. 土地佬升参谋
  22425. 土地佬腾空
  22426. 土地奶奶坐月子
  22427. 土地菩萨坐班房
  22428. 土地爷搬家
  22429. 土地爷打城隍
  22430. 土地爷的蜡台
  22431. 土地爷开银行
  22432. 土地爷拉弓
  22433. 土地爷剃头
  22434. 土地爷洗脸
  22435. 土地爷下水
  22436. 土地爷坐班房
  22437. 土豆下山
  22438. 吐口唾沫砸个坑
  22439. 土里埋金
  22440. 吐鲁番的葡萄
  22441. 兔儿爷过河
  22442. 兔子扒窝
  22443. 兔子蹦到车辕上
  22444. 兔子剥皮
  22445. 兔子登鹰
  22446. 兔子赶集
  22447. 兔子跟着汽车跑
  22448. 兔子驾辕
  22449. 兔子见鹰
  22450. 兔子叫门
  22451. 兔子尥蹶子
  22452. 兔子生耗子
  22453. 兔子尾巴
  22454. 兔子坐上虎皮椅
  22455. 推车爬坡
  22456. 推人下井还要滚石头
  22457. 推土机的大铲
  22458. 推小车的扭屁股
  22459. 推小车上房坡
  22460. 腿肚子抽筋
  22461. 腿肚子上贴灶王爷
  22462. 腿肚子贴灶王爷
  22463. 腿上绑轮子
  22464. 腿上的牛皮癣
  22465. 腿上贴邮票
  22466. 退潮的海滩
  22467. 拖过黄牛当马骑
  22468. 脱裤子打老虎
  22469. 脱裤子放屁
  22470. 拖拉机加油
  22471. 拖拉机撵火车
  22472. 脱了轨的火车
  22473. 脱了裤子上吊
  22474. 脱了毛的刷子
  22475. 脱了皮的蛇
  22476. 驼背公挨雨淋
  22477. 驼背人成殓
  22478. 陀螺屁股
  22479. 驼子背火球
  22480. 驼子打伞
  22481. 驼子栋针
  22482. 驼子进棺材
  22483. 驼子死在窑孔里
  22484. 驼子找弓
  22485. 驼子作揖
  22486. 唾沫粘知了
  22487. 挖耳勺里炒黄豆
  22488. 挖耳勺刨地
  22489. 挖井碰上自来水
  22490. 娃儿哭了给娘抱
  22491. 娃娃拔萝卜
  22492. 娃娃背磨盘
  22493. 娃娃吃面条
  22494. 娃娃吹喇叭
  22495. 娃娃荡秋千
  22496. 娃娃逗狗
  22497. 娃娃头上顶磨盘
  22498. 娃娃长胡子
  22499. 瓦罐里的蛐蛐
  22500. 瓦匠砌墙
  22501. 歪把子葫芦
  22502. 歪脖子高粱
  22503. 歪脖子说话
  22504. 歪了磨砸了碾
  22505. 歪墙开旁门
  22506. 歪歪嘴跌跤
  22507. 歪嘴吃螺蛳
  22508. 歪嘴吹喇叭
  22509. 歪嘴和尚
  22510. 歪嘴和尚念经
  22511. 歪嘴讲故事
  22512. 歪嘴烂舌头
  22513. 歪嘴婆娘吹火
  22514. 外贸商品不合格
  22515. 外婆死了儿
  22516. 外甥点灯
  22517. 外孙赴他姥爷的席
  22518. 外乡人过河
  22519. 剜了眼的判宫
  22520. 玩把戏的作揖
  22521. 玩猴的敲锣
  22522. 玩具店里的刀枪
  22523. 玩具店里的枪炮
  22524. 玩着滚轮打主意
  22525. 碗边上的饭
  22526. 晚上干活
  22527. 万花筒
  22528. 万顷黄沙一棵草
  22529. 万泉河里洗澡
  22530. 万岁爷的顺民
  22531. 万岁爷掉迸井里
  22532. 万岁爷卖包子
  22533. 汪精卫照镜子
  22534. 王八吃秤锤
  22535. 王八出水
  22536. 王八打官司
  22537. 王八翻跟头
  22538. 王八配乌龟
  22539. 王八吞钩
  22540. 王八咬人
  22541. 王八找个鳖亲家
  22542. 王宝钏爱上叫花子
  22543. 王二麻子挨打
  22544. 王二麻子打哈欠
  22545. 王二麻子当军师
  22546. 王府的丫鬟
  22547. 王麻子吃核桃
  22548. 王麻子的外号
  22549. 王麻子哭哥哥
  22550. 王母娘娘得子
  22551. 王母娘娘开皤桃会
  22552. 王母娘娘请客
  22553. 王母娘娘坐月子
  22554. 王胖子的裤带
  22555. 王婆坏了磨
  22556. 王婆卖瓜
  22557. 王七的兄弟
  22558. 王人拉辘轴
  22559. 王人上树
  22560. 王羲之的字帖
  22561. 王羲之写字
  22562. 王瞎子看告示
  22563. 王小二卖瓜
  22564. 王爷的宅院
  22565. 王字少一横
  22566. 王佐断臂
  22567. 网兜打水
  22568. 网兜提猪娃
  22569. 网里的鱼虾
  22570. 往沙地泼水
  22571. 网套里的麂子
  22572. 往头上拉屎
  22573. 往袜子上钉鞋掌
  22574. 网外捉鱼
  22575. 望江亭上度中秋
  22576. 望乡台上搽胭脂
  22577. 望乡台上唱莲花落
  22578. 望乡台上吹口哨
  22579. 望乡台上枪骨头
  22580. 望乡台上跳黄河
  22581. 望着月亮想伸胳膊
  22582. 桅杆尖上的猴子
  22583. 维吾尔族的朵帕
  22584. 围着火炉喝白干
  22585. 卫生口罩
  22586. 温度计掉冰箱
  22587. 温室里种庄稼
  22588. 文火煎鱼
  22589. 蚊于放屁
  22590. 蚊子挨打
  22591. 蚊子的脑袋
  22592. 蚊子叮鸡蛋
  22593. 蚊子叮菩萨
  22594. 蚊子叮石臼
  22595. 蚊子飞到电灯上
  22596. 蚊子咬木偶
  22597. 蚊子咬一口
  22598. 蚊子遭扇打
  22599. 蚊子找蜘蛛
  22600. 瓮中的乌龟
  22601. 瓮中捉鳖
  22602. 窝里的马蜂
  22603. 窝里的蛇
  22604. 蜗牛的房子
  22605. 蜗牛耕田
  22606. 窝窝头进贡
  22607. 窝主分赃
  22608. 我解缆绳你推船
  22609. 我心似你心
  22610. 屋顶上的霜
  22611. 乌狗吃食,白狗当灾
  22612. 乌龟吃煤炭
  22613. 乌龟吃乌贼
  22614. 乌龟出口
  22615. 乌龟的后代
  22616. 乌龟跌灰堆
  22617. 乌龟肚子朝天
  22618. 乌龟进沙锅
  22619. 乌龟壳上贴广告
  22620. 乌龟爬旗杆
  22621. 乌龟请客
  22622. 乌龟上山
  22623. 乌龟抬轿子
  22624. 乌龟钻灶
  22625. 屋脊上蹲个猫
  22626. 乌江岸上困霸王
  22627. 屋漏偏遇连阴雨
  22628. 屋漏偏遭连阴雨,船破又遇顶头风
  22629. 巫婆扮打把式
  22630. 巫婆扮凶神
  22631. 巫婆改行
  22632. 巫婆跳神
  22633. 巫婆下神
  22634. 巫婆摇铃招鬼
  22635. 乌鸦唱山歌
  22636. 乌鸦当头过
  22637. 乌鸦落在雪堆上
  22638. 乌鸦笑猪
  22639. 乌鸦一字飞
  22640. 屋檐上挂马桶
  22641. 屋檐下吊石碾
  22642. 无边的大海
  22643. 无柄的菜刀
  22644. 吴刚砍桂树
  22645. 无花的蔷薇
  22646. 无目的放炮
  22647. 吴三桂引清兵
  22648. 无头的乱麻
  22649. 无弦的琵琶
  22650. 五百铜钱串一处
  22651. 武大郎抱石柱
  22652. 武大郎的身子
  22653. 武大郎看飞机
  22654. 武大郎卖乌龟
  22655. 武大郎骑骆驼
  22656. 武大郎娶妻
  22657. 武大郎上墙头
  22658. 武大郎做知县
  22659. 五朵梅花开一朵
  22660. 五个人往两地
  22661. 五个指头两边矮
  22662. 五更天起床
  22663. 五更天下海
  22664. 武科场上选将
  22665. 五人共伞
  22666. 捂上眼睛的驴
  22667. 五十两元宝
  22668. 武松喝啤酒
  22669. 武松买肉
  22670. 五台山上拜佛
  22671. 舞台上的灯光
  22672. 舞台上鼓槌
  22673. 五月的石榴花—
  22674. 五月的豌豆
  22675. 五月的苋菜
  22676. 五脏六腑抹蜜糖
  22677. 捂着鼻子讲卫生
  22678. 捂着脑袋赶老鼠
  22679. 捂着屁股过河
  22680. 伍子胥过昭关
  22681. 吸饱风的帆
  22682. 西瓜地里结冬瓜
  22683. 西瓜抹油
  22684. 西瓜碰上菜刀
  22685. 西瓜皮做帽子
  22686. 西瓜子拌豆腐
  22687. 西葫芦配南瓜
  22688. 西门庆请武大郎
  22689. 西山猛虎不咬人
  22690. 西施掉了门牙
  22691. 希特勒上台
  22692. 西天路上的孙行者
  22693. 西厢记作枕头
  22694. 西爪皮揩屁股
  22695. 稀饭锅里扔铁砣
  22696. 稀泥巴糊墙
  22697. 惜钱不治病
  22698. 膝盖上钉掌
  22699. 膝盖头套袜子
  22700. 嘻嘻哈哈,年过十八
  22701. 洗脸刮胡子
  22702. 喜马拉雅山上摆手
  22703. 喜马拉雅山上点灯
  22704. 喜马拉雅山上卖牛黄
  22705. 洗米箩里出烟
  22706. 喜鹊的尾巴
  22707. 喜鹊落头上
  22708. 喜鹊窝里捣一竿
  22709. 喜鹊子
  22710. 喜事过后敲皮鼓
  22711. 戏合上的小卒
  22712. 细火煎鱼
  22713. 戏台后头的锣鼓
  22714. 戏台里边叫好
  22715. 戏台上拜天地
  22716. 戏台上吹胡子
  22717. 戏台上打出手
  22718. 戏台上打仗
  22719. 戏台上的绸子舞
  22720. 戏台上的父子
  22721. 戏台上的宫
  22722. 戏台上的花旦
  22723. 戏台上的将军
  22724. 戏台上堵枪眼
  22725. 戏台上喝酒
  22726. 戏台上送诏书
  22727. 戏台上讨老婆
  22728. 戏台上着火
  22729. 戏台下面淌眼泪
  22730. 戏园里的枣木梆子
  22731. 戏园子失火
  22732. 戏子搽脸蛋
  22733. 戏子的脸蛋
  22734. 戏子没卸装
  22735. 瞎鸡吃食
  22736. 瞎猫啃骨头
  22737. 瞎妹子当媒人
  22738. 瞎婆子打仔
  22739. 虾吞礁石
  22740. 瞎眼鸡叼虫子
  22741. 瞎爷爷过河
  22742. 瞎子背拐子走
  22743. 瞎子背瞎子
  22744. 瞎子唱大花脸
  22745. 瞎子吃黄瓜
  22746. 瞎子吃螃蟹
  22747. 瞎子吃汤圆
  22748. 瞎子吃羊肉
  22749. 瞎子出门
  22750. 瞎子吹萧
  22751. 瞎子打靶
  22752. 瞎子打跛子
  22753. 瞎子打瞌睡
  22754. 瞎子打锣
  22755. 瞎子打铁
  22756. 瞎子逮鳖
  22757. 瞎子戴墨镜
  22758. 瞎子戴眼镜
  22759. 虾子得意
  22760. 瞎子点灯
  22761. 虾子掉在大麦上
  22762. 虾子掉在盐堆上
  22763. 瞎子盖被子
  22764. 瞎子逛商店
  22765. 虾子过河
  22766. 瞎子过河
  22767. 瞎子架电线
  22768. 瞎子叫好
  22769. 瞎子接亲
  22770. 瞎子进赌场
  22771. 瞎子进书房
  22772. 瞎子敬神
  22773. 瞎子看书
  22774. 瞎子看天
  22775. 瞎子看戏
  22776. 瞎子拉二胡
  22777. 瞎子拍皮球
  22778. 瞎子骑瞎马
  22779. 瞎子牵着盲人走
  22780. 瞎子敲钟
  22781. 瞎子娶老婆
  22782. 瞎子三天不洗脸
  22783. 瞎子扫坟
  22784. 瞎子上轿
  22785. 瞎子上山
  22786. 瞎子贴布告
  22787. 瞎子望天窗
  22788. 瞎子下岭
  22789. 瞎子寻针
  22790. 瞎子有耳病
  22791. 瞎子捉贼
  22792. 瞎子走路
  22793. 瞎子坐飞机
  22794. 瞎子坐上席
  22795. 夏大的袜子
  22796. 下大雪找蹄印
  22797. 下地不穿鞋
  22798. 下轿打轿夫
  22799. 下了锅的面条
  22800. 下棋丢了帅
  22801. 下山的饿虎
  22802. 下水道安灯
  22803. 夏天的扇子
  22804. 夏天的萤火虫
  22805. 夏天的雨
  22806. 夏天送木炭
  22807. 下雪天走路
  22808. 下油锅的王八
  22809. 下雨不戴帽子
  22810. 下雨泼街
  22811. 下雨天出太阳
  22812. 下雨往屋里跑
  22813. 下长毛的家雀
  22814. 夏至插秧
  22815. 先吃皮,后吃馅
  22816. 先穿鞋子后穿裤
  22817. 仙鹤黑尾巴
  22818. 仙女散花
  22819. 掀菩萨烧庙宇
  22820. 咸菜拌豆腐
  22821. 咸菜缸里的秤砣
  22822. 咸菜缸里肪秤砣
  22823. 咸鸡蛋
  22824. 闲人生闲气
  22825. 咸肉汤下面
  22826. 咸鱼落塘—
  22827. 显微镜下瞧东西
  22828. 陷阱抓狍子
  22829. 线聋子吹笛
  22830. 县太爷唱二簧
  22831. 县太爷放屁
  22832. 县太爷敲竹杠
  22833. 县太爷审他爹
  22834. 线头穿进针孔里
  22835. 县长打老子
  22836. 香肠做链子
  22837. 乡里人进皇城
  22838. 香炉里的纸钱
  22839. 香炉里长草
  22840. 香山的卧佛
  22841. 乡下人背篓子
  22842. 湘绣被面包画册
  22843. 香油炒白菜
  22844. 向河里泼水
  22845. 橡皮钉子
  22846. 橡皮棍子
  22847. 橡皮筋
  22848. 像皮脑袋
  22849. 象棋斗胜
  22850. 象棋盘里走跳棋
  22851. 象棋子走在线路上
  22852. 向日葵的孩子
  22853. 向傻子问路
  22854. 象牙筷子挑凉粉
  22855. 向阳坡的竹子
  22856. 项羽过江东
  22857. 项羽砸锅
  22858. 向着太阳的葵花
  22859. 巷子里打拳
  22860. 萧河月下追韩信
  22861. 小车揽大载
  22862. 小虫吃李子
  22863. 小虫子啃沙梨
  22864. 小船驶进礁石群里
  22865. 小瓷碗里数汤圆
  22866. 小鼎锅想炖大牛头
  22867. 小二黑结婚
  22868. 小贩卖气球
  22869. 小缸里的鱼
  22870. 小缸里抓王八
  22871. 小港湾没有船
  22872. 小哥俩出师
  22873. 小姑打碗怨媳妇
  22874. 小姑娘逗娃娃
  22875. 小鬼门前告阎王
  22876. 小鬼敲门
  22877. 小锅里煮猪头
  22878. 小孩摆神位
  22879. 小孩吹喇叭
  22880. 小孩的屁股,醉汉的嘴
  22881. 小孩拿辣椒
  22882. 小孩玩喇叭
  22883. 小孩子打架
  22884. 小孩做戏
  22885. 小耗子骂大街
  22886. 小耗子欺大象
  22887. 小河沟里撑船
  22888. 小和尚念经
  22889. 小壶里煮饺子
  22890. 小胡同里赶猪
  22891. 小伙子扛大梁
  22892. 小鸡吃黄豆
  22893. 小鸡吃食
  22894. 小鸡碰上鹰
  22895. 小脚婆娘过独木桥
  22896. 小鲤鱼戏水
  22897. 小炉匠的家私
  22898. 小炉灶翻身
  22899. 小马驹跟车
  22900. 小猫吃小鱼
  22901. 小猫打呼哈
  22902. 小猫洗脸
  22903. 小庙里的鬼
  22904. 小庙里的和尚
  22905. 小拇指翘起
  22906. 小尼姑看嫁妆
  22907. 小牛撅尾巴
  22908. 小朋友唱歌
  22909. 小铺子的蒜
  22910. 小树掐尖
  22911. 小随妇进婆家
  22912. 小偷被抓
  22913. 小偷不经吓
  22914. 小偷打官司
  22915. 小偷进牧场
  22916. 小偷遇警察
  22917. 小偷做梦
  22918. 小秃的脑袋
  22919. 小秃头上打蜡
  22920. 小娃娃骑木马
  22921. 小娃娃玩的皮球
  22922. 小碗吃饭
  22923. 小蚊子打哈欠
  22924. 小屋里耍扁担
  22925. 小熄妇坐轿
  22926. 小媳妇
  22927. 小媳妇回娘家
  22928. 小虾米熬菠菜
  22929. 小巷子赶车
  22930. 小姓娃的话
  22931. 小猪拱粮囤
  22932. 小猪枪食
  22933. 小卒拱老帅
  22934. 小卒子过河
  22935. 校场里的土地
  22936. 蝎虎子断尾巴
  22937. 蝎虎子上墙
  22938. 蝎子不咬人
  22939. 蝎子刺蜈蚣
  22940. 蝎子放屁
  22941. 蝎子甩尾巴
  22942. 蝎子驮马蜂
  22943. 蝎子娱蚣拜把子
  22944. 蝎子蜇人
  22945. 蝎子蜇胸口
  22946. 斜挑扁捏
  22947. 斜嘴开口
  22948. 鞋帮子做帽沿
  22949. 鞋不离袜
  22950. 鞋底儿抹油
  22951. 鞋里安电灯
  22952. 鞋头上刺花
  22953. 新打的剪刀
  22954. 心肝掉在肚里头
  22955. 新箍的马桶
  22956. 新郎官打幡
  22957. 新郎官揭盖头
  22958. 新棉花网被絮
  22959. 新娘的房
  22960. 新女婿请接生婆
  22961. 新辟的航道
  22962. 新上门的姑爷
  22963. 新挖的茅坑
  22964. 新媳妇吃饭
  22965. 新媳妇到家
  22966. 新媳妇和面
  22967. 新媳妇怀孕
  22968. 新媳妇下伙房
  22969. 新媳妇下轿
  22970. 新媳妇做夹生饭
  22971. 新鞋落地
  22972. 新修的马路
  22973. 心有靈犀
  22974. 心字头上一把刀
  22975. 星星跟着月亮走
  22976. 杏花村的酒
  22977. 杏花倒开
  22978. 兄弟打架
  22979. 胸口摆天平
  22980. 胸口挂冰棍
  22981. 胸口画娃娃
  22982. 胸口拉弦子
  22983. 胸口上揣棉花
  22984. 胸口上挂算盘
  22985. 胸口掖扁担
  22986. 胸脯上挂茄子
  22987. 胸脯长草
  22988. 胸前害疮,背后流脓
  22989. 胸前划十字
  22990. 胸膛里掏走了五脏
  22991. 胸窝里挂门板
  22992. 熊耍把戏狗叫唤
  22993. 熊瞎子拜年
  22994. 熊瞎子走亲戚
  22995. 朽木搭楼房
  22996. 朽木搭桥
  22997. 朽木雕石猴
  22998. 朽木作梁柱
  22999. 秀才打架
  23000. 秀才的手中
  23001. 秀才行凶
  23002. 秀才看榜
  23003. 秀才落陷阶
  23004. 秀才拿笤帚
  23005. 秀才闹饥荒
  23006. 绣花姑娘打架
  23007. 绣花姑娘的手艺
  23008. 绣花针沉海底
  23009. 绣花针碰上吸铁石
  23010. 袖里来,袖里去
  23011. 锈死的铁钉
  23012. 袖筒里揣刀子
  23013. 袖筒里捅宝剑
  23014. 袖子里冒火
  23015. 徐庶进曹营
  23016. 许诸战马超
  23017. 悬崖上勒马
  23018. 薛仁贵的行头
  23019. 薛仁贵征东
  23020. 学堂老鼠
  23021. 雪地里打电筒
  23022. 雪堆的假山
  23023. 雪花落猪背
  23024. 雪里埋人
  23025. 雪山日出
  23026. 雪狮子向火
  23027. 驯马骑屁股
  23028. 鸭背上泼水
  23029. 鸭棚老汉睡懒觉
  23030. 鸭绒被裹尸体
  23031. 丫头带钥匙
  23032. 丫头当媒人
  23033. 鸭子不吃瘪谷
  23034. 鸭子踩水
  23035. 鸭子吃小鱼
  23036. 鸭子的脚板
  23037. 鸭子的屁股
  23038. 鸭子凫水
  23039. 鸭子浮水
  23040. 鸭子改鸡——鸭子逛大街
  23041. 鸭子头上插锦鸡毛
  23042. 鸭子学上树
  23043. 牙齿咬舌头
  23044. 牙缝里插花
  23045. 牙缝里找痔疮
  23046. 衙门里的狗
  23047. 衙门皂子打老爹
  23048. 崖头缝里逮螃蟹
  23049. 崖头缝里捉蟹子
  23050. 牙长手短
  23051. 哑巴挨打
  23052. 哑巴挨骂
  23053. 哑巴比划
  23054. 哑巴唱戏
  23055. 哑巴吃黄连
  23056. 哑巴打电话
  23057. 哑巴打幡
  23058. 哑巴打呵欠
  23059. 哑巴逮驴
  23060. 哑巴对话
  23061. 哑巴告状
  23062. 哑巴喊救火
  23063. 哑巴喊冤
  23064. 哑巴进庙门
  23065. 哑巴开会
  23066. 哑巴看书
  23067. 哑巴抡大锤
  23068. 哑巴拾金条
  23069. 哑巴说大象
  23070. 哑巴谈恋爱
  23071. 哑巴踢毯子
  23072. 哑巴蚊子咬人
  23073. 哑巴咬牙
  23074. 哑巴有理说不清
  23075. 哑巴做和尚
  23076. 烟囱里爬老鼠
  23077. 烟囱里招手
  23078. 烟囱上散步
  23079. 烟袋杆子
  23080. 烟袋锅里蒸包子
  23081. 烟简里安家
  23082. 烟雾里赏花
  23083. 胭脂萝卜
  23084. 阉猪割耳朵
  23085. 盐场里摆工
  23086. 盐场里的下水
  23087. 盐店里挂弓
  23088. 盐店里谈天
  23089. 盐堆里的花生
  23090. 盐堆上安喇叭
  23091. 岩缝里的笋子
  23092. 盐碱地的庄稼
  23093. 盐老板抱琵琶
  23094. 炎热天打冷战
  23095. 阎王摆手
  23096. 阎王不戴帽
  23097. 阎王出丧
  23098. 阎王的蒲扇
  23099. 阎王的爷爷
  23100. 阎王发令箭
  23101. 阎王开会
  23102. 阎王老爷嫁女儿
  23103. 阎王奶奶害喜病
  23104. 阎王讨债
  23105. 阎王爷的爸爸
  23106. 阎王爷的外孙子
  23107. 阎王爷的奏折
  23108. 阎王爷请客
  23109. 阎王爷说谎
  23110. 阎王爷讨口
  23111. 阎王爷照相
  23112. 阎玉爷上吊
  23113. 檐老鼠
  23114. 眼睛藏沙
  23115. 眼睛大过肚
  23116. 眼睛盯着鼻尖
  23117. 眼睛里的灰尘
  23118. 眼睛上贴钞票
  23119. 眼睛长在耳朵边上
  23120. 眼睛长锥子
  23121. 眼镜框里镶铜子儿—
  23122. 眼镜蛇摆手
  23123. 眼泪流到眉毛上
  23124. 眼眉毛串钱
  23125. 眼皮掉纨子
  23126. 眼皮上凝雪,睫毛上结冰
  23127. 眼前埋地雷
  23128. 演古戏打破锣
  23129. 演完戏拉幕
  23130. 演戏扮皇帝
  23131. 演员卸装
  23132. 宴席上吵架
  23133. 燕口夺泥
  23134. 燕雀叫三年
  23135. 燕子的尾巴
  23136. 燕子造窝
  23137. 燕子做窝
  23138. 秧鸡子下田
  23139. 羊伴虎睡
  23140. 杨伯劳过年
  23141. 羊闯虎口
  23142. 羊抵头
  23143. 杨二郎说书
  23144. 羊羔踩到泥田里
  23145. 洋鬼子看戏
  23146. 洋鬼子要西洋景
  23147. 羊胡子疮
  23148. 羊角插在篱笆里
  23149. 羊进虎洞
  23150. 羊臼里关狼
  23151. 杨令公的儿子
  23152. 羊毛里找跳蚤
  23153. 杨梅子加醋
  23154. 杨乃武坐牢
  23155. 杨排风的烧火棍
  23156. 羊碰犄角
  23157. 羊皮褂子
  23158. 羊圈里的驴粪蛋
  23159. 羊圈里骆驼
  23160. 羊群的骡子
  23161. 羊群里跑出小兔子
  23162. 羊群里生骆驼
  23163. 洋人听说书
  23164. 羊肉汤里的萝卜
  23165. 阳山吃草,阴山拉屎
  23166. 羊上树
  23167. 羊头安在猪身上
  23168. 羊子不长角
  23169. 杨宗保和穆桂英的姻缘
  23170. 养花的把式
  23171. 养济院里的孩子
  23172. 养由基射箭
  23173. 腰里别钢筋
  23174. 腰里长枝条
  23175. 摇着拔浪鼓卖糖
  23176. 摇着脑袋吃梅子
  23177. 咬口生姜喝口醋
  23178. 药斗子
  23179. 要饭的打竹板
  23180. 要饭的看丈母娘
  23181. 要饭的走到崖边上
  23182. 药铺倒灶
  23183. 药铺里的甘革
  23184. 药铺里挂蛇皮
  23185. 药铺里招手
  23186. 钥匙插进锁孔里
  23187. 钥匙挂胸口
  23188. 要死不活的瘫子
  23189. 药王爷的肚子
  23190. 爷儿俩耪谷子
  23191. 爷爷同孙子赛跑
  23192. 野地里长棵树
  23193. 野鸽子起飞
  23194. 野狐狸撒尿
  23195. 野鸡戴皮帽
  23196. 野狼扒门
  23197. 野牛闯迸瓷器店
  23198. 野牛闯进大海里
  23199. 野兽当家
  23200. 野猪窜进包米地
  23201. 野猪钻篱笆
  23202. 夜叉演戏
  23203. 夜服口袋塞猪头
  23204. 夜行人吹哨子
  23205. 夜耗子偷食
  23206. 夜壶打了把
  23207. 夜叫鬼门关
  23208. 夜里栋个黄瓜
  23209. 夜里行船
  23210. 夜猫子冲着百灵鸟叫
  23211. 夜猫子落房头
  23212. 夜明珠喘气
  23213. 液水锅煮寿星
  23214. 夜莺学乌鸦叫
  23215. 一把鼻涕
  23216. 一把黄豆数着卖
  23217. 一把盐花撒在油锅里
  23218. 一百个人当家
  23219. 一百斤米做稀饭
  23220. 一百斤棉花一张弓
  23221. 一辈子当会计
  23222. 一辈子卖蒸馍
  23223. 一锤子买卖
  23224. 一滴水流进大海
  23225. 一堆乱树枝
  23226. 一堆脑瓜骨
  23227. 一顿能吃三升米
  23228. 一二五六七
  23229. 一副碗筷两人用
  23230. 一杆无砣秤
  23231. 一个洞里的蛇
  23232. 一个方凳坐两人
  23233. 一个核桃两个仁
  23234. 一个核桃砸两半
  23235. 一个葫芦锯两个瓢
  23236. 一个将军一个令
  23237. 一个皮蛋两个黄
  23238. 一个人拜把子
  23239. 一个烧饼平半分
  23240. 一个窝里的王八
  23241. 一个窝里的蝎子
  23242. 一个枣核也舍不得丢
  23243. 一个指头和面
  23244. 一根肠子通到底
  23245. 一根骨头两只狗
  23246. 一根木头劈八开
  23247. 一根头发劈八瓣
  23248. 一根头发破八瓣
  23249. 一根桩上拴俩驴
  23250. 一国三公
  23251. 一家大小乱了行辈
  23252. 一脚登上泰山
  23253. 一脚踏上磅秤台
  23254. 一斤的酒瓶装十两
  23255. 一斤霉面做个馍
  23256. 一举打死只蚊子
  23257. 一棵树上的核桃
  23258. 一棵树上的叶子
  23259. 一颗心悬在半天云里
  23260. 一口吃个牛排
  23261. 一口吃个旋风
  23262. 一口吃下扁担
  23263. 一口气吹个糖人
  23264. 一口吞个皮球
  23265. 一口吞颗炸弹
  23266. 一口吞了五香
  23267. 一口吞下板栗球
  23268. 一口吞下个热红薯
  23269. 一口咬了黄瓜蒂
  23270. 一雷天下响
  23271. 一粒子弹打两只鸟
  23272. 一盘棋下了三天
  23273. 一屁股坐在铡刀上
  23274. 一片钥匙开一把锁
  23275. 一枪打死个苍蝇
  23276. 一群哑巴在一起
  23277. 依山傍水
  23278. 一声军号
  23279. 一手遮天,一手捂地
  23280. 一天到晚淡茶饭
  23281. 一条船上的难友
  23282. 一条道走到黑
  23283. 一条腿的板凳
  23284. 一头栽到煤堆里
  23285. 一头撞倒阎王爷
  23286. 一头钻到青云里
  23287. 一碗白开水
  23288. 依样画葫芦
  23289. 一月穿三十双鞋
  23290. 一丈厚的浇饼
  23291. 一只脚踩在门槛上
  23292. 一只筷子吃面
  23293. 一只筷子吃藕
  23294. 一只手遮脸
  23295. 宜兴的茶壶
  23296. 以卵击石
  23297. 阴曹地府打官司
  23298. 阴沟里荡舟船
  23299. 阴沟里的灰菜草
  23300. 阴沟里洗手
  23301. 阴间秀才
  23302. 阴天露日头
  23303. 阴阳婆的脸
  23304. 阴雨天的花生米
  23305. 阴雨天落雷
  23306. 银行里发的白纸条
  23307. 寅时点兵,卯时上阵
  23308. 银圆落在石头上
  23309. 银圆做银镜
  23310. 引水入墙
  23311. 鹰飞蓝天,狐走夜路
  23312. 鹰犬捕兽
  23313. 鹦鹉的嘴巴
  23314. 鸚鵡學舌
  23315. 英雄遇好汉
  23316. 迎风吐唾沫
  23317. 萤火虫的屁股
  23318. 硬要麻雀生鹅蛋
  23319. 庸担上睡觉
  23320. 用斧子裁衣裳
  23321. 用了三代的钉耙
  23322. 用力吹网兜
  23323. 邮包上挂灯草
  23324. 油锅里撒盐
  23325. 油画里卷国画
  23326. 油煎冰棒
  23327. 油漆匠的家当
  23328. 油漆泥菩萨
  23329. 油手擦泥鳅
  23330. 油炸臭豆腐
  23331. 油炸麻花
  23332. 油炸泥鳅
  23333. 有北屋,有南墙
  23334. 有骆驼不讲牛羊
  23335. 有西瓜不讲芝麻
  23336. 有衣无帽
  23337. 又咒天子又骂娘
  23338. 又做媳妇又做娘
  23339. 俞伯牙摔琴
  23340. 鱼船上打儿子
  23341. 鱼口里的水
  23342. 鱼网里的山鸡
  23343. 鱼鹰下洞庭
  23344. 愚公的住处
  23345. 渔翁钓鱼
  23346. 雨点落在火星上
  23347. 雨后穿皮鞋
  23348. 雨后的彩虹
  23349. 雨后收葱
  23350. 雨花台的石子
  23351. 雨天浇地
  23352. 玉帝娶亲
  23353. 玉帝下请帖
  23354. 玉皇大帝吃稀饭
  23355. 玉皇大帝做媒
  23356. 玉皇爷出征
  23357. 玉米地里带绿豆
  23358. 玉米开花
  23359. 玉器失手
  23360. 玉石店里的珍品
  23361. 玉石烟袋
  23362. 冤家狭路相逢
  23363. 鸳鸯睡觉
  23364. 元旦翻日历
  23365. 园里挑瓜
  23366. 袁世凯当皇上
  23367. 远地得家书
  23368. 远路人趟水
  23369. 远水救近火
  23370. 院子里搭戏台
  23371. 月光下散步
  23372. 月亮坝里耍大刀
  23373. 月亮地里晒谷子
  23374. 月亮跟着太阳转
  23375. 月照雪山
  23376. 云彩里摆手
  23377. 云里的浪头
  23378. 云头上打靶
  23379. 云雾里的爱情
  23380. 运动员下跑场
  23381. 孕妇过独木桥
  23382. 砸祸卖铁
  23383. 杂耍班子走江湖
  23384. 栽完树就想乘凉
  23385. 宰相肚里能撑船
  23386. 脏水倒阴沟
  23387. 脏拖布擦地板
  23388. 早晨的露水
  23389. 早晨的天,婆婆的脸
  23390. 早春的桃花
  23391. 枣骨子解板
  23392. 枣子骨头
  23393. 灶倒屋塌
  23394. 灶鸡子打架
  23395. 灶门前拿竹筒
  23396. 灶神爷跑到院里
  23397. 灶膛抡锤子
  23398. 灶王爷吹灯
  23399. 灶王爷扔石头
  23400. 贼过才张弓
  23401. 贼上房送梯子
  23402. 贼娃子迸铁匠铺
  23403. 贼娃子拾东西
  23404. 铡刀锄地
  23405. 蚱蜢碰上鸡
  23406. 炸响了的炮仗
  23407. 炸油饼的卖冰棍
  23408. 斋公吃羊肉
  23409. 粘豆粥糊锅
  23410. 粘米煮山芋
  23411. 斩草不除根
  23412. 战地诸葛亮会
  23413. 站在岸边看翻船
  23414. 站在房顶跳伞
  23415. 站在海边打咳声
  23416. 站在山顶赶大车
  23417. 战争贩子唱和平
  23418. 张飞摆屠案
  23419. 张飞吃豆芽
  23420. 张飞穿针
  23421. 张飞的妈妈
  23422. 张飞翻脸
  23423. 张飞哈气
  23424. 张飞看老鼠
  23425. 张飞卖豆腐
  23426. 张飞卖箭猪
  23427. 张飞卖肉
  23428. 张飞拿耗子
  23429. 张飞上阵
  23430. 张飞耍杠子
  23431. 张飞遇李逵
  23432. 张弓射箭
  23433. 张果老骑毛驴
  23434. 张了网就走
  23435. 张驴儿上公堂
  23436. 张生回头望莺莺
  23437. 张生遇见崔莺莺
  23438. 张天师得了哑病
  23439. 张天师画符
  23440. 张天师叫门
  23441. 张天师下海
  23442. 张天师捉妖
  23443. 张勋复辟
  23444. 长板坡上的赵子龙
  23445. 长虫吃高梁
  23446. 长虫吃蛤馍
  23447. 长虫打架
  23448. 长虫戴草帽
  23449. 长虫当拐杖
  23450. 长虫过乱石滩
  23451. 长虫过门褴
  23452. 长虫没眼
  23453. 长虫爬进枪筒里
  23454. 长虫碰壁
  23455. 长虫吞针
  23456. 长虫钻刺蓬
  23457. 长虫钻竹筒
  23458. 长工的岁月
  23459. 长工血汗钱
  23460. 长江后浪推前浪
  23461. 长江黄河里的水
  23462. 长江里的石头
  23463. 长江水万里流
  23464. 长江涨大水
  23465. 长了兔子腿
  23466. 长袍马褂瓜皮帽
  23467. 长衫改夹袄
  23468. 长尾巴蝎子
  23469. 长线放风筝
  23470. 长一只耳朵的人
  23471. 长颐鹿的脑袋突出
  23472. 长竹竿进城门
  23473. 长竹竿进巷道
  23474. 丈八罗汉
  23475. 丈二的斗笠
  23476. 丈母娘跺脚
  23477. 丈母娘疼女婿
  23478. 丈母娘遇亲家母
  23479. 丈人瞧见傻女婿
  23480. 赵高的女儿
  23481. 赵匡胤穿龙袍
  23482. 赵匡胤卖包子
  23483. 赵匡胤下棋
  23484. 赵匡胤押江山
  23485. 照明弹上天
  23486. 赵云大战长板坡
  23487. 照住屁股登一脚
  23488. 赵子龙出兵
  23489. 这山看着那山高
  23490. 着火挨板子
  23491. 针拨灯盏
  23492. 针挑黄连
  23493. 针眼里看人
  23494. 枕木上的铁轨
  23495. 枕头底下放罐子
  23496. 枕着竹筒睡大觉
  23497. 蒸锅上放尸首
  23498. 蒸笼盖子
  23499. 正骨大夫
  23500. 正月里穿单衣
  23501. 正月里盼着桃花开
  23502. 正月十五才拜年
  23503. 正月十五卖元宵
  23504. 芝麻地里打锣
  23505. 芝麻地里的烂西瓜
  23506. 芝麻地里的老鼠
  23507. 芝麻地里长苞米
  23508. 芝麻里的绿豆
  23509. 芝麻脸儿
  23510. 只说不练的把式
  23511. 知县跌粪坑
  23512. 直尺量曲线
  23513. 纸糊的喇叭
  23514. 纸糊的拦杆
  23515. 纸糊的老虎
  23516. 纸糊的帽子
  23517. 纸糊的拳头
  23518. 纸糊的扇车
  23519. 纸糊的眼镜
  23520. 纸糊房子
  23521. 纸糊洋娃娃
  23522. 纸里包火
  23523. 纸元宝
  23524. 指着秃子骂和尚
  23525. 纸做的雨伞
  23526. 中秋过了闰八月
  23527. 中秋节赏桂花
  23528. 钟旭开饭店
  23529. 中药店的揩桌书
  23530. 重锤掉在钢板上
  23531. 众人拔河
  23532. 众人的马,公家的驴
  23533. 周仓斗李逵
  23534. 周郎妙计安天下
  23535. 周文王请姜太公
  23536. 周幽王戏诸侯
  23537. 周瑜病倒在芦花荡
  23538. 周瑜穿草鞋
  23539. 周瑜请蒋干
  23540. 猪八戒吃炒肝
  23541. 猪八戒吃大肉
  23542. 猪八戒吃面条
  23543. 猪八戒吃西瓜
  23544. 猪八戒吃小枣
  23545. 猪八戒初进高家庄
  23546. 猪八戒穿皮袄
  23547. 猪八戒吹牛
  23548. 猪八戒打蚂蚱
  23549. 猪八戒戴眼镜
  23550. 猪八戒弹弦子
  23551. 猪八戒的钉耙
  23552. 猪八戒的脊梁
  23553. 猪八戒掉到泔水桶里
  23554. 猪八戒跌进酒瓮里
  23555. 猪八戒驾云
  23556. 猪八戒见到高小姐
  23557. 猪八戒见了白骨精
  23558. 猪八戒挎腰刀
  23559. 猪八戒爬墙头
  23560. 猪八戒耍大刀
  23561. 猪八戒听天书
  23562. 猪八戒下山
  23563. 猪八戒掀门帘
  23564. 猪八戒照镜子
  23565. 猪八戒坐班房
  23566. 猪八戒做梦娶媳妇
  23567. 猪鼻子插大葱
  23568. 朱德的扁担
  23569. 诸葛亮草船借箭
  23570. 诸葛亮弹琴退仲达
  23571. 诸葛亮放孟获
  23572. 诸葛亮焚香操琴
  23573. 诸葛亮开口
  23574. 诸葛亮用空城计
  23575. 诸葛亮战群儒
  23576. 诸葛亮治蜀
  23577. 诸葛亮皱眉头
  23578. 诸葛亮住茅庐
  23579. 诸葛亮做丞相
  23580. 猪苦胆扔井里
  23581. 猪猡出痘子
  23582. 珠穆朗玛峰上听鸡叫
  23583. 猪脑壳
  23584. 猪圈里养骆驼
  23585. 猪身上的肉
  23586. 猪头挂在花椒树上
  23587. 猪油倒进水缸里
  23588. 竹虫咬断竹根
  23589. 竹竿撑舰艇
  23590. 竹竿打月亮
  23591. 竹竿上睡觉
  23592. 竹竿伸鸡窝
  23593. 竹竿子搭桥
  23594. 竹篙里捻灯草
  23595. 竹篮子打水网拦风
  23596. 竹林里耍大刀
  23597. 竹笼里的凤凰
  23598. 竹筛子兜水
  23599. 竹筒里点火
  23600. 竹筒敲鼓
  23601. 竹筒子里看天
  23602. 竹席上晒甘蔗
  23603. 竹子当鼓
  23604. 竹子做篱笆
  23605. 煮豆燃豆箕
  23606. 拄拐棍走泥路
  23607. 煮熟的鸡瓜子
  23608. 蛀虫咬黄连
  23609. 住炉灶里泼水
  23610. 抓把红土当朱砂
  23611. 抓住蝙蝠说老鼠
  23612. 抓住耳朵过河
  23613. 抓住张飞当李逵打
  23614. 砖头砌墙
  23615. 专往肥肉上贴膘
  23616. 砖窑里失火
  23617. 庄户人办事
  23618. 庄户人家的孩子
  23619. 庄稼佬不识桂圆
  23620. 庄稼人种豆子
  23621. 装猫吓耗子
  23622. 锥子装在口袋里
  23623. 桌上的油灯
  23624. 捉鱼拦上游
  23625. 捉住驴子当马骑
  23626. 桌子底下扬场
  23627. 啄木鸟找食
  23628. 资料室搬家
  23629. 自脖老鸽
  23630. 自大加一点
  23631. 自行车爆胎
  23632. 自行车下坡
  23633. 自行车下田坎
  23634. 自己碰钉子
  23635. 自开水画画
  23636. 自莱叶子炒大葱
  23637. 自留地里拉屎
  23638. 自娘子水漫金山
  23639. 棕树的一生
  23640. 走道喝稀粥
  23641. 走江湖的耍猴
  23642. 走江湖耍魔术
  23643. 走了和尚走不了庙
  23644. 走路拨算盘
  23645. 走路踩棉花
  23646. 走路穿小鞋
  23647. 走马扫电话
  23648. 走上步看下步
  23649. 卒子过河
  23650. 祖宗三代的家务事
  23651. 嘴巴含钢针
  23652. 嘴巴两张皮
  23653. 嘴巴上戴竹筒
  23654. 嘴巴上挂笼嘴
  23655. 嘴巴上挂油瓶
  23656. 嘴巴子戏
  23657. 嘴里吃了烂猪毛
  23658. 嘴里嚼大葱
  23659. 嘴里吞旋风
  23660. 嘴上安拉锁
  23661. 嘴上绑喇叭
  23662. 嘴上挂天平
  23663. 嘴上没毛
  23664. 嘴上抹石灰
  23665. 嘴咬肚脐
  23666. 醉汉开车
  23667. 醉后杀人
  23668. 醉翁之意不在酒
  23669. 左撤子写字
  23670. 左耳朵进,右耳朵出
  23671. 左脚穿着右脚鞋
  23672. 坐车不买票
  23673. 做大衣柜不安拉手
  23674. 坐飞机打靶
  23675. 坐飞机弹琵琶
  23676. 坐飞机聊天
  23677. 坐飞机演讲
  23678. 坐火箭上月球
  23679. 作家的书包
  23680. 坐井观天
  23681. 做梦吃黄连
  23682. 做梦吃馒头
  23683. 做梦带救生圈
  23684. 做梦当司令
  23685. 做梦当长工
  23686. 做梦当总统
  23687. 做梦进棺材
  23688. 做梦骑老虎
  23689. 做梦娶西施
  23690. 做梦讨老婆
  23691. 做梦跳井
  23692. 做梦招驸马
  23693. 坐木船打阳伞
  23694. 做泥人的手艺
  23695. 坐汽车看风景
  23696. 做烧饼的卖汤圆
  23697. 坐在锅边吃煎米粑
  23698. 坐在屋里看电视
  23699. 坐着火箭登天
  23700. 做知县的丢了印
  23701. abietto
  23702. 最高
  23703. 最高点
  23704. 最高峰
  23705. 投資
  23706. 湯桶読み
  23707. 𢁍
  23708. 𢂌
  23709. 𢇡
  23710. 糖みつ
  23711. 材料分類コード
  23712. 糖尿病
  23713. 𢫛
  23714. 𢬄
  23715. arcareccio
  23716. 姿勢
  23717. 時節
  23718. obsolescente
  23719. 自乘
  23720. ormonosoppressivo
  23721. 自然分類
  23722. paravento
  23723. perfluoro-
  23724. 寫真
  23725. 主張
  23726. primogenito
  23727. Riccardo
  23728. DOC
  23729. sbiancamento
  23730. schiavo
  23731. estere
  23732. in primis
  23733. Inghilterra
  23734. xilofago
  23735. 風船
  23736. 物事
  23737. 分量調速法
  23738. 分類
  23739. 分類機
  23740. 平均
  23741. 아가씨
  23742. 미스
  23743. 어린아이
  23744. 어린애
  23745. 고이다
  23746. 영리하다
  23747. 슬기롭다
  23748. 멍청하다
  23749. 北緯
  23750. 無我
  23751. 目白
  23752. 野外
  23753. 友好
  23754. 有機物
  23755. 予知
  23756. 曜日
  23757. 陽子
  23758. guusa
  23759. manzhu
  23760. 보이콧
  23761. 奥运
  23762. 甫士
  23763. zha
  23764. zhalan
  23765. 히스테리
  23766. 公交
  23767. 모터
  23768. 오토바이
  23769. 캐시미어
  23770. 吉普
  23771. 지프
  23772. xe jíp
  23773. tính từ
  23774. 자유로이
  23775. 슬기
  23776. 애처롭다
  23777. 답다
  23778. 흔히
  23779. according to
  23780. a saber
  23781. África
  23782. alho-porro
  23783. almofariz
  23784. alumínio
  23785. anexação
  23786. aparecimento
  23787. apunhalar
  23788. ardência
  23789. arma de fogo
  23790. Armênia
  23791. arranhar
  23792. artilharia
  23793. artilheiro
  23794. assadura
  23795. associação
  23796. barbatana
  23797. batelão
  23798. Cabul
  23799. Cantão
  23800. carvão
  23801. cegonha
  23802. deitar
  23803. descascar
  23804. dialético
  23805. Dodoma
  23806. Buches
  23807. Edinburgo
  23808. editorialista
  23809. egiptologia
  23810. Egito
  23811. eletricidade
  23812. enunciação
  23813. feminino
  23814. Funafuti
  23815. gigantismo
  23816. girassol
  23817. heliotrópio
  23818. índio
  23819. Líbia
  23820. morango
  23821. notícias
  23822. opção
  23823. Países Baixos
  23824. 上海
  23825. pedra-pomes
  23826. poliéster
  23827. posposição
  23828. radônio
  23829. Rangum
  23830. raspagem
  23831. reciclagem
  23832. recrutar
  23833. Rússia
  23834. símio
  23835. Taiti
  23836. Túnis
  23837. Tunísia
  23838. xenônio
  23839. Yaren
  23840. 짧다
  23841. 따로따로
  23842. thống kê
  23843. chuyên viên
  23844. nạn nhân
  23845. tai nạn
  23846. máy bay
  23847. 밝다
  23848. 정통하다
  23849. 통하다
  23850. 고수하다
  23851. 지키다
  23852. 餅乾
  23853. 비스킷
  23854. 크래커
  23855. 않다
  23856. 뜻밖에
  23857. 아니
  23858. 어드레스
  23859. bất phương trình
  23860. bất thường
  23861. 불순하다
  23862. 맑다
  23863. 하늘빛
  23864. 수도물
  23865. 샘물
  23866. 수돗물
  23867. 물고기
  23868. 바다
  23869. 땅덩이
  23870. 접촉하다
  23871. 떨어지다
  23872. 목숨
  23873. 사망하다
  23874. 생활하다
  23875. 살리다
  23876. 사르다
  23877. 내려가다
  23878. 하락하다
  23879. 낙향하다
  23880. 승진하다
  23881. 상승하다
  23882. 뜨다
  23883. 떠올리다
  23884. 나빠지다
  23885. 뛰다
  23886. 나아지다
  23887. 상실하다
  23888. 검색하다
  23889. 탐색하다
  23890. 방문하다
  23891. 조사하다
  23892. 회복하다
  23893. 선호하다
  23894. 찾아보다
  23895. 찾아가다
  23896. 절제하다
  23897. 탐닉하다
  23898. 즐거움
  23899. 슬픔
  23900. 유쾌하다
  23901. 즐거이
  23902. 접근하다
  23903. 대다
  23904. 접착하다
  23905. 연결하다
  23906. 소원하다
  23907. 싫다
  23908. 플롯
  23909. 외딴
  23910. 고독하다
  23911. 기뻐하다
  23912. 알칼리
  23913. 鹼金屬
  23914. 유달리
  23915. 특별하다
  23916. 특이하다
  23917. 옳다
  23918. 다른
  23919. 상이하다
  23920. 腳踏兩只船
  23921. きく
  23922. 𠔺
  23923. 𠀁
  23924. 𠔼
  23925. 𥳑
  23926. 통역하다
  23927. 的説
  23928. 짐승
  23929. 테니스
  23930. 물동이
  23931. 함께
  23932. 지붕
  23933. 자네
  23934. 이것
  23935. 선생님
  23936. 너희
  23937. 마디
  23938. 찌르다
  23939. 또래
  23940. 에게
  23941. 에서
  23942. 에게서
  23943. 비로소
  23944. 모르다
  23945. 때리다
  23946. 부딪다
  23947. 호텔
  23948. 떡국
  23949. 며느리
  23950. 힘들다
  23951. 아리랑
  23952. 한테
  23953. 무릎
  23954. 비롯되다
  23955. 기여하다
  23956. 시골
  23957. 꾸러미
  23958. cầu thủ
  23959. 썩다
  23960. 문드러지다
  23961. 붉다
  23962. 빨갛다
  23963. 생각하다
  23964. 고소하다
  23965. fool around
  23966. 老坦儿
  23967. 맏딸
  23968. 막내딸
  23969. 조카딸
  23970. 외동딸
  23971. 합하다
  23972. 한하다
  23973. 한가하다
  23974. 한푼
  23975. 한바탕
  23976. 한낮
  23977. 한숨
  23978. 하물며
  23979. 한참
  23980. 한잠
  23981. 한두
  23982. 한눈
  23983. 한심하다
  23984. 핸드폰
  23985. 행하다
  23986. 해지다
  23987. 항아리
  23988. 함부로
  23989. 햇빛
  23990. 해바라기
  23991. 해돋이
  23992. 햄버거
  23993. 허무하다
  23994. 헛웃음
  23995. 헐겁다
  23996. 허파
  23997. 향하다
  23998. 헝겊
  23999. 헐하다
  24000. 허하다
  24001. 헐다
  24002. 헛소리
  24003. 허옇다
  24004. 헬리콥터
  24005. 허방
  24006. 허물
  24007. 헤매다
  24008. 헤아리다
  24009. 현저하다
  24010. 호주머니
  24011. 호박꽃
  24012. 홀로
  24013. 훈훈하다
  24014. 황새
  24015. 화하다
  24016. 환하다
  24017. 후추
  24018. 훤하다
  24019. 흉보다
  24020. 흉하다
  24021. 휘다
  24022. 휘파람
  24023. 휩싸다
  24024. 휩싸이다
  24025. 흘림
  24026. 휴대폰
  24027. 히읗
  24028. 흰자위
  24029. 성교하다
  24030. 섹스
  24031. 씹하다
  24032. 빠구리
  24033. 거웃
  24034. 조개
  24035. 좆새끼
  24036. 좆대가리
  24037. 좆지랄
  24038. 대가리
  24039. 딸딸이
  24040. 떨다
  24041. 씹새끼
  24042. 앨범
  24043. 뮤직
  24044. 비디오
  24045. 가따까나
  24046. 卡拉OK
  24047. 가이드
  24048. 가이드라인
  24049. 스포츠
  24050. 잡이
  24051. 안경잡이
  24052. 隱身
  24053. 離線
  24054. 오프라인
  24055. vaincu
  24056. Tieren
  24057. 无限法偿
  24058. 터무니
  24059. 유머
  24060. 대갈통
  24061. 메뉴
  24062. 기요틴
  24063. 벼룩
  24064. 피망
  24065. 파라솔
  24066. 까벨
  24067. 프로
  24068. 케이블
  24069. 프로그램
  24070. 마트료시카
  24071. 프롤레타리아
  24072. 퍼센트
  24073. 인텔리겐치아
  24074. 차르
  24075. 페레스트로이카
  24076. 그라프
  24077. 게르마늄
  24078. 그람
  24079. 그램
  24080. 킬로그램
  24081. 밀리그램
  24082. 브러시
  24083. 플루오르
  24084. 철딱서니
  24085. 센스
  24086. 砒素
  24087. 배우다
  24088. 아르바이트
  24089. 이데올로기
  24090. 칼륨
  24091. 타워
  24092. 파고다
  24093. 塔婆
  24094. 교또
  24095. 고뿌
  24096. Egypten
  24097. 쇼트
  24098. 알파벳
  24099. 듣다
  24100. 神马
  24101. 자물쇠
  24102. 뚫다
  24103. 많다
  24104. 벌써
  24105. 아직
  24106. 먼저
  24107. 못쓰다
  24108. 못되다
  24109. 이따
  24110. 이따가
  24111. 바깥양반
  24112. 안사람
  24113. 집사람
  24114. 바쁘다
  24115. 천하다
  24116. 야하다
  24117. 더러움
  24118. 말끔히
  24119. 무렵
  24120. 단정하다
  24121. 한나절
  24122. 아침밥
  24123. 림시
  24124. 밥하다
  24125. 저녁밥
  24126. 小型巴士
  24127. 신발
  24128. 갈보
  24129. 겨를
  24130. 빠르다
  24131. 무엇
  24132. 그래
  24133. 근데
  24134. 그리하여
  24135. 그러다
  24136. 자기야
  24137. 춤추다
  24138. 댄스
  24139. 마트
  24140. 더하기
  24141. 스탠드바
  24142. 술집
  24143. 이른바
  24144. 이를테면
  24145. 요구르트
  24146. 불다
  24147. 바라다
  24148. 바램
  24149. 때로
  24150. 틀다
  24151. 스치다
  24152. 보라
  24153. 쓸다
  24154. 동떨어지다
  24155. 排球
  24156. 硼酸
  24157. 屁股
  24158. 片面
  24159. 平昌
  24160. 麒麟
  24161. 乞丐
  24162. 汽车
  24163. 潜能
  24164. 蚯蚓
  24165. 살롱
  24166. 塞得港
  24167. 桑港
  24168. 色譜
  24169. 山西
  24170. 善才
  24171. 패스워드
  24172. 인덱스
  24173. 時間
  24174. 刷印手
  24175. 水彩
  24176. 斯大林格勒
  24177. 泰盧固語
  24178. 讨饭的
  24179. 象棋
  24180. 橡膠
  24181. 싸다
  24182. 友愛
  24183. 替罪羊
  24184. 有趣
  24185. 有司
  24186. 웃음
  24187. 마다
  24188. 싱글벙글
  24189. 小石城
  24190. 雨后春笋
  24191. 아프다
  24192. 停車場
  24193. 郁金香
  24194. 邂逅
  24195. 通貨膨脹
  24196. 欲擒故纵
  24197. 元始
  24198. 元朔
  24199. 星期天
  24200. 猩猩
  24201. 突尼斯
  24202. 圖案
  24203. 圖畫
  24204. 形式的
  24205. 兔子
  24206. 休克
  24207. 虚伪
  24208. 赠送
  24209. 萬歲
  24210. 张口结舌
  24211. 威尼斯
  24212. 威慑
  24213. 帐篷
  24214. 卫士
  24215. 珍视
  24216. 蕹菜
  24217. 雁过拔毛
  24218. 我們
  24219. 烏克蘭
  24220. 陽曆
  24221. 正襟危坐
  24222. 无边
  24223. 仰光
  24224. 五大
  24225. 五关
  24226. 值日生
  24227. 中九
  24228. 中昼
  24229. 下九
  24230. 遗响
  24231. 藝術
  24232. 阴骘
  24233. 音乐家
  24234. 隐蔽
  24235. 子规
  24236. 自拍
  24237. 影钞本
  24238. 自然分类
  24239. 影带
  24240. 自然分类法
  24241. 媵人
  24242. 粽子
  24243. 阻力
  24244. 坐以待毙
  24245. 길거리
  24246. 욕하다
  24247. 마을
  24248. 사다
  24249. 번화하다
  24250. 배부르다
  24251. 이런
  24252. 빨리
  24253. 따르다
  24254. 배고프다
  24255. 몇몇
  24256. 지니다
  24257. 어느
  24258. 아주머니
  24259. 으면
  24260. 라고
  24261. 스승
  24262. 아줌마
  24263. 만나다
  24264. 한동안
  24265. 곁말
  24266. 박쥐
  24267. 拉麵
  24268. 어둠
  24269. 어두움
  24270. 깃들다
  24271. 차갑다
  24272. 손발
  24273. 사이다
  24274. 이러하다
  24275. 캄캄하다
  24276. 우아하다
  24277. 켜다
  24278. 젊은이
  24279. 곳곳
  24280. 키스
  24281. 입맞춤
  24282. 뽀뽀
  24283. 보내다
  24284. 다정하다
  24285. 무섭다
  24286. 차리다
  24287. 귀염둥이
  24288. 둥이
  24289. 밝히다
  24290. 며칠
  24291. 팬츠
  24292. 스타
  24293. 참으로
  24294. 으로
  24295. 가뭄
  24296. 가물다
  24297. 올해
  24298. 건조하다
  24299. 여전히
  24300. 처럼
  24301. 그야말로
  24302. 또한
  24303. 모든
  24304. 듯이
  24305. 무슨
  24306. 뛰어나가다
  24307. 어떤
  24308. 신다
  24309. 쑤다
  24310. 자르다
  24311. 썰다
  24312. 쪼개다
  24313. 곱하다
  24314. 바르다
  24315. 콧물
  24316. 쪼그라들다
  24317. 오그리다
  24318. 오그라들다
  24319. 쪼그리다
  24320. 작아지다
  24321. 감소하다
  24322. 길어지다
  24323. 증가하다
  24324. 자라다
  24325. 투성이
  24326. 바늘
  24327. 꿰매다
  24328. 풍부하다
  24329. 온몸
  24330. 떨리다
  24331. 잠들다
  24332. 적어지다
  24333. 향상하다
  24334. 태양빛
  24335. 메모
  24336. 잠자다
  24337. 듯하다
  24338. 메시지
  24339. 짐작하다
  24340. 듯싶다
  24341. 맞벌이
  24342. 탤런트
  24343. 옛일
  24344. 옛말
  24345. 옛사람
  24346. 나날
  24347. 변하다
  24348. 참뜻
  24349. 떠들썩
  24350. 말소리
  24351. 거리다
  24352. 여러
  24353. 노랫소리
  24354. 달다
  24355. 맞히다
  24356. 큰소리
  24357. 망하다
  24358. 가난하다
  24359. 가늠하다
  24360. 그이
  24361. 저분
  24362. 가득히
  24363. 가락지빵
  24364. 가련하다
  24365. 도넛
  24366. 불쌍하다
  24367. 가마치
  24368. 가만
  24369. 가만가만
  24370. 채다
  24371. 누룽지
  24372. 조용히
  24373. 병아리
  24374. 살금살금
  24375. 슬금슬금
  24376. 어처구니
  24377. 가르침
  24378. 어이없다
  24379. 어이
  24380. 반가워하다
  24381. 신속하다
  24382. 퍼뜩
  24383. 난해하다
  24384. 벼락
  24385. 천둥
  24386. 우레
  24387. 오해하다
  24388. 반갑다
  24389. 반가움
  24390. 바위
  24391. 가위바위보
  24392. 마지막
  24393. 에는
  24394. 이나
  24395. 돈푼
  24396. 볼펜
  24397. 들오다
  24398. 꼭꼭
  24399. 꼬꼬댁
  24400. 꼬꼬
  24401. 치르다
  24402. 벼루
  24403. 담배
  24404. 전화하다
  24405. 일하다
  24406. 공부하다
  24407. 발가락
  24408. 빨다
  24409. 문지르다
  24410. 사다리
  24411. 사닥다리
  24412. 뛰어넘다
  24413. 따뜻하다
  24414. 봄바람
  24415. 친절하다
  24416. 뜨뜻하다
  24417. 깡그리
  24418. 두고두고
  24419. 치우다
  24420. 암탉
  24421. 무서워하다
  24422. 올리다
  24423. 수탉
  24424. 러시아
  24425. 로씨야
  24426. 모스크바
  24427. 유럽
  24428. 오른쪽
  24429. 오른
  24430. 바른
  24431. 짝사랑
  24432. 이루다
  24433. 꿀벌
  24434. 벌꿀
  24435. 자연히
  24436. 벌레
  24437. 젓가락
  24438. 숟갈
  24439. 멧돼지
  24440. 테이블
  24441. 숟가락
  24442. 땅콩
  24443. 아메리카
  24444. 로마
  24445. 이탈리아
  24446. 발바리
  24447. 가파르다
  24448. 곧다
  24449. 벼슬자리
  24450. 골시내
  24451. 에너지
  24452. 헤엄
  24453. 수영하다
  24454. 잠자리
  24455. 이부자리
  24456. 결혼하다
  24457. 수려하다
  24458. 실례하다
  24459. 넘겨주다
  24460. 호숫가
  24461. 만남
  24462. 모임
  24463. 데이트
  24464. 흩뜨리다
  24465. 뿌리다
  24466. 씨앗
  24467. 뭉치다
  24468. 뿔뿔이
  24469. 바지
  24470. 버릇없다
  24471. 마음속
  24472. 줄곧
  24473. 영원히
  24474. 치솟다
  24475. 참다
  24476. 오랜
  24477. 오래다
  24478. 둘이
  24479. 오래오래
  24480. 바로
  24481. 느릿느릿
  24482. 느릿하다
  24483. 올바로
  24484. 도르래
  24485. 도르다
  24486. 도리깨
  24487. 설날
  24488. 틀어막다
  24489. 칼날
  24490. 쑤시다
  24491. 밑받침
  24492. 꽃밭
  24493. 뒷마당
  24494. 똥구멍
  24495. 뒤뜰
  24496. 한차례
  24497. 밑동
  24498. 수선스럽다
  24499. 간단히
  24500. 자랑스레
  24501. 구덩이
  24502. 쥐구멍
  24503. 눈구멍
  24504. 만큼
  24505. 멀미
  24506. 배멀미
  24507. 아마도
  24508. 아마추어
  24509. 굉장히
  24510. 프로페셔널
  24511. 연기되다
  24512. 혼돈자
  24513. 훈툰
  24514. 칵테일
  24515. 파티
  24516. 악하다
  24517. 뒤죽박죽되다
  24518. 명료하다
  24519. 혼돈되다
  24520. 섞다
  24521. 해우소
  24522. 처갓집
  24523. 쓰나미
  24524. 쟁이
  24525. 아낙네
  24526. 뒤떨어지다
  24527. 아지매
  24528. 으로부터
  24529. 로부터
  24530. 부터
  24531. 피하다
  24532. 개울
  24533. 호숫물
  24534. 프로펠러
  24535. 가을철
  24536. 신선하다
  24537. 바닥
  24538. 시멘트
  24539. 손바닥
  24540. 큰길
  24541. 손아귀
  24542. 힘껏
  24543. 맨발
  24544. 모내기
  24545. 주둥이
  24546. 아가리
  24547. 걸어가다
  24548. 부쩍
  24549. 움직거리다
  24550. 곧장
  24551. 엎드리다
  24552. 덮개
  24553. 갈리다
  24554. 뾰족하다
  24555. 다니다
  24556. 거죽
  24557. 부엌칼
  24558. 골고루
  24559. 찧다
  24560. 필요하다
  24561. 맡다
  24562. 다녀가다
  24563. 부엌데기
  24564. 발코니
  24565. 새침데기
  24566. 저마다
  24567. 회초리
  24568. 짹짹
  24569. 좁히다
  24570. 겨울철
  24571. 크기
  24572. 얼음
  24573. 얼음물
  24574. 두텁다
  24575. 두꺼비
  24576. 뛰어들다
  24577. 놓아주다
  24578. 뛰어가다
  24579. 미터
  24580. 빗줄기
  24581. 모래
  24582. 눈깔
  24583. 눈알
  24584. 페인트
  24585. 그곳
  24586. 저곳
  24587. 이곳
  24588. 이쪽
  24589. 저쪽
  24590. 시다
  24591. 페이지
  24592. 마루
  24593. 튀김
  24594. 살피다
  24595. 건져내다
  24596. 우리말
  24597. 인양하다
  24598. 쳐들다
  24599. 계집아이
  24600. 사내아이
  24601. 울음
  24602. 사내애
  24603. 사나이
  24604. 삼키다
  24605. 스물
  24606. 아이고
  24607. 아이구
  24608. 피우다
  24609. 느슨히
  24610. 어깨
  24611. 물살
  24612. 캐다
  24613. 답하다
  24614. 들어붙다
  24615. 진흙
  24616. 겹옷
  24617. 비싸다
  24618. 쫓아가다
  24619. 쫓아오다
  24620. 하품하다
  24621. 빚지다
  24622. 불나방
  24623. 일거리
  24624. 요즘
  24625. 요즈음
  24626. 뭉치
  24627. 살림
  24628. 물위
  24629. 곁눈
  24630. 새살림
  24631. 빼다
  24632. 빼내다
  24633. 잠옷
  24634. 채우다
  24635. 처넣다
  24636. 잡아넣다
  24637. 빗다
  24638. 빗질
  24639. 썰매
  24640. 참빗
  24641. 갉다
  24642. 흔들거리다
  24643. 흔들흔들
  24644. 건들거리다
  24645. 글말
  24646. 입말
  24647. 곤돌라
  24648. 렌즈
  24649. 콜라겐
  24650. 호흡하다
  24651. 지름
  24652. 배고픔
  24653. 공갈치다
  24654. 공갈하다
  24655. 불치다
  24656. 불까다
  24657. 불알
  24658. 시작하다
  24659. 나뭇가지
  24660. 간질거리다
  24661. 인플루엔자
  24662. 부처님
  24663. 감하다
  24664. 잘하다
  24665. 갸웃거리다
  24666. 간지럼
  24667. 가렵다
  24668. 간질이다
  24669. 근지럽다
  24670. 하마터면
  24671. 큰일
  24672. 팔걸이
  24673. 그래도
  24674. 왕성하다
  24675. 다툼
  24676. 싸움
  24677. 말다툼
  24678. 말다툼하다
  24679. 목구멍
  24680. 미려하다
  24681. 진지하다
  24682. 상세하다
  24683. 자세하다
  24684. 올바르다
  24685. 눈꼽
  24686. 눈총
  24687. 사팔눈
  24688. 분명히
  24689. 부시다
  24690. 표하다
  24691. 일찍이
  24692. 기름때
  24693. 이맘때
  24694. 빈번히
  24695. 간간히
  24696. 빈번하다
  24697. 뜸하다
  24698. 희한하다
  24699. 뜨음하다
  24700. 신기하다
  24701. 요사이
  24702. 이때
  24703. 내내
  24704. 너희들
  24705. 중얼대다
  24706. 멈칫거리다
  24707. 칭하다
  24708. 적당하다
  24709. 괜하다
  24710. 컨디션
  24711. 이만하다
  24712. 아뿔싸
  24713. 옛적
  24714. 옛날이야기
  24715. 옛이야기
  24716. 친근하다
  24717. 옛글
  24718. 제기랄
  24719. 저것
  24720. 지나가다
  24721. 젠장
  24722. 고것
  24723. 요것
  24724. 조것
  24725. 젠장맞을
  24726. 빌어먹을
  24727. 빌어먹다
  24728. 로다
  24729. 높임말
  24730. 볼때기
  24731. 때기
  24732. 귀때기
  24733. 콧방울
  24734. 에로틱
  24735. 뺨따귀
  24736. 따귀
  24737. 귀싸대기
  24738. 새빨갛다
  24739. 소프트웨어
  24740. 하드웨어
  24741. 맞추다
  24742. 시뻘겋다
  24743. 뻘겋다
  24744. 송이
  24745. 빛깔
  24746. 버섯
  24747. 표고버섯
  24748. 볕들다
  24749. 햇발
  24750. 응달
  24751. 가을비
  24752. 마주하다
  24753. 추워하다
  24754. 손기척
  24755. 덜덜
  24756. 벌벌
  24757. 토하다
  24758. 갈기다
  24759. 후려치다
  24760. 가래
  24761. 아무데
  24762. 퉤퉤
  24763. 왼쪽
  24764. 먼지
  24765. 털다
  24766. 리베이트
  24767. 물림
  24768. 넘어가다
  24769. 당연히
  24770. 예순
  24771. 쓰러지다
  24772. 새벽
  24773. 쓰러뜨리다
  24774. 부들부들
  24775. 넘어뜨리다
  24776. 쓰러트리다
  24777. 부들
  24778. 급격히
  24779. 신랄하다
  24780. 토마토
  24781. 케첩
  24782. 주스
  24783. 소스
  24784. 인도네시아
  24785. 뚝뚝
  24786. 뿜다
  24787. 뜯다
  24788. 떼다
  24789. 모기
  24790. 파리
  24791. 꼭두새벽
  24792. 쬐다
  24793. 허약하다
  24794. 잘다
  24795. 그늘지다
  24796. 마른밥
  24797. 철사줄
  24798. 아물다
  24799. 악물다
  24800. 솜사탕
  24801. 일손
  24802. 올무
  24803. 제자리
  24804. 테레비
  24805. 바르르
  24806. 윗입술
  24807. 아랫입술
  24808. 바람결
  24809. 막내둥이
  24810. 막내
  24811. 막내아들
  24812. 산들바람
  24813. 발맞추다
  24814. 적응시키다
  24815. 안성맞춤
  24816. 시키다
  24817. 부끄러움
  24818. 수줍음
  24819. 수줍어하다
  24820. 우렁차다
  24821. 들어가다
  24822. 잔소리
  24823. 꾸중
  24824. 군소리
  24825. 콧소리
  24826. 맛있다
  24827. 구루병
  24828. 곱사등이
  24829. 투박하다
  24830. 바구니
  24831. 바라보이다
  24832. 출발하다
  24833. 걸음걸이
  24834. 일으키다
  24835. 번잡하다
  24836. 물어보다
  24837. 똑똑하다
  24838. 현명하다
  24839. 새롭다
  24840. 나그네
  24841. 기러기
  24842. 늙은이
  24843. 손뼉
  24844. 눈물짓다
  24845. 미소짓다
  24846. 아픔
  24847. 가득차다
  24848. 슬피
  24849. 꺼림직하다
  24850. 짜증
  24851. 이제껏
  24852. 침울하다
  24853. 어려움
  24854. 트럼프
  24855. 내리누르다
  24856. 진정시키다
  24857. 사라지다
  24858. 부서뜨리다
  24859. 무너뜨리다
  24860. 깨우다
  24861. 깨치다
  24862. 깨부수다
  24863. 정결하다
  24864. 낮잠
  24865. 뱃속
  24866. 낮거리
  24867. 뛰어놀다
  24868. 뛰놀다
  24869. 비바람
  24870. 밤길
  24871. 밤나무
  24872. 펜대
  24873. 박히다
  24874. 펜싱
  24875. 칠하다
  24876. 다만
  24877. 잠깐
  24878. 생생하다
  24879. 이든지
  24880. 든지
  24881. 던지
  24882. 저러하다
  24883. 불룩
  24884. 붉어지다
  24885. 바른길
  24886. 똑바르다
  24887. 똑바로
  24888. 비스듬하다
  24889. 방울뱀
  24890. 바른손
  24891. 빗물
  24892. 아무래도
  24893. 능글맞다
  24894. 능청맞다
  24895. 무지무지하다
  24896. 핑퐁
  24897. 쓸개
  24898. 치욕스럽다
  24899. 땡땡하다
  24900. 팽팽하다
  24901. 덩이
  24902. 부지런
  24903. 게으름
  24904. 게으름뱅이
  24905. 뱅이
  24906. 농땡이
  24907. 농땡이꾼
  24908. 꾀하다
  24909. 알코올
  24910. 에탄올
  24911. 놀아나다
  24912. 왜놈
  24913. 저놈
  24914. 이놈
  24915. 계집질
  24916. 도살하다
  24917. 붙들다
  24918. 이대로
  24919. 참말
  24920. 기만하다
  24921. 엮다
  24922. 짜이다
  24923. 이어서
  24924. 이음새
  24925. 옹졸하다
  24926. 동이다
  24927. 포스터
  24928. 뚱뚱하다
  24929. 뚱뚱이
  24930. 뚱뚱보
  24931. 빼빼하다
  24932. 굶주리다
  24933. 힘세다
  24934. 나약하다
  24935. 병약하다
  24936. 짙푸르다
  24937. 아름
  24938. 내려오다
  24939. 습윤하다
  24940. 습하다
  24941. 불편하다
  24942. 낡다
  24943. 젊음
  24944. 쌀쌀하다
  24945. 맛없다
  24946. 위험하다
  24947. 안전하다
  24948. 믿음
  24949. 아까
  24950. 성공하다
  24951. 실패하다
  24952. 스파게티
  24953. 오렌지
  24954. 바나나
  24955. 토스트
  24956. 샌드위치
  24957. 팝콘
  24958. 핫도그
  24959. 팝송
  24960. 마가린
  24961. 치즈
  24962. 프라이드
  24963. 프라이팬
  24964. 치킨
  24965. 마요네즈
  24966. 케이크
  24967. 초콜릿
  24968. 사과파이
  24969. 파이
  24970. 아이스크림
  24971. 젤리
  24972. 콜라
  24973. 웨딩드레스
  24974. 셔츠
  24975. 티셔츠
  24976. 스웨터
  24977. 코트
  24978. 넥타이핀
  24979. 슬리퍼
  24980. 샌들
  24981. 부츠
  24982. 브랜드
  24983. 리모컨
  24984. 채널
  24985. 플러그
  24986. 소켓
  24987. 배터리
  24988. 스위치
  24989. 버튼
  24990. 워크맨
  24991. 카세트
  24992. 스피커
  24993. 이어폰
  24994. 마이크
  24995. 에어컨
  24996. 포트
  24997. 헤어드라이어
  24998. 카메라
  24999. 디지털
  25000. 사인펜
  25001. 밀크
  25002. 크림
  25003. 소젖
  25004. 매니큐어
  25005. 입술연지
  25006. 무스
  25007. 헤어스타일
  25008. 스타일
  25009. 샴푸
  25010. 버스
  25011. 스팀
  25012. 스튜어니스
  25013. 택시
  25014. 코미디
  25015. 와이셔츠
  25016. 아파트
  25017. 미싱
  25018. 핸들
  25019. 캠퍼스
  25020. 커피숍
  25021. 스낵
  25022. 배드민턴
  25023. 골프
  25024. 볼링
  25025. 골대
  25026. 네트
  25027. 스키
  25028. 센티미터
  25029. 센터
  25030. 피아노
  25031. 바이올린
  25032. 커튼
  25033. 콘서트
  25034. 카펫
  25035. 려관
  25036. 바이러스
  25037. 마니아
  25038. 퍼스널
  25039. 세일즈맨
  25040. 와이프
  25041. 모델
  25042. 카운터
  25043. 스트레스
  25044. 커플링
  25045. 브래지어
  25046. 사이즈
  25047. 브라자
  25048. 서비스
  25049. 세일
  25050. 아나운서
  25051. 앵커맨
  25052. 앵커
  25053. 원피스
  25054. 이메일
  25055. 엘리베이터
  25056. 인터뷰
  25057. 팩스
  25058. 팬티
  25059. 필름
  25060. 핸드백
  25061. 슈퍼마켓
  25062. 파이팅
  25063. 슈퍼
  25064. 티브이
  25065. 크리스마스
  25066. 스페셜
  25067. 뮤직비디오
  25068. 발라드
  25069. 힙합
  25070. 미니
  25071. 미니스커트
  25072. 테마
  25073. 스킨십
  25074. 보이
  25075. 섹시
  25076. 섹시하다
  25077. 퀴즈
  25078. 디저트
  25079. 블로그
  25080. 코코아
  25081. 파마
  25082. 템포
  25083. 비닐하우스
  25084. 빌라
  25085. 코코넛
  25086. 동아리
  25087. 서클
  25088. 커닝
  25089. 스테인리스
  25090. 페이퍼
  25091. 호치키스
  25092. 클래식
  25093. 모닝콜
  25094. 코팅
  25095. 백미러
  25096. 삐삐
  25097. 개그맨
  25098. 오픈카
  25099. 클럽
  25100. 가스렌지
  25101. 가스레인지
  25102. 헬스
  25103. 오피스텔
  25104. 니트
  25105. 콤비
  25106. 골든타임
  25107. 원사이드러브
  25108. 프린트
  25109. 카레라이스
  25110. 밴드
  25111. 카레
  25112. 달걀
  25113. 스탠드
  25114. 커플
  25115. 캠퍼스커플
  25116. 박스
  25117. 아이스박스
  25118. 스킨스쿠버
  25119. 마인드콘트롤
  25120. 인스턴트
  25121. 인터체인지
  25122. 호프집
  25123. 도둑질
  25124. 고니
  25125. 캠페인
  25126. 깜빠니야
  25127. 재두루미
  25128. 왜가리
  25129. 때까치
  25130. 해오라기
  25131. 따오기
  25132. 트랙터
  25133. 뜨락또르
  25134. 큰물
  25135. 일컫다
  25136. 콤퓨터
  25137. 체코슬로바키아
  25138. 벚꽃
  25139. 서울말
  25140. 옥수수
  25141. 강냉이
  25142. 베트남
  25143. 해머
  25144. 해빛
  25145. 티베트
  25146. 베이징
  25147. 도이칠란트
  25148. 뚜르크메니스딴
  25149. 가래톳
  25150. 투르크메니스탄
  25151. 따쥐끼스딴
  25152. 라이베리아
  25153. 타지키스탄
  25154. 갖바치
  25155. 고갱이
  25156. 고뿔
  25157. 구순하다
  25158. 국으로
  25159. 금새
  25160. 톱니바퀴
  25161. 길마
  25162. 톱니
  25163. 손잡이
  25164. 앞길
  25165. 길섶
  25166. 까대기
  25167. 까막까치
  25168. 깜냥
  25169. 까치
  25170. 깜장
  25171. 빨강
  25172. 검정색
  25173. 새까맣다
  25174. 빨갱이
  25175. 시꺼멓다
  25176. 새하얗다
  25177. 귀동냥
  25178. 귓밥
  25179. 꺼멓다
  25180. 동냥
  25181. 맹문
  25182. 구멍가게
  25183. 부딪히다
  25184. 배웅
  25185. 붙들리다
  25186. 붙박다
  25187. 붙박이다
  25188. 무너지다
  25189. 갈라지다
  25190. 뚜껑
  25191. 코르크
  25192. 터널
  25193. 운전하다
  25194. 지우개
  25195. 자빠지다
  25196. 뉘다
  25197. 사진찍다
  25198. 재스민
  25199. 멜라민
  25200. 비럭질하다
  25201. 매달다
  25202. 밀가루
  25203. 반짝거리다
  25204. 후춧가루
  25205. 이빨
  25206. 북북
  25207. 때우다
  25208. 증진하다
  25209. 웃돈
  25210. 웃음거리
  25211. 웃음판
  25212. 볶다
  25213. 볶음
  25214. 볶음밥
  25215. 지불하다
  25216. 차곡차곡
  25217. 가까스로
  25218. 한쪽
  25219. 시렁
  25220. 신기다
  25221. 고깃국
  25222. 애쓰다
  25223. 카드
  25224. 똑똑히
  25225. 달려오다
  25226. 한길
  25227. 첫사랑
  25228. 나룻
  25229. 염소수염
  25230. 구레나룻
  25231. 머리털
  25232. 가닥
  25233. 겨드랑이
  25234. 숯불
  25235. 걷어붙이다
  25236. 끝장나다
  25237. 담그다
  25238. 솔기
  25239. 판탈롱
  25240. 불난리
  25241. 세차다
  25242. 바야흐로
  25243. 불나다
  25244. 터지다
  25245. 째지다
  25246. 째어지다
  25247. 접시
  25248. 뜯어내다
  25249. 스푼
  25250. 잡아떼다
  25251. 갈비뼈
  25252. 켤레
  25253. 팔찌
  25254. 축축하다
  25255. 그렁그렁하다
  25256. 그리워하다
  25257. 한줄기
  25258. 국물
  25259. 화끈거리다
  25260. 입맞춤하다
  25261. 버들
  25262. 저울
  25263. 키스하다
  25264. 키스신
  25265. 지당하다
  25266. 외다
  25267. 손길
  25268. 모락모락
  25269. 주먹밥
  25270. 무럭무럭
  25271. 퐁퐁
  25272. 광주리
  25273. 놀러가다
  25274. 뜨리다
  25275. 트럭
  25276. 망가뜨리다
  25277. 그물
  25278. 자꾸
  25279. 고기떼
  25280. 자그마하다
  25281. 갈고리
  25282. 올가미
  25283. 텃새
  25284. 참새
  25285. 터새
  25286. 터뜨리다
  25287. 일터
  25288. 싸움터
  25289. 튼튼히
  25290. 터트리다
  25291. 트리다
  25292. 솔로
  25293. 맑스
  25294. 손버릇
  25295. 때려눕히다
  25296. 개구쟁이
  25297. 꾸러기
  25298. 벡터
  25299. 꺾꽂이
  25300. 꺾쇠
  25301. 싸리비
  25302. 맹렬하다
  25303. 꾸짖다
  25304. 꿈꾸다
  25305. 개꿈
  25306. 짖다
  25307. 카오스
  25308. 근사하다
  25309. 덩실거리다
  25310. 뒤흔들다
  25311. 휘몰다
  25312. 구부러지다
  25313. 꼿꼿하다
  25314. 비켜서다
  25315. 비켜나다
  25316. 츼다
  25317. 즈츼다
  25318. 막이
  25319. 덮쳐오다
  25320. 덮치다
  25321. 때려잡다
  25322. 판타지
  25323. 띄다
  25324. 빡빡
  25325. 엎디다
  25326. 푸드덕거리다
  25327. 푸드덕
  25328. 달려가다
  25329. 닥뜨리다
  25330. 졸라매다
  25331. 조르다
  25332. 졸인젖
  25333. 통솔하다
  25334. 슛하다
  25335. 시킬
  25336. 월드컵
  25337. 갸륵하다
  25338. 능하다
  25339. 잘못하다
  25340. 잘잘못
  25341. 용하다
  25342. 벙어리
  25343. 헌걸차다
  25344. 값싸다
  25345. 비지떡
  25346. 야비하다
  25347. 비지땀
  25348. 음탕하다
  25349. 둥그렇다
  25350. 성내다
  25351. 상당히
  25352. 지지리
  25353. 아무리
  25354. 밸브
  25355. 시트
  25356. 펀드
  25357. 빽빽이
  25358. 물샐틈없다
  25359. 갑갑하다
  25360. 빽빽하다
  25361. 소맷자락
  25362. 걷어올리다
  25363. 저녁노을
  25364. 불타다
  25365. 스모그
  25366. 보랏빛
  25367. 자줏빛
  25368. 줄무늬
  25369. 느끼리다
  25370. 흑흑
  25371. 흐느낌
  25372. 매끄럽다
  25373. 미끄럼틀
  25374. 미끌미끌하다
  25375. 미끈거리다
  25376. 살쾡이
  25377. 삵괭이
  25378. 개살구
  25379. 개나리꽃
  25380. 고을
  25381. 교활하다
  25382. 고름
  25383. 구름다리
  25384. 궁둥이
  25385. 귀엣말
  25386. 엉덩이
  25387. 글피
  25388. 그리움
  25389. 까막눈
  25390. 깍쟁이
  25391. 깜깜하다
  25392. 끊임없다
  25393. 끊이다
  25394. 관상동맥질환
  25395. 프로젝트
  25396. 잉크
  25397. 피투성이
  25398. 피맺히다
  25399. 삿대질
  25400. 을씨년스럽다
  25401. 헛수고다
  25402. 헛수고
  25403. 수고롭다
  25404. 수고스럽다
  25405. 다스리다
  25406. 능히
  25407. 넉넉히
  25408. 로구나
  25409. 마땅히
  25410. 젓가락질
  25411. 숟가락질
  25412. 호통치다
  25413. 플라스틱
  25414. 바윗돌
  25415. 보짱
  25416. 으레
  25417. 부디
  25418. 깽깽
  25419. 설하다
  25420. 결연히
  25421. 튜브
  25422. 솥뚜껑
  25423. 질그릇
  25424. 가마솥
  25425. 단단하다
  25426. 딱딱히
  25427. 난처하다
  25428. 딱딱하다
  25429. 거푸집
  25430. 손톱
  25431. 참혹하다
  25432. 손톱깎이
  25433. 속손톱
  25434. 끼리끼리
  25435. 자신만만하다
  25436. 시앗
  25437. 특별히
  25438. 붙이
  25439. 펑크
  25440. 돌연하다
  25441. 뜻밖
  25442. 카테고리
  25443. 혹하다
  25444. 뗀노
  25445. 큰비
  25446. 함박
  25447. 펑펑
  25448. 눈보라
  25449. 함박꽃
  25450. 재우치다
  25451. 디스크
  25452. 물결
  25453. 밥집
  25454. 펌프
  25455. 윷놀이
  25456. 채찍
  25457. 디스크자키
  25458. 채식주의자
  25459. 흰빛
  25460. 갈팡질팡
  25461. 휘청휘청
  25462. 비틀비틀
  25463. 맞비비다
  25464. 어두워지다
  25465. 벗겨지다
  25466. 쥐젖
  25467. 가녘
  25468. 사마귀
  25469. 새벽녘
  25470. 곁가지
  25471. 건조시키다
  25472. 고래잡이
  25473. 상판대기
  25474. 쌍판대기
  25475. 마땅하다
  25476. 째깍
  25477. 흘러내리다
  25478. 눈초리
  25479. 흘겨보다
  25480. 차림
  25481. 옷차림
  25482. 꽥꽥
  25483. 묏등
  25484. 끝부분
  25485. 삿자리
  25486. 뒤섞이다
  25487. 어긋맞다
  25488. 꿋꿋이
  25489. 사타구니
  25490. 퉁겨지다
  25491. 퉁기다
  25492. 비딱하다
  25493. 미메시스
  25494. 封爐
  25495. 停機
  25496. 核熔毀
  25497. 水蒸氣氣爆
  25498. 核爆
  25499. 沸水式反應爐
  25500. 얽매다
  25501. 매이다
  25502. 찔레꽃
  25503. 찔레
  25504. 조카
  25505. 족하다
  25506. 나루터
  25507. 나룻배
  25508. 낱알
  25509. 낫질
  25510. 낫살
  25511. 좁쌀
  25512. 트렁크
  25513. 우라늄
  25514. 펼쳐지다
  25515. 삿갓
  25516. 뺏다
  25517. 떠보다
  25518. 비옷
  25519. 쇼비니즘
  25520. 눈꼬리
  25521. 머리꼬리
  25522. 꽁지
  25523. 꼬르륵
  25524. 끄트머리
  25525. 에스프리
  25526. 에어로빅
  25527. 졈다
  25528. 바늘구멍
  25529. 말벌
  25530. 겨울잠
  25531. 씹구멍
  25532. 어루다
  25533. 뺨치다
  25534. 넓디넓다
  25535. 좁디좁다
  25536. 맞붙다
  25537. 불붙다
  25538. 따라붙다
  25539. 나붙다
  25540. 덧붙다
  25541. 올라붙다
  25542. 목마르다
  25543. 찾아오다
  25544. 윗사람
  25545. 아랫사람
  25546. 뱃사람
  25547. 뒷사람
  25548. 큰사람
  25549. 앞사람
  25550. 손윗사람
  25551. 손아랫사람
  25552. 새사람
  25553. 빻다
  25554. 방아
  25555. 들락날락
  25556. 꽃가루
  25557. 크리스마스카드
  25558. 알레르기
  25559. 페니실린
  25560. 엄지발가락
  25561. 엄지손가락
  25562. 할미
  25563. 작은어머니
  25564. 의붓어머니
  25565. 의붓아버지
  25566. 작은아버지
  25567. 이웃하다
  25568. 이웃나라
  25569. 집어먹다
  25570. 숨결
  25571. 하느님
  25572. 퀘이사
  25573. 심포지엄
  25574. 블랙홀
  25575. 보르시
  25576. 아이디어
  25577. 허둥지둥
  25578. 반듯하다
  25579. 날것
  25580. 무얼
  25581. 다름없다
  25582. 대낮
  25583. 김칫국
  25584. 인플레이션
  25585. 미사일
  25586. 시스템
  25587. 리비아
  25588. 치맛자락
  25589. 알뿌리
  25590. 늦여름
  25591. 트로피
  25592. 톱스타
  25593. 겉껍질
  25594. 갈대
  25595. 삶다
  25596. 지느러미
  25597. 싸매다
  25598. 날아오다
  25599. 볏짚
  25600. 셀룰로오스
  25601. 머슴
  25602. 몸뚱이
  25603. 해커
  25604. 네트워크
  25605. 프로그래밍
  25606. 컴파일러
  25607. 인터프리터
  25608. 아득히
  25609. 아득하다
  25610. 디플레이션
  25611. 인터내셔널
  25612. 논다니
  25613. 노랫가락
  25614. 노르스름하다
  25615. 뵙다
  25616. 온갖
  25617. 갖은
  25618. 끓는점
  25619. 그네
  25620. 꼲다
  25621. 외짝
  25622. 배다
  25623. 맵다
  25624. 쓰라리다
  25625. 쿼터
  25626. 쿼터백
  25627. 스리쿼터
  25628. 핸들링
  25629. 버찌
  25630. 쓰메키리
  25631. 회오리바람
  25632. 콘돔
  25633. 파이프
  25634. 폴리에틸렌
  25635. 시퀀스
  25636. 웹사이트
  25637. 월드와이드웹
  25638. 리조트
  25639. 브라우저
  25640. 쇼핑몰
  25641. 프로토콜
  25642. 디자인
  25643. 메신저
  25644. 홈페이지
  25645. 캠코더
  25646. 매듭
  25647. 옆구리
  25648. 갈빗대
  25649. 癌變
  25650. 버전
  25651. 까부르다
  25652. 이튿날
  25653. 벨트
  25654. 나무라다
  25655. 앙코르
  25656. 꾸지람
  25657. 빚쟁이
  25658. 빈털터리
  25659. 스크랩
  25660. 알거지
  25661. 꽃답다
  25662. 활활
  25663. 컨대
  25664. 삿대
  25665. 빨대
  25666. 코르덴
  25667. 덤핑
  25668. 하이테크
  25669. 배트
  25670. 셔틀콕
  25671. 포켓
  25672. 스프링
  25673. 침팬지
  25674. 순대
  25675. 소시지
  25676. 칼파스
  25677. 데뷔
  25678. 칼럼
  25679. 클립
  25680. 그룹
  25681. 실린더
  25682. 메스
  25683. 메스실린더
  25684. 플라스크
  25685. Appendix:原始印欧语词根
  25686. Appendix:原始印欧语名词
  25687. 노엽다
  25688. 덩어리
  25689. 흙덩이
  25690. 짝짓기
  25691. 탯줄
  25692. 오퍼레이터
  25693. 바코드
  25694. 어젯밤
  25695. 一致
  25696. 专辑
  25697. 곡괭이
  25698. 버그
  25699. 버너
  25700. 뱅크
  25701. 베스트셀러
  25702. 베이킹파우더
  25703. 베테랑
  25704. 언덕
  25705. 곶감
  25706. 성냥
  25707. 갤러리
  25708. 乾隆
  25709. 뉴질랜드
  25710. 창자
  25711. 모빌
  25712. 고추잠자리
  25713. 꽈배기
  25714. 갈매기
  25715. 파스칼
  25716. 亮點
  25717. 왕골
  25718. 땀띠
  25719. 이울다
  25720. 색소폰
  25721. 곰팡이
  25722. 놋그릇
  25723. 셰퍼드
  25724. 오스트레일리아
  25725. exceptions
  25726. 클라리넷
  25727. 올림픽
  25728. 力道
  25729. 아랫다리
  25730. 암컷
  25731. 미꾸라지
  25732. 점퍼
  25733. 안팎
  25734. 傻屄
  25735. 가물치
  25736. 가다가
  25737. 가끔가다가
  25738. 갈래
  25739. 맵시
  25740. PSTN
  25741. 公報私仇
  25742. 넘보라살
  25743. 分類理論
  25744. 좀체
  25745. 일자리
  25746. 틀림없다
  25747. 적확하다
  25748. 틀림
  25749. 얻어먹다
  25750. 무르다
  25751. 엇먹다
  25752. 거짓되다
  25753. 질다
  25754. 굳은살
  25755. 새로
  25756. 질척질척
  25757. 눈자위
  25758. 짓무르다
  25759. 절이다
  25760. 뼈아프다
  25761. 절다
  25762. 안절부절
  25763. 잇몸
  25764. 마디다
  25765. 비누
  25766. 푹푹
  25767. 덩치
  25768. 골치
  25769. 지끈지끈
  25770. 안절부절못하다
  25771. 光緒
  25772. 分頁
  25773. 割草
  25774. 分離份子
  25775. 分類帳
  25776. 크로마토그래피
  25777. 動物分類
  25778. 動植物分類
  25779. 게릴라
  25780. 매무시
  25781. 어지럽히다
  25782. 卡哇伊
  25783. 리더십
  25784. 물안경
  25785. 물옷
  25786. 물장난
  25787. 물장사
  25788. 딸기
  25789. 台北市
  25790. 그제야
  25791. 어렴풋이
  25792. 어렴풋하다
  25793. 대단찮다
  25794. 이윽고
  25795. 그때
  25796. 차라리
  25797. 토끼
  25798. 끝맺다
  25799. 머물다
  25800. 머무르다
  25801. 하고많다
  25802. 자장면
  25803. 노틀
  25804. 서성이다
  25805. 서성거리다
  25806. 아이라인
  25807. 눈물나다
  25808. 머릿속
  25809. 빙빙
  25810. 이끌리다
  25811. 혀끝
  25812. 타고나다
  25813. 달아오르다
  25814. 뜨거워지다
  25815. 일러바치다
  25816. 일러두다
  25817. 일다
  25818. 포개다
  25819. 일구다
  25820. 끝없다
  25821. 咸豐
  25822. 哈薩克語
  25823. 매너리즘
  25824. 同治
  25825. 패션모델
  25826. 바보스럽다
  25827. 嘉義
  25828. 날갯죽지
  25829. 어깻죽지
  25830. 올라앉다
  25831. 대바구니
  25832. 여행길
  25833. 집안일
  25834. 사이트
  25835. 술기운
  25836. 가정일
  25837. 눈밭
  25838. 이어지다
  25839. 찌그러지다
  25840. 찻숟가락
  25841. 티스푼
  25842. 嘉慶
  25843. 볼만하다
  25844. 四日市
  25845. 콤플렉스
  25846. 원숭이
  25847. 여쭈다
  25848. 여쭙다
  25849. 부탄가스
  25850. 단춧구멍
  25851. 요하다
  25852. 뿌리내리다
  25853. 뿌옇다
  25854. 부치다
  25855. 부옇다
  25856. 보얗다
  25857. 지지다
  25858. 보채다
  25859. 눋다
  25860. 칭얼거리다
  25861. 여태껏
  25862. 쿠데타
  25863. 푸릇푸릇
  25864. 군데군데
  25865. 새싹
  25866. 힘없다
  25867. 새끼줄
  25868. 업신여기다
  25869. 끈기
  25870. 웅숭깊다
  25871. 깊숙이
  25872. 되바라지다
  25873. 늙마
  25874. 늙다리
  25875. 리얼하다
  25876. 그만이다
  25877. 오르막
  25878. 어쭙잖다
  25879. 업신여김
  25880. 宣統
  25881. 康熙
  25882. 帶寬
  25883. 배꼽
  25884. 性別比
  25885. 어줍잖다
  25886. 목젖
  25887. 자디잘다
  25888. 좀스럽다
  25889. 땜질하다
  25890. 땜질
  25891. 담벼락
  25892. 흙담
  25893. 싹트다
  25894. 깜박거리다
  25895. 깜박
  25896. 헛헛하다
  25897. 헤게모니
  25898. 헤모글로빈
  25899. 수코양이
  25900. 수캐
  25901. 수고양이
  25902. 받잡다
  25903. 반하다
  25904. 반질반질
  25905. 오디션
  25906. 오뚝이
  25907. 오라기
  25908. 옭다
  25909. 몯다
  25910. 무릇
  25911. 면하다
  25912. 부닥치다
  25913. 여무지다
  25914. 영글다
  25915. 자갈
  25916. 갈기
  25917. 베끼다
  25918. 귀얄
  25919. 앙바틈하다
  25920. 앙앙거리다
  25921. 梅州
  25922. 二屄
  25923. typewriter
  25924. 打官腔
  25925. 按圖索驥
  25926. 몸짓
  25927. 느닷없이
  25928. 살구
  25929. 캐내다
  25930. 파내다
  25931. 캐어묻다
  25932. 시시콜콜
  25933. 둘러싸이다
  25934. 캐묻다
  25935. 꼬치꼬치
  25936. 자세히
  25937. 나누이다
  25938. 브레이크
  25939. 허술하다
  25940. 鍾意
  25941. múa rìu qua mắt thợ
  25942. 赤佬
  25943. 癟三
  25944. 봄날
  25945. 봄눈
  25946. 울고불고
  25947. 우수리
  25948. 울긋불긋
  25949. 거스름돈
  25950. 패배시키다
  25951. 몽땅
  25952. 몽둥이
  25953. 묏자리
  25954. 쌀뜨물
  25955. 희뿌옇다
  25956. 뜨물
  25957. 희끄무레하다
  25958. 떠다니다
  25959. 조각배
  25960. 둥둥
  25961. 떠내다
  25962. 밀밭
  25963. 두둥실
  25964. 물독
  25965. 둥실
  25966. 바가지
  25967. 옷감
  25968. 잔디밭
  25969. 노름판
  25970. 떠나가다
  25971. 털실
  25972. 높이뛰기
  25973. 조끼
  25974. 푸르스름하다
  25975. 씨발
  25976. 씨팔
  25977. 들끓다
  25978. 올챙이
  25979. 푸성귀
  25980. 나달
  25981. 얘기
  25982. 살아나다
  25983. 차오르다
  25984. 되살아나다
  25985. 케케묵다
  25986. 켸켸묵다
  25987. 안짱다리
  25988. 어슬렁거리다
  25989. 디딤돌
  25990. 헛디디다
  25991. 성큼성큼
  25992. 내려서다
  25993. 해묵다
  25994. 비리다
  25995. 칠칠맞다
  25996. 칩샷
  25997. 밤낮
  25998. 불리다
  25999. 바수다
  26000. 허물어지다
  26001. 허물어뜨리다
  26002. 구두끈
  26003. 들이붓다
  26004. 들어붓다
  26005. 부어오르다
  26006. 헐리다
  26007. 품삯
  26008. 깔개
  26009. 헐뜯다
  26010. 허울
  26011. 허름하다
  26012. 허겁지겁
  26013. 가시버시
  26014. 가납사니
  26015. 가년스럽다
  26016. 가린스럽다
  26017. 가루다
  26018. 겹쳐지다
  26019. 가리사니
  26020. 가말다
  26021. 불꽃
  26022. 불꽃놀이
  26023. 따님
  26024. 풀려나다
  26025. 잉어
  26026. 스파이
  26027. 두들기다
  26028. 여리다
  26029. 홀소리
  26030. 닿소리
  26031. 수다스럽다
  26032. 方便麵
  26033. 普什圖語
  26034. ရန်ကုန်မြို့
  26035. 먼지떨이
  26036. 울림소리
  26037. 어금니
  26038. 트릿하다
  26039. 트릭
  26040. 마찬가지
  26041. 한가지
  26042. 늘어지다
  26043. 호되다
  26044. 𬼀
  26045. ခက်
  26046. 歐巴桑
  26047. 비즈니스
  26048. 이미지
  26049. 두근두근
  26050. 미련스럽다
  26051. 살포시
  26052. 살지다
  26053. 살쩍
  26054. 오랑캐
  26055. 中間體
  26056. 바리케이드
  26057. 치레
  26058. 만하다
  26059. 橙色
  26060. 너덧
  26061. 네다섯
  26062. 한둘
  26063. 두셋
  26064. 서넛
  26065. 두서넛
  26066. 너더댓
  26067. 대여섯
  26068. 두세
  26069. 두서너
  26070. 예닐곱
  26071. 서너
  26072. 일여덟
  26073. 여드름
  26074. 일고여덟
  26075. 여닫이
  26076. 도톨도톨
  26077. 덮어쓰다
  26078. 덮어씌우다
  26079. 잇달다
  26080. 잇따르다
  26081. 애타다
  26082. 애태우다
  26083. 애끓다
  26084. 하소연
  26085. 애프터서비스
  26086. 波音
  26087. high polymer
  26088. 둥글둥글
  26089. 뒈지다
  26090. 허튼
  26091. 평평하다
  26092. 벙벙하다
  26093. 벼슬하다
  26094. 종이컵
  26095. 딸리다
  26096. 종이쪽
  26097. 조그맣다
  26098. 조그마하다
  26099. 워낙
  26100. 무찌르다
  26101. 쳐들어가다
  26102. 쏜살같이
  26103. 무지르다
  26104. 쏜살같다
  26105. 쑥갓
  26106. 들쑤시다
  26107. 쓰다듬다
  26108. 들이쑤시다
  26109. 들이
  26110. 다듬다
  26111. 잘못되다
  26112. 큰소리치다
  26113. 보람차다
  26114. 매만지다
  26115. 이리저리
  26116. 둘러대다
  26117. 땅거미
  26118. 외려
  26119. 푹하다
  26120. 껌다
  26121. 모가지
  26122. 아리다
  26123. 쓰라림
  26124. 쓰레받기
  26125. 쓰르라미
  26126. 쓰임새
  26127. 곤두
  26128. 곤두박질치다
  26129. 곤두박질
  26130. 쓱쓱
  26131. 쓴맛
  26132. 썩썩
  26133. 쓴소리
  26134. 쓴웃음
  26135. 부걱부걱
  26136. 벼메뚜기
  26137. 벼슬길
  26138. 메뚜기
  26139. 벼락치기
  26140. 밤샘
  26141. 밤새움
  26142. 밤새우다
  26143. 새우다
  26144. 뭉개다
  26145. 짓이기다
  26146. 갈팡질팡하다
  26147. 담배꽁초
  26148. 꾸물거리다
  26149. 얼빠지다
  26150. 바락
  26151. 쏘아보다
  26152. 매몰차다
  26153. 쌀쌀맞다
  26154. 옹골차다
  26155. 부릅뜨다
  26156. 옹골지다
  26157. 바락바락
  26158. 바라지
  26159. 바득바득
  26160. 바스스
  26161. 번쩍
  26162. 반짝하다
  26163. 반짝반짝
  26164. 받아먹다
  26165. 텁석텁석
  26166. 받아쓰기
  26167. 받아쓰다
  26168. 받아치다
  26169. 발갛다
  26170. 발개지다
  26171. 배곯다
  26172. 빈틈
  26173. 빈틈없다
  26174. 빈틈없이
  26175. 숨김없다
  26176. 무릎걸음
  26177. 희부옇다
  26178. 자욱하다
  26179. 노른자위
  26180. 샛노랗다
  26181. 노른자
  26182. 퍼렇다
  26183. 시퍼렇다
  26184. 새파랗다
  26185. 어줍다
  26186. 어설프다
  26187. Trinidad
  26188. 狡猾
  26189. kỹ sư
  26190. 얻어듣다
  26191. 얻어걸리다
  26192. 발그레
  26193. 업그레이드
  26194. 발그스름하다
  26195. 벌이다
  26196. 발리다
  26197. 배다르다
  26198. 홉뜨다
  26199. 출출하다
  26200. 주름살
  26201. 잡히다
  26202. 버무리다
  26203. 비집다
  26204. 부라리다
  26205. 뒤집어엎다
  26206. 맞바꾸다
  26207. 뒤집어쓰다
  26208. 까뒤집다
  26209. 탈바꿈
  26210. 엇바꾸다
  26211. 맞서다
  26212. 심부름
  26213. 자리바꿈
  26214. 하루살이
  26215. 부름
  26216. 잔심부름
  26217. 심부름꾼
  26218. 팔리다
  26219. 자질구레하다
  26220. 언뜻
  26221. 자잘하다
  26222. 낚시질
  26223. 얼핏
  26224. 언뜻언뜻
  26225. 문득문득
  26226. 기나길다
  26227. 섣달
  26228. 말굽
  26229. 기대다
  26230. 瓶子
  26231. 生肉
  26232. spittoon
  26233. 盧克索
  26234. 그믐
  26235. 그믐날
  26236. 주낙
  26237. 길다랗다
  26238. 기어오르다
  26239. 기대서다
  26240. 비스듬히
  26241. 기대앉다
  26242. 등받이
  26243. 주걱
  26244. 주검
  26245. 밥주걱
  26246. 구둣주걱
  26247. 별빛
  26248. 무릅쓰다
  26249. 주니어
  26250. 길러내다
  26251. 기름하다
  26252. 길들다
  26253. 자그마치
  26254. 작달막하다
  26255. 비롯하다
  26256. 잔주름
  26257. 작히
  26258. 작히나
  26259. 작디작다
  26260. 좇다
  26261. 구독하다
  26262. 와닥닥
  26263. 비듬
  26264. 주렁주렁
  26265. 주룩주룩
  26266. 주르르
  26267. 주르륵
  26268. 주름잡다
  26269. 주름투성이
  26270. 주림
  26271. 주머니칼
  26272. 조막
  26273. 휘두르다
  26274. 주먹다짐
  26275. 주먹질
  26276. 발길질
  26277. 다짐
  26278. 다지다
  26279. 우격다짐
  26280. 주무르다
  26281. 우기다
  26282. 주무시다
  26283. 주물럭거리다
  26284. 안녕히
  26285. 주섬주섬
  26286. 움큼
  26287. 기름값
  26288. 주어지다
  26289. 주억거리다
  26290. 주워대다
  26291. 주워듣다
  26292. 주전부리
  26293. 주절거리다
  26294. 초라하다
  26295. 너절하다
  26296. 골목길
  26297. 모퉁이
  26298. 주접스럽다
  26299. 숫돌
  26300. 펜촉
  26301. 생겨나다
  26302. 삼가다
  26303. 주추
  26304. 죽치다
  26305. 간추리다
  26306. 추리다
  26307. 골라내다
  26308. 한결같다
  26309. 으스대다
  26310. 준하다
  26311. 저널리즘
  26312. 팔다리
  26313. 저어하다
  26314. 저널리스트
  26315. 矜持
  26316. ACC
  26317. 제대로
  26318. 제꺽
  26319. 제때
  26320. 제로
  26321. 제물에
  26322. 제스처
  26323. 제아무리
  26324. 세상없다
  26325. 제삿날
  26326. 섣달그믐
  26327. 생김생김
  26328. vapor compression distillation
  26329. water sampler
  26330. effective half-life
  26331. electron acceptor
  26332. flame photometer
  26333. induced reaction
  26334. ionic polymerization
  26335. trace element
  26336. 節日
  26337. hydrophilic polymer
  26338. electrolytic cell
  26339. trioxane
  26340. benzotriazole
  26341. essential amino acid
  26342. thiol
  26343. ambient water quality
  26344. anaerobes
  26345. beach pollution
  26346. chemical oceanography
  26347. coastal waters pollution
  26348. colour spectrum
  26349. contaminated water
  26350. DTA
  26351. essential element
  26352. eutrophy
  26353. fission radiochemistry
  26354. guhr
  26355. hydrophobe
  26356. kW
  26357. UNESCO
  26358. wastewater treatment
  26359. absolute counting
  26360. fission chemistry
  26361. isotope chemistry
  26362. dropping mercury electrode
  26363. BOD
  26364. fluorescence analysis
  26365. Kjeldahl method
  26366. 힘쓰다
  26367. 힘입다
  26368. 힘주다
  26369. 힘줄
  26370. 물줄기
  26371. 뻗치다
  26372. 내뻗다
  26373. 뻗다
  26374. 내뻗치다
  26375. 벋다
  26376. 덩굴
  26377. 칡덩굴
  26378. 카리스마
  26379. 넌출
  26380. 넝쿨
  26381. 수북하다
  26382. 심각하다
  26383. 감사하다
  26384. 쩍다
  26385. 오묘하다
  26386. 말미암다
  26387. 精明
  26388. 가탈
  26389. 노새
  26390. 번갈다
  26391. 번다하다
  26392. 번드르르
  26393. 벅차오르다
  26394. 뿌듯하다
  26395. 뾰쪽하다
  26396. 뾰루지
  26397. 뻐기다
  26398. 동여매다
  26399. 빼먹다
  26400. 빠짐없이
  26401. 빠짐없다
  26402. 먹히다
  26403. 먹이다
  26404. 젖먹이
  26405. 컴백
  26406. 손잡다
  26407. 달빛
  26408. 히트
  26409. 회색빛
  26410. 잿빛
  26411. 장밋빛
  26412. 진저리
  26413. 糖蜜
  26414. 음침하다
  26415. 의뭉스럽다
  26416. 어두컴컴하다
  26417. 공부시키다
  26418. 먹장구름
  26419. 먹음직하다
  26420. 먹음직스럽다
  26421. 먹보
  26422. 애달프다
  26423. 노는계집
  26424. 어지르다
  26425. 뒤얽히다
  26426. 사람답다
  26427. 엉키다
  26428. 뒤엉키다
  26429. 엇갈리다
  26430. 엉클어지다
  26431. 실타래
  26432. 엉클다
  26433. 構型
  26434. 繼女
  26435. 오타쿠
  26436. 오빠
  26437. 오라버니
  26438. 빼닮다
  26439. 사이좋다
  26440. 옆집
  26441. 美分
  26442. 翻墙
  26443. 좋아지다
  26444. 물오르다
  26445. 피어나다
  26446. 깨어나다
  26447. 실컷
  26448. 풀어내다
  26449. 푸닥거리
  26450. 풀어먹이다
  26451. 퍼덕거리다
  26452. 날아가다
  26453. 밤하늘
  26454. 트럼펫
  26455. 핀셋
  26456. 족집게
  26457. 요리조리
  26458. 빠져나오다
  26459. 도망가다
  26460. 도둑놈
  26461. 훔쳐때리다
  26462. 들이덤비다
  26463. 뒤통수
  26464. 헤덤비다
  26465. 다짜고짜
  26466. 다짜고짜로
  26467. 허덕이다
  26468. 쩔쩔매다
  26469. 욱대기다
  26470. 괴로워하다
  26471. 끄나풀
  26472. 나부랭이
  26473. 방아쇠
  26474. 줄짓다
  26475. 더불어
  26476. 더불다
  26477. 판잣집
  26478. 잣다
  26479. 억세다
  26480. 자시다
  26481. 서까래
  26482. 우두머리
  26483. 밟히다
  26484. 모름하다
  26485. 날쌔다
  26486. 시루
  26487. 무침
  26488. 콩나물
  26489. 삼짇날
  26490. 외딴섬
  26491. 봉우리
  26492. 봉오리
  26493. 꽃봉오리
  26494. Мысыр
  26495. 네오디뮴
  26496. 칼슘
  26497. 알루미늄
  26498. 아르곤
  26499. 스칸듐
  26500. 티탄
  26501. 바나듐
  26502. 갈륨
  26503. 코발트
  26504. 크롬
  26505. 셀렌
  26506. 브롬
  26507. 크립톤
  26508. 뚜렷이
  26509. 또렷하다
  26510. 대뜸
  26511. 바위틈
  26512. 옹달샘
  26513. 여름철
  26514. 골라잡다
  26515. 손짓하다
  26516. 손짓
  26517. 늘어뜨리다
  26518. 미루다
  26519. 느껍다
  26520. 버금
  26521. 비좁다
  26522. 붐비다
  26523. 버금가다
  26524. 양념
  26525. 脫氧核苷酸
  26526. 그거
  26527. 라면
  26528. 마저
  26529. 알뜰하다
  26530. 알뜰
  26531. 실리다
  26532. 되레
  26533. 미나리
  26534. 사슴
  26535. 덮밥
  26536. 흐려지다
  26537. 괴로이
  26538. BBC
  26539. 고등어
  26540. 우람하다
  26541. 웅장하다
  26542. 장사꾼
  26543. 薩克拉門托
  26544. 번하다
  26545. 쏠다
  26546. 잘살다
  26547. 깔기다
  26548. 개소리
  26549. 지껄이다
  26550. 멋대로
  26551. 개펄
  26552. 멋쩍다
  26553. 어색하다
  26554. 쥐어박다
  26555. 내지르다
  26556. 덧니
  26557. 덧니박이
  26558. 각치다
  26559. 가누다
  26560. 가시다
  26561. 짊다
  26562. 짊어지다
  26563. 화이팅
  26564. 가다가다
  26565. 거멓다
  26566. 갈라놓다
  26567. 굻다
  26568. 눅눅하다
  26569. 가멸다
  26570. 촉촉하다
  26571. 그득
  26572. 쌀독
  26573. 햅쌀
  26574. 보리밥
  26575. 까까머리
  26576. 가랑니
  26577. 가랑비
  26578. 서캐
  26579. 가르마
  26580. 가리마
  26581. 하이칼라
  26582. 까지다
  26583. 따름
  26584. 팔꿈치
  26585. 멋쟁이
  26586. 가즈럽다
  26587. 추렴
  26588. 조약돌
  26589. 쪼끄맣다
  26590. 잗다랗다
  26591. 다랗다
  26592. 굵다랗다
  26593. 게슴츠레
  26594. 게스트
  26595. 게다
  26596. 나막신
  26597. 게놈
  26598. 게걸스럽다
  26599. 겉늙다
  26600. 게이지
  26601. 게이트
  26602. 게이트웨이
  26603. 게딱지
  26604. 등딱지
  26605. 껍데기
  26606. 알맹이
  26607. 겨우내
  26608. 겨울날
  26609. 겨울옷
  26610. 결리다
  26611. 겸사겸사
  26612. 억눌리다
  26613. 벌컥
  26614. 벌컥벌컥
  26615. 열어젖히다
  26616. 열없다
  26617. 신통하다
  26618. 다부지다
  26619. 야무지다
  26620. 열둘
  26621. 열하나
  26622. 열셋
  26623. 열넷
  26624. 열다섯
  26625. 열여섯
  26626. 열일곱
  26627. 열여덟
  26628. 열아홉
  26629. 일흔
  26630. 여든
  26631. 아흔
  26632. 서른
  26633. 마흔
  26634. 즈믄
  26635. 첫째
  26636. 둘째
  26637. 넷째
  26638. 셋째
  26639. 다섯째
  26640. 여섯째
  26641. 열째
  26642. 일곱째
  26643. 아홉째
  26644. 여덟째
  26645. 갓나다
  26646. 곁길
  26647. 갓난아이
  26648. 곁들이다
  26649. 앙구다
  26650. 고깝다
  26651. 고깃덩이
  26652. 고깃덩어리
  26653. 고기잡이
  26654. 고기비늘
  26655. 고꾸라지다
  26656. 여기저기
  26657. 자리끼
  26658. 어루더듬다
  26659. 더듬다
  26660. 물그릇
  26661. 바람꽃
  26662. 고단하다
  26663. 땡볕
  26664. 머리맡
  26665. 느른하다
  26666. 꼼짝거리다
  26667. 쨍쨍
  26668. 내리쬐다
  26669. 나른하다
  26670. 결핍되다
  26671. 들뜨다
  26672. 바람직하다
  26673. 발돋움하다
  26674. 구경꾼
  26675. 바람맞다
  26676. 계집종
  26677. 詔安縣
  26678. 評價分類
  26679. 語義分類
  26680. 빡빡하다
  26681. 바싹
  26682. بىز
  26683. ئىنگلىزچە
  26684. 늘이다
  26685. 엿가락
  26686. 콜레라
  26687. 펑퍼짐하다
  26688. 곱절
  26689. 비역
  26690. 호리다
  26691. 홀치다
  26692. 趙國
  26693. 足利
  26694. 道光
  26695. 고부라지다
  26696. 우쭐하다
  26697. 꼽히다
  26698. 손꼽다
  26699. 구푸리다
  26700. 턱없이
  26701. 턱없다
  26702. 하염없이
  26703. 굽이굽이
  26704. 굽이치다
  26705. 하염없다
  26706. 상관없이
  26707. 얼떨떨하다
  26708. 돈놀이
  26709. 멍하니
  26710. 눈덩이
  26711. 구슬
  26712. 바깥쪽
  26713. 꿈틀꿈틀
  26714. 밤새
  26715. 날래다
  26716. خەنزۇچە
  26717. GE
  26718. 造型藝術
  26719. 郊區
  26720. 鄂溫克族
  26721. ياش
  26722. 運將
  26723. 바닷물
  26724. 썰물
  26725. 鄂州
  26726. 關鍵詞
  26727. ئەزىز
  26728. تۈلكە
  26729. 막다르다
  26730. 우그르르
  26731. 수프
  26732. 찌다
  26733. 피둥피둥
  26734. 커피포트
  26735. 저물녘
  26736. 네미
  26737. 어둑하다
  26738. 일꾼
  26739. 패드
  26740. 필로폰
  26741. 鑒別
  26742. 陰毛
  26743. 철썩
  26744. 발굽
  26745. 발끝
  26746. 발뒤꿈치
  26747. 비웃다
  26748. 소르르
  26749. 목덜미
  26750. 절굿공이
  26751. 도련님
  26752. 아침저녁
  26753. 아흐레
  26754. 열흘
  26755. 훌쩍
  26756. 어리보기
  26757. 머저리
  26758. 비둘기
  26759. 허벅지
  26760. 허벅다리
  26761. 후드득
  26762. 치키다
  26763. 말뚝
  26764. 속옷
  26765. 달구지
  26766. 쌀밥
  26767. 띄우다
  26768. 가위눌리다
  26769. 구질구질
  26770. 빙그르르
  26771. 그을음
  26772. 옷자락
  26773. کاغذ
  26774. 코흘리개
  26775. 비즈니스맨
  26776. 캡틴
  26777. 에스컬레이터
  26778. 하이재커
  26779. 하이재킹
  26780. 홀리데이
  26781. 제트
  26782. 패스포트
  26783. 파일럿
  26784. 스피드
  26785. 스티커
  26786. 터미널
  26787. 티켓
  26788. 타임테이블
  26789. 메이크업
  26790. 아티스트
  26791. 빌딩
  26792. 또르르
  26793. 컬렉션
  26794. 이젤
  26795. 도르르
  26796. 리본
  26797. 플래시
  26798. 프레임
  26799. 네거티브
  26800. 스케치
  26801. 앨리게이터
  26802. 알파카
  26803. 버팔로
  26804. 카나리아
  26805. 치와와
  26806. 코브라
  26807. 딩고
  26808. 돌핀
  26809. 에뮤
  26810. 플래밍고
  26811. 고릴라
  26812. 그레이하운드
  26813. 비웃
  26814. 기니피그
  26815. 두름
  26816. 이구아나
  26817. 재규어
  26818. 사냥꾼
  26819. 캥거루
  26820. 키위
  26821. 나들이옷
  26822. 뜨기
  26823. 시골뜨기
  26824. 지렁이
  26825. 갯지렁이
  26826. 미끼
  26827. ۋەئەلەيكۇم ئەسسالام
  26828. ئەسسالامۇ ئەلەيكۇم
  26829. 구렁이
  26830. 능구렁이
  26831. 머루
  26832. 모루
  26833. 싸구려
  26834. 바삐
  26835. 며느님
  26836. 주사위
  26837. 늴리리
  26838. 長袖善舞
  26839. 雍正
  26840. 響雷
  26841. 顛覆
  26842. 윙크
  26843. 푸시업
  26844. 雷公打豆腐
  26845. 밋밋하다
  26846. خەلق
  26847. 順治
  26848. تەكرار
  26849. 밀리
  26850. 밀리미터
  26851. 스노보드
  26852. 코딱지
  26853. 부스럼
  26854. 멸치
  26855. 멸치젓
  26856. 나눗셈
  26857. 하루하루
  26858. 어름어름
  26859. 브래킷
  26860. 스커트
  26861. 블라우스
  26862. 까르르
  26863. 깁스
  26864. 꼬깃꼬깃
  26865. 꼬박꼬박
  26866. 꾸벅꾸벅
  26867. 꾸역꾸역
  26868. 까딱까딱
  26869. 나풀나풀
  26870. 도란도란
  26871. 들썩들썩
  26872. 또박또박
  26873. 방실방실
  26874. 뭉게뭉게
  26875. 뚜벅뚜벅
  26876. 벌러덩
  26877. 김치찌개
  26878. 웰빙
  26879. 타임
  26880. 빈둥빈둥
  26881. 보글보글
  26882. 담쟁이덩굴
  26883. 쿠키
  26884. 타르트
  26885. 셔벗
  26886. 이스트
  26887. 참기름
  26888. 베이컨
  26889. 참깨
  26890. 빙그레
  26891. 샐러드
  26892. 부글부글
  26893. 오락가락
  26894. 힐끗힐끗
  26895. ھازىر
  26896. يۈز
  26897. 깜둥이
  26898. 삐뚤삐뚤
  26899. 산들산들
  26900. 살랑살랑
  26901. 새근새근
  26902. 부슬부슬
  26903. 깡충깡충
  26904. 섬뜩섬뜩
  26905. 송글송글
  26906. 고무래
  26907. 팔랑팔랑
  26908. 미끌미끌
  26909. 끌어모으다
  26910. 사위다
  26911. 솔개
  26912. 꽁무니
  26913. 들쥐
  26914. 삐죽삐죽
  26915. 도토리
  26916. 챔피언
  26917. 똥파리
  26918. 사흘
  26919. 맏이
  26920. 큰아버지
  26921. 떨치다
  26922. 보태기
  26923. 더듬이
  26924. 애벌
  26925. 말더듬이
  26926. 간신히
  26927. 파릇파릇
  26928. 보너스
  26929. 쐐기
  26930. 아예
  26931. 아무려나
  26932. 드라이버
  26933. 오른손
  26934. 왼손
  26935. 왼손잡이
  26936. 鹿野
  26937. 벤치
  26938. 습니다
  26939. 思密達
  26940. 에다
  26941. 에다가
  26942. 앉은뱅이
  26943. 무더기
  26944. 더미
  26945. 이나마
  26946. 날치
  26947. مۇ
  26948. 사뭇
  26949. 마름
  26950. 붉은색
  26951. بىر
  26952. لەر
  26953. لار
  26954. 거리끼다
  26955. 악머구리
  26956. 콱콱
  26957. 풀썩
  26958. Appendix:朝鲜语
  26959. ھەممە
  26960. 언니
  26961. 지난해
  26962. نىڭ
  26963. دا
  26964. تا
  26965. دە
  26966. تە
  26967. 메아리
  26968. 어찌하다
  26969. 그루
  26970. 커버
  26971. 다리미
  26972. 데리다
  26973. 쇠사슬
  26974. 안테나
  26975. 에코
  26976. 루프
  26977. 패스
  26978. 파스
  26979. 텔레파시
  26980. 커녕
  26981. 달팽이
  26982. 아욱
  26983. 드리블
  26984. 아웃렛
  26985. 레포츠
  26986. ىمىز
  26987. 기껍다
  26988. 아랑곳
  26989. 阿迪格語
  26990. 阿塞拜疆語
  26991. 埃及語
  26992. et comment
  26993. 埃及學
  26994. 班加西
  26995. چۇ
  26996. Курган
  26997. 아무것
  26998. كىشىلىك
  26999. Lv
  27000. environmental law
  27001. work the soil
  27002. dưa hấu
  27003. trẻ con
  27004. người lớn
  27005. ngón chân
  27006. người làm
  27007. مەرھابا
  27008. nòng nọc
  27009. TTT-ejo
  27010. TTT
  27011. chuồn chuồn
  27012. châu chấu
  27013. cào cào
  27014. bọ ngựa
  27015. Liên Xô
  27016. Thái Lan
  27017. Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ
  27018. Ba Lan
  27019. Hoa Kỳ
  27020. Nam Tư
  27021. 谙熟
  27022. Grünling
  27023. chàng trai
  27024. đàn ông
  27025. trẻ em
  27026. con gái
  27027. con trai
  27028. ma túy
  27029. người mẫu
  27030. 黯黑
  27031. người yêu
  27032. dưa chuột
  27033. đối lưu
  27034. ca sĩ
  27035. thiện cảm
  27036. 打令
  27037. гутал
  27038. thương hiệu
  27039. cà rốt
  27040. chứng minh thư
  27041. 写真
  27042. kỹ lưỡng
  27043. tiếp tuyến
  27044. khi nào
  27045. giáng hạ
  27046. نۆل
  27047. ئىككىنچى
  27048. بىرىنچى
  27049. مىڭ
  27050. ရှစ်
  27051. ကိုး
  27052. ရာ
  27053. đổng lý
  27054. chưởng lý
  27055. ဦး
  27056. Appendix:漢語詞彙索引/週
  27057. 巴郎子
  27058. kız
  27059. quốc xã
  27060. 嘸沒
  27061. 상추쌈
  27062. 乃瑪子
  27063. 肉便器
  27064. đồng tiền
  27065. 现场
  27066. ئۇيغۇرچە
  27067. máy móc
  27068. FD
  27069. QJ
  27070. ελληνικά
  27071. Appendix:台灣常見誤讀字列表
  27072. võ đài
  27073. orismology
  27074. thư ký
  27075. thí dụ
  27076. nghe nói
  27077. 哭枵
  27078. 哭爸
  27079. 目睭
  27080. rösti
  27081. 阿姨洗鐵路
  27082. 走亲戚
  27083. floruit
  27084. 不爭之爭
  27085. 雅蠛蝶
  27086. 羊缸子
  27087. Jun
  27088. Wikiquote
  27089. Ramadan
  27090. 廣州話
  27091. Syawal
  27092. độ âm điện
  27093. سيڤتيمبر
  27094. hypergamy
  27095. اوکتوبر
  27096. vzair
  27097. against
  27098. arbitrat
  27099. 人滿為患
  27100. autotrophic
  27101. auxin
  27102. Trung đoàn
  27103. Bambara
  27104. 豹子胆
  27105. 圐圙
  27106. 밤잠
  27107. GV
  27108. 𣬠𣬶
  27109. tamanoir
  27110. professional victim
  27111. gaixorik
  27112. panay
  27113. 80后
  27114. 業る
  27115. ماليات
  27116. 火っ気
  27117. خبرسازى
  27118. Chinese checkers
  27119. Wikidata
  27120. tanstaafl
  27121. 騎驢找馬
  27122. 露里
  27123. 俄里
  27124. メンヘラ
  27125. 立在
  27126. 阿末
  27127. 难板
  27128. よる
  27129. witte
  27130. hemel
  27131. acromion
  27132. indahuun
  27133. huulambi
  27134. uche
  27135. breaking torque
  27136. merry Christmas
  27137. 不要不要的
  27138. rječnik
  27139. hoffi
  27140. руссий
  27141. 落翅仔
  27142. 慢性原発性副腎皮質機能低下症
  27143. 劇症型溶血性連鎖球菌感染症
  27144. عَلَاء الدِّين
  27145. 碧池
  27146. waifu
  27147. خوتەن
  27148. tunge
  27149. schorsen
  27150. 駕薨
  27151. 膜蛤
  27152. ŭ
  27153. Fenikso
  27154. 😇
  27155. à gogo
  27156. Säfte
  27157. cosseno
  27158. တပ်း
  27159. four-eyed
  27160. bjørn
  27161. xenónio
  27162. posttraumatic
  27163. bloembol
  27164. bloembollenveld
  27165. bloemencorso
  27166. bloemenveiling
  27167. bloemkool
  27168. zonnebloem
  27169. blom
  27170. двойняшкий
  27171. zijde
  27172. exister
  27173. hidrogénio
  27174. antimónio
  27175. nitrogénio
  27176. xilófago
  27177. bladzijde
  27178. lijzijde
  27179. overzijde
  27180. overkant
  27181. zijkant
  27182. zijdelings
  27183. gelijkzijdig
  27184. nitreto
  27185. nitrogenado
  27186. zonnebloemolie
  27187. zonnebloempit
  27188. Azores
  27189. Dubaï
  27190. bladsy
  27191. mooncake
  27192. astrogeologist
  27193. egypter
  27194. egyptar
  27195. Êgypte
  27196. торжественный
  27197. Mongolsko
  27198. mongolština
  27199. libyalainen
  27200. Libyalı
  27201. 点赞
  27202. cornamusa
  27203. libyjský
  27204. Libyjec
  27205. egyptština
  27206. tunisiar
  27207. Aljeria
  27208. Alger
  27209. ვერცხლი
  27210. radão
  27211. radónio
  27212. 阿拉伯聯合大公國
  27213. joke burn
  27214. こうどう
  27215. Íran
  27216. Írán
  27217. Îran
  27218. tunisier
  27219. tunisisk
  27220. Egypta
  27221. Mukden
  27222. ɓurma
  27223. iranià
  27224. iranskur
  27225. Iraniër
  27226. Iraans
  27227. İran
  27228. Azorean
  27229. Açores
  27230. Açoréen
  27231. Dubái
  27232. 首航
  27233. 老司機
  27234. Quê-béc
  27235. QC
  27236. Q. C.
  27237. Q.C.
  27238. Hokkaidó
  27239. Dalí
  27240. buongiorno
  27241. 由儉入奢易,由奢入儉難
  27242. Quebecer
  27243. Quebecker
  27244. Québec
  27245. hings
  27246. parasol mushroom
  27247. parasol tree
  27248. paraplu
  27249. regenscherm
  27250. windscherm
  27251. zonnescherm
  27252. antuca
  27253. catasol
  27254. xirasol
  27255. mirasol
  27256. papel de tornasol
  27257. tornassol
  27258. óleo de girassol
  27259. dreymur
  27260. paraugas
  27261. alume
  27262. alumínico
  27263. aluminífero
  27264. alúmen
  27265. UK
  27266. .uk
  27267. uK
  27268. ドキドキ
  27269. χαρακτηριστικός
  27270. rádium
  27271. put forward
  27272. apart from
  27273. consist of
  27274. lose sight of
  27275. speed up
  27276. co-operative
  27277. swelled
  27278. Slade
  27279. sceptical
  27280. melted
  27281. son of a gun
  27282. 性別錯稱
  27283. 棄名錯稱
  27284. 順性別
  27285. irań.
  27286. Janson
  27287. 智能電話
  27288. Severn
  27289. forweorpan
  27290. wiernan
  27291. wyrnan
  27292. eka-radium
  27293. unbinilium
  27294. Unbinilium
  27295. English cholera
  27296. hog cholera
  27297. chicken cholera
  27298. swine fever
  27299. CSF
  27300. IBM
  27301. ITT
  27302. falling out of synchronism
  27303. sox
  27304. gav
  27305. Gav
  27306. mome
  27307. talp
  27308. ᬕᭂᬦᬶ
  27309. 陨铁石
  27310. abandonware
  27311. 海拉尔市
  27312. yawe
  27313. egia
  27314. loni
  27315. ઘાસ
  27316. Gatti
  27317. já, já
  27318. jajá
  27319. rovî
  27320. Diel
  27321. Hufe
  27322. ཨ་ཤོམ
  27323. 'nane
  27324. Fux
  27325. yoe
  27326. CDC
  27327. dodi
  27328. fotóalbum
  27329. jahkaista
  27330. fefor
  27331. sedazione
  27332. Juje
  27333. Àrtic
  27334. popô
  27335. Kanari
  27336. Daur
  27337. Dahur
  27338. Dagor
  27339. véhément
  27340. hoacín
  27341. hoatzín
  27342. renéta
  27343. besnéta
  27344. Méjico
  27345. drsný
  27346. smirkový papír
  27347. rašple
  27348. hueón
  27349. nuvič
  27350. hypercautious
  27351. ultracautious
  27352. Lisu
  27353. dguffi
  27354. Thiol
  27355. eat pussy
  27356. jopi
  27357. wolf-grey
  27358. 真ん中
  27359. sång
  27360. p.es.
  27361. pês
  27362. pésant
  27363. b'sant
  27364. .pl
  27365. Pl.
  27366. CdA
  27367. ອັດ
  27368. ເປີດ
  27369. attlevande
  27370. sedän
  27371. sedán
  27372. carcherebbero
  27373. för att
  27374. ປິດ
  27375. បិទ
  27376. vetykloridi
  27377. suolahappo
  27378. deeficult
  27379. sévère
  27380. IANA
  27381. Northern Ireland
  27382. Northern Irelander
  27383. Wëssen
  27384. actualités
  27385. télévisées
  27386. sixty-nine
  27387. 69式
  27388. Lesb
  27389. mf
  27390. venerea
  27391. venérea
  27392. EEC
  27393. 土佐
  27394. henholdsvis
  27395. Acehnese
  27396. Aceh
  27397. Achém
  27398. aceh
  27399. try out
  27400. lima bean
  27401. Lima bean
  27402. hudebník
  27403. muzikant
  27404. muzikantje
  27405. muzikál
  27406. mużika
  27407. mūzika
  27408. hudba
  27409. hudební
  27410. muzike
  27411. muzikë
  27412. muzikan
  27413. muzikaj
  27414. muzikajn
  27415. музика
  27416. bound for
  27417. şembî
  27418. catenative verb
  27419. 表白墙
  27420. unwillingly
  27421. Midlands
  27422. vîkîng
  27423. 古今東西
  27424. 牛頭馬頭
  27425. Hotan
  27426. gaž
  27427. djun
  27428. calendrier grégorien
  27429. grégorien
  27430. grégorienne
  27431. grégoriens
  27432. grégoriennes
  27433. poliammina
  27434. ammina
  27435. echtgenootje
  27436. amminico
  27437. amminica
  27438. amminici
  27439. amminiche
  27440. soud
  27441. soudce
  27442. soudní
  27443. sudí
  27444. aabi
  27445. achumpa
  27446. Appo'si'
  27447. Iista'
  27448. iistä
  27449. bashpo
  27450. holisso pisa chi
  27451. holisso
  27452. hawi' abooha
  27453. abooha
  27454. hawi'
  27455. homma tokbakali
  27456. Chalakki'
  27457. chaklit
  27458. choklhiili
  27459. Chisạs
  27460. kiliⁿkoba
  27461. ačǎfa
  27462. tałapi
  27463. tałepa
  27464. tạnạp
  27465. tanap
  27466. Albaniýa
  27467. Albaniya
  27468. Alžir
  27469. Alžír
  27470. Amyderýa
  27471. Aziýa
  27472. Azerbaýjan
  27473. Aşgabat
  27474. Aşkabat
  27475. Ašgabat
  27476. Bagdat
  27477. Bağdat
  27478. Bahreýn
  27479. Bahreyn
  27480. Demirgazyk Koreýa
  27481. Koreýa
  27482. Günorta Koreýa
  27483. Koreya
  27484. Bişkek
  27485. Biškek
  27486. Biskek
  27487. Gurbanguly
  27488. Ginghcuz
  27489. 'a pó
  27490. aça
  27491. nyolc
  27492. tizennyolc
  27493. tizennyolcadik
  27494. nyolcszög
  27495. nyolcszögek
  27496. sokszög
  27497. sokszögek
  27498. nyolcadik
  27499. alaosa
  27500. yinghits
  27501. kettő
  27502. második
  27503. második világháború
  27504. celtice
  27505. dáti
  27506. nogaï
  27507. lamao
  27508. nde
  27509. Can.
  27510. cič
  27511. mamú
  27512. bibìn
  27513. Pologne
  27514. Polonais
  27515. polonais
  27516. Silésie
  27517. assamais
  27518. Assamais
  27519. tridek
  27520. sesdek
  27521. Arménia
  27522. Egipte
  27523. egiptología
  27524. egipci
  27525. egipcià
  27526. Exiptu
  27527. Misir
  27528. Mısır
  27529. mısır
  27530. Mısırlı
  27531. Egipat
  27532. Ägyptn
  27533. মিশর
  27534. အီဂျစ်
  27535. Єгипет
  27536. Egipt
  27537. מצרין
  27538. Եգիպտոս
  27539. Mesir
  27540. 이집트
  27541. Egiptas
  27542. ʻAikupika
  27543. Egyp
  27544. Exipto
  27545. exipcio
  27546. Eggittu
  27547. Masar
  27548. Egitto
  27549. Ííjip
  27550. Naggitto
  27551. Ægypten
  27552. Egiptus
  27553. Egüptüs
  27554. Ihiptu
  27555. Egiptio
  27556. Egiption
  27557. Egiptujo
  27558. Egiptujon
  27559. ეგვიპტე
  27560. Egyptaland
  27561. Egypti
  27562. Aifft
  27563. Египат
  27564. Мисир
  27565. Egyiptom
  27566. मिस्र
  27567. Egiptia
  27568. egiptia
  27569. Egypto
  27570. Egiptaland
  27571. корпоратив
  27572. ఈజిప్టు
  27573. ఈజిప్ట్
  27574. Ehipto
  27575. Ejipta
  27576. Müsür
  27577. 𐎸𐎭𐎼𐎠𐎹
  27578. Poblacht Arabach na hÉigipte
  27579. Αίγυπτος
  27580. masturdating
  27581. dèse
  27582. jio
  27583. esquierdu
  27584. izquierdu
  27585. !
  27586. ،
  27587. ؛
  27588. miniserie
  27589. 粉粿
  27590. mariwasa
  27591. kərənti
  27592. Solomon Adalary
  27593. aalug-alog
  27594. අක්‍කා
  27595. vulvectomia
  27596. vulvectomie
  27597. Kohlenstoffchemie
  27598. masclisme
  27599. Veiniséalach
  27600. Індія
  27601. stație de cale ferată
  27602. gară feroviară
  27603. labas
  27604. Kraftstofftank
  27605. giovedì santo
  27606. selbstentzündlich
  27607. Bombaj
  27608. Donieck
  27609. Monachium
  27610. Smoleńsk
  27611. Kazań
  27612. Adelajdo
  27613. Adeno
  27614. Almato
  27615. Antverpeno
  27616. Atlanto
  27617. Aŭgsburgo
  27618. Aŭstino
  27619. Islamabado
  27620. Braziljo
  27621. Bukareŝto
  27622. Funafutio
  27623. Éigipt
  27624. Ēģipte
  27625. antídot
  27626. Libië
  27627. Лівія
  27628. Либија
  27629. Libio
  27630. Łíbya
  27631. Liibüa
  27632. Líbía
  27633. Lybie
  27634. Libija
  27635. Lībija
  27636. Libie
  27637. Либия
  27638. लीबिया
  27639. Ливия
  27640. Lübän
  27641. Li-bi
  27642. లిబియా
  27643. AGC
  27644. ASK
  27645. 満州語
  27646. čeština
  27647. Australian dollar
  27648. 想い
  27649. Lua
  27650. Manchu
  27651. Armor
  27652. Virtue
  27653. Japonais
  27654. JDK
  27655. Huey
  27656. leon
  27657. karl
  27658. wurzel
  27659. wolke
  27660. wasser
  27661. sonne
  27662. seite
  27663. feuer
  27664. fleisch
  27665. herz
  27666. krieg
  27667. mund
  27668. nase
  27669. nebel
  27670. polska
  27671. seil
  27672. eis
  27673. brust
  27674. blut
  27675. blume
  27676. samen
  27677. go along to get along
  27678. bein
  27679. augustus
  27680. asche
  27681. Polski
  27682. пой
  27683. chemie
  27684. South American
  27685. w.
  27686. energy of adsorption
  27687. Anonymous
  27688. src
  27689. Arrow
  27690. pasko
  27691. groundwater divide
  27692. O.S.
  27693. feng
  27694. neit
  27695. ecco
  27696. fuckwit
  27697. Bastards
  27698. slip sheet
  27699. BS
  27700. suck it
  27701. fuck it
  27702. braless
  27703. man whore
  27704. manwhore
  27705. topless
  27706. dickless
  27707. nippleless
  27708. 柯南
  27709. brenda
  27710. DOJ
  27711. reax
  27712. OA
  27713. こんにちは
  27714. compared
  27715. gebrauch
  27716. rosas
  27717. strangler
  27718. sle
  27719. comptograph
  27720. Março
  27721. Loewe
  27722. みなみ
  27723. бав
  27724. 邏輯語
  27725. love life
  27726. AMT
  27727. unified
  27728. spoonful
  27729. continuing
  27730. times
  27731. single-use
  27732. weismachen
  27733. Doc
  27734. Bloomberg
  27735. Facebook
  27736. HW
  27737. Wikcionario
  27738. parish register
  27739. TMS
  27740. UTC
  27741. COM
  27742. HH
  27743. wikiality
  27744. 邁克
  27745. Thera
  27746. Trots
  27747. 3Q
  27748. см.
  27749. напр.
  27750. baby blue
  27751. Bonfire Night
  27752. Guy Fawkes Night
  27753. Love
  27754. tico
  27755. Date
  27756. WTF
  27757. zhuyin
  27758. Zhuyin
  27759. Arlt
  27760. forbad
  27761. bök
  27762. init
  27763. mapku
  27764. bosnia
  27765. kk
  27766. sveli
  27767. db
  27768. Marines
  27769. Patrón
  27770. scariest
  27771. ing
  27772. stoke
  27773. Denver
  27774. Liberator
  27775. NTP
  27776. をとこ
  27777. をとめ
  27778. մալայերեն
  27779. ściana
  27780. criovolcán
  27781. oroszlán
  27782. Oroszlán
  27783. Nyilas
  27784. e-warfare
  27785. ლიბია
  27786. Լիբիա
  27787. লিবিয়া
  27788. လစ်ဗျား
  27789. maiden flight
  27790. parto podalico
  27791. ennuyeusement
  27792. ennuyeuse
  27793. ennuyeux
  27794. aýakgap
  27795. Nox
  27796. Tunesië
  27797. Tunizio
  27798. Tunus
  27799. Tünisän
  27800. Obstsalat
  27801. ruro
  27802. hileon
  27803. leonül
  27804. niver
  27805. daut
  27806. mitêl
  27807. kuře
  27808. rozvojový
  27809. rozvojová země
  27810. Olymp
  27811. チイェネ
  27812. duŝo
  27813. 辞旧迎新
  27814. penmaking
  27815. cwè
  27816. kiko
  27817. diog
  27818. pianu
  27819. ùno
  27820. DMF
  27821. fMRI
  27822. oier
  27823. schiavismo
  27824. ballena jorobada
  27825. yubarta
  27826. jorobada
  27827. semiformal
  27828. తడాఖా
  27829. fiumara
  27830. isatin
  27831. azete
  27832. in particular
  27833. Թունիս
  27834. Тунис
  27835. 大なり小なり
  27836. українська мова
  27837. CCD
  27838. 迪維希語
  27839. 阿法爾語
  27840. ED
  27841. .it
  27842. .hm
  27843. ?
  27844. Italian sausage
  27845. Kólumbía
  27846. Kolumbia
  27847. tad-kaer
  27848. tadeg
  27849. 盧森堡語
  27850. 貴圈真亂
  27851. -'s
  27852. 然並卵
  27853. major element
  27854. agricultural
  27855. 餵狗糧
  27856. 单身狗
  27857. 城市套路深,我想回農村
  27858. 圖救
  27859. tahti
  27860. 自立而後立人
  27861. 老狗變不出新把戲
  27862. 小狼狗
  27863. hasta la vista
  27864. 《 》
  27865. 歪樓
  27866. applet
  27867. activated
  27868. Chiński
  27869. 背影殺手
  27870. 撕逼
  27871. cationic
  27872. discolored
  27873. desalinated
  27874. sulfuric
  27875. sulfurous
  27876. しおり
  27877. Vatican
  27878. 口愛
  27879. 皤腹
  27880. serbia
  27881. scottish
  27882. Yangon
  27883. تونس
  27884. Туніс
  27885. Tunizia
  27886. তিউনিসিয়া
  27887. တူနီးရှား
  27888. Tunisko
  27889. Tunisie
  27890. Tunisien
  27891. Tuneesia
  27892. ტუნისი
  27893. Τυνησία
  27894. תוניס
  27895. ट्यूनिशिया
  27896. Tunézia
  27897. ទុយណេស៊ី
  27898. 튀니지
  27899. Tunisija
  27900. Teunnisie
  27901. Tunezja
  27902. Tunizija
  27903. ตูนิเซีย
  27904. Tuy-ni-di
  27905. טוניזיע
  27906. טוניס
  27907. تۇنىس
  27908. Tunisz
  27909. Tunisi
  27910. Tunes
  27911. チュニス
  27912. 튀니스
  27913. 高產似母豬
  27914. численность
  27915. смущённо
  27916. рубка
  27917. откровенно
  27918. нота
  27919. переменять
  27920. возрастающий
  27921. сравнительно
  27922. MCGS
  27923. Bayannur
  27924. Aragonie
  27925. Ռանգուն
  27926. Рангун
  27927. Янгон
  27928. ရန်ကုန်
  27929. ヤンゴン
  27930. 양곤
  27931. ຢ່າງກຸ້ງ
  27932. Јангон
  27933. ย่างกุ้ง
  27934. ליביע
  27935. לוּב
  27936. zzz
  27937. désolé
  27938. ᐊᒥᔉ
  27939. 分类学
  27940. 分类法
  27941. pour l'instant
  27942. pour l'heure
  27943. pour le moment
  27944. défolier
  27945. Abidżan
  27946. Biszkek
  27947. Dalmația
  27948. Groenlanda
  27949. Capul Verde
  27950. Ierusalim
  27951. Bryssel
  27952. Eurooppa
  27953. Kirgisia
  27954. dural
  27955. zitto
  27956. teub
  27957. Tiumen
  27958. ethoxylation
  27959. égotisme
  27960. vorhersagbar
  27961. koptština
  27962. Boma
  27963. 纸钱
  27964. 男默女淚
  27965. ànode
  27966. 不明覺厲
  27967. 👻
  27968. 🐻
  27969. 🐔
  27970. 🐬
  27971. 🍼
  27972. 🍑
  27973. 🎂
  27974. 🍔
  27975. 🍉
  27976. 💰
  27977. 🚑
  27978. 📷
  27979. 🍬
  27980. 🚒
  27981. 🍋
  27982. 🍇
  27983. 🍕
  27984. 📱
  27985. 🚜
  27986. 💊
  27987. вс-
  27988. па-
  27989. поза-
  27990. arse
  27991. 重箱読み
  27992. wings
  27993. 古英語
  27994. 優柔不断
  27995. サビ
  27996. oriento
  27997. suvo
  27998. IO
  27999. enviaréis
  28000. magnétron
  28001. mèdium
  28002. 233
  28003. peji Rekutanga
  28004. krataafa Titiriw
  28005. mauya
  28006. wikipidhiya
  28007. Zvakanyogwa
  28008. overlink
  28009. főút
  28010. arséniate
  28011. arseniate
  28012. Soziali Grubbe
  28013. مجموعة اجتماعية
  28014. grupu social
  28015. sosial qrup
  28016. siā-hōe-kûn
  28017. социална група
  28018. grup social
  28019. sociální skupina
  28020. socialgruppe
  28021. soziale Gruppe
  28022. κοινωνική ομάδα
  28023. grupo social
  28024. socia grupo
  28025. gizarte-talde
  28026. گروه اجتماعی
  28027. groupe social
  28028. 사회 집단
  28029. սոցիալական խումբ
  28030. सामाजिक समुदाय
  28031. kelompok sosial
  28032. Aluminat
  28033. Aluminate
  28034. haloïde
  28035. halogénure
  28036. halogène
  28037. Halogene
  28038. Famagusta
  28039. Famagosta
  28040. tasék
  28041. Deryaya Navîn
  28042. hyresgäst
  28043. aministrativo
  28044. Antigene
  28045. Theseus
  28046. nuik
  28047. 朱色
  28048. diasetyyli
  28049. knús
  28050. djórafrøði
  28051. juistheden
  28052. enviaría
  28053. zäme
  28054. şûşe
  28055. thés
  28056. potlesk
  28057. cives
  28058. ахъщалъ
  28059. négation
  28060. l'altro ieri
  28061. Mokscha
  28062. İngilizce
  28063. chiral center
  28064. silazane
  28065. byzantinistisch
  28066. chimiques
  28067. Khiva
  28068. Qiqihar
  28069. Hakkanese
  28070. renard polaire
  28071. morcov
  28072. morcovi
  28073. burgeoning
  28074. pepene roșu
  28075. pepene verde
  28076. shamisen
  28077. 精日
  28078. Neva
  28079. Něva
  28080. zeef
  28081. Jawi
  28082. Pattani
  28083. kù'ài
  28084. zhuang
  28085. chànggē
  28086. Nam Kỳ
  28087. 趙家人
  28088. 燐酸
  28089. 少年強則國強,少年娘則國娘
  28090. Kangchenjunga
  28091. Lhotse
  28092. Ubangi
  28093. Ussuriysk
  28094. অৰ্থনীতি
  28095. Las Palmas
  28096. Alƙahira
  28097. Port Said
  28098. Luxor
  28099. Fayum
  28100. Giza
  28101. 吉薩
  28102. Guiza
  28103. Gizé
  28104. Benghazi
  28105. Bengazi
  28106. Bengasi
  28107. Бенгази
  28108. Siem Reap
  28109. Diyarbakır
  28110. Edirne
  28111. Bursa
  28112. Gaziantep
  28113. Gwadar
  28114. Jing
  28115. tysm
  28116. be similar to
  28117. well said
  28118. in some way
  28119. run across
  28120. 거행하다
  28121. Dubrovnik
  28122. maritime republic
  28123. ຈຳປາສັກ
  28124. Wakkanai
  28125. Osijek
  28126. Gaeta
  28127. Incheon
  28128. New Territories
  28129. Korla
  28130. Terracotta Army
  28131. perpisahan
  28132. APTG
  28133. TWM
  28134. Exception
  28135. 神戸
  28136. ferris
  28137. Balhae
  28138. grubs
  28139. Muong
  28140. amorodo
  28141. frawla
  28142. fraula
  28143. cats
  28144. goats
  28145. léopard
  28146. 日雜
  28147. 飞火
  28148. rooms
  28149. Busses
  28150. 理髮師的徒弟
  28151. cheapo
  28152. dollars
  28153. éléphant
  28154. 史瓦帝尼
  28155. yeot
  28156. speechen
  28157. floema
  28158. 吹き替え
  28159. Tanganyika
  28160. императора
  28161. joyeux Noël
  28162. buon Natale
  28163. hauskaa joulua
  28164. hyvää joulua
  28165. bon Nadal
  28166. gëzuar Krishtlindja
  28167. Eguberri on
  28168. glædelig jul
  28169. frohe Weihnachten
  28170. fröhliche Weihnachten
  28171. Schneeberg
  28172. Feliz Natal
  28173. feliz Navidad
  28174. Aasia
  28175. monarchie
  28176. земли
  28177. КНР
  28178. человека
  28179. года
  28180. голову
  28181. 白嫖
  28182. уст.
  28183. уст
  28184. кит.
  28185. вм.
  28186. стороны
  28187. пути
  28188. друга
  28189. страны
  28190. сил
  28191. горы
  28192. способности
  28193. помощник
  28194. дерева
  28195. предков
  28196. письма
  28197. землю
  28198. сторону
  28199. древности
  28200. управления
  28201. положении
  28202. положений
  28203. иероглифа
  28204. множестве
  28205. работу
  28206. одежды
  28207. службу
  28208. болезни
  28209. форме
  28210. деле
  28211. воде
  28212. должности
  28213. эпохи
  28214. местности
  28215. умершего
  28216. качестве
  28217. обращении
  28218. обращений
  28219. 法羅語
  28220. поколения
  28221. родителям
  28222. системе
  28223. жертвоприношения
  28224. времена
  28225. области
  28226. 이트륨
  28227. 오스뮴
  28228. 텅스텐
  28229. 블루베리
  28230. calcium carbonate
  28231. too young, too simple, sometimes naive
  28232. 手衝
  28233. じょう
  28234. chlorine oxide
  28235. 洋梨
  28236. 暴飲暴食
  28237. Юань
  28238. г.
  28239. Цин
  28240. Мин
  28241. autonym
  28242. ペルシア
  28243. オスマン帝国
  28244. コンスタンチノープル
  28245. イスタンブール
  28246. アンカラ
  28247. 氾濫原
  28248. ペルシア湾
  28249. バグダード
  28250. イベリア半島
  28251. ピレネー山脈
  28252. アンドラ
  28253. 氷食
  28254. インドシナ半島
  28255. マレー諸島
  28256. ミャンマー
  28257. ブルネイ
  28258. 南シナ海
  28259. 你媽死了
  28260. 死媽
  28261. Appendix:Unicode/希伯來文字母
  28262. 妈卖屄
  28263. 媽賣批
  28264. バイオリン
  28265. ソマリア
  28266. ウィントフーク
  28267. ウィントフック
  28268. モンテネグロ
  28269. mono-
  28270. ハルビン
  28271. ラサ
  28272. 非晶质
  28273. チンキ剤
  28274. 逆転写酵素
  28275. 水素イオン
  28276. カスピ海
  28277. ニジェール
  28278. 小沢
  28279. リグリア海
  28280. 我妻
  28281. 西園寺
  28282. 福沢
  28283. 駿河
  28284. 美咲
  28285. 石黒
  28286. パラジクロロベンゼン
  28287. paradichlorobenzene
  28288. 對二氯苯
  28289. 夏目
  28290. Polandia
  28291. Sicilio
  28292. ご馳走様
  28293. ハイデラバード
  28294. ベンガル湾
  28295. ポンディシェリー
  28296. チェンナイ
  28297. タミル語
  28298. アビジャン
  28299. カリブ海
  28300. エディンバラ
  28301. マラボ
  28302. 赤道ギニア
  28303. カメルーン
  28304. ビスケー湾
  28305. 衛星都市
  28306. 今川
  28307. チワワ
  28308. ティラナ
  28309. 酒井
  28310. 矢吹
  28311. 江戸川
  28312. 工藤
  28313. 小池
  28314. 斎藤
  28315. 正岡
  28316. 大道寺
  28317. 藤田
  28318. 円谷
  28319. 榎本
  28320. 柴田
  28321. 波多野
  28322. 平井
  28323. 山葉
  28324. Alken
  28325. olefiant gas
  28326. tacticity
  28327. バミューダ
  28328. 食器棚
  28329. モガディシュ
  28330. ホニアラ
  28331. ペシャワル
  28332. チッタゴン
  28333. カルガリー
  28334. ノブゴロド
  28335. オデッサ
  28336. 有糸分裂
  28337. 無糸分裂
  28338. クライストチャーチ
  28339. ブリスベーン
  28340. カラチ
  28341. ドゥブロブニク
  28342. ファドゥーツ
  28343. ヤレン
  28344. 葛根素
  28345. 往生際
  28346. 🍆
  28347. silicane
  28348. prpr
  28349. polychlorotrifluoroethylene
  28350. oxirene
  28351. fluoroelastomer
  28352. polyblend
  28353. サマルカンド
  28354. 永井
  28355. 🍌
  28356. 🍍
  28357. 🍎
  28358. 🍏
  28359. 🍐
  28360. 🍒
  28361. 🍓
  28362. 🍊
  28363. 🍈
  28364. 🍅
  28365. 🍄
  28366. 🎃
  28367. 🎄
  28368. 🐂
  28369. 🐃
  28370. 🐄
  28371. 🐅
  28372. 🐆
  28373. 🐇
  28374. 🐈
  28375. 🐉
  28376. 🐊
  28377. 🐋
  28378. 🐌
  28379. 🐍
  28380. 🐎
  28381. 🐴
  28382. 🐏
  28383. 🐐
  28384. 🐑
  28385. 🐒
  28386. 🐓
  28387. 🐕
  28388. 🐖
  28389. Ukrainio
  28390. 🐗
  28391. 🐘
  28392. 🐙
  28393. 🐨
  28394. 🐧
  28395. 🐦
  28396. 🌹
  28397. 🌸
  28398. 🌷
  28399. 🌶
  28400. 🌵
  28401. 🚀
  28402. 🚁
  28403. 🚂
  28404. 🚓
  28405. 🚈
  28406. 🚇
  28407. 🚄
  28408. 🚷
  28409. 🚶
  28410. 🚵
  28411. グダニスク
  28412. húdié
  28413. 生物多様性
  28414. 🚌
  28415. 🚎
  28416. 🚏
  28417. 🚕
  28418. 🚢
  28419. 🚰
  28420. 🚱
  28421. 🚲
  28422. 🚪
  28423. 🚿
  28424. 🛀
  28425. 🛁
  28426. 🚾
  28427. ヤンマイエン島
  28428. ヌーク
  28429. 🚽
  28430. 🛐
  28431. 🌅
  28432. 🌁
  28433. 🌈
  28434. 🌋
  28435. 生検
  28436. 小川
  28437. Cohen
  28438. Milstein
  28439. Hoppe
  28440. Briggs
  28441. 島津
  28442. 尼子
  28443. Gause
  28444. sex ratio
  28445. Boysen
  28446. Cannon
  28447. Wertheimer
  28448. Bayliss
  28449. LMAO
  28450. ڤيسڠ
  28451. 水谷
  28452. 大友
  28453. 神経痛
  28454. 丹羽
  28455. 𛀀
  28456. 𛀁
  28457. 𛀂
  28458. 𛀆
  28459. 🀀
  28460. 🀁
  28461. 🀂
  28462. 🀃
  28463. 🀄
  28464. 🀅
  28465. 🀆
  28466. 🀇
  28467. 🀈
  28468. 🀉
  28469. 🀊
  28470. 🀋
  28471. 🀌
  28472. 🀍
  28473. 🀎
  28474. 🀏
  28475. 🀐
  28476. 🀑
  28477. 🀒
  28478. 🀓
  28479. 🀔
  28480. 🀕
  28481. 🀖
  28482. 🀗
  28483. 🀘
  28484. 🀙
  28485. 🀚
  28486. 🀛
  28487. 🀜
  28488. 🀝
  28489. 🀞
  28490. 🀟
  28491. 🀠
  28492. 🀡
  28493. 🀢
  28494. 🀣
  28495. 🀤
  28496. 🀥
  28497. 🀦
  28498. 🀧
  28499. 🀨
  28500. 🀩
  28501. 🀪
  28502. 🀫
  28503. オーストラリア
  28504. 相原
  28505. 拄仔
  28506. 浜崎
  28507. 肉身翻牆
  28508. 趙彈
  28509. Jung
  28510. 鄂倫春族
  28511. カントン
  28512. Quảng Châu
  28513. Tulu
  28514. Dungan
  28515. 캄보디아
  28516. Гуанчжоу
  28517. ਤਿੰਨ
  28518. ஆடு
  28519. 亞塞拜然
  28520. अजर्बैजान
  28521. अफ़्ग़ानिस्तान
  28522. अमेरिका
  28523. अर्जेंटीना
  28524. ईराक
  28525. Appendix:長詞/肌聯蛋白
  28526. モルデント
  28527. 拉迪諾語
  28528. 啊我死了
  28529. Rektum
  28530. rektum
  28531. Lassa
  28532. Sujumi
  28533. Karadeniz
  28534. ມ້າລາຍ
  28535. 有機溶剤
  28536. 一心不乱
  28537. 和洋折衷
  28538. 山花壁面
  28539. Hongrie
  28540. Panamo
  28541. Akdeniz
  28542. 𝄞
  28543. 𝄢
  28544. 𝄽
  28545. 𝄾
  28546. 𝅜
  28547. 𝅝
  28548. 𝅗𝅥
  28549. 𝅘𝅥
  28550. 𝄪
  28551. Prago
  28552. Saudiarabien
  28553. Istambul
  28554. Appendix:平假名
  28555. artificial respiration
  28556. 連濁
  28557. କୋଡ଼ିଏ
  28558. Devanagari
  28559. Β
  28560. δ
  28561. Appendix:希臘字母
  28562. ដូង
  28563. house arrest
  28564. น้ำตาล
  28565. เหลือง
  28566. 坂本
  28567. 健二
  28568. 健児
  28569. 慎吾
  28570. 杉浦
  28571. 健一
  28572. 島崎
  28573. 定潮
  28574. Mount Tai
  28575. зургаа
  28576. ขนุน
  28577. त्रिभुज
  28578. тоғыз
  28579. Kanuri
  28580. 卡努里語
  28581. 喬克托語
  28582. 希里莫圖語
  28583. 테스트
  28584. 하와이
  28585. 克里克語
  28586. 彝語
  28587. Afar
  28588. 馬紹爾語
  28589. 恩敦加語
  28590. 赫雷羅語
  28591. Tigrinya
  28592. 提格利尼亞語
  28593. 혼란스럽다
  28594. 宗喀語
  28595. Fula
  28596. 富拉語
  28597. 桑戈語
  28598. 文達語
  28599. 克什米爾語
  28600. Ewe
  28601. 埃維語
  28602. Adyghe
  28603. 斯威士語
  28604. 查莫羅語
  28605. Chichewa
  28606. 齊切瓦語
  28607. 塞索托語
  28608. 聰加語
  28609. 哥特語
  28610. Akan
  28611. 阿坎語
  28612. 班巴拉語
  28613. Tswana
  28614. 茨瓦納語
  28615. Romani
  28616. 羅姆語
  28617. Old Church Slavonic
  28618. 古教會斯拉夫語
  28619. Norfolk
  28620. Oromo
  28621. Samoan
  28622. 薩摩亞語
  28623. 切羅基語
  28624. 桑塔利語
  28625. Xhosa
  28626. 科薩語
  28627. 印古什語
  28628. 圖陸語
  28629. Sranan
  28630. Sranan Tongo
  28631. Luganda
  28632. 盧干達語
  28633. 莫克沙語
  28634. 剛果語
  28635. उरुग्वे
  28636. 🍃
  28637. 🍂
  28638. 🍁
  28639. 🍀
  28640. 🌿
  28641. 🌾
  28642. 🌽
  28643. 🌼
  28644. 🌻
  28645. 🌺
  28646. 🌴
  28647. 🌳
  28648. 🌲
  28649. 🌱
  28650. 🌰
  28651. 🌯
  28652. 🌮
  28653. 🌭
  28654. 🌑
  28655. 🌊
  28656. 🌉
  28657. 🌇
  28658. 🌆
  28659. 🌄
  28660. 🌃
  28661. 🌂
  28662. 🌀
  28663. 🌌
  28664. 💧
  28665. 🍖
  28666. 🍗
  28667. 🍘
  28668. 🍙
  28669. 🍚
  28670. 🍛
  28671. 🍜
  28672. 🍝
  28673. 🍞
  28674. 🍟
  28675. 🍠
  28676. 🍡
  28677. 🍢
  28678. 🍣
  28679. 🍤
  28680. 🍥
  28681. 🍦
  28682. 🍧
  28683. 🍨
  28684. 🍩
  28685. 🍪
  28686. 🍫
  28687. 🍭
  28688. 🍮
  28689. 🍯
  28690. 🍰
  28691. 🍱
  28692. 🍲
  28693. 🍳
  28694. 🍴
  28695. 🥚
  28696. 👹
  28697. 👺
  28698. 💀
  28699. 🕱
  28700. 💉
  28701. 💈
  28702. 💋
  28703. 💌
  28704. 💍
  28705. 💎
  28706. 🍺
  28707. 🍻
  28708. 🍸
  28709. 🍷
  28710. 🍶
  28711. 🍵
  28712. 🍹
  28713. 🍿
  28714. 🎀
  28715. 🎁
  28716. 🎅
  28717. 🎆
  28718. 🎇
  28719. 🎈
  28720. 🎉
  28721. 🎊
  28722. 🎋
  28723. 🎍
  28724. 🎏
  28725. 🎐
  28726. 🎑
  28727. 🎒
  28728. 🎓
  28729. 🎎
  28730. 🎠
  28731. 🎡
  28732. 🎢
  28733. 🏯
  28734. 🏰
  28735. 🐀
  28736. 🐁
  28737. 🐟
  28738. 🐠
  28739. 🐡
  28740. 🐢
  28741. 🐞
  28742. 🐝
  28743. 🐜
  28744. 🐛
  28745. 🐚
  28746. 🐩
  28747. 🐪
  28748. 🐫
  28749. 🐭
  28750. 🐮
  28751. 🐯
  28752. 🐰
  28753. 🐱
  28754. 🐲
  28755. 🐳
  28756. 🐵
  28757. 🐶
  28758. 🐷
  28759. 🐸
  28760. 🐹
  28761. 🐺
  28762. 🐼
  28763. 🐽
  28764. 🕊
  28765. 🐾
  28766. 🐿
  28767. 🦇
  28768. 🦈
  28769. 🦉
  28770. 🦊
  28771. 🦋
  28772. 🦆
  28773. 🦅
  28774. 🦄
  28775. 🦃
  28776. 🦂
  28777. 🦁
  28778. 🦀
  28779. 🦌
  28780. 🦍
  28781. 🦎
  28782. 🦏
  28783. 🦐
  28784. 🦑
  28785. 🦒
  28786. 🦓
  28787. 🦔
  28788. 🦕
  28789. 🦖
  28790. 🦗
  28791. 🕷
  28792. 🕸
  28793. 🌐
  28794. 🌏
  28795. 🌎
  28796. 🌍
  28797. 🦟
  28798. 🦞
  28799. 🦝
  28800. 🦜
  28801. 🦛
  28802. 🦚
  28803. 🦘
  28804. 🦙
  28805. 🦠
  28806. 🦡
  28807. 🦢
  28808. 🚸
  28809. 🚴
  28810. 🚳
  28811. 🚯
  28812. 🚭
  28813. 🚮
  28814. 🚬
  28815. 🚫
  28816. 🚹
  28817. 🚺
  28818. 🚻
  28819. 🚼
  28820. ۞
  28821. 🚃
  28822. 🚅
  28823. 🚆
  28824. 🚉
  28825. 🚊
  28826. 🚋
  28827. 🚍
  28828. 🚐
  28829. 🚔
  28830. 🚖
  28831. 🚗
  28832. 🚘
  28833. 🚙
  28834. 🚚
  28835. 🚛
  28836. 🚝
  28837. 🚞
  28838. 🚟
  28839. 🚠
  28840. 🚡
  28841. 🚣
  28842. 🚤
  28843. 🚥
  28844. 🚦
  28845. 🚧
  28846. 🚨
  28847. 🚩
  28848. 🛒
  28849. 🛂
  28850. 🛃
  28851. 🛄
  28852. 🛅
  28853. 🛑
  28854. ⼿
  28855. 黑客松
  28856. 翻牆
  28857. снежань
  28858. għaxra
  28859. 弱雞
  28860. 一樣生,百樣死
  28861. 捉貓子,看貓嫲
  28862. arcüreg
  28863. Werbebanner
  28864. Agioteur
  28865. Steinbeißer
  28866. Personalist
  28867. PZE
  28868. Time box
  28869. Timeboxing
  28870. anzeige
  28871. Blauer
  28872. Dirham
  28873. Drachme
  28874. Heller
  28875. Münzstempel
  28876. Ostmark
  28877. порожнеча
  28878. Eigenfunktion
  28879. Wahrheitswert
  28880. Widerspruchsfreiheit
  28881. syllogismus
  28882. Führerstandsmitfahrt
  28883. Kinofassung
  28884. Zeitraffer
  28885. Concorde
  28886. jetten
  28887. Rettungshubschrauber
  28888. Csehország
  28889. çorap
  28890. Antik-Uhr
  28891. Automatikuhr
  28892. Bahnhofsuhr
  28893. Benzinuhr
  28894. Blumenuhr
  28895. Countdown-Uhr
  28896. Damenuhr
  28897. Drehpendeluhr
  28898. Eieruhr
  28899. Funkuhr
  28900. Gasuhr
  28901. Kirchturmuhr
  28902. Kontrolluhr
  28903. Laufuhr
  28904. Messuhr
  28905. Multifunktionsuhr
  28906. Normaluhr
  28907. Schachuhr
  28908. Schuluhr
  28909. Spieluhr
  28910. Sportuhr
  28911. Standuhr
  28912. Stempeluhr
  28913. Stromuhr
  28914. Stutzuhr
  28915. Taucheruhr
  28916. Turmuhr
  28917. Tauchermaske
  28918. Wanduhr
  28919. nobelpristagare
  28920. Dreieinigkeit
  28921. ein-
  28922. птах
  28923. Einzelkind
  28924. Monoarsan
  28925. Monobraue
  28926. Terzel
  28927. di-
  28928. fiskibolla
  28929. verenkierto
  28930. соёл
  28931. богиња
  28932. трохвугольнік
  28933. balıqçı
  28934. 湯屋
  28935. 传道
  28936. انسولین
  28937. bugün
  28938. byt
  28939. 林堡語
  28940. qoyun
  28941. məktəb
  28942. etanol
  28943. ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ
  28944. ಸೇಬು
  28945. baldır
  28946. tələbə
  28947. şagird
  28948. сэрца
  28949. задорновщина
  28950. kertenkele
  28951. qar
  28952. vorona
  28953. кузнец
  28954. dünən
  28955. દિવસ
  28956. zamek
  28957. 尼泊爾語
  28958. Sea of Okhotsk
  28959. 無茶苦茶
  28960. Slovakya
  28961. 索馬里語
  28962. Tyr
  28963. 伊達
  28964. abi
  28965. advokat
  28966. alika
  28967. Herdenimmunität
  28968. 𐌺𐌿𐌽𐌹
  28969. 𐍄𐌿𐌲𐌲𐍉
  28970. أرمينيا
  28971. Zemlja
  28972. aşpaz
  28973. MV
  28974. buğda
  28975. bənna
  28976. Appendix:Russian stress patterns
  28977. Appendix:俄語重音模式分類
  28978. Сеул
  28979. राजहंस
  28980. diz
  28981. dənizçi
  28982. Kernfamilie
  28983. heykəltəraş
  28984. ⽿
  28985. ⾿
  28986. ⺿
  28987. 「 」
  28988. “ ”
  28989. 『 』
  28990. ‘ ’
  28991. 〈 〉
  28992. ' '
  28993. '
  28994. 【 】
  28995. 撣語
  28996. ハルト
  28997. キリト
  28998. アスナ
  28999. ユイ
  29000. カズト
  29001. 太陽佛
  29002. rely on
  29003. in view of
  29004. istiot
  29005. 𰇊
  29006. 𰶠
  29007. 𱈱
  29008. 𰳢
  29009. 𰆻
  29010. 𰌥
  29011. தந்தை
  29012. kakek
  29013. befel
  29014. 炖锅
  29015. 键架
  29016. kəlbətin
  29017. Appendix:英語發音
  29018. energie cinetică
  29019. liona
  29020. ベリリウム
  29021. chance upon
  29022. pass away
  29023. pass off
  29024. clickbait
  29025. 立繪
  29026. カズマ
  29027. タツヤ
  29028. ミユキ
  29029. محل
  29030. 오스트리아
  29031. Floride
  29032. müğənni
  29033. məmur
  29034. 𐌱𐌰𐌻𐌲𐍃
  29035. ሐሊብ
  29036. シドウ
  29037. ミノリ
  29038. akasya
  29039. жимс
  29040. マサカ
  29041. トウヤ
  29042. stearic acid
  29043. etimologiya
  29044. nəticə
  29045. vixlo
  29046. 𐌱𐌰𐌳𐌹
  29047. Pölôni
  29048. Italùii
  29049. Lituanïi
  29050. lam²
  29051. břišní tyfus
  29052. brazdë
  29053. अभ्रक
  29054. -nya
  29055. lacik
  29056. platane
  29057. 크세논
  29058. 제논
  29059. hoaks
  29060. भक्ति
  29061. Jukon
  29062. Frankrike
  29063. Frankrig
  29064. šeši
  29065. Zuhrah
  29066. joks
  29067. EUA
  29068. MOU
  29069. dịch tễ học
  29070. qohum
  29071. qəssab
  29072. 瓦鄉話
  29073. " "